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Your search for documents released in 2023-Sep returned 8 record/s.
Appointment of the Legal Services Commissioner
The Legal Services Commission (the Commission) is an independent statutory authority established under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (the LP Act) to receive and deal with complaints against lawyers, law practice employees and unlawful operators. Section 583 of the LP Act provides that there is to be a Legal Services Commissioner (the Commissioner). The Commissioner is the Commission’s accountable

Appointment to the Public Trust Office Investment Board
The common fund (which is invested by the Public Trustee) is established under section 19 of the Public Trustee Act 1978 (the Act). All investments of the common fund are controlled and managed by the Public Trust Office Investment Board (the Board). The Public Trustee, under section 21(5) of the Act, has the following obligations: to not invest funds without the Board’s approval; to satisfy the B

Appointment of members to the Queensland Law Reform Commission
The Queensland Law Reform Commission (the Commission) is constituted in accordance with the Law Reform Commission Act 1968 (the Act). Section 10(1) of the Act states that the function of the Commission is to take and keep under review all the law applicable to the State with a view to its systematic development and reform. Section 4(1)(a) of the Act provides that each person appointed to be a Me

Appointment of a Director to Board of Aviation Australia
TAFE Queensland (TAFEQ) is a statutory body established under the TAFE Queensland Act 2013 and acquired Aviation Australia Pty Ltd (Aviation Australia) on 1 October 2017. Article 48(a) of the Constitution of Aviation Australia (the Constitution) provides that the number of Directors shall not be less than three nor more than seven, but the number so determined by the shareholders at a particular t

Appointments to Gold Coast Waterways Authority Board
The Gold Coast Waterways Authority Act 2012 (the Act) established the Gold Coast Waterways Authority (GCWA) and Gold Coast Waterways Authority Board (the Board). Section 43 of the Act provides that the Board controls the GCWA. The GCWA is responsible for delivering the best possible management of Gold Coast waterways and for the implementation of The Spit Master Plan through the development and de

Appointment to Board of Directors of Wet Tropics Management Authority
The Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area is managed under the Wet Tropics World Heritage Protection and Management Act 1993 (the Act) and the Commonwealth Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area Conservation Act 1994 (the Commonwealth Act). These Acts implement Australia’s international duty for the protection, conservation, presentation, rehabilitation and transmission to future ge

Government Response to Native Vegetation Scientific Expert Panel Report
The Native Vegetation Scientific Expert Panel (the Panel) was convened in March 2022 following a decision by the Deputy Premier and then acting Minister for the Environment and the Great Barrier Reef and Minister for Science and Youth Affairs to investigate the findings of the 2018-19 State-wide Landcover and Trees Study (SLATS) report, which showed that 680,000 hectares of native vegetation had b

Implementing response to review of powers and penalties under Environmental Protection Act
In April 2022, retired Judge Richard Jones and Barrister Susan Hedge were engaged to undertake an independent review into the adequacy of existing powers and penalties under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EP Act). The review aimed to identify whether the tools available to the enforce the duties under the EP Act, particularly in relation to nuisance, are sufficiently contemporary to deal w