Your search for documents released in 2023-Mar returned 8 record/s. |
Appointment of an Independent Implementation Supervisor
The Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce (the Taskforce), chaired by the Honourable Margaret McMurdo AC, was established in March 2021. The Taskforce examined how best to legislate against coercive control, considered whether there is a need for a specific offence of ‘commit domestic violence’ in Queensland and examined women and girl’s experiences in the criminal justice system, as victim-survivo
Appointment of a Chairperson to the Law Reform Commission
The Law Reform Commission (the Commission) is constituted in accordance with the Law Reform Commission Act 1968 (the Act).
Section 10(1) of the Act states that the function of the Commission is to take and keep under review all the law applicable to the State with a view to its systematic development and reform.
Section 4(1)(a) of the Act provides that each person appointed to be a Member of the
Criminal Code (Serious Vilification & Hate Crimes) & Other Legislation Amendment
On 31 January 2022, the Legal Affairs and Safety Committee tabled its Report No. 22, 57th Parliament, Inquiry into serious vilification and hate crimes (LASC Report) in the Legislative Assembly.
The Report contains 17 recommendations, primarily relating to the operation of offences, the improvement of record keeping and reporting of serious vilification and hate crime, and community education and
Response to QHRC Report Building Belonging – Review of Qlds Anti-Discrimination Act
The Queensland Human Rights Commission’s (QHRC) report, Building Belonging – Review of Queensland’s Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (the Building Belonging Report), was tabled in the Legislative Assembly on 1 September 2022 alongside the interim Queensland Government response.
The final Queensland Government response provides a response to each of the 122 recommendations made by the QHRC in the Bui
Update on government achievements and investment in Townsville region
The Townsville region is known for its stunning natural beauty and locality to some of Australia’s most prolific natural wonders, including the Great Barrier Reef, the heritage listed Wet Tropics Rainforest, and Magnetic Island. The region’s tourism, agriculture, mining and defence industries are key contributors to Queensland’s economy.
The Queensland Government is supporting the region through a
Progress report on 2022 Regional Community Forum Program
The Regional Community Forums (Forums) provide a platform for ongoing engagement between rural and regional communities, local councils and Queensland Government Ministers, other Members of Parliament and Queensland Government officials.
Since the initiative began in October 2019, 12 Forums have been held in each of the seven regions.
In 2022, Forums were held on 30 May, 11 July, 26 September an
Progress Report on actions from Thursday Island Community Cabinet and update on Cost of Living
A Community Cabinet was held on Thursday Island on 5 and 6 September 2022. The community was invited to meet with ministers as part of a formal community deputations event.
A progress report on implementation of the actions identified at the Thursday Island Community Cabinet was considered.
As a result of the matters raised at the Community Cabinet, the Premier and Minister for the Olympic and Pa
Appointments to Gladstone Area Water Board and Mount Isa Water Board
The Gladstone Area Water Board (GAWB) and the Mount Isa Water Board (MIWB) are category 1 water authorities established under the Water Act 2000 (the Water Act).
The Water Act states that a water authority must have a board of directors. The board is responsible for the way in which the water authority performs its functions and exercises its powers. The enabling legislation requires the water aut