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Your search for documents released in 2023-Feb returned 10 record/s.
Appointment of members to the Prostitution Licensing Authority
The Prostitution Licensing Authority (PLA) is established under the Prostitution Act 1999 and responsible for the regulation of prostitution in Queensland. The functions of the PLA include deciding on licence applications for brothels in Queensland, monitoring activities, conducting disciplinary inquiries in relation to licences, managing complaints, liaising with government agencies and the Quee

Appointments to Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) is an independent, accessible tribunal that efficiently resolves disputes on a range of matters. QCAT’s purpose is to provide a quick, inexpensive avenue to resolve disputes between parties and make decisions about adult administration and guardianship, administrative decisions, anti-discrimination, building disputes, children and young peopl

Response to Committee report Inquiry relating to donor conception information
On 31 August 2022, the Legal Affairs and Safety Committee (LASC) tabled its report, Inquiry into matters relating to donor conception information (the Report). The Report makes six recommendations, including that all donor-conceived people should be legislatively provided with the right to know the identity of their donor and that a register of donor conception information is established in the R

Government response to Legal Affairs and Safety Committee Report No 38
The Legal Affairs and Safety Committee (the Committee) tabled its Report No. 38: Examination of the Working with Children (Indigenous Communities) Amendment Bill 2021 (LASC Report No. 38) on 31 October 2022. The Working with Children (Indigenous Communities) Amendment Bill 2021 (Private Member’s Bill) proposes amendments to the Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000 to enab

Property Law Bill 2023
The Property Law Bill 2023 (Bill) will replace the current Property Law Act 1974 with modern legislation, drafted in accordance with contemporary drafting practices and using plain English to simplify, streamline and modernise Queensland’s property legislation. The Bill also introduces a statutory seller disclosure scheme for freehold land in Queensland. The Bill is broadly consistent with the re

Police Powers and Responsibilities and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
The Police Powers and Responsibilities and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2023 (Bill) amends the: Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 (PPRA) and other legislation to expand the scope of the police drug diversion program (PDDP); Drugs Misuse Act 1986 (DMA) to increase the maximum penalty for trafficking in dangers drugs; PPRA to create a circumstance of aggravation to the police evasion o

Annual Queensland Women’s Statement 2022 and Gender Equality Report Cards for 2022
The Queensland Government is committed to improving the lives and rights of all women and girls in Queensland. In February 2022, the new Queensland Women’s Strategy 2022-27 (the Strategy) was developed, supported by extensive consultation and research, to build on the significant progress made under the Women’s Strategy 2016-21. The Strategy sets out the Government’s plan and commitment to suppor

Government achievements and investment in Wide Bay region
The Wide Bay region is one of the most diverse regions along the eastern seaboard of Australia, boasting natural assets and resources, agricultural land, and unique townships. The region’s agriculture, renewable energy, manufacturing and tourism industries are key contributors to Queensland’s economy. The Queensland Government is supporting the region by enhancing infrastructure and capital works

Progress on Housing Summit and Housing and Homelessness Action Plan
On 20 October 2022, the Premier and then Minister for the Olympics convened the Queensland Housing Summit. The summit followed the Queensland Housing Roundtable held in September 2022, hosted by the Queensland Government as a first step towards the summit. At the summit, the Queensland Government worked with stakeholders to discuss potential solutions to housing pressures being experienced in Quee

Strengthening Community Safety Bill 2023
On 29 December 2022, the Government announced a suite of actions to strengthen the response to serious offending, particularly among young people. The announced actions included legislative reforms to require courts to take into account previous bail history when sentencing young people and increasing penalties for young people or adult offenders for stealing a car or for posting about vehicle-re