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Your search for documents released in 2022-Aug returned 24 record/s.
Appointment of Chair of Directors of the Aviation Australia Board
TAFE Queensland (TAFEQ) is a statutory body established under the TAFE Queensland Act 2013 and acquired Aviation Australia Pty. Ltd (Aviation Australia) on 1 October 2017. Aviation Australia was established with the purpose and objective to provide aviation training, and to provide a centre of excellence for education and training for the aviation industry Under sections 108 to 113 of the Aviatio

Appointment of chairperson, deputy chairperson and members of the Board of Architects of Queensland
The Board of Architects of Queensland (the Board) is established under the Architects Act 2002 (the Act) to maintain a register of registered architects; protect the public interest by ensuring only competent, qualified persons practice as registered architects; ensure registered architects maintain appropriate technical and professional standards; investigate complaints against architects; and t

Appointment of deputy chairperson and members of the Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland
The Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland (the Board) is established under the Professional Engineers Act 2002 (the Act) to maintain a register of registered professional engineers; protect the public by ensuring only competent, qualified persons practice as registered professional engineers; ensure registered professional engineers maintain appropriate technical and professional standard

2021–22 Southern Queensland Floods State Recovery and Resilience Plan 2022–24
Queensland is the most disaster-exposed state in Australia, with more than 90 natural disasters occurring across the state over the last decade, with flooding causing more damage in Queensland than any other natural hazard. The disaster season across the summer of 2021–22 saw four significant rainfall and flooding events resulting in catastrophic impacts across southern Queensland communities. The

Response to Reforms of Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport
The Australian Government is considering reforms to the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002 (the Transport Standards). In March 2021 for stage 1 and in October 2021 for stage 2, the Australian Government sought input from operators and providers of public transport services to inform a cost benefit analysis on the proposed options. The stage 2 Consultation RIS focuses on 54

Agriculture Sector
The Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland (the RNA) promotes and encourages the development of Queensland’s agricultural, industrial, manufacturing and cultural resources. The Ekka has brought the country and city together since 1876 to celebrate and champion agriculture and the roles it plays in everyday lives. The Ekka has been cancelled four times in its history,

Appointment Board of the Brisbane Organising Committee for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games
The Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Games Arrangements Act 2021 (the Act) established the Brisbane Organising Committee for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games (the Corporation) on 20 December 2021 to undertake the organisation, conduct, promotion and commercial and financial management of the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games (Brisbane 2032). The Act also established a board of directo

Appointment of the Chairperson to the Prostitution Licensing Authority
The Prostitution Licensing Authority (PLA) is responsible for the regulation of prostitution in Queensland. The functions of the PLA include deciding on licence applications for brothels in Queensland, monitoring activities, conducting disciplinary inquiries in relation to licences, managing complaints, liaising with government agencies and the Queensland Police Service, promoting health care and

Appointment of sessional ordinary members to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) is an independent, accessible tribunal that efficiently resolves disputes on a range of matters. QCAT’s purpose is to provide a quick, inexpensive avenue to resolve disputes between parties and make decisions about adult administration and guardianship, administrative decisions, anti-discrimination, building disputes, children and young peopl

Appointments to the Queensland Theatre Company
The Queensland Theatre Company is established under the Queensland Theatre Company Act 1970 (Act). Under section 12 of the Act, the Queensland Theatre Company functions are: to promote and encourage the development and presentation, public interest, participation, understanding and appreciation of the arts of the theatre; to produce, present and manage plays and other forms of theatre and entert

Report of the Commission of Inquiry relating to the Crime and Corruption Commission
The Commission of Inquiry (COI) relating to the Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) commenced on 7 February 2022. Under the Commissions of Inquiry Act 1950, the Honourable Gerald Edward (Tony) Fitzgerald AC QC as Chairperson and Commissioner and the Honourable Alan Wilson QC, were appointed to inquire into the following matters: the adequacy and appropriateness of the structure of the CCC in rel

Review of the Great Sandy Marine Park Zoning Plan
The Great Sandy Marine Park (GSMP) is a multiple use marine protected area that provides for a variety of recreational, commercial and tourism activities in addition to its primary purpose of conserving the marine environment. It contains a diverse range of natural and cultural values such as mangrove communities, some of the world’s most southerly coastal fringing coral reefs, and species of inte

Implementation of integrity reforms – contact with registered lobbyists and published extracts of Ministers diaries
On 27 June 2022, the Premier and Minister for the Olympics announced a number of reforms to increase transparency around ministerial office interactions with registered lobbyists. Cabinet approved amendments to The Queensland Ministerial Handbook (Ministerial Handbook) in relation to Ministerial office contact with registered lobbyists and enhanced content in published extracts of Ministers’ diar

Major Sports Facilities Amendment Bill 2022
The Major Sports Facilities Act 2001 (the MSF Act) establishes Stadiums Queensland (SQ) as the Authority responsible for managing, operating, using, developing and promoting facilities in Queensland for the staging of national and international sport, recreational, entertainment or special events. In 2018, a Stadium Taskforce was established to review the pricing and practices of SQ. The Stadium T

Government Response to the Community Support and Services Committee Report No. 16, 57th Parliament
The Community Support and Services Committee tabled its report on the Criminal Law (Raising the Age of Responsibility) Amendment Bill 2021 (the Report) on 15 March 2022. The Report contains four recommendations for Government action that propose a range of operational responses relating to: the adequacy of training provided to residential care workers and legal stakeholders in relation to particul

Interim response - Queensland Human Rights Commission Report - Building Belonging
The Queensland Human Rights Commission’s report, Building Belonging – Review of Queensland’s Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (the Building Belonging Report), was provided to the Attorney-General on 29 July 2022. The Building Belonging Report makes 122 recommendations under 46 broad categories of reform. The recommendations aim to ensure Queensland’s discrimination law is effective in protecting peopl

2022 Bushfire Season Preparedness
Traditionally, the bushfire season in Queensland commences in the north of the State in August and concludes in December of each year. A number of factors can influence the length and severity of the bushfire season, including the timing and nature of the previous wet season and the current climate outlook. Queensland has experienced continued mild and wet conditions since the start of 2022, with

Achieving Balance - The Queensland Alcohol and Other Drugs Plan 2022-2027
The Queensland Government is committed to preventing and reducing the significant harm and costs associated with alcohol and other drugs (AOD) use to improve outcomes for individuals, families, communities, and the economy. Many Queenslanders use AOD, spanning a continuum from occasional use to dependence. Harm can occur with any pattern of use across the spectrum. AOD-related harm includes injury

Appointment of Integrity Commissioner
Section 6 of the Integrity Act 2009 (the Act) establishes the Queensland Integrity Commissioner as an officer of the Parliament. Section 7 of the Act provides that the Integrity Commissioner has the following functions: to give written advice to a designated person or former designated person on ethics or integrity issues; to meet with, and give written or oral advice to, members of the Legislati

Appointments to Health and Wellbeing Board
Health and Wellbeing Queensland was established on 1 July 2019 by the Health and Wellbeing Queensland Act 2019 (the Act) to address long-term and chronic health issues across Queensland and to improve the health and wellbeing of the Queensland population. Under the Act, Health and Wellbeing Queensland is governed by a board of at least two, but not more than 10 members appointed by the Governor in

Better Care Together and response to Mental Health Select Committee Report No. 1
The development of a new five-year plan for Queensland’s state-funded mental health, alcohol and other drug (MHAOD) services and suicide prevention is a key priority of the Queensland Government. Better Care Together: a plan for Queensland’s state-funded mental health, alcohol and other drug services to 2027 (Better Care Together) builds upon the successful implementation of Connecting Care to Rec

Government response to Food (Labelling of Seafood) Amendment Bill 2021 (Private Members Bill)
On 17 November 2021, the Member for Traeger, Mr Robbie Katter MP introduced the Food (Labelling of Seafood) Amendment Bill 2021 (the Bill) as a Private Member’s Bill. The Explanatory Notes to the Bill indicate the objective of the Bill is to require by law mandatory country of origin labelling for seafood sold in the food service sector, through “dining outlets”, across Queensland, in order to: in

Public Health and Other Legislation (COVID-19 Management) Amendment Bill 2022
COVID-19 remains the most significant public health challenge for Queensland, and this is expected to continue as the virus continues to mutate at a rapid rate. With the risk of COVID-19 scaling up and down as transmission continues and new variants emerge, it is therefore necessary to amend the Public Health Act 2005 to support a proportionate response to the ongoing risk of COVID-19, outside a

Appointment of Director to WorkCover Queensland Board
The WorkCover Queensland board is established under the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 (the Act) and oversees WorkCover Queensland (WorkCover). The board’s role includes: ensuring that, as far as possible, WorkCover achieves, and acts in accordance with, its statement of corporate intent and carries out the objectives outlined in its statement of corporate intent; accounting to