Your search for documents released in 2019-Jun returned 26 record/s. |
Appointments to Interim Management Committee for Logan City Council
On 2 May 2019, the Local Government (Dissolution of Logan City Council) Amendment Regulation 2019 dissolved the Logan City Council (LCC) and appointed Ms Tamara O’Shea as Interim Administrator to act in place of the Councillors of the LCC until the conclusion of a fresh election of Councillors.
Section 205 of the Local Government Act 2009 (LGA) provides that the Minister for Local Government may
Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) 2019-20 to 2022-23
The Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) 2019-20 to 2022-23 is a four-year rolling program of works that details the Department of Transport and Main Roads’ infrastructure investment for roads, railways, marine, public transport and active transport initiatives.
The QTRIP provides confidence for industry in a forward pipeline of works, enabling planned delivery of transport i
Review of the Racing Integrity Act 2016 - release of a discussion paper
In response to alleged widespread cheating and illegal practices in the greyhound racing industry across Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales, the Queensland Government announced a Commission of Inquiry into the regulation of the Queensland greyhound industry.
In June 2015, the Inquiry’s report (known as the MacSporran Report) made 15 recommendations, including the establishment of an independ
Appointments to Safe Food Production QLD Board
Safe Food Production QLD (Safe Food) is a statutory body established under the Food Production (Safety) Act 2000. Safe Food is required to develop, implement and administer food safety schemes, based on national standards, for a range of primary produce. Food safety schemes for the seafood, meat, dairy, egg and horticulture (seed sprouts) sectors have been implemented.
Safe Food has a Board of Dir
Appointments to Valuers Registration Board of Queensland
The Valuers Registration Board of Queensland (the board) was established under the Valuers Registration Act 1965 and continues under section 5 of the Valuers Registration Act 1992 (the Act). The board’s main functions are to:
protect the public through the registration of valuers;
authorise the investigation of complaints about the conduct of registered valuers;
take disciplinary action and commen
Disability Services (NDIS) and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation 2019
The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (the NDIS Commission) would commence operation in Queensland from 1 July 2019. The NDIS Commission will have responsibility for the oversight of registered NDIS providers in Queensland, with the exception of operating a worker screening system and community visitor function and authorising the use of restrictive practices. These functions will remain the
Appointment of Commissioner for Electrical Safety
The Improving safety for Queenslanders at work policy platform document reinstates the position of Commissioner for Electrical Safety.
The Commissioner for Electrical Safety Queensland (Commissioner) is established under the Electrical Safety Act 2002.
The Commissioner provides a strong voice to government on electrical safety matters and is an independent advocate for electrical safety in Queensl
Appointments to Workers' Compensation speciality medical assessment tribunals
Medical assessment tribunals are established under Chapter 11 of the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 to provide an independent and non-adversarial system of medical review and assessment of injury and impairment sustained by workers.
Medical assessment tribunals comprise the:
General Medical Assessment Tribunal (GMAT) – The GMAT assesses injuries covered by the specialties of gas
Implementation of full-service Citytrain timetable
The Redcliffe Peninsula Line opened on 4 October 2016, adding six new stations and 12.6 kilometres of track to the Citytrain network. A new timetable was introduced the same day, increasing the number of weekly services across the network.
Over the following months, traincrew shortages caused widespread disruptions. A downgraded timetable was introduced on 23 January 2017 and remained the foundati
Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy and Energy from Waste Policy
In March 2018, the Queensland Government committed to developing a recycling, resource recovery and waste management strategy, underpinned by a waste disposal levy.
The Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy (the Strategy) has been informed by the review of the current Queensland Waste Avoidance and Resource Productivity Strategy (20142024) published in June 2018, the outcomes of public
Appointments to Board of Health and Wellbeing Queensland
Health and Wellbeing Queensland is a new entity established by the Health and Wellbeing Queensland Act 2019 to address long-term and chronic health issues across Queensland and improve the health and wellbeing of the Queensland population.
Health and Wellbeing Queensland is governed by a board of at least two, but not more than ten people, one of whom must be the Chief Executive of a government de
Queensland Beef Processing Strategy 2019–2022
The beef processing industry is one of Queensland’s largest manufacturing industries and a major regional employer which makes a substantial economic contribution to the Queensland economy.
In response to challenges facing the beef processing industry, the Queensland Government committed to implement a comprehensive strategy to protect jobs in the meatworks industry and upskill the workforce throu
Draft North Queensland Regional Plan
The North Queensland region includes the Burdekin, Charters Towers, Hinchinbrook, Palm Island and Townsville local government areas.
The North Queensland region is expected to face a number of challenges over the next 25 years. These include an ageing population, increasing urbanisation, and structural changes in the regional economy moving away from traditional strengths to a more knowledge-base
North and Far North Queensland Monsoon Trough - State Recovery Plan 2019-2021
The North and Far North Queensland Monsoon Trough, 25 January to 14 February 2019 (the monsoon trough) was a disaster of national significance causing catastrophic damage and losses to communities across North, Far North and North West Queensland.
Thirty-nine local government areas (LGAs) have been activated for joint Commonwealth/State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) assistance und
Youth Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019
The Queensland Government committed to commencing a review of the Youth Justice Act 1992 (YJ Act) in Working Together Changing the Story: Youth Justice Strategy 2019 - 2023.
As part of the review, priority legislative amendments were identified that would complement other government initiatives aimed at reducing the high number of young people held on remand.
The Youth Justice and Other Legislat
Proposal to extend workers compensation - gig workers and taxi & limousine drivers
Section 584A of the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 (the Act) requires the Minister with responsibility for workers’ compensation to ensure a review of the operation of the scheme is completed at least once every five years. An independent reviewer, Professor David Peetz, was appointed to conduct the second review of the scheme by 30 June 2018.
Professor Peetz conducted targeted
Appointments to Energy Qld Limited Board and Qld Treasury Corporation Capital Markets Board
The Boards of Government owned corporations (GOCs) are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under section 89(1) of the GOC Act, directors of GOCs are appointed by the Governor in Council.
The Queensland Treasury Corporation (QTC) Capital M
Motor Accident Insurance and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019
In July 2018, at the Parliamentary Estimates Hearing, the Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships committed to bringing legislation to Parliament to stop claim farming in Queensland’s Compulsory Third Party insurance scheme.
Claim farming involves anonymous persons cold-calling members of the public about whether they, or their family members,
Consultation on proposed amendments to Child Protection Act 1999
The Queensland Government is continuing to drive implementation of the Supporting Families Changing Futures (SFCF) reform program to build a new child protection and family support system for Queensland.
Following a review of the Child Protection Act 1999 (the Child Protection Act), undertaken between 2015 and 2017, priority amendments were progressed through the Child Protection Reform Amendment
Queensland Sport and Active Recreation Strategy Activate! Queensland 2019-2029
The Queensland Government has developed the state’s first sport and active recreation strategy, Activate! Queensland 2019-2029, following an extensive public consultation process between July and December 2018. The Activate! Queensland 2019-2029 (Activate! Queensland) strategy has been developed in response to a demonstrated need to improve physical activity rates in Queensland.
Activate! Queensla
Appointment of Principal Commissioner of Queensland Family and Child Commission
The Queensland Family and Child Commission (the Commission) is established under section 6 of the Family and Child Commission Act 2014 (the Act). The Commission’s functions involve promoting the safety, wellbeing and best interests of children and young people.
Section 11 of the Act provides that two Commissioners are to be appointed to the Commission by the Governor in Council.
The functions of a
Appointments to Board of Brisbane Housing Company Limited
In 2002, the Brisbane Housing Company Limited (BHC) was established as a not-for-profit charitable company under a partnership between the Queensland Government and the Brisbane City Council (the Council).
BHC is an independent public company limited by shares. BHC has two types of shareholding; Ordinary Shares and Community Shares. The Ordinary Shareholders are the State, acting through the Depar
Appointments to Board of Architects of Queensland
The Board of Architects of Queensland (the Board) is established under the Architects Act 2002 (the Act) to maintain a register of registered architects; protect the public by ensuring only competent, qualified persons practice as registered architects; ensure registered architects maintain appropriate technical and professional standards; investigate complaints against architects; and take discip
Appointments to Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland
The Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland (the Board) is established under the Professional Engineers Act 2002 (the Act) to maintain a register of registered professional engineers; protect the public by ensuring only competent, qualified persons practice as registered professional engineers; ensure registered professional engineers maintain appropriate technical and professional standards
Local Government Waste Management Reforms Consultation RIS
In late 2017, Queensland Treasury Corporation (QTC) was engaged to undertake a review of the local government waste management provisions in part 2A of the Waste Reduction and Recycling Regulation 2011, and chapter 5A of the Environmental Protection Regulation 2008, and consider a number of options for addressing issues raised by stakeholders.
QTC was engaged to investigate the potential impacts f
Buy Queensland Procurement Implementation Plan for Ethical Supplier Mandate
The Queensland Government is committed to engaging suppliers who deliver genuine, quality secure ongoing jobs with fair pay and safe working conditions for Queenslanders.
To ensure the government’s procurement policy continues to deliver these benefits, the Buy Queensland: Ethical Supplier Mandate excludes a supplier’s access to future procurement opportunities where they wilfully and repeatedly f