Your search for documents released in 2016-Nov returned 24 record/s. |
Advancing skills for the future - a strategy for vocational education and training in Queensland
Advancing skills for the future: a strategy for vocational education and training in Queensland outlines the Queensland Government’s vision for vocational education and training (VET) and key actions to implement this vision.
The draft strategy proposes initiatives across three key areas:
Industry and innovation focuses on collaboration with industry to identify skills priorities, and positioning
Appointment of Chairperson and commissioners of the Gasfields Commission
The Gasfields Commission Act 2013 (the Act) establishes the Gasfields Commission to manage and improve the sustainable coexistence of landholders, regional communities and the onshore gas industry in Queensland.
The Act provides that the Gasfields Commission is made up of a full-time commissioner, who is the chairperson, and up to six part-time commissioners. It also requires that when recommendin
Appointment of Chair and Directors of Major Brisbane Festivals Pty Ltd
Major Brisbane Festivals Pty Ltd is a proprietary company limited by shares jointly owned by the State of Queensland and the Brisbane City Council, with both parties’ signatories to a Shareholders Agreement.
The company’s constitution sets out the objects of the company:
to create, produce and promote cultural festivals that showcase diverse artistic work and demonstrate artistic integrity
to p
Appointments to Queensland Building and Construction Board
The Queensland Building and Construction Board is established under the Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act 1991 and is responsible for deciding the strategy and the operational, administrative and financial policies to be followed by the Queensland Building and Construction Commission.
The Board ensures that the Commission performs its functions and exercises its powers in a prop
Appointment of member of Queensland Performing Arts Trust
The Queensland Performing Arts Trust is established under the Queensland Performing Arts Trust Act 1977.
Under section 12 of the Queensland Performing Arts Trust Act 1977, the Queensland Performing Arts Trust functions are:
to produce, present and manage the performing arts in the building occupied by the Trust at the Queensland Cultural Centre or any other building;
to establish and conduct sch
Appointments to Queensland University of Technology Council
The Council of the Queensland University of Technology is the governing body of the University established by the Queensland University of Technology Act 1998 (the Act).
The Act outlines the functions of the University which generally provides for education at university standard and courses of study or instruction (at the levels of achievement the council considers appropriate) to meet the needs
Appointment of members of the Queensland Sentencing Advisory Council
The Queensland Sentencing Advisory Council is established by the Penalties and Sentences Act 1992.
The Queensland Sentencing Advisory Council’s main functions are to:
provide the Council’s view about the giving or reviewing of a guideline judgement;
advise the Attorney-General on matters relating to sentencing and increase community awareness;
publish researched information; and
consult the com
Appointments to the TAFE Queensland Board
The TAFE Queensland Board (the Board) is established as the governing body of TAFE Queensland under the TAFE Queensland Act 2013 (the Act).
Section 13 of the Act outlines the functions of the Board which includes to:
ensure it operates in accordance with its operational plan and, as far as possible, achieves the performance targets and objectives stated in the plan;
account to the Minister for its
Appointment of CEO WorkCover Queensland and Executive Officer WorkCover Employing Office
The Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 (the Act) establishes the position of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of WorkCover Queensland and Executive Officer, WorkCover Employing Office. The same person can hold both positions concurrently.
The Act allows for the appointment of the CEO for a term of not more than five years, with reappointment allowed.
Cabinet endorsed that Mr Bruce Wa
Consultation on initiatives in the Queensland Building Plan
The building construction industry is a significant contributor to the Queensland economy and one of the largest employers of Queenslanders, providing jobs across the State.
In order to deliver confidence and security to advance the building and residential living sectors, the Queensland Government is developing a Queensland Building Plan in consultation with industry and community stakeholders.
Child Protection (Offender Reporting) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
The Government will introduce new legislation to give effect to recommendations made by the Crime and Corruption Commission through its review of the Child Protection (Offender Prohibition Order) Act 2008 (CPOPOA).
The Child Protection (Offender Reporting) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 introduces a holistic response to reportable offender management, streamlines the administration of t
Criminal Law Amendment Bill 2016
The Criminal Law Amendment Bill 2016 (the Bill) amends section 304 (Killing on provocation) of the Criminal Code to exclude an unwanted non-violent sexual advance from the ambit of the defence.
The Bill also contains a number of other amendments intended to improve or streamline the operation of the criminal laws of Queensland.
Cabinet approved the introduction of the Criminal Law Amendment Bill
Fisheries (East Coast Trawl) Management Plan 2010 - amendments to protect the sustainability of scallops
The trawl industry over the last year or more has expressed concern about declining scallop catches.
Catch rates between January 2015 and April 2016 were the lowest in 39-year record of catches. A stock assessment was completed in October 2016 and shows that the biomass is potentially as low as 6% of its original biomass, and is at the lowest in the recorded history of the fishery.
Urgent action
Land and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
The Land Title Act 1994 (Land Title Act) and Land Act 1994 (Land Act) underpin land administration in Queensland.
The Land Title Act provides the basis for Queensland’s titling system and the Land Act provides the legislative framework for the administration of Queensland’s extensive portfolio of state land.
The Land and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 progresses a number of minor amendmen
Local Government Electoral (Transparency and Accountability in Local Government) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016)
The Local Government Electoral (Transparency and Accountability in Local Government) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 proposes amendments to the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (AI Act), the Building Act 1975 (Building Act), the Local Government Electoral Act 2011 (LGEA), the Planning Act 2016 (Planning Act), the Planning and Environment Court Act 2016 (PECA), the Planning (Consequent
Mental Health Amendment Bill 2016
The Mental Health Amendment Bill 2016 (the Bill) amends the Mental Health Act 2016 (the Mental Health Act) and the Public Health Act 2005 (the Public Health Act) to support implementation of the Mental Health Act.
The Bill amends the Mental Health Act to clarify that oral or written statements made by a person:
during an assessment regarding unsoundness of mind or fitness for trial are not admiss
Transport Operations (Road Use Management) (Offensive Advertising) Bill 2016
There are occasions when vehicles display advertising images or slogans that are sexually explicit or otherwise offensive to members of the community.
The advertising industry, through the Advertising Standards Bureau (ASB), provides a well-respected complaints management process based on the Australian Association of National Advertiser’s Code of Ethics (the Code). Complaints about breaches of
Queensland Trade and Investment Strategy 2017-2022
The Queensland Government has developed a strategy for trade and investment, in partnership with government agencies and in consultation with key industry bodies.
The strategy provides a whole-of-government approach to the coordination and targeting of the Queensland Government’s trade and investment activities. Focusing on both Queensland’s existing sectoral strengths and emerging opportunities,
Government response to Limitation of Actions and Other Legislation (Child Abuse Civil Proceedings) Amendment Bill 2016
On 16 August 2016, the Limitation of Actions (Institutional Child Sexual Abuse) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 (the Bill) was introduced into the Legislative Assembly by the Premier and Minister for the Arts. The Bill makes a number of amendments to:
to retrospectively abolish limitation periods that would apply to claims for damages brought by a person where that claim is founded on th
Review of state interests as expressed in the planning system
The Government is undertaking a review of how state interests are expressed in the planning system to ensure the statutory instruments supporting the new Planning Act 2016 (Planning Act) will contribute to an improved and more efficient system.
The review of state interests involves the concurrent review of the proposed planning regulation, the State Planning Policy (SPP) and the State Development
Strong and Sustainable Resource Communities Bill 2016
The Strong and Sustainable Resource Communities Bill 2016 (the Bill) ensures that regional communities in Queensland, in the vicinity of large resource projects, benefit from the operation of those projects. The Bill limits the use of fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) workforce arrangements and ensure that local workers from nearby regional communities are not excluded from employment in the operation of tho
Government response to Committee Report into Heavy Vehicle National Law and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
The Heavy Vehicle National Law Act 2012 (HVNL) is a national scheme legislation central to the national heavy vehicle reform agenda.
The Heavy Vehicle National Law Amendment Bill 2016 makes necessary changes to:
reform chain of responsibility obligations and executive officer liabilities to confirm that each responsible party has a primary duty of care to ensure the safety of their transport activ
Victims of Crime Assistance and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
The Final Report on the review of the Victims of Crime Assistance Act 2009 (the VOCA Act review report) was tabled in the Legislative Assembly by the Acting Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Acting Minister for Training and Skills in December 2015. The Government accepted all of the 15 VOCA Act review report’s recommendations.
The VOCA Act review report identified amendments to the Vic
Water Legislation (Dam Safety) Amendment Bill 2016
The Inspector-General of Emergency Management (IGEM) undertook a review into SunWater and Seqwater’s Warnings Communications at the request of the Minister for Main Roads, Road Safety and Ports, Minister for Energy, Biofuels and Water Supply. One of the recommendations of the review was that the legislation and guidelines should be reviewed to ensure consistency and define key terms.
The Water Le