Your search for documents released in 2016-Apr returned 15 record/s. |
Building the new economy - Accelerating Advance Queensland
Advance Queensland is part of building a new economy for Queensland, with both new and existing knowledge based industries turning ideas into new products and services and creating knowledge based jobs. It is both a future-focused agenda to position Queensland to respond to global changes, and a suite of initiatives to drive innovation-led economic growth.
Cabinet endorsed that Advance Queensland
Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education and Training Advisory Committee
The Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education and Training Advisory Committee (QATSIETAC) is established under section 412 of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006.
The QATSIETAC terms of reference enable the committee to provide advice on policy and implementation issues relating to matters such as:
early childhood education and care;
school attendance and engagement;
Appointments to Queensland Mental Health and Drug Advisory Council
Established under the Queensland Mental Health Commission Act 2013 (the Act), the functions of the Council are to provide advice to the Queensland Mental Health Commission (QMHC) on mental health or substance misuse issues and to make recommendations to the QMHC in relation to its functions.
The Queensland Mental Health and Drug Advisory Council consists of the number of persons considered appropr
Appointment to Mount Isa Water Board
Mount Isa Water Board (MIWB) is a Category 1 Water Authority under the Water Act 2000 and is responsible for the supply of bulk water to industrial users and the Mount Isa City Council.
The MIWB is required to act commercially with appropriate management and performance systems, capital structure and dividend policies.
MIWB’s board currently consists of five directors, comprising four independent
Appointment of the Public Guardian
Section 9 of the Public Guardian Act 2014 (the Act) provides that there must be a Public Guardian.
Section 10 of the Act provides that the Public Guardian’s role:
in relation to adults who have impaired capacity for a matter, is to protect their rights and interests; and
in relation to relevant children and children staying at a visitable site, is to protect their rights and interests.
Section 97
Appointments to Queensland Competition Authority Board
The Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) is an independent statutory authority consisting of members appointed by the Governor in Council. It is established under the Queensland Competition Authority Act 1997 (QCA Act).
As the State’s independent economic regulator, the QCA’s primary role is to ensure monopoly businesses operating in Queensland, particularly in the provision of key infrastruct
Appointments to Radiation Advisory Council
The functions of the Radiation Advisory Council (RAC) are to examine, and make recommendations to the Minister, about the operation and application of the Radiation Safety Act 1999 (the Act) and other issues relating to radiation safety standards. The RAC may also conduct research into radiation practices, including the transportation of radioactive materials, within Queensland.
The RAC consists o
Appointments of Racing Integrity Commissioner and Racing Disciplinary Board
The Racing Integrity Commissioner is responsible for ensuring the effective and efficient administration and operation of the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission and the performance of its functions.
The Racing Disciplinary Board hears and determines appeals by aggrieved persons against appellable decisions of a racing control body and refers appeals to the Queensland Civil and Administrative
Counter-Terrorism and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
The Terrorism (Preventative Detention) Act 2005 and the Public Safety Preservation Act 1986 provide powers for the Queensland Police Service (QPS) to deal with terrorist incidents occurring in, or affecting Queensland. Since September 2014, nationally, there has been a significant escalation of terrorist related activity with three terrorist acts having been committed and a further six imminent p
Response to the 2015 South East Queensland Koala Modelling Study
The State Government has introduced measures with the aim of protecting koala populations, mainly through the long term protection of koala habitats across South East Queensland (SEQ).
Data collected from surveying and monitoring has been used to inform an independent report commissioned by the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection and prepared by Uniquest.
This report has identified t
My Health Queensland Future - Advancing Health 2026
A vision and 10 year strategy for the health system in Queensland has been developed, “My Health, Queensland’s Future: Advancing Health 2026” (Advancing Health 2026), that recognises that to continue to improve health outcomes it is imperative that the entire health system across all sectors works together with a shared vision for the future healthcare of Queenslanders.
Advancing Health 2026 outli
National Injury Insurance Scheme (Queensland) Bill 2016
The establishment of a National Injury Insurance Scheme (NIIS) alongside the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) was recommended by the Productivity Commission in its 2011 Inquiry Report, Disability Care and Support. The Productivity Commission proposed that a NIIS would cover the lifetime (i.e. until death) care and support needs of catastrophically injured people across four main stream
Response to the Stolen Wages Reparations Taskforce Report
From 1897, previous governments controlled the lives, earnings and savings of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders under a range of ‘Protection Acts’. This included the underpayment of wages and mismanagement of savings accounts.
The Queensland Government committed to establish a fund of up to $21 million to provide reparation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people whose wa
Supporting Families Changing Futures - advancing Queensland child protection and family support reforms
The Queensland Child Protection Commission of Inquiry released its report, Taking Responsibility: A Roadmap for Queensland Child Protection on 1 July 2013.
The Government committed to continue implementation of the Commission of Inquiry recommendations and has reviewed the child and family reforms and identified opportunities to build on the foundations laid by the Commission of Inquiry recommenda
Transport Legislation (Taxi Services) Amendment Bill 2015
The Transport Legislation (Taxi Services) Amendment Bill 2015 makes amendments to enable prosecutions of illegal taxi services and increase deterrence by: simplifying offence provisions and elements of proof; introducing evidentiary aids; enhancing powers of Transport Inspectors; and increasing monetary penalties.
Cabinet approved the amendments to the Transport Legislation (Taxi Services) Amendme