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Your search for documents released in 2014-Apr returned 4 record/s.
Appointment to Central Qld University Council
The Central Queensland University Council (the Council) is the governing body of the University established by the Central Queensland University Act 1998 (the Act). Section 5 of the Act outlines the functions of the University which generally provides for education at university standard and courses of study or instruction (at the levels of achievement the Council considers appropriate) to meet th

Appointments to James Cook University Council
The James Cook University Council is the governing body of the University established by the James Cook University Act 1997 (the Act). Section 5 of the Act outlines the functions of the University which generally provides for education at university standard and courses of study or instruction (at the levels of achievement the council considers appropriate) to meet the needs of the community. Cabi

Review of Gene Technology and government response
The Gene Technology Act 2001 (the Queensland Act) is Queensland’s component of the regulatory scheme for gene technology in Australia. The object of the Queensland Act is to protect the health and safety of people, and to protect the environment, by identifying risks posed by or as a result of gene technology, and by managing the risks by regulating certain dealings with genetically modified organ

Contaminated Land Technical Services Regulatory Impact Statement
A Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) has been prepared to assess the costs and benefits of options for the provision of technical expertise in contaminated land matters to inform regulatory decision making under the Environmental Protection Act 1994. The RIS includes the option to require the certification of contaminated land reports by an approved auditor prior to submission to the