Your search for documents released in 2013-Mar returned 15 record/s. |
Appointments to Qld Racing Industry Boards Thoroughbred Harness Greyhound All Codes
The Government made election commitments under its ‘Rejuvenating Queensland Racing’ policy and in its Six Month Action Plan to remove Racing Queensland Limited (RQL) as the control body for racing and establish an overarching Queensland All Codes Racing Industry Board (all-codes board), as well as establishing separate control boards for each code of racing.
The primary function of the all-codes b
Appointment to Racing Disciplinary Board
The Government made election commitments under its ‘Rejuvenating Queensland Racing’ policy and in its Six Month Action Plan to, amongst other things, transfer appropriate racing integrity functions to Government, to be paid for by the industry, including the establishment of a Racing Disciplinary Board (the disciplinary board).
To address criticisms of there being no independent appeal mechanisms
Appointment Racing Integrity Commissioner
The Government made election commitments under its ‘Rejuvenating Queensland Racing’ policy and in its Six Month Action Plan to, amongst other things, transfer appropriate racing integrity functions to Government, to be paid for by the industry, including the establishment of the new position of Racing Integrity Commissioner.
The Commissioner will provide independent oversight of integrity issues a
Strategic Management of Asbestos in Qld
The Queensland Government has a regulatory and policy framework to minimise the risks of exposure to asbestos in workplaces, domestic premises and the environment. Four State Government departments and over 70 local councils are responsible for administering and enforcing asbestos-related legislation. At times, the multiplicity of laws and the division of regulatory responsibilities across agencie
Expanding Youth Boot Camp Trial and Youth Justice Blueprint
There is widespread community concern about crime and Queensland communities are seeking more effective responses to youth crime, in particular. This Government has delivered the first step towards reforming the youth justice system with the introduction of the trial of youth boot camps and the announcement of the review of the Youth Justice Act 1992 as part of the Government’s Six Month Action Pl
Skilled Business Migration Program
As part of the 2012-13 Budget, the Treasurer and Minister for Trade announced that Trade and Investment Queensland, in consultation with the Department of Education, Training and Employment, would undertake a review of Queensland’s state-sponsored migration program.
Queensland has participated in Australia’s state-sponsored migration program since 1984. The program is intended to support economic
Review of the Electrical Safety Regulation 2002
The Electrical Safety Regulation 2002 commenced on 1 October 2002. Under the requirements of the Statutory Instruments Act 1992 the Regulation will expire and must be reviewed. A Regulatory Assessment Statement (RAS) has been completed as part of this review of the Regulation.
The RAS reviews the Regulation and examines the following three options:
Option 1 No Regulation – this option proposes to
Transport and Other Legislation (Heavy Vehicle National Law) Amendment Bill 2013
The Transport and Other Legislation (Heavy Vehicle National Law) Amendment Bill 2013 makes consequential amendments to remove provisions that regulate heavy vehicles in existing Queensland legislation that will be covered by the Heavy Vehicle National Law (National Law).
The National Law is a single rule book applying throughout Australia regulating the operation of heavy vehicles over 4.5 tonn
Land, Water and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013
The Land, Water and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 amends the Water Act 2000 to implement recommendations relating to levees from the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry’s Final Report. The Bill provides the legislative framework for a consistent approach to regulate the construction of new levees and modification of existing levees.
The Bill also amends a number of Acts within the natu
Liquor and Gaming Red tape reduction Amendment Bill
The Queensland Government is committed to reducing red tape in the liquor and gaming industries.
In accordance with this commitment, the Liquor and Gaming (Red Tape Reduction) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 amends liquor and gaming legislation to reduce the regulatory burden, including:
removal of the requirement for gambling internal control systems, other than in casinos, to be approv
Criminal Law Amendment (Public Interest Declaration) Amendment Bill 2013
The Criminal Law Amendment (Public Interest Declarations) Amendment Bill 2013 amended the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1945 to empower the Governor in Council to declare that a relevant person must be detained under that Act. The Governor in Council may make a ‘public interest declaration’ if satisfied it is in the public interest to make the declaration.
A ‘relevant person’ is a person who is subj
Qld Civil and Administrative Tribunal
The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Justice of the Peace) Amendment Bill 2013 (Bill) incorporates the following key elements:
enabling two justices of the peace to constitute the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) for determining minor civil disputes, excluding disputes with a value of more than $5,000 and urgent residential tenancy matters; and
requiring one of the
Review of senior assessment reporting tertiary entrance procedures
The Queensland senior secondary assessment and reporting system was introduced in 1972 and revised from 1980 to create the current school-based, standards-based model.
The tertiary entrance system for Year 12 leavers in Queensland was introduced in 1974 and reformed in 1992 to create the current Overall Position (OP) system.
In light of significant change over the last decade to senior schooli
Uranium Implementation Committee report
On 22 October 2012, the Premier announced the recommencement of uranium mining in Queensland, and the establishment of a Uranium Implementation Committee (the Committee) to report to government with recommendations on developing a best practice policy framework for uranium mining by 18 March 2013.
The report of the Committee notes that there is potential for the uranium industry to create economic
Vegetation Management Framework Bill 2013
The Vegetation Management Framework Amendment Bill 2013 (the Bill) amends the Vegetation Management Act 1999 (VMA), Wild Rivers Act 2005 and the Land Act 1994, to implement a number of significant reforms that support the government’s commitments to: grow a four pillar economy based on construction, resources, agriculture and tourism; reduce regulatory burden for landholders, business and governme