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Your search for Water returned 123 record/s.
Condamine and Balonne Resource Operations Plan (ROP)
The Water Resource (Condamine and Balonne) Plan 2004 (WRP) provides a framework for advancing sustainable management and efficient use of water by creating an effective cap on diversions from watercourses, lakes, springs and overland flows. The final draft Condamine and Balonne Resource Operations Plan (ROP) implements the WRP. The ROP provides rules for surface water management in most of the

Water Commonwealth Powers Bill 2008
The Intergovernmental Agreement on Murray-Darling Basin Reform of July 2008 commits the Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Australian Capital Territory Governments (the Basin States) to use best endeavours to pass legislation to provide for a limited text referral of State powers to the Commonwealth. This will enable the Commonwealth, to amend its Water Act 2007 (C’th Wate

Management of associated water produced from coal seam gas production
Coal seam gas (CSG) production is booming in Queensland. Significant quantities of water are produced in CSG production - in 2007, 12.5 gigalitres (GL) were produced in Queensland. The production of gas for domestic consumption in the Surat Basin will produce an estimated annual average of 25GL of CSG water for the next 25 years, with the additional water equivalent to between one-third and three-

Fitzroy River Basin
Following major local flooding in January 2008, a number of coal mines in the Fitzroy River Basin were flooded. Several mines, including the Ensham coal mine, applied to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for approval to discharge mine affected flood waters. In mid-2008 water monitoring indicated that salinity was increasing in waterways, dams and weirs downstream of the Ensham discharge.

The Reef Water Quality Protection Plan
The Reef Water Quality Protection Plan (Reef Plan) launched in 2003 was a 10-year joint Australian and Queensland government commitment to halting and reversing the decline in water quality entering the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. Its objectives were to reduce pollutants such as sediments, nutrients and pesticides in waterways flowing to the Reef and to rehabilitate and conserve areas of the catchm

Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 2009
The Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 2009 is Queensland’s primary legislative instrument for managing water quality, and is subordinate legislation under the Environmental Protection Act 1994. The Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 2009 delivers the object of the Environmental Protection Act 1994 in relation to Queensland waters. The Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 2009 (EPP (W

Public consultation on the proposed State Planning Policy Healthy Waters
The Queensland Government is considering introducing and updating waterway health management provisions including a draft State Planning Policy (SPP) under the Integrated Planning Act 1997. The proposed SPP would apply throughout the State of Queensland. If the draft SPP were to become a State Planning Policy it will influence those land use planning and development decisions that may individual

Moratorium Notice for the Wet Tropics River Basins
The Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy and Minister for Trade, published a Moratorium Notice under the Water Act 2000 in the Wet Tropics area prior to the commencement of the preparation of the Wet Tropics Water Resource Plan. A moratorium places a hold on further water development and allocation, where such action is needed to protect natural ecosystems or existing entitlements. It

Water Planning Process Review
The Department of Environment and Resource Management developed a Single Process framework for water resource planning that improves the efficiency of the water resource planning process. The Single Process framework streamlines the current water planning process through retaining the essential steps for development of a water plan and refining many resource-intensive processes. The new framewo

Review of Community Futures Task Force Model
The Community Futures Task Force (CFTF), established to address the impacts of the Government’s 2006 announcement of the Traveston Crossing and Wyaralong Dams, provides an unprecedented model of Government community engagement for Government sponsored infrastructure projects. To ensure that key learnings from the CFTF model remain after this date, the CFTF Unit engaged the University of Queensland

Water and Another Act Amendment Bill 2009
The Queensland Water Commission (the QWC), was established under the Water Act 2000 (Water Act) in June 2006, and is an independent statutory body responsible for ensuring sustainable water supplies in the South East Queensland region (SEQ region) and other designated regions. The Commission is responsible for developing long term water supply strategies, establishing a regional water grid, imple

Gulf and Mitchell Resource Operations Plans
The draft Gulf Resource Operations Plan and the draft Mitchell Resource Operations Plan were released for public submissions in October 2008. Key provisions of the final plans: detail rules for the conversion to, and granting of, water entitlements to tradable water allocations in the Mount Isa water supply scheme areas; set out a process for dealing with 178 900 megalitres of unallocated water

SEQ Water Distribution and Retail Restructuring Bill 2009
New institutional arrangements are being implemented in South East Queensland (SEQ) to ensure the efficient and effective supply of water. The South East Queensland Water Restructuring Act 2007 established three statutory authorities to own the bulk supply, bulk transport and manufactured water infrastructure and businesses in SEQ. This Act also established the SEQ Water Grid Manager. These enti

South East Queensland desalination sites
The draft South East Queensland Water Strategy was released for consultation in 2008. The draft Strategy built on existing and committed projects. With these projects, additional sources of water supply would be required from 2028 or as part of the response to a drought as severe as the Millennium Drought. The draft Strategy recommended that the best supply options and pipeline routes be preserved

Water Resource (Pioneer Valley) Amendment Plan 2009
In 2008, a draft Water Resource (Pioneer Valley) Amendment Plan was released for public submissions. The Water Resource (Pioneer Valley) Amendment Plan 2009 integrates groundwater management into the existing Water Resource (Pioneer Valley) Plan and extends the management and allocation framework for surface water into the Sandringham and Alligator Creek catchments. The Plan is subordinate legisla

SEQ Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) and Other Leg Amend Bill 2010
The South East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 provides the regulatory framework, including operational powers, to enable the three new council owned entities to deliver water and wastewater services to customers within South East Queensland from 1 July 2010. The Bill enables the continued and effective management of water restrict

Mary Basin Draft Resource Operations Plan
The Mary Basin Resource Operations Plan (the ROP) is a key tool guiding the allocation and management of water in the Mary Basin. The ROP will implement the Water Resource (Mary Basin) Plan 2006 (the water resource plan) by specifying such things as the process for making additional water available for use and operating rules, including environmental release rules, for existing water infrastructur

Draft Water Resource (Baffle Creek Basin) Plan
The Baffle Creek Basin is located south of Gladstone. The main towns in the basin are Agnes Water, Seventeen Seventy and Miriam Vale. The draft Baffle Creek Basin Water Resource Plan aims to provide a framework for the sustainable allocation and management of surface and overland flow water resources within the Baffle Creek Basin. The draft Plan will provide for: the protection of ecological asse

South East Queensland Water Strategy
The South East Queensland Water Strategy (Strategy) is a 50 year plan to ensure a sustainable, efficient and secure water supply for South East Queensland. It is based on the key principles of conserving water, being prepared and managing water efficiently. The revised draft Strategy was released from 20 November 2009 to 12 February 2010 for consultation. During the consultation period, a total o

Natural Resource and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
The Natural Resources and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 proposes to amend natural resource legislation administered by the Department of Environment and Resource Management. The proposed amendments will: resolve uncertainty in the location of ambulatory boundaries adjoining tidal and non-tidal waters (other than lakes); clarify the lateral extent of the state’s management powers in non-ti

Wild Rivers - Wenlock Basin Wild Rivers Declaration
In December 2008, the Government released the Wenlock Basin Wild River Declaration Proposal. The Wenlock River exhibits water flows, water quality, sediments transport processes and ecosystems in near-pristine condition. A wild river declaration details the criteria new development proposals must meet to ensure the protection of the river’s natural values. The declaration details the extent of t

Personal Watercraft Safety Consultation Paper
In March 2010 Coroner John Hutton, Southport Magistrates Court, delivered his findings into the death of a hire and drive personal watercraft rider on 29 April 2008. Coroner Hutton concluded the rider’s inexperience in personal water craft operations was the primary cause of the incident. In his findings, Coroner Hutton made four marine safety recommendations relating to: Licensing of hire an

State Planning Policy for Healthy Waters
In August 2009, the Government released the draft State Planning Policy for Healthy Waters (the SPP) for public consultation. The SPP is made under the Integrated Planning Act 1997 and applies throughout the State of Queensland to new development for urban purposes. The SPP will influence those land use planning and development decisions that may individually or collectively affect water quali

Water and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
The Water and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 provides the regulatory framework for managing groundwater impacts on water supply bores and natural springs associated with the liquefied natural gas (LNG) and petroleum industry and for the supply of coal seam gas water associated with the LNG industry as recycled water that augments town drinking water supply sources. The Bill also amends nat

Natural Resource and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
The Natural Resources and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2010 amends natural resource legislation administered by the Department of Environment and Resource Management to: ban the use of fluids containing the hydrocarbons benzene, toulene, ethylbenzene or xylene (B-TEX) above a maximum amount, or chemicals which would produce B-TEX chemicals so they cannot be used when stimulating (frac

second submission to commission of inquiry 2010-2011 flood events
Following the flooding events of December 2010 and January 2011, the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry was established to consider flood preparedness, planning and responses. The Commission was directed to provide an interim report by 1 August 2011 containing recommendations relating to flood preparedness for the 2011/2012 wet season. The Commission was also directed to provide a final repo

Qld Government response to the Qld Floods Commission of Inquiry Interim Report
On 1 August 2011, the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry released its Interim Report. The Commission undertook a comprehensive review of Queensland’s disaster management arrangements and the emergency response to the floods. The Report focused on flood preparedness to enable early recommendations to be implemented before the next wet season. The Report made 175 recommendations, 104 of which a

Water and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
The Water and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 includes a range of amendments to water-related legislation. Amendments to the Water Act 2000 establish a Single Process framework for the concurrent development of water resource plans (WRPs) and resource operations plans (ROPs). The Single Process framework will provide stakeholders with the opportunity to consider both the draft WRP and draft

Govt submission on flood events to Commission of Inquiry
Following the flooding events of December 2010 and January 2011, a Commission of Inquiry was established on 17 January 2011 by the Governor in Council. The Commission was established with Justice Catherine Holmes appointed as Commissioner and Mr Jim O’Sullivan AC and Mr Phil Cummins appointed as deputies. The Commission will provide an interim report by 1 August 2011 containing recommendations t

Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
The Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 includes amendments to Queensland’s revenue legislation to maintain its currency and ensure that it operates as intended. Many of the amendments are beneficial to taxpayers and a number have been operating under administrative arrangements. The remaining amendments are necessary to clarify the legislation’s operation and protect the revenue.

Submission to Murray-Darling Basin Plan Inquiry
The Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) is presently preparing a Basin Plan under the provisions of the Water Act 2007 (Commonwealth). The purpose of this plan is to establish sustainable diversion limits, an environmental watering plan and a water quality plan for the Murray-Darling Basin. In October 2010, the MDBA released a Guide to the proposed Basin Plan, the first formal, though non statut

Fairer Water Prices for South East Queensland Amendment Bill 2011
In April 2011, the Premier and Minister for Reconstruction announced proposed amendments to the South East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Act 2009 to address community concerns about the responsibility for setting water and sewerage prices in South East Queensland (SEQ). The proposal included the imposition of a price cap on customers’ water and wastewater bills and ena

SEQ Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
In April 2011, the Premier and Minister for Reconstruction announced proposed amendments to the South East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Act 2009 to address community concerns about the responsibility for setting water and sewerage prices in South East Queensland (SEQ). The proposal included the imposition of a price cap on customers’ water and wastewater bills and enab

Murray-Darling Basin Plan
Under the Commonwealth Water Act 2007, the Murray–Darling Basin Authority is required to prepare a Murray–Darling Basin Plan, which seeks to balance consumptive water use and environmental water needs in the Murray–Darling Basin. The Murray–Darling Basin Authority released a Proposed Basin Plan (draft Basin Plan) for public consultation on 28 November 2011. The Queensland Government’s submission

Gold Coast Waterways Authority
A re-established Gold Coast Waterways Authority is part of the government’s commitment to improving access to Gold Coast Waterways. The re-established Gold Coast Waterways Authority will oversee the management, sustainable use and development of Gold Coast Waterways. The purpose of the Authority is to provide the best possible navigational access, boating infrastructure and waterways management at

Review of mandatory requirements of rainwater tanks and other water savings systems
The review delivers against the Government’s 100-day election commitment (Number 301) to undertake a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of mandatory environmental inclusions such as rainwater tanks, and its Six Month Action Plan commitment to review laws mandating rainwater tanks on new buildings by the end of 2012. Water saving targets for new houses and new commercial and industrial buildings h

Release of a Discussion Paper for a 30 Year Strategy for Qlds Water Sector
The Government committed under its Six Month Action Plan to release a discussion paper for a 30 year plan for Queensland’s water sector. The plan has been re-cast as a ‘strategy’ to focus on the future of the water sector. The strategy will be developed in two phases. Phase one is the release of a discussion paper for a three month consultation period. The aim of the discussion paper is to gener

Summer Disaster Readiness 2012-13
It has been almost two years since Queensland experienced its summer of disasters. Based on the lessons learned from that time, preparation for the wet season commenced well in advance of the summer period. All departments have been undertaking disaster preparedness activities across the four major disaster management phases of prevention, preparedness, response and recovery. Cabinet considered Qu

Appointment to the SEQ Water Grid Manager Board
The South East Queensland (SEQ) Water Grid Manager (WGM) is established under the South East Queensland Water (Restructuring) Act 2007. The SEQ WGM is a Government-owned statutory body responsible for managing the strategic operation of the SEQ Water Grid. Appointment terms of four board members expired on 30 June 2012. The Government has committed to merging the bulk water entities as part of its

South East Queensland Water Amendment Bill 2012
The South East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Amendment Bill 2012 (the Bill) proposes to remove the special industrial relations measures, in particular the Workforce Frameworks, that were mandated by the former Government to apply to council employees who transferred to the South East Queensland (SEQ) distributor-retailers and for those Allconnex Water (Allconnex) employ

Water Amendment Regulation (No.1) 2012
The Water Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2012 was prepared to provide for the implementation of the levy on petroleum tenure holders to fund the underground water management functions currently aligned to the Queensland Water Commission (the Commission). The underground water management functions of the Commission are described in Chapter 3 of the Water Act 2000. The levy will provide for the recov

Appointments to the Queensland Bulk Water Supply Authority
The Queensland Bulk Water Supply Authority (QBSWA) was one of three statutory authorities established under the South East Queensland Water (Restructuring) Act 2007 as part of the previous Government’s institutional changes to the South East Queensland (SEQ) bulk water industry. As part of the Government’s plan to reduce the cost of bulk water supply in the region, it committed to regionalising th

Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry - Implementation Progress as at 31 August 2012
On 16 March 2012, the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry (the Commission) delivered its Final Report into the 2010-11 floods. The Final Report contains 177 recommendations covering a broad range of matters relating to the 2010-11 floods, including the management of Wivenhoe Dam during the flood event, floodplain management, land use planning, performance of private insurers, management of ab

South East Qld Water Restructuring and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
The Government is committed to planning properly for Queensland’s future water needs and increasing efficiency in the delivery to households and businesses. Under the former Government, there were four bulk water supply entities, adding unnecessary complexity and costs (reduced to three with the merger of Seqwater and WaterSecure in June 2011). The South East Queensland Water (Restructuring) and

Amendment of the Water Fluoridation Act 2008
Under the Water Fluoridation Act 2008 (the Act) public potable water suppliers (water suppliers) are required to implement water fluoridation at a relevant public potable water supply (water supply) by a date prescribed in a regulation. To date, 70 supplies have been fluoridated and the installation of the necessary infrastructure for fluoridation funded by the State Government is anticipated to

Options to conclude the Queensland Water Fluoridation Program
Options to conclude the Queensland Water Fluoridation Program Minister for Health Under the Water Fluoridation Act 2008 (the Act) public potable water suppliers (water suppliers) are required to implement water fluoridation at a relevant public potable water supply (water supply) by a date prescribed in a regulation. To date, 70 supplies have been fluoridated and 63 supplies are required to begi

Ministerial Advisory Council for Flood Mitigation
A flood mitigation manual sets out the objectives and operational procedures for a flood mitigation dam during a flood event. The Final Report of the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry (the Commission) recommended that the Queensland Government should amend the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008 to designate the Minister as the person who must approve a flood mitigation manual (Re

Appointments to Boards of Government Owned Corporations and Qld Rail
Energex Limited (Energex); Ergon Energy Corporation Limited (Ergon); Stanwell Corporation Limited (Stanwell); Far North Queensland Ports Corporation Limited (Ports North); Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited (GPC); Port of Townsville Limited (POTL); QIC Limited (QIC); and SunWater Limited (SunWater) are Government owned corporations (GOCs). The Boards of GOCs are established under the Government

Consultation RIS - Regulation of Levees
In its response to the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry Final Report, the State Government committed to implementing a state-wide regulatory framework for levees. The first phase of levee regulation, consisting of the development of a legislative framework for levees under the Water Act 2000, was passed by Parliament on 2 May 2013 as part of the Land, Water and Other Legislation Amendment B

Energy and Water Legislation Amendment Bill 2013
The Energy and Water Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 formalises the Queensland Government’s decisions to: cease the Queensland Gas Scheme’s (the Gas Scheme) operation on 31 December 2013; cease the Smart Energy Savings Program (SESP) at the earliest opportunity; and facilitate the transfer of water and sewerage services for the new Noosa Council on 1 January 2014. The Gas Scheme commenced in 2005

Reef Water Plan
The Reef Water Quality Protection Plan (Reef Plan), first established in 2003, seeks to ensure runoff of from broadscale agriculture has no detrimental impact on the health and resilience of the Great Barrier Reef by 2020. Reef Plan 2013 has been developed in close consultation with industry, regional natural resource management organisations, water quality scientists and conservations groups to

Land, Water and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013
The Land, Water and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 amends the Water Act 2000 to implement recommendations relating to levees from the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry’s Final Report. The Bill provides the legislative framework for a consistent approach to regulate the construction of new levees and modification of existing levees. The Bill also amends a number of Acts within the natu

Community Consultation on desired level of service South East Qld
Adopting desired level of service (LOS) objectives is an approach used across Australia to provide an indication of the volume of water that can be supplied at a given level of security and to ensure adequate supply planning. The desired LOS objectives for South East Queensland (SEQ) specifies the anticipated frequency, severity and duration of water restrictions, as well as other security measur

Land and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014
The Land and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 seeks to amend the Land Act 1994 to implement the first phase of major reforms to the state land tenure system arising from the Queensland Government's response to the Parliamentary report on the Inquiry into the future and continued relevance of government land tenure across Queensland. The Bill provides for: the introduction of rolling term leas

SEQ Water Distribution and Retail Restructuring Bill 2014
The South-East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 provides a streamlined approval process for new water and sewerage connections (the utility model) for south east Queensland distributor-retailers by merging two current approval processes. The utility model will streamline the water and sewerage approval and connection process for dev

Water Supply Services Bill 2014
Urban water and sewerage services are mainly delivered by local governments across Queensland. Current regulation of these providers under the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008 is burdensome, has not improved asset management or water security outcomes and does not adequately identify or seek to address risks. The Water Supply Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 transforms the

Decision RIS regulation of levees in Qld
In its response to the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry Final Report, the State Government committed to implementing a state-wide regulatory framework for levees. The first phase of levee regulation, consisting of the development of a legislative framework for levees under the Water Act 2000, was passed by Parliament on 2 May 2013 as part of the Land, Water and Other Legislation Amendment B

Appointment of directors to Category 2 Water Authorities - Babinda Swamp East Deeral Matthews Road South Maroochy
Category 2 water authorities vary in size from those serving only a few landholders - where landholders share the cost and workload of maintaining the water infrastructure - to those that support several hundred properties, run a multi-million dollar budget and employ full-time staff. A water authority’s main function is to carry out the water activities decided by the authority for its authority

Water Amendment Regulation No 1 2014
Level of Service (LOS) objectives help to minimise the risk of water supply security issues for South East Queensland (SEQ) by specifying the performance of bulk water supply system that Seqwater must meet when undertaking their long term water supply planning activities. The previous LOS objectives were developed at the end of the 2001-2009 drought and required the SEQ bulk water supply system t

Water Legislation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Amendment Bill 2014
The Water Legislation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Amendment Bill 2014 (the Bill) amends the Water Act 2000 (Water Act) and the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008. It addresses the process for making a water supply emergency declaration and imposing emergency water restrictions; the declaration of a temporary full supply level; and the governance framework for category 1 water authoriti

WaterQ - 30 year water strategy
The Government committed under its Six Month Action Plans to release a final 30-year water strategy in June 2014. WaterQ - a 30-year water strategy for Queensland’s water sector is a whole of sector strategy. WaterQ responds to the significant changes and challenges Queensland will face in the next three decades in relation to the supply of water and sewerage services. WaterQ puts forward a long

Electricity and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014
The Queensland Solar Bonus Scheme (the Scheme) provides for eligible participants to supply surplus electricity generated from solar photovoltaic (PV) systems into the Queensland electricity grid. Participants in the Scheme are paid a feed-in tariff for their surplus exported electricity. The feed-in tariff is paid by distributors and costs are passed through to electricity customers via network

North Pine Dam Optimisation Study draft report - public consultation
The North Pine Dam Optimisation Study implements recommendations of the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry. The optimisation study identified and assessed potential improvements to the operation of the existing dam infrastructure. The Queensland Government is seeking community feedback on the report. Cabinet approved the release of the North Pine Dam Optimisation Study Report for public

Wivenhoe and Somerset Dams Optimisation Study Stage 1 draft report - public consultation
The Wivenhoe and Somerset Dams Optimisation Study implements recommendations of the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry. The optimisation study identified and assessed potential improvements to the operation of the existing dam infrastructure. The Queensland Government is seeking community feedback on the report. Cabinet approved the release of the Wivenhoe and Somerset Dam Optimisation S

Appointment of Energy and Water Ombudsman Qld
The Office of the Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland (EWOQ) is an independent statutory authority which receives, investigates and facilitates the resolution of complaints made by small energy customers in Queensland and water customers in South East Queensland in relation to the connection, supply or sale of electricity, gas or water by a member of the Scheme. The EWOQ has offices in Brisbane,

Appointments to Gladstone Area and Mount Isa Water Boards
The Gladstone Area Water Board (GAWB) and the Mount Isa Water Board (MIWB) are Category 1 Water Authorities under the Water Act 2000 (Water Act). The GAWB and MIWB are required to act commercially with appropriate management and performance systems, capital structure and dividend policies. Both must meet taxation obligations, performance targets and specific quarterly and annual reporting requirem

South East Queensland Water Security Program by Seqwater
Seqwater has prepared stage 1 of a Water Security Program (WSP) for South East Queensland (SEQ) as required by the Water Act 2000 to outline how it intends to operate, augment and manage the bulk water supply system in SEQ to facilitate the achievement of the State Government set level of service objectives. Seqwater intends to undertake an extensive community consultation on Stage 1 of the WSP an

Payroll Tax Rebate Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015
The Payroll Tax Rebate, Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 gives effect to a 2015 election commitment by the Government, funded for three years, in relation to a payroll tax rebate on the wages of apprentices and trainees (the Rebate). The Bill also proposed to amend the following: Payroll Tax Act 1971 – to give effect to the Rebate by extending the application of existing provis

Appointment of Gold Coast Waterways Authority Board
The Gold Coast Waterways Authority Act 2012 (the Act) establishes the Gold Coast Waterways Authority (the Authority) and Board (the Board). The Board controls the Authority. The GCWA is responsible for delivering the best possible management of the Gold Coast waterways. The Board is a decision making board which reports to the Minister for Main Roads, Road Safety and Ports. It decides on navigat

Appointments to Government Owned Corporations
The Boards of Government owned corporations (GOCs) are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under section 89(1) of the GOC Act, directors of GOCs are appointed by the Governor in Council. There are currently two vacancies on each of the Port

Water Legislation Amendment Bill 2015
The Water Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 amends the Water Reform and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2014 (the WROLA Act). The Bill provides for: explicitly reinstating the principles of ecologically sustainable development in the new purpose of the Water Act 2000 (the Water Act) (as contained in the WROLA Act) replacing references to “responsible and productive management” with “sustainable mana

Energy and Water Ombudsman Amendment Bill 2015
The Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland (EWOQ) provides a free, independent dispute resolution service for residential and small business customers to help them resolve complaints with energy and water suppliers. Small businesses for these purposes are currently defined as businesses using less than 100 megawatt hours (MWh) of electricity per year. This definition means that many businesses that

Appointment to Mount Isa Water Board
Mount Isa Water Board (MIWB) is a Category 1 Water Authority under the Water Act 2000 and is responsible for the supply of bulk water to industrial users and the Mount Isa City Council. The MIWB is required to act commercially with appropriate management and performance systems, capital structure and dividend policies. MIWB’s board currently consists of five directors, comprising four independent

Major Sports Facilities and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
The Major Sports Facilities Act 2001 (the Act) provides a process by which events are ‘declared’ for the purpose of regulating advertising near event venues. The Act enables the regulation of advertising to protect event sponsors from unauthorised advertising by rival businesses that have not contributed to an event. The capacity to protect events and sponsors from unauthorised advertising makes v

Review of Industry Levy for Office of Groundwater Impact Assessment
The Office of Groundwater Impact Assessment is funded through an annual industry levy under the Water Act 2000. A review of the regulation for the annual industry levy is required every three years. The purpose of the Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) is to summarise the outcomes of this review and seek stakeholder feedback on the recommendation made in the RIS. In reviewing the indu

Reef Regulatory Package
The Queensland Government is working to progress implementation of the Great Barrier Reef Water Science Taskforce (the Taskforce) recommendations to improve catchment water quality, which affects the health of the Great Barrier Reef. The Queensland Government accepted all of the Taskforce’s recommendations in principle in August 2016. This included ‘to implement staged regulations to reduce water

Government response to recommendations of Great Barrier Reef Water Science Taskforce
The Government established an independent Taskforce to provide the best possible advice on working towards its ambitious water quality targets as set out in the Reef 2050 Long Term Sustainability Plan (the Reef 2050 Plan) and recommend the priority actions for investing the new $90 million funding. The Taskforce was established in May 2015 and was chaired by the Queensland Chief Scientist, Dr Geof

Public Health (Water Risk Management) Amendment Bill 2016
The Bill amends the Public Health Act 2005 to implement a legislative framework that: improves the management and control of health risks associated with the supply and use of water in hospitals and residential aged care facilities, in particular the health risks associated with Legionella bacteria; and provides greater transparency of water testing activities being undertaken by facilities. The B

Water Legislation (Dam Safety) Amendment Bill 2016
The Inspector-General of Emergency Management (IGEM) undertook a review into SunWater and Seqwater’s Warnings Communications at the request of the Minister for Main Roads, Road Safety and Ports, Minister for Energy, Biofuels and Water Supply. One of the recommendations of the review was that the legislation and guidelines should be reviewed to ensure consistency and define key terms. The Water Le

Appointment of Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland
The statutory office of the Energy and Water Ombudsman was established under the Energy and Water Ombudsman Act 2006. The Office of the Ombudsman is an independent statutory authority who receives, investigates and facilitates the resolution of complaints made by small energy and South East Queensland water customers, or by a Scheme member in relation to the connection, supply or sale of electrici

Environment Protection (Underground Water Management) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
The Environmental Protection (Underground Water Management) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill will amend the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EP Act) and the Water Act 2000 to ensure that the environmental impacts of groundwater take are better managed and that deficiencies in the make good arrangements for groundwater take are addressed. The Bill amends the environmental authority process u

Lower Burdekin Catchment Development project
In April 2016, the final contractors’ Part 7 Synthesis report on the Lower Burdekin Catchment Development (LBCD) project was presented to the Queensland Government. The LBCD project involved the following components: an assessment of the current and potential demand for new water and the operation of the water market; identification of how much surface and groundwater is available; an assessment

Water (Local Management Arrangements) Amendment Bill 2016
The Local Management Arrangements (LMA) Project involves the potential transfer of up to eight of SunWater’s channel irrigation schemes to new entities that will be owned and controlled by the irrigation customers in each scheme. In order to implement LMA, the Water (Local Management Arrangements) Amendment Bill 2016 will allow for the business associated with each channel scheme to be transferred

Brisbane River Catchment Flood Studies - Flood Study public release
The Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry Final Report, released in March 2012, recommended a comprehensive flood study of the Brisbane River catchment to assess the probability, extent and characteristics of different floods across the floodplain. The Brisbane River Catchment Flood Study (the Flood Study) will provide a greater understanding of the Brisbane River’s behaviour across four council

Appointment of members to Water Act Referral Panel
The Water Act Referral Panel (referral panel) is established under the Water Act 2000 to provide independent, expert advice and recommendations to the Chief Executive or Minister regarding water planning and moratorium matters. Matters on which the referral panel advises the Chief Executive include changes to water allocations or water licences, establishment of tradeable water allocations, appli

Release of draft Great Artesian Basin and Other Regional Aquifers Water Plan
The Water Resource (Great Artesian Basin) Plan 2006 (GAB WRP) is due to expire on 1 September 2017. The Water Act 2000 outlines the process that must be undertaken when developing a replacement water plan. A draft water plan for the Great Artesian Basin and Other Regional aquifers has been developed to replace the existing GAB WRP based on an analysis of the effectiveness of the existing GAB WRP,

Annual progress on Advancing North Queensland – Five Priority Areas
In June 2016, the Queensland government endorsed Advancing North Queensland – Investing in the Future of the North, which outlines actions dedicated to growing the North Queensland (NQ) economy, with efforts focussed on five priority areas: roads infrastructure water and energy security research and innovation tourism, trade and investment North Queensland Stadium Under this plan, the Governmen

Mineral, Water and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2017
The Mineral, Water and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2017 (the Bill) is an omnibus Bill. The Bill’s primary objectives are to: implement four recommendations of the Gasfields Commission Review to update the statutory negotiation and alternative dispute resolution process for conduct and compensation agreements (CCA) and make good agreements (MGA); make amendments to streamline the process for

Callide Valley Flood Mitigation Study
The Callide Valley Flood Mitigation Study was prepared jointly by SunWater and the former Department of Energy and Water Supply. The study was in response to the Inspector-General Emergency Management 2015 Callide Creek Flood Review. The study was to determine whether it is feasible to operate Callide Dam as a flood mitigation dam and whether there are alternative measures to effect improved commu

Appointments to Queensland Great Artesian Basin Advisory Council
The Queensland Great Artesian Basin Advisory Council is an advisory body established under the Water Act 2000 (the Act). Section 1005 of the Act provides that the Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy (the Minister) may establish advisory councils to assist with administration of the Act. Section 1005 (2) of the Act states that an advisory council has the functions the Minister decides.

National Water Infrastructure Development Fund
The Commonwealth Government announced the National Water Infrastructure Development Fund in the Developing Northern Australia and Agriculture Competiveness white papers in mid-2015. The fund provides for feasibility studies to advance the information available to support planning and investment decisions for water supply infrastructure. A Queensland Government interagency process assessed the appl

Lower Burdekin Groundwater Strategy project
The risks to agricultural productivity and the environment associated with rising groundwater tables and salinity in the Lower Burdekin area have been recognised since the development of the Burdekin Haughton Water Supply Scheme. A number of management strategies have been put in place over time but have had limited success in curbing the issue. A new and coordinated approach is needed to secure e

South East Queensland Water Security Program
Seqwater has prepared the second version of the Water Security Program for South East Queensland. The Water Security Program is the blueprint for the South East Queensland bulk water supply system over the next 30 years providing water demand projections, when additional bulk water supplies may be required, efficient demand management options and the region’s drought response. Seqwater intend to c

Queensland Bulk Water Opportunities Statement
In March 2016, the Queensland Government released the State Infrastructure Plan (SIP) and committed to an infrastructure reform agenda. As part of the implementation of the SIP, the Department of Energy and Water Supply developed the Queensland Bulk Water Opportunities Statement (QBWOS) as a state strategic infrastructure document (referenced in the SIP as the Queensland Future Water Security Stra

2018 Queensland Bulk Water Opportunities Statement
In July 2017, the Queensland Government released the Queensland Bulk Water Opportunities Statement (QBWOS) as a state strategic infrastructure document for bulk water supply. The QBWOS provides a framework that will help achieve a better balance between using what we already have and committing to new projects. QBWOS sets out the Queensland Government’s objectives for bulk water supply and provid

Natural Resources and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019
The Natural Resources and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019 amends 24 Acts as follows: to Queensland’s resources Acts to cap the overall life of mineral and coal exploration permits, provide greater flexibility for holders of exploration authorities to make decisions in response to exploration results and have sufficient time to explore the area prior to mandatory partial relinquishment. to t

Brisbane River Floodplain Strategic Management Plan
The Brisbane River Strategic Floodplain Management Plan (the strategic plan) establishes key actions to strengthen the flood resilience of communities living, working and visiting the Brisbane River floodplain. The floods experienced across Queensland in 2010–11 were the catalyst for change in how we understand our flood risk and plan for the future. The Brisbane River Catchment Flood Study and th

Consultation RIS on levy structure for Office of Groundwater Impact Assessment
The Office of Groundwater Impact Assessment (OGIA) is an independent entity established under Chapter 3A of the Water Act 2000 (Water Act) to primarily advise on matters relating to the impacts on underground water caused by the exercise of underground water rights by resource tenure holders (both petroleum and mining). OGIA is funded through an annual levy payable by resource tenure holders. The

Response to independent audit of Queensland non-urban water measurement and compliance
In 2017, a series of ABC television programs raised issues relating to water management and compliance in the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB), including allegations of water theft in New South Wales and concerns regarding the take of overland flow water in the Border River catchment in the Queensland Murray-Darling Basin. In August 2017, the Queensland Government appointed an independent panel of water

Appointments to Gladstone Area Water Board
The Gladstone Area Water Board (GAWB) is a category 1 water authority under the Water Act 2000. The board of the GAWB is required to act commercially with appropriate management and performance systems, capital structure and dividend policies. The board of the GAWB consists of five directors, comprised of four nominees of the chief executive of the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy

Appointments to Mount Isa Water Board
The Mount Isa Water Board (MIWB) is a category 1 water authority under the Water Act 2000. The board of the MIWB is required to act commercially with appropriate management and performance systems, capital structure and dividend policies. The board of the MIWB consists of five directors, comprised of four nominees of the chief executive of the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy and

New Queensland non-urban water measurement policy consultation paper
In August 2017, the Queensland Government appointed an independent panel of water experts to undertake an independent audit of Queensland’s non-urban water measurement and compliance. This was following national media attention on issues relating to water management and compliance in the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB). The report from the independent expert panel was provided to the government in Marc

Appointment of Energy and Water Ombudsman and Land Access Ombudsman
The Energy and Water Ombudsman is appointed by the Governor in Council under section 51 of the Energy and Water Ombudsman Act 2006. The Energy and Water Ombudsman receives, investigates and facilitates the resolution of complaints made by small energy customers and South East Queensland water customers, in relation to their electricity, gas or water providers. The Land Access Ombudsman is appointe

Appointments to Government owned corporations and Qld Bulk Water Supply Authority
The Boards of Government owned corporations (GOCs) are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under section 89(1) of the GOC Act, directors of GOCs are appointed by the Governor in Council. The Queensland Bulk Water Supply Authority (Seqwater)

Future management of Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre Basin (Qld)
The full Lake Eyre Basin extends to areas in Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and the Northern Territory and has outstanding social, cultural and environmental attributes, and economic opportunities. It is an area that has attracted national and international attention as a result of these attributes and opportunities. Kati Thanda is the Arabana First Nation’s name for Lake Eyre. ‘Kati

Appointments to Government businesses
Government owned corporations (GOCs) boards are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under the GOC Act, directors of GOCs are appointed by the Governor in Council. The Queensland Bulk Water Supply Authority (Seqwater) Board is responsible

Establishment of Paradise Dam Commission of Inquiry
Engineering investigations of Paradise Dam have identified a number of structural and stability issues that, in the event of a 1-in-200 year flood, may cause the dam to fail. The Government has responded by reducing the volume of water in the dam and preparing to undertake works to lower the dam spillway in 2020. A Commission of Inquiry will be established into the design, construction and commis

Drought Impact
In August 2019, 65 per cent of Queensland was drought declared under State Government processes (32 shires and four part shires). This was down from 88.7 per cent in early 2017, however, some shires had been drought declared since mid-2013. Rainfall across many parts of southern Queensland over the past 12-24 months had been extremely low. The August to October 2019 climate outlook suggested a dri

Appointment to Gold Coast Waterways Authority Board
The Gold Coast Waterways Authority Act 2012 (the Act) established the Gold Coast Waterways Authority (GCWA) and the Gold Coast Waterways Authority Board (the Board). Section 43 of the Act provides that the Board controls the Authority. The GCWA is responsible for delivering the best possible management of Gold Coast waterways. The Board is a decision-making board which: reports to the Minister for

Government response to Paradise Dam Commission of Inquiry
The Paradise Dam Commission of Inquiry (Commission) was established on 6 December 2019 to inquire into the root causes of structural and stability issues identified in engineering and technical studies conducted between 30 January 2013 and 30 November 2019 on Paradise Dam (the Dam). The Commission delivered its report to the Premier and Minister for Trade and the Minister for Natural Resources, Mi

Water Legislation (Water Restrictions) Amendment Bill 2021
Water service providers can set water restrictions under the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008 (the Water Supply Act) for the volume of water, hours of use and the way water is used. It is an offence to contravene a water service provider’s water restriction with penalties attached. The Water Legislation (Water Restrictions) Amendment Bill 2021 (the Bill) amends the South-East Queens

Appointments Gladstone Area Water and Mount Isa Water Boards
The Gladstone Area Water Board (GAWB) and the Mount Isa Water Board (MIWB) are category 1 water authorities established under the Water Act 2000 (the Water Act). The Water Act states that a water authority must have a board of directors. The board is responsible for the way in which the water authority performs its functions and exercises its powers. The enabling legislation requires the water aut

Appointments to Gladstone Area and Mount Isa Water Boards
The Gladstone Area Water Board (GAWB) and the Mount Isa Water Board (MIWB) are category 1 water authorities established under the Water Act 2000 (the Water Act). The Water Act states that a water authority must have a board of directors. The board is responsible for the way in which the water authority performs its functions and exercises its powers. The enabling legislation requires the water aut

Appointment Gold Coast Waterways Authority Board
The Gold Coast Waterways Authority Act 2012 (the Act) established the Gold Coast Waterways Authority (GCWA) and Gold Coast Waterways Authority Board (the Board). Section 43 of the Act provides that the Board controls the GCWA. The GCWA is responsible for delivering the best possible management of Gold Coast waterways and for the implementation of the Spit Master Plan through the development and de

Appointments to the boards of various Government businesses
Government owned corporations (GOCs) boards are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under the GOC Act, directors of GOCs are appointed by the Governor in Council. The Queensland Bulk Water Supply Authority (Seqwater) Board is responsible f

Appointments to the boards of various Government Businesses
The Boards of Government Owned Corporations (GOCs) are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under the GOC Act, directors of GOCs are appointed by the Governor in Council. The Queensland Bulk Water Supply Authority (Seqwater) Board is respons

Appointments to the boards of various Government owned corporations
The Boards of Government owned corporations (GOCs) are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under the GOC Act, directors of GOCs are appointed by the Governor in Council. It is desirable for board members to possess demonstrated previous lea

Appointments to the boards of various Government businesses
The Boards of Government owned corporations (GOCs) are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under the GOC Act, directors of GOCs are appointed by the Governor in Council. The Queensland Bulk Water Supply Authority (Seqwater) Board is respons

Appointment of the Energy and Water Ombudsman
The Energy and Water Ombudsman is appointed by the Governor in Council under section 51 of the Energy and Water Ombudsman Act 2006. The Energy and Water Ombudsman receives, investigates and facilitates the resolution of complaints made by small energy and South East Queensland water customers, or by a scheme member in relation to the connection, supply or sale of electricity, gas or water by a mem

Release of the Bradfield Regional Assessment and Development Panel Report and Government Response
In 1938, Dr John Bradfield, a Queensland civil engineer, proposed a scheme that would divert flows from the Wet Tropics and Burdekin River catchments to irrigate and drought proof much of Western Queensland and as far south as South Australia. The Bradfield scheme aimed to capture water from North Queensland and transport it to the drier regions, either to the south, west or both. Several reviews

Water Legislation Amendment Bill 2022
The Water Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 (the Bill) amends three Acts to: deliver a government commitment for strengthened water measurement; ensure regulatory frameworks remain effective; and deliver improvements to underground water management. The Independent Audit of Queensland Non-urban Water Measurement and Compliance (June 2018) and the Federal Murray-Darling Basin Compliance Compact (June

Appointments to Gladstone Area Water Board and Mount Isa Water Board
The Gladstone Area Water Board (GAWB) and the Mount Isa Water Board (MIWB) are category 1 water authorities established under the Water Act 2000 (the Water Act). The Water Act states that a water authority must have a board of directors. The board is responsible for the way in which the water authority performs its functions and exercises its powers. The enabling legislation requires the water aut

Appointments to Gold Coast Waterways Authority Board
The Gold Coast Waterways Authority Act 2012 (the Act) established the Gold Coast Waterways Authority (GCWA) and Gold Coast Waterways Authority Board (the Board). Section 43 of the Act provides that the Board controls the GCWA. The GCWA is responsible for delivering the best possible management of Gold Coast waterways and for the implementation of The Spit Master Plan through the development and de