Your search for Violence returned 33 record/s. |
Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
The Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 (the Bill) amends the Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act 2003 and the Penalties and Sentences Act 1992.
The Bill is the product of a review of Queensland’s public protection legislation. A review report entitled “A New Public Protection Model for the Management of High Risk Sexual and Violent Offenders
Youth Violence Taskforce Report 2007
In October 2006, following the tragic death of teenager Matthew Stanley, the Queensland Government announced the formation of the Youth Violence Taskforce (Taskforce). The Taskforce was made up of Government representatives, community members and young people.
Over 12 months the Youth Violence Taskforce examined ways to reduce incidents of violent behaviour involving young people with a view t
Queensland Government Strategy to reduce domestic and family violence 2009-14
Domestic and family violence is a serious and complex issue. Women and children are most often the victims of violence in the home and within their relationships. Indigenous victims of violence are more likely to be seriously injured and intimate partner homicides are double that of other types of homicide. People from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, people from rural and remote
Organised Crime Control Bill 2009
In May 2009 the Queensland Government publicly committed to introducing legislative measures aimed at preventing, detecting and disrupting organised criminal activity in Queensland.
In April 2009 the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General (SCAG) also agreed to develop a comprehensive national response to combat organised crime.
The preparation of this bill will deliver on the Government’s commit
Alcohol Related violence - inquiry
On 4 August 2009, the Law, Justice and Safety Committee received a referral from Parliament to conduct an inquiry into alcohol-related violence.
As this is a matter of interest to many government agencies a whole-of-Government submission was prepared.
Cabinet approved the whole-of-Government submission being provided to the inquiry.
Letter Premier to Committee 6 October 2009
Outcomes of the evaluation of the One Punch Can Kill Campaign
In October 2006, following the tragic death of teenager Matthew Stanley, the Queensland Government announced the formation of the Youth Violence Taskforce (Taskforce). The Taskforce was made up of Government representatives, community members and young people.
Over 12 months the Youth Violence Taskforce examined ways to reduce incidents of violent behaviour involving young people with a view to re
Criminal Code (Images of Violence Against Children)
The Member for Moggill and Shadow Minister for Education and Training, Dr Bruce Flegg, introduced the Criminal Code (Filming or Possessing Images of Violence Against Schoolchildren) Amendment Bill 2010 as a Private Member’s Bill in March 2010.
The Bill replaced the Criminal Code (Filming or Possessing Images of Violence Against Children) Amendment Bill 2009, which Dr Flegg withdrew.
The Explanator
Criminal Code (Serious Assaults on Police)
The Member for Southern Downs and Deputy Leader for the Opposition, Mr Lawrence Springborg MP introduced the Criminal Code (Serious Assaults on Police and Particular Other Persons) Amendment Bill 2010 as a Private Member’s Bill in February 2010.
The Bill proposed amendments to section 340 of the Criminal Code, which contains the offence of serious assault. The Bill aims to introduce mandatory mini
Review of Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act
Cabinet previously endorsed the ‘Queensland Government Strategy to Reduce Domestic and Family Violence 2009-2014’ (the Strategy) and approved the Terms of Reference for a review of the Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 1989 (DFVPA).
The Department of Communities is leading the review of the DFVPA to ensure that the Act supports the implementation of the Strategy and is effective and e
Criminal Code (Images of Violence Against Children)
The Member for Moggill and Shadow Minister for Education and Training, Dr Bruce Flegg, introduced the Criminal Code (Filming or Possessing Images of Violence Against Children) Amendment Bill 2009 as a Private Member’s Bill in October 2009.
The Explanatory Notes to the Bill state the objective of the Bill is to amend the Criminal Code to provide protection for children who are the targets of cyber
Community safety and alcohol reform
In response to very high levels of alcohol related harm and violence, alcohol restrictions were rolled out in 19 discrete Indigenous communities. There was a review of the restrictions in 2008 which led to substantial reforms in alcohol management.
Alcohol restrictions declared under the Liquor Act 1992 do not specify an end date. Stated government policy is that restrictions will remain in pla
Discussion Draft Weapons Bill 2010
In 2006, the then Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Sport announced a review of the Weapons Act 1990 (the Act) and subordinate legislation and established the Weapons Review Committee (the Committee) that considered submissions from the public, the weapons industry and the Queensland Police Service. The Committee identified over 440 proposals for legislative change to the Act, the Weap
Queensland Government response to violence against women and their children
The draft National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and their Children (2010-2022) (National Plan) sets out a framework over the next 12 years for the Australian, State and Territory governments and the non-government sector to work together to reduce violence.
The National Plan, over 12 years, is built around six supporting outcomes and 59 actions in its first three-year Action Plan that c
Liquor and Other Leg Amend Bill 2010
On 4 August 2009, the Law, Justice and Safety Committee was requested by the Legislative Assembly to conduct an inquiry into alcohol-related violence in Queensland, with a focus on community safety and preventative measures to reduce alcohol related violence, including its ramifications. The Committee tabled the final report of the inquiry into alcohol-related violence in the Legislative Assembl
Government Response to Sexual Offender Treatment Programs report
In 2009, Queensland Corrective Services engaged the services of Professor Stephen Smallbone, from Griffith University’s School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, to independently evaluate the effectiveness of its sex offender treatment programs with particular reference to their impact on recidivism rates.
The evaluation considered the recidivism data of 409 adult males who had served a term of
Domestic and Family Violence Protection Amendment Bill 2011
Domestic violence is a serious and complex issue which has significant human and economic costs.
In 2009–10, the Queensland Police Service recorded 49,372 domestic and family violence occurrences, an increase of 11.5 percent on the previous year, and the courts received 22,754 applications for domestic violence orders, an increase of eight percent on the previous year.
The human cost of domestic
Weapons Amendment Bill 2011
In 2006, the then Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Sport announced a review of the Weapons Act 1990 and subordinate legislation and established the Weapons Review Committee that considered submissions from the public, the weapons industry and the Queensland Police Service. The Committee identified over 440 proposals for legislative change to the Act, the Weapons Categories Regulation 1
Outcome of Market Research of the One Punch Can Kill Campaign
The One Punch Can Kill Campaign was launched in December 2007 following recommendations from the State Government’s Youth Violence Taskforce with the Department of Premier and Cabinet providing Queensland Police Service with $500,000 for the campaign.
Following evaluation of the campaign in 2008, which indicated a broad recognition of the One Punch Can Kill message amongst young males aged between
Domestic and Family Violence Protection Bill 2011
Domestic and family violence is a serious and complex issue that affects many Queenslanders each year. The human and economic costs are significant.
Women and children die as a result of domestic and family violence, work and educational opportunities are affected and people become homeless.
In 2009–10, the Queensland Police Service recorded 49,372 domestic and family violence occurrences, an incr
Premier’s Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland
The Queensland Government is committed to making Queensland a safe place for everyone to live. There has been an increase in occurrences of domestic and family violence in recent years.
Queensland’s domestic and family violence support system is complex, with several government departments administering police, legal, housing and other support services. There are also a number of non-government o
Qld Govt Action Plan to stop alcohol and drug-related violence
Alcohol and drug-related violence is a significant problem for Queensland. Violent and anti-social patrons of licensed venues have a disproportionate impact on Queensland’s nightlife. Their aggressive and irresponsible conduct has harmful and sometimes tragic results.
Following public consultation through an online survey, “An action plan to restore responsible behaviour and respect, stamp out alc
Report of the Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence
The Queensland Government is committed to making Queensland a safe place for everyone to live. Domestic and family violence is a serious and complex issue resulting in significant human and economic costs to Queenslanders and the Queensland economy.
The Taskforce, chaired by The Honourable Dame Quentin Bryce AD CVO, was established on 10 August 2014. Its Terms of Reference and membership were anno
Tackling Alcohol-Fuelled Violence Legislation Amendment Bill 2015
The Government has committed to taking action to address alcohol-related harm in and around Queensland’s licensed venues.
To achieve this the Government is implementing a comprehensive policy framework to tackle alcohol-fuelled violence (the Policy), based on evidence and best-practice approaches. This Policy includes both legislative and non-legislative elements, and also provides for the contin
Queensland Violence against Women Prevention Plan 2016-22
Violence in all its forms is unacceptable. Women and girls are overwhelmingly disproportionately affected by a range of forms of violence, such as domestic and family violence; sexual violence, including rape; assault and harassment; technology facilitated violence, such as online harassment and abuse; elder abuse; female genital mutilation; trafficking; and forced and servile marriage. These form
First Report of the Youth Sexual Violence and Abuse Steering Committee
The Queensland Government established the Youth Sexual Violence and Abuse (YSVA) Steering Committee (the Committee) in response to the report prepared by Griffith University, Preventing Youth Sexual Violence and Abuse in West Cairns and Aurukun: Establishing the scope, dimensions and dynamics of the problem.
The Committee was established to consider and report back on the efficiency and effectiven
Queensland sexual violence prevention framework
In 2016, the Queensland Government released the Queensland Violence against Women Prevention Plan 2016-22 (the VAWPP) as a framework for eliminating all forms of violence against women and girls.
With increasing community awareness of issues relating to sexual violence, the Queensland Government now intends to develop an overarching framework for sexual violence prevention in Queensland. The fra
Criminal Code (Consent and Mistake of Fact) and Other Legislation Amend Bill 2020
The Criminal Code (Consent and Mistake of Fact) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2020 will implement the recommendations of the Queensland Law Reform Commission’s report ‘Review of consent laws and the excuse of mistake of fact’ (the QLRC report) and progress a second tranche of the Government’s legislative response to the final evaluation report of the Tackling Alcohol-Fuelled Violence Policy
Prevention of domestic, family and sexual violence and womens experience of the criminal justice system
The Queensland Government is committed to leading an ongoing program of reform to end domestic, family and sexual violence (DFSV) and to improve the experience of women in the criminal justice system.
While significant progress has already been made through the Government’s implementation of Not Now, Not Ever: Putting an End to Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland, there is more that the Go
Third Annual Report - Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse
The Queensland Government is committed to continuing to implement the significant reform agenda proposed by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (Royal Commission). This includes better prevention and responses to child sexual abuse and improved support and access to justice for those with lived experience of institutional child sexual abuse.
The Queensland Gover
Final two year evaluation report on the Governments Tackling Alcohol-Fuelled Violence Policy
The Queensland Government’s Tackling Alcohol-Fuelled Violence Policy (the TAFV Policy) involves a comprehensive range of measures to reduce alcohol-related violence and harm in entertainment precincts, drive cultural change around drinking behaviours in entertainment precincts, and balance a reduction in harm with the interests of the licensed industry.
The legislation underpinning the TAFV Poli
Sexual Violence Prevention Action Plan 2021-2022
The Prevent. Support. Believe. Queensland’s Framework to address Sexual Violence - Action Plan 2021-2022 (the Action Plan) is the first action plan to be developed to support implementation of Prevent. Support Believe. Queensland’s Framework to address Sexual Violence (the Framework).
Significant work to address sexual violence has been undertaken in recent years, including in the time since the
Final Government response to the Tackling Alcohol-Fuelled Violence Policy evaluation report
On 26 July 2019, the Queensland Government publicly released its interim response to the two-year independent evaluation report on the Tackling Alcohol-Fuelled Violence Policy by the Queensland Alcohol-related violence and Night Time Economy Monitoring project (TAFV Policy evaluation report).
Of the TAFV Policy evaluation report’s 38 recommendations, the interim Government response supported seve
Victims of Crime Assistance and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
On 28 September 2023, the Queensland Government announced a significant reform package to better support victims of crime and their families.
The Victims of Crime Assistance and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2023 (Bill) seeks to implement the announced reforms to increase the amount of financial support available to victims of crime and their families by amending the Victims of Crime Assistanc