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Your search for Transport returned 136 record/s.
Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Bill 2008
In April 2008, the Government announced the divestment of its interest in Cairns and Mackay Airports, together with its shareholding in Brisbane Airport. The Government intends to apply the funds realised from the divestment of the Cairns and Mackay Airports towards new health and other regional infrastructure in North Queensland. The Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Bill will facil

Port of Mackay - Proposed Coal Transport Corridor and Coal Terminal
Cabinet considered a submission from the Treasurer and the Minister for Transport, Trade, Employment and Industrial Relations regarding the proposed coal transport corridor and coal terminal at the Port of Mackay. Cabinet noted that the proposed coal terminal was inconsistent with the Government’s current plan to address coal supply chain requirements. Cabinet approved that the shareholding Minist

Remake of the Transport Operations (Marine Pollution) Regulation 1995
The Transport Operations (Marine Pollution) Regulation 1995 (the Regulation) commenced on 9 November 1995. Part 7 of the Statutory Instruments Act 1992 provides that all subordinate legislation expires 10 years after its making unless otherwise exempted. The Regulation was scheduled for automatic expiry on 1 September 2006. An exemption expiry was approved to allow time for thorough consultation

Queensland Motorcycle Safety Strategy 2009-2012
Motorcycle riding is a higher risk activity than driving a motor vehicle. In Queensland in 2007, there were 73 motorcycle fatalities. The draft Queensland Motorcycle Safety Strategy 2009-2012 (the Strategy) outlines a proposed direction for the Queensland Government to take over the next four years to enhance motorcycle safety. Contained within the Strategy are a number of actions that will be co

Trans Leg (New Qld Driver Licensing) Amend Bill 2008 and Adult Proof Age Card Bill 2008
The Transport Legislation (New Queensland Driver Licensing) Amendment Bill 2008 will facilitate the introduction of smartcards for transport authorities including driver licences. The Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995, Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994, Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Act 1994 and Tow Truck Act 1973 will be amended to: allow for the taking,

Queensland Road Safety Action Plan 2008-2009
Queensland Transport, as lead road safety agency, is promoting a cooperative model for road safety policy and strategy in Queensland with its key road safety partners, the Queensland Police Service and the Department of Main Roads. It is recognised that road safety policy requires balanced attention to the road environment, vehicle safety and safe speeds, as well as road user behaviour. This is s

SDPC Reviews Queensland Transport and Dept Main Roads and RoadTek
Between October 2007 and June 2008, the Service Delivery and Performance Commission undertook reviews of the Department of Transport and the Department of Main Roads as part of its 2007-2008 Work Program. The purpose of these reviews was to improve service delivery and performance management in these departments. In addition, the review of the Department of Main Roads also examined whether the

Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2008
The Transport Legislation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2008 amends several acts. The more significant amendments are outlined below. The Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 is to be amended to enforce temporary restrictions on the use of state-controlled roads to prevent damage by vehicular traffic; provide for registered interests over commercial corridor land sites to survive the land bec

Transport Legislation (Dangerous Goods) Amendment Bill 2008
Dangerous goods are substances or articles which due to their physical, chemical and toxicological properties, may present an acute risk to life, health, property and the environment, especially when being transported. They may be corrosive, flammable, explosive, toxic, radioactive, harmful to the environment, oxidizing or react adversely when brought into contact with other substances. The Austra

Gov Response to Travelsafe Report
The Select Committee on Travelsafe (the Committee) tabled Report No. 51: Report on the Inquiry into Automatic Number Plate Recognition Technology (the Report) on 9 September 2008. The Committee made six recommendations in the Report. Automatic Number Plate Recognition Technology (ANPR) is a technology used to detect and digitally read vehicle registration plates from camera images. Images can be l

Moreton Bay Marine Park
The key legislation governing the contracting and provision of passenger transport services in Queensland is the Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Act 1994 (the Act). The key objective of the Act is “to achieve the best possible public passenger transport at reasonable cost to the community and government, keeping government regulation to a minimum". Section 37 of the Act defines the pu

Pacific Adventurer Oil Spill
At approximately 3:15am on Wednesday 11 March 2009, the container ship Pacific Adventurer lost 31 containers each containing 19.5 tonnes of ammonium nitrate, about seven nautical miles east of Cape Moreton. The falling containers ruptured the ship’s fuel tanks, causing it to leak approximately 270 tonnes of heavy fuel oil, which subsequently impacted southern Queensland shorelines. Maritime Safe

Stock Route Policy Reform
Cabinet considered a suite of proposed reforms to policy governing the management and use of the stock route network in Queensland. The proposed reforms are based on recommendations developed by a panel of stock route network managers and users, with further input from the public, including conservation groups. The proposed reforms are aimed at ensuring the stock route network continues to provi

Transport Operations (Road Use Management - Road Rules) Regulation 2009
The Transport Operations (Road Use Management—Road Rules) Regulation 1999 (also known as the Queensland Road Rules) was made on 28 October 1999. These rules regulate the operation of vehicles on Queensland roads and road-related areas. Under the Statutory Instruments Act 1992, section 54, the regulation will expire on 1 September 2010. The regulation has been remade to provide for the continued s

Qld Road Safety Action Plan - speed management and drink driving
The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) and the Queensland Police Service (QPS) have developed the Queensland Road Safety Action Plan 2010-11 (the 2010-11 Action Plan) in close collaboration. Two major areas of road safety work to be reflected in the 2010-11 Action Plan are speed management and drink driving. Independent analysis suggests that the greatest road safety benefit can be achie

Transit Oriented Development Publications
Transit oriented development (TOD) has been a primary land-use planning strategy of successive South East Queensland (SEQ) regional plans including the recently released South East Queensland Regional Plan 2009 – 2031 (SEQ Regional Plan). TOD is characterised by a rapid and frequent transit service; high accessibility to the station; mixed-uses; good quality public spaces; pedestrian and cyclist-

Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
Cabinet approved the introduction of the Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009. The Bill amends legislation administered by the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR), and the Department of Justice and Attorney-General. The amendments are to: remove a redundant requirement for the general manager of Maritime Safety Queensland to prepare a strategic plan; clarify that TMR’s j

Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (No.2) 2010
The Transport Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 amends the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994, Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994, and the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 to provide a clearly defined framework to engage the Operator Franchise Public Private Partnership for Stage 1 of the Gold Coast Rapid Transit project. The Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 is amende

Motor Accident Insurance Other Leg Amend Bill 2010
A review of Queensland’s Compulsory Third Party (CTP) scheme earlier this year indicated room for improvement, including reducing delivery and acquisition costs and promoting greater price competition. One of the key drivers to these rising costs is the payment of commissions and inducements by the insurers to intermediaries to acquire CTP business, particularly the new vehicle market. These pa

Transport (Rail Safety) Bill 2010
The Transport (Rail Safety) Bill 2010 (the Bill) forms part of a system of nationally consistent rail safety laws, based on the national model Rail Safety Bill 2006 (the model Bill). The Bill is designed on a co-regulatory approach, where responsibility for regulatory development, implementation and enforcement is shared between industry participants, industry associations and governments. The ob

Connecting SEQ 2031 Regional Transport Plan
The draft Connecting SEQ 2031 is an Integrated Regional Transport Plan for South East Queensland and supports the sustainable management of growth and aims to address the transport challenges of the region. Connecting SEQ 2031 has been developed to respond to the SEQ Regional Plan’s growth framework and deliver a vision to guide transport planning and delivery of transport projects in south east Q

Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
The Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (the Bill) amends a number of transport acts. Key provisions of the Bill will: Adopt national model legislation dealing with heavy vehicle speeding; Extend the no alcohol limit; Provide for the establishment of an alcohol ignition interlock scheme, aimed at reducing drink driving offences and crashes Facilitate the introduction of digital spe

Queensland Electric Vehicle Roadmap
Electric vehicles (EVs) are internationally recognised as an important emerging technology for reducing road transport emissions, improving domestic energy security and supporting clean-tech industry development. The arrival of EVs presents a number of issues and opportunities for Queensland including: Environmental impacts of EVs; Impacts to Energy Generation and Electricity Transmission and Dist

Cross River Rail Reference Design
Cross River Rail is a proposed north-south rail line in Brisbane’s inner city, including a new tunnel under the Brisbane River and new underground inner city rail stations. Following technical investigations and community and stakeholder consultation, the Cross River Rail reference design was developed which includes tunnel design, surface track design, station design and entry points, property

2010-11 to 2013-14 Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program
The Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 requires the annual production and publication of a works program. Following the amalgamation of the former Departments of Main Roads and Transport, the Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) replaces the Roads Implementation Program published annually by the former Department of Main Roads since 1995. The QTRIP is a four-year program of

Inquiry into the road safety benefits of fixed speed cameras
In March 2010 the Economic Development Committee (the Committee) launched an inquiry into the road safety benefits of fixed speed cameras. The Committee tabled Report No. 4: Inquiry into the road safety benefits of fixed speed cameras on 7 October 2010. The report contained 15 recommendations in acknowledgment of the human, social and economic costs of road crash trauma on our community. Ten of t

Facilitation of Private Railway Infrastructure
Key legislation governing railway construction and operation in Queensland was largely enacted in the era of government owned corporation (GOC) railway operations, with the state owning both land and rail infrastructure and Queensland Transport regulating Queensland Rail’s (QR’s) operations. A feature which underpins this regulatory environment is that railways were designed, built and operated

Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
The Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 makes amendments to a number of Acts to put in place better processes or clarify existing legislation. Significant amendments include: Streamlining processes that support the delivery and establishment of the Gold Coast Rapid Transit light rail project and provide for light rail operational and technical requirements. The streamlined admin

Surat Basin Rail (Long-term lease) Bill 2011
The Surat Basin Rail project proposes to construct the 210 kilometre ‘Southern Missing Link’ between Wandoan and Banana to enable the large-scale mining and export of thermal coal from the Surat Basin through the Port of Gladstone. Private sector development of the $1 billion plus railway will deliver significant benefits for Queensland including opening up the estimated four billion tonnes of th

Authority to Reintroduce the Heavy Vehicle National Law Bill 2012
The Council of Australian Governments has agreed to the development of a national framework for the regulation of all vehicles exceeding 4.5 tonnes gross vehicle mass (heavy vehicles). In February 2010, Queensland accepted the role of host jurisdiction for the national reform to create a National Heavy Vehicle Regulator and a single consolidated body of Heavy Vehicle National Law to govern all hea

Appointment of Chairperson of the Board of Queensland Rail Limited
Queensland Rail Limited (Queensland Rail) is a public company limited by shares under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and a company Government Owned Corporation (GOC) pursuant to the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (Qld) (GOC Act). Key Responsibilities of the Queensland Rail Board include being responsible to the shareholding Ministers for the Company’s strategic direction, governance and

Appointments to the Board of North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited
North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited is a Government owned corporation (GOC). The Boards of GOCs are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993. Three vacancies existed on the North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited Board. Cabinet endorsed that Mr Adrian Chambers, Mr Hugh (Gerry) Johnstone and Ms Suzanne Brown be recommended to Governor in Council for appoint

Appointment and remuneration of Chairperson and members Gold Coast Waterways Authority Board
The Gold Coast Waterways Authority Act 2012 (the Act) establishes the Gold Coast Waterways Authority and Board. The Board controls the Authority. The Authority is a statutory entity reporting to the Minister for Transport and Main Roads. The Board is a decision making board which: reports to the Minister for Transport and Main Roads about Gold Coast waterways; oversees the day to day operation o

Heavy Vehicle National Law Amendment Bill 2012
The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) is driving a national program of micro-economic reforms in a range of sectors to produce single regulatory environments for the Australian economy. In February 2010, Queensland accepted the role of host jurisdiction for a national reform to create a National Heavy Vehicle Regulator and a single consolidated body of Heavy Vehicle National Law which will

Police Powers and Responsibilities (Motor Vehicle Impoundment) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
The Government has committed, through the ‘Safer Streets Crime Action Plan’, to introduce the toughest anti-hooning laws in the nation. The ‘Putting the Brakes on Hoons’ policy includes: hooning cars clamped and off the road for three months for the first offence; and hooning cars forfeited or crushed for any subsequent offence within the next 5 years. To achieve this commitment, the Police Power

Transport Infrastructure Waterways Management Regulation 2012
The Transport Infrastructure (Waterways Management) Regulation 2012 sets out the various on-water activities which are controlled or require approvals on Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast waterways. These activities include anchoring, mooring and grounding of watercraft, time limits for living on watercraft, take off and landing of aircraft and the authorisation or prohibition of particular conduct. T

Gold Coast Waterways Authority Bill 2012
A re-established Gold Coast Waterways Authority is part of the government’s commitment to improving access to Gold Coast Waterways. The re-established Gold Coast Waterways Authority will oversee the management, sustainable use and development of Gold Coast Waterways. The purpose of the Authority is to provide the best possible navigational access, boating infrastructure and waterways management at

Appointments to Boards of Government Owned Corporations and Qld Rail
Energex Limited (Energex); Ergon Energy Corporation Limited (Ergon); Stanwell Corporation Limited (Stanwell); Far North Queensland Ports Corporation Limited (Ports North); Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited (GPC); Port of Townsville Limited (POTL); QIC Limited (QIC); and SunWater Limited (SunWater) are Government owned corporations (GOCs). The Boards of GOCs are established under the Government

Port Pilotage Amendment Bill 2013
The Transport Legislation (Port Pilotage) Amendment Bill 2013 transfers the responsibility to provide and deliver port pilotage services for ports north of Brisbane (excluding Abbot Point) from Maritime Safety Queensland (MSQ) to the government owned port authorities. The amendments in the Bill include: providing that the provision of, or arranging for the provision of, pilotage services in speci

Transport and Other Legislation (Heavy Vehicle National Law) Amendment Bill 2013
The Transport and Other Legislation (Heavy Vehicle National Law) Amendment Bill 2013 makes consequential amendments to remove provisions that regulate heavy vehicles in existing Queensland legislation that will be covered by the Heavy Vehicle National Law (National Law). The National Law is a single rule book applying throughout Australia regulating the operation of heavy vehicles over 4.5 tonn

Appointment to the Qld Rail Board
Queensland Rail is a statutory authority providing essential passenger service functions. The Chair and Queensland Rail Board (the Board) are essential to the effective operation of Queensland Rail (the Authority). The Board’s role are set out in section 15 of the Queensland Rail Transit Authority Act 2013 (the Act) to: decide the strategies and the operational, administrative and financial polic

Delivering Building our Regions - Regional Infrastructure Fund
The Queensland Government’s election commitment, Building our Regions, aims to ensure that funding for critical infrastructure in regional Queensland will be targeted appropriately so that it meets the specific needs of communities and supports economic development without necessitating the sale of assets. The election commitment, Working Queensland, recognises the Building our Regions fund for in

Abbot Point Growth Gateway Project - Transfer to North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation
Expansion of the Port of Abbot Point is critical to unlock the ‘greenfield’ Galilee Basin, which covers an area of approximately 247,000 square kilometres and contains a very large inferred resource of mostly volatile, low sulphur thermal coal. The opening up of the Galilee Basin has the potential to create significant long-term benefits for Queensland, with job creation in mining, construction a

Door-to-Door Passenger Transport Services Review
An independent Review will be undertaken to assess Queensland’s door-to-door passenger transport services. The Terms of Reference provides the review scope and the roles and responsibilities of the Taskforce including deliverables. The scope of the review will be to investigate opportunities to increase competition and foster innovation in the delivery of door-to-door passenger transport services

Qld Transport and Roads Investment Program - QTRIP
The Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 requires the annual production and publication of a transport infrastructure works program. The Department of Transport and Main Roads plans, manages and oversees the delivery of a safe, efficient and integrated transport system. The 2015-16 to 2018-19 Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) is a four-year program outlining the department’s p

Revised Rail Transport Services Contract
The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) purchases rail services from the Queensland Rail Transit Authority, through the Rail Transport Services Contract (TSC). The TSC specifies the manner in which Queensland Rail provides above and below rail services throughout Queensland. Comprising a head agreement and eight associated schedules, the TSC also specifies the funding arrangement for thes

Transport Operations Road Use Management Regulation 2015
The Transport Operations (Road Use Management – Accreditation and Other Provisions) Regulation 2015 replaces expiring subordinate legislation. The regulation provides the framework for a number of schemes that are approvals under the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995. Also included are miscellaneous provisions such as approving random inspection programs, requiring lights or sign

Abbot Point Growth Gateway - Project Delivery Arrangements for Approvals Stage
Expansion of the Port of Abbot Point is critical to unlock the ‘greenfield’ Galilee Basin, which covers an area of approximately 247,000 square kilometres and contains a very large inferred resource of mostly volatile, low sulphur thermal coal. The opening up of the Galilee Basin has the potential to create significant long-term benefits for Queensland, with job creation in mining, construction

Holidays Amendment Bill 2015
The Holidays and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 implements the election commitment made by the Government to honour the real Labour Day by reinstating the Labour Day public holiday, moving it from its current date of the first Monday in October to the first Monday in May each year. The commitment also provides for the movement of the Queen’s Birthday public holiday from June to October. The

Govt Response to Committee Report No 59 Inquiry into Coastal Sea Freight
In December 2014, the Transport, Housing and Local Government Committee tabled Report No. 59, ‘Inquiry into Coastal Sea Freight’. The Transport, Housing and Local Government Committee made 16 recommendations as practical strategies that aim to facilitate the development of a robust coastal shipping service along the Queensland coastline. The Report concluded a regular sea freight service along the

Abbot Point Growth Gateway Project
Expansion of the Port of Abbot Point is critical to unlock the ‘greenfield’ Galilee Basin, which covers an area of approximately 247,000 square kilometres and contains a very large inferred resource of mostly volatile, low-sulphur thermal coal. The opening up of the Galilee Basin has the potential to create significant long-term benefits for Queensland, with job creation in mining, construction an

Heavy Vehicle National Law Amendment Bill 2015
The Heavy Vehicle National Law Act 2012 (HVNL) is a national scheme legislation central to the national heavy vehicle reform agenda. The Heavy Vehicle National Law Amendment Bill 2015 makes necessary changes to: implement nationally agreed reforms to encourage the use of electronic work diaries promote further harmonisation of the penalties for offences throughout the HVNL remove unnecessary admin

Appointment of Gold Coast Waterways Authority Board
The Gold Coast Waterways Authority Act 2012 (the Act) establishes the Gold Coast Waterways Authority (the Authority) and Board (the Board). The Board controls the Authority. The GCWA is responsible for delivering the best possible management of the Gold Coast waterways. The Board is a decision making board which reports to the Minister for Main Roads, Road Safety and Ports. It decides on navigat

Appointments to Government Owned Corporations
The Boards of Government owned corporations (GOCs) are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under section 89(1) of the GOC Act, directors of GOCs are appointed by the Governor in Council. There are currently two vacancies on each of the Port

Transport Operations Marine Safety Bills 2015
The Transport Operations (Marine Safety—Domestic Commercial Vessel National Law Application) Bill 2015 and the Transport Operations (Marine Safety) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 are cognate bills which are required to: ensure the seamless interaction between Queensland’s marine legislation and the National Law; and progress primary legislative amendments to facilitate the remake of th

Consultation on National Injury Insurance Scheme for Motor Vehicle Accidents
The establishment of a National Injury Insurance Scheme (NIIS) alongside the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) was recommended by the Productivity Commission in its 2011 Inquiry Report, Disability Care and Support. The Productivity Commission proposed that a NIIS would cover the lifetime (i.e. until death) care and support needs of catastrophically injured people across four main stream

Independent review of Moreton Bay Rail project flood event
In May 2015, South East Queensland experienced an extreme weather event with some communities, including those within the Moreton Bay Rail (MBR) project area, receiving in excess of 300 millimetres of rain within three hours. The Deputy Premier, Minister for Transport, Minister for Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Trade announced on 5 May 2015 an immediate independent

Transport Legislation (Taxi Services) Amendment Bill 2015
The Transport Legislation (Taxi Services) Amendment Bill 2015 makes amendments to enable prosecutions of illegal taxi services and increase deterrence by: simplifying offence provisions and elements of proof; introducing evidentiary aids; enhancing powers of Transport Inspectors; and increasing monetary penalties. Cabinet approved the amendments to the Transport Legislation (Taxi Services) Amendme

Major Sports Facilities and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
The Major Sports Facilities Act 2001 (the Act) provides a process by which events are ‘declared’ for the purpose of regulating advertising near event venues. The Act enables the regulation of advertising to protect event sponsors from unauthorised advertising by rival businesses that have not contributed to an event. The capacity to protect events and sponsors from unauthorised advertising makes v

Personalised Transport Reform
In October 2015, the Queensland Government commissioned an independent review of personalised transport services in Queensland called the Opportunities for Personalised Transport Review (OPT Review). The OPT Review Taskforce has delivered its final report to the government with recommendations for reform of the personalised transport industry. The Government adopted an alternative reform model in

Queensland an age friendly community strategic direction statement
The proposed seniors strategy follows the ‘age-friendly community’ model developed by the World Health Organisation (WHO), and is comprised of eight domains: social participation; transportation; respect and social inclusion; civic participation and employment; communication and information; community support and health services; housing; and outdoor spaces and buildings. Queensland: an age-friend

Transport Operations (Road Use Management) (Offensive Advertising) Bill 2016
There are occasions when vehicles display advertising images or slogans that are sexually explicit or otherwise offensive to members of the community. The advertising industry, through the Advertising Standards Bureau (ASB), provides a well-respected complaints management process based on the Australian Association of National Advertiser’s Code of Ethics (the Code). Complaints about breaches of

Government response to Committee Report into Heavy Vehicle National Law and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
The Heavy Vehicle National Law Act 2012 (HVNL) is a national scheme legislation central to the national heavy vehicle reform agenda. The Heavy Vehicle National Law Amendment Bill 2016 makes necessary changes to: reform chain of responsibility obligations and executive officer liabilities to confirm that each responsible party has a primary duty of care to ensure the safety of their transport activ

Cross River Rail Delivery Authority Bill 2016
Cross River Rail is the Queensland Government’s highest priority infrastructure project. In April 2016, the Government announced it would establish a Delivery Authority that will lead the development, procurement and delivery of the Cross River Rail project and support wider economic and social outcomes from this transformational project. In June 2016, the Queensland Government announced it would

Heavy Vehicle National Law and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
The Heavy Vehicle National Law Act 2012 (HVNL) is a national scheme legislation central to the national heavy vehicle reform agenda. The Heavy Vehicle National Law Amendment Bill 2016 makes necessary changes to: reform chain of responsibility obligations and executive officer liabilities to confirm that each responsible party has a primary duty of care to ensure the safety of their transport activ

Rail Safety National Law (Queensland) Bill 2016
The Rail Safety National Law (Queensland) Bill 2016 is a major component in implementing the national rail safety reforms in Queensland. The reforms will deliver a more consistent approach to policy and regulation across Australia, and remove economic inefficiencies that had been created by existing inconsistencies in the rail regulatory regimes between states and territories in Australia. The Bi

Transport Operations Passenger Transport Taxi and Limousine Industry Assistance Amendment Bill 2016
In August 2016, the then Minister for Transport and the Commonwealth Games announced reforms to the regulation of personalised transport in Queensland. To accompany these reforms, a $100 million Industry Adjustment Assistance Package (IAAP) was also announced in order to assist the taxi and limousine industry to adjust to an increase in competition. The IAAP includes business advisory support, tr

Appointment of member of Cross River Rail Delivery Board
The Cross River Rail Delivery Board is responsible for the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority, to lead the development, procurement and delivery of Cross River Rail and support wider economic and social outcomes from this transformational project. The role of the Cross River Rail Delivery Board is to ensure the proper, efficient and effective performance of the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority

Queensland Bus Driver Safety Review
On 29 September 2016, the former Minister for Transport and the Commonwealth Games announced a review into bus driver safety after concerns were raised by key industry stakeholders. The review considered the nature and extent of violence, and triggers of violence towards bus drivers in Queensland. The review identified 20 potential initiatives that could be implemented to reduce the risk of viole

Cross River Rail Business Case 2017
On 13 June 2017, the Deputy Premier, Minister for Transport and Minister for Infrastructure and Planning issued a Ministerial Direction under section 19 of the Building Queensland Act 2015. The Ministerial Direction stated that the Cross River Rail Business Case was to be made publicly available in a form that facilitated public awareness of, and accessibility to information about, the project.

Public Release of the Draft Master Plan for priority Port of Gladstone
The Sustainable Ports Development Act 2015 (the Ports Act) commenced on 20 November 2015, providing a legislative framework for implementing the Queensland Government’s port-related commitments and actions of the Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan (Reef 2050), including mandating master planning for Queensland’s priority ports. A draft master plan for the priority Port of Gladstone has been

Towing Industry Reforms
The towing industry in Queensland is regulated by the Tow Truck Act 1973 and Tow Truck Regulation 2009, however removing vehicles from private property, such a car parks, is not covered by the regulatory framework. In response to the growing community concerns regarding the removal of vehicles from private property the Queensland Government commissioned an independent investigation. The independe

Tow Truck and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2017
The towing industry in Queensland is regulated by the Tow Truck Act 1973 and Tow Truck Regulation 2009, however removing vehicles from private property, such a car parks, is not covered by the regulatory framework. In response to the growing community concerns regarding the removal of vehicles from private property the Queensland Government commissioned an independent investigation. The independe

Appointment of Chairperson to Queensland Rail Transit Authority (Queensland Rail) Board
The Queensland Rail Transit Authority (Queensland Rail) Board is responsible for overseeing the functions of Queensland Rail in accordance with the requirements of the Queensland Rail Transit Authority Act 2013: deciding the strategies and the operational, administrative and financial policies of Queensland Rail; ensuring Queensland Rail performs its functions and exercises its powers in a proper,

Second stage of personalised transport reform
In August 2016, the Queensland Government released Queensland’s Personalised Transport Horizon: Five Year Strategic Plan for Personalised Transport Services 2016-2021 which outlined reforms to the regulation of personalised transport in Queensland. The first stage of this reform program involved immediate changes which legalised ride-booking services such as Uber and provided a more equitable reg

Queensland Rail Train Crewing Practices Commission of Inquiry - Final Report
On 27 October 2016, the Premier and Minister for the Arts announced an independent investigation into Queensland Rail’s train crewing practices. On 25 November 2016 the investigation and its terms of reference were established as a Commission of Inquiry under Commissions of Inquiry Order (No. 2) 2016. On 31 January 2017, the Queensland Rail Train Crewing Practices Commission of Inquiry presented

Draft Queensland Tourism and Transport Strategy
Transport is vital to tourism industry success in a large, decentralised state such as Queensland. Providing a first class visitor experience requires well-coordinated interaction between the tourism and transport sectors. Efficient, easily accessible and affordable transport provides opportunities for visitors, as well as locals, to experience more of Queensland’s destinations, attractions and ev

Queensland Cycling Strategy 2017-2027
In 2011, the Queensland Cycle Strategy 2011–2021 was launched, replacing the 2003 strategy, and outlining the then Queensland Government’s policy direction, priorities and specific actions to achieve a vision of ‘more cycling, more often on safe, direct and connected routes’. The Queensland Cycling Strategy 2017–2027 carries forward the Queensland Government’s vision of ‘more cycling, more often’

Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) 2017-18 to 2020-21
The Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) is a four-year program of works, consistent with the state government’s forward estimates time frame. The QTRIP total program is $21 billion over the next four years, comprising $18.4 billion for the Transport and Main Roads, $2.5 billion for Queensland Rail and $12 million for the Gold Coast Waterways Authority. Cabinet noted the Queen

Appointment of members of Cross River Rail Delivery Board
The Cross River Rail Delivery Board is responsible for the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority, which will manage the Queensland Government’s highest priority infrastructure project. The Cross River Rail Delivery Authority will lead the development, procurement and delivery of Cross River Rail and support wider economic and social outcomes from this transformational project. The role of the Cross

Queensland’s Personalised Transport Horizon – Stage Two Reforms
In August 2016, the Queensland Government released Queensland’s Personalised Transport Horizon: Five Year Strategic Plan for Personalised Transport Services 2016-2021 which outlined reforms to the regulation of personalised transport in Queensland. The first stage of this reform program involved immediate changes which legalised ride-booking services such as Uber and provided a fairer regulatory

Gasfields Commission and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2017
The Gasfields Commission (the commission), an independent statutory body, was established to manage and improve sustainable coexistence between rural landholders, regional communities and the onshore gas industry. The commission was formally established on 1 July 2013. In December 2016, the Government considered the recommendations from an independent review of the commission and approved making a

Government Response to Parliamentary Committee report on Personalised Transport Reform Amendment Bill 2017
The Transport and Other Legislation (Personalised Transport Reform) Amendment Bill 2017 (the Bill) was introduced into the Legislative Assembly on 21 March 2017. The Bill contains a simplified regulatory framework for personalised transport services that promotes greater choice for customers while ensuring safety, accessibility and accountability in relation to the provision of these services. The

Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2017
The Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2017 (the Bill) amends eight transport Acts and four non-transport Acts. The Bill also makes a number of consequential amendments to various regulations to support primary legislation changes. The amendments reflect the Department of Transport and Main Roads’ ongoing program of maintenance and due diligence in regulatory review, ensuring that legi

Major Events (Gold Coast Commonwealth Games) Regulation 2017
The Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games (GC2018) will be held from 4 to 15 April 2018. The Major Events Act 2014 (the Act) facilitates major events being held in Queensland. Under the Act, a regulation may prescribe an event as a major event and trigger the provisions of the Act that are required for the event. The Major Events (Gold Coast Commonwealth Games) Regulation 2017 (the Regulation) will f

Heavy Vehicle National Law and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018
The Bill amends the Heavy Vehicle National Law Act 2012 (HVNL) to improve safety and productivity in the heavy vehicle transport industry, and amends Queensland transport laws to improve road safety, clarify duties of drivers involved in crashes and to improve the customer experience for learner licence applicants. The HVNL amendments are part of an ongoing national review and maintenance process.

Tow Truck and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018
The towing industry in Queensland is regulated by the Tow Truck Act 1973 and Tow Truck Regulation 2009, however, removing vehicles from private property, such a car park, is not covered by the regulatory framework. In response to the growing community concerns regarding the removal of vehicles from private property the Queensland Government commissioned an independent investigation conducted by M

Appointments to Gold Coast Waterways Authority Board
The Gold Coast Waterways Authority Act 2012 (the Act) established the Gold Coast Waterways Authority (the Authority) and Board (the Board). The Board controls the Authority. The Authority is responsible for delivering the best possible management of Gold Coast waterways. The Board is a decision making board which: reports to the Minister for Transport and Main Roads; oversees the day to day operat

Heavy Vehicle National Law Amendment Bill 2018
The Bill amends the Heavy Vehicle National Law Act 2012 (HVNL) to improve safety and productivity in the heavy vehicle transport industry. The HVNL amendments are part of an ongoing national review and maintenance process, with amendments being made to implement the following nationally agreed reforms: strengthening investigative and enforcement powers for authorised officers; increasing freight v

Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) 2018-19 to 2021-22
The Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) 2018-19 to 2021-22 is a four-year rolling program of works that details Transport and Main Roads’ infrastructure investment for roads, railways, marine, public transport and active transport initiatives. The QTRIP provides confidence for industry in a forward pipeline of works, enables planned delivery of transport infrastructure proje

Appointments to Public Transport Fares Advisory Panel
The Public Transport Fares Advisory Panel is part of Fairer Fares for South East Queensland (SEQ), the Government’s response to the SEQ Fare Review. The Public Transport Fares Advisory Panel will provide high-level, independent and specialist advice to government on proposed changes to public transport fares, products and ticketing. The Public Transport Fares Advisory Panel would build on the Fair

New Generation Rollingstock Train Commission of Inquiry - Final Report
On 23 July 2018, the Premier and Minister for Trade announced an inquiry into the procurement of Queensland’s New Generation Rollingstock (NGR) and their failure to comply with disability legislation. On 1 August 2018, the inquiry and its terms of reference were established under Commission of Inquiry Order (No.1) 2018. On 3 December 2018, the New Generation Rollingstock Train Commission of Inquir

Release of final master plan for the priority Port of Gladstone
The Sustainable Ports Development Act 2015 (the Ports Act) provides a legislative framework for the Queensland Government’s port-related commitments and actions of the Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan (Reef 2050), including mandating master planning for priority ports. The Ports Act designates the Port of Gladstone as a priority port. The master plan for the priority Port of Gladstone is a

Release of draft master plan for the priority Port of Townsville
The Sustainable Ports Development Act 2015 provides a legislative framework for the Queensland Government’s port-related commitments and actions of the Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan (Reef 2050), including mandating master planning for four priority ports. The Sustainable Ports Development Act 2015 designates the Port of Townsville as one of the priority ports. The draft master plan for t

Appointments to Board of Gold Coast Waterways Authority
The Gold Coast Waterways Authority Act 2012 (the Act) established the Gold Coast Waterways Authority (the Authority) and Board (the Board). Section 43 of the Act provides that the Board controls the Authority. The Authority is responsible for delivering the best possible management of Gold Coast waterways. The Board is a decision making board which: reports to the Minister for Transport and Main R

Personalised Transport Ombudsman Bill 2019
The Personalised Transport Ombudsman Bill 2019 (the Bill) establishes a new legislative framework to deliver a Personalised Transport Ombudsman (PTO) and makes amendments to the Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Act 1994 (TOPTA), Integrity Act 2009, Public Service Act 2008, Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act 1998 and Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 for various purposes. The Bill wil

Transport Legislation (Road Safety and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 2019
The Bill amends several transport Acts with a focus on road safety initiatives. The road safety amendments intend to reduce death and serious injury caused by drink drivers and speeding drivers. Key road safety initiatives will enhance the Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program (Interlock Program) to motivate and support drink drivers to separate their drinking from driving. Amendments will introduce

Heavy Vehicle National Law Amendment Bill 2019
The Bill amends the Heavy Vehicle National Law Act 2012 (HVNL) to improve safety and productivity in the heavy vehicle transport industry. Amendments to the HVNL would clarify existing requirements, create consistency with national workplace health and safety laws, and further improve national rules and standards that apply to heavy vehicles. A number of provisions would improve roadside enforceme

Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) 2019-20 to 2022-23
The Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) 2019-20 to 2022-23 is a four-year rolling program of works that details the Department of Transport and Main Roads’ infrastructure investment for roads, railways, marine, public transport and active transport initiatives. The QTRIP provides confidence for industry in a forward pipeline of works, enabling planned delivery of transport i

Queensland Rail Citytrain infill service timetable
Queensland Rail proposed to improve Citytrain services. Cabinet approved Queensland Rail improve services on the Citytrain network. Cabinet noted the Translink Journey Planner website would be updated. Attachments Nil.

Implementation of full-service Citytrain timetable
The Redcliffe Peninsula Line opened on 4 October 2016, adding six new stations and 12.6 kilometres of track to the Citytrain network. A new timetable was introduced the same day, increasing the number of weekly services across the network. Over the following months, traincrew shortages caused widespread disruptions. A downgraded timetable was introduced on 23 January 2017 and remained the foundati

Queensland Walking Strategy 2019-2029
The development of the Queensland Walking Strategy recognises the critical role that walking plays as part of a single integrated transport system accessible to everyone and as part of a healthy, active lifestyle for all Queenslanders. The Queensland Walking Strategy 2019–2029 carries forward the Queensland Government’s vision to ‘make walking an easy choice for everyone, every day' and identifies

Response to consultation RIS on In-Service Safety for Automated Vehicles
The National Transport Commission (NTC) is undertaking a comprehensive reform agenda to develop an end to end regulatory framework for Automated Vehicles (AVs) that will support their safe deployment in Australia. On 1 July 2019, the NTC released a consultation Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) on InService Safety for AVs. The RIS examined the need for regulation to assure the safety of AVs used

Implementation status New Generation Rollingstock Train Commission of Inquiry
In July 2018, the Premier and Minister for Trade announced an inquiry into the procurement of Queensland’s New Generation Rollingstock (NGR) and their failure to comply with disability legislation. On 1 August 2018, the inquiry and its terms of reference were established under Commission of Inquiry Order (No.1) 2018. In December 2018, the New Generation Rollingstock Train Commission of Inquiry pre

Final Master Plan Port of Townsville and draft port overlays Townsville and Gladstone
The Sustainable Ports Development Act 2015 (the Ports Act) provides a legislative framework for the Queensland Government’s port-related commitments and actions of the Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan, including mandating master planning for priority ports. The Ports Act designates the ports of Townsville and Gladstone as priority ports. The master plan for the priority Port of Townsville i

Appointment to Queensland Rail Transit Authority Board
The Queensland Rail Transit Authority (Queensland Rail) Board is responsible for overseeing the functions of Queensland Rail in accordance with the requirements of the Queensland Rail Transit Authority Act 2013 (QRTA Act). Appointments to the board of Queensland Rail are made by responsible Ministers in accordance with the requirements of the entity’s enabling legislation. It is desirable for boa

Transport Legislation (Disability Parking and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 2019
The Queensland Government is committed to creating a future where Queenslanders with a disability have the same access to opportunities as every other Queenslander. The Department of Transport and Main Roads administers Queensland’s Disability Parking Permit Scheme, providing convenient access to facilities in wide parking bays. Eligibility for a disability parking permit is based on the applicant

Coomera Connector project update
The 45km Coomera Connector corridor between Loganholme and Nerang was formally confirmed in the Queensland Government Gazette on 15 March 2019. The Coomera Connector is a major infrastructure project that will provide an alternate route to the M1, reduce travel times and protect the M1's vital role as part of the National Land Transport Network. Recent traffic figures, in addition to unprecedente

Appointments to Boards of QIC Limited and Queensland Rail Transit Authority
The Boards of Government owned corporations (GOCs) are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under section 89(1) of the GOC Act, directors of GOCs are appointed by the Governor in Council. The Queensland Rail Transit Authority (Queensland R

Queensland Rail uplift in services
On Monday 29 July 2019, Queensland Rail returned to a full-service Citytrain timetable (8290 weekly services) after operating on downgraded timetables for more than two years since widespread service disruptions began in October 2016. Since the return to full-service, Queensland Rail has been able to maintain a reliable and sustainable timetable. In early 2020, Queensland Rail will deliver an up

Transport and Other Legislation (Road Safety, Technology and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 2020
To improve safety on Queensland roads and support the introduction of the Digital Licence App, the Transport and Other Legislation (Road Safety, Technology and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 2020 (the Bill) amends the: Gaming Machine Act 1992 Keno Act 1996 Liquor Act 1992 Photo Identification Card Act 2008 Public Safety Preservation Act 1986 Summary Offences Act 2005 Tobacco and Other Smoking Prod

Appointment to Gold Coast Waterways Authority Board
The Gold Coast Waterways Authority Act 2012 (the Act) established the Gold Coast Waterways Authority (GCWA) and the Gold Coast Waterways Authority Board (the Board). Section 43 of the Act provides that the Board controls the Authority. The GCWA is responsible for delivering the best possible management of Gold Coast waterways. The Board is a decision-making board which: reports to the Minister for

Implementation status - New Generation Rollingstock Train Commission of Inquiry
In July 2018, the Premier and Minister for Trade announced an inquiry into the procurement of Queensland’s New Generation Rollingstock (NGR) and its failure to comply with disability legislation. On 1 August 2018, the Inquiry and its terms of reference were established under Commission of Inquiry Order (No.1) 2018. In December 2018, the NGR Train Commission of Inquiry (Commission of Inquiry) prese

Appointments to Gold Coast Waterways Authority Board
The Gold Coast Waterways Authority Act 2012 (the Act) established the Gold Coast Waterways Authority (GCWA) and the Gold Coast Waterways Authority Board (the Board). Section 43 of the Act provides that the Board controls the Authority. The GCWA is responsible for delivering the best possible management of Gold Coast waterways and for facilitating the implementation of the Spit Master Plan through

Queensland Accessible Transport Advisory Council
The establishment of the Queensland Accessible Transport Advisory Council (the Council) will provide disability sector representatives and vulnerable customers an unprecedented opportunity for early and authentic consultation on all Queensland wide major transport projects at every stage of the project lifecycle, making Queensland a leader in co-design and universal design principles. The Council

Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) 2020-21 to 2023-24
The Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) 2020–21 to 2023–24 is a program of works that details the Department of Transport and Main Roads’ infrastructure investment for roads, railways, marine, public transport and active transport initiatives. The QTRIP provides confidence for industry in a forward pipeline of works, enabling planned delivery of transport infrastructure proj

Appointments to Gold Coast Waterways Authority Board
The Gold Coast Waterways Authority Act 2012 (the Act) established the Gold Coast Waterways Authority (the Authority) and Gold Coast Waterways Authority Board (the Board). Section 43 of the Act provides that the Board controls the Authority. The Authority is responsible for delivering the best possible management of Gold Coast waterways and for the implementation of the Spit Master Plan through the

Appointments to Queensland Accessible Transport Advisory Council
The establishment of the Queensland Accessible Transport Advisory Council (Council) provides disability-sector representatives and vulnerable customers an unprecedented opportunity for early and authentic consultation on all Queensland-wide, major transport projects at every stage of the project lifecycle, making Queensland a leader in co-design and universal design principles. The Council is to

Cross River Rail project progress update
Cross River Rail is a $5.4 billion investment in South East Queensland’s transport infrastructure. The project is injecting $4.1 million per day into the economy, 90 per cent of this directly into the Queensland economy. More than 800 Queensland suppliers and sub-contractors have already benefitted from the project, and over 2,400 people have worked on the project to date. The project has maintain

Creating Better Connections for Queenslanders a draft 10-year plan for Queensland passenger transport
A draft 10-year plan for passenger transport in Queensland Creating Better Connections for Queenslanders (the draft plan) has been developed to set out the priorities and key initiatives for passenger transport in Queensland. The draft plan has five key priorities: Reliable and safe services – services customers can depend on to get them where they need to go, when they need to be there.   Respons

Personalised Transport Ombudsman Repeal Bill 2021
The appointment of the Personalised Transport Ombudsman (PTO) under the Personalised Transport Ombudsman Act 2019 (PTO Act) was deferred due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the personalised transport industry. The Department of Transport and Main Roads undertook a review and looked at whether a newly created PTO would provide the stated benefits to industry, particularly as operators re

Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) 2021-22 to 2024-25
The Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) 2021–22 to 2024–25 is a program of works that details the Department of Transport and Main Roads’ infrastructure investment for road, rail, marine, public transport and active transport initiatives. The QTRIP provides confidence for industry in a forward pipeline of works, enabling planned delivery of transport infrastructure projects

Response to National Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement
The Australian Government is considering reforms to the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002 (DSAPT). DSAPT is commonwealth legislation made under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cwlth) (DDA). It applies to public transport services including infrastructure, premises and conveyances and aims to remove and mitigate discriminatory practices. The DSAPT reform process is b

Update on delivery of stage one of the Coomera Connector
The Coomera Connector is the long-term transport solution that will meet current and future population growth in the northern Gold Coast and Logan areas, and relieve congestion on the Pacific Motorway (M1) between Loganholme and Nerang. The priority is the 16-kilometre first stage of the Coomera Connector from Coomera to Nerang, with construction commencing mid-2021. The Department of Transport an

National Road Safety Strategy 2021-30
The National Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030 articulates how Australia will work towards the goal of zero road trauma deaths by 2050. It sets ten-year targets to reduce the number of fatalities and serious injuries arising from road trauma, in alignment with the 2050 target. The Department of Transport and Main Roads has worked with the Australian Government’s Office of Road Safety Cross-jurisdicti

Action Plan for Walking 2022-2024
The Queensland Walking Strategy 2019–2029 was released in 2019 and is a whole-of-Government strategy that reflects the Queensland Government's vision for walking to be 'an easy choice for everyone, every day'. It was accompanied by a two-year Action Plan for Walking 2019–2021 and the Walking in Queensland Report 2019. The Action Plan for Walking 2019–2021 has delivered achievements across Governm

Queenslands Zero Emission Vehicle Strategy 2022-2032 and Action Plan 2022-2024
The Queensland Government has committed to significant emissions reductions targets. Reducing transport and energy sector emissions is a complex and challenging task which requires a multifaceted and holistic solution to deliver greater dividends in the future and minimise higher future costs. Queensland Government (and industry) action and investment is required to deliver a range of broader econ

Transport Legislation (Road Safety and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 2022
The objectives of the Transport Legislation (Road Safety and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 2022 (the Bill) are to improve road safety, allow a broader range of motorised mobility devices (MMDs), make improvements to court and other processes, and make minor enhancements to transport and housing legislation. Amendments to the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 (the TORUM Act) impro

Appointment of a director of the Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited Board
The Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited Board is a Government owned corporation (GOCs) port authority responsible for managing the Ports of Gladstone, Bundaberg and Alma (Rockhampton). The boards of GOCs are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgemen

Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) 2022-23 to 2025-26
The Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) 2022-23 to 2025-26 is a program of works that details the Department of Transport and Main Roads’ infrastructure investment for road, rail, marine, public transport and active transport initiatives. The QTRIP provides confidence for industry in a forward pipeline of works, enabling planned delivery of transport infrastructure projects

Response to Reforms of Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport
The Australian Government is considering reforms to the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002 (the Transport Standards). In March 2021 for stage 1 and in October 2021 for stage 2, the Australian Government sought input from operators and providers of public transport services to inform a cost benefit analysis on the proposed options. The stage 2 Consultation RIS focuses on 54

Draft Master Plans for priority ports Hay Point-Mackay & Abbot Point
The Sustainable Ports Development Act 2015 (the Ports Act) provides the legislative framework for the Queensland Government’s port-related commitments and actions of the Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan, including mandating master planning for the priority ports. The Ports Act designates the ports of Hay Point/Mackay and Abbot Point as priority ports. The draft master plans for the priority

Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program 2023-24 to 2026-27
The Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) 2023-24 to 2026-27 is a program of works that details the Department of Transport and Main Roads’ (TMR) infrastructure investment for road, rail, marine, public transport and active transport initiatives. The QTRIP provides confidence for industry in a forward pipeline of works, enabling planned delivery of transport infrastructure pro

Tow Truck Bill 2023
The Tow Truck Act 1973 (the Act) provides the regulatory framework for the safe and efficient retrieval of vehicles from crash sites and various other locations, in regulated areas of Queensland. While elements of the current Act have been updated over the years, Queensland's regulated tow truck scheme has remained largely unchanged for decades. The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR)

Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
The objectives of the Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2023 (the Bill) are to: facilitate the transition of certain regulatory services from the Department of Transport and Main Roads to the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR); and improve road safety, improve administrative and legislative processes, and clarify existing requirements. To ensure the continuity of regulatory servi

Appointments to Gold Coast Waterways Authority Board
The Gold Coast Waterways Authority Act 2012 (the Act) established the Gold Coast Waterways Authority (GCWA) and Gold Coast Waterways Authority Board (the Board). Section 43 of the Act provides that the Board controls the GCWA. The GCWA is responsible for delivering the best possible management of Gold Coast waterways and for the implementation of The Spit Master Plan through the development and de