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Your search for Training returned 74 record/s.
Queensland Skills Plan 2008 and Positive Dreaming, Solid Futures
Through consultations with industry, students, schools, training providers and communities, the Department of Education, Training and the Arts (DETA) and the Department of Employment and Industrial Relations (DEIR) updated the Queensland Skills Plan to ensure that the State retains a comprehensive response to the labour market. In response to Action 19 of the Queensland Skills Plan, DETA and DEI

Qld Government endorsement of Australian Employment Covenant
Indigenous people are the most disadvantaged group in Australia. Through the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) all states and territories have committed to implement strategies aimed at halving the employment gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians within a decade. The private sector made its own commitment to support closing the indigenous employment gap by announcing the A

Education and Training Legislation (Skills Queensland) Amendment Bill 2010
The Education and Training Legislation (Skills Queensland) Amendment Bill 2010 amends the Vocational Education, Training and Employment Act 2000 to establish an industry led skills commission in Queensland, to be called Skills Queensland. The establishment of Skills Queensland marks a new approach to ensuring that Queensland’s skills system meets the needs of a growing and diversifying Queensland

Education and Training Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
The Education and Training Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 (the Bill) will amend legislation administered by the Department of Education and Training to provide for the following matters: Power of State school principals to exclude a student On 18 December 2009, the Minister for Education and Training announced the Government’s commitment to grant State school principals the power to exclude stude

Qld Post-secondary Education and Training (QPET) Review
Queensland’s publicly funded vocational education and training system provides accredited training to 280,000 students including 93,000 apprentices and trainees. The state’s higher education sector provides education to more than 208,000 students including over 158,000 undergraduate students. In 2011 the Government commissioned an independent review of vocational education and training and higher

Vocational Education and Training (Commonwealth Powers) and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2011
In December 2009, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreed to national reforms to the regulation of vocational education and training (VET) including the establishment of a national VET regulator. COAG developed an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) which required signatories to refer legislative power to the Commonwealth to allow it to regulate VET. All states and territories, includi

Appointment of Chair and Director Board Aviation Australia Pty Ltd
Aviation Australia Pty Ltd provides aviation training to support the development of Queensland as an aviation and aerospace hub for the Asia-Pacific region, and is a centre of excellence for education and training for the aviation industry. The constitution of Aviation Australia Pty Ltd defines the objectives for which the Company is established as to: facilitate the setup and establishment of a

TAFE Qld Bill 2013
The TAFE Queensland Bill 2013 establishes TAFE Queensland as the public provider of vocational education and training (VET) in Queensland. The Government commissioned the Queensland Skills and Training Taskforce to review the VET sector in Queensland and one of the Taskforce’s key recommendations was the establishment of TAFE Queensland as an independent body. The Bill is being introduced as a re

VETE Skills Qld Amendment Bill 2013
The Vocational Education, Training and Employment (Skills Queensland) and Another Act Amendment Bill 2013 will: amend the Vocational Education, Training and Employment Act 2000 to abolish Skills Queensland and transfer its functions relating to apprentices and trainees, vocational placements, group training organisations, principal employer organisations, employment exemptions and non-departmental

Review of Qld Government Building and Construction Training and Employment Policies
Reviews of the Queensland Government Building and Construction Contracts Structured Training Policy and the Indigenous Employment Policy for Queensland Government Building and Civil Construction Projects have been completed. These two policies are to be replaced with a single policy, the Queensland Government Building and Construction Training Policy. The new Queensland Government Building and Con

Appointments to the TAFE Queensland Board
The TAFE Queensland Board (the Board) is established as the governing body of TAFE Queensland under the TAFE Queensland Act 2013. Part 2, division 3 of the Act outlines the functions of the Board which includes to: ensure it operates in accordance with its operational plan and, as far as possible, achieves the performance targets and objectives stated in the plan; account to the Minister for its p

Reform action plan for vocational education and training in Qld
The Queensland Government Response to the Queensland Skills and Training Taskforce committed to providing a reform action plan for vocational education and training by mid-2013. The Plan outlines actions that will transform the vocational education and training sector in Queensland into a contestable, vibrant and employment focused training market. The Plan: gives industry and employers a central

Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013
The Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 provides for amendments to the Agricultural College Act 2005 (the Act) to restructure and rename the Australian Agricultural College Corporation and to replace the existing advisory board with a new governing board. The Australian Agricultural College Corporation (AACC) is established under the Act as a corporation sole. As a Registered Training Authori

Appointment Building and Construction Industry Training Fund
The Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (QLD) Ltd (BCITF) has been established as the skills centre of excellence for the building and construction industry and is a not for profit company limited by guarantee, with sole membership being the State of Queensland, through the Minister for Education, Training and Employment. The skills centre of excellence represents a partnership model

Appointments Board of Aviation Australia Pty Ltd
Aviation Australia Pty Ltd provides aviation training to support the development of Queensland as an aviation and aerospace hub for the Asia-Pacific region, and is a centre of excellence in education and training for the aviation industry. The constitution of Aviation Australia Pty Ltd defines the objectives for which the Company is established as to: facilitate the setup and establishment of a

Appointments Qld Training Assets Management Authority Board
The Government is reforming the provision of vocational education and training (VET) services in the State. That reform process follows recommendations made by the Queensland Skills and Training Taskforce and the Independent Commission of Audit. The Queensland Training Assets Management Authority Act 2014 established the Queensland Training Assets Management Authority (QTAMA) as the specialist m

TAFE Qld Dual Sector Entity Amendment Bill 2014
The TAFE Queensland (Dual Sector Entity) Amendment Bill 2014 provides for the creation of dual sector entities in Queensland. A dual sector entity is an entity that delivers both higher education and vocational education and training (VET). In delivering VET, the dual sector entity can use the term TAFE. The Bill will enable the merger between Central Queensland University and Central Queensland

Further Education and Training Bill 2014
The Further Education and Training Bill 2014 will: repeal the Vocational Education, Training and Employment Act 2000; create new training legislation for Queensland to support the Government’s reform priorities for vocational education and training (VET), including streamlining and modernising the State’s regulatory system for apprenticeships and traineeships; and repeal the Higher Education (Gene

Qld Training Assets Management Authority Bill 2014
The Government is reforming the provision of vocational education and training (VET) services in the State. That reform process follows recommendations made by the Queensland Skills and Training Taskforce and the Independent Commission of Audit. The transfer of State VET assets to a specialist management entity is part of the Government’s VET reforms, and is intended to: allow TAFE Queensland a

Progress Report - additional apprenticeships
The Government committed to “provide up to $86 million for 10,000 additional apprenticeships over six years to meet the looming skills shortage from 2012-13”. This commitment was announced as part of the pledge to revamp Queensland’s skills and training, and significantly boost apprenticeship opportunities for Queenslanders. The funding commitment for this strategy is $8 million to be made availa

Appointments to Australian Agricultural College Advisory Board and Local College Boards
The Australian Agricultural College Corporation (AACC), established under the Agricultural College Act 2005, is to be restructured from a corporation sole to a statutory body. It will also be renamed as the Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges (QATC). The QATC is to have a governing board responsible for the strategic direction and financial management of the corporation. It will also have bo

Strategy Update - additional apprenticeships over six years from 2012-13 to 2017-18
The Government committed to provide up to $86 million for 10,000 additional apprenticeships over six years to meet the looming skills shortage from 2012-13. This commitment was announced as part of the promise to revamp Queensland’s skills and training sector, and significantly boost apprenticeship opportunities for Queenslanders. Cabinet noted the progress against the 10,000 additional apprenti

Appointment to Board of Aviation Australia Pty Ltd
Aviation Australia Pty Ltd provides aviation training to support the development of Queensland as an aviation and aerospace hub for the Asia-Pacific region, and is a centre of excellence in education and training for the aviation industry. The constitution of Aviation Australia Pty Ltd defines the objectives for which the Company is established as to: facilitate the setup and establishment of a

Qld Training Assets Repeal Bill 2015
The Queensland Training Assets Management Authority Repeal Bill 2015: repeals the Queensland Training Assets Management Authority Act 2014 and abolishes the Queensland Training and Assets Management Authority (QTAMA); transfers the assets and liabilities of QTAMA to the Department of Education and Training; provides that the Chief Executive Officer and the board members go out of office; and p

Further Education and Training (Training Ombudsman) Amendment Bill 2015
Working Queensland sets out the Queensland Government’s plan for creating jobs and lowering unemployment in order to lead Queensland to future prosperity. It also includes the commitment to establish an independent Training Ombudsman with the power to investigate complaints made about vocational education and training (VET), including apprenticeships and traineeships, in Queensland. The Further E

Appointment Board of Building and Construction Industry Training Fund
The Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (QLD) Ltd (BCITF) has been established as the skills centre of excellence for the building and construction industry and is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, with sole membership being the State of Queensland, through the Minister for Training and Skills. The skills centre of excellence represents a partnership model between industr

Jobs Queensland Bill 2015
Working Queensland sets out the Queensland Government’s plan for creating jobs and lowering unemployment in order to lead Queensland to future prosperity. It also includes the commitment to establish Jobs Queensland as an independent statutory entity providing strategic industry advice to Government on skills demand and long-term workforce planning, with a focus on making the Queensland vocationa

Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education and Training Advisory Committee
The Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education and Training Advisory Committee (QATSIETAC) is established under section 412 of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006. The QATSIETAC terms of reference enable the committee to provide advice on policy and implementation issues relating to matters such as: early childhood education and care; school attendance and engagement; educa

Appointment to Building and Construction Industry Training Fund
The Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (QLD) Ltd (BCITF) has been established as the Skills Centre of Excellence for the building and construction industry and is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, with sole membership being the State of Queensland, through the Minister responsible for the Training portfolio. The Skills Centre of Excellence represents a partnership model

Appointment to Jobs Queensland
The Jobs Queensland Act 2015 established Jobs Queensland as an independent statutory entity with key functions to give advice to the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Minister for Training and Skills about: the skills it anticipates will be needed for particular industries and regional areas; future workforce development and planning; and the apprenticeship and traineeship system in Qu

Draft International Education and Training Strategy to Advance Queensland 2016-2026
The Draft International Education and Training Strategy to Advance Queensland 2016-2026 (draft strategy) articulates the Queensland Government’s vision for the international education and training (IET) industry, and provides a framework for industry and government to work together to grow the industry and enhance the state’s reputation as a leading global provider of IET services. The draft strat

Consultation on Ten Year Strategic Training Asset Management Plan
The vocational, education and training (VET) sector has undergone significant changes in recent years and will continue to contribute to the economic growth of Queensland. Recognising that state-owned training assets will continue to play a vital role in facilitating VET delivery, the Government is developing a ten year Strategic Training Asset Management Plan (STAMP) to maximise the training and

Advancing skills for the future - a strategy for vocational education and training in Queensland
Advancing skills for the future: a strategy for vocational education and training in Queensland outlines the Queensland Government’s vision for vocational education and training (VET) and key actions to implement this vision. The draft strategy proposes initiatives across three key areas: Industry and innovation focuses on collaboration with industry to identify skills priorities, and positioning

Appointments to the TAFE Queensland Board
The TAFE Queensland Board (the Board) is established as the governing body of TAFE Queensland under the TAFE Queensland Act 2013 (the Act). Section 13 of the Act outlines the functions of the Board which includes to: ensure it operates in accordance with its operational plan and, as far as possible, achieves the performance targets and objectives stated in the plan; account to the Minister for its

International Education and Training Strategy to Advance Queensland 2016-2026
The Queensland Government has developed a strategy for international education and training, following consultation with industry on the Draft International Education and Training Strategy to Advance Queensland 2016-2026 in June 2016. The International Education and Training Strategy to Advance Queensland 2016-2026 (IET Strategy) outlines the government’s commitment and vision for the internationa

Appointment of members of Jobs Queensland
The Jobs Queensland Act 2015 established Jobs Queensland as an independent statutory entity with key functions to give advice to the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Minister for Training and Skills about: the skills it anticipates will be needed for particular industries and regional areas; future workforce development and planning; and the apprenticeship and traineeship system in Q

Appointment of the Training Ombudsman
The Further Education and Training Act 2014 provides for the appointment of the Training Ombudsman as an independent statutory position aimed at restoring accountability within the training sector by providing vocational education and training (VET) stakeholders with dispute resolution services for what can be a very complex sector. The Training Ombudsman provides complete wrap around support for

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education and Training Draft Action Plan
Closing the Gap in early childhood education, school education and training outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people remains a high priority for the Palaszczuk Government. Advancing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education and Training: A draft action plan for Queensland aims to enhance the ‘closing the gap’ agenda, advocating a vision aimed at achieving equity and excellen

Youth Engagement Plan and Youth Engagement Alliance
Successful completion of Year 12 or equivalent education is linked to positive outcomes in almost every part of life – employment opportunities, income, health, family and community participation. For those students who are disengaged or at-risk of disengaging from formal education, targeted re-engagement efforts increase their chances of enjoying the benefits of further education, training and em

Appointments to Board of Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges
The Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges (QATC) is a corporation established under the Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges Act 2005. The corporation is comprised of a governing board of up to seven members appointed by the Governor in Council. The governing board for QATC is responsible for the way QATC performs its functions and exercises its powers. The terms of appointment of the mem

Appointments to Board of Building and Construction Industry Training Fund
The Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (QLD) Ltd (BCITF) has been established as the skills centre of excellence for the building and construction industry and is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, with sole membership being the State of Queensland, through the Minister for Training and Skills. The skills centre of excellence represents a partnership model between industr

Appointments to Board of Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (Construction Skills Queensland)
The Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (Qld) Ltd (BCITF) has been established as the skills centre of excellence for the building and construction industry and is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, with sole membership being the State of Queensland, through the Minister for Training and Skills. The skills centre of excellence represents a partnership model between industr

Appointments to Board of Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (Construction Skills Queensland)
The Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (QLD) Ltd (BCITF) has been established as the skills centre of excellence for the building and construction industry and is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, with sole membership being the State of Queensland, through the Minister for Training and Skills Development. The skills centre of excellence represents a partnership model bet

Positive Futures - Apprenticeships and Traineeships in Queensland, a Jobs Queensland report
Jobs Queensland, an independent statutory authority, was established to provide strategic advice to the Government on future skills requirements, workforce planning and development issues, and the apprenticeship and traineeship system in Queensland. In June 2017, Jobs Queensland provided the report Positive Futures: Apprentices and Trainees in Queensland (Positive Futures). The report was the outc

Skills for Queensland Discussion Paper
The Skills for Queensland discussion paper has been prepared and provides the opportunity to engage with stakeholders across Queensland to explore key areas that will optimise the effectiveness of vocational education and training (VET) investment and ensure a focus on skills for jobs of the future, aligned with industry demand. VET is critical in delivering the training and skills needed by Queen

Jobs Queensland - Advancing Manufacturing Skills - Skills Training and Workforce Development Strategy
Jobs Queensland’s (JQ) Advancing Manufacturing Skills: A Skills, Training and Workforce Development Strategy for the Manufacturing Industry in Queensland (the strategy) has been developed as part of the Queensland Advanced Manufacturing 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan. The strategy identifies the opportunities and challenges within Queensland’s manufacturing industry, and outlines how the dynamic

Appointments to Aviation Australia Board
TAFE Queensland, a statutory body established under the TAFE Queensland Act 2013, acquired Aviation Australia Pty. Ltd (AA) on 1 October 2017. Under sections 108 to 113 of the Aviation Australia Constitution (the Constitution), as the sole member of the company, TAFEQ can increase or decrease the number of Directors and can appoint or remove Directors. Under section 133 of the Constitution, the

Appointments to Jobs Queensland
The Jobs Queensland Act 2015 (the Act) established Jobs Queensland as an independent statutory entity with key functions to give advice to the Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development about: the skills it anticipates will be needed for particular industries and regional areas; future workforce development and planning; and the apprenticeship and t

Appointments to TAFE Queensland Board
The TAFE Queensland Board is established as the governing body of TAFEQ under the TAFE Queensland Act 2013 (the Act). Sections 12 and 14 of the Act provide that the TAFE Queensland Board will comprise the following members appointed by the Governor in Council: one nominee of the Minister; and at least six but no more than eight persons who are eligible for appointment as a member under section 14

Queensland Skills Strategy - Skills for Queensland-Great Training for Quality Jobs
Skills are a key driver of economic growth. Skilled individuals have increased labour force participation outcomes and labour productivity, and a skilled workforce contributes to global competitiveness, job creation, and economic and social prosperity. Targeted investment in skills, training and workforce development is central to support a diverse labour market and to continue to grow the economy

Appointment of members of Aviation Australia Board
TAFE Queensland is a statutory body established under the TAFE Queensland Act 2013 and acquired Aviation Australia Pty Ltd (AA) on 1 October 2017. AA provides aviation training to support the development of Queensland as an aviation and aerospace hub for the Asia-Pacific region and to provide a centre of excellence for education and training for the aviation industry. Under sections 108 to 113 of

Appointments to Board of Building and Construction Industry Training Fund
The Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (QLD) Ltd (BCITF) is established as the skills centre of excellence for the building and construction industry and is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, with sole membership being the State of Queensland, through the Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development. The skills centre of exce

Appointment to Jobs Queensland
The statutory entity Jobs Queensland was established under the Jobs Queensland Act 2015. Jobs Queensland is an independent body which provides strategic advice to Government on skills demand, the apprenticeship and traineeship system, and long-term workforce development and planning, engaging with industry bodies, stakeholders and relevant organisations to develop its advice and priorities, and co

Revitalisation of Queensland Training Infrastructure
In November 2017, the Government released its Pathways to Training, Skills and Jobs policy which announced the Advancing Our Training Infrastructure (AOTI) initiative to invest up to $85 million across several training sites as part of the long-term plan to revitalise the State’s training portfolio. The AOTI funding commenced in 2018–19, with $30 million available, a further $30 million allocated

Workers Compensation & Rehabilitation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019
The Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019 (the Bill) amends the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 (WCR Act), the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Regulation 2014 (WCR Regulation), the Further Education and Training Act 2014 (FET Act) and the TAFE Queensland Act 2013 (TAFEQ Act). In addition, the Bill repeals the Commonwealth Game

Appointment of Chair of Directors of Aviation Australia Board
TAFE Queensland (TAFEQ) is a statutory body established under the TAFE Queensland Act 2013 and acquired Aviation Australia Pty Ltd (Aviation Australia) on 1 October 2017. Aviation Australia supports the development of Queensland as an aviation and aerospace hub and provides education and training for the aviation industry. Under sections 108 to 113 of the Aviation Australia Constitution (the Const

Amendments during consideration in detail of Agriculture and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019
The Agriculture and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019 (the Bill) was introduced into the Legislative Assembly on 22 August 2019. Clause 132 of the Bill amends section 10A of the Summary Offences Act 2005 to provide (broadly) that a gathering of three or more people on such used for specified purposes is unlawful if the conduct of the gathered persons, taken together, would cause a person in t

Appointments to Board of Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (Qld) Ltd
The Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (QLD) Ltd (BCITF) has been established as the skills centre of excellence for the building and construction industry and is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, with sole membership being the State of Queensland, through the Minister for Training and Skills Development. The skills centre of excellence represents a partnership model bet

Appointments to Jobs Queensland
The statutory entity Jobs Queensland was established under the Jobs Queensland Act 2015 (“the Act”). Jobs Queensland is an independent entity which provides strategic advice to Government on skills demand, the apprenticeship and traineeship system, and long-term workforce development and planning. It engages with industry bodies, stakeholders and relevant organisations to develop its advice and p

Appointment of Queensland Training Ombudsman
The Queensland Training Ombudsman (QTO) is a statutory position that reports directly to the Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development (the Minister). The QTO is established under section 112B(1) of the Further Education and Training Act 2014. The QTO provides a dedicated single point of contact to support consumers with advocacy, comprehensive adv

Appointments to Board of Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (Qld) Ltd
The Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (QLD) Ltd (BCITF) has been established as the skills centre of excellence for the building and construction industry and is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, with sole membership being the State of Queensland, through the Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development. The skills centre o

Appointment of Chairperson to Building and Construction Industry Training Fund Board
The Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (QLD) Ltd (BCITF) has been established as the skills centre of excellence for the building and construction industry and is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, with sole membership being the State of Queensland, through the Minister for Employment and Minister for Training and Skills Development. The skills centre of excellence repres

Appointment to Jobs Queensland
The statutory entity Jobs Queensland was established under the Jobs Queensland Act 2015. Jobs Queensland is an independent body which provides strategic advice to Government on skills demand, the apprenticeship and traineeship system, and long-term workforce development and planning. It engages with industry bodies, stakeholders and relevant organisations to develop its advice and priorities and c

Appointment Board of the Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (Qld) Ltd
The Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (QLD) Ltd (BCITF) has been established as the skills centre of excellence for the building and construction industry and is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, with sole membership being the State of Queensland, through the Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development. The skills centre o

Appointments TAFE Queensland Board
The TAFE Queensland (TAFEQ) Board is established as the governing body of TAFEQ under the TAFE Queensland Act 2013 (the Act). Sections 12 and 14 of the Act provide that the TAFEQ Board consists of the following persons appointed by the Governor in Council: one nominee of the Minister; at least six but no more than eight persons who are eligible for appointment as a member under section 14 of the A

Appointment of Chair of Directors of the Aviation Australia Board
TAFE Queensland (TAFEQ) is a statutory body established under the TAFE Queensland Act 2013 and acquired Aviation Australia Pty. Ltd (Aviation Australia) on 1 October 2017. Aviation Australia was established with the purpose and objective to provide aviation training, and to provide a centre of excellence for education and training for the aviation industry Under sections 108 to 113 of the Aviatio

Release of the Hydrogen Industry Workforce Development Roadmap 2022-2032
The hydrogen industry has been identified by the Queensland Government as a key economic priority due to the state’s potential as a global supplier and the industry’s relevance to the shift to a low carbon economy. The successful development of Queensland’s hydrogen industry will require a skilled, hydrogen-ready workforce supported by quality training pathways. The Hydrogen Industry Workforce Dev

Response to the Queensland Training Ombudsman Review of Support Provided to Queensland Apprentices and Trainees
On 29 July 2021, the Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development announced the Queensland Training Ombudsman (QTO) would examine the support available for Queensland apprentices and trainees, with a focus on the support for female apprentices and trainees in traditionally male-dominated occupations. On 31 January 2022, Mr Geoff Favell, QTO submitted

The First Nations Training Strategy
Under the $200 million Future Skills Fund, the Queensland Government committed to developing a First Nations Training Strategy (the Strategy), with the objective to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities to develop skills relevant to local needs and compete for jobs in the future economy. The Strategy, titled ‘Paving the Way’ has been developed following extensive con

Appointment of Queensland Training Ombudsman
The Further Education and Training Act 2014 (the Act) established the Queensland Training Ombudsman (QTO) as an independent statutory position which commenced operation in September 2015. Section 112B of the Act provides that there must be a QTO. In summary, the functions of the QTO provides a dedicated single point of contact to support vocational education and training (VET) consumers with advoc

Appointments to Jobs Queensland Board
In 2016 the Queensland Government established Jobs Queensland (JQ) through the Jobs Queensland Act 2015 (the Act) as an independent statutory entity to provide advice to government on anticipated skills demand, future workforce planning and development, and the apprenticeship and traineeship system. The Act provide that the Jobs Queensland Board consists of: at least seven but no more than twelve

Appointments to Manufacturing Skills Queensland Board
The Queensland Government’s Making it in Queensland: Building a Stronger Manufacturing Sector policy committed to further building the state’s manufacturing industry by providing $16.5 million to establish Manufacturing Skills Queensland (MSQ). Under this commitment, MSQ is an independent, not-for-profit, industry body to support employers, workers, apprentices and trainees in the manufacturing

Appointments to Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (Qld) Ltd
The Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (Qld) Ltd (BCITF) is the skills centre of excellence for the building and construction industry and is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, with sole membership being the State of Queensland, through the Minister for Youth Justice, Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development. The skills centre of exce

Release of Queensland’s Clean Energy Workforce Roadmap
Ensuring Queensland has the workforce needed to meet the skills and labour demand associated with the energy transformation has been identified as a critical enabler for the successful delivery of the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan. Likewise, the Good jobs. Good people: Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022-2032 (QWS) recognises the need to develop the skills pathways required for the growing clean