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Your search for Skills returned 26 record/s.
Queensland Skills Plan 2008 and Positive Dreaming, Solid Futures
Through consultations with industry, students, schools, training providers and communities, the Department of Education, Training and the Arts (DETA) and the Department of Employment and Industrial Relations (DEIR) updated the Queensland Skills Plan to ensure that the State retains a comprehensive response to the labour market. In response to Action 19 of the Queensland Skills Plan, DETA and DEI

Jobs First Delivering Jobs for Queensland
In recognition of the impact of the global financial crisis on economic growth and employment in Queensland, the Queensland Government committed to the creation of 100,000 new jobs by March 2012. In recognising that meeting this commitment would require a joint effort by government, industry, organisations and individuals, a four point plan was developed to outline key activity by government to s

Response to Public Accounts Committe Report 81 - Addressing Skills Shortages in Queensland
In 2007, the former Departments of Education, Training and the Arts (DETA), Employment and Industrial Relations (DEIR), and Tourism, Regional Development and Industry were audited by the Queensland Audit Office (QAO) to ascertain if these agencies had suitable frameworks and systems in place to identify and address existing and emerging skills shortages in the state. In November 2007, the Auditor

Education and Training Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
The Education and Training Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 (the Bill) will amend legislation administered by the Department of Education and Training to provide for the following matters: Power of State school principals to exclude a student On 18 December 2009, the Minister for Education and Training announced the Government’s commitment to grant State school principals the power to exclude stude

Vocational Education and Training (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2012
In December 2009, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreed to national reforms to the regulation of vocational education and training (VET) including the establishment of a national regulator. Participating State Parliaments are required to refer their legislative power to regulate VET to give the regulator effective national coverage. On 1 July 2011, the national regulator, the Austra

Advancing skills for the future - a strategy for vocational education and training in Queensland
Advancing skills for the future: a strategy for vocational education and training in Queensland outlines the Queensland Government’s vision for vocational education and training (VET) and key actions to implement this vision. The draft strategy proposes initiatives across three key areas: Industry and innovation focuses on collaboration with industry to identify skills priorities, and positioning

Skills for Queensland Discussion Paper
The Skills for Queensland discussion paper has been prepared and provides the opportunity to engage with stakeholders across Queensland to explore key areas that will optimise the effectiveness of vocational education and training (VET) investment and ensure a focus on skills for jobs of the future, aligned with industry demand. VET is critical in delivering the training and skills needed by Queen

Jobs Queensland - Advancing Manufacturing Skills - Skills Training and Workforce Development Strategy
Jobs Queensland’s (JQ) Advancing Manufacturing Skills: A Skills, Training and Workforce Development Strategy for the Manufacturing Industry in Queensland (the strategy) has been developed as part of the Queensland Advanced Manufacturing 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan. The strategy identifies the opportunities and challenges within Queensland’s manufacturing industry, and outlines how the dynamic

Appointments to Jobs Queensland
The Jobs Queensland Act 2015 (the Act) established Jobs Queensland as an independent statutory entity with key functions to give advice to the Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development about: the skills it anticipates will be needed for particular industries and regional areas; future workforce development and planning; and the apprenticeship and t

Queensland Skills Strategy - Skills for Queensland-Great Training for Quality Jobs
Skills are a key driver of economic growth. Skilled individuals have increased labour force participation outcomes and labour productivity, and a skilled workforce contributes to global competitiveness, job creation, and economic and social prosperity. Targeted investment in skills, training and workforce development is central to support a diverse labour market and to continue to grow the economy

Government Response to Jobs Queensland Tourism Workforce Plan
The Queensland Tourism Workforce Plan 2017-2020 (Tourism Workforce Plan) was released by Jobs Queensland in July 2017 as an action from the Queensland Government’s Advancing Tourism 2016-20: Growing Queensland Jobs strategy and outlines key themes and recommendations from industry, as well as suggested supporting actions. The Tourism Workforce Plan is a roadmap for how industry and government prep

Appointments to Energy Skills Advisory Committee
The Energy Skills Advisory Committee (ESAC) supports the development of a policy framework to encourage Queensland workers and communities to maximise future employment and skills opportunities in the Queensland energy sector. ESAC will be responsible for providing knowledge, options and recommendations for consideration to the Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training a

Appointment to Jobs Queensland
The statutory entity Jobs Queensland was established under the Jobs Queensland Act 2015. Jobs Queensland is an independent body which provides strategic advice to Government on skills demand, the apprenticeship and traineeship system, and long-term workforce development and planning, engaging with industry bodies, stakeholders and relevant organisations to develop its advice and priorities, and co

Personal Protective Equipment and Other Essential Products Directions Statement
The COVID-19 global pandemic exposed the fragility of global supply chains for hygiene personal protective equipment (PPE) and other essential products. Queensland responded well to the COVID-19 emergency with Queensland manufacturers pivoting their operations to address PPE shortages. To protect Queensland against future supply chain disruptions due to COVID-19 and other pandemics and ensure tha

Appointments to Jobs Queensland
The statutory entity Jobs Queensland was established under the Jobs Queensland Act 2015 (“the Act”). Jobs Queensland is an independent entity which provides strategic advice to Government on skills demand, the apprenticeship and traineeship system, and long-term workforce development and planning. It engages with industry bodies, stakeholders and relevant organisations to develop its advice and p

Appointment to Jobs Queensland
The statutory entity Jobs Queensland was established under the Jobs Queensland Act 2015. Jobs Queensland is an independent body which provides strategic advice to Government on skills demand, the apprenticeship and traineeship system, and long-term workforce development and planning. It engages with industry bodies, stakeholders and relevant organisations to develop its advice and priorities and c

Appointment Board of the Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (Qld) Ltd
The Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (QLD) Ltd (BCITF) has been established as the skills centre of excellence for the building and construction industry and is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, with sole membership being the State of Queensland, through the Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development. The skills centre o

Queensland Workforce Summit 2022
Through the Big Plans for Small Business Strategy 2021-23, the Queensland Government committed to hosting a Queensland Workforce Summit to identify strategies and innovative approaches to assist industry to access the skills and workforce they need. The Premier and Minister for the Olympics announced in Parliament that the Queensland Workforce Summit will be held in March 2022. The Summit will bri

Release of the Hydrogen Industry Workforce Development Roadmap 2022-2032
The hydrogen industry has been identified by the Queensland Government as a key economic priority due to the state’s potential as a global supplier and the industry’s relevance to the shift to a low carbon economy. The successful development of Queensland’s hydrogen industry will require a skilled, hydrogen-ready workforce supported by quality training pathways. The Hydrogen Industry Workforce Dev

Response to the Queensland Training Ombudsman Review of Support Provided to Queensland Apprentices and Trainees
On 29 July 2021, the Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development announced the Queensland Training Ombudsman (QTO) would examine the support available for Queensland apprentices and trainees, with a focus on the support for female apprentices and trainees in traditionally male-dominated occupations. On 31 January 2022, Mr Geoff Favell, QTO submitted

Queensland Wants You Workforce Strategy 2022-32
The Queensland Workforce Summit, held in March 2022, brought together more than 350 leaders in business, education and training, along with unions and community leaders from across the state to work in partnership to discuss issues and explore solutions for addressing the State’s current and future workforce challenges and opportunities. A commitment was made at the Summit for the government to de

Queensland Workforce Summit 2022 – outcomes and next steps
Through the Big Plans for Small Business Strategy 2021-23, the Queensland Government committed to hosting a Queensland Workforce Summit to identify strategies and actions to assist industry to access the skills and workforce they need. The Queensland Workforce Summit was held on 11 March 2022. The Summit brought together approximately 350 stakeholders including Queensland business and industry lea

The First Nations Training Strategy
Under the $200 million Future Skills Fund, the Queensland Government committed to developing a First Nations Training Strategy (the Strategy), with the objective to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities to develop skills relevant to local needs and compete for jobs in the future economy. The Strategy, titled ‘Paving the Way’ has been developed following extensive con

Appointments to Jobs Queensland Board
In 2016 the Queensland Government established Jobs Queensland (JQ) through the Jobs Queensland Act 2015 (the Act) as an independent statutory entity to provide advice to government on anticipated skills demand, future workforce planning and development, and the apprenticeship and traineeship system. The Act provide that the Jobs Queensland Board consists of: at least seven but no more than twelve

Appointments to Manufacturing Skills Queensland Board
The Queensland Government’s Making it in Queensland: Building a Stronger Manufacturing Sector policy committed to further building the state’s manufacturing industry by providing $16.5 million to establish Manufacturing Skills Queensland (MSQ). Under this commitment, MSQ is an independent, not-for-profit, industry body to support employers, workers, apprentices and trainees in the manufacturing

Release of Queensland’s Clean Energy Workforce Roadmap
Ensuring Queensland has the workforce needed to meet the skills and labour demand associated with the energy transformation has been identified as a critical enabler for the successful delivery of the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan. Likewise, the Good jobs. Good people: Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022-2032 (QWS) recognises the need to develop the skills pathways required for the growing clean