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Significant Appointments August 2008
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Family Responsibilities Commission
Ms Wendy Anne Cull (Deputy Commissioner)
From time to time, as required for any periods between date of Governor in Council approval and 30 September 2009
Queensland Treasury Corporation Capital Markets B
Public Interest Map Independent Review Qld Govt Boards Committees and Stat Authorities
In March 2008, the Premier announced a major public sector reform program, including the review of Queensland Government boards, committees and statutory authorities. The aim of the review is to reduce bureaucracy and unnecessary red tape, improve the overall efficiency of government bodies, and maintain the integrity and security of necessary regulatory functions.
The review is being delivered in
Significant Appointments December 2008
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Deputy Premier and Minister for Infrastructure and Planning
Development assessment panels for Blackall Range and Central Capricorn Coast
Mr John Dillon (Blackall Range)
Mr Richard McDonald (Blackall Range)
Councillor Jenny McKay (Blackall Range)
Mr Leo Jensen (Bl
CBRC Membership
Cabinet considered a submission from the Premier regarding membership of the Cabinet Budget Review Committee (CBRC).
Cabinet thanked Minister Schwarten for his membership and diligent work on CBRC.
Cabinet noted that Minister Wilson would become a CBRC member from 21 July 2008.
Significant Appointments July 2008
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Queensland Manufactured Water Authority
Mr David Gray (Chair)
Mr Steven Golding
Mr Mark Pascoe
Mr David McDougall
Mr Scott Standen
Three years commencing from the date of appointment
Queensland Bulk Water Transport Authority
Mr Ross Landsberg
Appointment of public servants to Government boards
Public servants may be appointed to a Government board as a departmental or Government representative linked with their tenure, or they may be appointed to a Government board in a personal capacity.
Generally public servants who are appointed to Government boards because of their Government held position, such as departmental or Government representatives, are not entitled to receive remuneration.
Significant Appointments November 2008
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Minister for Public Works, Housing and Information and Communication Technology
Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland
Professor Elizabeth Taylor (Chairperson)
Christine Stevenson (member)
Charles Ware (member)
1 January 2009 to 31 December 2011
Board o
Significant Appointments October 2008
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Minister for Public Works, Housing and Information and Communication Technology
Board of Architects of Queensland
Ms Julie Whitehead
From the date of Governor in Council approval until 31 December 2008
Minister for Mines and Energy
Mining Safety and Health
Significant Appointments September 2008
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Minister for Public Works, Housing and Information and Communication Technology
Queensland Community Housing Standards and Accreditation Council
Ms Wynn Hopkins, Chairperson
Ms Jennifer Clark
Ms Toni Malamoo
Ms Rebecca Fitzgerald
Ms Kate Cowmeadow
Ms Elvene Whitbr
Significant Appointments April 2009
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Treasurer and Minister for Employment and Economic Development
Boards of Port of Brisbane Corporation Limited
Port of Townsville Corporation Limited and
QR Limited
Ms Susan Rix
Mr Michael Stolz
Mr Stephen Cantwell
Honourable Tony McGrady
Mr Peter Gregg
Significant Appointments - August 2009
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Deputy Premier and Minister for Health
Mental Health Review Tribunal
Ms Joanne Mary Collins
Ms Alison Kate Christou
Dr Angela Voita
3 September 2010 to 27 February 2011
Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy and Trade
Advisory Council to the Ener
Significant Appointments - December 2009
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Premier and Minister for the Arts
Board of Screen Queensland Pty Ltd
Professor Peter Coaldrake (chair)
Mr Christopher Nyst
Mr John Menzies
Ms Cathy Overett
21 December 2009 to 20 January 2012
Deputy Premier and Minister for Health
Mental Health Review Trib
Significant Appointments February 2009
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Minister for Education, Training and the Arts
Queensland Museum's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consultative Committee
Mrs Margaret Iselin
Mrs Lynette Shipway
Mr Dany Williams
From date of appointment until 21 February 2012
Minister for Communities, Di
Significant Appointments January 2009
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Board of Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited
Mr Ian Brusasco (chairperson)
2 February 2009 to 30 September 2010
Minister for Health
Mental Health Review Tribunal
Mr Michael Wood (part-time member)
From date of Governor in Council approval to 27
Significant Appointments July 2009
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Treasurer and Minister for Employment and Economic Development
Queensland Competition Authority
Mr Brian Parmenter
Mr Mark Christensen
Professor Justin Malbon
9 August 2009 to 8 August 2010
State Public Sector Superannuation Scheme Board of Trustees (QSuper Bo
Significant Appointments - June 2009
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Premier and Minister for the Arts
Queensland Government Public Art Fund Ministerial Advisory Committee (art+place Curatorial Panel)
Mr Brian Robinson
Dr Leah King-Smith
8 July 2009 until
5 December 2010
Board of the Pacific Film and Television Commission Pty
Significant Appointments - May 2009
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Premier and Minister for the Arts
Library Board of Queensland
Dr Dale Spender
Until 7 February 2011
Queensland Theatre Company
Dr Kate Foy
Mr Terence O’Dwyer
Professor Ian O’Connor
Ms Penny Everingham
Ms Barbara Houlihan
Mr Kent Beasley
Ms Sharyn Ghidella
Significant Appointments - November 2009
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Premier and Minister for the Arts
Library Board of Queensland
Professor Roland Sussex
5 November 2009 to 7 February 2011
Deputy Premier and Minister for Health
Mental Health Review Tribunal
Dr Robert Ah-Hoon
Dr Ivor Williams
Ms Denise Zell
Ms Louise Whit
Significant Appointments October 2009
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Premier and Minister for the Arts
Major Brisbane Festivals Proprietary Limited
Ms Julie McGlone
Ms Leigh Tabrett
Mr Chris Freeman (Chair)
Ms Anna Marsden
Mr Philip Bacon
Mr Sean O’Boyle
Ms Susan Forrester
Dr David Watson
Mr Ed Haysom
Mr Craig Porter
1 November
Significant Appointments - September 2009
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Deputy Premier and Minister for Health
Council of the Queensland Institute of Medical Research
Professor John Hay AC
24 September 2009 to 23 September 2012
Queensland Institute of Medical Research Trust
Professor John Hay AC
24 September 2009 to 23 Septemb
Significant Appointments - April 2010
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Premier and Minister for the Arts
Privacy Commissioner
Ms Linda Matthews
15 June 2010 to 14 June 2013
Deputy Premier and Minister for Health
Medical Radiation Technologists Board of Queensland
Edward (John) Anderson
Dominic Kennedy
Wayne Nuss
Pamela Rown
Significant Appointments August 2010
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Premier and Minister for the Arts
Queensland Chief Scientist
Dr Geoffrey Garrett AO
Three years commencing 17 January 2011
Clean Coal Council
Honourable Anna Bligh MP
Honourable Stephen Robertson MP
Honourable Stirling Hinchliffe MP
Mr Ken Smith
Mr Gerard Bra
Significant Appointments December 2010
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Premier and Minister for the Arts
Library Board of Queensland
Professor Roland Sussex (Chairperson)
Professor Stuart Cunningham
Mr Maxwell Lenoy
Mr Matthew McDonnell
Dr Grace Sarra
Dr Dale Spender AM
Ms Helen Brodie
Ms Ruth Drinkwater
Ms Lyn McLaughlin
Ms Jane P
Significant Appointments - February 2010
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Treasurer and Minister for Employment and Economic Development
Queensland Treasury Corporation Capital Markets Board
Mr Stephen Rochester (non-Executive Chair)
Ms Marian Micalizzi
Ms Shauna Tomkins
1 September to
30 June 2014
1 July 2010 to
30 June 2014
Significant Appointments January 2010
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations
Mr Walter Sofronoff QC
21 February 2010 to 21 February 2015
Significant Appointments - July 2010
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Minister for Local Government and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
Family Responsibilities Commission
Mr Andrew James (Jim) Brooks
Mr Rodney Curtin
22 July 2010 to 1 January 2012
Minister for Infrastructure and Planning
Pool Safety Council
Significant Appointments - June 2010
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Deputy Premier and Minister for Health
Chiropractors Panel of Assessors
Kenneth John Lorme
Anthony Peake Williams
Mark Graham Pickford
John Anthony Hinwood
Paul John Ryan
Keith Harvey Charlton
Scott Thomas Charlton
Samantha Jane Culley
Felicity Jane Gundelach
Significant Appointments - March 2010
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Premier and Minister for the Arts
Queensland Design Council
Dr Julianne Schultz AM (chair)
Ms Yassmin Abdel-Magied
Ms Mara Bún
Dr Dawn Casey
Mr Sean Cummins
Mr Alexander Lotersztain
Mr Richard Munao
Mr Michael Rayner
Mr Christopher Rodwell
Professor Susan (Suzi) V
Significant Appointments - May 2010
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Premier and Minister for the Arts
Queensland Theatre Company
Dr Kate Foy (Chair)
Professor Richard Fotheringham
1 July 2010 to 26 March 2011
20 May 2010 to 19 May 2013
Queensland Performing Arts Trust
Mr Henry Smerdon (Chair)
Mr Simon Gallaher
Ms Helene
Significant Appointments - November 2010
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Premier and Minister for the Arts
art+place Curatorial Panel
Professor Virginia Lee (chair)
Mr Andrew Prowse (deputy chair)
Mr Vernon Ah Kee
Ms Suhanya Raffel
Mr Kevin O’Brien
Ms Virginia Rigney
Mr Michael Papageorgiou
6 December 2010 to 5 December 2014
6 D
Significant Appointments - October 2010
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Treasurer and Minister for Employment and Economic Development
Ergon Energy Corporation Limited
Mr Anthony Mooney
1 November 2010 to 30 September 2011
Gambling Community Benefit Committee
Mr Mark Jeffery (chair)
Mr Richard Bowly
Mr David Ford
Ms Monica Jame
Signficant Appointments - September 2010
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Treasurer and Minister for Employment and Economic Development
Queensland Education and Training International Advisory Committee
The Hon Paul Braddy (chair)
Ms Kay Ganley
Mr Scott Sheppard
Ms Sangeeta Mahajan
Dr Anna Ciccarelli
Mr Craig Sherrin
Mr David Nelson
Significant Appointments - April 2011
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State
Aboriginal Land Tribunal
Mr Stephen Keim SC (Deputy Chair)
From 6 May 2011 to 5 May 2012
Land Court
Mr Stephen Keim SC
From 6 May 2011 to 5 May 2012
Significant Appointments - February 2011
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Premier and Minister for Reconstruction
Board of the Queensland Museum
Hon David Hamill AM (Chair)
From 22 February 2011 to 31 October 2013
Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State
Crime and Miscondu
Significant Appointments January 2011
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations
Legal Practice Committee
Peter Cooper (chairperson)
Robert Bain QC
John McKenna SC
Martin Conroy
Barbara Houlihan
Peta Frampton
Beverley Russell
31 January 2011 to 30 January 2014
Chairpersons for Valuation Objection Conferences
The Land Valuation Act 2010 received Assent in September 2010.
Section 123 of the Land Valuation Act 2010 requires the Valuer-General (the VG) to offer an objection conference to an objector where the valuation objected to is greater than $5M.
Where the offer is accepted section 125 of the Land Valuation Act 2010 requires that the VG must appoint an independent chairperson for the conference.
An a
Significant Appointments - July 2011
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government and Special Minister of State
Professional Standards Council
Ms Julie Cameron
From 19 July 2011 to 30 June 2014
Treasurer and Minister for State Development and Trade
Queensland Competition
Significant Appointments - June 2011
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Premier and Minister for Reconstruction
Public Service Commission
Ms Ann Sherry AO (Chair)
Mr John Story
Ms Marian Micalizzi
Dr Anne Tiernan
Dr Jackie Huggins
From 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012
Deputy Premier and Attorney-General, Minister for Local Government
Significant Appointments - March 2011
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Premier and Minister for Reconstruction
Queensland Theatre Company
Prof Richard Fotheringham (Chair)
Mr Kent Beasley
Ms Penny Everingham
Ms Sharyn Ghidella
Mr Yaron Lifschitz
Mr Terence O’Dwyer
Mr Michael Cottier
Ms Erin Feros
Mr Nathan Jarro
Mr Karl Morris
Ms Ju
Significant Appointments - May 2011
Cabinet considered and supported the following significant appointments.
Name of Body
Names of Appointees
Term of Appointment
Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services
Commissioner for Police Service Reviews
Mrs Dina Browne
From 15 May 2011 to 14 May 2014
Minister for Energy and Water Utilities
Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland
Mr Forbes Smith
From 4
Appointment of the Adult Guardian
The Adult Guardian is established under the Guardianship and Administration Act 2000.
The primary role of the Adult Guardian is to protect the rights and interests of adults who have impaired capacity for a matter.
Cabinet endorsed that Mr Kevin Martin be recommended to the Governor in Council for appointment as the Adult Guardian for a three year term commencing from 13 August 2012 up to and incl
Appointments to Aboriginal Land Tribunal and Land Court
The Aboriginal Land Tribunal is established under the Aboriginal Land Act 1991. The Tribunal is an independent body and receives and hears claims made by groups of Aboriginal people to areas of claimable land.
The Land Court is established under the Land Court Act 2000 (Land Court Act). The Land Court is a specialised court established under the Land Court Act to hear and determine matters relatin
Appointment of Public Advocate
The Public Advocate is an independent statutory officer appointed under the Guardianship and Administration Act 2000.
The role of the Public Advocate is to provide systems advocacy, in particular to:
protect the rights and interests of adults who have impaired capacity for a matter;
protect adults from neglect, exploitation or abuse;
develop programs to help adults reach the greatest practicabl
Appointment to the Qld Art Gallery Board of Trustees
Under section 19 of the Queensland Art Gallery Act 1987, the Queensland Art Gallery Board of Trustees functions are to include control, manage and maintain the Queensland Art Gallery; to minister to the needs of the community in the visual arts by displaying works of art, promoting artistic taste through the illustration of the history and development of the visual arts, providing educational or c
Appointment of members to Hospital and Health Boards
The Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 (the Act) objects is to establish a public sector health system that delivers high quality hospital and other health services to persons in Queensland having regard to the principles and objectives of the national health system by:
(a) strengthening local decision-making and accountability, local consumer and community engagement, and local clinician engagem
Appointment of Assisting Psychiatrists to Mental Health Court
The Mental Health Court is established as a superior court of record under section 381 of the Mental Health Act 2000 (the Act). The court is constituted by a Supreme Court Judge and is generally assisted at any one time by two Assisting Psychiatrists.
In accordance with section 383 of the Act, the Mental Health Court has the following jurisdiction
(a) deciding appeals against decisions of the M
Appointments to the Parole Boards
The Queensland Parole Board, the Southern Queensland Regional Parole Board and the Central and Northern Queensland Regional Parole Board are independent statutory bodies established under the Corrective Services Act 2006.
The parole boards determine parole applications from prisoners who are serving sentences in excess of three years, all sex offenders and offenders determined to be serious violen
Appointment to the Board of Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited
Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited is a Government Owned Corporations (GOCs).
The Boards of GOCs are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1994.
Vacant Director positions existed on the board of Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited, requiring consideration of suitable candidates for appointment.
Cabinet endorsed recommending to the Governor in Council the appointment of the fol
Appointments to the Board of CS Energy Limited
CS Energy Limited is a Government Owned Corporations (GOCs).
The Boards of GOCs are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1994.
Vacant Director positions existed on the board of CS Energy Limited, requiring consideration of suitable candidates for appointment.
Cabinet endorsed recommending to the Governor in Council the appointment of the following persons for a term commencing
Tourism Queensland and Events Queensland Appointments
Tourism Queensland is a statutory body established under the Tourism Queensland Act 1979. It promotes and markets Queensland tourism domestically and overseas.
Events Queensland is a propriety limited company established in 1989 to support and develop events that are capable of generating sustainable economic activity by attracting visitors from interstate and overseas.
Cabinet endorsed that the
Appointment and remuneration of Chairperson and members to Island Industries Board
The Island Industries Board is a Queensland Government statutory body that trades as the Islanders Board of Industry and Service (commonly known as IBIS). The Board is constituted and operates pursuant to Part 7A of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act 1984.
IBIS is the major food and grocery retailer in the Torres Strait. With a head-office l
Appointment to the Queensland Health Payroll inquiry
Appointment and remuneration of a Commissioner to the Queensland Health Payroll inquiry
Attorney-General and Minister for Justice
In December 2012, Cabinet approved the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry into the Queensland Health payroll system, subject to Governor in Council approval.
The Commission is to conduct a comprehensive review of all aspects of the procurement and implementation
Appointments to the Queensland Competition Authority
The Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) is the State’s independent economic regulator consisting of members appointed by the Governor in Council. It is established under the Queensland Competition Authority Act 1997 (the QCA Act) as Queensland’s economic regulator to facilitate amongst other things, monopoly prices oversight and third party access regulation across a number of industries. It
Appointments to the Electrical Safety Board and Electrical Licensing Committee
Appointments of Chairperson to the Electrical Safety Board and Electrical Licensing Committee and one member to the Electrical Licensing Committee
Attorney-General and Minister for Justice
The Electrical Safety Board (the Board) is established under section 75 of the Electrical Safety Act 2002 (the Act).
Under section 76 of the Act, the primary function of the Board is to give advice and make
Appointment of Chair and Director Board Aviation Australia Pty Ltd
Aviation Australia Pty Ltd provides aviation training to support the development of Queensland as an aviation and aerospace hub for the Asia-Pacific region, and is a centre of excellence for education and training for the aviation industry.
The constitution of Aviation Australia Pty Ltd defines the objectives for which the Company is established as to:
facilitate the setup and establishment of a
Appointments Building and Development Dispute Resolution Committees
The Building and Development Dispute Resolution Committees are established under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009.
Committees provide an affordable, timely and accessible non-court based dispute resolution service for deciding appeals against decisions of Local Governments and private building certifiers about a range of decisions made under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009, the Building Act 197
Appointments to Government Owned Corporation Boards
Far North Queensland Ports Corporation Limited (Ports North), North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited (NQBP), Port of Townsville Limited (POTL) and Queensland Rail Limited (Queensland Rail) are Government owned corporations (GOCs).
The Boards of GOCs are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993.
10 GOC directors had terms expiring on 30 September 2012.
Cabinet endorse
Appointment to the Health Quality and Complaints Commission
The Health Quality and Complaints Commission (HQCC) is constituted under the provisions of the Health Quality and Complaints Commission Act 2006 and its main objects are to provide for oversight and review of, and improvement in, the quality of health services, and independent review and management of health complaints.
Section 149 of the Act provides for the appointment by the Governor in Council
Appointment remuneration chairperson and members Public Records Review Committee
The Public Records Review Committee was established in 2003 under the Public Records Act 2002 to advise the Minister and the State Archivist about issues affecting the administration and enforcement of the Public Records Act, to decide any disputes referred to the Committee under the Act, and to review decisions of the State Archivist not to authorise disposal of particular public records or class
Appointment member to Queensland Theatre Company
Under section 12 of the Queensland Theatre Company Act 1970, the Queensland Theatre Company functions are to:
include promote and encourage the development and presentation, public interest, participation, understanding and appreciation of the arts of the theatre;
to produce, present and manage plays and other forms of theatre and entertainment;
to conduct various forms of education in the art
Appointment and Remuneration of the chief executive officer and members of the Board of Tourism and Events Queensland
The Tourism and Events Queensland Act 2012 (the Act) commenced on 11 December 2012. The Act transferred the assets and liabilities of Events Queensland to Tourism Queensland; continued Tourism Queensland in existence as Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ); and implemented new governance arrangements and structure for TEQ.
The Act establishes a Board for TEQ with responsibility for ensuring TEQ pe
Appointment of directors and chairperson to Stadiums Queensland
Stadiums Queensland is established under the Major Sports Facilities Act 2001 (the Act) as an independent authority to manage, operate and promote Queensland’s world class major sports facilities. Stadiums Queensland is also empowered, under the Act, to develop major sports facilities.
The Stadiums Queensland Board of Directors is established under the Act and is responsible for the way in which
Three year assessment of all Government Bodies 2012
The Queensland Cabinet Handbook (the Cabinet handbook) requires Departments to assess all existing Government bodies every three years to ensure that they are operating effectively against their terms of reference or the functions for which they were established. The Cabinet handbook also requires Ministers to inform the Premier, in writing, that all bodies in their portfolio have been assessed an
Appointment to the Speech Pathologists Board of Qld
The Speech Pathologists Board of Queensland is constituted under the Speech Pathologists Registration Act 2001 and its main objectives are to provide for the registration of speech pathologists, protect the public by ensuring health care is delivered by registrants in a professional, safe and competent way and to uphold the standards of practice within the profession.
Queensland is currently t
Appt of Chairperson and members of the RAW and Integrity Board
The Racing Animal Welfare and Integrity Board is established under section 114 of the Racing Act 2002.
The functions of the Board include:
to monitor, advise and make recommendations to the Chief Executive about the following-
the policies of a control body about the welfare of licensed animals and other matters affecting the integrity of a control body’s code of racing;
the performance of functio
Appt of a Member and Deputy Chairman to the Local Government Grants Commission
The Local Government Grants Commission (the Commission) is established under the Local Government Act 2009 (the Act).
The primary role of the Commission is to make recommendations to the Minister for Local Government on the allocation of the Commonwealth’s Financial Assistance Grant to Councils in Queensland.
Cabinet endorsed that Mr Neil Castles be recommended to the Governor in Council for appo
Appt of Chairperson to the Corporation of TQ and Events Qld
Tourism Queensland is a statutory body established under the Tourism Queensland Act 1979. It promotes and markets Queensland tourism domestically and overseas.
Events Queensland is a propriety limited company established in 1989 to support and develop events that are capable of generating sustainable economic activity by attracting visitors from interstate and overseas.
Cabinet approved that Mr S
Appt of member to the Non-State School Eligibility for Govt Funding Committee
The Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Act 2001 provides for the establishment of two bodies, the Non-State Schools Accreditation Board and the Non-State Schools Eligibility for Government Funding Committee (the Committee). The Committee is established under section 133 of the Act.
Under section 134 of the Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Act 2001 the Committee has the f
Appointment of the Boards of ENERGEX Limited and Stanwell Corp Ltd
ENERGEX Limited and Stanwell Corporation Limited are Government Owned Corporations (GOCs).
The Boards of GOCs are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1994.
Directors resigned from the respective boards resulting in a number of vacancies.
Cabinet endorsed recommending to the Governor in Council the appointment of the following persons as Directors to the Board of ENERGEX Limit
Appointment of the QRAA board
QRAA is a statutory authority established under the Rural and Regional Adjustment Act 1994 (the Act). Its main function is to administer assistance schemes that foster the development of a more productive and sustainable rural and regional sector in Queensland. This includes assistance schemes under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (for example cyclone and flood recovery schem
Appointments of the Board of Trustees of the Funeral Benefit Trust Fund
The Board of Trustees was established under the Funeral Benefit Business Act 1982 to administer the Funeral Benefit Trust Fund.
The Board of Trustees of the Funeral Benefit Trust Fund administers the trust fund by determining claims made by policy holders/contributors for over 19,000 pre-paid funeral agreements entered into with Metropolitan Funeral Services Pty Ltd or Alex Gow Pty Ltd up to 1975
Appointment of Chairperson of the Board of Queensland Rail Limited
Queensland Rail Limited (Queensland Rail) is a public company limited by shares under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and a company Government Owned Corporation (GOC) pursuant to the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (Qld) (GOC Act).
Key Responsibilities of the Queensland Rail Board include being responsible to the shareholding Ministers for the Company’s strategic direction, governance and
Appointment of Chairperson of the Public Service Commission
The Public Service Commission is established under the Public Service Act 2008.
The Commission is responsible for providing vision and strategic advice on the priorities and directions for the Queensland Public Service to ensure that Queensland is proactively addressing current public sector reform initiatives.
The Public Service Act establishes a board of commissioners, comprising of external
Appointment of Commissioner to Child Protection Commission of Inquiry
The Commissioner to the Child Protection Inquiry is established under the Commissions of Inquiry Act 1950.
As part of the “First 100 Days Action Plan” the Government made a commitment to appoint a new Commission of Inquiry “to review progress of outcomes related to the ‘Report of the Commission of Inquiry into Abuse of Children in Queensland Institutions’ and the report of the Crime and Misconduct
Appointment of Assistant Commissioner Health Quality and Complaints Commission
The Health Quality and Complaints Commission (HQCC) is constituted under the provisions of the Health Quality and Complaints Commission Act 2006 (the Act) and its main objects are to provide for oversight and review of, and improvement in, the quality of health services, and independent review and management of health complaints.
Section 149 of the Act provides for the appointment by Governor in
Appointment of the Boards of Far North Qld Ports Corp Ltd and Gladstone Ports Corp Ltd
Far North Queensland Ports Corporation Limited and Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited are Government Owned Corporations (GOCs).
The Boards of GOCs are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1994.
Vacancies exist for the positions of Chair for each of these boards.
Cabinet endorsed recommending to the Governor in Council the appointment of the following persons for a term commen
Appt of Major Brisbane Festivals Pty Ltd
Major Brisbane Festivals Pty Ltd is a proprietary company limited by shares jointly owned by the State of Queensland and the Brisbane City Council, with both parties signatories to a Shareholders Agreement.
The company’s constitution sets out the objects of the company: to plan for major and iconic festivals and niche festivals in Brisbane and South East Queensland; to produce festivals that have
Appt of Screen Qld Pty Ltd
Screen Queensland is a Proprietary Company Limited by Shares, with the State of Queensland as the sole shareholder.
The company’s constitution sets out the objects of the company: to increase the level of film and television production in Queensland; to develop and maintain a creative infrastructure in Queensland for the film and television production industry; to develop and maintain an active an
Appt to the Board of the Building Construction Industry Training Fund
The Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (BCITF) was established as the Centre of Excellence for the building and construction industry in July 2007. The Centre of Excellence represents a partnership model between industry and government to address skills and workforce development needs within the industry.
The BCITF now trades as Construction Skills Queensland with funds generated by
Appt to the Qld Studies Authority
The Queensland Studies Authority is a statutory body established by the Education (Queensland Studies Authority) Act 2002.
The functions of the Queensland Studies Authority as prescribed by part 2, division 2 of the Education (Queensland Studies Authority) Act 2002 include to:
develop, revise, approve, accredit and support implementation of years 1-12 syllabuses, preparatory guidelines and kinde
Appointment to the SEQ Water Grid Manager Board
The South East Queensland (SEQ) Water Grid Manager (WGM) is established under the South East Queensland Water (Restructuring) Act 2007.
The SEQ WGM is a Government-owned statutory body responsible for managing the strategic operation of the SEQ Water Grid.
Appointment terms of four board members expired on 30 June 2012.
The Government has committed to merging the bulk water entities as part of its
Appointment to WorkCover Qld Board and QCOMP Board
Section 424 and Section 335 of the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 provides for the establishment of the WorkCover Queensland Board and the Workers’ Compensation Regulatory Authority (Q-COMP) Board respectively. Each Board is responsible for ensuring that Queensland’s workers’ compensation scheme acts in a fair, balanced and economically sound manner.
The WorkCover Board’s rol
Appointment of Deputy Chairs and members to Hospital and Health Boards
The Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 (the Act) objects is to establish a public sector health system that delivers high quality hospital and other health services to persons in Queensland having regard to the principles and objectives of the national health system by:
(a) strengthening local decision-making and accountability, local consumer and community engagement, and local clinician engagem
Establishment of the Queensland Schools Planning Commission
The Government committed under its First 100 Day Action Plan to establish a “Queensland Schools Plan Commission”.
The Government’s commitment was for the Queensland Schools Plan Commission to have representatives from the State, Catholic and Independent schooling sectors and provide a forum for collaboration on planning and funding across Queensland that would benefit all systems and all communit
Appointment of Chairpersons of GOCs
ENERGEX Limited, Ergon Energy Corporation Limited, Queensland Electricity Transmission Corporation Limited, CS Energy Limited and Stanwell Corporation Limited are Government Owned Corporations (GOCs).
The Boards of GOCs are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1994.
The chairs of the above Boards resigned.
Cabinet endorsed recommending to the Governor in Council the appointmen
Appointment of Chairpersons of North Qld Bulk Ports Corp Ltd and SunWater Ltd
North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited and SunWater Limited are Government Owned Corporations (GOCs).
The Boards of GOCs are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1994.
The chairs of these Boards resigned.
Cabinet endorsed recommending to the Governor in Council the appointment of the following persons for a term commencing from the date of approval up to and including
Appt to the Valuers Registration Board of Qld
The Valuers Registration Board of Queensland was established in February 1966 under the Valuers Registration Act 1965 and continues under section 5 of the Valuers Registration Act 1992.
The primary functions of the Board are:
to protect the public by registering valuers of land and maintaining a roll of registered valuers;
to authorise the investigation of complaints in relation to the conduct of
Future of the Qld Workplace Rights Ombudsman and Qld Workplace Rights Office after 30 June 2012
The Queensland Workplace Rights Ombudsman and Queensland Workplace Rights Office were established in July 2007 under the Industrial Relations Act 1999 in response to WorkChoices.
On 1 January 2010, Queensland referred its private sector industrial relations jurisdictional powers to the Commonwealth as part of the establishment of a national workplace relations system.
Section 339C of the Industr
Appointments to the Queensland Bulk Water Supply Authority
The Queensland Bulk Water Supply Authority (QBSWA) was one of three statutory authorities established under the South East Queensland Water (Restructuring) Act 2007 as part of the previous Government’s institutional changes to the South East Queensland (SEQ) bulk water industry.
As part of the Government’s plan to reduce the cost of bulk water supply in the region, it committed to regionalising th
Appointments to the Board of North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited
North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited is a Government owned corporation (GOC).
The Boards of GOCs are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993.
Three vacancies existed on the North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Limited Board.
Cabinet endorsed that Mr Adrian Chambers, Mr Hugh (Gerry) Johnstone and Ms Suzanne Brown be recommended to Governor in Council for appoint
Appointment of the chairperson and a director of the QRAA board
QRAA is a statutory authority established under the Rural and Regional Adjustment Act 1994 (the Act). Its main function is to administer assistance schemes that foster the development of a more productive and sustainable rural and regional sector in Queensland. This includes assistance schemes under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (for example cyclone and flood recovery sche
Appointment of a Deputy Chair and Members to the Hospital and Health Boards
The Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 (the Act) object is to establish a public sector health system that delivers high quality hospital and other health services to persons in Queensland having regard to the principles and objectives of the national health system by:
(a) strengthening local decision-making and accountability, local consumer and community engagement, and local clinician engageme
Reappointment and appointment of Family Responsibilities Commissioners and Family Responsibilities Board
The Family Responsibilities Commission (the FRC) is a central feature of the Cape York Welfare Reform Trial that operates in the communities of Aurukun, Coen, Hope Vale and Mossman Gorge. The FRC comprises the Commissioner, the Deputy-Commissioner and 18 Local Commissioners drawn from the Trial communities.
The Commissioner and Local Commissioners hold conferences with community members who are wi
Appointment and remuneration of Chairperson and members Gold Coast Waterways Authority Board
The Gold Coast Waterways Authority Act 2012 (the Act) establishes the Gold Coast Waterways Authority and Board.
The Board controls the Authority.
The Authority is a statutory entity reporting to the Minister for Transport and Main Roads.
The Board is a decision making board which:
reports to the Minister for Transport and Main Roads about Gold Coast waterways;
oversees the day to day operation o
Appointment to the Island Industries Board
The Island Industries Board is a Queensland Government statutory body that trades as the Islanders Board of Industry and Service. The Board is constituted and operates pursuant to Part 7A of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act 1984 (the Act).
Membership of the Board, which must have a minimum of five and no more than eight members, expired on
Appointment eight members to Queensland University Technology Council
The Queensland University of Technology Council is the governing body of the University established by the Queensland University of Technology Act 1998.
The functions of QUT prescribed in section 5 of the Act include to:
provide education at university standard;
provide facilities for, and encourage, study and research;
encourage the advancement and development of knowledge, and its applic
The Appointment of a Chairperson Deputy Chairperson and ten members to the Queensland Heritage Council
The Queensland Heritage Council (QHC) is a twelve-person statutory authority established under the Queensland Heritage Act 1992 (the Act) to help conserve Queensland’s cultural heritage. It does not deal with Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage.
QHC provides strategic advice to the Minister about Queensland’s non-Indigenous cultural heritage and makes decisions about what plac
Reappointment of Directors to the Board of BioPharmaceuticals Australia (Network) Pty Ltd
BioPharmaceuticals Australia (Network) Pty Ltd is a proprietary company, limited by shares, with the sole member being the State of Queensland
The company was formed in 2007 to achieve ten specific objectives, relating to the planning, coordination (including the securing of public and private sector funding), promotion, and providing the assistance required to establish a biopharmaceutical manufa
Appointment of chairperson and members of the Prostitution Licensing Authority
The Prostitution Licensing Authority (PLA) administers a licensing and regulatory scheme under the Prostitution Act 1999 (the Act) for the operation of legal brothels in Queensland.
The PLA consists of eight members including the chairperson, all of whom are appointed by the Governor in Council under section 102(2) of the Act.
The current appointments of the chairperson and three other members of
Appointment and remuneration of members to panel of doctors for designation to General Medical Assessment Tribunal
Medical assessment tribunals are established under the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 to provide for an independent system of medical review and assessment of injury and impairment sustained by workers.
Cabinet endorsed the following nominees to be recommended to the Governor in Council for appointment to the panel of the General Medical Assessment Tribunal and composite medica
Appointment one full time member Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2009 establishes the Queensland Civil Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) and provides for the appointment of members and adjudicators. QCAT commenced on 1 December 2009 and amalgamated 18 of the State’s tribunals and other bodies into one, providing a single gateway through which the community can access civil and administrative justice.
The functio
Appointment and remuneration of a member to the Board of the Queensland College of Teachers
The Queensland College of Teachers is a statutory body established by the Education (Queensland College of Teachers) Act 2005.
The functions of the Queensland College of Teachers, as prescribed by chapter 10, part 1 of the Education (Queensland College of Teachers) Act 2005, include:
testing applicants for teacher registration;
granting registration or permission to teach;
initial and ongoing elig
Appointment and remuneration of deputy member of the Pool Safety Council
The Pool Safety Council (PSC) is established under the Building Act 1975.
The PSC oversees the pool safety laws in Queensland. Its functions include maintaining a register of swimming pools and licensed pool safety inspectors (PSIs). They also include monitoring and enforcing compliance by pool owners. The PSC also investigates complaints about PSI conduct and administers discipline.
Cabinet no
Appointments under the Industrial Relations Act 1999
The Queensland Industrial Relations Commission (QIRC) is an independent tribunal established to conciliate and arbitrate industrial matters in the State of Queensland.
To facilitate succession planning and to restore balance to the QIRC, it is appropriate to make a new appointment to the role of Deputy President and two new appointments to the roles of Commissioner of the QIRC.
Cabinet: endorsed
Appointment of a Commissioner for Police Service Reviews
Commissioners for Police Service Reviews are appointed by the Governor in Council under section 9.2A of the Police Service Administration Act 1990 (the Act). They perform a review function in relation to police appointment, transfer and disciplinary decisions made under the Act.
Under section 9.2A(2)(c) of the Act, the Chairperson of the Crime and Misconduct Commission has nominated Mr Patrick Ja
Appt Deputy Chair Qld Competition Authority
The Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) is the State’s independent economic regulator consisting of members appointed by the Governor in Council. It is established under the Queensland Competition Authority Act 1997 (the QCA Act) as Queensland’s economic regulator to facilitate amongst other things, monopoly prices oversight and third party access regulation across a number of industries. It
Appointments to the Safe Food Production Qld Board
Safe Food Production QLD (Safe Food) is a statutory authority established under the Food Production (Safety) Act 2000. Safe Food is required to develop, implement and administer food safety schemes, based on national standards, for a range of primary produce. Food safety schemes for the seafood, meat, dairy and egg industries have been implemented.
Safe Food has a board of directors which is res
Appointment of Commissioner for Mine Safety and Health
The proposed appointment is to a stand alone role of Commissioner for Mine Safety and Health and not to a government body.
Under section 73A(1) of the Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999 (the Act), there is to be a Commissioner for Mine Safety and Health. Pursuant to the Act, the functions of the commissioner are to:
advise the Minister on mine health and safety matters generally;
fulfil the r
Appointment to the Non State Schools Funding Committee
The Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Act 2001 (the Act) provides for the establishment of two bodies, the Non-State Schools Accreditation Board and the Non-State Schools Eligibility for Government Funding Committee (Funding Committee). The Funding Committee is established under section 133 of the Act.
The functions of the Funding Committee are set out in section 134 of the Act and in
Appointment to the Public Trust Office Investment Board
The common fund (which is invested by the Public Trustee) is established under section 19 of the Public Trustee Act 1978 (the Act). All investments of the common fund are controlled and managed by the Public Trust Office Investment Board (the Board).
Generally, the Public Trustee, under section 21(5) of the Act, has the following obligations:
to not invest funds without the Board’s approval;
to sa
Appointment to the Qld Performing Arts Trust
The Queensland Performing Arts Trust is established under the Queensland Performing Arts Trust Act 1977.
The Trust’s functions are:
to produce, present and manage the performing arts in the building occupied by the Trust at the Queensland Cultural Centre or any other building;
to establish and conduct schools, lectures, courses, seminars and other forms of education in the performing arts;
to te
Appointments Cairns Mackay Childrens Health Hospital and Health Boards
The objects of the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 (the Act) are to establish a public sector health system that delivers high quality hospital and other health services to persons in Queensland having regard to the principles and objectives of the national health system by:
(a) strengthening local decision-making and accountability, local consumer and community engagement, and local clinician
Appointments to the Parole Boards
The Queensland Parole Board, the Southern Queensland Regional Parole Board and the Central and Northern Queensland Regional Parole Board are independent statutory bodies established under the Corrective Services Act 2006.
The parole boards determine parole applications from prisoners who are serving sentences in excess of three years, all sex offenders and offenders determined to be serious violen
Appointment Qld Berghofer Medical Research Institute
Established under section 3 of the Queensland Institute of Medical Research Act 1945 Act (‘the Act’) for the purpose of research into any branch or branches of medical science, the Director of the Queensland Institute of Medical Research (more commonly known as the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute) is responsible for the control and management of research work into any branch or branches
Appointment Health Ombudsman
The statutory office of Health Ombudsman is established under the Health Ombudsman Act 2013.
The Health Ombudsman’s roles include undertaking investigations, inquiries and other relevant action and reporting on systemic issues relating to health service complaints.
The Health Ombudsman will also report to the Minister for Health and the parliamentary committee on the administration of the hea
Appointment to the Council of the Queensland Law Society
Section 685 of the Legal Profession Act 2007 (the Act) provides that there must be a Council of the Queensland Law Society (the Council) and that the Council is to consist of not less than seven and not more than 12 members, namely:
an Australian legal practitioner appointed by the Minister (Minister’s nominee); and
the president, any deputy president and the vice-president of the law society as m
Appointments Ministerial Health Infrastructure Advisory Council
The establishment of the Ministerial Health Infrastructure Advisory Council (MHIAC) is a commitment of the Blueprint for better care in Queensland which outlines structural and cultural improvements to establish Queensland as the leader in Australian healthcare.
The Blueprint, jointly issued by the Premier and Minister for Health in February 2013, recognises Queensland Health has previously had a
Appointments to Boards of Government Owned Corporations and Qld Rail
Energex Limited (Energex); Ergon Energy Corporation Limited (Ergon); Stanwell Corporation Limited (Stanwell); Far North Queensland Ports Corporation Limited (Ports North); Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited (GPC); Port of Townsville Limited (POTL); QIC Limited (QIC); and SunWater Limited (SunWater) are Government owned corporations (GOCs).
The Boards of GOCs are established under the Government
Appointments Qld Board of Medical Board of Australia
The Queensland Board of the Medical Board of Australia (QBMBA) is established under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act 2009 (‘the Act’).
Its functions include making individual registration and notification decisions, based on national policies and standards on behalf of the Medical Board of Australia.
Sections 36(5) and (6) of the Act stipulates that at least half, but no mo
Appointments to the University of Queensland Senate
The University of Queensland Senate is the governing body of the University established by the University of Queensland Act 1998 (the Act).
Section 5 of the Act outlines the functions of the University which generally provides for education at university standard and courses of study or instruction (at the levels of achievement the senate considers appropriate) to meet the needs of the community.
Appointment to Council of Central Qld University
The Council of the Central Queensland University is the governing body of the University established by the Central Queensland University Act 1998 (the Act).
The functions of the Council, as prescribed by section 5 of the Act, include:
to provide education at university standard;
to provide facilities for, and encourage, study and research;
to encourage the advancement and development of knowledge
Reappointment to Local Government Change Commission
The Local Government Act 2009 provides for the Local Government Change Commission to assess proposed local government changes including changes to a local government’s area, name or representation.
The Commission is constituted by the Electoral Commissioner of Queensland or any combination of the Electoral Commissioner, deputy electoral commissioner or casual commissioner, as required and as nomi
Extension of appointment of Trustees of Parklands Gold Coast
The Parklands Gold Coast venue is located at Southport and is managed by the Trustees of Parklands Gold Coast (the Trust). The venue is used as a harness racing venue and for a number of community, entertainment and recreational purposes, including the annual Gold Coast Show and the ‘Big Day Out’ event.
Mr John (Jim) Callaghan (chairperson), Mr John Howe and Ms Susan Forrester were appointed as t
Appointment to Council of University of Sunshine Coast
The University of the Sunshine Coast Council (the Council) is the governing body of the University established by the University of the Sunshine Coast Act 1998 (the Act).
The functions of the Council as prescribed by section 5 of the Act include:
to provide education at university standard;
to provide facilities for, and encourage, study and research;
to encourage the advancement and development
Appointment to the Surveyors Board of Queensland
The Surveyors Board of Queensland (the Board) is an independent statutory body whose purpose is to maintain public confidence in the surveying profession by ensuring surveys are carried out by registrants in a professional and competent way.
The Board’s major functions include prescribing competency frameworks for surveyors; assessing applications for all categories of registration and endorsement
Appointments to Qld Reconstruction Board
The Queensland Reconstruction Board is established under section 28 of the Queensland Reconstruction Authority Act 2011.
As set out in section 29 of the Act, the functions of the Board are as follows.
to set the strategic priorities for the Queensland Reconstruction Authority;
to make recommendations to the Minister responsible for the Act about:
priorities for community infrastructure, other p
Appointments to Queensland Treasury Corporation Capital Markets Board
The QTC Capital Markets Board is established under section 10 of the Queensland Treasury Corporation Act 1988 (the Act) and is responsible for managing all of QTC’s affairs, except those relating to certain superannuation and other long-term assets. Board responsibilities include:
overseeing QTC’s operations, including its control and accountability systems;
developing and monitoring QTC’s strat
Appointment to the Queensland Parole Board and the Central and Northern Queensland Regional Parole Board
The Queensland Parole Board and the Central and Northern Queensland Regional Parole Board are independent statutory bodies established under the Corrective Services Act 2006.
The parole boards determine parole applications from prisoners who are serving sentences in excess of three years, all sex offenders and offenders determined to be serious violent offenders. The parole boards also consider a
Appointments to the Pool Safety Council
The Pool Safety Council is established under the Building Act 1975.
The Pool Safety Council is responsible for the licensing of pool safety inspectors. This includes associated responsibilities such as audits, complaint investigation, training and reporting.
Cabinet noted the intention of the Minister for Housing and Public Works to appoint to the Pool Safety Council from the date of the approval
Appointments to the Racing Disciplinary Board
The government made election commitments under its ‘Rejuvenating Queensland Racing’ policy and in its Six Month Action Plan, amongst other things, to transfer appropriate racing integrity functions to government, to be paid for by the industry, including the establishment of a Racing Disciplinary Board (the disciplinary board).
To address criticisms of there being no independent appeal mechanisms
Appointments to the TAFE Queensland Board
The TAFE Queensland Board (the Board) is established as the governing body of TAFE Queensland under the TAFE Queensland Act 2013.
Part 2, division 3 of the Act outlines the functions of the Board which includes to:
ensure it operates in accordance with its operational plan and, as far as possible, achieves the performance targets and objectives stated in the plan;
account to the Minister for its p
Appointment to the Non State Schools Accreditation Board
The Non-State Schools Accreditation Board is established under section 105 of the Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Act 2001 (the Act).
Section 106 of the Act details the functions of the Board which includes considering applications for accreditation of non-state schools, assessing the suitability of their governing bodies, and accrediting schools complying with the accreditation cri
Establishment of Qld Independent Remuneration Tribunal and appointment of members
On 11 July 2013, the Premier announced the establishment of the Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal (the Tribunal) to determine the future remuneration and allowances for State Members of Parliament (MPs) under a plan to reform the Queensland Parliament’s entitlements system.
The Tribunal has been tasked with conducting a review of the Queensland Parliament’s entitlements system. By 15 Oc
Reappointment of Public Service Commissioner
The Public Service Act 2008 (the Act) establishes the Commission as an amalgamation of the Office of the Public Service Commissioner and the Service Delivery and Performance Commission.
The Commission is responsible for providing vision and strategic advice on the priorities and directions for the Queensland Public Service to ensure that Queensland is proactively addressing current public sector r
Appointments to the Qld Studies Authority
The Queensland Studies Authority is a statutory body established by the Education (Queensland Studies Authority) Act 2002 (the Act).
Part 2, division 2 of the Act outlines the functions of the Queensland Studies Authority which includes to:
develop, revise, approve and accredit years 1-12 syllabuses, preparatory guidelines and kindergarten guidelines; and
develop and revise documents, resources
Appointments Darling Downs Moreton Rabbit Board
The Darling Downs-Moreton Rabbit Board (the Board) is a statutory body under the Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002.
The Board’s major function is to manage rabbits in the part of the State shown as the Darling Downs-Moreton Rabbit Board District on a map held by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. This is to ensure that the land situated in the rabbit d
Reappointment to the Brisbane Housing Company
The Brisbane Housing Company Limited (BHCL) was established as a not-for-profit charitable company in 2002 under a partnership between the Queensland Government and the Brisbane City Council (the Council).
BHCL is an independent public company limited by shares. BHCL has two types of shareholding, ordinary shares and community shares. The ordinary shareholders are the State, acting through the Dep
Appointment to the Hospital and Health Boards
The objects of the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 (the Act) are to establish a public sector health system that delivers high quality hospital and other health services to persons in Queensland having regard to the principles and objectives of the national health system by:
(a) strengthening local decision-making and accountability, local consumer and community engagement, and local clinician
Appointment to the James Cook University Council
The James Cook University Council is the governing body of the University established by the James Cook University Act 1997 (the Act).
Section 5 of the Act outlines the functions of the University which generally provides for education at a university standard and courses of study or instruction (at levels of achievement the council considers appropriate) to meet the needs of the community.
Appointment to the Mental Health Review Tribunal
The Mental Health Review Tribunal is established under the Mental Health Act 2000. Its primary role is to provide independent review of persons subject to involuntary detention and treatment under the Act.
The Tribunal conducts hearings for involuntary, including forensic, patients throughout Queensland.
Sections 440(2) and 441(1) of the Act provide that members are appointed by the Governor in
Appointment to the Qld Institute of Medical Research
The Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR) is established under the Queensland Institute of Medical Research Act 1945 and its main objective is to conduct research into any branch or branches of medicine.
The QIMR Council consists of at least seven, but no more than 11, members appointed by the Governor in Council. In recommending persons to be appointed as members of the Council, the M
Appointments to Building and Construction Industry QLeave Board
The Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 1991 (the Act) provides for the establishment of the Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority (QLeave), which administers a scheme of portable long service leave benefits for eligible workers in the building and construction industry in Queensland. Section 11 of the Act provides that QLeave i
Appointments to the Board of Stadiums Qld
Stadiums Queensland is established under the Major Sports Facilities Act 2001 (the Act) as an independent authority to manage, operate and promote Queensland’s world class major sports facilities. Stadiums Queensland is also empowered, under the Act, to develop major sports facilities for declaration under the Act and other infrastructure associated with the State’s major sports facilities.
The S
Appointment of one member to the University of Qld Senate
The University of Queensland Senate is the governing body of the University established by the University of Queensland Act 1998 (the Act).
The functions of the University are set out in section 5 of the Act and include to:
disseminate knowledge and promote scholarship;
provide education at university standard;
provide facilities for, and encourage, study and research;
encourage the advancement a
Appointments to the Veterinary Surgeons Board of Qld
The Veterinary Surgeons Board of Queensland (the Board) is a statutory authority established under the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1936 to oversee the system of registration and supervision of veterinary surgeons, and the approval of veterinary premises in Queensland.
The Board consists of six members appointed by the Governor in Council. All members other than the chairperson may be appointed for a t
Appointments to medical assessment Tribunals
Medical assessment tribunals are established under the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 to provide an independent system of medical review and assessment of injury and impairment sustained by workers.
Medical assessment tribunals are an integral part of Queensland’s workers’ compensation system for the assessment of medical issues. Decisions of the tribunals are final and binding
Appointments to Qld Racing Industry Boards Thoroughbred Harness Greyhound All Codes
The Government made election commitments under its ‘Rejuvenating Queensland Racing’ policy and in its Six Month Action Plan to remove Racing Queensland Limited (RQL) as the control body for racing and establish an overarching Queensland All Codes Racing Industry Board (all-codes board), as well as establishing separate control boards for each code of racing.
The primary function of the all-codes b
Appointment to Racing Disciplinary Board
The Government made election commitments under its ‘Rejuvenating Queensland Racing’ policy and in its Six Month Action Plan to, amongst other things, transfer appropriate racing integrity functions to Government, to be paid for by the industry, including the establishment of a Racing Disciplinary Board (the disciplinary board).
To address criticisms of there being no independent appeal mechanisms
Appointment Racing Integrity Commissioner
The Government made election commitments under its ‘Rejuvenating Queensland Racing’ policy and in its Six Month Action Plan to, amongst other things, transfer appropriate racing integrity functions to Government, to be paid for by the industry, including the establishment of the new position of Racing Integrity Commissioner.
The Commissioner will provide independent oversight of integrity issues a
Appointment of Chairperson to the Appeal Costs Board
The Appeal Costs Fund 1973, in conjunction with the Appeal Costs Fund Regulation 2010, allows for the reimbursement to eligible applicants of certain costs associated with particular litigation and establishes the Appeals Cost Fund to meet those costs.
The purpose of the Act is to ensure that participants in the legal system are not financially inconvenienced by the illness of a judge or magistr
Appointments to the Board of Architects Qld
The Board of Architects of Queensland is established under the Architects Act 2002 to maintain a register of registered architects; protect the public interest by ensuring only competent, qualified persons practice as registered architects; ensure registered architects maintain appropriate technical and professional standards; investigate complaints against architects and take legal proceedings fo
Appointment of Information Commissioner
Section 123 of the Right to Information Act 2009 (the RTI Act) establishes the Information Commissioner and Office of the Information Commissioner (OIC). Under the RTI Act and Information Privacy Act 2009 (the IP Act), the Information Commissioner is an independent statutory office holder appointed by the Governor-in-Council to exercise functions under the RTI Act and IP Act. Such functions includ
Appointments of Justices of the Peace for Qld Civil and Administrative Tribunal
As part of the election commitments, the Government committed $3.5 million over four years to the justice of the peace (JP) program to enhance and refocus the role of JPs in the community. As part of this commitment, a trial is to be undertaken to expand the role of JPs to hear minor civil disputes (MCD) with a value of $5,000 or less and non-urgent residential tenancy matters in the Queensland C
Appointment of Commissioner to Queensland Mental Health Commission
The Queensland Mental Health Commission (QMHC) will be established as an independent statutory body by the Queensland Mental Health Commission Act 2013 .
The QMHC will provide strategic leadership for systemic reform and development to improve the services for Queenslander’s living with, or vulnerable to mental illness or substance misuse issues. This will be achieved through actions aimed at
Appointments to Queensland Heritage Council
The Queensland Heritage Council (QHC) is a twelve-person statutory authority established under the Queensland Heritage Act 1992 (the Act) to help conserve Queensland’s cultural heritage.
QHC provides strategic advice to the Minister about Queensland’s non-Indigenous cultural heritage and makes decisions about what places are entered in the Queensland Heritage Register. It also makes recommendatio
Appointments to the Valuers Registration Board
The Valuers Registration Board of Queensland was established in February 1966 under the Valuers Registration Act 1965 and continues under section 5 of the Valuers Registration Act 1992 (the Act).
The primary functions of the Board are:
to protect the public by registering valuers of land and maintaining a roll of registered valuers;
to authorise the investigation of complaints in relation to the c
Appointment of members to the Hospital and Health Boards
The Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 (the Act) objects are to establish a public sector health system that delivers high quality hospital and other health services to persons in Queensland having regard to the principles and objectives of the national health system by:
(a) strengthening local decision-making and accountability, local consumer and community engagement, and local clinician engage
Appointment to the Plumbing Industry Council
The Plumbing Industry Council (PIC) is a statutory body established under the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2002.
The Plumbing Industry Council administers the licensing system for plumbers and drainers, including the issuing of licences, investigation of complaints, disciplinary matters and promotes the acceptable standards of competence for the trade.
Cabinet noted the intention of the Minister for
Appointment to the Board of Professional Engineers of Qld
The Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland is established under the Professional Engineers Act 2002 (the Act) to maintain a register of registered professional engineers; protect the public interest by ensuring only competent, qualified persons practice as registered professional engineers; ensure registered professional engineers maintain appropriate technical and professional standards; i
Appointments to the Queensland Theatre Company
The Queensland Theatre Company is established under the Queensland Theatre Company Act 1970.
Under section 12 of the Act the Queensland Theatre Company functions are:
to promote and encourage the development and presentation, public interest, participation, understanding and appreciation of the arts of the theatre;
to produce, present and manage plays and other forms of theatre and entertainment;
Appointment Building and Construction Industry Training Fund
The Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (QLD) Ltd (BCITF) has been established as the skills centre of excellence for the building and construction industry and is a not for profit company limited by guarantee, with sole membership being the State of Queensland, through the Minister for Education, Training and Employment.
The skills centre of excellence represents a partnership model
Appointment to the Board of Brisbane Housing Company Ltd
The Brisbane Housing Company Limited (BHCL) was established as a not-for-profit charitable company in 2002 under a partnership between the Queensland Government and the Brisbane City Council (the Council).
BHCL is an independent public company limited by shares. BHCL has two types of shareholding, ordinary shares and community shares. The ordinary shareholders are the State, acting through the Dep
Appointment to Industrial Court of Queensland
The Industrial Court of Queensland is a superior court of record in Queensland.
Mr David Hall retired as president of the Industrial Court of Queensland effective 4 October 2013.
Section 243 of the Industrial Relations Act 1999 provides for appointment to the office of president of the court.
Cabinet approved that the Honourable Justice Glenn Martin AM be recommended to the Governor in Council fo
Appointments Board of Aviation Australia Pty Ltd
Aviation Australia Pty Ltd provides aviation training to support the development of Queensland as an aviation and aerospace hub for the Asia-Pacific region, and is a centre of excellence in education and training for the aviation industry.
The constitution of Aviation Australia Pty Ltd defines the objectives for which the Company is established as to:
facilitate the setup and establishment of a
Appointments of Family Responsibilities Commissioners and Board members
The Family Responsibilities Commission (FRC) is a central feature of Cape York Welfare Reform (CYWR) that operates in the communities of Aurukun, Coen, Hope Vale and Mossman Gorge. The FRC comprises the Commissioner, the Deputy-Commissioner (where appointed) and 19 Local Commissioners drawn from the CYWR communities.
The FRC Commissioner and Local Commissioners hold conferences with community m
Appointments HIV Foundation Queensland
On 31 October 2013, the Governor in Council approved the establishment of the HIV Foundation Queensland (HIVFQ) via regulation as an independent body corporate under the Hospitals Foundations Act 1982, commencing 1 December 2013.
The HIVFQ will assume the advisory role of the Ministerial Advisory Committee on HIV/AIDS (MAC), which was established on 1 July 2012, and will also undertake additional
Appointments Island Industries Board
The Island Industries Board (the Board) is a Queensland Government statutory body that trades as the Islanders Board of Industry and Service (commonly known as IBIS). The Board is constituted and operates under Part 7A of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act 1984.
IBIS is the major food and grocery retailer in the Torres Strait. With a head-of
Appointments Non-State Schools Accreditation Board and Eligibility for Government Funding Committee
The Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Act 2001 (the Act) provides for the establishment of two bodies, the Non-State Schools Accreditation Board (the Board) and the Non-State Schools Eligibility for Government Funding Committee (Funding Committee).
The Board is an independent statutory body established under section 105 of the Act.
Section 106 of the Act details the functions of th
Appointments to the Queensland Building and Construction Board
The Queensland Building and Construction Board (the Board) is established under Section 5 of the Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act 1991 (the Act).
The role of the Board is to ensure the Authority is performing its functions and exercises its powers in an appropriate, effective and efficient way.
Cabinet endorsed that the following members to the Board be recommended to the Go
Appointments Queensland Studies Authority
The Queensland Studies Authority is a statutory body established by the Education (Queensland Studies Authority) Act 2002.
Part 2, division 2 of the Act outlines the functions of the Queensland Studies Authority which includes to:
develop, revise, approve and accredit years 1-12 syllabuses, preparatory guidelines and kindergarten guidelines; and
develop and revise documents, resources and servic
Appointments to the Board of Stadiums Queensland
Stadiums Queensland is established under the Major Sports Facilities Act 2001 (the Act) as an independent authority to manage, operate and promote Queensland’s world class major sports facilities. Stadiums Queensland is also empowered, under the Act, to develop major sports facilities for declaration under the Act and other infrastructure associated with the State’s major sports facilities.
The S
Appointments University of the Sunshine Coast Council
The University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) Council is the governing body of the University established by the University of the Sunshine Coast Act 1998 (the Act).
Section 5 of the Act outlines the functions of the University which generally provides for education at university standard and courses of study or instruction, at the levels of achievement the council considers appropriate, to meet the
Appointments Child Death Case Review Committee
The Child Death Case Review Committee was established under Chapter 6, Part 1 of the Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian Act 2000.
The Committee is required to review all “original reviews” carried out by the Chief Executive under Part 7A of the Child Protection Act 1999 and make recommendations to the Chief Executive about:
improving Child Safety Services policies relati
Appointment of Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions
Section 4A of the Director of Public Prosecutions Act 1984 (the Act) establishes the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP). Section 17 of the Act provides for the appointment of a Deputy DPP.
Section 10 of the Act provides that the DPP’s functions are to:
prepare, institute and conduct criminal proceedings on behalf of the Crown;
prepare and conduct appeals against convictions or pen
Appointment Trade and Investment Qld Board
In November 2012, Geoffrey Thomas and John Mickel was appointed to undertake a comprehensive review of TIQ. The Report was presented in January 2013.
The Report made 86 recommendations across the organisation, with key recommendations on TIQ's role and operations domestically and overseas, alignment of resources in current and emerging markets, and corporate structure and governance.
Appointments to the Griffith University Council
The Griffith University Council is the governing body of the University established by the Griffith University Act 1998 (the Act).
Section 5 of the Act outlines the functions of the University which generally provide for education at university standard and courses of study or instruction (at the levels of achievement the council considers appropriate) to meet the needs of the community generally,
Appointments to Residential Tenancies Authority
The Residential Tenancies Authority’s Board of Directors (the Board) is established under Chapter 10, Part 3 of the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008. The role of the Board is to ensure the Authority is performing its functions and exercises its powers in an appropriate, effective and efficient way.
The Board is required to include representatives of industry and consumer or
Appointment of Chair of Screen Queensland
Screen Queensland is a Proprietary Company Limited by Shares, with the State of Queensland as the sole shareholder.
The company’s constitution sets out the objects of the company:
to increase the level of film and television production in Queensland;
to develop and maintain a creative infrastructure in Queensland for the film and television production industry;
to develop and maintain an active
Appointments to the Board of Examiners
The Board of Examiners is constituted under Part 10 of the Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999 (the Act).
The functions of the Board are:
to decide the competencies necessary for holders of certificates of competency;
to assess applicants, or have applicants assessed, for certificates of competency;
to grant certificates of competency to persons who have demonstrated to the Board’s satisfaction
Appointment Chairperson Trade and Investment Qld Board
In November 2012, Geoffrey Thomas and John Mickel were appointed to undertake a comprehensive review of Trade and Investment Queensland (TIQ). The Report was presented in January 2013.
The Report made 86 recommendations across the organisation, with key recommendations on TIQ's role and operations domestically and overseas, alignment of resources in current and emerging markets, and corporate s
Appointment Criminal Organisation Public Interest Monitor
The Criminal Organisation Act 2009 (the Act) seeks to disrupt and restrict the activities of organisations involved in serious criminal activity and to disrupt and restrict the activities of the members and associates of such organisations who are involved in serious criminal activity.
Section 83 of the Act provides for the appointment of the Criminal Organisation Public Interest Monitor (COPIM)
Appointment of Deputy Chairperson Trade and Investment Qld Board
In November 2012, Geoffrey Thomas and John Mickel were appointed to undertake a comprehensive review of Trade and Investment Queensland (TIQ). The Report was presented in January 2013.
The Report made 86 recommendations across the organisation, with key recommendations on TIQ's role and operations domestically and overseas, alignment of resources in current and emerging markets, and corporate s
Appointment Chairperson Mental Health and Drug Advisory Council
Established under section 37 of the Queensland Mental Health Commission Act 2013 (‘the Act), the functions of the Queensland Mental Health Advisory Council (the Council) are to provide advice to the Queensland Mental Health Commission on mental health or substance misuse issues and to make recommendations to the Commission in relation to its functions.
The Council will also act as champion for con
appointment five members university of southern queensland council
The University of Southern Queensland Council is the governing body of the University established by the University of Southern Queensland Act 1998 (the Act).
Section 5 of the Act outlines the functions of the University which generally provides for education at a university standard and courses of study or instruction (at the levels of achievement the council considers appropriate) to meet the ne
Appointment Justices of the Peace Qld Civil and Administrative Tribunal
As part of the election commitments, the Government committed $3.5 million over four years to the justice of the peace (JP) program to enhance and refocus the role of JPs in the community. As part of this commitment, a trial commenced in June 2013 to expand the role of JPs to hear minor civil disputes (MCD) with a value of $5,000 or less and non-urgent residential tenancy matters in the Queenslan
Appointment to the Qld Rail Board
Queensland Rail is a statutory authority providing essential passenger service functions.
The Chair and Queensland Rail Board (the Board) are essential to the effective operation of Queensland Rail (the Authority). The Board’s role are set out in section 15 of the Queensland Rail Transit Authority Act 2013 (the Act) to:
decide the strategies and the operational, administrative and financial polic
Appointment Right to Information Commissioners
Section 147 of the Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act) establishes the role of Right to Information (RTI) Commissioner and provides that the RTI Commissioner is a member of the staff of the Office of the Information Commissioner.
The RTI Commissioner is a deputy to the Information Commissioner, particularly as it relates to the Information Commissioner’s functions under the RTI Act, as delega
Appointment to Central Qld University Council
The Central Queensland University Council (the Council) is the governing body of the University established by the Central Queensland University Act 1998 (the Act).
Section 5 of the Act outlines the functions of the University which generally provides for education at university standard and courses of study or instruction (at the levels of achievement the Council considers appropriate) to meet th
Appointments to James Cook University Council
The James Cook University Council is the governing body of the University established by the James Cook University Act 1997 (the Act).
Section 5 of the Act outlines the functions of the University which generally provides for education at university standard and courses of study or instruction (at the levels of achievement the council considers appropriate) to meet the needs of the community.
Appointment of Local Commissioners to Family Responsibilities Commission
The Family Responsibilities Commission (FRC), a central feature of welfare reform, is a statutory body established under the Family Responsibilities Commission Act 2008. The FRC operates to restore local Indigenous authority and build stronger and more resilient communities by attaching behavioural obligations to the receipt of welfare payments.
The FRC has comprised the Commissioner, the Deputy-
Appointments Racing Boards
The government made election commitments under its ‘Rejuvenating Queensland Racing’ policy and in its Six Month Action Plan to remove Racing Queensland Limited (RQL) as the control body for racing and establish an overarching Queensland All Codes Racing Industry Board (all-codes board), as well as establishing separate control boards for each code of racing.
The primary function of the all-codes b
Appointments to Legal Aid Board
Section 48 of the Legal Aid Queensland Act 1997 establishes the Legal Aid Board.
The function of the Board is to responsibly manage Legal Aid Queensland and ensure that Legal Aid Queensland achieves its objects under the Act.
Under section 49 of the Act, the Board consists of five persons (including one as the Board Chairperson) appointed by the Governor in Council.
Cabinet endorsed that Mr Bri
Appointments to Mental Health Review Tribunal
The Mental Health Review Tribunal is established under the Mental Health Act 2000. Its primary role is to provide independent review of persons subject to involuntary detention and treatment under the Act.
The Tribunal conducts hearings for involuntary, including forensic, patients throughout Queensland.
Hearing Panels are composed of three categories of members: legal; psychiatrist; and other p
Appointments of JPs to Qld Civil and Administrative Tribunal
As part of its election commitments, the Government committed $3.5 million over four years to the Justice of the Peace (JP) program to enhance and refocus the role of JPs in the community.
As part of this commitment, a trial commenced in June 2013 to expand the role of JPs to hear minor civil disputes with a value of $5,000 or less and non-urgent residential tenancy matters in the Queensland Civi
Appointments to the Qld Art Gallery Board
The Queensland Art Gallery Board of Trustees is established under the Queensland Art Gallery Act 1987 (the Act).
Under section 19 of the Act, the Board’s functions are, in summary:
to control, manage and maintain the Queensland Art Gallery;
to develop the Gallery’s collection of works of art;
to minister to the needs of the community in the visual arts by displaying works of art, promoting arti
Appointments to the Library Board of Qld
The Library Board of Queensland is established under the Libraries Act 1988 (the Act).
The Board has the functions conferred on it under section 20 of the Act. In summary, the Board’s functions are:
to promote the advancement and effective operation and co-ordination of public libraries of all descriptions throughout the State;
to encourage and facilitate the use of public libraries;
to contro
Appointments to Board of Qld Museum
The Board of the Queensland Museum is established under the Queensland Museum Act 1970 (the Act).
Under section 12 of the Act, the Board’s functions are, in summary:
the control and management of the museum and its natural history, historical and technological collections;
the museum’s maintenance and administration so as to meet the needs and demands of the community;
the storage of suitable i