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Your search for Rural returned 23 record/s.
Draft North West Regional Plan - development under the Blueprint for the Bush initiative
The Blueprint for the Bush initiative is a 10-year partnership plan between Queensland Government, the Local Government Association of Queensland and AgForce to foster support sustainable, liveable and prosperous rural communities in Queensland. This initiative seeks to address service and infrastructure delivery challenges experienced by regional communities experiencing static or declining popu

Qld Govt Submission to Senate Inquiry into Suicide in Australia
On 10 September 2009, the Senate requested that the Community Affairs References Committee to conduct an inquiry into matters relating to the impact of suicide on the Australian community, including high risk groups such as Indigenous youth and rural communities. The Premier of Queensland was invited by the Chair of the Senate Committee to provide a written submission addressing issues relevant to

Tomorrows Regions Qld Govt Partnership with Regional Communities
Tomorrow’s Regions represents a new model to guide the Queensland Government’s engagement with rural and regional Queensland. The model reflects three core principles: effective engagement; better partnerships; and regions influencing priorities. Implementation of this model will make a critical contribution to achieving the goals of Toward Q2: Tomorrow’s Queensland; goals which will only be achi

Response to the Premier's Council on Climate change Working Paper 4
The Premier’s Council on Climate Change provides strategic advice to the Queensland Government and is comprised of 12 members external to Government with expertise across key sectors. The Council developed its fourth Working Paper, entitled Capturing Carbon in the Rural Landscape: Opportunities for Queensland. The Council Paper includes 15 recommendations to the Queensland Government on policy and

Rural and Regional Adjustment Regulation 2011
The Rural and Regional Adjustment Act 1994 (the Act) establishes QRAA primarily to administer assistance schemes that foster the development of a more productive and sustainable rural and regional sector in Queensland. Section 11 of the Act requires that all approved assistance schemes be set out in detail in regulation. The Rural and Regional Adjustment Regulation 2000 (the Regulation) is the

Appointment of the QRAA board
QRAA is a statutory authority established under the Rural and Regional Adjustment Act 1994 (the Act). Its main function is to administer assistance schemes that foster the development of a more productive and sustainable rural and regional sector in Queensland. This includes assistance schemes under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (for example cyclone and flood recovery schem

Establishment of a Rural Debt Taskforce
Prevailing drought conditions in several regions of the State over recent months (and in some cases years) have exacerbated the issues faced by some Queensland farm businesses in terms of accessing sufficient finance and/or maintaining their repayments on existing debt. As a result, the issue of rural debt has been the focus of considerable recent media coverage and some stakeholders have sought a

Queensland Rural and Remote Mental Health and Wellbeing Action Plan 2016-18
Rural and remote Queensland is home to just over 1.65 million Queenslanders from diverse backgrounds. While some communities in rural and remote areas are thriving and growing, others are facing significant adversity and uncertainty and are at risk of experiencing lower levels of wellbeing. This contributes to higher suicide rates and a higher proportion using alcohol and other drugs. Lower wellb

Delivery of Kindergarten in remote state schools in 2017
Under the National Partnership Agreement on Universal Access to Early Childhood Education 2016-2017 (NP UAECE), the Queensland Government committed to ensuring all children have the opportunity to access kindergarten in the year before school. While more than 95% of Queensland children attend kindergarten, access for children in remote communities remains a challenge, with participation estimated

Government response to Agriculture and Environment Committee Report No 29 Review of Drought Relief Assistance Scheme
The Agriculture and Environment Committee has undertaken a review of the Drought Relief Assistance Scheme (DRAS) in accordance with its public accounts responsibilities under the Parliament of Queensland Act 2001. On 3 January 2017, the Committee tabled its report with five recommendations for the Government. The Committee recommended that the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries develop an upd

Appointment of directors of Darling Downs-Moreton Rabbit Board
The Darling Downs-Moreton Rabbit Board is a statutory authority established as an invasive animal board under the Biosecurity Act 2014. The Act provides that the directors are appointed by the Minister for a term of no more than four years. The Board’s main function is to maintain the rabbit barrier fence and manage the European rabbit in the Darling Downs-Moreton rabbit district which is spread

Finance and Administration Committee Report No. 34 Farm Business Debt Mediation Bill 2016
On 30 August 2016, the Government introduced the Farm Business Debt Mediation Bill 2016. The Farm Business Debt Mediation Bill 2016 includes a legislated farm debt mediation process and transforming the QRAA (formerly the Queensland Rural Adjustment Authority) into the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority with new powers and responsibilities. On 26 May 2016, the Member for Mt Isa, M

Appointment of directors of the QRAA Board
QRAA is a statutory body established under the Rural and Regional Adjustment Act 1994. Its main function is to administer assistance schemes that foster the development of a more productive and sustainable rural and regional sector in Queensland. This includes assistance schemes under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (for example cyclone and flood recovery schemes) and the Pr

Appointments to Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority Board
The Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority Board (QRIDA) is a statutory body established under the Rural and Regional Adjustment Act 1994. Its main function is to administer assistance schemes that foster the development of a more productive and sustainable rural and regional sector in Queensland. This includes: administering the Queensland Government's primary industries productivi

Agriculture and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019
The Agriculture and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019 (Bill) proposes a number of amendments to portfolio and other legislation. The principal Acts proposed to be amended by the Bill are: Animal Care and Protection Act 2001; Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act 2008; Biosecurity Act 2014; Chemical Usage (Agricultural and Veterinary) Control Act 1988; Drugs Misuse Act 1986, Part 5B; Environmen

New Queensland non-urban water measurement policy consultation paper
In August 2017, the Queensland Government appointed an independent panel of water experts to undertake an independent audit of Queensland’s non-urban water measurement and compliance. This was following national media attention on issues relating to water management and compliance in the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB). The report from the independent expert panel was provided to the government in Marc

Drought Impact
In August 2019, 65 per cent of Queensland was drought declared under State Government processes (32 shires and four part shires). This was down from 88.7 per cent in early 2017, however, some shires had been drought declared since mid-2013. Rainfall across many parts of southern Queensland over the past 12-24 months had been extremely low. The August to October 2019 climate outlook suggested a dri

Amendments during consideration in detail of Agriculture and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019
The Agriculture and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019 (the Bill) was introduced into the Legislative Assembly on 22 August 2019. Clause 132 of the Bill amends section 10A of the Summary Offences Act 2005 to provide (broadly) that a gathering of three or more people on such used for specified purposes is unlawful if the conduct of the gathered persons, taken together, would cause a person in t

Appointments to Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority Board
The Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority Board (QRIDA) is a statutory body established under the Rural and Regional Adjustment Act 1994. Its main function is to administer assistance schemes that foster the development of a more productive and sustainable rural and regional sector in Queensland. This includes: administering the Queensland Government's primary industries productivi

Increasing access to kindergarten in rural and remote communities
The Queensland Government is committed to giving all children the best possible start in life. Increasing wellbeing prior to school through participation in a kindergarten program is a key priority of the Queensland Government under Our Future State: Advancing Queensland’s Priorities. To ensure all children can access a kindergarten program, regardless of their location or family circumstances, t

Review of Regional Planning Interests Act 2014 Assessment Process Report – Government response
GasFields Commission Queensland (the Commission) prepared ‘Review of Regional Planning Interests Act 2014 Assessment Process Report’ (the report) which focussed on improvements to the assessment process and framework under the Regional Planning Interests Act 2014 (RPI Act). The Commission report was the outcome of a review that focused on: the assessment process and the assessment criteria used to

Appointments Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority Board
The Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA) is a statutory body established under the Rural and Regional Adjustment Act 1994. Its main function is to administer assistance schemes that foster the development of a more productive and sustainable rural and regional sector in Queensland. This includes administering the Queensland Government's primary industries productivity loans

Progress report on 2022 Regional Community Forum Program
The Regional Community Forums (Forums) provide a platform for ongoing engagement between rural and regional communities, local councils and Queensland Government Ministers, other Members of Parliament and Queensland Government officials. Since the initiative began in October 2019, 12 Forums have been held in each of the seven regions. In 2022, Forums were held on 30 May, 11 July, 26 September an