Your search for Regulatory Reform returned 50 record/s. |
Smart Regulation Annual Report 2007-08
The Smart Regulation Annual Report 2007-08 replaces the previous annual Red Tape Reduction Stocktake report. The Annual Report expands the Stocktake report by extending the focus from red tape reduction initiatives to regulatory reform more generally, and by including benefits to community and government as well as business.
The Annual Report includes details on the Queensland Government’s partic
Agency Regulatory Simplification Plans
The Queensland Government requires agencies to develop agency regulatory simplification plans as part of the Government’s Queensland Regulatory Simplification Plan. The aim is to reduce the regulatory compliance burden to business and the administrative burden to government by $150 million per annum by the end of 2012-2013.
Agency regulatory simplification plans are a way to identify opportunitie
Credit (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2009
Under the Uniform Credit Laws Agreement 1993, the Governments of each state and territory agreed to establish and implement a uniform scheme regulating the provision of consumer credit. On 1 November 1996, the Uniform Consumer Credit Code (Credit Code), an appendix to the Consumer Credit (Queensland) Act 1994, commenced operation throughout Australia. Queensland holds the template legislation f
Regulatory Assessment System
The Queensland Government has significant commitments under the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) National Partnership Agreement to Deliver a Seamless National Economy, and at the state level to reform Queensland’s regulatory development processes and arrangements.
The Queensland Office for Regulatory Efficiency has developed the Regulatory Assessment Statement (RAS) system to satisfy t
Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Bill 2009
The Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Bill 2009 (the Bill) is to provide the National Law, hosted by Queensland, that sets out the legal framework for the new National Registration and Accreditation Scheme for Health Professions (the National Scheme).
The Bill is the second stage of the National Law for the National Scheme and is consistent with the Council of Australian Governments (CO
Property Agents, Motor Dealers, Commercial Agents and other Bills
The Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act 2000 (PAMD Act) provides for the licensing and regulation of real estate agents, resident letting agents, pastoral houses, property developers, motor dealers, auctioneers and commercial agents.
The Property Agents Bill 2010, the Motor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Bill 2010, the Commercial Agents Bill 2010 and the Agents Financial Administration Bill 2
Reforming the Environ Protect Act - Reducing Greentape for Business
The Queensland Government’s Smart Regulatory Reform Agenda aims to reduce the compliance burden to business and the administrative burden to government by $150 million each year by the end of 2013.
The Department of Environment and Resource Management’s regulatory simplification plan includes the two year Reducing Greentape for Business project (Greentape Reduction project), announced in 2010 as p
Business Names (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2011
The Australian Business Number / Business Names Registration Project is a Council of Australian Governments (COAG) initiative to reduce business regulation. In April 2007, the COAG requested the Small Business Ministerial Council, in consultation with the Ministerial Council on Consumer Affairs, to develop a business model for a national business names system. A business case was subsequently dev
Proposed National Licensing System for electrical, plumbing, gas fitting, airconditioning and refrigeration and property agent occupations
On 3 July 2008, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreed to develop a National Occupational Licensing System (NOLS) as part of the Seamless National Economy regulatory reform agenda.
The NOLS is being implemented through cooperative national legislation, whereby each State and Territory will pass legislation applying or mirroring the Occupational Licensing National Law (National Law).
Establishment of the Queensland Business Commissioner
The Queensland Government is committed to a competitive regulatory environment that supports Queensland business in driving innovation, productivity and economic growth for the benefit of all Queenslanders.
The Queensland Government is establishing a Queensland Business Commissioner (the Commissioner) to assist Queensland businesses by identifying and making recommendations to the Government about
Red Tape Reduction Energy Sector
In 2012, the government commenced a review of carbon reduction and energy efficiency schemes that may have become redundant following the introduction of the Commonwealth Government’s Carbon Pricing Mechanism (CPM).
The Queensland Gas Scheme, the Smart Energy Savings Program (SESP) and the policy for standards for new coal-fired power stations were identified as policies or programs which could
Review of mandatory requirements of rainwater tanks and other water savings systems
The review delivers against the Government’s 100-day election commitment (Number 301) to undertake a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of mandatory environmental inclusions such as rainwater tanks, and its Six Month Action Plan commitment to review laws mandating rainwater tanks on new buildings by the end of 2012.
Water saving targets for new houses and new commercial and industrial buildings h
Treasury (Cost of Living) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
The Treasury (Cost of Living) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 (the Bill) amends legislation to implement a number of election commitments.
The Duties Act 2001 is amended to reinstate the principal place of residence transfer duty concession (or home concession), the previous transfer duty rate structure and the phasing-out point for the reducing rebate for the first home concession fro
Proposed NLS
On 3 July 2008, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreed to develop a National Occupational Licensing System (NOLS) as part of the Seamless National Economy regulatory reform agenda.
The NOLS is being implemented through cooperative national legislation, whereby each State and Territory will pass legislation applying or mirroring the Occupational Licensing National Law (National Law).
Heavy Vehicle National Law Amendment Bill 2012
The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) is driving a national program of micro-economic reforms in a range of sectors to produce single regulatory environments for the Australian economy.
In February 2010, Queensland accepted the role of host jurisdiction for a national reform to create a National Heavy Vehicle Regulator and a single consolidated body of Heavy Vehicle National Law which will
Review of Land Sales Act 1984 - Public Release of Policy Proposals
The Land Sales Act 1984 regulates the sale of unregistered flat land (proposed allotments) and land sold off the plan forming part of a community titles scheme (proposed lots) (e.g. building units).
The review of the Act aims to assist in creating the conditions for business success by ensuring the legislative framework, in which property development sales can continue, remains relevant to the in
National Legal Professional Regulation
Cabinet considered a submission from the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice in relation to Queensland’s participation in the scheme for the regulation of the legal profession developed for the Council of Australian Governments.
Cabinet approved that Queensland not participate in the scheme.
Cabinet approved that the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice inform stakeholders of the Gover
Review of the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act
The Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 regulates residential tenancies and rooming accommodation in Queensland. It applies to rented houses, flats, townhouses, caravans and rooming accommodation.
The Act is being reviewed to ensure its provisions remain relevant and appropriate to the changing residential rental sector.
The objectives of the review are to ensure that:
Weapons and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
In April 2012, the Government announced that it would introduce mandatory minimum penalties for weapons offences to address the illegal use of firearms.
The Bill provides for mandatory minimum periods of imprisonment for the following offences under Weapons Act 1990 (the Act): unlawful trafficking (s 65), unlawful supply (s 50B) and unlawful possession of firearms (s 50).
The Bill also provides fo
Body Corporate and Community Management Amendment Bill 2012
A body corporate, comprising all lot owners in a community titles scheme, is responsible for the ownership and management of the body corporate assets and the scheme’s common property. Under the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 most costs associated with the administration of the body corporate and the management of the assets and common property are proportioned by each lot owner
Withdrawal from COAG commitments for 6-star units and national residential building mandatory disclosure scheme
Queensland is currently committed through the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) to the following components of the National Strategy on Energy Efficiency:
the adoption of 6-star energy efficiency standards for new units and
introduction of residential building mandatory disclosure.
New multi-unit residential buildings in Queensland are currently required to meet a 5-star energy efficiency
Building and Other Legislation Bill 2013
The Building and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 amends the Building Act 1975 (Building Act), Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008 (Water Supply Safety Act) and South-East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Act 2009 (SEQ Water Restructuring Act) to reduce red tape and save time and money in the assessment of building work over or near a sewer, water main and s
Modernising Queensland Resource Acts program
Queensland’s current legislative arrangements for resource tenure administration is characterized by a legislative framework which maintains separate Acts with differing approaches for minerals and coal, petroleum, geothermal and greenhouse gas storage. The result is a legislative framework which has, over time, become unnecessarily complex, burdensome and inefficient. As such this regulatory bu
Regulatory Requirements Baseline Count and Red Tape Reduction
In July 2012, the Office of Best Practice Regulation’s (OBPR) was directed to investigate and report on a framework on how to reduce the burden of regulation, to achieve the Government’s commitment to reduce red tape by 20% by 2018.
OBPR reviewed more than 100,000 pages of legislation, regulations and quasi-regulations to identify requirements imposed on business, community organisations or indivi
Office of Best Practice Regulation 2012-13 Annual Report for Reducing Burden of Regulation in Queensland
On 31 October 2013, Office of Best Practice Regulation (OBPR) provided its inaugural Annual Report to the Treasurer and Minister for Trade. The Annual Report provided the first formal and independent measure of progress in achieving the key election commitment of reducing red tape by 20% by 2018. It measured the change in the regulatory burden using a basket of measures (regulatory requirements,
Environmental Protection and Other Leg Amendment Regulation No1 2013
The Environmental Protection and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2013 (the Amendment Regulation) amends the Environmental Protection Regulation 2008, to give effect to the provisions of the Environmental Protection (Greentape Reduction) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2012 (the Greentape Reduction Act), passed by Parliament on 31 July 2012.
The Amendment Regulation includes pr
Queensland Government response to the Office of Best Practice Regulation’s Interim Report on a Framework
Queensland Government response to the Office of Best Practice Regulation’s Interim Report on a Framework for Reducing the Burden of Regulation
Treasurer and Minister for Trade
In 2012, the Ministers for the Queensland Competition Authority Act 1997 issued a Direction Notice to the Office of Best Practice Regulation (OBPR
Small Scale alluvial mining
The Government’s Six Month Action Plan January-June 2013 includes a commitment to “reduce red tape for small scale alluvial mining”. This commitment builds on the progress that has already been made in supporting the resources industry, including the small scale alluvial sector.
To meet the six month action plan commitment, a package of proposed reforms has been developed and included in a discu
Justice and other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013
The Attorney-General is responsible for the administration of over 200 statutes. Periodically, these Acts are reviewed to identify amendments which are desirable for ensuring that the Acts continue to operate in the manner intended. Other amendments to legislation may be identified as a result of court or tribunal decisions or representations by administering agencies and stakeholders.
The Jus
Review of the Electrical Safety Regulation 2002
The Electrical Safety Regulation 2002 commenced on 1 October 2002. Under the requirements of the Statutory Instruments Act 1992 the Regulation will expire and must be reviewed. A Regulatory Assessment Statement (RAS) has been completed as part of this review of the Regulation.
The RAS reviews the Regulation and examines the following three options:
Option 1 No Regulation – this option proposes to
Liquor and Gaming Red tape reduction Amendment Bill
The Queensland Government is committed to reducing red tape in the liquor and gaming industries.
In accordance with this commitment, the Liquor and Gaming (Red Tape Reduction) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 amends liquor and gaming legislation to reduce the regulatory burden, including:
removal of the requirement for gambling internal control systems, other than in casinos, to be approv
Property Occupations and other fair trading Bills 2013
The Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act 2000 provides for the licensing and regulation of real estate agents, resident letting agents, pastoral houses, property developers, motor dealers, auctioneers and commercial agents.
In February 2013, four draft Bills designed to split and repeal the Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act 2000 were released for a four week public consultation process and re
Review of Gene Technology and government response
The Gene Technology Act 2001 (the Queensland Act) is Queensland’s component of the regulatory scheme for gene technology in Australia. The object of the Queensland Act is to protect the health and safety of people, and to protect the environment, by identifying risks posed by or as a result of gene technology, and by managing the risks by regulating certain dealings with genetically modified organ
Communities Legislation (Funding Red Tape Reduction) Amendment Bill 2014
The Communities Legislation (Funding Red Tape Reduction) Amendment Bill 2014 amends the existing laws to remove all unnecessary red tape, yet retain essential safeguards. It does this by repealing the Family Services Act 1987 (FSA), removing parts of the Disability Services Act 2006 (DSA) that duplicate the Community Services Act 2007 (CSA), and reducing and amending the CSA.
The Bill will:
Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Bill 2014
The Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Bill 2014 is a significant step towards the modernisation of Queensland’s resources legislation. The Bill is a key component of the Modernising Queensland’s Resources Acts Program which will transform the legislative framework for mining, petroleum and gas, greenhouse gas storage and geothermal energy by implementing common processes. This harmo
Queensland Productivity Commission Bill 2015
While the current interim Queensland Productivity Commission (the Commission) has been operating since May 2015 as a public service office in the Treasury portfolio, the Queensland Productivity Commission Bill 2015 establishes the Commission as an independent statutory body to formalise its operational independence from Government.
The establishment of the Commission was a key election commitment
Proposal for the regulation of the labour hire industry in Queensland
The Finance and Administration Committee “Inquiry into the practices of the labour hire industry in Queensland” was tabled in Parliament on 30 June 2016.
An Issues Paper will canvass submissions from stakeholders and the community on the important features of any scheme for the regulation of the labour hire industry.
The Issues Paper seeks responses from stakeholders on a number of questions in r
Review of Industry Levy for Office of Groundwater Impact Assessment
The Office of Groundwater Impact Assessment is funded through an annual industry levy under the Water Act 2000. A review of the regulation for the annual industry levy is required every three years.
The purpose of the Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) is to summarise the outcomes of this review and seek stakeholder feedback on the recommendation made in the RIS.
In reviewing the indu
Reef Regulatory Package
The Queensland Government is working to progress implementation of the Great Barrier Reef Water Science Taskforce (the Taskforce) recommendations to improve catchment water quality, which affects the health of the Great Barrier Reef.
The Queensland Government accepted all of the Taskforce’s recommendations in principle in August 2016. This included ‘to implement staged regulations to reduce water
Response to Inquiry into tobacco licensing in Queensland - Committee Report No.19
In October 2015, the Legislative Assembly referred an inquiry into licensing arrangements in Queensland to the Health, Communities, Disability Services and Domestic Violence Prevention Committee.
As part of its inquiry, the Committee examined and considered the history of tobacco control and usage, types of tobacco licensing schemes, arrangements in other jurisdictions and international research.
Government response - Queensland Competition Authority report on Aquaculture Regulation
Over the past decade, growth of the aquaculture industry in Queensland has stagnated with no new major entrants to the industry and only three significant pond farm expansions being approved. The Queensland aquaculture industry contends that new investment in the sector is being discouraged by a complex and protracted regulatory framework, with no certainty about the outcome.
In September 2013, t
Second stage of personalised transport reform
In August 2016, the Queensland Government released Queensland’s Personalised Transport Horizon: Five Year Strategic Plan for Personalised Transport Services 2016-2021 which outlined reforms to the regulation of personalised transport in Queensland.
The first stage of this reform program involved immediate changes which legalised ride-booking services such as Uber and provided a more equitable reg
Queensland’s Personalised Transport Horizon – Stage Two Reforms
In August 2016, the Queensland Government released Queensland’s Personalised Transport Horizon: Five Year Strategic Plan for Personalised Transport Services 2016-2021 which outlined reforms to the regulation of personalised transport in Queensland.
The first stage of this reform program involved immediate changes which legalised ride-booking services such as Uber and provided a fairer regulatory
Regulatory Impact Statement - cattle pregnancy testing and ovarian scanning by laypersons
In Queensland, both pregnancy testing of cattle and diagnosis of ovarian status by ultrasound scanning are considered to be acts of veterinary science. Under the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1936, acts of veterinary science can only be performed for fee or reward by veterinary surgeons.
A Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) prepared for public consultation discussed three regulatory options:
2018 Better Regulation Taskforce Report-Queensland Government Response and Action Plan
The Better Regulation Taskforce (BRT) was established as a sub-committee of the Queensland Small Business Advisory Council to provide advice and an annual report to the Queensland Government on improving regulation on regulatory areas of concern to small business.
The 2018 report, the BRT’s second report, reviews the environment for regulation in a digitally disrupted economy, with new business m
Abandoned Mines Management Policy and regulatory efficiency consultation report
In 2016, the Queensland Government commissioned the Queensland Treasury Corporation to review Queensland’s financial assurance framework.
The review made a number of recommendations to reduce Queensland’s exposure to the financial and environmental costs of managing land disturbed by resource activities.
In response to that investigation and to further support the transparency of abandoned mine
Government Response to Better Regulation Taskforce Report
In 2015, the Government established the Red Tape Reduction Advisory Council (RTRAC) to provide an annual report on regulatory areas of concern to small business. The 2016 RTRAC report made a range of recommendations including the development of an enhanced regulatory framework with a greater focus on risk based regulation and a requirement for regulators to report annually against relevant perform
Building Queensland Repeal Bill 2021
cAs part of the Government’s COVID-19 Fiscal and Economic Review (2020) and the implementation of its Savings and Debt Plan, the Queensland Government announced that it had identified opportunities for the structural reform of statutory bodies and agencies, where their functions can be integrated within existing Government departments.
The Building Queensland Repeal Bill 2021 (the Bill) repeals t
Referral of sex work industry law reform to Queensland Law Reform Commission
The Palaszczuk Government has previously committed to referring the matter of sex work industry law reform to the Queensland Law Reform Commission (QLRC).
The QLRC, in accordance with the Terms of Reference, will be asked to recommend a framework for a decriminalised sex work industry in Queensland.
The QLRC’s report will be provided to the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, Minister for W
Better Regulation Taskforce Regulatory Review Project Government Response
The Better Regulation Taskforce (BRT) was established as a sub-committee of the Queensland Small Business Advisory Council to provide advice and an annual report to the Queensland Government on improving regulation on areas of concern to small business.
The BRT Regulatory Review Project Report (the BRT Report), which is the BRT’s third and final report, reviews the licensing and process requiremen