Your search for Regional Development returned 62 record/s. |
Sustainable Resource Communities
Rapid expansion of the mining industry in the Bowen Basin and associated population growth has had significant impact on local communities in the area as well as the coastal communities of Mackay, Rockhampton and Gladstone. Key issues emerging from this rapid growth include the need for better communication and coordination between local governments and the State Government and pressure on commun
Mooloolaba Spit Futures Plan
The Mooloolaba Spit Futures Study Master Plan (the Plan) provides a vision to guide development on the Mooloolaba Spit (the Spit) over the next 20 years having regard for the opportunities in the area and the diverse range of community inputs.
The Plan includes:
a number of guiding principles, contiguous with the vision, for future use and development on the Spit were prepared. A number of thes
Final Regional Plans developed under the Blueprint for the Bush initiative
The Central West, South West and Maranoa-Balonne Regional Plans (the plans) aim to build sustainable, liveable and prosperous regions for the next 20 years. The key outcome for each region is to strengthen and diversify economic activities in the region.
The plans are prepared under the Integrated Planning Act 1997 and are the first regional plans to be prepared in western Queensland.
The Central
Statutory plan Whitsunday and Mackay region
The Queensland Government is considering preparing a statutory regional plan for the Mackay, Hinterland and Whitsunday (WHAM) region under the Integrated Planning Act 1997 (IPA).
If a statutory regional plan was to be developed for the WHAM region, it will give the State power to guide the development of planning schemes and assess major developments under the IPA.
A statutory regional plan for th
Draft Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan
The statutory draft Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan will be an essential mechanism for managing change, shaping and supporting the future growth of communities in the region.
It provides a coordinated approach to addressing the unique challenges for planning and coordinating infrastructure, services and programs to meet current and emerging community needs.
Cabinet approved the draft Wide Bay Bu
Surat Basin Future Directions
Energy resources in the Surat Basin are driving rapid development, which presents great economic development opportunities, but may also put pressure on local communities, their economies and the environment.
Experience in the Bowen Basin has illustrated that a proactive, coordinated and region-wide approach is essential to address the challenges and opportunities of rapid growth.
The Surat B
Tomorrows Regions Qld Govt Partnership with Regional Communities
Tomorrow’s Regions represents a new model to guide the Queensland Government’s engagement with rural and regional Queensland. The model reflects three core principles: effective engagement; better partnerships; and regions influencing priorities. Implementation of this model will make a critical contribution to achieving the goals of Toward Q2: Tomorrow’s Queensland; goals which will only be achi
Qld Government submission to the Inquiry into grey nomad tourism
In April 2010, the Parliamentary Economic Development Committee initiated an Inquiry into developing Queensland’s rural and regional communities through grey nomad tourism.
Grey nomads (an affectionate term for older travellers who take to a road travel lifestyle and frequent Australia’s rural and regional sights) are an important section of the Queensland tourism market.
The Queensland Govern
Andergrove Clinton and Oonoonba Urban Development Areas
The Urban Land Development Authority 2007 (ULDA Act) provides for particular parts of Queensland to be declared as Urban Development Areas (UDAs) and establishes the Urban Land Development Authority (ULDA) to plan, carry out, promote, coordinate and control the development of land in those areas.
The three proposed UDAs of Andergrove, Clinton and Oonoonba fall under the regional housing diversit
North West Regional Plan
The Blueprint for the Bush initiative is a 10-year partnership plan between Queensland Government, the Local Government Association of Queensland and AgForce to foster support sustainable, liveable and prosperous rural communities in Queensland. This initiative seeks to address service and infrastructure delivery challenges experienced by regional communities experiencing static or declining popu
Draft Whitsunday Hinterland and Mackay Regional Plans and SPP provisions
In March 2010, the State Government announced the preparation of a statutory regional plan for the Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday region (also called the Whitsunday, Hinterland and Mackay region) and associated Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday State Planning Regulatory Provisions.
The statutory draft Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday Regional Plan will be an essential mechanism for managing change, shaping a
Caloundra South Urban Development Area
The Urban Land Development Authority 2007 (ULDA Act) provides for particular parts of Queensland to be declared as Urban Development Areas (UDAs) and establishes the Urban Land Development Authority (ULDA) to plan, carry out, promote, coordinate and control the development of land in those areas.
The Delivering the Queensland Housing Affordability Strategy: Greenfield land supply in South East Qu
Draft Surat Basin Regional Planning Framework
The Surat Basin is one of Australia’s largest and relatively untouched energy resource areas covering approximately 109,640 square kilometres and includes the Local Government areas of Maranoa, Toowoomba, and the Western Downs regional Councils.
While the area has a strong and traditional agricultural foundation and has attracted investment toward the energy resource sector at various times over t
Draft Townsville Futures Plan
The Townsville Futures Plan (the Plan) is intended to support regional growth and economic development in Townsville. It is an over-arching plan for Townsville and the region that is prosperity led and includes cues to promote liveability and sustainability.
The Townsville Futures Plan has its origins in the 2010 Growth Management Summit.
The preparation of the TFP, and the identification of reg
Qld Regionalisation Strategy - Contributing to Rebuilding a Better Qld
The Queensland Regionalisation Strategy (QRS) was a key action arising from the 2010 Queensland Growth Management Summit.
Participants in the 2010 Growth Management Summit recommended that strengthening Queensland’s regions must be a priority, and Government help is required to spread both the potential negative impacts of growth and the prosperity that growth brings.
The Strategy recognises o
Tannum Sands Urban Development Area
The Urban Land Development Authority 2007 Act (ULDA Act) provides for particular parts of Queensland to be declared as Urban Development Areas (UDAs) and establishes the Urban Land Development Authority (ULDA) to plan, carry out, promote, coordinate and control the development of land in those areas.
The proposed UDA in Tannum Sands falls under the regional housing diversity and resource towns hou
Govt Response to Parl Committee Report No 5 on Grey Nomad Tourism
On 17 February 2011, the Queensland Parliamentary Economic Development Committee tabled its Report No. 5: Inquiry into developing Queensland’s rural and regional communities through grey nomad tourism.
Generally, the recommendations relate to the need for better statistics and analysis of the economic impact of grey nomads; ways of leveraging grey nomads to meet skills/employment needs; and offer
Surat Basin Future Directions Statement Final Report
In March 2010 the Surat Basin Future Directions Statement was launched by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Regional Economies in Dalby.
With the release of the Statement, the Queensland Government committed to work with local government, industry and the local community to deliver a series of headline initiatives to manage future growth in the region. The vast majority of this work has been
Queensland Govt submission - Inquiry into use of fly-in fly-out drive-in drive-out workforce practices in regional Australia
The use of ‘fly-in, fly-out’ (FIFO) and ‘drive-in, drive-out’ (DIDO) workforces associated with employment in the mining industry has recently attracted significant national attention. The Standing Committee on Regional Australia will inquire into and report on the use of FIFO/DIDO workforce practices in regional Australia (FIFO/DIDO Inquiry). The Standing Committee is seeking submissions on a br
Delivering Building our Regions - Regional Infrastructure Fund
The Queensland Government’s election commitment, Building our Regions, aims to ensure that funding for critical infrastructure in regional Queensland will be targeted appropriately so that it meets the specific needs of communities and supports economic development without necessitating the sale of assets. The election commitment, Working Queensland, recognises the Building our Regions fund for in
Qld Govt response Senate inquiry regional capitals
The Queensland Government considers that Queensland regional capitals should be well planned with the right infrastructure in the right places to support a growing population and strong, prosperous and diverse regional economies. As the most decentralised state in Australia, Queensland has taken every opportunity available to unlock regional productivity and economic growth.
On 11 February 2015, t
Appointment Industry and Manufacturing Advisory Group
The government committed to the establishment of a voluntary Industry and Manufacturing Advisory Group (IMAG), as outlined in the Working Queensland: Labor’s jobs plan.
The IMAG would provide high-level industry advice on strategic matters in relation to building and promoting industry and manufacturing in Queensland to help drive economic, regional and employment growth throughout the state. T
North Queensland (Townsville) Stadium Business Case
In December 2014, the then Opposition Leader announced a commitment to provide up to $100 million in funding towards the construction of a sports stadium in Townsville.
In March 2015, the government approved the preparation of a business case for the proposed North Queensland (Townsville) Stadium.
Cabinet approved the concept scheme for a best-practice regional stadium and for funding discussions
Review of existing fly in fly out (FIFO) arrangements in Queensland
The Queensland Government is committed to delivering strong and sustainable resource communities across Queensland. Part of this commitment is to introduce choice for workers to live in the resource communities near where they work.
A wide-ranging review of existing 100 per cent fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) operations by an independent expert panel chaired by Mr Leo Zussino commenced on 6 May 2015.
Submission to Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Cairns Petrol Market Study
Fuel prices are an issue the Queensland Government has raised over the last 18 months in response to community concerns that motorist in Brisbane and in Queensland more broadly are paying more fuel than in other states.
In April 2016, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) announced Cairns will be the fourth regional location to be studied as part of its petrol monitoring arrang
Memorandum of Understanding between Australian Government and State of Queensland on City Deals
In April 2016, the Commonwealth Government released the Smart Cities Plan which aims to implement City Deals for key cities across Australia.
During a visit to Townsville in July 2016, the Prime Minister and the Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister for Cities and Digital Transformation reconfirmed that the Commonwealth Government would enter into City Deals, with Townsville to be the first Ci
Signing and establishment of Final Townsville City Deal
In April 2016, the Commonwealth Government released its Smart Cities Plan, which established its intent to implement City Deals for key cities across Australia.
Following the Commonwealth Government’s confirmation of its 2016 federal election commitment to enter into City Deals, the Queensland Government negotiated a Memorandum of Understanding, which was executed by the Prime Minister and the Pr
Gold Coast Infrastructure and project facilitation initiatives
The Gold Coast population continues to grow faster than the state average and is expected to grow at approximately 2.1 per cent over 25 years, increasing the population from 515 202 persons in 2011 to 866 634 persons in 2016.
The Gold Coast Region has a lower unemployment rate than the State average and a relatively stable economy. The health care and social assistance industry is the largest empl
implementation plan for Townsville City Deal
On 9 December 2016, the 15-year Townsville City Deal was signed by the Prime Minister, the Premier and the Minister for the Arts, and the Mayor of Townsville. The Townsville City Deal seeks to deliver a prosperous economic future for Townsville and position Townsville as a vibrant, liveable, innovative city in Northern Australia.
The finalisation of the implementation plan by end of March 2017 is
Update on economic conditions and key issues in Rockhampton and surrounding region
The economy of the Rockhampton region is dominated by mining, agriculture and tourism sectors. The Fitzroy region has been at the centre of the Queensland’s coal and LNG investment boom, while also fostering a growing service sector.
The Queensland Government announced a number of significant initiatives for the broader Fitzroy region in the 2016-17 State Budget, including $823.2 million for infra
Annual progress on Advancing North Queensland – Five Priority Areas
In June 2016, the Queensland government endorsed Advancing North Queensland – Investing in the Future of the North, which outlines actions dedicated to growing the North Queensland (NQ) economy, with efforts focussed on five priority areas:
roads infrastructure
water and energy security
research and innovation
tourism, trade and investment
North Queensland Stadium
Under this plan, the Governmen
Strategic Blueprint for Queensland’s North West Minerals Province Supporting strong and prosperous regional communities
The North West Minerals Province (NWMP) is centred on the local government areas of Mount Isa, Cloncurry, McKinlay, Burke, Carpentaria, Croydon, Doomadgee, Etheridge, Flinders and Richmond, in Queensland’s remote north west, although the region also relies upon surrounding areas for services, transport and as feeder regions for drive tourism.
Metals production in the NWMP has been declining in re
Appointment of directors of the QRAA Board
QRAA is a statutory body established under the Rural and Regional Adjustment Act 1994. Its main function is to administer assistance schemes that foster the development of a more productive and sustainable rural and regional sector in Queensland.
This includes assistance schemes under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (for example cyclone and flood recovery schemes) and the Pr
Update on economic conditions and key achievements in the Toowoomba region
The economy of the Toowoomba region is dominated by: health care and social assistance; education and training, retail trade; agriculture, forestry and fishing and construction sectors.
To support regional economic growth, the Government is leading or helping facilitate progress on projects that include key transport and infrastructure upgrades, school and hospital upgrades, and initiatives aimed
Update on economic conditions and key issues in the Wide Bay region
The economy of the Wide Bay region is dominated by: health care and social assistance; retail trade; agriculture, forestry and fishing; accommodation and food services; and education and training.
There are increasing tourist numbers in the region and the Queensland Government has recently approved progression of key mining and energy projects.
The Wide Bay region is also the location for the Que
Update on economic conditions and key achievements in the Sunshine Coast region
The economy of the Sunshine Coast region is supported by: construction; health care and social assistance; retail trade; accommodation and food services; and education and training sectors.
To support regional economic growth in the Sunshine Coast, the Queensland Government is leading or helping facilitate progress on projects that include critical upgrades to transport, infrastructure, schools an
Update on economic conditions and key achievements in Ipswich region
The economy of the Ipswich region is supported by: health care and social assistance; retail trade; manufacturing; construction; and public administration and safety.
To support regional economic growth in Ipswich, the Queensland Government is leading or helping facilitate progress on projects that include critical upgrades to transport, infrastructure, schools and hospitals, and initiatives aimed
Update on economic conditions and key achievements in the Mackay and Whitsundays region
The economy of the Mackay and Whitsundays region is supported by agricultural, resource and tourism assets. The region has been rebuilding since Severe Tropical Cyclone (STC) Debbie struck in March 2017.
The Insurance Council of Australia described STC Debbie as the second most costly storm in Australia’s history, with more than $1.5 billion in insurance losses. However, there are promising signs
Update on Economic Conditions and Key Achievements in Toowoomba Region
The economy of the Toowoomba region is supported by health, social, education services, and agricultural resources. The region is currently drought declared which is placing strain on the region’s primary producers and flow on businesses.
Since the current drought started in 2013, successive Queensland governments have provided over $670 million in statewide support, including $34.6 million in fur
Update on Economic Conditions and Key Achievements in the Redlands region
The economy of the Redlands region is supported by health care and social services, construction, retail services, education, and tourism.
To support economic growth across the Redlands region, the Queensland Government is leading or helping facilitate progress on projects that include upgrades to road infrastructure, schools and hospitals, and initiatives aimed at supporting jobs, innovation and
Tropical North Global Tourism Hub Expression of Interest outcomes and next steps
Global Tourism Hubs (GTHs) are a strategy for Queensland that delivers new world-class tourism infrastructure. GTHs – including integrated resort developments – are catalytic projects that support city building objectives and other complementary initiatives, while optimising broader community gains including regional jobs, additional investment and associated flow-on developments and infrastructur
Appointments to Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority Board
The Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority Board (QRIDA) is a statutory body established under the Rural and Regional Adjustment Act 1994. Its main function is to administer assistance schemes that foster the development of a more productive and sustainable rural and regional sector in Queensland. This includes:
administering the Queensland Government's primary industries productivi
Update on Economic Conditions and Key Achievements in Sunshine Coast Region
The economy of the Sunshine Coast region is supported by health care and social services, construction, retail services, education and tourism.
To support economic growth across the Sunshine Coast region, the Queensland Government is leading or helping facilitate progress on projects that include upgrades to road infrastructure, telecommunications infrastructure, schools, health services, and init
Draft North West Queensland Economic Diversification Strategy
A Strategic Blueprint for Queensland’s North West Minerals Province (the blueprint) was released by the Queensland Government in July 2017.
The $39 million blueprint sets out a collaborative plan for supporting strong and prosperous industries, businesses and communities in the North West Minerals Province (the NWMP).
The NWMP is defined as the 10 local government areas of: Mount Isa City; Clon
Draft North Queensland Regional Plan
The North Queensland region includes the Burdekin, Charters Towers, Hinchinbrook, Palm Island and Townsville local government areas.
The North Queensland region is expected to face a number of challenges over the next 25 years. These include an ageing population, increasing urbanisation, and structural changes in the regional economy moving away from traditional strengths to a more knowledge-base
Regional Communities Program
Queensland regions are diverse and regional communities face unique economic and social challenges. Regional communities have individual identities and differing ambitions, challenges and advantages. Understanding local issues is essential for delivering effective policy and building community trust and confidence in government.
The Regional Communities Program will strengthen the relationship be
Update on economic conditions and job creating initiatives in the Townsville Region
The economy of the Townsville region is supported by health care and social services, education, retail services and public administration and safety.
To support economic growth across the Townsville region, the Queensland Government is leading or helping facilitate progress on projects that include upgrades to roads, ports, schools, health services, and initiatives aimed at supporting jobs, innov
North West Queensland Economic Diversification Strategy Implementation Plan 2019–2021
A Strategic Blueprint for Queensland’s North West Minerals Province (the blueprint) was released by the Queensland Government in July 2017.
The $39 million blueprint sets out a collaborative plan for supporting strong and prosperous industries, businesses and communities in the North West Minerals Province (the NWMP).
The NWMP is defined as the 10 local government areas of: Mount Isa City; Clon
South East Queensland City Deal Proposition Document
Under the Memorandum of Understanding between the Queensland Government and the Australian Government, South East Queensland (SEQ) is a Queensland Government priority for becoming the State’s next City Deal.
On the Federal Budget’s release on 9 May 2017, the Australian Government invited the Queensland Government and the Council of Mayors SEQ to jointly develop a City Deals strategy for SEQ.
Update on economic conditions and employment initiatives in Mount Isa region
The economy of the Mount Isa region is primarily supported by mining, as well as agriculture, construction and services, such as education and health.
To support economic growth across the Mount Isa region, the Queensland Government is investing in economic development and job creating projects, including significant expenditure on capital works such as roads and upgrades to health, education and
Update on economic conditions and job creating initiatives in Maryborough and Wide Bay region
The economy of Maryborough and the Wide Bay region is primarily supported by health care, agriculture and manufacturing.
To support economic growth across Maryborough and the Wide Bay region, the Queensland Government is leading or helping facilitate progress on projects that include upgrades to health services, schools, TAFE facilities, roads, and initiatives aimed at supporting jobs, innovation
Outomes from Regional Community Forums across Queensland - October 2019
Queensland is the most decentralised mainland state in Australia. The regions are significant contributors to the Queensland economy, supporting the top four export sectors of education and training, agriculture, mining and tourism. Queensland’s diverse regional communities have different economic and social challenges and opportunities that impact the region’s economic performance.
The Queensland
Building our Innovation Economy - Advance Queensland Strategy
The Building our Innovation Economy – Advance Queensland Strategy (the Strategy) aims to drive jobs growth and build Queensland’s future economy through innovation.
The Strategy identifies strategic priorities and actions that inform the future of the Queensland Government’s Advance Queensland initiative. It will focus the state’s innovation effort toward creating new jobs and economic growth acro
Regional Community Forums - Fourth Round Report
The Community Regional Forums provide a voice to government for regional and rural communities to enhance the economic development and sustainability of regions. The Forums have focused on building a strong business sector, increasing employment opportunities and supporting emerging industries. The Forums ensure that strategic government initiatives focus on needs and priorities of regional Queens
Update on economic conditions and job-creating initiatives in Townsville region
Townsville is in the Townsville Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4), which covers a total land area of 80,036 km2, and includes the Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3) regions of Charters Towers – Ayr – Ingham and Townsville.
Townsville’s regional economy has relatively large public administration and safety and health care industries reflecting the region’s status as a major service centre for North Queens
Update on economic conditions and job creating initiatives in Western Queensland
The Outback South Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3), which covers a total land area of 625,222.9km2 square kilometres and includes the SA2 regions of Barcaldine–Blackall, Charleville, Far Central West, Far South West, and Longreach.
Within the Outback South SA3 region, the agriculture, forestry and fishing and the public administration and safety industries make up the majority of the region’s employ
Update on economic conditions & job creating initiatives in the Hervey Bay region
The Hervey Bay Statistical Areal Level 3 (SA3) region forms part of the broader Wide Bay Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4) region in South East Queensland. The Hervey Bay SA3 region includes a large portion of the electorate of Hervey Bay and part of the electorate of Maryborough. Hervey Bay SA3 also incorporates part of Fraser Coast Regional Council Local Government Area (LGA).
As at 30 June 2020, t
Economic conditions and job-creating initiatives in Cairns region
Cairns is in the Cairns Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4), which covers a total land area of 21,338km2, and includes the Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3) regions of: Cairns North, Cairns South, Innisfail – Cassowary Coast, Port Douglas – Daintree, and Tablelands (East) – Kuranda.
The Cairns regional economy is dominated by its agriculture and tourism industries, with the region more heavily concentrat
Update on government achievements and investment in the Sunshine Coast Region
The Sunshine Coast Region is one of Queensland’s premier tourist destinations including Noosa, Mooloolaba and Caloundra, and is renowned for its beaches, parks and nature reserves. Nambour is considered the gateway to the Sunshine Coast Hinterland and recognised for its vintage trails, thriving café and craft beer scene and the annual Big Pineapple Music Festival. In 2018-19, tourism accounted for
Update on economic conditions and job creating initiatives in Stanthorpe
The Granite Belt Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3), including the Stanthorpe region, covers a total land area of 8,434.0 square kilometres (km2). This SA3 region forms part of the broader Darling Downs-Maranoa Statistical Area 4 (SA4) region. As at 30 June 2021, the estimated resident population of the Granite Belt SA3 region was 40,772 persons.
Within the Granite Belt SA3 region, the largest contrib
Update on government achievements and investment in the Thursday Island region
The Torres Strait is a unique and sacred part of our State, and Thursday Island is one of 18 inhabited islands in the Torres Strait Island region in the State Electorate of Cook. Thursday Island, traditionally known as “Waiben”, is the land of the Kaurareg Aboriginal people.
Thursday Island acts as the administrative hub for the Torres Strait Islands, with state and federal government agencies be
Progress report on 2022 Regional Community Forum Program
The Regional Community Forums (Forums) provide a platform for ongoing engagement between rural and regional communities, local councils and Queensland Government Ministers, other Members of Parliament and Queensland Government officials.
Since the initiative began in October 2019, 12 Forums have been held in each of the seven regions.
In 2022, Forums were held on 30 May, 11 July, 26 September an