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Your search for Regional returned 39 record/s.
South East Queensland Infrastructure Plan and Program 2009-26
The South East Queensland Infrastructure Plan and Program (SEQIPP) was first launched in April 2005. Updated annually, SEQIPP outlines the Government’s program of infrastructure and major projects to support the South East Queensland Regional Plan (SEQRP) 2005-2026 and represents an unprecedented, long-term commitment to capital infrastructure works in South East Queensland (SEQ). Four years into

Final Regional Plans developed under the Blueprint for the Bush initiative
The Central West, South West and Maranoa-Balonne Regional Plans (the plans) aim to build sustainable, liveable and prosperous regions for the next 20 years. The key outcome for each region is to strengthen and diversify economic activities in the region. The plans are prepared under the Integrated Planning Act 1997 and are the first regional plans to be prepared in western Queensland. The Central

Wide Bay Burnett Provision
The draft Wide Bay Burnett (WBB) State Planning Regulatory Provisions 2009 are based on the existing preferred urban form delineated in current Local Government planning schemes and by the settlement pattern strategy and urban footprint developed by the Department of Infrastructure and Planning for the WBB region. It is proposed that the State Planning Regulatory Provisions be used as a temporary

Gulf and Mitchell Resource Operations Plans
The draft Gulf Resource Operations Plan and the draft Mitchell Resource Operations Plan were released for public submissions in October 2008. Key provisions of the final plans: detail rules for the conversion to, and granting of, water entitlements to tradable water allocations in the Mount Isa water supply scheme areas; set out a process for dealing with 178 900 megalitres of unallocated water

Draft Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan
The statutory draft Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan will be an essential mechanism for managing change, shaping and supporting the future growth of communities in the region. It provides a coordinated approach to addressing the unique challenges for planning and coordinating infrastructure, services and programs to meet current and emerging community needs. Cabinet approved the draft Wide Bay Bu

Mary Basin Draft Resource Operations Plan
The Mary Basin Resource Operations Plan (the ROP) is a key tool guiding the allocation and management of water in the Mary Basin. The ROP will implement the Water Resource (Mary Basin) Plan 2006 (the water resource plan) by specifying such things as the process for making additional water available for use and operating rules, including environmental release rules, for existing water infrastructur

Rural and Regional Adjustment Regulation 2011
The Rural and Regional Adjustment Act 1994 (the Act) establishes QRAA primarily to administer assistance schemes that foster the development of a more productive and sustainable rural and regional sector in Queensland. Section 11 of the Act requires that all approved assistance schemes be set out in detail in regulation. The Rural and Regional Adjustment Regulation 2000 (the Regulation) is the

Learning Earning Active Places strategy
Around 78 percent of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population in Queensland live in cities and towns. ‘LEAP: Learning Earning Active Places—a strategy for improving access to education, employment, health and housing opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders in urban and regional areas’ has been developed as part of the Government’s commitment to close the g

Appointment to the Island Industries Board
The Island Industries Board is a Queensland Government statutory body that trades as the Islanders Board of Industry and Service. The Board is constituted and operates pursuant to Part 7A of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act 1984 (the Act). Membership of the Board, which must have a minimum of five and no more than eight members, expired on

2013 Drought Assistance Package
Northern and western Queensland is currently experiencing very dry conditions. These conditions led to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry declaring drought in the council areas of Etheridge, Croydon, Carpentaria, Burke, Doomadgee, Cloncurry, McKinlay, Flinders, Boulia, Diamantina, Murweh and Paroo, effective 1 April 2013. This is equivalent to one third of Queensland’s land area.

Appointment of Chairperson and commissioners of the Gasfields Commission
The Gasfields Commission Act 2013 (the Act) establishes the Gasfields Commission to manage and improve the sustainable coexistence of landholders, regional communities and the onshore gas industry in Queensland. The Act provides that the Gasfields Commission is made up of a full-time commissioner, who is the chairperson, and up to six part-time commissioners. It also requires that when recommendin

Strong and Sustainable Resource Communities Bill 2016
The Strong and Sustainable Resource Communities Bill 2016 (the Bill) ensures that regional communities in Queensland, in the vicinity of large resource projects, benefit from the operation of those projects. The Bill limits the use of fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) workforce arrangements and ensure that local workers from nearby regional communities are not excluded from employment in the operation of tho

Response to the Independent Review of the Gasfields Commission
The Gasfields Commission, an independent statutory body, was established to manage and improve sustainable coexistence between rural landholders, regional communities and the onshore gas industry. The Commission was formally established on 1 July 2013, at a time of rapid development of the coal seam gas to liquefied natural gas industry. In March 2016, the Queensland Government commissioned an ind

Government Response to Parliamentary Committee Report on Strong and Sustainable Resource Communities Bill 2016
On 8 November 2016, the Strong and Sustainable Resource Communities Bill 2016 (the Bill) was introduced into the Legislative Assembly and referred to the Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources Committee (committee) for consideration. The committee tabled its report on the Bill, Report No. 42, on 7 March 2017. Report No. 42 made seven recommendations, including that the Bill be passed. Th

Update on economic conditions and key issues in Cairns region
The Cairns regional economy is fairly diversified, with economic activity driven by a range of industries. The largest economic sectors in the Cairns region are retail trade, health care and social assistance, public administration and safety, education and training, and construction. The Queensland Government announced a number of significant initiatives for the broader Far North Queensland regio

Update on economic conditions and key issues in Gold Coast region
The Gold Coast economy is fairly diversified, with economic activity driven by a range of industries. The largest economic sectors in the Gold Coast region are the health care and social assistance, construction, retail, accommodation and food services (tourism), and professional, scientific and technical services sectors. The Government announced a number of significant initiatives for the Gold C

Economic recovery response to North and North West Queensland Monsoon Trough 2019
From late January to mid-February 2019, a monsoonal trough generated exceptional rainfall and flooding across much of northern Queensland. This extraordinary event resulted in disaster declarations in 37 local government areas and activation of Queensland’s disaster management arrangements. The extent of the disaster meant data to inform a full economic assessment of its impact was yet to be obtai

Draft North Queensland Regional Plan
The North Queensland region includes the Burdekin, Charters Towers, Hinchinbrook, Palm Island and Townsville local government areas. The North Queensland region is expected to face a number of challenges over the next 25 years. These include an ageing population, increasing urbanisation, and structural changes in the regional economy moving away from traditional strengths to a more knowledge-base

Regional Communities Program
Queensland regions are diverse and regional communities face unique economic and social challenges. Regional communities have individual identities and differing ambitions, challenges and advantages. Understanding local issues is essential for delivering effective policy and building community trust and confidence in government. The Regional Communities Program will strengthen the relationship be

Update on economic conditions and job creating initiatives in the Townsville Region
The economy of the Townsville region is supported by health care and social services, education, retail services and public administration and safety. To support economic growth across the Townsville region, the Queensland Government is leading or helping facilitate progress on projects that include upgrades to roads, ports, schools, health services, and initiatives aimed at supporting jobs, innov

Response - Queensland Productivity Commission Inquiry - remote indigenous service delivery
The Queensland Productivity Commission’s Final Report - Inquiry into Service Delivery in remote and discrete Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities (QPC Inquiry Final Report) was provided to the Queensland Government in December 2017. The Inquiry was announced to respond to concerns from Indigenous leaders about outcomes in remote and discrete communities, and has considered: what the

Outomes from Regional Community Forums across Queensland - October 2019
Queensland is the most decentralised mainland state in Australia. The regions are significant contributors to the Queensland economy, supporting the top four export sectors of education and training, agriculture, mining and tourism. Queensland’s diverse regional communities have different economic and social challenges and opportunities that impact the region’s economic performance. The Queensland

Private Members Bill - Liquor (Rural Hotels Concession) Amendment Bill 2018
On 2 May 2018, Mr Robbie Katter MP, Member for Traeger, introduced the Liquor (Rural Hotels Concession) Amendment Bill 2018 which sought to create a concessional fee of 10% of the otherwise payable licence fee for commercial hotels located in ‘very remote Australia’. To balance supporting very remote Queensland communities with ensuring the effective operation of the legislative framework, the Q

Drought Impact
In August 2019, 65 per cent of Queensland was drought declared under State Government processes (32 shires and four part shires). This was down from 88.7 per cent in early 2017, however, some shires had been drought declared since mid-2013. Rainfall across many parts of southern Queensland over the past 12-24 months had been extremely low. The August to October 2019 climate outlook suggested a dri

Regional Community Forums - Fourth Round Report
The Community Regional Forums provide a voice to government for regional and rural communities to enhance the economic development and sustainability of regions. The Forums have focused on building a strong business sector, increasing employment opportunities and supporting emerging industries. The Forums ensure that strategic government initiatives focus on needs and priorities of regional Queens

Increasing access to kindergarten in rural and remote communities
The Queensland Government is committed to giving all children the best possible start in life. Increasing wellbeing prior to school through participation in a kindergarten program is a key priority of the Queensland Government under Our Future State: Advancing Queensland’s Priorities. To ensure all children can access a kindergarten program, regardless of their location or family circumstances, t

Wild Dog Management in Queensland
Wild dogs are present in all areas of Queensland and have a number of adverse impacts including contributing to declining sheep numbers in western Queensland. In the fifteen years from 2001 to 2016, sheep numbers across Queensland fell over 80 per cent, from more than 7 million to 1.35 million. Whilst several factors may have contributed, anecdotally, many landholders cited wild dog impacts as th

Queensland State of the Environment 2020 Report
The Queensland State of the Environment (SoE) 2020 Report (SoE 2020) is a collation of published data and information about the condition of Queensland’s environmental assets and the pressures affecting those assets. The SoE 2020 is presented through an interactive online format and provides Queenslanders with greater access to, and understanding of, regionally specific environmental performance

Review of Regional Planning Interests Act 2014 Assessment Process Report – Government response
GasFields Commission Queensland (the Commission) prepared ‘Review of Regional Planning Interests Act 2014 Assessment Process Report’ (the report) which focussed on improvements to the assessment process and framework under the Regional Planning Interests Act 2014 (RPI Act). The Commission report was the outcome of a review that focused on: the assessment process and the assessment criteria used to

Regional Community Forums – outcomes from 2021 and approach for 2022
The Regional Community Forums provide a platform for ongoing engagement between rural and regional communities and the Queensland Government and provide opportunities for the government to better understand and respond to community issues. Eight forums (in each of seven locations) have been delivered since the initiative began in October 2019. The Forums support the Queensland Government’s clear c

Draft Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan 2022
The Wide Bay Burnett (WBB) region covers the local government areas of Bundaberg, Cherbourg, Fraser Coast, Gympie, North Burnett, and South Burnett. The Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (DSDILGP) commenced preparation of a new regional plan for the WBB region in early 2020 to align with current government policy and provide a contemporary direction for

TI Community Cabinet meeting outcomes
Community Cabinet was held on Thursday Island on 5 and 6 September 2022. As part of the official Community Cabinet program, the Thursday Island community was invited to meet with ministers as part of a formal community deputations event resulting in 57 formal deputation meetings to discuss the challenges and opportunities for Thursday Island and the Torres Strait. Also included in the official C

Queensland New-Industry Development Strategy
The Queensland New-Industry Development Strategy (QNIDS) provides confidence that the Queensland Government has a clear pathway for industry development and is harnessing the opportunities presented by a decarbonised global economy. The QNIDS will be used by other Queensland Government agencies, local governments, industry, business, academia and the community to confirm the Queensland Government

Government achievements and investment in Wide Bay region
The Wide Bay region is one of the most diverse regions along the eastern seaboard of Australia, boasting natural assets and resources, agricultural land, and unique townships. The region’s agriculture, renewable energy, manufacturing and tourism industries are key contributors to Queensland’s economy. The Queensland Government is supporting the region by enhancing infrastructure and capital works

Update on government achievements and investment in Townsville region
The Townsville region is known for its stunning natural beauty and locality to some of Australia’s most prolific natural wonders, including the Great Barrier Reef, the heritage listed Wet Tropics Rainforest, and Magnetic Island. The region’s tourism, agriculture, mining and defence industries are key contributors to Queensland’s economy. The Queensland Government is supporting the region through a

Progress Report on actions from Thursday Island Community Cabinet and update on Cost of Living
A Community Cabinet was held on Thursday Island on 5 and 6 September 2022. The community was invited to meet with ministers as part of a formal community deputations event. A progress report on implementation of the actions identified at the Thursday Island Community Cabinet was considered. As a result of the matters raised at the Community Cabinet, the Premier and Minister for the Olympic and Pa

Update on government achievements and investment in Cairns region
The Cairns region includes the Local Government Areas of Cairns Regional Council, Cassowary Coast Regional Council, Douglas Shire Council, Mareeba Shire Council, Tablelands Regional Council and the Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire. The region has relatively large agriculture, forestry and fishing industries and a smaller mining industry compared with Queensland as a whole. The health care and social assi

Update on Government achievements and investment in Redlands region
The Redland City Local Government Area (LGA) includes the urban centre of Mount Cotton and the Moreton Bay Islands of North Stradbroke Island (Minjerribah), Macleay Island, Russell Island and Coochiemudlo Island. The health care and social assistance industry and the construction industry are the largest employing industries in the Redland City LGA. The Queensland Government is supporting the reg

Release of Queensland’s Clean Energy Workforce Roadmap
Ensuring Queensland has the workforce needed to meet the skills and labour demand associated with the energy transformation has been identified as a critical enabler for the successful delivery of the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan. Likewise, the Good jobs. Good people: Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022-2032 (QWS) recognises the need to develop the skills pathways required for the growing clean