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Your search for Public Service returned 36 record/s.
Govt response to Crime and Misconduct Commission report Public Duty Private Interests
On 18 December 2008, the Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) issued a report on issues in pre-separation conduct and post-separation employment for the Queensland public sector. The CMC made five recommendations to amend elements of the existing policy and legislative framework so as to improve accountability in relation to pre-separation conduct and post-separation employment of public offici

Criminal Code and Other Leg Amendment Bill
The Bill implements recommendations made by the Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) in its recent report concerning the investigation of former Director-General of the Department of Employment and Training. The Bill also introduces new measures to allow disciplinary action to be taken against former public officials (including police officers) who had abused or breached their public obligation

Indemnities and Legal Assistance
The Guideline for the Grant of Indemnities and Legal Assistance to State Employees (the Guideline) states the principles and practices for determining the grant of legal assistance and/or indemnities to State of Queensland employees in relation to civil proceedings, inquiries and investigations. The Guideline provides the general principles for when indemnities will be granted and sets an applica

Revised Queensland Health Indemnity Policies
Queensland Health has revised and updated its existing indemnity policies for medical practitioners and employees and other persons. All Queensland Health Human Resources policies are available to be accessed via the internet. Cabinet approved the release of the Indemnity for Queensland Health Medical Practitioners HR Policy. Cabinet approved the release of the Indemnity for Queensland Health E

Integrity Reform Bills 2010
In November 2009, the Government released the Response to Integrity and Accountability in Queensland (the Integrity Response). The Integrity Response detailed a range of administrative and legislative reforms to be implemented by mid-2010. The first stage of legislative integrity reform was implemented from 1 January 2010 with the commencement of the Integrity Act 2009. This Act expanded the rol

State of the Service Report 2010
The State of the Service Report 2010 is an authoritative and reliable account of the current state of the Queensland Public Service (QPS). The Report provides an insight into the QPS and those agencies in the Queensland Public Sector that employ staff under the Public Service Act 2008. The Report explores key aspects of the QPS’ approach to workforce and organisational management. It focuses on s

Public Service and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
As part of its election commitments, the Government pledged to revitalise frontline services and restore public sector accountability, including streamlining of functions, containing the escalating costs associated with public sector administration and reducing the public sector’s management overburden. The Public Service and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 will improve the operation of exis

Appointment of Chairperson of the Public Service Commission
The Public Service Commission is established under the Public Service Act 2008. The Commission is responsible for providing vision and strategic advice on the priorities and directions for the Queensland Public Service to ensure that Queensland is proactively addressing current public sector reform initiatives. The Public Service Act establishes a board of commissioners, comprising of external

Industrial Relations Transparency and Accountability Amendment Bill 2013
The Queensland Government is committed to strengthening the accountability of state-based industrial organisations following allegations of financial mismanagement and corruption involving officials past and present of the National Office of the Health Services Union. In a bid to prevent similar occurrences in Queensland, the government considered options to increase transparency and improve the

Reappointment of Public Service Commissioner
The Public Service Act 2008 (the Act) establishes the Commission as an amalgamation of the Office of the Public Service Commissioner and the Service Delivery and Performance Commission. The Commission is responsible for providing vision and strategic advice on the priorities and directions for the Queensland Public Service to ensure that Queensland is proactively addressing current public sector r

State of the service 2013 and employee survey 2013 reports
The Government’s goal for the Queensland Public Service (QPS) is to be the most respected and responsive public service in the nation. To measure the progress of the QPS towards this goal, the Public Service Commission has finalised two reports: A state of change: better value for the people of Queensland – State of the Service Report 2013 Working for Queensland – Employee Opinion Survey Report 2

Public Service and Other Legislation (Civil Liability) Amendment Bill 2013
The Public Service and Other Legislation (Civil Liability) Amendment Bill 2013: amends the Public Service Act 2008 to include a civil immunity provision for state employees amends the Police Service Administration Act 1990 to provide police and non-sworn members with civil immunity consistent with that proposed for other public servants. The State currently provides indemnities and legal assistan

Govt Response Education and Innovation Committee review of Auditor General report on Online Service Delivery
On 19 March 2013, the Auditor-General tabled the Audit Report 8: 2012-13 Online Service Delivery in the Legislative Assembly. The Auditor-General’s Report found that: customer expectations of online service options are not being met; public sector services that are not provided online cost more to deliver, both for the Government and the public; and although credit card data collected through onli

Public Safety Business Agency Bill 2014
In January 2013, former Australian Federal Police Commissioner Mick Keelty commenced the Police and Community Safety Review (PACSR). The PACSR examined the two departments within the portfolio of the Minister for Police and Community Safety - the Queensland Police Service (QPS) and the Department of Community Safety (DCS). On 10 September 2013, the PACSR final report, titled ‘Sustaining the Unsust

Quarterly Update to Cabinet on Renewal (April – June 2014)
The Queensland public service is undertaking renewal activities with the aim of becoming the most responsive and respective public service in Australia. A Whole-of-Government Satisfaction Survey is conducted annually and a report published on the Open Data website. A comprehensive infographic library has been developed which demonstrates renewal successes and service delivery improvements. Cabinet

Response to Finance and Administration Committee Report No 41 - Inquiry into Auditor-General Report No 4 2012 – Managing Employee Unplanned Absence
In 2012, the Auditor-General conducted an inquiry in managing employee unplanned absence in the Queensland Public Service. The consequent report, Auditor-General’s Report No. 4: 2012 – Managing Employee Unplanned Absence was tabled on 19 June 2012. The Finance and Administration Committee subsequently examined the Auditor-General’s report in further detail. The Committee’s Report No. 41 summaris

Appointment Qld Treasury Corporation Capital Markets Board
The Queensland Treasury Corporation (QTC) Capital Markets Board is established under section 10 of the Queensland Treasury Corporation Act 1988 and is responsible for managing all of QTC’s affairs, except those relating to certain superannuation and other long-term assets. Board responsibilities include: overseeing QTC’s operations, including its control and accountability systems; developing an

Industrial Relations Restoring Fairness Amendment Bill 2015
In 2013, the Industrial Relations Act 1999 was amended to provide for statutory individual employment contracts, known as high income guarantee contracts. The Health and Hospital Boards Act 2011 was also amended to facilitate the use of contracts, particularly for senior doctors. The Government has committed to removing high income guarantee contract arrangements and restoring rights and entitleme

Industrial Relations (Restoring Fairness) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015
The Industrial Relations (Restoring Fairness) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 amends the Industrial Relations Act 1999 to restore fairness to Queensland public sector and local government sector employees in line with the Government’s election commitments and priorities. The Bill includes amendments to: re-instate conditions for government workers, including by amending provisions relat

Public Safety Business Agency and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
The Public Safety Business Agency (PSBA) was formally established by the Public Safety Business Agency Act 2014 (PSBA Act) on 21 May 2014. The PSBA Act authorises the PSBA to hold stated corporate and business support services for the Queensland Police Service (QPS), Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) and the Inspector-General of Emergency Management (IGEM). The PSBA chief executive off

Queensland Mental Health Commission effectiveness review - final report
The Queensland Mental Health Commission (QMHC) was established on 1 July 2013 under the Queensland Mental Health Commission Act 2013 (the Act). The main object of the QMHC is to drive ongoing reform towards a more integrated, evidence-based, recovery-oriented mental health and substance misuse system. Pursuant to section 55 of the Act, in April 2016 the Director-General of Queensland Health reques

Ministerial and Other Office Holder Staff and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018
The Ministerial and Other Office Holder Staff and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 (the Bill) amends the Ministerial and Other Office Holder Staff Act 2010 and the Parliamentary Service Act 1988 to provide the Director-General and the Clerk respectively with explicit power to conduct criminal history checks to assess the suitability of a person to be engaged under these Acts in a Ministerial

Queensland Public Sector Reform
The Queensland Government is continuously examining ways to improve the Queensland public sector and its ability to meet the needs of Queenslanders. To ensure the Queensland public sector is the most responsive, consistent and reliable public service possible, the Queensland Government commissioned two key reviews: the Review into the Queensland Public Sector Workforce Reporting (Coaldrake Review

Whole of Government preparedness for Human Rights Act 2019
The Human Rights Bill 2018 was passed by Parliament on 27 February 2019 and assented to on 7 March 2019. Some provisions of the Human Rights Act 2019 (the Act) commenced on 1 July 2019, including the creation of the Queensland Human Rights Commission and its educative functions. The Queensland Government prepared for the full commencement of the Act and developed a strategy that set out the Gove

Public Service and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2020
The Bridgman review, which reported on how Queensland public sector employment laws could best meet the objectives of fairness in the employment relationship, responsiveness of employees to the community and to the government and inclusiveness of public sector employment, was released in March 2020. The Bridgman review complemented the Coaldrake Review into the Queensland Public Sector Workforce R

Amendments during consideration in detail of Community Service Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Bill 2019
On 27 November 2019, the Minister for Education and Minister for Industrial Relations introduced the Community Services Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Bill 2019 which provided, at section 2, a 1 July 2020 commencement start date for the scheme. Due to the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic, an amendment to the Bill is required to change the commencement date for the scheme to be a date fixed by

Repeal of Public Safety Business Agency Act 2014
In 2013, the Public Safety Business Agency (PSBA) was created by the then Government and was formally established by the Public Safety Business Agency Act 2014 (the PSBA Act) to provide corporate services for the Queensland Police Service (QPS), Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) and the Office of the Inspector-General of Emergency Management. The PSBA also provides information and comm

Building Queensland Repeal Bill 2021
cAs part of the Government’s COVID-19 Fiscal and Economic Review (2020) and the implementation of its Savings and Debt Plan, the Queensland Government announced that it had identified opportunities for the structural reform of statutory bodies and agencies, where their functions can be integrated within existing Government departments. The Building Queensland Repeal Bill 2021 (the Bill) repeals t

Integrity and employment reforms in the public sector
An independent review of the Queensland public service ethics and integrity framework is to be conducted by Emeritus Professor Peter Coaldrake AO. The review is to ensure the framework is contemporary and fit for purpose. It will be broad reaching, looking at culture, systems and complaints mechanisms. The review will examine six key areas: the culture of the public service in ensuring ethical dec

Superannuation (State Public Sector) (Scheme Administration) Amendment Bill 2021
In March 2021, the boards of QSuper and Sunsuper entered into a heads of agreement to undertake exclusive due diligence on a proposed merger. The proposed merger, if progressed, will establish Australia’s second largest superannuation fund. QSuper is established under the Superannuation (State Public Sector) Act 1990 (the Superannuation Act) as the superannuation fund for State public sector emplo

Amendments to the National Injury Insurance Scheme (Queensland) Act 2016
The National Injury Insurance Agency (Queensland) Amendment Bill 2021 (Bill) abolishes the board of the National Injury Insurance Agency (Queensland) (the Agency) and appoints the Insurance Commissioner as the chief executive officer responsible for the management of the Agency under the National Injury Insurance Scheme (Queensland) Act 2016. The change to the governance structure of the Agency is

Repeal of the Queensland Productivity Commission Act 2015 and other amendments
On 7 September 2020, the Queensland Government announced that, as part of the Savings and Debt Plan, the Queensland Productivity Commission (QPC) would be integrated into Queensland Treasury to establish the Office of Productivity and Red Tape Reduction (OPRTR), better driving the government’s productivity agenda. The legislative amendments facilitate the integration of the productivity and regula

State Penalties Enforcement (Modernisation) Amendment Bill 2022
The State Penalties Enforcement (Modernisation) Amendment Bill 2022 (the Bill) amends the State Penalties Enforcement Act 1999 (SPE Act), State Penalties Enforcement Regulation 2014 (SPE Regulation), Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 and Traffic Regulation 1962 to reflect the integration into the Queensland Revenue Office (QRO) of certain fine administration functions undertaken

Review of QFES Good Jobs and Better Fire and Emergency Services to Support Qlds Great Lifestyle
On 14 December 2020, the Minister for Police and Corrective Services and Minister for Fire and Emergency Services announced that an independent review into the capability and funding model of Queensland Fire and Emergency Service (QFES) would be undertaken. The Independent Review has examined the effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the department, including structure and funding in rel

Public Sector Bill 2022
The Public Sector Bill 2022 (the Bill) represents implementation of stage two public sector reforms arising from the recommendations of an independent review of public sector employment laws by Mr Peter Bridgman, titled A Fair and Responsive Public Service for All (the Bridgman Review). The Bill repeals the Public Service Act 2008 and replaces it with the new Public Sector Act 2022, to provide a

Integrity and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
The Integrity and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2023 (the Bill) is the second set of legislative amendments to implement integrity reforms recommended by Professor Coaldrake in his Report, Let the sunshine in: Review of Culture and accountability in the Queensland public sector (Coaldrake Report) and Kevin Yearbury in his Strategic Review of the Integrity Commissioner’s functions (Yearbury Repo