Your search for Protection returned 7 record/s. |
Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
The Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 (the Bill) amends the Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act 2003 and the Penalties and Sentences Act 1992.
The Bill is the product of a review of Queensland’s public protection legislation. A review report entitled “A New Public Protection Model for the Management of High Risk Sexual and Violent Offenders
Qld Implementation Plan Protecting Australias Children
On 30 April 2009, the Council of Australian Governments endorsed “Protecting Children is Everyone’s Business: National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2009–2020” (the national framework).
The aim of the national framework is to achieve the high-level outcome that Australia’s children and young people are safe and well with the target of a substantial and sustained reduction in chil
Child Protection (Offender Reporting) and other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
In June 2009 the Ministerial Council for Police and Emergency Management – Police (MCPEMP) endorsed a set of recommendations to establish national consistency in the approach to management of reportable offenders in Australian police jurisdictions.
In observation of the MCPEMP recommendations, the Queensland Police Service (QPS) also conducted a review of the Child Protection (Offender Reporting)
Public Guardian Appointment
Section 9 of the Public Guardian Act 2014 (the Act) provides that there must be a Public Guardian.
Section 10 of the Act provides that the Public Guardian’s role:
in relation to adults who have impaired capacity for a matter is to protect their rights and interests; and
in relation to relevant children and children staying at a visitable site is to protect their rights and interests.
Section 94 o
Police Service Administration and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2021
The Police Service Administration and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 (the Bill) modernises the legislative framework governing Protective Services and amends the identification requirements for police officers acting as public officials under the Nature Conservation Act 1992, the Forestry Act 1959, the Recreation Areas Management Act 2006 and the Marine Parks Act 2004 (Queensland Parks and
Consultation on legislative framework for journalist privilege to shield disclosure of confidential sources
The introduction of shield laws is a complex issue that requires detailed analysis and proper consideration and consultation.
Journalist shield laws need to balance a journalist’s obligation to maintain the confidentiality of their sources in the interests of a free, independent and effective press and the public interest in the ability for the court to have access to all relevant evidence.
A Con
Evidence and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2021
In June 2021, a discussion paper titled Shielding confidential sources: balancing the public’s right to know and the court’s need to know was released seeking feedback on the development of shield laws to better protect journalists’ confidential sources.
The Evidence and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 (the Bill) amends the Evidence Act 1977 (Evidence Act), Criminal Code, Magistrates Act 19