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Your search for Procurement returned 21 record/s.
Revised State Procurement Policy
/ The State Procurement Policy (SPP) sets the governance framework for Government procurement. It currently applies to departments, statutory bodies and Government Owned Corporations (GOCs). The SPP provides a framework for the conduct of procurement activities whilst advancing the Government’s priorities, and achieving value for money with probity and accountability. In late 2009, the Governmen

Benchmarking Study Policy Principles for Alliance Contracting
In 2009, the Treasuries of Victoria (Chair), Western Australia, Queensland and New South Wales established a Steering Committee to pursue a number of joint initiatives on alliance contracting, including sponsorship of a Benchmarking Study on the value for money from alliances. In February 2009, the Steering Committee commissioned the joint services of Melbourne University and Evans and Peck to

ICT Management within Qld Govt
Effective Information and Communication Technology (ICT) operations, systems, procurement and initiatives are critical to Queensland Government’s being able to deliver on Government policy and to provide integrated, efficient and effective services to the community. To facilitate this, Queensland Government requires independent advice on the strengths and weaknesses of current ICT operations, syst

Transitioning the Government’s contract payment terms
The Government is committed to transitioning government contract payment terms to ensure all bills from suppliers to Government involving contracts up to $1 million are paid within 30 days from 1 July 2013 and to introduce a daily rate of interest payable to suppliers on any monies owed. This commitment was stated in the Queensland Small Business Strategy and Action Plan 2013-15 published in May 2

Review of the State Procurement Policy
Procurement transformation is a principal area of focus for the Queensland Government’s renewal program. The Queensland Government is strengthening its centre-led procurement model, and adopting a whole-of-Government approach to procurement based on collaboration, rather than the current agency-centric approach. The Queensland Procurement Policy is principles-based, and provides the framework to

Response to FAC Report No. 57 Inquiry into Public Sector Contract Extensions
Two Auditor-General reports to Parliament (Report No. 5 - 2012-13 Results of audit: State public sector entities for 2011-12 and Report No. 10: 2013-14 – Contract management: renewal and transition) examined the procurement practices for contract rollovers in all State public sector entities and whether agencies demonstrably achieve value for money for their goods and services contracts in their d

Review of Queensland Government Procurement
The Government committed to a broad ranging review of its procurement practices to ensure that probity and value for money remain at the forefront of the State’s procurement policy, and consider local content provisions as part of a new procurement policy. An Interdepartmental Committee (IDC) – Queensland Government Procurement was established and extensive consultation was undertaken with stakeho

Moving Ahead - strategic approach to increasing participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Queensland economy 2016–2022
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders continue to experience disadvantage in accessing the labour market, and are overrepresented in unemployment statistics. Moving Ahead is the Queensland Government’s new economic participation strategy, and aims to ensure Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander people have equitable access to the benefits of Queensland’s economy. Moving Ahead

Review of Queensland Government Procurement 2015 - Implementation Readiness Update
The Government has commenced implementation of the Interdepartmental Committee (IDC) report on the ‘Review of Queensland Government Procurement’ recommendations. The IDC’s report made nine recommendations to establish a new procurement operating model. The proposed operating model establishes new ways of working to achieve desired outcomes, such as optimising value for money and government objecti

Better procurement to deliver local employment, economic, social and environmental outcomes
By enhancing procurement policy and practice, the Queensland Government can provide the required goods and services needed for the delivery of frontline services, while also supporting genuine jobs for the community, improving regional growth, stimulating innovation, and achieving environmental and social outcomes. The Queensland Government Procurement Strategy outlines the government’s vision for

Queensland Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Procurement Policy
The Queensland Government is committed to job creation and the development of a diverse economy. While this commitment extends to all Queenslanders, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders do not participate equally in Queensland’s economy or labour market. An action under Moving Ahead, a whole-of-Government strategy to drive improvements in economic participation outcomes for Aborigin

Queensland Small Business Procurement Commitment
The Queensland Government has made it a priority to put Queenslanders’ jobs and businesses first. The Government is achieving this by committing to supporting small businesses to access procurement opportunities and making participation in Government procurement easier. To support the objectives of the Advancing Small Business Queensland Strategy 201620, Queensland Procurement Strategy and Queens

Appointment of principal consultant and the concept design for New Performing Arts Venue Project
On 27 May 2018, as part of the 2018–19 State Budget, the Government announced the investment of $125 million towards the delivery of a new $150 million theatre for Brisbane, on the Playhouse Green at the Queensland Performing Arts Centre. On 29 January 2019, the Government announced that, following an Expression of Interest process, five shortlisted consultants were to develop concept designs for

Small Business Procurement Commitment and On time Payment Policy
The Queensland Government has made it a priority to put Queenslanders’ jobs and businesses first. Government is achieving this by committing to: supporting small businesses to access procurement opportunities; making participation in Government procurement easier; and paying small business suppliers faster. To support the objectives of the Advancing Small Business Queensland Strategy 201620, Qu

Buy Queensland Procurement Implementation Plan for Ethical Supplier Mandate
The Queensland Government is committed to engaging suppliers who deliver genuine, quality secure ongoing jobs with fair pay and safe working conditions for Queenslanders. To ensure the government’s procurement policy continues to deliver these benefits, the Buy Queensland: Ethical Supplier Mandate excludes a supplier’s access to future procurement opportunities where they wilfully and repeatedly f

Personal Protective Equipment and Other Essential Products Directions Statement
The COVID-19 global pandemic exposed the fragility of global supply chains for hygiene personal protective equipment (PPE) and other essential products. Queensland responded well to the COVID-19 emergency with Queensland manufacturers pivoting their operations to address PPE shortages. To protect Queensland against future supply chain disruptions due to COVID-19 and other pandemics and ensure tha

Establishment and appointment of the Tripartite Procurement Advisory Panel
The Queensland Government committed to ‘establish an independent tripartite panel, including a union representative, to advise on penalties and sanctions for breaches of the Ethical Supplier Mandate’. The Tripartite Procurement Advisory Panel (the Panel) is an advisory board appointed by the Minister for Energy, Renewables and Hydrogen and Minister for Public Works and Procurement (the Minister) t

Support for Small and Medium Enterprise through Queensland Government procurement and payment policy
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are integral to supporting Queensland’s economic and employment growth, particularly given their direct regional and local economic impacts, and will continue to play a critical role as part of the response to and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Measures to support SME participation in Queensland Government procurement and improved payment terms are tangibl

Expansion of the Ethical Supplier Mandate
The Queensland Government remains committed to ensuring that government investment in procurement delivers genuine, quality goods and services, secures ongoing jobs for Queenslanders that offer fair pay and safe working conditions. The Mandate and the Ethical Supplier Threshold are an integral part of the Buy Queensland procurement approach and Queensland’s economic recovery plan. In July 2020, th

Buy Queensland approach to government procurement - Buy Queensland 2023
Buy Queensland, comprising the Backing Queensland Jobs – Queensland Government Procurement Strategy 2017 (QGPS) and Queensland Procurement Policy 2021 (QPP), was launched in 2017 to ensure that government’s procurement investment supports decent local jobs and businesses, advancing the government’s economic, environmental and social objectives to support the long-term wellbeing of the Queensland c

Expansion of Ethical Supplier Mandate
The Ethical Supplier Mandate (Mandate) and the Ethical Supplier Threshold (Threshold) are an integral part of the Queensland Government’s Buy Queensland approach. The Mandate and Threshold support the overarching Queensland Procurement Policy and keeping Queenslanders in quality, secure and safe local jobs. The Queensland Government has a category management approach to procurement. There are curr