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Your search for Primary Industries returned 98 record/s.
Queensland Biosecurity Strategy
Queensland faces greater biosecurity risks than most other parts of Australia due to factors such as climate change, geographic proximity to our Asia-Pacific neighbours, population growth and expanding trade and business. Pests and diseases pose a real risk to Queensland’s $13 billion primary industries sector, our tourism industry and our unique environment and way of life. Biosecurity is the mi

Amendments to Fisheries Regulation 2008 - East Coast Inshore Fin Fish Fishery
The East Coast Inshore Fin Fish Fishery is one of Queensland’s largest fisheries, both in terms of the amount of product caught and the number of participants involved. The Fishery covers some of Queensland’s most iconic species such as barramundi, bream, whiting and flathead. The commercial component of the fishery has an annual gross value of production of approximately $24 million and it is est

Combined marine fisheries amendments
Eleven proposals are being progressed that will amend subordinate legislation under the Fisheries Act 1994 to address ongoing or emerging fisheries management needs. The amendments will help provide for the sustainable use, conservation and enhancement of the community’s fisheries resources and fish habitats in a way that seeks to promote ecologically sustainable development. The proposed changes

Combined Fisheries Management Regulatory Impact Statement and draft Public Benefit Test
Cabinet considered a submission regarding the release of the Combined Fisheries Management Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) and draft Public Benefit Test (DPBT) containing a number of proposed amendments to subordinate legislation governing the management of Queensland’s Fisheries under the Fisheries Act 1994. The proposals contained in the RIS and DPBT are as follows: Significant changes to

Review of Section 61(5) of the Drugs Misuse Act 1986
In 2002, commercial production of industrial hemp was made possible by amendments to insert Part 5B into the Drugs Misuse Act 1986 (the Act). Industry participants must apply for a licence to research and/or grow industrial hemp. As part of the licensing process, the Queensland Police Service performs a criminal history check to assist in establishing the bona fides of licence applicants. Secti

Amendments to regulated water and periods for Qld saucer scallops
The Fisheries (East Coast Trawl) Management Plan 1999 (the Plan) is subordinate legislation and complements the Fisheries Regulation 2008 in achieving the objectives of the Fisheries Act 1994. The Fisheries Act provides for the use, conservation and enhancement of the community’s fisheries resources and fish habitats in a way that seeks to promote ecologically sustainable development. It is propo

Status of the Tramp Ant Programs in Queensland
Queensland is currently implementing three eradication programs for tramp ants. These are for the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta), the electric ant (Wasmannia auropunctata) and the yellow crazy ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes). The National Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA) Program commenced in 2001 with operations completed on approximately 60 000 hectares. In 2007-08, RIFA were detected on on

Stock Route Policy Reform
Cabinet considered a suite of proposed reforms to policy governing the management and use of the stock route network in Queensland. The proposed reforms are based on recommendations developed by a panel of stock route network managers and users, with further input from the public, including conservation groups. The proposed reforms are aimed at ensuring the stock route network continues to provi

Seafood scheme_April 2009
The Food Production (Safety) Act 2000 provides for food safety schemes to regulate the production of primary produce, to ensure primary produce is safe for human and animal consumption. Food safety schemes are already in place for meat, dairy and egg production and processing activities. The seafood scheme will implement the National Standard for Primary Production and Processing of Seafood deve

Implementation of the Independent Review of Hendra Virus Cases
Hendra virus is a potentially fatal virus transmitted from bats to horses and rarely to humans; since its discovery in 1994, there have been 41 cases of Hendra virus reported in horses and six cases in humans, three of which have been fatal. Following two incidents of Hendra virus at Redlands and Proserpine in July and August 2008 respectively, the then Minister for Primary Industries and Fisherie

Great Barrier Reef Protection Amendment Bill 2009
The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is an outstanding World Heritage site contributing 63,000 jobs and nearly $6 billion annually to the State economy, mainly from tourism. Agriculture in the GBR catchment, primarily cattle grazing and cane farming, is the major source of nutrients, sediment and pesticide run off to the Reef lagoon; the primary drivers of long term decline in Reef health. In October 200

Qld Timber Plantations Strategy
The Queensland Timber Plantations Strategy (QTPS) is a commitment under the Queensland Government’s 2007 ClimateSmart 2050 Strategy and the 2009 ClimateQ: Toward a Greener Queensland document. The QTSP is a whole-of-government strategy designed to articulate and deliver on the Queensland Government’s policy objective of encouraging new private investment in commercial (large scale) timber plantati

Strategic cropping land policy framework and legislative models
In February 2010, the Queensland Government released a public discussion paper outlining the resources development and urbanisation pressures which are increasingly competing for land with agriculture. Queensland has a small area of land resources that are the most suitable for cropping production. The discussion paper proposed that the best cropping land, defined as strategic cropping land, sho

RIS - Rocky Reef Fin Fish Fishery
The Rocky Reef Fin Fish Fishery includes three key species – snapper, pearl perch and teraglin. The key species are primarily caught offshore near rocky reef and inter-reefal habitats down to a depth of 200m from Bundaberg to the New South Wales border; although snapper are found as far north as Mackay. The fishery is managed under the Fisheries Act 1994 and the Fisheries Regulation 2008. The key

Great Sandy Regional Marine Aquaculture Plan Policy Marine Authorities
The Queensland Government has adopted a planning approach for aquaculture, to ensure that future aquaculture development is suitably located and managed, and to increase the opportunities for involvement of affected stakeholders including the public. Initial planning activities focussed on guiding the development of non-intensive (that is, no feed added) marine aquaculture activities in the Great

Food for a Growing Economy
Queensland’s rich natural resources, tropical location, robust regulatory framework and investment in research and development (R&D) provide a competitive advantage for the production of high-quality, internationally competitive food. Population growth and rising affluence in developing countries presents significant opportunities for Queensland as a net exporter of food. However, major challenge

Chicken Meat Industry Amendment Bill 2011
The Chicken Meat Industry Amendment Bill 2011 deals with the future of the Chicken Meat Industry Committee (CMIC) which was examined as part of the Independent Review of Queensland Government Boards, Committees and Statutory Authorities in 2009. The government accepted the review recommendation to abolish the CMIC as a statutory body, but agreed that this would await the outcome of a review of th

Fisheries Legislation Amendment and Repeal Regulation (No. 1) 2011
The Fisheries Legislation Amendment and Repeal Regulation (No.1) 2011 provides for amendments to the Fisheries Regulation 2008 which will incorporate relevant and reviewed provisions that currently exist in the Fisheries (Gulf of Carpentaria Inshore Fin Fish) Management Plan 1999 and insert a new declared Fish Habitat Area for Pine River Bay, located in the north west region of Albatross Bay (Wei

Biosecurity Bill 2011
The Biosecurity Bill 2011 will streamline and enhance Queensland’s capacity to respond to biosecurity challenges of the future. It ensures Queensland has the flexibility to respond to evolving biosecurity risks, and is built on the strategic concept of mitigating the risk and impacts to the economy, the environment, social amenity and human health associated with biosecurity matter. The purpose

Protecting Primary Production Amendment Bill 2011
The Protecting Primary Production Amendment Bill 2011 proposes a number of desirable, non-controversial, amendments to six Acts within the portfolio jurisdiction of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Regional Economies as suitable for an omnibus or miscellaneous amendment Bill. These amendments will ensure the effective administration/operation of the respective Acts and implement the outcome

Stock Route Network Management Bill 2011
The Queensland stock route network comprises approximately 2.6 million hectares of roads declared as stock routes and reserves for travelling stock. These roads and reserves also have iconic cultural heritage, recreational, environmental and biodiversity attributes. The Stock Route Network Management Bill 2011 contains reforms to the management and use of the stock route network in Queensland and

Appointment of the chairperson and a director of the QRAA board
QRAA is a statutory authority established under the Rural and Regional Adjustment Act 1994 (the Act). Its main function is to administer assistance schemes that foster the development of a more productive and sustainable rural and regional sector in Queensland. This includes assistance schemes under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (for example cyclone and flood recovery sche

Appointments to the Safe Food Production Qld Board
Safe Food Production QLD (Safe Food) is a statutory authority established under the Food Production (Safety) Act 2000. Safe Food is required to develop, implement and administer food safety schemes, based on national standards, for a range of primary produce. Food safety schemes for the seafood, meat, dairy and egg industries have been implemented. Safe Food has a board of directors which is res

Inter-Governmental Agreement on National Drought Program Reform
A review of the National Drought Program (NDP) has been underway since 2008. The Commonwealth and State and Territory Ministers for agricultures’ Standing Council on Primary Industries (SCoPI) are leading the reform process. SCoPI has endorsed policy principles to guide the development of a new program to help farmers move from ‘crisis’ management to ‘risk’ management. A new NDP aims to improve

Milk Pricing (Fair Milk Mark) Bill 2013
The Milk Pricing (Fair Milk Mark) Bill 2013 (the Bill) was introduced by Mr Shane Knuth MP, Member for Dalrymple, on 2 May 2013. The Bill proposed the establishment of a ‘fair milk mark’ that can only be placed on milk that has been purchased from dairy producers at a ‘fair milk price’. The Bill proposed that the responsible Minister would set the fair milk price, which would be at least eight

Queensland Government Response to Agriculture Resources and Environment Committee Report No 13
On 7 June 2012, the Legislative Assembly resolved that the Agriculture, Resources and Environment Committee investigate and report on methods to: reduce regulatory requirements impacting on agriculture and resource industries in Queensland; and to further promote economic development while balancing environmental protections. The Committee tabled Report No. 13, Inquiry into Queensland’s Agricult

Response Land Protection Legislation Flying fox Control Bill 2012
The Member for Dalrymple, Mr Shane Knuth MP, introduced the Land Protection Legislation (Flying-fox Control) Amendment Bill 2012 as a Private Member’s Bill on 21 June 2012. The Bill amends the Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002 and the Nature Conservation Act 1992 to control the health risks posed by flying-foxes. The policy intent of these amendments is to empower a landow

Appointments Darling Downs Moreton Rabbit Board
The Darling Downs-Moreton Rabbit Board (the Board) is a statutory body under the Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002. The Board’s major function is to manage rabbits in the part of the State shown as the Darling Downs-Moreton Rabbit Board District on a map held by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. This is to ensure that the land situated in the rabbit d

Appointments to the Veterinary Surgeons Board of Qld
The Veterinary Surgeons Board of Queensland (the Board) is a statutory authority established under the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1936 to oversee the system of registration and supervision of veterinary surgeons, and the approval of veterinary premises in Queensland. The Board consists of six members appointed by the Governor in Council. All members other than the chairperson may be appointed for a t

Queensland Forest and timber industry plan
The Queensland Government, along with the forest and timber industry, have recognised that there is a need to collaborate to develop practical strategies to address industry challenges to enable the sector to realise its full potential. Accordingly, the Queensland Government included the development of the Queensland Forest and Timber Industry Plan (the Plan) in its first Six Month Action Plan (J

IGA Framework for agricultural and veterinary chemicals
An Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA), which was signed by Agriculture/Primary Industries Ministers for each jurisdiction in 1995, provides the current basis for the operation of the National Registration Scheme for Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals. In 2010, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) approved A National Policy Framework for the Assessment, Registration and Control of Use o

Queensland Agriculture Strategy
Agriculture is a pillar of the Queensland economy. It creates jobs, is worth over $14.7 billion per annum to the Queensland economy, earns vital export revenue and remains the lifeblood of many rural and regional communities across the state. To rebuild Queensland, the Government must rebuild agriculture. The Queensland Government’s 2040 vision for agriculture, fisheries and forestry is for an e

Agriculture and Forestry Legislation Amendment Bill 2013
The Agriculture and Forestry Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 proposes a number of amendments to portfolio legislation that will ensure the effective administration and operation of the respective Acts, fulfil an election commitment, achieve a reduction in red tape including through the omission of redundant legislation and implement the outcomes of legislative reviews and national proposed arrange

2013 Drought Assistance Package
Northern and western Queensland is currently experiencing very dry conditions. These conditions led to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry declaring drought in the council areas of Etheridge, Croydon, Carpentaria, Burke, Doomadgee, Cloncurry, McKinlay, Flinders, Boulia, Diamantina, Murweh and Paroo, effective 1 April 2013. This is equivalent to one third of Queensland’s land area.

Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013
The Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 provides for amendments to the Agricultural College Act 2005 (the Act) to restructure and rename the Australian Agricultural College Corporation and to replace the existing advisory board with a new governing board. The Australian Agricultural College Corporation (AACC) is established under the Act as a corporation sole. As a Registered Training Authori

Biosecurity Bill 2013
Queensland’s current biosecurity legislation is reactive, prescriptive and includes obsolete, overlapping and inconsistent approaches. It lacks the flexibility to enable efficient responses to Queensland's emerging biosecurity risks. The Biosecurity Bill 2013 will deliver a cohesive legislative framework that provides flexible powers to respond in a timely and effective way to animal and plant dis

Chicken Meat Industry Committee Amendment Bill 2014
The Chicken Meat Industry Committee is a statutory committee established under the Chicken Meat Industry Committee Act 1976. The Chicken Meat Industry Committee’s primary functions are to facilitate negotiations of agreements between chicken growers and processors, to facilitate mediation and arbitration of disputes (where required), to represent growers and processors and to provide information o

Criminal Code and Another Act (Stock) Amendment Bill 2014
In January 2012, in response to primary industry calls for law reform on stock-related offending, the then Attorney-General approved the formation of a Stock Working Group to review provisions of the Criminal Code and other Acts relating to stock. The Chair of the working group was Mr John Jerrard QC, former Justice of the Queensland Court of Appeal, and the working group was made up of various st

Appointment Veterinary Surgeons Board of Qld
The Veterinary Surgeons Board of Queensland is a statutory authority established under the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1936 to oversee the system of registration and supervision of veterinary surgeons, and the approval of veterinary premises in Queensland. The Board consists of six members appointed by the Governor in Council. All members other than the chairperson may be appointed for a term of up to

Forestry Amendment Bill 2014
Under automatic expiry provisions in the Statutory Instruments Act 1992, the Forestry Regulation 1998 must be remade. The Regulation was scheduled to expire in 2009 but its expiry was extended on the basis that provisions of the Forestry Act 1959 (the Act) were under review. The Regulation is now scheduled to expire on 31 August 2014 and needs to be remade before then. The relevant provisions of t

Appointments to Australian Agricultural College Advisory Board and Local College Boards
The Australian Agricultural College Corporation (AACC), established under the Agricultural College Act 2005, is to be restructured from a corporation sole to a statutory body. It will also be renamed as the Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges (QATC). The QATC is to have a governing board responsible for the strategic direction and financial management of the corporation. It will also have bo

Appointment of the QRAA Board
QRAA is a statutory authority established under the Rural and Regional Adjustment Act 1994. Its main function is to administer assistance schemes that foster the development of a more productive and sustainable rural and regional sector in Queensland. This includes assistance schemes under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (for example cyclone and flood recovery schemes) and

Implementation of Net Free Fishing Zones
The Sustainable Fishing Policy, released during the 2015 election, committed $10 million to introduce three Net Free Zones near Cairns, Mackay and Rockhampton to grow the economic benefits from recreational and charter fishing. That commitment was also subsequently included in The Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan endorsed by the State and Commonweath Governments and submitted to the UNESCO

Agriculture and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015
The Agriculture and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 amends ten Acts within the Agriculture and Fisheries portfolio. The Agriculture and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 will: clarify the interpretation and application of the existing legislation; address inconsistencies with Commonwealth legislation; reduce obligations for suppliers of permanent identification devices for cats and do

Tully Banana Industry- Biosecurity response to Panama Disease Tropical Race 4
Panama Disease Tropical Race 4 (TR4) has been confirmed on a Tully banana property. There are limited disease control options for TR4 as it cannot be effectively controlled using fungicides or other methods such as soil fumigants. The rate of spread of TR4 is dependent upon the success of physical containment and management mechanisms implemented on affected farms to reduce the risk of movement

Etheridge Integrated Agriculture Project
Integrated Food and Energy Developments (IFED) was established to develop a world-leading, large-scale, vertically-integrated, privately-funded, broad-acre irrigated cropping, grazing and primary processing business in the Etheridge Shire, North Queensland. The Etheridge Integrated Agriculture Project (EIAP) will have an initial focus of producing sugar, guar gum, cattle and associated by-produc

Release of Queensland Fisheries Review recommendations
The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries manages Queensland’s fisheries resources on behalf of all Queenslanders. Fisheries are a public resource, contested by thousands of commercial producers and hundreds of thousands of recreational fishers in Queensland. There is a vast policy and legislative framework of regulations, procedures, practices, rules, limits and permit conditions to manage fish

Appointments to QRAA Board
QRAA is a statutory body established under the Rural and Regional Adjustment Act 1994. QRAA’s main function is to administer assistance schemes that foster the development of a more productive and sustainable rural and regional sector in Queensland. This includes assistance schemes under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (for example cyclone and flood recovery schemes) and the

Establishment of a Rural Debt Taskforce
Prevailing drought conditions in several regions of the State over recent months (and in some cases years) have exacerbated the issues faced by some Queensland farm businesses in terms of accessing sufficient finance and/or maintaining their repayments on existing debt. As a result, the issue of rural debt has been the focus of considerable recent media coverage and some stakeholders have sought a

Agriculture Sector and Ekka Precinct Redevelopment
The Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland (the RNA) promotes and encourages the development of Queensland’s agricultural, industrial, manufacturing and cultural resources. The primary production sector (including agriculture, fisheries and forestry) contributes significantly to the Queensland economy. For 2015-16, the total value of Queensland’s primary industry com

Farm Business Debt Mediation Bill 2016
The Government is committed to assisting rural producers and communities across the State that are affected by debt and unprecedented drought conditions. With 83.92% of the State drought-declared, the additional $77.9 million in funding over five years for the Rural Assistance and Drought Package provided in the 2016-17 Budget comes at a crucial time for rural and regional Queensland. The $36 mill

Mineral and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
The Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act 2014 (the Act) was the first step in Modernising Queensland Resources Acts Program. While the Act primarily served to establish a new common Act for resources tenures, it also contained other changes to implement a range of additional policy objectives. The Mineral and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 (the Bill) amends or repeals the r

Appointments to Safe Food Production QLD Board
Safe Food Production QLD (Safe Food) is a statutory authority established under the Food Production (Safety) Act 2000. Safe Food is required to develop, implement and administer food safety schemes, based on national standards, for a range of primary produce. Food safety schemes for the seafood, meat, dairy, egg and horticulture (seed sprouts) sectors have been implemented. Safe Food has a board

Fisheries Management Reform Green Paper
Queensland’s fisheries resources are managed by the Queensland Government on behalf of the broader community. Over the last decade it has become apparent that the current framework used to manage these resources is not optimising the potential economic, social and environmental outcomes these resources could potentially generate for the community. Competition for access to these resources has incr

Government response - Queensland Competition Authority report on Aquaculture Regulation
Over the past decade, growth of the aquaculture industry in Queensland has stagnated with no new major entrants to the industry and only three significant pond farm expansions being approved. The Queensland aquaculture industry contends that new investment in the sector is being discouraged by a complex and protracted regulatory framework, with no certainty about the outcome. In September 2013, t

Fisheries (East Coast Trawl) Management Plan 2010 - amendments to protect the sustainability of scallops
The trawl industry over the last year or more has expressed concern about declining scallop catches. Catch rates between January 2015 and April 2016 were the lowest in 39-year record of catches. A stock assessment was completed in October 2016 and shows that the biomass is potentially as low as 6% of its original biomass, and is at the lowest in the recorded history of the fishery. Urgent action

Appointments to boards of Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges and Emerald and Longreach colleges
The Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges (QATC) is a corporation established under the Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges Act 2005 (the Act). The corporation is comprised of a governing board of up to seven members appointed by the Governor in Council. The governing board for QATC is responsible for the way QATC performs its functions and exercises its powers. The Act also provides for

Stock Route Network Management Bill 2016
Queensland’s stock route network is made up of roads or routes declared under the Stock Route Management Act 2002 along which stock may be moved on foot; and reserves (including camping, water, pasture and trucking reserves) dedicated under the Land Act 1994 for the purpose of travelling stock. The stock route network traverses approximately 72 000 km of Queensland and is also used for other purp

Working Holiday Maker Visa Review
In August 2016, the Australian Government announced that it would be conducting a review of the broad range of issues affecting the supply and taxation of labour performed by working holiday maker visa holders (the WHM Review). The WHM Review included a proposal to remove the tax threshold for working holiday maker visa holders which would see the application of a tax rate of 32.5 per cent for no

Government response to Agriculture and Environment Committee Report No 29 Review of Drought Relief Assistance Scheme
The Agriculture and Environment Committee has undertaken a review of the Drought Relief Assistance Scheme (DRAS) in accordance with its public accounts responsibilities under the Parliament of Queensland Act 2001. On 3 January 2017, the Committee tabled its report with five recommendations for the Government. The Committee recommended that the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries develop an upd

Government response to Agriculture and Environment Committee Report No. 24 Hendra virus vaccine
On 25 February 2016, the Legislative Assembly agreed to a motion that the Agriculture and Environment Committee inquire into and report on the Hendra virus (HeV) EquiVac® vaccine and its use by veterinary surgeons in Queensland. The Committee tabled its Report on 21 October 2016. The report made 11 recommendations for the Government to consider relating to Queensland’s sole laboratory with Hendra

Agriculture Sector and Ekka Precinct Redevelopment
The Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland (the RNA) promotes and encourages the development of Queensland’s agricultural, industrial, manufacturing and cultural resources. The primary production sector (including agriculture, fisheries and forestry) contributes significantly to the Queensland economy. For 2016-17, the total value of Queensland’s primary industry com

Appointment of directors of Darling Downs-Moreton Rabbit Board
The Darling Downs-Moreton Rabbit Board is a statutory authority established as an invasive animal board under the Biosecurity Act 2014. The Act provides that the directors are appointed by the Minister for a term of no more than four years. The Board’s main function is to maintain the rabbit barrier fence and manage the European rabbit in the Darling Downs-Moreton rabbit district which is spread

Sustainable Fisheries Strategy and Charter Fishing Action Plan
The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries manages Queensland’s fisheries resources on behalf of all Queenslanders. Fisheries are a public resource that need to be sustainably managed with access shared across a number of fishing sectors in the interests of all Queenslanders. The government made a number of commitments in relation to fisheries including the establishment of three net free zones a

Finance and Administration Committee Report No. 34 Farm Business Debt Mediation Bill 2016
On 30 August 2016, the Government introduced the Farm Business Debt Mediation Bill 2016. The Farm Business Debt Mediation Bill 2016 includes a legislated farm debt mediation process and transforming the QRAA (formerly the Queensland Rural Adjustment Authority) into the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority with new powers and responsibilities. On 26 May 2016, the Member for Mt Isa, M

Appointments to Board of Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges
The Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges (QATC) is a corporation established under the Queensland Agricultural Training Colleges Act 2005. The corporation is comprised of a governing board of up to seven members appointed by the Governor in Council. The governing board for QATC is responsible for the way QATC performs its functions and exercises its powers. The terms of appointment of the mem

Appointment of directors of the QRAA Board
QRAA is a statutory body established under the Rural and Regional Adjustment Act 1994. Its main function is to administer assistance schemes that foster the development of a more productive and sustainable rural and regional sector in Queensland. This includes assistance schemes under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (for example cyclone and flood recovery schemes) and the Pr

Hospital Foundations Bill 2017
The current Hospitals Foundations Act 1982 provides for the establishment and regulation of hospital foundations (foundations). Foundations help their associated Hospital and Health Service and support the Queensland public health system generally by raising funds to improve facilities, supporting educational and training opportunities for staff, funding research, and supporting and promoting the

Government Response to Committee Report No 33 Sustainable Queensland Dairy Production (Fair Milk Price Logos) Bill 2016
On 13 October 2016, the Sustainable Queensland Dairy Production (Fair Milk Price Logos) Bill 2016 was introduced into Parliament by Mr Shane Knuth MP, Member for Dalrymple. The Bill provides for the establishment of logos for containers of fresh milk produced in particular regions, and for which fair prices have been paid to dairy farmers. It also provides a mechanism for setting fair prices and t

Appointments to Sustainable Fisheries Expert Panel
The Sustainable Fisheries Strategy, released in June 2017, sets out the government’s reform agenda for the next ten years to deliver a more modern, responsive and consultative approach to fisheries management. The Strategy includes improved stakeholder engagement through establishment of a Sustainable Fisheries Expert Panel. The role of the Sustainable Fisheries Expert Panel is to provide independ

Government response to Committee Report No 35 Barrier Fences in Queensland
On 28 October 2015 the Agriculture and Environment Committee (the Committee) resolved to hold an inquiry into barrier fences in Queensland, in accordance with its public works power under section 94 of the Parliament of Queensland Act 2001. The Committee examined a number of issues including the costs to maintain existing barrier fences; the effectiveness of barrier fences at protecting stock and

Queensland Biosecurity Strategy 2018-2023 and Government Response to Agriculture and Environment Committee Report No 42
Queensland is the front-line state for dealing with biosecurity threats because of the suitability of its climate and geography for the establishment and spread of many pests and diseases and its proximity to northern neighbours and extensive coastline. Queensland’s biosecurity system faces challenges that are increasing in intensity and complexity as a result of the increase in global trade and m

Modernising the Fisheries Act 1994
Queensland’s fisheries resources are managed by the Queensland Government on behalf of the broader community. Over the last decade it has become apparent that the current framework used to manage these resources is not optimising the potential economic, social and environmental outcomes these resources could generate for the community. The Queensland Government released the Sustainable Fisheries

Update on economic conditions and key achievements in the Mackay and Whitsundays region
The economy of the Mackay and Whitsundays region is supported by agricultural, resource and tourism assets. The region has been rebuilding since Severe Tropical Cyclone (STC) Debbie struck in March 2017. The Insurance Council of Australia described STC Debbie as the second most costly storm in Australia’s history, with more than $1.5 billion in insurance losses. However, there are promising signs

Appointments to Veterinary Surgeons Board of Queensland
The Veterinary Surgeons Board of Queensland is a statutory authority established under the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1936 to oversee the system of registration and supervision of veterinary surgeons, and the approval of veterinary premises in Queensland. The Board consists of six members appointed by the Governor in Council. All members other than the chairperson may be appointed for a term of up to

Agriculture and Food Research Development and Extension 10 Year Roadmap and Action Plan
Under the Food and Fibre Plan for agriculture the Government committed to develop a 10-year research and development (R&D) blueprint for agriculture and food to enhance scientific collaboration within the State, ensure R&D is aligned with emerging opportunities and seek new and imaginative ways to attract new funds. A Discussion Paper released in June 2017 was the subject of extensive consultation

Grazing on Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service managed land
Stock grazing occurs on national parks and other Queensland Government managed lands including State forests, regional parks and forest reserves. Grazing in national parks is primarily a legacy issue due to changes in tenure over time. To ensure that the protected area estate is managed in accordance with the cardinal principle to preserve and protect natural conditions, cultural resources and val

Updated Drought Package
Since 2013, much of Queensland has been in drought. At its peak, over 88 per cent of the state was drought declared. Currently, 23 shires and five part shires are drought declared. This is approximately 58.1 percent of the land area of the state. The Queensland Government has provided significant assistance since the drought began in 2013. Over $160 million has been spent by the Queensland Governm

Fisheries (Sustainable Fisheries Strategy) Amendment Bill 2018
Queensland’s fisheries resources are managed by the Queensland Government on behalf of the broader community. Over the last decade, it has become apparent that the current framework used to manage these resources is not optimising the potential economic, social and environmental outcomes these resources could generate for the community. Competition for access to these resources has increased to th

Agriculture Sector and Ekka Precinct Redevelopment
The Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland (the RNA) promotes and encourages the development of Queensland’s agricultural, industrial, manufacturing and cultural resources. The primary production sector (including agriculture, fisheries and forestry) contributes significantly to the Queensland economy. For 2017-18, the total value of Queensland’s primary industry com

Regulatory Impact Statement - cattle pregnancy testing and ovarian scanning by laypersons
In Queensland, both pregnancy testing of cattle and diagnosis of ovarian status by ultrasound scanning are considered to be acts of veterinary science. Under the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1936, acts of veterinary science can only be performed for fee or reward by veterinary surgeons. A Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) prepared for public consultation discussed three regulatory options:

Reform of priority fisheries in accordance with the Sustainable Fisheries Strategy 2017-27
The Queensland Government released the Sustainable Fisheries Strategy 2017-2027 (the Strategy) in June 2017, paving the way for a world-class fisheries management system. The Strategy commits to delivering a more modern, responsive and consultative fisheries management framework for Queensland. One of the most fundamental changes is to introduce harvest strategies for each key fishery by 2020. Har

Appointments to Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority Board
The Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority Board (QRIDA) is a statutory body established under the Rural and Regional Adjustment Act 1994. Its main function is to administer assistance schemes that foster the development of a more productive and sustainable rural and regional sector in Queensland. This includes: administering the Queensland Government's primary industries productivi

Appointments to Safe Food Production QLD Board
Safe Food Production QLD (Safe Food) is a statutory body established under the Food Production (Safety) Act 2000. Safe Food is required to develop, implement and administer food safety schemes, based on national standards, for a range of primary produce. Food safety schemes for the seafood, meat, dairy, egg and horticulture (seed sprouts) sectors have been implemented. Safe Food has a Board of Dir

Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement - regulation of industrial cannabis
The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries is responsible for managing the licensing framework for the commercial production of industrial cannabis in accordance with part 5B of the Drugs Misuse Act 1986. Industrial cannabis (hemp) contains low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive component of cannabis. Part 5B of the Drugs Misuse Act 1986 provides the licensing framework f

Agribusiness and food industry development strategy discussion paper
The Growing for Queensland discussion paper provides an opportunity to engage Queenslanders in the development of an industry development strategy for the agribusiness and food sector. The discussion paper outlines the challenges and opportunities facing the sector; proposes priority outcomes for a strategy that contributes to Queensland Government priorities; and addresses the role of government

Queensland Drought Program Reform
The Queensland Government committed to review drought programs and assistance in Queensland for future droughts. In August 2018, an independent expert panel comprised of Ms Ruth Wade and Mr Charles Burke was engaged to look at what could be done in preparation for and during future droughts through a Drought Program Review. The Independent Panel held regional forums and sought written submissions

Appointments to Safe Food Production QLD Board
Safe Food Production QLD (Safe Food) is a statutory body established under the Food Production (Safety) Act 2000. Safe Food is required to develop, implement and administer food safety schemes, based on national standards, for a range of primary produce. Food safety schemes for the seafood, meat, dairy, egg and horticulture (seed sprouts) sectors have been implemented. Safe Food has a Board of Dir

Agriculture and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019
The Agriculture and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019 (Bill) proposes a number of amendments to portfolio and other legislation. The principal Acts proposed to be amended by the Bill are: Animal Care and Protection Act 2001; Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act 2008; Biosecurity Act 2014; Chemical Usage (Agricultural and Veterinary) Control Act 1988; Drugs Misuse Act 1986, Part 5B; Environmen

Agricultural Sector and Ekka Precinct Redevelopment
The Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland (the RNA) promotes and encourages the development of Queensland’s agricultural, industrial, manufacturing and cultural resources. The primary production sector (including agriculture, fisheries and forestry) contributes significantly to the Queensland economy. For 2018-19, the total value of Queensland’s primary industry com

North West Queensland Economic Diversification Strategy Implementation Plan 2019–2021
A Strategic Blueprint for Queensland’s North West Minerals Province (the blueprint) was released by the Queensland Government in July 2017. The $39 million blueprint sets out a collaborative plan for supporting strong and prosperous industries, businesses and communities in the North West Minerals Province (the NWMP). The NWMP is defined as the 10 local government areas of: Mount Isa City; Clon

Drought Impact
In August 2019, 65 per cent of Queensland was drought declared under State Government processes (32 shires and four part shires). This was down from 88.7 per cent in early 2017, however, some shires had been drought declared since mid-2013. Rainfall across many parts of southern Queensland over the past 12-24 months had been extremely low. The August to October 2019 climate outlook suggested a dri

Amendments during consideration in detail of Agriculture and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019
The Agriculture and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019 (the Bill) was introduced into the Legislative Assembly on 22 August 2019. Clause 132 of the Bill amends section 10A of the Summary Offences Act 2005 to provide (broadly) that a gathering of three or more people on such used for specified purposes is unlawful if the conduct of the gathered persons, taken together, would cause a person in t

Appointments to Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority Board
The Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority Board (QRIDA) is a statutory body established under the Rural and Regional Adjustment Act 1994. Its main function is to administer assistance schemes that foster the development of a more productive and sustainable rural and regional sector in Queensland. This includes: administering the Queensland Government's primary industries productivi

Pacific Labour Scheme and Seasonal Worker Programme in Queensland
Queensland’s agribusiness and commercial fisheries are heavily reliant on seasonal workers. The Queensland horticulture sector alone needs, on average, between 15,000 and 17,000 casual and contract full time equivalent (FTE) workers each month during a good season. In a typical year, visa holders may provide up to 40% of farm labour. A shortage of seasonal farm workers has been developing since in

Appointments Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority Board
The Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA) is a statutory body established under the Rural and Regional Adjustment Act 1994. Its main function is to administer assistance schemes that foster the development of a more productive and sustainable rural and regional sector in Queensland. This includes administering the Queensland Government's primary industries productivity loans

Agriculture Sector
The Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland (the RNA) promotes and encourages the development of Queensland’s agricultural, industrial, manufacturing and cultural resources. The Ekka has brought the country and city together since 1876 to celebrate and champion agriculture and the roles it plays in everyday lives. The Ekka has been cancelled four times in its history,

Ekka 2023 and Queensland Agriculture Sector
The Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland (the RNA) promotes and encourages the development of Queensland’s agricultural, industrial, manufacturing and cultural resources. Since 1876, the Ekka has brought the country and city together to celebrate and champion agriculture and the roles it plays in the everyday lives of Queenslanders. Queensland’s primary industries