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Police Service Administration and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2008
The Queensland Police Service (QPS) currently operates a number of different databases to store its policing information. These databases are progressively being amalgamated into a single database known as QPRIME.
QPRIME is due to be fully operational before the end of 2008 at which time the majority of other databases will be decommissioned or no longer updated. There are a number of organisat
Overview of CMC report Policing Public Order- review of public nuisance offence
The Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) report, tabled in Parliament on 23 May 2008, makes five recommendations in response to two questions: “What was the impact of the introduction of the new public nuisance offence?” and “Are Queensland’s public nuisance offences being used properly, fairly and effectively?”.
In general the CMC found that historical trends continued after the introduction o
Achievements Qld Police and Dept Emergency Services Vehicle Fleet Emissions
Cabinet considered a submission regarding the initiatives and achievements by the Queensland Police Service and the Department of Emergency Services to reduce vehicle fleet emissions.
The Action Plan 2007-2010 applies to all vehicles leased from, or procured by, QFleet. Under the Plan, QFleet aims to reduce vehicle CO2 emissions by 15 percent by 2011, 25 percent by 2012, and 50 percent by 2017,
Response to Coroner Recommendation into Police Shooting Deaths
In March 2008, the State Coroner handed down his findings from the inquest into four police shooting deaths. The deceased all had a history of mental illness, the symptoms of which brought them into contact with police, and were shot and killed in separate incidents between 2003 and 2006.
The Coroner found that each of the four deaths was legally justifiable and the police acted in a reasonable
Response to Coroner Recommendation into Police Shooting Deaths
In March 2008, the State Coroner handed down his findings from the inquest into four police shooting deaths. The deceased all had a history of mental illness, the symptoms of which brought them into contact with police, and were shot and killed in separate incidents between 2003 and 2006.
The Coroner found that each of the four deaths was legally justifiable and the police acted in a reasonable
Summary Offences and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008
The Crime and Misconduct Commission report on the public nuisance offence, Policing Public Order: A review of the public nuisance offence was tabled in Parliament on 23 May 2008.
The report concluded that the new public nuisance offence did not appear to have a significant impact on public nuisance offending or on the police and courts response to it. The report also found that marginalised gro
Police Powers and Responsibilities (Gold Coast Nikon Indy 300) Regulation 2008
The 2008 Indy 300 will be held from 23 to 26 October 2008 on the Gold Coast. The policing commitment for the event will commence on Sunday, 19 October 2008 and conclude on Monday, 27 October 2008.
The Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 contains a legislative scheme which enables the Queensland Police Service (QPS) to be provided with special powers to address safety and security issues
SDPC Review of Police
In June 2008, the Service Delivery and Performance Commission (SDPC) completed a performance review of the Queensland Police Service.
The review found many positives, including a strong service delivery culture, significant progress in raising professionalism and ethical practice, and a strong commitment to training supporting the health and well-being of officers. Areas identified as needing impr
Crime and Misconduct Commission and Queensland Police Service Taser Review
On 15 June 2009 the Minister for Police, Corrective Service and Emergency Services announced a review of Taser training and operational policy, to be conducted jointly by the Crime and Misconduct Commission and the Queensland Police Service.
Cabinet noted the review and endorsed a public release of the QPS-CMC Taser Review report and the revised QPS Taser policy once approved by the Commissioner o
Queensland Counter-Terrorism Committee Annual Report 2008
Cabinet noted the Queensland Counter-Terrorism Committee’s Annual Report 2008 which reported on activities undertaken by Queensland Government agencies to implement the Queensland Counter-Terrorism Strategy 2008-10 to strengthen counter-terrorism capabilities and arrangements.
During 2008 Queensland Government agencies have continued to work closely with the Commonwealth and other states and terri
Evaluation of Queensland Police Service Taser Trial
On 1 July 2007 a 12-month trial of the use of Tasers by senior officers in Metropolitan South, Metropolitan North and South Eastern Regions commenced. On 1 April 2008 the trial was expanded to include all frontline operational officers in Dutton Park Division.
An evaluation of the trial was undertaken by the Queensland Police Service in consultation with the Crime and Misconduct Commission.
Public Nuisance Ticketing Trial
On 1 January 2009, a 12-month trial of the use of infringement notices (tickets) for public nuisance, public urination and associated offences commenced in the South Brisbane and Townsville Police Districts.
This trial was initiated in response to recommendations contained in the Crime and Misconduct Commission’s report, Policing Public Order: A review of the public nuisance offence (2008).
The tr
Criminal Code (Serious Assaults on Police)
The Member for Southern Downs and Deputy Leader for the Opposition, Mr Lawrence Springborg MP introduced the Criminal Code (Serious Assaults on Police and Particular Other Persons) Amendment Bill 2010 as a Private Member’s Bill in February 2010.
The Bill proposed amendments to section 340 of the Criminal Code, which contains the offence of serious assault. The Bill aims to introduce mandatory mini
Govt response to Crime and Misconduct Commission Report Restoring Order
The CMC report Restoring order: Crime prevention and local justice in Queensland’s Indigenous communities was released on 20 November 2009, in response to the Queensland Government’s 2007 request for a review of policing in Indigenous communities.
Cabinet broadly supported all six recommendations of the CMC. Five of the CMC recommendations were supported in full, including: a focus on crime preven
Child Protection (Offender Reporting) and other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
In June 2009 the Ministerial Council for Police and Emergency Management – Police (MCPEMP) endorsed a set of recommendations to establish national consistency in the approach to management of reportable offenders in Australian police jurisdictions.
In observation of the MCPEMP recommendations, the Queensland Police Service (QPS) also conducted a review of the Child Protection (Offender Reporting)
Summary Offences - Graffiti Removal Powers
The Summary Offences (Graffiti Removal Powers ) Amendment Act 2008 (the Act) provides a legislative basis to allow authorised Queensland Government officers, local council officers and officers from government owned corporations to remove graffiti from private places:
without notifying the property owner where the graffiti can be reached from a public place and entry to the private property is n
Discussion Draft Weapons Bill 2010
In 2006, the then Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Sport announced a review of the Weapons Act 1990 (the Act) and subordinate legislation and established the Weapons Review Committee (the Committee) that considered submissions from the public, the weapons industry and the Queensland Police Service. The Committee identified over 440 proposals for legislative change to the Act, the Weap
Qld Counter Terrorism Ctte Ann Rep 2009
The Queensland Counter-Terrorism Committee provides the forum for counter terrorism coordination and information sharing amongst Queensland agencies.
The Queensland Counter-Terrorism Committee’s Annual Report 2009 reports on activities undertaken by Queensland Government agencies to implement the Queensland Counter-Terrorism Strategy 2008-10 to strengthen counter-terrorism capabilities and arrang
Review of Police Powers and Responsibilities Act - Consultation Paper
On 5 May 2007, the former Minister for Police and Corrective Services announced a review of the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 (the PPRA) and the initial Terms of Reference for the review. The review of the PPRA is being undertaken to ensure that policing powers are adequate and sufficient for both Queensland’s police officers and the community.
The Minister for Police, Corrective Se
Govt Submission Inquiry road safety benefits fixed speed cameras
In March 2010 the Economic Development Committee (Committee) launched an inquiry into the road safety benefits of fixed speed cameras.
The Committee released Issues Paper No. 2 – Inquiry into the road safety benefits of fixed speed cameras, to stimulate debate and to guide submissions to the Inquiry.
Fixed speed cameras are a part of a key road safety program in Queensland and the Queensland gover
Govt Response to CMC Recommendations 2009-2010
In the Response to Integrity and Accountability in Queensland, the Government committed to releasing a public report in response to the Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) recommendations.
The Government’s intended actions for recommendations made by the CMC from 2009-2010 have been undertaken.
The report covers the following CMC reports:
Queensland Police Service – CMC Review of Taser Policy,
Government Response to the Report on Police Pursuits
On 1 January 2008, the Queensland Police Service (QPS) introduced a revised Safe Driving Policy incorporating a more restrictive approach to commencing or continuing police pursuits.
The policy was developed after a trial of the implementation of recommendations contained in the Crime and Misconduct Commission’s report, Police Pursuits: A law enforcement and public safety issue for Queensland (200
Response to CMC Review of off-road motorcycling
The Crime and Misconduct Commission's report Sound Advice: A review of the effectiveness of police powers in reducing excessive noise from off-road motorbikes (the CMC Report) was tabled in Parliament in April 2010. This report presented Government with recommendations from the CMC review of off-road motorcycle noise provisions within the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 (PPRA).
Police Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
In June 2010, the Premier and Minister for the Arts announced that legislation to allow for the statewide roll-out of public nuisance ticketing would be introduced into the Parliament later this year, following an evaluation of a 12-month trial.
The Police Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 (the Bill) amends the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 to remove provisions which currently limit th
Inquiry into the road safety benefits of fixed speed cameras
In March 2010 the Economic Development Committee (the Committee) launched an inquiry into the road safety benefits of fixed speed cameras.
The Committee tabled Report No. 4: Inquiry into the road safety benefits of fixed speed cameras on 7 October 2010. The report contained 15 recommendations in acknowledgment of the human, social and economic costs of road crash trauma on our community.
Ten of t
Govt response CMC report management police discipline and misconduct matters
In November 2009, the then Attorney-General requested the Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) review the current police discipline process as part of the public sector-wide integrity and accountability reforms.
In December 2010 the CMC report, Setting the Standard: A review of current processes for the management of police discipline and misconduct matters, was tabled in Parliament.
The CMC re
Govt response review police discipline etc
In November 2009, the then Attorney-General requested the Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) review the current police discipline process as part of the public sector-wide integrity and accountability reforms.
In December 2010, the CMC tabled in Parliament its report, Setting the Standard: A review of current processes for the management of police discipline and misconduct matters.
In March 2
Automatic Number Plate Recognition technology trial
The 52nd Legislative Assembly appointed the Select Committee on Travelsafe (the Committee) in October 2006, to monitor, investigate and report on all aspects of road safety and public transport in Queensland.
The Committee’s Report No. 51: Report on the Inquiry into Automatic Number Plate Recognition Technology (ANPR) (the Report) was tabled in Parliament on 9 September 2008. The Queensland Gov
Qld Government response to CMC report on Police move on powers
In 2008, the Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) commenced a review of the move-on powers contained in the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 (Qld) (PPRA). This Review was commenced following amendments to the PPRA which extended move-on powers to all public places throughout Queensland.
In December 2010, the Review was published. The CMC have suggested 11 recommendations to the leg
Police Powers and Responsibilities and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 consultation
On 5 May 2007, the then Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Sport announced a review of the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 (PPRA).
The review was undertaken in three stages:
members of the Queensland Police Service (QPS) identified and recommended areas of enhancement within the PPRA;
the PPRA Review Committee was established to consider the QPS proposals and make further p
Report Independent Review Qld Police Complaints Discipline Misconduct System
In November 2009, the then Attorney-General, the Honourable Cameron Dick requested the Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) to conduct an independent review of current processes for management of police discipline and misconduct matters and to deliver a report.
In December 2010, the CMC tabled its report in Parliament, Setting the Standard: A review of current processes for the management of poli
Police Powers and Responsibilities (Motor Vehicle Impoundment) Amendment Bill 2011
Between 2007 and 2009 the Queensland Police Service (QPS) evaluated the vehicle impoundment scheme under the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 (the Act). While the type 2 vehicle impoundment scheme was initially the subject of the evaluation, amendments are also made to the type 1 vehicle impoundment scheme where analogous provisions exist.
Eight recommendations were made by the QPS t
Police Powers and Responsibilities (Motor Vehicle Impoundment) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
The Government has committed, through the ‘Safer Streets Crime Action Plan’, to introduce the toughest anti-hooning laws in the nation. The ‘Putting the Brakes on Hoons’ policy includes:
hooning cars clamped and off the road for three months for the first offence; and
hooning cars forfeited or crushed for any subsequent offence within the next 5 years.
To achieve this commitment, the Police Power
Appointment of a Commissioner for Police Service Reviews
Commissioners for Police Service Reviews are appointed by the Governor in Council under section 9.2A of the Police Service Administration Act 1990 (the Act). They perform a review function in relation to police appointment, transfer and disciplinary decisions made under the Act.
Under section 9.2A(2)(c) of the Act, the Chairperson of the Crime and Misconduct Commission has nominated Mr Patrick Ja
G20 Safety and Security Bill 2013
The 2014 meeting of the Group of Twenty (G20) is to be hosted by Australia. Queensland has been nominated by the Prime Minister as the primary venue for the G20. A G20 meeting consists of a number of meetings under the G20 umbrella. From a Queensland perspective, the two most important of the meetings will be the Heads of State/Heads of Government meeting (Leaders’ meeting) to be held in Brisbane
Queensland Counter-Terrorism Strategy 2013-2018
The threat of terrorism is a real and enduring one which has the potential to undermine the safety and security of our community. The Queensland Government has primary responsibility for countering this threat and ensuring that Queensland meets its obligations under the national counter-terrorism arrangements.
The Queensland Counter-Terrorism Committee (QCTC) was established to coordinate a stat
Transition of Community Police Officers to Government employment
Currently, the Queensland Police Service (QPS) provides policing services to the Torres Strait via a mix of State police and Police Liaison Officers (PLOs) stationed on Thursday and Horn Islands.
In the outer islands of the Torres Strait community safety is supplemented by Community Police Officers (CPOs) who are employed by the Torres Strait Island Regional Council, but funded by the State Gover
Criminal Law Criminal Organisations Disruptions Bill 2013
To deliver on the commitment to implement tougher laws to tackle criminal gangs, the Government has implemented a comprehensive package of legislative reforms contained in three Acts: the Tattoo Parlours Act 2013, the Vicious and Lawless Association Disestablishment Act 2013 and the Criminal Law (Criminal Organisations Disruption) Amendment Act 2013.
As foreshadowed in Parliament during the Octob
Police and Community Safety final report
In November 2012, the Queensland Government announced a review of the police and community safety portfolio to identify opportunities to improve efficiency, quality, and accessibility to front line services and to recommend ways to eliminate duplication and waste. Former Australian Federal Police Commissioner, Mick Keelty, was appointed review the review team.
The final report of the Police and Co
Police Powers and Responsibilities Amendment Bill 2013
The Bill will amend the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 to improve efficiency of delivering policing services and enhance community safety.
The Bill improves the delivery of police services and utilisation of police resources by:
removing the need for senior officer approval to take a DNA sample
allowing the Commissioner to use non-government laboratories to analyse DNA samples
Public Safety Business Agency Bill 2014
In January 2013, former Australian Federal Police Commissioner Mick Keelty commenced the Police and Community Safety Review (PACSR). The PACSR examined the two departments within the portfolio of the Minister for Police and Community Safety - the Queensland Police Service (QPS) and the Department of Community Safety (DCS).
On 10 September 2013, the PACSR final report, titled ‘Sustaining the Unsust
Child Protection Offender Reporting Amendment Bill 2014
The government has committed to introducing more stringent monitoring of sex offenders and tougher conditions for offenders who make up the Queensland component of the National Child Offender System (NCOS) (formerly the Australian National Child Offender Register).
The Child Protection (Offender Reporting) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 gives effect to that commitment by increasing the
Appointment of Commissioner for Police Service Reviews
Commissioners for Police Service Reviews are appointed under section 9.2A of the Police Service Administration Act 1990 (the Act). They perform a review function in relation to police appointment, transfer and disciplinary decisions made under the Act.
In accordance with section 9.2A of the Act, the Chairperson of the Crime and Misconduct Commission has nominated Mrs Dina Lynne Browne for reappoi
Student Protection Reports - system error transmitting reports
On 30 July 2015, the Department of Education and Training (DET) became aware of a specific system error which resulted in certain student protection reports not being transmitted to the Queensland Police Service (QPS).
As a result of this coding error, over the period from 18 January to 30 July 2015, 644 student protection reports were not transmitted to QPS.
Further investigations were undertake
Domestic and Family Violence Protection and Another Act Amendment Bill 2015
The Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence (the Taskforce) in its final report, Not Now, Not Ever: Putting an End to Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland (the Taskforce Report) made 140 recommendations, including specific changes to the Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012 (DFVP Act).
The Queensland Government response accepted these recommendations and identified the
Community safety and education delivery for Aurukun
Offending by young people, including carjacking the principal of the Aurukun Campus of the Cape York Aboriginal Australian Academy, during May 2016 led to the closure of the school and evacuation of school staff. It was decided that the school would close temporarily until the start of Term 3 on 11 July 2016, with a short term approach to provide education through the PCYC implemented.
In a statem
Australian Crime Commission (Queensland) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
CrimTrac is a national information management system which enables Australia’s law enforcement agencies to share information. In November 2015, all jurisdictions agreed that CrimTrac should be merged into the Australian Crime Commission (ACC). This will bring together Australia’s national criminal intelligence and information capabilities. The Australian Crime Commission (Queensland) and Other Leg
Public Safety Business Agency and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
The Public Safety Business Agency (PSBA) was formally established by the Public Safety Business Agency Act 2014 (PSBA Act) on 21 May 2014.
The PSBA Act authorises the PSBA to hold stated corporate and business support services for the Queensland Police Service (QPS), Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) and the Inspector-General of Emergency Management (IGEM). The PSBA chief executive off
Police Powers and Responsibilities (Commonwealth Games) Amendment Bill 2017
The 2018 Commonwealth Games (the Games) are to be hosted on the Gold Coast between 4 and 15 April 2018 with events also being held in Brisbane, Cairns and Townsville. The Queensland Police Service is partnering with the Office of the Commonwealth Games and the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation to plan and deliver the security and public safety response for the Games.
A regulation und
Counter-Terrorism and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2017
The Public Safety Preservation Act 1986 (PSPA) and the Terrorism (Preventative Detention) Act 2005 (TPDA) provide powers for the Queensland Police Service (QPS) to deal with terrorist incidents occurring in, or affecting Queensland. Since September 2014, nationally, there has been a significant escalation of terrorist related activity with four terrorist acts having been committed, a further twelv
Police Powers and Responsibilities (Commonwealth Games) Amendment Regulation 2017
The 2018 Commonwealth Games (the Games) are to be hosted on the Gold Coast between 415 April 2018 with events also being held in Brisbane, Cairns and Townsville. The Queensland Police Service is partnering with the Office of the Commonwealth Games and the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation to plan and deliver the security and public safety response for the Games.
The Police Powers and
Disability Services and Other Legislation (Worker Screening) Amendment Bill 2018
Under the Disability Services Act 2006, Queensland has a fully operational worker screening system for people working or volunteering with people with disability in service outlets (the yellow card system).
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Quality and Safeguarding Framework will apply in Queensland following full scheme implementation of the NDIS in Queensland. This Framework provi
Police Powers and Responsibilities and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018
The Police Powers and Responsibilities and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 (the Bill) amends the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 (PPRA) to enhance the delivery of efficient, quality front line services.
The Bill creates a new high-risk missing person scheme to provide police with powers to enter certain places with a warrant from a Supreme Court judge or a magistrate, to search f
Appointments of Public Interest Monitor and Deputy Public Interest Monitors
The Public Interest Monitor (PIM) and Deputy PIMs are appointed by the Governor in Council under section 324 of the Crime and Corruption Act 2001 and section 740 of the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000.
The PIM’s functions include:
Appearing in court hearings to test the validity of applications by law enforcement authorities for surveillance device warrants, retrieval warrants, approva
Appointment of Commissioner for Police Service Reviews
Commissioners for Police Service Reviews are appointed under section 9.2A of the Police Service Administration Act 1990 (the Act). They perform a review function in relation to police appointment, transfer and disciplinary decisions made under the Act.
In accordance with section 9.2A(5) of the Act, each appointment as a Review Commissioner is for the term, not longer than three years. The Act doe
Police Service Administration (Discipline Reform) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019
The Police Service Administration (Discipline Reform) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019 (the Bill) amends the Police Service Administration Act 1990, Crime and Corruption Act 2001 and the Police Service (Discipline) Regulations 1990 to create a modernised and more efficient police discipline system.
The role of the Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) as the oversight body is being enhanc
Domestic and Family Violence GPS-enabled Electronic Monitoring Technology Evaluation Report
In 2015, the Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland provided its report Not Now, Not Ever: Putting an End to Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland (the Taskforce Report) to the Premier and then Minister for the Arts. Recommendation 123 of the Taskforce Report was:
The Queensland Government trials the use of Global Positioning System (GPS) monitoring for high risk per
Police Powers Responsibilities and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019
The Police Power and Responsibilities and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019 amends the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000, the Child Protection and Offender Prohibition Order) Act 2004, the Crime and Corruption Act 2001, the Criminal Code, the Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012, the Justice and Other Information Disclosure Act 2008 the Penalties and Sentences Act 1992, t
Summary Offences and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019
The Summary Offences and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019 amends the Summary Offences Act 2005 and the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 to address the rise in offending behaviours and civil disruption caused during some gatherings and assemblies.
The Bill introduces new offences under the Summary Offences Act 2005 aimed at individuals who use a dangerous attachment device to disrup
Disease test orders for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
The amendments to the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 provide a legislative framework for police to apply to a magistrate for a disease test order to have a person tested for COVID-19.
This will apply in circumstances where a person wilfully coughs, spits or sneezes at or on another person and has been arrested for a relevant assault offence under the Criminal Code.
The disease test or
Appointment of Public Interest Monitor
The Public Interest Monitor is appointed by the Governor in Council under section 740 of the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 and section 324 of the Crime and Corruption Act 2001.
The role of the Public Interest Monitor includes (among other matters) appearing at court hearings to test the validity of applications by law enforcement authorities for surveillance device warrants, retrieva
Youth Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2021
The Queensland Government’s youth justice initiatives in the Working Together Changing the Story: Youth Justice Strategy 2019-2023 (Youth Justice Strategy) and the Five-Point Action Plan (5PP) are having a positive impact on overall youth crime trends, with an overall decrease in unique youth offenders.
However, there remains a small cohort of recidivist youth offenders engaging in persistent, imp
Proposals to respond to serious recidivist youth offenders
The Queensland Government remains committed to community safety, reducing youth offending and reducing crime victimisation.
Queensland Police Service (QPS) data shows a continued decrease in the number of unique youth offenders coming to the attention of police. However, there is a small cohort of serious recidivist youth offenders who engage in persistent and serious offending and are driving mu
Police Legislation (Efficiencies and Effectiveness) Amendment Bill 2021
The Police Legislation (Efficiencies and Effectiveness) Amendment Bill 2021 (the Bill) amends the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 (PPRA), Oaths Regulation 2021 (Oaths Regulation), Police Service Administration Act 1990 (PSAA), Police Service Administration Regulation 2016 (PSAR) and the Weapons Act 1990 (Weapons Act). The amendments are designed to support the efficient and effective
Police Powers and Responsibilities and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2021
The Police Powers and Responsibilities and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 (the Bill) amends various laws to enhance the delivery of efficient, quality, front line services.
The Bill expands the existing police banning notice regime to apply to adults who unlawfully possess a knife in licensed premises, a public place in a safe night precinct and public events where alcohol is sold.
The Bil
Appointments Deputy Public Interest Monitors
The Deputy Public Interest Monitors are appointed by the Governor in Council under section 324 of the Crime and Corruption Act 2001 and section 740 of the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000.
The Deputy Public Interest Monitors’ functions include:
appearing at court hearings to test the validity of applications by law enforcement authorities for surveillance device warrants, retrieval warr
Appointment of a Commissioner for Police Service Reviews
Commissioners for Police Service Reviews are appointed under section 9.2A of the Police Service Administration Act 1990 (the Act). They perform a review function in relation to police appointment, transfer and disciplinary decisions made under the Act.
Section 9.2A of the Act specifies various categories of persons who may be appointed as a Review Commissioner. That section provides, inter alia, t
Appointment to the Controlled Operations Committee
The Controlled Operations Committee (the Committee) is established under section 232 of the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 (the Act). The Committee consists of an independent member, the Commissioner or the Commissioner’s nominee and the Crime and Corruption Commission chairperson or the chairperson’s nominee.
The Committee’s functions include:
to consider, and make recommendations ab
Police Service Administration and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2021
The Police Service Administration and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 (the Bill) modernises the legislative framework governing Protective Services and amends the identification requirements for police officers acting as public officials under the Nature Conservation Act 1992, the Forestry Act 1959, the Recreation Areas Management Act 2006 and the Marine Parks Act 2004 (Queensland Parks and
Inspector of Detention Services Bill 2021
Since 2016, a number of reviews into elements of Queensland’s criminal justice system have considered the existing layers of accountability over Queensland’s places of detention and recommended the establishment of an independent inspectorate to oversee adult prisons, youth detention centres and police watch-houses. These reviews include the Queensland Parole System Review, the Independent Review
Evidence and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2021
In June 2021, a discussion paper titled Shielding confidential sources: balancing the public’s right to know and the court’s need to know was released seeking feedback on the development of shield laws to better protect journalists’ confidential sources.
The Evidence and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 (the Bill) amends the Evidence Act 1977 (Evidence Act), Criminal Code, Magistrates Act 19
Review into deaths in police custody or deaths in the course of or as a result of police operations
In January 2021, Mr Terry Ryan, State Coroner delivered his findings in relation to the Inquest into the death of Cindy Leigh Miller. Recommendation 2 of the Inquest was that the Queensland Government consider whether to commission an independent review of the current arrangements for the investigation of police-related deaths on behalf of the coroner and the oversight of those investigations.
Commission of Inquiry into the Queensland Police Service identified by the Womens Safety and Justice Taskforce
On 2 December 2021, the Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce released their report Hear her voice report one – addressing coercive control and domestic and family violence in Queensland.
Recommendation 2 of the Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce report recommended the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry (COI) into cultural issues within the Queensland Police Service (QPS) as a result of is
Government response to the Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce first report
The Queensland Government remains committed to keeping women and families safe from violence and holding perpetrators to account. The Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce report Hear Her Voice – Report One – Addressing coercive control and domestic family violence in Queensland makes 89 recommendations for reforms to the domestic and family violence (DFV) service and justice systems.
The implemen
Appointment of the Public Interest Monitor and two Deputy Public Interest Monitors
The Public Interest Monitor (PIM) and Deputy Public Interest Monitors (DPIMs) are appointed by the Governor in Council under section 324 of the Crime and Corruption Act 2001 and section 740 of the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000.
The DPIM and PIM’s functions include:
appearing in court hearings to test the validity of applications by law enforcement authorities for surveillance device
Police Service Administration and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2022
The Police Service Administration and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2022 (the Bill) aims to improve the effectiveness of the Queensland Police Service (QPS) and the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES).
Amendments in the Bill to the Police Service Administration Act 1990 (PSAA) improves the police discipline system by:
allowing the start of a disciplinary proceeding to be delay
Police Powers and Responsibilities Bills 2022
The Police Powers and Responsibilities and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 and the Police Powers and Responsibilities (Jack’s Law) Amendment Bill 2022 amend the following legislation:
Child Protection (Offender Reporting and Offender Prohibition) Order Act 2004;
Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000;
Summary Offences Act 2005;
Transport Operations (Road Use Management – Road Rules) Reg
Amendments During Consideration in Detail to Police Service Administration Act 1990
The amendments to the Police Service Administration Act 1990 (PSAA) amends the existing special constable provisions of the PSAA to allow for the employment of former police officers as paid special constables.
Special constables employed under the new provisions will be police officers and members of the QPS for the purposes of the PSAA. They will have police powers and be subject to the same dis
Police Powers and Responsibilities and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
The Police Powers and Responsibilities and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2023 (Bill) amends the:
Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 (PPRA) and other legislation to expand the scope of the police drug diversion program (PDDP);
Drugs Misuse Act 1986 (DMA) to increase the maximum penalty for trafficking in dangers drugs;
PPRA to create a circumstance of aggravation to the police evasion o
Amendments Child Protection (Offender Reporting and Offender Prohibition Order) OLAB 2022
The amendments to the Child Protection (Offender Reporting and Offender Prohibition Order) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 (the Bill) amends the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 (PPRA), Police Service Administration Act 1990 (PSAA), Police Powers and Responsibilities Regulation 2012 (PPRR), Summary Offences Act 2005 (the SO Act), Youth Justice Act 1992 (the YJ Act) and the Bil
Progress Report COI into QPS responses to DFV recommendations
The Government’s first annual report on implementation progress of the Commission of Inquiry into Queensland Police Service responses to domestic and family violence (COIDFV) recommendations provides a commentary on the coalescence of broader domestic and family violence (DFV) reforms stemming from the both the COIDFV and Women’s Safety Justice Taskforce (WSJT) reports and highlights the significa
Appointment of a Deputy Public Interest Monitor
The Public Interest Monitor (PIM) and Deputy Public Interest Monitors (DPIMs) are appointed by the Governor in Council under section 324 of the Crime and Corruption Act 2001 and section 740 of the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000.
The DPIM and PIM’s functions include:
appearing in court hearings to test the validity of applications by law enforcement authorities for surveillance device