Your search for Planning returned 119 record/s. |
Proposed RNA masterplan
Dr Vivian Edwards OAM, President of the RNA (National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland), spoke to Cabinet about the proposed RNA Masterplan for the redevelopment of the RNA Showgrounds at Bowen Hills.
Cabinet noted the presentation by Dr Vivian Edwards OAM and Mr Jonathan Tunney in relation to the proposed RNA Masterplan.
Protection of Milton Brewery from urban encroachment through legislation
Under the South East Queensland Regional Plan 2005-2026, infill and redevelopment in existing urban areas and residential development in existing rural areas is encouraged as efficient land use planning to manage this population growth.
This development is leading to increased population densities, at times in areas where existing industry operations are located. The environmental impacts of man
The Urban Land Authority and the Bowen Hills Urban Development Area
Cabinet considered a submission from the Premier and the Deputy Premier and Minister for Infrastructure and Planning regarding the Urban Land Development Authority and the Bowen Hills Urban Development Area.
Cabinet noted the draft Master Plan for the Bowen Hills Urban Development Area.
Draft Master Plan for the Bowen Hills Urban Development Area
Fire safety in residential care buildings
In response to the Childers backpacker accommodation fire tragedy in June 2000, the Childers Taskforce (the Taskforce) recommended investigation of fire risks in a range of high occupancy buildings and a staged program to reduce risks of multiple death fires.
A staged fire safety improvement program targeting high occupancy buildings across Queensland began in 2001 with the first phase targeting f
Government Response to Koala Taskforce Report
The Premier and the Minister for Sustainability, Climate Change and Innovation announced in August 2008 that there was a crisis in koala numbers in South-east Queensland (SEQ), primarily in the urban footprint of the South East Queensland Regional Plan 2005 - 2026 (SEQ Regional Plan). The Premier also announced the formation of a specialised Koala Taskforce to investigate and report on this issue
Government Office Accommodation Decentralisation Strategy
Decentralisation is an opportunity for benefits including cost reductions, stimulation of urban and economic growth, reductions in traffic congestion and carbon emissions, workforce attraction and retention, and greater capability for disaster recovery.
A decentralisation initiative is proposed to be undertaken through a managed release of approximately 85,000m2 from the Brisbane Central Business
Amendments to the Integrated Planning Act 1997
The Queensland Heritage and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2007 (QHOLAA) has impacted on development in two ways:
upon commencement of the QHOLAA on 31 March 2008, heritage places identified by local Councils became ‘local heritage places’ under the Queensland Heritage Act 1992; and
the Integrated Planning Act 1997 (IPA) was also amended so that all aspects of development on a local heritage pla
Draft SEQ Regional Plan 2009-2031 and Draft State Planning Regulatory Provisions
The South East Queensland Regional Plan 2005-2026 (SEQ Regional Plan) was released in June 2005. It sets out the Queensland Government’s strategy for managing rapid growth and development in South East Queensland (SEQ). The SEQ Regional Plan includes a provision that it be formally reviewed every five years.
In May 2008, the Premier announced that the timeframe for the review of the SEQ Regional
Integrated Planning Amendment Regulation (No 1) 2009
The Federal Government’s National Building – Economic Stimulus Program (NBESP) aims to generate employment through a number of components including accelerated schools and social housing infrastructure programs.
Queensland’s land use planning and development framework has in-built mechanisms to facilitate development on school land, primarily through the community infrastructure designation proces
Public consultation on the proposed State Planning Policy Healthy Waters
The Queensland Government is considering introducing and updating waterway health management provisions including a draft State Planning Policy (SPP) under the Integrated Planning Act 1997.
The proposed SPP would apply throughout the State of Queensland.
If the draft SPP were to become a State Planning Policy it will influence those land use planning and development decisions that may individual
Mooloolaba Spit Futures Plan
The Mooloolaba Spit Futures Study Master Plan (the Plan) provides a vision to guide development on the Mooloolaba Spit (the Spit) over the next 20 years having regard for the opportunities in the area and the diverse range of community inputs.
The Plan includes:
a number of guiding principles, contiguous with the vision, for future use and development on the Spit were prepared. A number of thes
Private Investment in tourism infrastructure
Tourism on Queensland’s protected areas is an important contributor to Queensland’s economy.
Tourism opportunities in semi-permanent low impact eco-tourism infrastructure on and adjacent to Queensland’s protected areas will be offered while retaining State ownership.
Strict sustainability guidelines will ensure minimal impact on the surrounding environment and proponents will be required to dem
Transit Oriented Development Publications
Transit oriented development (TOD) has been a primary land-use planning strategy of successive South East Queensland (SEQ) regional plans including the recently released South East Queensland Regional Plan 2009 – 2031 (SEQ Regional Plan).
TOD is characterised by a rapid and frequent transit service; high accessibility to the station; mixed-uses; good quality public spaces; pedestrian and cyclist-
Development Assessment Monitoring Action Plan
In Queensland the Integrated Planning Act 1997 (IPA) established the Integrated Development Assessment System (IDAS), which provides a consistent State-wide approach to manage development assessment processes, and established timeframes for each stage of assessment. However, previously there has not been a requirement to report compliance with these timeframes.
There is evidence public reporting o
Far North Queensland Infrastructure Plan
The Far North Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031 (FNQ regional plan) identifies, at a strategic level, the key infrastructure elements required, or not required, for the future regional land use pattern. The Far North Queensland Infrastructure Plan 2009-2031 (FNQ infrastructure plan) builds on this strategic direction by providing details of specific infrastructure projects, planning activities an
Far North Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031
The Far North Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031 (FNQ regional plan) and associated Far North Queensland State Planning Regulatory Provisions (FNQ regulatory provisions) provide a framework for managing growth in the Far North Queensland over the next twenty years.
The FNQ regional plan is prepared under the Integrated Planning Act 1997 and is the first statutory regional plan to be prepared outsi
Review of Community Futures Task Force Model
The Community Futures Task Force (CFTF), established to address the impacts of the Government’s 2006 announcement of the Traveston Crossing and Wyaralong Dams, provides an unprecedented model of Government community engagement for Government sponsored infrastructure projects.
To ensure that key learnings from the CFTF model remain after this date, the CFTF Unit engaged the University of Queensland
Requirement for pool filtration systems to be demand response active
In Queensland, peak electricity demand is a key driver of electricity infrastructure expenditure. Approximately 11 per cent of distribution network capacity is built to meet a level of demand which only occurs approximately one per cent of the time. For example, in south-east Queensland, approximately $700 million worth of assets are used only three days per year.
One of the most effective ways to
Sustainable Planning Bill 2009
The Integrated Planning Act 1997 (IPA) introduced a consistent and integrated planning framework for Queensland, replacing more than 30 separate statutes and 60 approval processes for development.
While still considered to be best practice by national standards, IPA had not been comprehensively reviewed to ensure it continued to keep pace with the complex demands facing State and Local Government
Draft North West Regional Plan - development under the Blueprint for the Bush initiative
The Blueprint for the Bush initiative is a 10-year partnership plan between Queensland Government, the Local Government Association of Queensland and AgForce to foster support sustainable, liveable and prosperous rural communities in Queensland. This initiative seeks to address service and infrastructure delivery challenges experienced by regional communities experiencing static or declining popu
Draft State Planning Policy - Air Noise and Hazardous Materials
The Queensland Government is considering introducing a State Planning Policy (SPP) under the Integrated Planning Act 1997 (replaced by the Sustainable Planning Act 2009).
The draft State Planning Policy (SPP): Air, Noise and Hazardous Materials would apply throughout the State of Queensland.
If the draft SPP were to become a State Planning Policy, it would influence those land use planning and d
Environmental Protection and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2009
The Queensland Government Environmental Offsets Policy (QGEOP) establishes a framework for using environmental offsets in Queensland. It provides principles and guidelines for applying and developing more detailed specific-issue offsets policies for important environmental values such as vegetation and fish habitat.
Under QGEOP, environmental impacts from development must first be avoided and
Qld Timber Plantations Strategy
The Queensland Timber Plantations Strategy (QTPS) is a commitment under the Queensland Government’s 2007 ClimateSmart 2050 Strategy and the 2009 ClimateQ: Toward a Greener Queensland document.
The QTSP is a whole-of-government strategy designed to articulate and deliver on the Queensland Government’s policy objective of encouraging new private investment in commercial (large scale) timber plantati
Wide Bay Burnett Provision
The draft Wide Bay Burnett (WBB) State Planning Regulatory Provisions 2009 are based on the existing preferred urban form delineated in current Local Government planning schemes and by the settlement pattern strategy and urban footprint developed by the Department of Infrastructure and Planning for the WBB region. It is proposed that the State Planning Regulatory Provisions be used as a temporary
Sustainable Planning Reg
The purpose of the Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009 (the Regulation) as subordinate legislation to the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 is to provide a framework to integrate planning and development assessment so that development assessment and its effects are managed in a way that is ecologically sustainable, and for related purposes.
The Regulation will support the implementation of the Sustai
Development Assessment Monitoring and Performance Implementation Plan
In February 2009, the Deputy Premier and then Minister for Infrastructure and Planning announced the implementation of an annual report for development assessments in Queensland.
The first report is due to be published in late 2010 based on information collected for the 2009-10 financial year.
Information on development assessments processed under the Integrated Development Assessment System (IDAS
Gulf and Mitchell Resource Operations Plans
The draft Gulf Resource Operations Plan and the draft Mitchell Resource Operations Plan were released for public submissions in October 2008.
Key provisions of the final plans:
detail rules for the conversion to, and granting of, water entitlements to tradable water allocations in the Mount Isa water supply scheme areas;
set out a process for dealing with 178 900 megalitres of unallocated water
Implementing the Koala Response Strategy
In December 2008 Cabinet endorsed the Koala Response Strategy which commits the Queensland Government to ensuring a net gain in koala habitat in south east Queensland by 2020 and to implement a range of further measures to reverse declines in koala populations in the region.
In July 2009 the new SEQ Regional Plan identified 14 koala populations and committed the Queensland Government to ensure the
SPP Indigenous Trust Land
Cabinet considered a proposal for a temporary State Planning Policy under the Integrated Planning Act 1997 titled ‘Reconfiguring a Lot Code for Land in Indigenous Local Government Areas to which a Local Planning Scheme does not Apply’.
The State Planning Policy will be effective for up to 12 months and will enable Indigenous Local Governments to approve applications for a reconfiguration of a lo
Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (No.2) 2010
The Transport Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 amends the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994, Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994, and the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 to provide a clearly defined framework to engage the Operator Franchise Public Private Partnership for Stage 1 of the Gold Coast Rapid Transit project.
The Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 is amende
Strategic cropping land policy framework and legislative models
In February 2010, the Queensland Government released a public discussion paper outlining the resources development and urbanisation pressures which are increasingly competing for land with agriculture.
Queensland has a small area of land resources that are the most suitable for cropping production. The discussion paper proposed that the best cropping land, defined as strategic cropping land, sho
Draft Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan
The statutory draft Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan will be an essential mechanism for managing change, shaping and supporting the future growth of communities in the region.
It provides a coordinated approach to addressing the unique challenges for planning and coordinating infrastructure, services and programs to meet current and emerging community needs.
Cabinet approved the draft Wide Bay Bu
Mary Basin Draft Resource Operations Plan
The Mary Basin Resource Operations Plan (the ROP) is a key tool guiding the allocation and management of water in the Mary Basin. The ROP will implement the Water Resource (Mary Basin) Plan 2006 (the water resource plan) by specifying such things as the process for making additional water available for use and operating rules, including environmental release rules, for existing water infrastructur
Draft Water Resource (Baffle Creek Basin) Plan
The Baffle Creek Basin is located south of Gladstone. The main towns in the basin are Agnes Water, Seventeen Seventy and Miriam Vale.
The draft Baffle Creek Basin Water Resource Plan aims to provide a framework for the sustainable allocation and management of surface and overland flow water resources within the Baffle Creek Basin.
The draft Plan will provide for:
the protection of ecological asse
Update of the Accelerated Planning Initiative
The State Government in 2006 initiated, under the banner of the Accelerated Planning Initiative (API), a set of cross-agency policy initiatives to provide a regulatory management regime to manage existing high impact industries, and establish best practice standards for new operations.
The API consisted of eight cross-agency projects with implementation overseen by the API Steering Committee. M
Blackwater, Moranbah and Bowen Street-Roma Urban Development Areas
The Urban Land Development Authority 2007 (ULDA Act) provides for particular parts of Queensland to be declared as Urban Development Areas (UDAs) and establishes the Urban Land Development Authority to plan, carry out, promote, coordinate and control the development of land in those areas.
The three proposed UDAs of Blackwater, Moranbah and Bowen Street, Roma fall under the resource towns housin
Connecting SEQ 2031 Regional Transport Plan
The draft Connecting SEQ 2031 is an Integrated Regional Transport Plan for South East Queensland and supports the sustainable management of growth and aims to address the transport challenges of the region.
Connecting SEQ 2031 has been developed to respond to the SEQ Regional Plan’s growth framework and deliver a vision to guide transport planning and delivery of transport projects in south east Q
Implementation of the government response to the Qld Growth Mangement Summit
In November 2009, the Premier and Minister for the Arts announced a Queensland Growth Management Summit, which was held on 30 and 31 March 2010.
The summit brought together representatives from all levels of Government, community, business, industry and experts in planning, development, infrastructure and sustainability to discuss population growth, prosperity, liveability and sustainability in
Outdoor Recreation and Greenspace Strategy
The Queensland Greenspace Strategy (QGS) delivers on the Government’s Toward Q2: Tomorrow’s Queensland State-wide target of protecting 50 per cent more land for nature conservation and public recreation by 2020 in line with the strategic directions and vision for our State.
The Strategy will primarily focus on policies to expand non-protected area greenspace where public accessibility and use
Wetlands State Planning Policy Package
In 2009, the Queensland Government made an election commitment to protect freshwater wetlands of high ecological significance within Great Barrier Reef catchments (GBR HES wetlands). The government also committed to protecting GBR wetlands under the Reef Water Quality Protection Plan (Reef Plan).
This package contains two primary components—amendments to regulations to make high impact earthworks
Govt response to Qld Growth Summit
The Queensland Growth Summit was held on 30 and 31 March 2010. The summit brought together community, business, industry, local government and experts in planning, development, infrastructure and sustainability to discuss population growth, prosperity, liveability and sustainability in Queensland.
The Premier committed to providing a government response within six weeks of the conclusion of the s
Implementing the Koala Response Strategy - Finalising the Koala State Planning Instruments
In December 2009, the Minister for Climate Change and Sustainability and the Minister for Infrastructure and Planning released a draft State Planning Policy (SPP) and State Planning Regulatory Provision (SPRP) for consultation that were aimed at delivering koala conservation outcomes through the planning and development system.
All submissions received during the public consultation period were co
North Stradbroke Island Vision
In 2009 the Department of Environment and Resource Management and the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation commenced preparation of a plan for North Stradbroke Island that addressed a transition strategy to phase out mining and resolve native title through mediation so as to enable appropriate land allocation and national park dedication.
Cabinet approved the North Stradbr
North West Regional Plan
The Blueprint for the Bush initiative is a 10-year partnership plan between Queensland Government, the Local Government Association of Queensland and AgForce to foster support sustainable, liveable and prosperous rural communities in Queensland. This initiative seeks to address service and infrastructure delivery challenges experienced by regional communities experiencing static or declining popu
State Planning Instruments Program
The State Planning Instruments (SPI) Program will establish a process to improve the way State interests are identified and represented in the land use planning and development framework and the way in which SPIs are developed and delivered across Government.
The Sustainable Planning Act 2009, which commenced in December 2009, makes SPIs the only way of expressing State interests in Queensland’s
State Planning Regulatory Provisions - Adult Stores
In January 2009 the Deputy Premier and former Minister of Infrastructure and Planning announced the development of new state provisions that would prevent the development of new adult stores within 200m of existing sensitive uses such as schools and churches.
A draft State Planning Regulatory Provision (SPRP) – Adult Stores was released for public consultation in July 2009 and took effect immediat
Andergrove and Clinton Development Schemes
The Urban Land Development Authority 2007 (ULDA Act) provides for particular parts of Queensland to be declared as Urban Development Areas (UDAs) and establishes the Urban Land Development Authority (ULDA) to plan, carry out, promote or coordinate and control the development of land in those areas.
The two proposed UDAs of Andergrove and Clinton fall under the regional housing diversity program.
Draft SPP Protecting Wetlands of High Ecological Significance in Great Barrier Reef Catchments
The draft State Planning Policy: Protection Wetlands of High Ecological Significance in Great Barrier Reef Catchments (SPP) seeks to ensure that development in or adjacent to wetlands of high ecological significance in Great Barrier Reef catchments is planned, designed, constructed and operated to prevent the loss or degradation of wetlands and their values; or enhances these values, in particular
Draft Whitsunday Hinterland and Mackay Regional Plans and SPP provisions
In March 2010, the State Government announced the preparation of a statutory regional plan for the Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday region (also called the Whitsunday, Hinterland and Mackay region) and associated Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday State Planning Regulatory Provisions.
The statutory draft Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday Regional Plan will be an essential mechanism for managing change, shaping a
Draft Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development State Planning Regulatory Provision
1. Transit Oriented Development (TOD) has been a primary land-use planning strategy of successive South East Queensland (SEQ) regional plans including the most recent South East Queensland Regional Plan 2009 - 2031.
2. TOD is characterised by rapid and frequent transit services, high accessibility to the station, mixed-uses, good quality public spaces, pedestrian and cyclist-friendly streets, medi
Govt Response to CMC Recommendations 2009-2010
In the Response to Integrity and Accountability in Queensland, the Government committed to releasing a public report in response to the Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) recommendations.
The Government’s intended actions for recommendations made by the CMC from 2009-2010 have been undertaken.
The report covers the following CMC reports:
Queensland Police Service – CMC Review of Taser Policy,
Review of Iconic Places Act 2008
The Iconic Queensland Places Act 2008 requires the Minister to conduct a review of the operation and effectiveness of the Iconic Queensland Places Act 2008 within three years of the Iconic Queensland Places Act commencement.
A review of the Iconic Queensland Places Act commenced in March 2010. The review considered the effectiveness of mechanisms and processes provided for the protection of icon
Caloundra South Urban Development Area
The Urban Land Development Authority 2007 (ULDA Act) provides for particular parts of Queensland to be declared as Urban Development Areas (UDAs) and establishes the Urban Land Development Authority (ULDA) to plan, carry out, promote, coordinate and control the development of land in those areas.
The Delivering the Queensland Housing Affordability Strategy: Greenfield land supply in South East Qu
Draft Surat Basin Regional Planning Framework
The Surat Basin is one of Australia’s largest and relatively untouched energy resource areas covering approximately 109,640 square kilometres and includes the Local Government areas of Maranoa, Toowoomba, and the Western Downs regional Councils.
While the area has a strong and traditional agricultural foundation and has attracted investment toward the energy resource sector at various times over t
Great Sandy Regional Marine Aquaculture Plan Policy Marine Authorities
The Queensland Government has adopted a planning approach for aquaculture, to ensure that future aquaculture development is suitably located and managed, and to increase the opportunities for involvement of affected stakeholders including the public. Initial planning activities focussed on guiding the development of non-intensive (that is, no feed added) marine aquaculture activities in the Great
State Planning Policy Air Noise and Hazardous Materials
The Queensland Government publicly released the draft State Planning Policy for Air, Noise and Hazardous Materials (SPP) for consultation in late 2009.
The final SPP has been developed following the consultation period on the draft SPP.
The SPP applies throughout the State of Queensland and seeks to ensure that local planning instruments protect the health, wellbeing, amenity and safety of commu
State Planning Policy for Healthy Waters
In August 2009, the Government released the draft State Planning Policy for Healthy Waters (the SPP) for public consultation.
The SPP is made under the Integrated Planning Act 1997 and applies throughout the State of Queensland to new development for urban purposes.
The SPP will influence those land use planning and development decisions that may individually or collectively affect water quali
Ripley Valley, Greater Flagstone and Yarrabilba Urban Development Areas
The Urban Land Development Authority 2007 (ULDA Act) provides for particular parts of Queensland to be declared as Urban Development Areas (UDAs) and establishes the Urban Land Development Authority (ULDA) to plan, carry out, promote, coordinate and control the development of land in those areas.
Shaping Tomorrow’s Queensland: A response to the Queensland Growth Management Summit tasked the Urban
Draft Townsville Futures Plan
The Townsville Futures Plan (the Plan) is intended to support regional growth and economic development in Townsville. It is an over-arching plan for Townsville and the region that is prosperity led and includes cues to promote liveability and sustainability.
The Townsville Futures Plan has its origins in the 2010 Growth Management Summit.
The preparation of the TFP, and the identification of reg
Mineral exploration in close proximity to urban areas
In recent years the resources sector in Queensland has experienced exponential growth. For example, the total area covered by granted exploration permits (EPs) in Queensland is now 21.2 per cent, compared with 2.2 per cent in 2005. A number of State Government policies have recently been introduced to minimise growing concerns about land use conflict (e.g. the Land Access Code and the Strategic
Qld Reconstruction Authority Amendment Regulation 2011
The purpose of the Queensland Reconstruction Authority Amendment Regulation 2011 is to enable the Development Scheme for the Grantham Reconstruction Area to take effect.
On 8 April 2011, to support the request of the Council and to fast-track the rebuilding efforts at Grantham, Grantham was declared a Reconstruction Area by the Queensland Reconstruction Authority Regulation 2011.
The declaratio
Tannum Sands Urban Development Area
The Urban Land Development Authority 2007 Act (ULDA Act) provides for particular parts of Queensland to be declared as Urban Development Areas (UDAs) and establishes the Urban Land Development Authority (ULDA) to plan, carry out, promote, coordinate and control the development of land in those areas.
The proposed UDA in Tannum Sands falls under the regional housing diversity and resource towns hou
Queensland Coastal Plan
A review of the State Coastal Management Plan (2001) (SCMP) was completed in May 2009 in accordance with the requirements of the Coastal Protection and Management Act 1995 (Coastal Act).
The review of the 2001 plan and associated legislative framework for coastal protection and management found that significant revision of the SCMP was required.
The findings of the review are summarised in the Rep
Chairpersons for Valuation Objection Conferences
The Land Valuation Act 2010 received Assent in September 2010.
Section 123 of the Land Valuation Act 2010 requires the Valuer-General (the VG) to offer an objection conference to an objector where the valuation objected to is greater than $5M.
Where the offer is accepted section 125 of the Land Valuation Act 2010 requires that the VG must appoint an independent chairperson for the conference.
An a
State Planning Instruments Program 2011-12
The State Planning Instruments (SPI) Program commenced on 1 July 2010. It provides a systematic approach for ensuring the State’s interests are appropriately represented in land use planning and development.
The Queensland Government has committed to streamlining State planning arrangements to increase the certainty of State intentions and requirements for Local Governments, industry and commun
Fitzgibbon Urban Development Area Development Scheme
The Urban Land Development Authority 2007 provides for particular parts of Queensland to be declared as Urban Development Areas and establishes the Urban Land Development Authority to plan, carry out, promote or coordinate and control the development of land in those areas.
The Fitzgibbon UDA was declared under the Urban Land Development Authority Regulation 2008 on 25 July 2008, and the Fitzgibbo
Approval of Development Schemes for Blackwater and Moranbah Urban Development Areas
The ULDA Act provides for particular parts of Queensland to be declared as Urban Development Areas and establishes the Urban Land Development Authority to plan, carry out, promote or coordinate and control the development of land in those areas.
The two Urban Development Areas of Blackwater and Moranbah fall under the resource towns housing affordability program.
The aim of this program is to pro
Local Government Electoral Bill 2011
The new stand alone Local Government electoral legislation is an essential component of the Local Government Reform program and a Queensland first. By moving Local Government electoral provisions into one stand alone piece of legislation, the proposed Bill will provide a single practitioner-friendly Act and point of reference for Councils, Local Government candidates, the Electoral Commission of
Oonoonba, Roma, Woolloongabba Dev Schemes
The Urban Land Development Authority 2007 (ULDA Act) provides for particular parts of Queensland to be declared as Urban Development Areas (UDAs) and establishes the Urban Land Development Authority (ULDA) to plan, carry out, promote or coordinate and control the development of land in those areas.
The three proposed UDAs of Oonoonba, Roma and Woolloongabba fall under the regional housing diversit
Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
The Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 includes amendments to Queensland’s revenue legislation to maintain its currency and ensure that it operates as intended. Many of the amendments are beneficial to taxpayers and a number have been operating under administrative arrangements. The remaining amendments are necessary to clarify the legislation’s operation and protect the revenue.
Surat Basin Future Directions Statement Final Report
In March 2010 the Surat Basin Future Directions Statement was launched by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Regional Economies in Dalby.
With the release of the Statement, the Queensland Government committed to work with local government, industry and the local community to deliver a series of headline initiatives to manage future growth in the region. The vast majority of this work has been
Surat Basin Regional Planning Framework
The Surat Basin Regional Planning Framework is a non-statutory planning instrument that will be used to inform the review and preparation of existing and future statutory regional plans and planning policy within the Surat Basin.
It will also be used in the assessment of Local Government planning schemes, provide advice on community plans, and inform State agency assessment of Environmental Impac
Sustainable Planning Amendment Bill 2011
Amendments to the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 will facilitate the introduction of an adopted infrastructure charging regime across Queensland.
The introduction of an adopted infrastructure charging regime for a three year period, while further infrastructure charging reform is underway, is a key recommendation of the Infrastructure Charges Taskforce.
The amendments to Sustainable Planning Act
Yeerongpilly Transit Oriented Development State Planning Regulatory Provisions
Transit Oriented Development (TOD) has been a primary land-use planning strategy of successive South East Queensland (SEQ) regional plans including the most recent South East Queensland Regional Plan 2009 - 2031.
TOD is characterised by rapid and frequent transit services, high accessibility to a station, mixed-uses, good quality public spaces, pedestrian and cyclist-friendly streets, medium to hi
Approval of the Development Scheme for Caloundra South Urban Development Area
The Urban Land Development Authority Act 2007 provides for particular parts of Queensland to be declared as Urban Development Areas and establishes the Urban Land Development Authority to plan, carry out, promote or coordinate and control the development of land in those areas.
The Urban Development Area of Caloundra South falls under the strategic sites program.
The aim of this program is to f
Sustainable Planning and other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
The Sustainable Planning and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 amends a range of legislation as outlined below.
The Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act 2008 will be amended to enable Local Government officers to access the Queensland Motor Vehicle Registry to investigate an alleged dog attack which caused death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm to a person or animal.
The Local Governmen
Northern Gold Coast Coordinated Social Infrastructure Strategy 2011-2021
The Northern Gold Coast Coordinated Social Infrastructure Strategy 2011 - 2021 provides a framework for coordinating planning and delivery of social infrastructure across Government for the fast growing population in the northern Gold Coast corridor.
It is a joint project between the Department of Local Government and Planning and the Gold Coast City Council.
The project area extends from the no
Approval of the Development Schemes for Ripley Valley, Greater Flagstone and Yarrabilba Urban Development Areas
The Urban Land Development Authority Act 2007 (ULDA Act) provides for particular parts of Queensland to be declared as Urban Development Areas (UDAs) and establishes the Urban Land Development Authority to plan, carry out, promote or coordinate and control the development of land in those areas.
The three UDAs of Ripley Valley, Greater Flagstone and Yarrabilba fall under the strategic sites progr
Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan
On 1 October 2010, the Draft Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan and Draft Wide Bay Burnett State Planning Regulatory Provisions 2010 were released for public consultation, which closed on 24 December 2010.
The statutory Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan will be an essential mechanism for managing change, shaping and supporting the future growth of communities in the region. It provides a coordinated app
Appointments Building and Development Dispute Resolution Committees
The Building and Development Dispute Resolution Committees are established under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009.
Committees provide an affordable, timely and accessible non-court based dispute resolution service for deciding appeals against decisions of Local Governments and private building certifiers about a range of decisions made under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009, the Building Act 197
Review of mandatory requirements of rainwater tanks and other water savings systems
The review delivers against the Government’s 100-day election commitment (Number 301) to undertake a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of mandatory environmental inclusions such as rainwater tanks, and its Six Month Action Plan commitment to review laws mandating rainwater tanks on new buildings by the end of 2012.
Water saving targets for new houses and new commercial and industrial buildings h
Waste Reduction Amendment Bill 2012
The Waste Reduction and Recycling and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012amends a range of legislation administered by the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection.
The Bill amends:
the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011 to finalise implementation of the Government’s commitment to repeal the waste levy. These amendments complete the Government’s commitment to repeal the waste lev
Building and Other Legislation Bill 2013
The Building and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 amends the Building Act 1975 (Building Act), Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008 (Water Supply Safety Act) and South-East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Act 2009 (SEQ Water Restructuring Act) to reduce red tape and save time and money in the assessment of building work over or near a sewer, water main and s
Local Government Amendment Bill 2013
The Local Government and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 proposes amendments to the City of Brisbane Act 2010, the Local Government Act 2009, the Local Government and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2012 and the Sustainable Planning Act 2009.
Amendments to the Local Government Act 2009 include appropriate transitional and financial arrangements to support de-amalgamation on 1 January 2014 by
Appointment to the Surveyors Board of Queensland
The Surveyors Board of Queensland (the Board) is an independent statutory body whose purpose is to maintain public confidence in the surveying profession by ensuring surveys are carried out by registrants in a professional and competent way.
The Board’s major functions include prescribing competency frameworks for surveyors; assessing applications for all categories of registration and endorsement
Environmental Protection and Other Leg Amendment Regulation No1 2013
The Environmental Protection and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2013 (the Amendment Regulation) amends the Environmental Protection Regulation 2008, to give effect to the provisions of the Environmental Protection (Greentape Reduction) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2012 (the Greentape Reduction Act), passed by Parliament on 31 July 2012.
The Amendment Regulation includes pr
Cultural Precinct Strategy
The Cultural Precinct, the centerpiece of Queensland’s arts portfolio, occupies a prime location on Brisbane’s South Bank adjacent to the city’s Central Business District and is home to the State’s leading arts and cultural institutions, including the Queensland Art Gallery (including the Gallery of Modern Art), the Queensland Museum & Sciencentre, the Queensland Performing Arts Centre and the Sta
Appointments to Surveyors Board of Queensland
The Surveyors Board of Queensland is an independent statutory body whose purpose is to maintain public confidence in the surveying profession by ensuring surveys are carried out by registrants in a professional and competent way.
The board’s major functions include:
prescribing competency frameworks for surveyors;
assessing applications for all categories of registration and endorsements in surv
Planning Bill 2015
In May 2015, the Government released the Better Planning for Queensland – Next Steps in Planning Reform Directions Paper to outline the government’s policy for planning reform and how it will establish a fairer and more transparent system that enables better planning in Queensland.
From 10 September 2015 to 23 October 2015 the Government undertook public consultation on a draft legislative reform
Brisbane Casino Agreement Amendment Bill 2016
In July 2015, the Destination Brisbane Consortium was announced as the Queensland Government’s preferred proponent to deliver an iconic tourism, leisure and entertainment precinct in the heart of the Brisbane CBD.
In December 2015, the Queen’s Wharf Brisbane Bill 2015 (the QWB Bill) was introduced into the Legislative Assembly. The QWB Bill ratifies the Queen’s Wharf Brisbane Casino Agreement
Appointments to the Queensland Urban Design and Places Panel
The Queensland Urban Design and Places Panel (the Panel), to be chaired by the Queensland Government Architect, Mr Malcolm Middleton, is a non-statutory advisory body with a State-wide remit.
The Panel is intended to champion high quality urban design and help foster a holistic approach to land use and infrastructure planning to create and support economically sustainable, vibrant and adaptable
Government response to Infrastructure Planning and Natural Resources Committee Report No. 23
On 12 November 2015, the then Deputy Premier, Minister for Transport, Minister for Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Trade, Hon Jackie Trad MP, introduced to the Parliament a package of three Bills - the Planning Bill 2015, the Planning and Environment Court Bill 2015 and the Planning (Consequential) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015.
The Bills were referred t
Local Government Electoral (Transparency and Accountability in Local Government) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016)
The Local Government Electoral (Transparency and Accountability in Local Government) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 proposes amendments to the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (AI Act), the Building Act 1975 (Building Act), the Local Government Electoral Act 2011 (LGEA), the Planning Act 2016 (Planning Act), the Planning and Environment Court Act 2016 (PECA), the Planning (Consequent
Review of state interests as expressed in the planning system
The Government is undertaking a review of how state interests are expressed in the planning system to ensure the statutory instruments supporting the new Planning Act 2016 (Planning Act) will contribute to an improved and more efficient system.
The review of state interests involves the concurrent review of the proposed planning regulation, the State Planning Policy (SPP) and the State Development
South East Queensland Regional Plan 2017 and amendments to the Planning Regulation 2017
The Queensland Government has reviewed the South East Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031 and associated regulatory provisions to take into account changes in the region, revised growth, population and employment projections and evolving government policies.
Under the Planning Act 2016, as commenced on 3 July 2017, the regulatory provisions to support the South East Queensland Regional Plan 2017 (S
Outcome of review of state interests in the planning system
The Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (DILGP) undertook a review of how state interests are expressed in the planning system to ensure the statutory instruments supporting the new Planning Act 2016 contribute to an improved and more efficient system.
The review of state interests included the release of the draft Planning Regulation, the draft State Planning Policy and t
Appointments of referees to Development Tribunals
The Development Tribunals are established to hear appeals against decisions made under the Planning Act 2016, Building Act 1975, Plumbing and Drainage Act 2002, Residential Services (Accreditation) Act 2002, South-East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Act 2009 (SEQ Water Act) and matters prescribed under a regulation.
The general referees have been selected from across Quee
Appointments to South East Queensland Housing Supply Expert Panel
The Premier announced the establishment of the South East Queensland (SEQ) Housing Supply Expert Panel with the purpose of ensuring that housing needs keep pace with the growth occurring in the SEQ region over the next 25 years.
The panel would play a critical role in the delivery of the SEQ Growth Monitoring Program by providing the government with independent expert advice about how to appropria
Planning (Container Refund Scheme) Amendment Regulation 2018
The Container Refund Scheme (CRS) is to commence on 1 November 2018. The objectives of the CRS are to increase the recycling of beverage containers, reduce the number of containers that are littered, and to provide opportunities for social enterprise and benefits for community organisations.
The Planning (Container Refund Scheme) Amendment Regulation 2018 amends the Planning Regulation 2017 to su
Economic Development and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018
The objective of the Bill is to provide for increased operational efficiency of legislation under the administration of the Minister for State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning. The Bill proposes to amend the following Acts:
Building Queensland Act 2015 to implement the Queensland Government’s response to three recommendations of the report An Administrative Review of Buildi
Preparation of new South Bank Master Plan
On 30 October 1988, World Expo ‘88 ended and in 1989 the South Bank Corporation Act 1989 (the Act) established a statutory development authority to facilitate and control the development of South Bank.
The principal functions of the South Bank Corporation are to promote, facilitate, carry out and control development within the South Bank corporation area, including providing for a diverse range o
Release of final master plan for the priority Port of Gladstone
The Sustainable Ports Development Act 2015 (the Ports Act) provides a legislative framework for the Queensland Government’s port-related commitments and actions of the Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan (Reef 2050), including mandating master planning for priority ports. The Ports Act designates the Port of Gladstone as a priority port.
The master plan for the priority Port of Gladstone is a
Release of draft master plan for the priority Port of Townsville
The Sustainable Ports Development Act 2015 provides a legislative framework for the Queensland Government’s port-related commitments and actions of the Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan (Reef 2050), including mandating master planning for four priority ports. The Sustainable Ports Development Act 2015 designates the Port of Townsville as one of the priority ports.
The draft master plan for t
Great Sandy Marine Park Discussion Paper - Zoning Plan Opportunities
The Great Sandy Marine Park is one of three marine parks managed by the Queensland Government. These areas are managed and receive formal protection under the Marine Parks Act 2004. Like all Queensland marine parks, the Great Sandy Marine Park was established to achieve a balance between the conservation of the marine environment and its use for a variety of recreational, commercial and other acti
The Spit draft master plan release for public consultation
The Queensland Government is leading the preparation of The Spit master plan in collaboration with the Gold Coast City Council and Gold Coast Waterways Authority. The master plan will guide development on The Spit over the decades ahead.
The draft master plan provides for enhanced green and public spaces, improves connections to the ocean and the Broadwater, and provides for job opportunities thro
Draft North Queensland Regional Plan
The North Queensland region includes the Burdekin, Charters Towers, Hinchinbrook, Palm Island and Townsville local government areas.
The North Queensland region is expected to face a number of challenges over the next 25 years. These include an ageing population, increasing urbanisation, and structural changes in the regional economy moving away from traditional strengths to a more knowledge-base
Final Master Plan Port of Townsville and draft port overlays Townsville and Gladstone
The Sustainable Ports Development Act 2015 (the Ports Act) provides a legislative framework for the Queensland Government’s port-related commitments and actions of the Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan, including mandating master planning for priority ports. The Ports Act designates the ports of Townsville and Gladstone as priority ports.
The master plan for the priority Port of Townsville i
Implementation of The Spit Master Plan Bill 2019
On 25 May 2019, the Queensland Government released The Spit Master Plan (the master plan). A State funding commitment of $60 million was also announced to commence the implementation of the master plan, which comprises three overarching programs of work including:
a capital works program to oversee the funding and delivery of a series of capital works projects, such as public realm improvements o
Forest Wind Farm Development Bill 2020
The primary objective of the Forest Wind Farm Development Bill 2020 is to facilitate a pathway to tenure for the development of the Forest Wind Project by Forest Wind Holdings Pty Limited (the proponent), on plantation licence areas in the Toolara, Tuan and Neerdie State forests in the Wide Bay Burnett region.
The proponent is seeking to establish a large-scale wind farm (up to 226 turbines) gene
Creating Better Connections for Queenslanders a draft 10-year plan for Queensland passenger transport
A draft 10-year plan for passenger transport in Queensland Creating Better Connections for Queenslanders (the draft plan) has been developed to set out the priorities and key initiatives for passenger transport in Queensland.
The draft plan has five key priorities:
Reliable and safe services – services customers can depend on to get them where they need to go, when they need to be there.
Draft State Infrastructure Strategy and Queensland Government Infrastructure Pipeline
New infrastructure strategies are needed in Queensland due to population growth, changing demographics, technology, the impacts of COVID-19 and other factors.
The Draft State Infrastructure Strategy (Draft SIS) has been prepared and provides a 20-year vision for infrastructure to drive collaborative state infrastructure planning and delivery to boost productivity, grow the economy and create jobs
Tourism Recovery Action Plan
Queensland’s visitor economy plays a key role in the state’s overall economic outlook and the livelihoods of more than 234,000 Queenslanders who are employed by the tourism industry. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the state welcomed a record number of visitors with more than 28.6 million spending more than $25.5 billion in 2019.
As countries around the world continue to manage the COVID-19 respo
Environmental Protection (Ministerial Designations) Amendment Bill 2021
The Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EP Act) regulates activities that cause environmental harm, including environmental nuisance and prescribes when an activity that causes serious or material environmental harm, environmental nuisance or that contravenes a noise standard will be unlawful.
The EP Act also provides for where certain types of environmental nuisance are excluded from being an offe
Review of Regional Planning Interests Act 2014 Assessment Process Report – Government response
GasFields Commission Queensland (the Commission) prepared ‘Review of Regional Planning Interests Act 2014 Assessment Process Report’ (the report) which focussed on improvements to the assessment process and framework under the Regional Planning Interests Act 2014 (RPI Act).
The Commission report was the outcome of a review that focused on:
the assessment process and the assessment criteria used to
State Infrastructure Strategy (SIS) 2022
The Queensland Government has worked with industries and government agencies to progress the development of the State Infrastructure Strategy 2022 (SIS 2022). The SIS 2022 updates the previous state-wide infrastructure strategy – the State Infrastructure Plan: Part A (Strategy) released in March 2016.
Consultation occurred throughout 2021 through regional workshops, online engagement and consulta
Review of the Great Sandy Marine Park Zoning Plan
The Great Sandy Marine Park (GSMP) is a multiple use marine protected area that provides for a variety of recreational, commercial and tourism activities in addition to its primary purpose of conserving the marine environment. It contains a diverse range of natural and cultural values such as mangrove communities, some of the world’s most southerly coastal fringing coral reefs, and species of inte
Draft Master Plans for priority ports Hay Point-Mackay & Abbot Point
The Sustainable Ports Development Act 2015 (the Ports Act) provides the legislative framework for the Queensland Government’s port-related commitments and actions of the Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan, including mandating master planning for the priority ports. The Ports Act designates the ports of Hay Point/Mackay and Abbot Point as priority ports.
The draft master plans for the priority
Draft Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan 2022
The Wide Bay Burnett (WBB) region covers the local government areas of Bundaberg, Cherbourg, Fraser Coast, Gympie, North Burnett, and South Burnett.
The Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (DSDILGP) commenced preparation of a new regional plan for the WBB region in early 2020 to align with current government policy and provide a contemporary direction for
Taking action now - planning framework to facilitate housing choice, diversity and affordability
In June 2021, the Queensland Government released the Queensland Housing and Homelessness Action Plan 2021–2025 (HHAP). It provides a whole-of-government framework for significant investment and actions to deliver social and affordable housing in Queensland and a commitment to address housing supply and affordability.
Action 3.4 of the HHAP commits to ‘Review the planning framework’s approach to r