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Your search for Parliament returned 58 record/s.
Annual Consumer Price Index variation of allowances to Members of Parliament
Cabinet considered a submission from the Premier on the application of the annual CPI to allowances for Members of Parliament. Cabinet approved that allowances to Members of Parliament provided by the Members’ Entitlements Handbook not be increased by the Consumer Price Index for Brisbane from July 2008. Cabinet noted that the Premier would seek Governor in Council approval that an increase in a

Preamble to the Queensland Constitution
A preamble is a descriptive component of an Act of Parliament or other legislation, generally placed after the long title and before the enacting words and the substantive sections. It may explain the reason, purpose, object or scope of the Act and/or discuss facts or values which are relevant to the Act. Queensland’s Constitution does not currently contain a preamble. A lengthy preamble was cont

Private Members Bill - Truth in Parliament Bill 2008
The Member for Southern Downs and Leader of the Opposition, Mr Lawrence Springborg MP, introduced the Bill as a Private Member’s Bill on 27 August 2008. The Explanatory Notes to the Bill state the purpose of the Bill is to amend the Criminal Code to introduce the offence of giving false evidence to Parliament. The Parliament of Queensland Act 2001 is also to be amended to ensure that acts of cont

Govt Responses to LCARC Reports Nos 64 and 66
The Legal, Constitutional and Administrative Review Committee of Parliament (LCARC) released Report No. 64 on 15 April 2008. An interim response was tabled on 15 July 2008 (as required by section 107 of the Parliament of Queensland Act 2001), with a final response required by no later than 15 October 2008. LCARC released Report No. 66 on 18 July 2008. A response under section 107 of the Parliame

Criminal Code (Medical Treatment) Amendment Bill 2009
The purpose of the Criminal Code (Medical Treatment) Amendment Bill 2009 (the “Bill”) is to ensure the Criminal Code provides an excuse from criminal responsibility, in appropriate circumstances, to a person who provides medical or surgical treatment for a patient’s benefit or who provides surgical or medical treatment affecting an unborn child for the preservation of the mother’s life or for the

Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
The Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 (the Bill) amends the Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act 2003 and the Penalties and Sentences Act 1992. The Bill is the product of a review of Queensland’s public protection legislation. A review report entitled “A New Public Protection Model for the Management of High Risk Sexual and Violent Offenders

Education and Training Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
The proposed Education and Training Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 makes a number of amendments to the following legislation administered by the Department of Education and Training: Education (Capital Assistance) Act 1993 to provide that the ‘approved authority’ for a non-State school which applies for, and may be granted capital, is the school’s governing body, rather than requiring the Ministe

Qld Government submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Energy Efficiency Improvements
On 5 June 2009, the Environment and Resources Committee issued its Issues Paper No. 1 entitled “Inquiry into Energy Efficiency Improvements”. This paper provides background information about the committee and its inquiry into energy efficiency improvements. It also flags the issues that the committee would like people to comment on. Cabinet approved a whole of Government response to the Parliame

Queensland Government Submission to the Economic Development Committee - July 2009
August 2009 Queensland Government Submission to the Economic Development Committee Treasurer and Minister for Employment and Economic Development Cabinet approved the whole-of-government submission to the Queensland Parliament Economic Development Committee Issues Paper No. 1: Inquiry into identifying world’s best practice by governments to effectively stimulate employment opportunities in Qu

Government Response to Review of the Organ and Tissue Donation Procedure Report
The Review of the Organ and Tissue Donation Procedures Select Committee (Committee) of the Queensland Parliament was convened to investigate whether presumed consent should be introduced and whether there are other options that should be considered to improve organ and tissue donation rates in Queensland. The Report of the Committee was published on 28 October 2008. It does not support Queenslan

Response to Private Member's Bill - Juvenile Justice (Sentencing Principles) Amendment Bill 2009
The member for Southern Downs, Mr Lawrence Springborg MP, introduced the Juvenile Justice (Sentencing Principles) Amendment Bill 2009 as a Private Member’s Bill on 3 June 2009. The Explanatory Notes to the Bill state the purpose of the Bill is to amend the Juvenile Justice Act 1992 to remove reference to detention as a last resort. Cabinet considered that the removal of the principle of detenti

Criminal Code and Other Leg Amendment Bill
The Bill implements recommendations made by the Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) in its recent report concerning the investigation of former Director-General of the Department of Employment and Training. The Bill also introduces new measures to allow disciplinary action to be taken against former public officials (including police officers) who had abused or breached their public obligation

Credit (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2009
Under the Uniform Credit Laws Agreement 1993, the Governments of each state and territory agreed to establish and implement a uniform scheme regulating the provision of consumer credit. On 1 November 1996, the Uniform Consumer Credit Code (Credit Code), an appendix to the Consumer Credit (Queensland) Act 1994, commenced operation throughout Australia. Queensland holds the template legislation f

Government Response to LJSC Report No 71
On 23 April 2009, the Parliament of Queensland referred to the Law, Justice and Safety Committee (formerly the Legal, Constitutional and Administrative Review Committee) the task of providing options for modernising the oaths and affirmations contained within the Constitution of Queensland 2001. On 3 September 2009, the Law, Justice and Safety Committee tabled its report providing a recommendati

Alcohol Related violence - inquiry
On 4 August 2009, the Law, Justice and Safety Committee received a referral from Parliament to conduct an inquiry into alcohol-related violence. As this is a matter of interest to many government agencies a whole-of-Government submission was prepared. Cabinet approved the whole-of-Government submission being provided to the inquiry. Attachments Letter Premier to Committee 6 October 2009 Queenslan

Criminal Code (Honesty and Integrity in Parliament)
The Member for Surfers Paradise and then Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Minister for the Arts, Mr John-Paul Langbroek MP, introduced the Criminal Code (Honesty and Integrity in Parliament) Amendment Bill 2009 on 19 August 2009. The Explanatory Notes to the Bill state the purpose of the Bill is to amend the Criminal Code to introduce the offence of giving false evidence to Parliament and the

Govt Response to PCMC Report 79
The Parliamentary Crime and Misconduct Committee is required to review the activities of the Crime and Misconduct Commission and report to the Legislative Assembly as near as possible to the end of each parliamentary term on any further action that should be taken in relation to the Crime and Misconduct Act 2001 or the functions, powers and operations of the Crime and Misconduct Commission. On 20

Constitution (Preamble) Amendment Bill 2009
On 4 December 2008 and 23 April 2009, the Parliament of Queensland referred to the Law, Justice and Safety Committee (formerly the Legal, Constitutional and Administrative Review Committee) the task of developing a text for a preamble to the Constitution of Queensland 2001. In drafting the text for a preamble to the Queensland Constitution, the Committee was directed to include both an aspiratio

Queensland Government response to Parliamentary Inquiry into Energy Efficiency Improvements
On 25 February 2010, the Environment and Resources Committee (ERC) tabled a report in Parliament presenting the findings of its Inquiry into Energy Efficiency Improvements. The ERC put forward 18 specific recommendations relating to the following themes: Reviewing program funding and enhancing program evaluation; Supporting low-income households; Balancing investment in energy efficiency and ren

Integrity Reform Bills 2010
In November 2009, the Government released the Response to Integrity and Accountability in Queensland (the Integrity Response). The Integrity Response detailed a range of administrative and legislative reforms to be implemented by mid-2010. The first stage of legislative integrity reform was implemented from 1 January 2010 with the commencement of the Integrity Act 2009. This Act expanded the rol

Growing Queenslands Renewable Energy Electricity Sector
On 24 May 2010, the Environment and Resources Committee issued an issues paper entitled “Growing Queensland’s Renewable Energy Electricity Sector”. This paper provides background information about the committee and its inquiry into opportunities and challenges for the Queensland Government associated with increasing the proportion of electricity generated from renewable energy sources in Queensla

Response to Economic Development Committee Report No. 2
The Queensland Parliament Economic Development Committee (the Committee) tabled its Report Number 2: Inquiry into identifying world’s best practice by governments to effectively stimulate employment opportunities in Queensland on 26 November 2009. Cabinet approved the whole-of-government response to the Queensland Parliament Economic Development Committee’s inquiry, which was tabled on 26 Februa

Government Response to Report No. 5 of the Public Accounts and Public Works Committee
On 2 September 2010, the Public Accounts and Public Works Committee tabled its Report No. 5 entitled Inquiry into an Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Performance Management Systems (PMS) audit mandate. The report details the Committee’s findings during its inquiry into the value and effectiveness of the Queensland Audit Office’s PMS audit mandate, and includes consideration of the findings o

Govt Response to Report No 109 of Integrity, Ethics and Parl Privileges Ctte
On 2 September 2010, the Integrity, Ethics and Parliamentary Privileges Committee tabled Report No.109 titled Mid-Term Review: Registration of Interests. This Parliamentary Committee is responsible for examining the arrangements for the compiling, keeping and inspection of the Register of Members’ Interests and Register of Related Persons’ Interests. The Committee made seven recommendations to mai

Govt Response to Scrutiny of Leg Report No 42
19 August 2010, the Scrutiny of Legislation Committee tabled its Report No. 42 entitled Review of Part 7 of the Statutory Instruments Act. The report reviewed the practical operation of the expiry and periodic review requirements in part 7 of the Statutory Instruments Act 1992 and related matters, including administrative policies and practices, explanatory notes, regulatory impact analysis and

Parliament of Qld Reform and Modernisation Amendment Bill 2011
In August 2009, the Government released the Integrity and Accountability in Queensland discussion paper to promote public discussion on improving Queensland’s integrity and accountability framework. The consultation on the paper highlighted the importance of the Legislative Assembly possessing and maintaining a high standard of scrutiny over the legislative process. In response to this feedback

2011-12 Budget
The priority of the 2011-12 Budget is on funding recovery and restoration works following the natural disasters of late 2010 and early 2011. Measures to moderate the cost of living pressures on householders and to support key sectors such as construction and tourism are also a focus. Major new expenditure initiatives approved in the 2011-12 Budget include: funding to implement the Flying Start su

Parl Services Amend Bill 2011 PAPWC rep no 7
In August 2009, the Government released the Integrity and Accountability in Queensland discussion paper to promote public discussion on improving Queensland’s integrity and accountability framework. The consultation on the paper highlighted the importance of the Legislative Assembly possessing and maintaining a high standard of scrutiny over the legislative process. In response to this feedback

Govt Response to report of review of Qld Parliamentary Committee System
In August 2009, the Queensland Government released the discussion paper, Integrity and Accountability in Queensland. The discussion paper consultation highlighted the importance of the Parliament having a high standard of scrutiny over the legislative process. In response to this feedback, the Government committed to creating a bipartisan committee to review the role of parliamentary committees in

Structure of the new parliamentary committees
In August 2009, the Government released the Integrity and Accountability in Queensland discussion paper to promote public discussion on improving Queensland’s integrity and accountability framework. The consultation on the paper highlighted the importance of the Legislative Assembly possessing and maintaining a high standard of scrutiny over the legislative process. In response to this feedback, a

Objectives for Community - Get Qld back on track
Section 10 of the Financial Accountability Act 2009 (FAA) requires the Premier to prepare and table in the Legislative Assembly a statement of the Government’s broad objectives for the community (objectives for the community). The statement must include details of how the Government will report to the community about the outcomes achieved against these objectives. The Government’s statement of obj

Electricity Act Amendment Bill 2012 (Queensland Solar Bonus Scheme Review)
The Queensland Solar Bonus Scheme (the Scheme) has achieved its policy objectives to make solar photovoltaic (PV) systems more affordable for Queenslanders, stimulate the solar power industry and encourage energy efficiency. The Scheme pays eligible households and other small customers for the surplus electricity generated from solar PV panel systems, which is exported to the Queensland electricit

Endorsement of guide for granting of indemnity or legal assistance
The Guideline for the Grant of Indemnities and Legal Assistance to State Employees (Employees’ Guideline), the Guideline for the Grant of Indemnities and Legal Assistance to Ministers and Assistant Ministers (Ministers’ Guideline) and the Guideline for the Grant of Indemnities and Legal Assistance to Queensland Judicial Officers (Judicial Officers’ Guideline) state the principles and practices for

Parliament of Queensland and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2012
he State Election of March 2012 and subsequent South Brisbane by-election have resulted in a Legislative Assembly consisting of 78 government members and 11 non-government members. Following the election, the Premier received advice from the Clerk of the Parliament (the Clerk) that the practicality of the election result dictated that the number of members and the balance of numbers between govern

Response to Parliamentary Crime and Misconduct Committee Report 86 - Three Yearly Review of the CMC
Government Response to the Parliamentary Crime and Misconduct Committee Report No. 86, May 2012, Three yearly review of the Crime and Misconduct Commission Attorney-General and Minister for Justice Section 292(f) of the Crime and Misconduct Act 2001 requires the Parliamentary Crime and Misconduct Committee (PCMC) to conduct a three yearly review of the activities of the Crime and Misconduct Commi

Queensland Mental Health Commission Bill 2012
The Queensland Mental Health Commission Bill 2012 (Bill) establishes the first ever Queensland Mental Health Commission (QMHC) to: drive ongoing systemic reform towards a more integrated, evidence-based, recovery-oriented mental health and alcohol and other drugs system in Queensland; lead coordinated action by government, non-government and private sector agencies which deliver services to peop

Amendment of the Water Fluoridation Act 2008
Under the Water Fluoridation Act 2008 (the Act) public potable water suppliers (water suppliers) are required to implement water fluoridation at a relevant public potable water supply (water supply) by a date prescribed in a regulation. To date, 70 supplies have been fluoridated and the installation of the necessary infrastructure for fluoridation funded by the State Government is anticipated to

Response HealthCommunity Committee report Palliative and community care
The Legislative Assembly referred the palliative care services and home and community care inquiry to the Health and Community Services Committee on 7 June 2012. The Committee submitted its report to the Legislative Assembly on 17 May 2013. According to the Parliament of Queensland Act 2001, the Premier or the relevant Minister must table a response to the Legislative Assembly/Clerk within three

Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal Bill 2013
In July 2013, the Premier announced the establishment of the Tribunal to determine the future remuneration and allowances for Members of Parliament under a five point plan to reform the Parliamentary entitlements system. The Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal Bill 2013: establishes the Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal as an independent statutory authority with legally binding

Response to retirement villages review
On 29 November 2012, the Transport, Housing and Local Government Committee tabled its Report No. 13 entitled ‘Review of the Retirement Villages Act 1999’. The Transport, Housing and Local Government Committee made a total of 37 recommendations which covered a range of key issues affecting both residents and scheme operators at retirement villages. In accordance with section 107 of the Parliament o

Establishment of Qld Independent Remuneration Tribunal and appointment of members
On 11 July 2013, the Premier announced the establishment of the Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal (the Tribunal) to determine the future remuneration and allowances for State Members of Parliament (MPs) under a plan to reform the Queensland Parliament’s entitlements system. The Tribunal has been tasked with conducting a review of the Queensland Parliament’s entitlements system. By 15 Oc

Government response to the Inquiry to the Qld Building Services Authority
On 30 November 2012, the Transport, Housing and Local Government Committee tabled its Report No. 14 entitled ‘Inquiry into the Operation and Performance of the Queensland Building Services Authority’. The Transport, Housing and Local Government Committee made a total of 41 recommendations which covered a range of key issues affecting home builders, building contractors and industry participants. I

Parliament of Queensland Amendment Bill 2015
During the election campaign, the Australian Labor Party released a policy document titled Labor will ensure that integrity and accountability are restored in Queensland, which included a commitment that autonomy of the Speaker in Parliament would be restored. In a letter dated 5 February 2015 to Mr Peter Wellington MP, the Premier and Minister for the Arts, as then Leader of the Opposition, commi

Proposed introduction of fixed four-year terms for the Legislative Assembly
On 9 November 2015, the Finance and Administration Committee tabled its report (No. 16) on the inquiry into the introduction of four year terms for the Queensland Parliament, including consideration of the Private Member’s Bills titled Constitution (Fixed Term Parliament) Amendment Bill 2015 and Constitution (Fixed Term Parliament) Referendum Bill 2015. The Committee recommended that the Private M

Appointment of Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal
The Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal Act 2013 provides for the Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal. The functions of the Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal include to review and make determinations about remuneration in connection with members and former members of the Legislative Assembly in Queensland, Cabinet approved that Anne Tiernan be recommended to the Gove

Legislation (Declaration) Amendment Bill 2016
The Legislation (Declaration) Amendment Bill 2016 validates the Mental Health Act 2016 and the Racing Integrity Act 2016 and, in particular, validates the assent given to both Acts. The Bill is required because the Acts as assented to differ from the Acts as passed by the Legislative Assembly. The difference is the result of administrative errors made in the Acts presented for assent. Cabinet app

Amendments to Constitution of Queensland and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
On 25 February 2016, the Committee of the Legislative Assembly tabled its report on the Review of the Parliamentary Committee System. On 19 April 2016, the Premier and Minister for the Arts tabled the Government response to the Report, accepting all recommendations and stating that the Government would introduce legislation into the Parliament to amend the Constitution of Queensland 2001 (the Co

Appointment of member of Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal
The Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal Act 2013 establishes the Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal. The functions of the Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal include to review and make determinations about remuneration in connection with members and former members of the Legislative Assembly in Queensland. Cabinet approved that Mr Walter Tutt be recommended to the Gove

Ministerial and Other Office Holder Staff and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018
The Ministerial and Other Office Holder Staff and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 (the Bill) amends the Ministerial and Other Office Holder Staff Act 2010 and the Parliamentary Service Act 1988 to provide the Director-General and the Clerk respectively with explicit power to conduct criminal history checks to assess the suitability of a person to be engaged under these Acts in a Ministerial

Appointments to Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal
The Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal Act 2013 establishes the Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal. The functions of the Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal include to review and make determinations about remuneration in connection with members and former members of the Legislative Assembly in Queensland. Cabinet endorsed that Mr Walter Tutt be recommended to the Gove

Ministerial Integrity Obligations
In September 2019, the Crime and Corruption Commission (the CCC) made five recommendations involving areas for improvement to ensure conflicts of interest are declared and to reduce risks of corruption. The Queensland Government accepted all the recommendations put forward by the CCC. Recommendations three and four sought the creation of new criminal offences relating to conflicts of interest, whi

Amendments to Parliament of Queensland Act
The laws, practices and procedures of the Legislative Assembly assume that the business of the Assembly will be conducted by members being physically present during sittings. Amendments to these provisions are necessary to enable the Assembly to meet by electronic means during the current COVID-19 public health emergency. The Bill makes legislative amendments to allow the Queensland Legislative As

Third Annual Report - Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse
The Queensland Government is committed to continuing to implement the significant reform agenda proposed by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (Royal Commission). This includes better prevention and responses to child sexual abuse and improved support and access to justice for those with lived experience of institutional child sexual abuse. The Queensland Gover

Response to Committee Report on the Review of the Crime and Corruption Commissions Activities
On 30 June 2021, the Parliamentary Crime and Corruption Committee (PCCC) tabled its Report No. 106 Review of the Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) activities (the PCCC Report) in the Legislative Assembly, as required by section 292(f) of the Crime and Corruption Act 2001 (CC Act). On 19 May 2020, the PCCC resolved to incorporate into its five yearly statutory review of the activities of the C

Government fourth annual progress report – Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse
The Queensland Government is committed to continuing to implement the significant reform agenda proposed by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (Royal Commission). This includes better prevention and responses to child sexual abuse and improved support and access to justice for those with lived experience of institutional child sexual abuse. The Queensland Gover

Better Care Together and response to Mental Health Select Committee Report No. 1
The development of a new five-year plan for Queensland’s state-funded mental health, alcohol and other drug (MHAOD) services and suicide prevention is a key priority of the Queensland Government. Better Care Together: a plan for Queensland’s state-funded mental health, alcohol and other drug services to 2027 (Better Care Together) builds upon the successful implementation of Connecting Care to Rec

QIRT Appointments
The Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal Act 2013 (Act) establishes the Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal (the Tribunal). The functions of the Tribunal are to review and make determinations about salaries, allowances and entitlements of members and former members of the Queensland Legislative Assembly and the entitlements of cross bench members to additional staff members. A p

Delivering social housing services in Queensland
On 12 July 2022, the Auditor-General tabled in Parliament a final Queensland Audit Office (QAO) report Delivering social housing services (the report), which examined whether social housing is effectively managed to meet the housing needs of vulnerable Queenslanders. The report made eight recommendations to improve the department’s social housing register management, with a focus on the applicatio