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Your search for Legislation returned 689 record/s.
Reintroduction of lapsed Bills
When the election was called on 23 February 2009, the Parliament was dissolved by proclamation of the Governor. The dissolution has significant effects on the Parliament as follows: All business on the Notice Paper including Government Bills, Private Members Bills and Questions On Notice lapse; All notices of motions remaining on the Notice Paper such as revocation motions lapse, except for disa

Gambling and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
One of the Government’s Towards Q2 commitments is to support safe and caring communities. In line with this commitment, the Government announced significant gambling reforms during 2008 to reduce the potential harm of gambling in the community. These reforms included a cap on club gaming machines to limit the proliferation of gaming machines in the state, a reallocation scheme for gaming mach

Land Tax Bill 2010
Cabinet approved the rewrite of the Land Tax Act 1915 (LTA) using plain English and contemporary drafting practices. There will be no policy changes in the rewrite. The LTA imposes land tax on the value of a taxpayer’s total landholdings at 30 June each financial year. Land values are determined by the chief executive of the Department of Environment and Resource Management under the Valuation

Personal Property Securities Bill 2009
Following initiation by the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General (SCAG), the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreed to proceed with the reform of Australian personal property securities law. An intergovernmental agreement has been signed to this effect by all Australian jurisdictions. Under the intergovernmental agreement, states and territories have agreed to refer power to the Com

Victims of Crime Assistance Bill
The Victims of Crime Assistance Bill 2009 repeals the Criminal Offence Victims Act 1995. The Bill provides for a new victims financial assistance scheme. The new scheme will focus on victim recovery by paying for, or reimbursing the costs of goods and services that the victim requires to help them recover from the physical and psychological effects of an act of violence. It aims to provide a tailo

Criminal History Screening Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
The Criminal History Screening Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 proposes to streamline criminal history screening for Queenslanders. These arrangements will reduce duplication of screening and achieve consistency in screening for persons providing services to children and young people or working in a place where the Department of Communities funds or provides disability services, while maintaining

Moratorium Notice for the Wet Tropics River Basins
The Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy and Minister for Trade, published a Moratorium Notice under the Water Act 2000 in the Wet Tropics area prior to the commencement of the preparation of the Wet Tropics Water Resource Plan. A moratorium places a hold on further water development and allocation, where such action is needed to protect natural ecosystems or existing entitlements. It

Liquor Regulation
The Liquor Act 1992 (Liquor Act) regulates the sale and supply of liquor in Queensland. A major review of the Liquor Act was completed as part of the 17 Point City Safety Action Plan 2005. The majority of reforms to the Liquor Act, including the introduction of an annual licence fee regime, came into effect on 1 January 2009. Liquor licence fees were comprised of a base fee for the type of li

Agricultural College Bill
The Agricultural College and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 (the Bill) will broaden the range of matters that an appropriately skilled board may advise on in relation to the Australian Agricultural College Corporation. The Bill contains provisions to enhance the corporate governance provisions in relation to the Board. Cabinet approved the introduction of the Agricultural College and Other

Aust Uniform Cooperative Laws Agreement
Each state and territory legislates to give cooperatives corporate body status distinct from companies. With the exception of Western Australia, each jurisdiction’s legislation contains core consistent provisions which cover fundamental matters such as the cooperative principles, membership, and rules. In Queensland, the governing legislation is the Cooperatives Act 1997. True consistency unde

Bldg and Constr Long Service Leave Amend Reg 2009
The Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority, trading as “QLeave”, was established under the Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 1991 (the Act) to administer a Portable Long Service Leave Scheme (the Scheme) for eligible workers in the building and construction industry in Queensland. The Scheme is entirely self-funded through a le

Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction Reform and Modernisation Amendment Bill 2009
In July 2008, a review of the civil and criminal justice system in Queensland was launched by the Queensland Government. Former Senior Judge Administrator, the Honourable Martin Moynihan AO QC, was appointed to conduct the review and report on the working of Queensland courts in the civil and criminal jurisdictions with a view to making more effective use of public resources. The report on the r

Credit (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2009
Under the Uniform Credit Laws Agreement 1993, the Governments of each state and territory agreed to establish and implement a uniform scheme regulating the provision of consumer credit. On 1 November 1996, the Uniform Consumer Credit Code (Credit Code), an appendix to the Consumer Credit (Queensland) Act 1994, commenced operation throughout Australia. Queensland holds the template legislation f

Criminal Code Amendment Bill 2009
On 1 October 2008, the Queensland Law Reform Commission (QLRC) Report, The Excuse of Accident and the Defence of Provocation (the QLRC Report) was tabled in Parliament. The QLRC’s report made a number of recommendations regarding accident and provocation, but also made note of the difficulties sometimes encountered by battered spouses who kill their abusers to rely on existing defences. In this r

Integrity and accountability bill
On 6 August 2009, the Government released the discussion paper, Integrity and Accountability in Queensland (the Discussion Paper) to prompt public discussion on topical integrity and accountability issues. An independent round table of experts was appointed to consider public submissions and provide advice to government on proposals for reform. The recommendations of the round table have been c

Radiation Safety Amendment Bill 2009
In December 2002, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreed to a national review of the regulation, reporting and security surrounding the storage, sale and handling of hazardous materials. The review was initiated to assist counter-terrorism efforts by limiting opportunities for, and enhancing detection of, the illegal/unauthorised use of hazardous materials, including ammonium nitrat

Response to PMB Commissions of Inquiry Amendment Bill
The Member for Surfers Paradise and Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Minister for the Arts, Mr John-Paul Langbroek, introduced the Commissions of Inquiry (Corruption, Cronyism and Unethical Behaviour) Amendment Bill 2009 (the Bill) as a Private Member’s Bill on 29 October 2009. The Explanatory Notes to the Bill state the objective of the Bill is to amend the Commissions of Inquiry Act 1950 to e

Surrogacy Bill 2009
The Surrogacy Bill 2009 (the Bill) decriminalises altruistic surrogacy; allows parties to enter into an altruistic surrogacy arrangement where a woman agrees to conceive and carry a child for another person or another person and that person’s spouse; and provides for a court to make an order for the transfer of the parentage of the child born as a result of the surrogacy arrangement. This is ac

Sustainable Planning Reg
The purpose of the Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009 (the Regulation) as subordinate legislation to the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 is to provide a framework to integrate planning and development assessment so that development assessment and its effects are managed in a way that is ecologically sustainable, and for related purposes. The Regulation will support the implementation of the Sustai

Amendment to the Acquisition of Land Act 1967
The amendments to the Acquisition of Land Act 1967 allow for the compulsory acquisition of land outside the urban footprint in the local government areas of Sunshine Coast, Moreton Bay, Brisbane, Ipswich, Redlands, Logan and Gold Coast for the purposes of conserving koalas. The main reason for this amendment is to acquire non-urban land where it has not been possible to negotiate voluntary purcha

Building and Other legislation
The Building and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 (the Bill) implements Sustainable Housing Stage 2 measures, miscellaneous amendments to the Building Act 1975 (BA), facilitates the introduction of a Queensland Development Code part for Buildings in Transport Noise Corridors and the abolition of the Plumbers and Drainers Board. The BA, Plumbing and Drainage Act 2002 (PDA), Fire and Rescue Ser

Civil Liability and other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
The Civil Liability and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 amends and modernises the civil liability and personal injury regime in Queensland. The Bill includes amendments to: re-base and facilitate the future indexation of monetary amounts in the Civil Liability Act 2003 (CLA), the Motor Accident Insurance Act 1994 and the Personal Injuries Proceedings Act 2002 (PIPA), including the legal cos

Criminal Code (Honesty and Integrity in Parliament)
The Member for Surfers Paradise and then Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Minister for the Arts, Mr John-Paul Langbroek MP, introduced the Criminal Code (Honesty and Integrity in Parliament) Amendment Bill 2009 on 19 August 2009. The Explanatory Notes to the Bill state the purpose of the Bill is to amend the Criminal Code to introduce the offence of giving false evidence to Parliament and the

Criminal Organisation Bill 2009
The Criminal Organisation Bill 2009 allows for criminal organisations to be “declared” by the Supreme Court upon application by the Police Commissioner and for members and associates of declared organisations, on application of the Police Commissioner, to be liable to have control orders imposed on them. Activities that may be controlled by an order include: associating with other persons; posses

Fair Work (Cth Powers) and other Provisions Bill 2009
The Fair Work (Commonwealth Powers) and Other Provisions Bill 2009 contains provisions to: refer certain powers relating to workplace relations to the Parliament of the Commonwealth, to enable the Parliament of the Commonwealth to make laws about workplace relations for employees and employers in Queensland who would otherwise be outside the reach of Commonwealth legislative power; and make some

Amendments to Gambling Bill 2009
The Gambling and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 proposes that the Liquor Act 1992 be amended to include a moratorium on extended trading hours approvals after midnight, but with an exemption from the moratorium only for applications in inner city areas with a concentration of licensed premises with approved extended trading hours after midnight. It is intended that the moratorium be impos

Land Regulation 2009
The Land Regulation 1995 commenced in 1995 and under section 54(1) of the Statutory Instruments Act 1992 was due to expire on 31 August 2009. A review of the Land Regulation was completed. As part of this review, a Regulatory Impact Statement documenting the proposed changes to the Regulation was released in April 2008 for public comment by July 2008.. The amendment and remake of the Regulation i

Qld Civil and Administrative Tribunal and other Leg Amendment Reg (No. ) 2009
On 12 March 2008, the Premier and Minister for the Arts announced that that a new civil and administrative tribunal was to commence in the second half of 2009. The new tribunal would deal with a range of matters currently dealt with by tribunals as well as some civil disputes (including small claims and minor debt matters) and a range of administrative decisions that are currently dealt with in t

SEQ Water Distribution and Retail Restructuring Bill 2009
New institutional arrangements are being implemented in South East Queensland (SEQ) to ensure the efficient and effective supply of water. The South East Queensland Water Restructuring Act 2007 established three statutory authorities to own the bulk supply, bulk transport and manufactured water infrastructure and businesses in SEQ. This Act also established the SEQ Water Grid Manager. These enti

Surrogacy Bill 2009
The draft Surrogacy Bill 2009 (the Bill) decriminalises altruistic surrogacy; allows parties to enter into an altruistic surrogacy arrangement where a woman agrees to conceive and carry a child for another person or another person and that person’s spouse; and provides for a court to make an order for the transfer of the parentage of the child born as a result of the surrogacy arrangement. This

State Penalties Enforcement Bill 2009
Amendments to the State Penalties Enforcement Act 1999: The State Penalties Enforcement and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 (the Bill) amends that Act to: extend driver licence suspension to unpaid amounts for non-motor related offences; strengthen the State Penalties Enforcement Register’s (SPER) existing powers of seizure and sale; create new powers and processes to wheel clamp the vehicle

Trade Measurement
On 13 April 2007 the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreed to establish a national system of trade measurement funded and administered by the Commonwealth. Full responsibility for the administration of trade measurement will be transferred to the Commonwealth, consistent with existing powers under the Commonwealth Constitution to make law in respect of ‘weights and measures’. The Trade

Vegetation Management Amendment Regulation 2009
The Vegetation Management Amendment (VMA) Regulation 2009 amends the conservation class of regional ecosystems listed in the Vegetation Management Regulation 2000, in response to the certification of the latest scientific data on remnant vegetation. The VMA Regulation also gives effect to new vegetation management maps, assessment codes and policies and other streamlining reforms consistent with

Building Legislation - Swimming Pools
Last year, eight children drowned in Queensland pools. In the last six years, 35 children have drowned in the State’s residential swimming pools. In addition, it is estimated that 50 children a year present to emergency departments for immersion injuries, some of whom suffer brain damage due to lack of oxygen. On 14 December 2008, the Premier announced a review of Queensland’s swimming pool safety

City of Brisbane Bill 2010
On 21 July 2006, the Government announced the review of the Local Government Act 1993 (LGA 1993) and the City of Brisbane Act 1924 (CoBA), with the reviews being undertaken sequentially, beginning with the LGA 1993. The new Local Government Act 2009 (LGA 2009) was passed on 4 June 2009 and on 1 July 2010 will replace the LGA 1993 as the principal legislative framework for 72 Local Governments. Im

Civil and Criminal Jursidiction Reform and Modernisation Amendment Bill 2010
On 28 July 2008, a review of the civil and criminal justice system in Queensland was launched by the Queensland Government. Former Senior Judge Administrator, the Honourable Martin Moynihan AO QC, was appointed to conduct the review and report on the working of Queensland courts in the civil and criminal jurisdictions with a view to making more effective use of public resources. The report on th

Amendments to Credit Bill 2009
The Credit (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2009 (the Bill) refers constitutional power for credit and advice to the Commonwealth and repeals the Credit Act 1987, Consumer Credit (Queensland) Act 1994, the appended template Credit Code and supporting Regulations. Following introduction of the Bill, the Commonwealth and the State Governments agreed to modify the terms of the referred amendment power

Criminal Code (Images of Violence Against Children)
The Member for Moggill and Shadow Minister for Education and Training, Dr Bruce Flegg, introduced the Criminal Code (Filming or Possessing Images of Violence Against Schoolchildren) Amendment Bill 2010 as a Private Member’s Bill in March 2010. The Bill replaced the Criminal Code (Filming or Possessing Images of Violence Against Children) Amendment Bill 2009, which Dr Flegg withdrew. The Explanator

Criminal Code (Serious Assaults on Police)
The Member for Southern Downs and Deputy Leader for the Opposition, Mr Lawrence Springborg MP introduced the Criminal Code (Serious Assaults on Police and Particular Other Persons) Amendment Bill 2010 as a Private Member’s Bill in February 2010. The Bill proposed amendments to section 340 of the Criminal Code, which contains the offence of serious assault. The Bill aims to introduce mandatory mini

Racing and Other Leg Amendment Bill 2010
The Racing and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 (the Bill), amends the Racing Act 2002, the Wagering Act 1998, and the Gaming Machine Act 1991 administered by the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation. The object of the Bill is to effect the amalgamation of the three existing racing industry control bodies, Queensland Racing Limited, Queensland Harness Racing Limited a

SEQ Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) and Other Leg Amend Bill 2010
The South East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 provides the regulatory framework, including operational powers, to enable the three new council owned entities to deliver water and wastewater services to customers within South East Queensland from 1 July 2010. The Bill enables the continued and effective management of water restrict

Education and Training Legislation (Skills Queensland) Amendment Bill 2010
The Education and Training Legislation (Skills Queensland) Amendment Bill 2010 amends the Vocational Education, Training and Employment Act 2000 to establish an industry led skills commission in Queensland, to be called Skills Queensland. The establishment of Skills Queensland marks a new approach to ensuring that Queensland’s skills system meets the needs of a growing and diversifying Queensland

Fair Trading Australian Consumer Law Bill 2010
On 2 October 2008, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreed to a new national consumer law to be implemented by a national application law scheme, and jointly enforced by the Commonwealth, States and Territories. The Australian Consumer Law (ACL) was developed as a single national consumer law based on the former Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth) and drawing upon the recommendations of

Integrity Reform Bills 2010
In November 2009, the Government released the Response to Integrity and Accountability in Queensland (the Integrity Response). The Integrity Response detailed a range of administrative and legislative reforms to be implemented by mid-2010. The first stage of legislative integrity reform was implemented from 1 January 2010 with the commencement of the Integrity Act 2009. This Act expanded the rol

Land Valuation Bill 2010
The Valuation of Land Act 1944 provides the legislative framework for the Government to carry out statutory land valuations in Queensland. The purpose of the Land Valuation Bill 2010 is to repeal and replace the Valuation of Land Act 1944 to give effect to reforms of the Queensland statutory land valuation framework. The Bill also contains amendments to the Aboriginal Land Act 1991 and the Torres

Motor Accident Insurance Other Leg Amend Bill 2010
A review of Queensland’s Compulsory Third Party (CTP) scheme earlier this year indicated room for improvement, including reducing delivery and acquisition costs and promoting greater price competition. One of the key drivers to these rising costs is the payment of commissions and inducements by the insurers to intermediaries to acquire CTP business, particularly the new vehicle market. These pa

Penalties and Sentences (Sent Advis Council Amend Bill 2010
The criminal justice system plays an important role in creating a safe community for Queenslanders. It is vital that the community has confidence in the sentencing process. The Queensland Penalties and Sentences Act 1992 sets out the purposes of sentencing and the guidelines to be followed. It also contains the sentencing options available to the court. The Penalties and Sentences (Sentencing

Personal Property Securities (Ancillary Provisions) Bill 2010
Following initiation by the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General (SCAG) in 2006, the Council of Australian Governments agreed to proceed with the reform of Australian personal property securities law. An intergovernmental agreement has been signed to this effect by all Australian jurisdictions. Under the intergovernmental agreement, states and territories agreed to refer power to the Commonw

Architects Amendment Bill 2009
The Board of Architects of Queensland (the Board) administers the Architects Act 2002 (the Act). The Act regulates the registration of architects and the practice of architecture in Queensland. The Act has been in operation since 1 January 2003. The practice of architecture has been regulated in Queensland since 1928. The current provisions in the Act provide for a regulation to prescribe qualific

Child Care and another act amendment bill 2010
The Child Care and Another Act Amendment Bill 2010 (the Bill) will amend legislation administered by the Department of Education and Training (DET) to provide for the following matters: Child care services to keep log books of compliance history The Bill will amend the Child Care Act 2002 (the CCA) to introduce a requirement for the licensees of all licensed child care services (other than school

Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution
In May 2007, the Review of the Neighbourly Relations was launched. A discussion paper and online survey were released on the Dividing Fences Act 1953. In July 2008, two discussion papers were released entitled “Trees” and “Resolving neighbourhood disputes”. The consultation draft Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Bill 2010places responsibility for the care and maintenance of a tree on a tree ow

Amended State Financial Institutions and Metway Merger Act_1996
The amendments to the State Financial Institutions and Metway Merger Facilitation Act 1996 (the Act) remove the requirement for directors of the Suncorp group of companies to be residents of Queensland (other than the managing director) as currently imposed under Part 6 of the Act. The amendments also remove and extinguish the State’s guarantee of all insurance and indemnity obligations by Suncorp

Transport (Rail Safety) Bill 2010
The Transport (Rail Safety) Bill 2010 (the Bill) forms part of a system of nationally consistent rail safety laws, based on the national model Rail Safety Bill 2006 (the model Bill). The Bill is designed on a co-regulatory approach, where responsibility for regulatory development, implementation and enforcement is shared between industry participants, industry associations and governments. The ob

Criminal Code (Images of Violence Against Children)
The Member for Moggill and Shadow Minister for Education and Training, Dr Bruce Flegg, introduced the Criminal Code (Filming or Possessing Images of Violence Against Children) Amendment Bill 2009 as a Private Member’s Bill in October 2009. The Explanatory Notes to the Bill state the objective of the Bill is to amend the Criminal Code to provide protection for children who are the targets of cyber

Private Members Bill - Disability Services (Criminal History) Bill 2009
The Disability Services (Criminal History) Amendment Bill 2009 was introduced into Parliament as a Private Member’s Bill in October 2009. The Bill would amend the Disability Services Act 2006 (DSA). The DSA is one of a number of pieces of legislation that provides for the criminal history screening of persons who provide services for vulnerable people. The DSA also provided that if a funded non

Swimming Pool safety laws
In December 2008, the Queensland Government announced the most comprehensive review of the State's swimming pool safety laws in nearly 20 years. An independent swimming pool safety review committee was then established and presented 23 improvement ideas to the Government for consideration. Following extensive public consultation, the Government adopted all the swimming pool safety review committee

Child Protection and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2010
The Child Protection and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2010 amends the Child Protection Act 1999 and a number of other Acts, including amendments to achieve the policy intent of the Criminal History Screening Legislation Amendment Act 2010. The Child Protection and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2010 includes amendments to enable information sharing for the Helping Out Families initiative, and contains o

The Department of Community Safety commissioned a review of disaster management arrangements in Queensland by independent consultants. The consultants recommended that the Disaster Management Act 2003 be amended to improve the operation of disaster management in Queensland. The Disaster Management and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 contains a number of amendments to the Disaster Management

This submission proposes the introduction of the Manufactured Homes (Residential Parks) Amendment Bill 2010 (the Bill) which addresses issues identified during a review of the Manufactured Homes (Residential Parks) Act 2003 (the Act). The Act provides for the positioning and occupancy of manufactured homes in residential parks. The main object of the Act is to regulate and promote fair trading

Temporary confiscation powers
Principals and teachers in both State and non-State schools have the power to temporarily confiscate property. For State schools, this is an inherent power based on obligations under the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 regarding school management and a common law duty owed to students. For non-State schools the inherent power at common law is also supported by contractual rights. Current

Swimming Pool Safety Review Regulatory Impact Statement
On 14 December 2008, the Queensland Government announced the most comprehensive review of the state’s swimming pool safety laws in nearly 20 years. An independent swimming pool safety committee was then established and presented 23 improvement ideas to the Government for consideration. Following extensive public consultation, the Government adopted all the swimming pool safety review committee’s

Building Standards - Temporary Accommodation Buildings
The Building and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 2010 amends: the Building Regulation 2006 by adding new part MP3.3 “Temporary Accommodation Buildings and Structures” to the Queensland Development Code and providing for the development and displaying of a checklist in an approved form, of requirements for temporary accommodation buildings and structures; and the Sustainable Planni

Health Legislation (Health Practitioner Regulation National Law) Amd Bill 2010
The Health Legislation (Health Practitioner Regulation National Law) Amendment Bill 2010 (the Bill) provides for administrative and consequential amendments to Queensland legislation to support the implementation of the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme for Health Professions (the National Scheme). The Bill is the third and final piece of the National Law for the National Scheme and i

The Land Tax Act 1915 imposes land tax on the value of a taxpayer’s total landholdings at 30 June each financial year. Land values are determined by the chief executive of the Department of Environment and Resource Management under the Valuation of Land Act 1944. In August 2009, Cabinet approved a rewrite of the Land Tax Act 1915 using plain English and contemporary drafting practices. Cabinet a

Natural Resource and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
The Natural Resources and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 proposes to amend natural resource legislation administered by the Department of Environment and Resource Management. The proposed amendments will: resolve uncertainty in the location of ambulatory boundaries adjoining tidal and non-tidal waters (other than lakes); clarify the lateral extent of the state’s management powers in non-ti

Property Agents and Motor Dealers Bill 2010
The Property Agents and Motor Dealers and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 (the Bill) implements the recommendation to streamline Chapter 11 of the Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act 2000 (PAMD Act), which prescribes the processes for the presentation and delivery of residential real estate contracts, and the circumstances in which these contracts may be terminated. The Bill makes paralle

Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
The Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 includes amendments to Queensland’s revenue legislation to maintain its currency and ensure that it operates as intended. Many of the amendments are beneficial to taxpayers and a number of amendments have been operating under administrative arrangements. Other amendments clarify the operation of the legislation or update or correct superseded

Review of Police Powers and Responsibilities Act - Consultation Paper
On 5 May 2007, the former Minister for Police and Corrective Services announced a review of the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 (the PPRA) and the initial Terms of Reference for the review. The review of the PPRA is being undertaken to ensure that policing powers are adequate and sufficient for both Queensland’s police officers and the community. The Minister for Police, Corrective Se

Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
The Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (the Bill) amends a number of transport acts. Key provisions of the Bill will: Adopt national model legislation dealing with heavy vehicle speeding; Extend the no alcohol limit; Provide for the establishment of an alcohol ignition interlock scheme, aimed at reducing drink driving offences and crashes Facilitate the introduction of digital spe

Exposure Draft of the Aboriginal Land and Torres Strait Islander Land Bill 2010
The exposure draft of the Aboriginal Land and Torres Strait Islander Land and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 amends the Aboriginal Land Act 1991 and the Torres Strait Islander Land Act 1991 which are administered by the Department of Environment and Resource Management. The proposed amendments will: replicate in the Torres Strait Islander Land Act 1991, where appropriate, amendments made to

Private Members Bill - Child Protection Bill 2011
The Member for Gregory Mr Vaughan Johnson MP, introduced the Child Protection (More Stringent Offender Reporting) Amendment Bill 2010 as a Private Member’s Bill on 14 April 2010. The Private Member’s Bill proposes to increase the reporting requirements for offenders, restructure penalties for non-compliance and release the information of offenders for non-compliance. The Private Member’s Bill is n

Aboriginal Land and Torres Strait Islander Land and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
The Aboriginal Land and Torres Strait Islander Land and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 (Bill) amends the Aboriginal Land Act 1991, the Torres Strait Islander Land Act 1991, the Local Government (Aboriginal Lands) Act 1978, the Nature Conservation Act 1992, the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 and the Petroleum Act 1923. Proposed amendments in relation to the Aboriginal Lan

Criminal Code and Other Legislation Amendment Bill
The primary objectives of the Criminal Code and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 are to: amend the excuse of accident (section 23(1)(b), Criminal Code) to omit the term ‘accident’ and substitute the term with a phrase which better reflects the ‘reasonably foreseeable consequence’ test; recast the partial defence of provocation (section 304, Criminal Code) to address its bias and flaws, as r

Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2010
The Environmental Protection and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 amends a range of legislation administered by the Department of Environment and Resource Management. This Bill introduces amendments that are consistent with the whole-of-government Regulatory Simplification Plan including amendments to the: Environmental Protection Act 1994 which will ensure industry does not pay fees for a r

Mines and Energy Amendment (No.2) Bill 2010
The Mines and Energy Legislation Amendment (No. 2) 2010 (the Bill) amends the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 (P&G Act) to enable the specification and enforcement of nation-wide introduction of minimum energy performance standards for gas appliances. The Bill also includes various amendments to the Mining and Quarrying Safety and Health Act 1999 and Coal Mining Safety and Healt

Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Bill
In May 2007, the Review of the Neighbourly Relations was launched. A discussion paper and online survey were released on the Dividing Fences Act 1953. The overwhelming community response was that the current Act needs to be modernised in language and many sections clarified (e.g. pool fences, retaining walls, meaning of sufficient fence, and destruction or alteration of a fence by a neighbour).

Property Agents, Motor Dealers, Commercial Agents and other Bills
The Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act 2000 (PAMD Act) provides for the licensing and regulation of real estate agents, resident letting agents, pastoral houses, property developers, motor dealers, auctioneers and commercial agents. The Property Agents Bill 2010, the Motor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Bill 2010, the Commercial Agents Bill 2010 and the Agents Financial Administration Bill 2

Govt Response to Scrutiny of Leg Report No 42
19 August 2010, the Scrutiny of Legislation Committee tabled its Report No. 42 entitled Review of Part 7 of the Statutory Instruments Act. The report reviewed the practical operation of the expiry and periodic review requirements in part 7 of the Statutory Instruments Act 1992 and related matters, including administrative policies and practices, explanatory notes, regulatory impact analysis and

Body Corporate and Community Management Amendment Bill 2010
Community titles schemes involve the collective ownership and management of common property and body corporate assets. Under the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997, most costs associated with living in a scheme are proportioned by a lot owner’s allocated contribution schedule lot entitlement. On 19 February 2010, following a review of the lot entitlement system, the Government anno

Occupational Licensing National Law Bill 2010
The Occupational Licensing National Law (Queensland) Bill 2010 (the Bill) applies the schedule to the Occupational National Licensing Law (Victoria) 2010 which was hosted and passed by the Victoria Parliament. The Bill provides for the following matters - To apply as a law of Queensland the Occupational Licensing National Law (the Law); The Law provides for a national licensing system and is the

Qld Industry Participation Bill 2010
The principle of promoting participation by capable, competitive companies in major Government-funded construction, infrastructure, resource and capital asset investment projects in the State has been the main thrust of the Queensland Government’s existing Local Industry Policy - a fair go for local industry (LIP) since its introduction in December 1999 and its revision in 2007. This has been re

Water and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
The Water and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 provides the regulatory framework for managing groundwater impacts on water supply bores and natural springs associated with the liquefied natural gas (LNG) and petroleum industry and for the supply of coal seam gas water associated with the LNG industry as recycled water that augments town drinking water supply sources. The Bill also amends nat

Liquor Amend Reg (No 2) 2010 Wujal Wujal
The Liquor Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 2010 (the Regulation) amends the Liquor Regulations 2002 by extending the Wujal Wujal alcohol restricted area boundary to include several lots of land owned by the Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council, including all roads and foreshores that pass through or bound the land lots. The Regulation also applies a bona fide traveller exemption to several roads, i

Release of the Exposure Draft of the Indigenous Cultural Heritage Acts Amend Bill 2011
The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 and the Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act 2003 were due for review within five years of coming into effect. In 2008, a review of the laws began, including consideration with industry and Traditional Owner groups. The exposure draft of the Indigenous Cultural Heritage Act Amendment Bill 2011 amends the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 and th

Justice and other Legislation Amendment Bill
The Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations is responsible for the administration of more than 140 Acts. Periodically these Acts are reviewed to identify minor, technical or other amendments which can be made to ensure that the Acts continue to operate in the manner intended. The amendments required as a result of this review are generally included in the one annual Bill, the Just

Natural Resource and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
The Natural Resources and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2010 amends natural resource legislation administered by the Department of Environment and Resource Management to: ban the use of fluids containing the hydrocarbons benzene, toulene, ethylbenzene or xylene (B-TEX) above a maximum amount, or chemicals which would produce B-TEX chemicals so they cannot be used when stimulating (frac

Electoral Reform and Accountability Bill 2011
The Electoral Reform and Accountability Bill 2011 proposes reforms to Queensland’s electoral system to increase the transparency of relationships between political parties, candidates and donors. The Bill builds on the integrity and accountability reforms introduced by the State Government. The Government committed in 2009 to introduce a cap on political donations if the Commonwealth Government

Gas Security Amendment Bill 2011
The Gas Security Amendment Bill 2011 amends the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 (P&G Act) to enable implementation of the Prospective Gas Production Land Reserve (PGPLR) policy. The PGPLR policy will allow conditioning of an exploration tenure over certain gas prospective land to ensure gas produced from a subsequent production lease over the same area is supplied to the Austra

Govt submission on review of fundamental legislative principles
The Legislative Standards Act 1992 sets out the “fundamental legislative principles” (FLPs) relating to legislation that underlie a parliamentary democracy based on the rule of law. The Legislative Standards Act establishes the meaning of FLPs by requiring that legislation has sufficient regard to the rights and liberties of individuals and to the institution of Parliament, with a non-exhaustive

Parliament of Qld Reform and Modernisation Amendment Bill 2011
In August 2009, the Government released the Integrity and Accountability in Queensland discussion paper to promote public discussion on improving Queensland’s integrity and accountability framework. The consultation on the paper highlighted the importance of the Legislative Assembly possessing and maintaining a high standard of scrutiny over the legislative process. In response to this feedback

Proclamation under Corporations Act 2001
Under the Corporations (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2001 (the Act), the Parliament of Queensland referred to the Commonwealth Parliament the powers: to enact the Corporations Act 2001 and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 as Commonwealth legislation extending to each State; and to make laws about forming corporations, corporate regulation and financial products and service

Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Amendment Bill 2011
The Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Amendment Bill 2011 implements the national uniform laws on residential tenancy databases adopted by the Ministerial Council on Consumer Affairs. In particular, the amendments to the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 assist applicants for rental properties to understand the use of tenancy databases and to obtain a copy of

Business Names (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2011
The Australian Business Number / Business Names Registration Project is a Council of Australian Governments (COAG) initiative to reduce business regulation. In April 2007, the COAG requested the Small Business Ministerial Council, in consultation with the Ministerial Council on Consumer Affairs, to develop a business model for a national business names system. A business case was subsequently dev

Family responsibilities Commission Amendment Bill 2011
The Cape York Welfare Reform (CYWR) Trial commenced in July 2008 and aims to build stronger and more resilient communities; re-establish local Indigenous authority; enable children to achieve their full potential; support engagement in the real economy; and move individuals and families from welfare housing to home ownership. The Trial operates in Aurukun, Hope Vale, Coen and Mossman Gorge with t

Major Sports Facilities Amendment Bill 2011
The Major Sports Facility Act 2001 governs the use of major stadiums in Queensland including Suncorp Stadium. Condition 42 of the Suncorp Stadium Development Approval limits the number of sporting events at the stadium with crowds exceeding 25,000 to 24 per annum. There have been 20 major sporting events (that is, with crowds exceeding 25,000) at Suncorp Stadium as at August 2011. Unprecedented su

Qld Reconstruction Authority Amendment Regulation 2011
The purpose of the Queensland Reconstruction Authority Amendment Regulation 2011 is to enable the Development Scheme for the Grantham Reconstruction Area to take effect. On 8 April 2011, to support the request of the Council and to fast-track the rebuilding efforts at Grantham, Grantham was declared a Reconstruction Area by the Queensland Reconstruction Authority Regulation 2011. The declaratio

Rural and Regional Adjustment Regulation 2011
The Rural and Regional Adjustment Act 1994 (the Act) establishes QRAA primarily to administer assistance schemes that foster the development of a more productive and sustainable rural and regional sector in Queensland. Section 11 of the Act requires that all approved assistance schemes be set out in detail in regulation. The Rural and Regional Adjustment Regulation 2000 (the Regulation) is the

Contract Cleaning Amendment Regulation 2011
The Contract Cleaning Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Scheme in Queensland. provides long service leave benefits to contract cleaning industry workers. Such benefits are for service to the industry rather than to one employer. The Scheme recognises that because of the transient nature of the industry and the propensity for contracts to change hands on a regular basis, relatively few worker

Fair Trading Inspectors Bill 2011
A 2002 Office of Fair Trading review of the Fair Trading Act 1989 and a 2007 review of the then Department of Tourism, Fair Trading and Wine Industry Development by the former Service Delivery and Performance Commission identified that there were inconsistencies in the inspectorate provisions contained in the fair trading legislation. Inspectorate provisions are provisions which deal with the app

Education and Training and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
The Queensland Government is committed to protecting all children from harm and ensuring that the highest possible standards of safety and well-being are upheld in Queensland schools. To this end, the Bill makes a number of amendments to ensure this commitment to Queensland children and their families is upheld. The Education and Training Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 will: extend the mandatory

2011-12 Budget
The priority of the 2011-12 Budget is on funding recovery and restoration works following the natural disasters of late 2010 and early 2011. Measures to moderate the cost of living pressures on householders and to support key sectors such as construction and tourism are also a focus. Major new expenditure initiatives approved in the 2011-12 Budget include: funding to implement the Flying Start su

Electricity Price Reform Bill 2011
The Electricity Price Reform Bill 2011 amends the Electricity Act 1994 and the Electricity Regulation 2006, to replace the current Benchmark Retail Cost Index (BRCI) methodology for determining notified electricity prices commencing 1 July 2012. The legislative amendments will allow for the implementation of a new price setting methodology in Queensland, and changes to eligibility for the Queens

Local Government Electoral Bill 2011
The new stand alone Local Government electoral legislation is an essential component of the Local Government Reform program and a Queensland first. By moving Local Government electoral provisions into one stand alone piece of legislation, the proposed Bill will provide a single practitioner-friendly Act and point of reference for Councils, Local Government candidates, the Electoral Commission of

Rocky Reef Fin Fish Fishery - future management arrangments
A Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) on the review of the Rocky Reef Fin Fish Fishery was released for consultation between 14 December 2010 and 8 April 2011. The RIS identified various management options for the future of the fishery, in particular for snapper. In response to the consultation process a number of actions are proposed, including amendment to the Fisheries Regulation 2008, to redu

Water and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
The Water and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 includes a range of amendments to water-related legislation. Amendments to the Water Act 2000 establish a Single Process framework for the concurrent development of water resource plans (WRPs) and resource operations plans (ROPs). The Single Process framework will provide stakeholders with the opportunity to consider both the draft WRP and draft

Response to Private Members Bill - Criminal Proceeds Confiscation (Serious and Organised Crime Unexplained Wealth) Amendment Bill 2010
The Member for Southern Downs and Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Mr Lawrence Springborg MP, introduced the Criminal Proceeds Confiscation (Serious and Organised Crime Unexplained Wealth) Amendment Bill 2010 as a Private Member’s Bill on 24 November 2010. The Bill amends the Criminal Proceeds Confiscation Act 2002 (CPC Act) and the Drugs Misuse Act 1986 and allows the State to seek an unexplain

Electrical Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
The Bill amends the Electrical Safety Act 2002 and the Electrical Safety Regulation 2002 to implement a new Electrical Equipment Safety System (EESS) within Queensland. This new system: Places obligations for safety on a responsible supplier who is the first point of sale (ie the manufacturer or importer) in Australia or New Zealand. Establishes a national register where all suppliers and certain

Forensic Disability Bill 2011
Queensland Government has previously committed to implementing recommendations 5.1 and 22 of the reports titled Promoting balance in the forensic mental health system – Final Report – Review of the Queensland Mental Health Act 2000 (Butler Report) and Challenging Behaviour and Disability – A Targeted Response (Carter Report) respectively. The implementation of these recommendations involves esta

North Stradbroke Island Sustainability Bill 2011
In June 2010, the Premier and Minister for the Arts released the Government’s vision for a sustainable North Stradbroke Island. The vision includes the phasing out of mining and dedication of up to 80 percent of the island as protected area, to be jointly managed with the Traditional Owners of the region, by 2027. Over half of the island is to be protected area by the end of 2011. The Premier and

Police Powers and Responsibilities and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 consultation
On 5 May 2007, the then Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Sport announced a review of the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 (PPRA). The review was undertaken in three stages: members of the Queensland Police Service (QPS) identified and recommended areas of enhancement within the PPRA; the PPRA Review Committee was established to consider the QPS proposals and make further p

Response to Private Members Bill Electoral Reform Bill
The Member for Beaudesert, Aidan McLindon MP, introduced the Electoral Reform Bill 2010 as a Private Member’s Bill in November 2010. The Explanatory Notes to the Bill state that the objective of the Bill is to amend the Electoral Act 1992 to: introduce a compulsory preferential method of voting; introduce a voluntary voting system; prohibit the distribution of how-to-vote cards; and prohibit the

Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
The Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 makes amendments to a number of Acts to put in place better processes or clarify existing legislation. Significant amendments include: Streamlining processes that support the delivery and establishment of the Gold Coast Rapid Transit light rail project and provide for light rail operational and technical requirements. The streamlined admin

Domestic and Family Violence Protection Amendment Bill 2011
Domestic violence is a serious and complex issue which has significant human and economic costs. In 2009–10, the Queensland Police Service recorded 49,372 domestic and family violence occurrences, an increase of 11.5 percent on the previous year, and the courts received 22,754 applications for domestic violence orders, an increase of eight percent on the previous year. The human cost of domestic

Fairer Water Prices for South East Queensland Amendment Bill 2011
In April 2011, the Premier and Minister for Reconstruction announced proposed amendments to the South East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Act 2009 to address community concerns about the responsibility for setting water and sewerage prices in South East Queensland (SEQ). The proposal included the imposition of a price cap on customers’ water and wastewater bills and ena

Sustainable Planning Amendment Bill 2011
Amendments to the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 will facilitate the introduction of an adopted infrastructure charging regime across Queensland. The introduction of an adopted infrastructure charging regime for a three year period, while further infrastructure charging reform is underway, is a key recommendation of the Infrastructure Charges Taskforce. The amendments to Sustainable Planning Act

Weapons Amendment Bill 2011
In 2006, the then Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Sport announced a review of the Weapons Act 1990 and subordinate legislation and established the Weapons Review Committee that considered submissions from the public, the weapons industry and the Queensland Police Service. The Committee identified over 440 proposals for legislative change to the Act, the Weapons Categories Regulation 1

Work Health and Safety and Safety in Recreational Water Bills 2011
The harmonisation of work health and safety (WHS) laws is part of the Council of Australian Governments’ National Reform Agenda aimed at reducing the regulatory burden and creating a seamless national economy. The objects of harmonising WHS laws through a model framework are to protect the health and safety of workers, improve safety outcomes, reduce compliance costs for business, and improve eff

Body Corporate and Community Management (Specified Two-lot Scheme Module) Regulation 2011
The Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 provides a legal framework for the establishment and management of community titles schemes. To achieve the flexibility required to meet the different needs of schemes, the Act provides management processes and procedures through a set of regulations. A new regulation for the Act has been developed specifically for community titles schemes con

Chicken Meat Industry Amendment Bill 2011
The Chicken Meat Industry Amendment Bill 2011 deals with the future of the Chicken Meat Industry Committee (CMIC) which was examined as part of the Independent Review of Queensland Government Boards, Committees and Statutory Authorities in 2009. The government accepted the review recommendation to abolish the CMIC as a statutory body, but agreed that this would await the outcome of a review of th

Fair Trading (Safety Standards) Regulation 2011
The use of bunk beds poses a significant risk of serious injury to young children. A mandatory product safety standard addressing key hazards associated with bunk beds has applied to bunk bed manufacturers and suppliers since 2002. However, bunk beds purchased prior to this time which do not meet the mandatory safety standard are still used in some private homes and short-term accommodation premis

Fisheries Legislation Amendment and Repeal Regulation (No. 1) 2011
The Fisheries Legislation Amendment and Repeal Regulation (No.1) 2011 provides for amendments to the Fisheries Regulation 2008 which will incorporate relevant and reviewed provisions that currently exist in the Fisheries (Gulf of Carpentaria Inshore Fin Fish) Management Plan 1999 and insert a new declared Fish Habitat Area for Pine River Bay, located in the north west region of Albatross Bay (Wei

Amendments to the Liquor Act 1992 in Holidays and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
Currently under the Liquor Act 1992 a club secretary is required to keep on the club premises a register of the name of each member of a reciprocal club visiting the premises, and the name of the reciprocal club, if the club has a community club licence, community other licence or a restricted club licence. The Holidays and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 amends the Liquor Act 1992 to remov

Police Powers and Responsibilities (Motor Vehicle Impoundment) Amendment Bill 2011
Between 2007 and 2009 the Queensland Police Service (QPS) evaluated the vehicle impoundment scheme under the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 (the Act). While the type 2 vehicle impoundment scheme was initially the subject of the evaluation, amendments are also made to the type 1 vehicle impoundment scheme where analogous provisions exist. Eight recommendations were made by the QPS t

Biosecurity Bill 2011
The Biosecurity Bill 2011 will streamline and enhance Queensland’s capacity to respond to biosecurity challenges of the future. It ensures Queensland has the flexibility to respond to evolving biosecurity risks, and is built on the strategic concept of mitigating the risk and impacts to the economy, the environment, social amenity and human health associated with biosecurity matter. The purpose

Commonwealth Games Arrangements Bill 2011
In May 2011 the Premier lodged the Candidature File (or Bid Book) for the Gold Coast’s bid for the 2018 Commonwealth Games (the Games). The announcement of the successful host city was made in November 2011 at the Commonwealth Games Federation General Assembly at St Kitts and Nevis in the Caribbean. The Commonwealth Games Arrangements Bill 2011 (Bill) establishes the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth

Disaster Readiness Amendment Bill 2011
On 1 August 2011, the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry released its Interim Report, which made 175 recommendations focused on flood preparedness before the next wet season. On 23 August 2011, the Premier and Minister for Reconstruction released the Queensland Government Response to the Floods Commission of Inquiry Interim Report, which supported all recommendations relevant to the State G

Multicultural Recognition Bill 2011
The new Queensland Multicultural Policy, A multicultural future for all of us, was launched on 19 July 2011. A key theme of the new policy is Multicultural Recognition legislation. This theme was developed following the strong support for statutory recognition of multicultural principles demonstrated during the community consultations for the review of the multicultural policy. The Multicultural

Surat Basin Rail (Long-term lease) Bill 2011
The Surat Basin Rail project proposes to construct the 210 kilometre ‘Southern Missing Link’ between Wandoan and Banana to enable the large-scale mining and export of thermal coal from the Surat Basin through the Port of Gladstone. Private sector development of the $1 billion plus railway will deliver significant benefits for Queensland including opening up the estimated four billion tonnes of th

Sustainable Planning and other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
The Sustainable Planning and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 amends a range of legislation as outlined below. The Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act 2008 will be amended to enable Local Government officers to access the Queensland Motor Vehicle Registry to investigate an alleged dog attack which caused death, grievous bodily harm or bodily harm to a person or animal. The Local Governmen

Vocational Education and Training (Commonwealth Powers) and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2011
In December 2009, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreed to national reforms to the regulation of vocational education and training (VET) including the establishment of a national VET regulator. COAG developed an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) which required signatories to refer legislative power to the Commonwealth to allow it to regulate VET. All states and territories, includi

SEQ Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
In April 2011, the Premier and Minister for Reconstruction announced proposed amendments to the South East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Act 2009 to address community concerns about the responsibility for setting water and sewerage prices in South East Queensland (SEQ). The proposal included the imposition of a price cap on customers’ water and wastewater bills and enab

Building Boost Grant Bill 2011
To assist housing affordability, supply and construction jobs, the 2011-12 State Budget announced the availability of a Queensland Building Boost Grant (QBB grant) of $10,000 for the purchase or construction of a new home in Queensland valued at less than $600,000. The QBB grant is available for eligible transactions undertaken between 1 August 2011 and 31 January 2012. The amendments to the Stat

Domestic and Family Violence Protection Bill 2011
Domestic and family violence is a serious and complex issue that affects many Queenslanders each year. The human and economic costs are significant. Women and children die as a result of domestic and family violence, work and educational opportunities are affected and people become homeless. In 2009–10, the Queensland Police Service recorded 49,372 domestic and family violence occurrences, an incr

Education and Care Services National Law (Qld) Bill 2011
In December 2009, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreed to the National Partnership Agreement on the National Quality Agenda for Early Childhood Education and Care. This included the commitment to establish a jointly governed, uniform National Quality Framework (NQF) for early childhood education and care (ECEC) services. Under the NQF sits a national rating and assessment process fo

One Funding System for Better Services Bill 2011
The Queensland Government provides financial and other assistance to non-government entities and local governments for a variety of purposes and activities, including the arts, research, education, the environment, community infrastructure and facilities, and the delivery of social and human services. The One Funding System for Better Services Bill 2011 proposes a single set of laws for regulati

Protecting Primary Production Amendment Bill 2011
The Protecting Primary Production Amendment Bill 2011 proposes a number of desirable, non-controversial, amendments to six Acts within the portfolio jurisdiction of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Regional Economies as suitable for an omnibus or miscellaneous amendment Bill. These amendments will ensure the effective administration/operation of the respective Acts and implement the outcome

Govt Response to Scrutiny of Legislation Committee Report No 46
The Scrutiny of Legislation Committee (SLC) conducted a review of part 8 of the Statutory Instruments Act 1992 (SI Act). The SLC examined the practical operation and continuing effectiveness of part 8 of the SI Act which contains requirements regarding the content, notification and availability of forms made under authority conferred by legislation. The SLC’s report, Review of part 8 of the St

Stock Route Network Management Bill 2011
The Queensland stock route network comprises approximately 2.6 million hectares of roads declared as stock routes and reserves for travelling stock. These roads and reserves also have iconic cultural heritage, recreational, environmental and biodiversity attributes. The Stock Route Network Management Bill 2011 contains reforms to the management and use of the stock route network in Queensland and

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Holding Bill 2012
The primary purpose of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Holding Bill 2012 (the Bill) is to address issues arising from the implementation and operation of the Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders (Land Holding) Act 1985 (the Land Holding Act). The Land Holding Act allowed residents of Indigenous Deeds of Grant in Trust (DOGIT) and reserve land to apply for perpetual leases for res

Education Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
The Education Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 will amend legislation administered by the Department of Education, Training and Employment to provide for the following matters. The Bill amends the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 to enable State Schools of Distance Education to deliver e-kindy to eligible children. E-kindy is a kindergarten program delivered via distance education to chil

Family Responsibilities Commission Amendment Bill 2012
The Cape York Welfare Reform Trial operates in the communities of Hope Vale, Aurukun, Mossman Gorge and Coen. The objective of the Trial is to restore local authority, build stronger and more resilient communities and change behaviours in response to chronic levels of welfare dependency, social dysfunction and economic exclusion. A central feature of the Trial is the Family Responsibilities Commis

Holidays Amendment Bill 2012
Following a review of the Holidays Act 1983 undertaken by the previous Queensland Government, the Act was amended in 2011 to, amongst other things, move the Queen’s Birthday public holiday from the second Monday in June to the first Monday in October, with the change commencing in 2012. The Holidays and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 provides for: the movement of Labour Day from May to th

Government response to the review of the Fair Work legislation
Queensland Government response to the recommendations of the report of the review of the Fair Work legislation Attorney-General and Minister for Justice Following the public release of the final report of the Fair Work legislation review panel on 2 August 2012, State Ministers were invited to make written submissions in response to the report recommendations to the Honourable Bill Shorten MP, Fed

Government position on Multicultural Recognition Bill 2012
The Member for Inala and Leader of the Opposition, Ms Annastacia Palaszczuk MP, introduced the Multicultural Recognition Bill 2012 as a Private Member’s Bill in August 2012. The Bill sought to recognise the diversity of the people of Queensland through providing for a Multicultural Queensland Charter, a Multicultural Queensland Advisory Council and developing, monitoring and reporting on multicul

Authority to Reintroduce the Heavy Vehicle National Law Bill 2012
The Council of Australian Governments has agreed to the development of a national framework for the regulation of all vehicles exceeding 4.5 tonnes gross vehicle mass (heavy vehicles). In February 2010, Queensland accepted the role of host jurisdiction for the national reform to create a National Heavy Vehicle Regulator and a single consolidated body of Heavy Vehicle National Law to govern all hea

Mines Legislation (Streamlining) Amendment Bill 2012
The primary purpose of the Mines Legislations (Streamlining) Amendment Bill 2012 (the Bill) is to amend Queensland resources legislation to facilitate sustainable growth of the resources industry to establish Queensland as a world-leading resource investment and development destination. The Bill improves the regulatory and tenure approvals processes for mineral, petroleum, geothermal and greenhou

Penalties and Sentences and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
As part of its election commitments, the Government pledged to increase the penalty unit value from $100 to $110; and introduce a nominal administration fee on all criminal justice related outcomes in the Supreme and District ($300) and Magistrates ($100) Courts where an offender is found guilty.  The Penalties and Sentences and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 delivers on these commitments b

Public Service and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
As part of its election commitments, the Government pledged to revitalise frontline services and restore public sector accountability, including streamlining of functions, containing the escalating costs associated with public sector administration and reducing the public sector’s management overburden. The Public Service and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 will improve the operation of exis

Animal Care and Protection Bill 2012
The Government’s First 100 Day Action Plan included amending the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 to protect Queensland’s iconic dugong and turtle populations. The Animal Care and Protection and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 will repeal the current exemption from animal welfare obligations under the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island people who d

Criminal Law Amendment Bill 2012
As part of its election commitments the Queensland Government undertook to introduce amendments within its first 100 days of forming Government to toughen the sentences for evade police, murder (including the murder of a police officer) and serious assaults committed upon police officers. The Criminal Law Amendment Bill 2012 delivers on these pre-election commitments by: amending the Criminal Co

Electricity Act Amendment Bill 2012 (Queensland Solar Bonus Scheme Review)
The Queensland Solar Bonus Scheme (the Scheme) has achieved its policy objectives to make solar photovoltaic (PV) systems more affordable for Queenslanders, stimulate the solar power industry and encourage energy efficiency. The Scheme pays eligible households and other small customers for the surplus electricity generated from solar PV panel systems, which is exported to the Queensland electricit

South East Queensland Water Amendment Bill 2012
The South East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Amendment Bill 2012 (the Bill) proposes to remove the special industrial relations measures, in particular the Workforce Frameworks, that were mandated by the former Government to apply to council employees who transferred to the South East Queensland (SEQ) distributor-retailers and for those Allconnex Water (Allconnex) employ

Water Amendment Regulation (No.1) 2012
The Water Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2012 was prepared to provide for the implementation of the levy on petroleum tenure holders to fund the underground water management functions currently aligned to the Queensland Water Commission (the Commission). The underground water management functions of the Commission are described in Chapter 3 of the Water Act 2000. The levy will provide for the recov

Treasury (Cost of Living) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
The Treasury (Cost of Living) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 (the Bill) amends legislation to implement a number of election commitments. The Duties Act 2001 is amended to reinstate the principal place of residence transfer duty concession (or home concession), the previous transfer duty rate structure and the phasing-out point for the reducing rebate for the first home concession fro

Environmental Protection (Greentape Reduction) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
The Greentape Reduction project commenced in 2010 with the aim to reform the licensing application and assessment process under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 to reduce costs for industry and government, uphold environmental standards for the community, and overall improve service delivery outcomes. The project rebuilds the approval processes for environmental licensing under the Environme

Parliament of Queensland and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2012
he State Election of March 2012 and subsequent South Brisbane by-election have resulted in a Legislative Assembly consisting of 78 government members and 11 non-government members. Following the election, the Premier received advice from the Clerk of the Parliament (the Clerk) that the practicality of the election result dictated that the number of members and the balance of numbers between govern

Amendments to the Mental Health Act 2000
The Queensland Mental Health Commission Bill 2012 establishes the first ever Queensland Mental Health Commission (QMHC) to: Drive ongoing systemic reform towards a more integrated, evidence-based, recovery-oriented mental health and alcohol and other drugs system in Queensland; Lead coordinated action by government, non-government and private sector agencies which deliver services to people with

Criminal Law Amendment Bill No.2 2012
As part of its pre-election commitments, the Government committed to: ensuring that victim impact statements be read out in court if the victim wishes; toughening the sentencing laws for drug traffickers who target children; requiring drug traffickers to serve at least 80 percent of their sentence before parole eligibility; and requiring all graffiti offenders to remove graffiti and to strengthen

Criminal Law Child Exploitation and Dangerous Drugs Amendment Bill 2012
As part of its Six Month Action Plan the Queensland Government committed to amend laws to address: “synthetic drugs, penalties for child pornography and some child sex offences, including a new child grooming offence”. Key provisions of the Criminal Law (Child Exploitation and Dangerous Drugs) Amendment Bill 2012 deliver on these commitments by: amending the Criminal Code to: amend the definit

Criminal Proceeds Confiscation Unexplained Wealth Serious Drug Offender Amendment Bill 2012
In a pre-election commitment, the Government committed to ‘introduce tough new unexplained wealth and drug trafficker declarations to target the ill-gotten gains of drug criminals’. The Criminal Proceeds Confiscation (Unexplained Wealth and Serious Drug Offender Confiscation Order) Amendment Bill 2012: amends the Criminal Proceeds Confiscation Act 2002 and the Penalties and Sentences Act 1992 to i

Electronic Conveyancing National Law (Queensland) Bill 2012
Queensland is a participant in the reform to introduce a national electronic conveyancing system (e-conveyancing) and has agreed with the other participating jurisdictions to establish a nationally consistent legislative framework for e-conveyancing. This is to be achieved by legislation in agreed terms (the national law) being first enacted in New South Wales and then applied as law in other jur

Health Practitioner and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
On 26 March 2008, the Council of Australian Governments signed an Intergovernmental Agreement to provide for a single national registration and accreditation scheme for health professions (the National Scheme). Health professions must meet six criteria for inclusion in the National Scheme. The dental technology and speech pathology professions have twice been denied inclusion into the National Sch

Housing and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
Australian Housing Ministers (State, Territory and Commonwealth) are establishing a consistent regulatory environment to support the growth and development of the not-for-profit community housing sector. This will contribute to a stronger business and governance environment for not-for-profit entities to partner with Government and the private sector, including financiers. Key features of this Na

Queensland Mental Health Commission Bill 2012
The Queensland Mental Health Commission Bill 2012 (Bill) establishes the first ever Queensland Mental Health Commission (QMHC) to: drive ongoing systemic reform towards a more integrated, evidence-based, recovery-oriented mental health and alcohol and other drugs system in Queensland; lead coordinated action by government, non-government and private sector agencies which deliver services to peop

Mining and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
The purpose of the Mining and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 is to amend the Mineral Resources Act 1989 and the Environmental Protection Act 1994 to reduce red tape and associated costs for the small scale mining sector and deliver a suite of other reforms to enhance the management of Queensland’s resources. Small scale mining operations generate important economic and employment opportuni

Heavy Vehicle National Law Amendment Bill 2012
The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) is driving a national program of micro-economic reforms in a range of sectors to produce single regulatory environments for the Australian economy. In February 2010, Queensland accepted the role of host jurisdiction for a national reform to create a National Heavy Vehicle Regulator and a single consolidated body of Heavy Vehicle National Law which will

Police Powers and Responsibilities (Motor Vehicle Impoundment) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
The Government has committed, through the ‘Safer Streets Crime Action Plan’, to introduce the toughest anti-hooning laws in the nation. The ‘Putting the Brakes on Hoons’ policy includes: hooning cars clamped and off the road for three months for the first offence; and hooning cars forfeited or crushed for any subsequent offence within the next 5 years. To achieve this commitment, the Police Power

Waste Reduction Amendment Bill 2012
The Waste Reduction and Recycling and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012amends a range of legislation administered by the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection. The Bill amends: the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011 to finalise implementation of the Government’s commitment to repeal the waste levy. These amendments complete the Government’s commitment to repeal the waste lev

Transport Infrastructure Waterways Management Regulation 2012
The Transport Infrastructure (Waterways Management) Regulation 2012 sets out the various on-water activities which are controlled or require approvals on Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast waterways. These activities include anchoring, mooring and grounding of watercraft, time limits for living on watercraft, take off and landing of aircraft and the authorisation or prohibition of particular conduct. T

Anti Discrimination Act 1991 Government Eligibility Policies
Recent litigation has highlighted the potential for certain government policies where eligibility for government assistance, services or support is based on citizenship or Visa status, to be subject to complaints of racial discrimination under the Anti Discrimination Act 1991. Cabinet approved amendments to the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 to provide an exemption for government eligibility policie

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Legislation (Providing Freehold) Amendment Bill 2013
Existing land tenure legislation does not make ordinary, individual, freehold available as an option to Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders living in Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander communities. Land in Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander communities is generally held in trust either under a Deed of Grant in Trust under the Land Act 1994 or as transferred land under the Aboriginal

Youth Justice (Boot Camp Orders) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
As part of its 2012 election commitments, the Government committed to a two year trial of a youth boot camp diversion program. The youth boot camp diversion program, which consists of an early intervention boot camp in the Gold Coast area and a sentenced youth boot camp program in the Cairns and surrounding area, is an initiative under the Safer Streets Crime Action Plan. These programs will targ

Commercial Arbitration Bill 2012
Arbitration is a formal dispute resolution process in which two or more parties refer their dispute to an independent third person (the arbitrator) for determination. The result of the arbitration, known as the award, is enforceable in the same manner as a court judgment. The Commercial Arbitration Act 1990 currently governs domestic commercial arbitrations in Queensland. The Act, which is one o

Classification of Computer Games and Images and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
The National Classification Scheme (NCS) is a cooperative arrangement between Commonwealth, State and Territory governments underpinned by an Intergovernmental Agreement on Censorship and supported by a legislative framework comprising the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995 (Cth) (the Commonwealth Act) and complementary State and Territory legislation. The relevant Q

Gold Coast Waterways Authority Bill 2012
A re-established Gold Coast Waterways Authority is part of the government’s commitment to improving access to Gold Coast Waterways. The re-established Gold Coast Waterways Authority will oversee the management, sustainable use and development of Gold Coast Waterways. The purpose of the Authority is to provide the best possible navigational access, boating infrastructure and waterways management at

Racing and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
The Government’s Six Month Action Plan includes amending the Racing Act 2002 to establish a new racing industry structure. The Bill implements the Government’s Six Month Action Plan by removing Racing Queensland Limited as the control body for the thoroughbred, harness and greyhound codes of racing and establishing the Queensland All Codes Racing Industry Board (all-codes board) as well as three

South East Qld Water Restructuring and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
The Government is committed to planning properly for Queensland’s future water needs and increasing efficiency in the delivery to households and businesses. Under the former Government, there were four bulk water supply entities, adding unnecessary complexity and costs (reduced to three with the merger of Seqwater and WaterSecure in June 2011). The South East Queensland Water (Restructuring) and

Tourism and Events Queensland Bill 2012
Tourism Queensland is a statutory body established under the Tourism Queensland Act 1979 (the Act). It promotes and markets Queensland tourism domestically and overseas. Events Queensland is a propriety limited company established in 1989 to support and develop events that are capable of generating sustainable economic activity by attracting visitors from interstate and overseas. The Bill repeals

Amendment of the Water Fluoridation Act 2008
Under the Water Fluoridation Act 2008 (the Act) public potable water suppliers (water suppliers) are required to implement water fluoridation at a relevant public potable water supply (water supply) by a date prescribed in a regulation. To date, 70 supplies have been fluoridated and the installation of the necessary infrastructure for fluoridation funded by the State Government is anticipated to

Weapons and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
In April 2012, the Government announced that it would introduce mandatory minimum penalties for weapons offences to address the illegal use of firearms. The Bill provides for mandatory minimum periods of imprisonment for the following offences under Weapons Act 1990 (the Act): unlawful trafficking (s 65), unlawful supply (s 50B) and unlawful possession of firearms (s 50). The Bill also provides fo

Body Corporate and Community Management Amendment Bill 2012
A body corporate, comprising all lot owners in a community titles scheme, is responsible for the ownership and management of the body corporate assets and the scheme’s common property. Under the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 most costs associated with the administration of the body corporate and the management of the assets and common property are proportioned by each lot owner

Guardianship and Administration and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
As part of the Queensland Government’s 100 day action plan, the Government committed to ‘commence drafting legislative amendments to install the Independent Public Advocate as a statutory authority’, within the first 30 days. The Public Advocate is established under the Guardianship and Administration Act 2000 as an integral part of Queensland’s guardianship system, which protects and promotes th

Waste Reduction and Recycling Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 2012
The Waste Reduction and Recycling Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 2012 amends the Waste Reduction and Recycling Regulation 2011. The Regulation is subordinate legislation under the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011. The Act contains regulation making powers, including the ability to make a regulation about used packaging. This amendment regulation gives effect to the provisions of the National E

Building and Other Legislation Bill 2013
The Building and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 amends the Building Act 1975 (Building Act), Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008 (Water Supply Safety Act) and South-East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Act 2009 (SEQ Water Restructuring Act) to reduce red tape and save time and money in the assessment of building work over or near a sewer, water main and s

Education Legislation Amendment Bill 2013
The Education Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 will: support implementation of the move of Year 7 to secondary school from 2015; include the Preparatory year (Prep) in a state school student’s basic allocation to recognise Prep as the first year of schooling; and allow for the cancellation of the enrolment of international students at state schools for non-payment of fees. The Bill makes techni

Industrial Relations Transparency and Accountability Amendment Bill 2013
The Queensland Government is committed to strengthening the accountability of state-based industrial organisations following allegations of financial mismanagement and corruption involving officials past and present of the National Office of the Health Services Union. In a bid to prevent similar occurrences in Queensland, the government considered options to increase transparency and improve the

Nature Conservation Amend and Repeal Regulation No1 2013
The Department of Environment and Heritage Protection has reviewed the governing legislation for marine mammals in Queensland – the Nature Conservation (Whales and Dolphins) Conservation Plan 1997 and the Nature Conservation (Dugong) Conservation Plan 1999. As a result of the review, the department has prepared new marine mammal legislation for Queensland, now consolidated within the Nature Conser

TAFE Qld Bill 2013
The TAFE Queensland Bill 2013 establishes TAFE Queensland as the public provider of vocational education and training (VET) in Queensland. The Government commissioned the Queensland Skills and Training Taskforce to review the VET sector in Queensland and one of the Taskforce’s key recommendations was the establishment of TAFE Queensland as an independent body. The Bill is being introduced as a re

Amendments to Criminal Law Amendment Bill No2 2012
The Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 (the WCR Act) allows large employers who meet certain criteria, including being financially viable and having over 2,000 full time employees, to apply to Queensland Workers’ Compensation Regulatory Authority (Q-COMP), to cease insuring through WorkCover Queensland (WorkCover) and self-insure their workers’ compensation liabilities under the WCR

Family Responsibilities Commission Amendment Bill 2013
The Cape York Welfare Reform Trial (the Trial) operates in the communities of Hope Vale, Aurukun, Mossman Gorge and Coen. Cape York Welfare Reform aims to restore local authority, build stronger and more resilient communities and change behaviours in response to chronic levels of welfare dependency, social dysfunction and economic exclusion. The State Government has approved a 12 month extension o

G20 Safety and Security Bill 2013
The 2014 meeting of the Group of Twenty (G20) is to be hosted by Australia. Queensland has been nominated by the Prime Minister as the primary venue for the G20. A G20 meeting consists of a number of meetings under the G20 umbrella. From a Queensland perspective, the two most important of the meetings will be the Heads of State/Heads of Government meeting (Leaders’ meeting) to be held in Brisbane

Local Government Amendment Bill 2013
The Local Government and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 proposes amendments to the City of Brisbane Act 2010, the Local Government Act 2009, the Local Government and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2012 and the Sustainable Planning Act 2009. Amendments to the Local Government Act 2009 include appropriate transitional and financial arrangements to support de-amalgamation on 1 January 2014 by

Nature Conservation Amendment Bill 2013
The Queensland Government is committed to improving access to national parks and other public lands, while ensuring that the protected area estate is managed in a manner appropriate to the values that it contains. The Nature Conservation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (No.2) 2013 is the result of the second stage of the review of the Nature Conservation Act 1992, aimed at delivering on key

Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal Bill 2013
In July 2013, the Premier announced the establishment of the Tribunal to determine the future remuneration and allowances for Members of Parliament under a five point plan to reform the Parliamentary entitlements system. The Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal Bill 2013: establishes the Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal as an independent statutory authority with legally binding

Strengthening Discipline in State Schools Amendment Bill
On 8 April 2013, the Queensland Government announced its goal to strengthen school discipline as part of the Queensland Government action plan for Queensland schools: Great teachers = Great results. The aim of the Great teachers = Great results initiative is to lift standards of teaching and give schools more autonomy so they can get on with the job of providing a safe and supportive learning env

VETE Skills Qld Amendment Bill 2013
The Vocational Education, Training and Employment (Skills Queensland) and Another Act Amendment Bill 2013 will: amend the Vocational Education, Training and Employment Act 2000 to abolish Skills Queensland and transfer its functions relating to apprentices and trainees, vocational placements, group training organisations, principal employer organisations, employment exemptions and non-departmental

Milk Pricing (Fair Milk Mark) Bill 2013
The Milk Pricing (Fair Milk Mark) Bill 2013 (the Bill) was introduced by Mr Shane Knuth MP, Member for Dalrymple, on 2 May 2013. The Bill proposed the establishment of a ‘fair milk mark’ that can only be placed on milk that has been purchased from dairy producers at a ‘fair milk price’. The Bill proposed that the responsible Minister would set the fair milk price, which would be at least eight

Response on Body Corporate and Community Management Amendment Bill
On 14 September 2012, the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice introduced the Body Corporate and Community Management and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 (the Bill) into the Queensland Parliament. Following introduction, the Bill was referred to the Queensland Parliament’s Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee (the Committee) for its detailed examination. Cabinet noted the Commi

Commonwealth Games Brand Protection Bill 2013
Brand protection legislation is desirable for the following reasons: The Games budget includes income from sponsorships. Corporate sponsors expect measures to ensure the rights they acquire to associate themselves with the Games are not diluted by having unauthorised people also associating themselves with the Games. The level of protection will directly affect the commercial value of sponsorships

Environmental Protection and Other Leg Amendment Regulation No1 2013
The Environmental Protection and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2013 (the Amendment Regulation) amends the Environmental Protection Regulation 2008, to give effect to the provisions of the Environmental Protection (Greentape Reduction) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2012 (the Greentape Reduction Act), passed by Parliament on 31 July 2012. The Amendment Regulation includes pr

Response Land Protection Legislation Flying fox Control Bill 2012
The Member for Dalrymple, Mr Shane Knuth MP, introduced the Land Protection Legislation (Flying-fox Control) Amendment Bill 2012 as a Private Member’s Bill on 21 June 2012. The Bill amends the Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002 and the Nature Conservation Act 1992 to control the health risks posed by flying-foxes. The policy intent of these amendments is to empower a landow

Qld Reconstruction Authority Bill 2013
In January 2013, ex-Tropical Cyclone Oswald and an associated monsoon trough passed over parts of Queensland and New South Wales over a number of days, causing widespread impact including severe storms, flooding, and tornadoes. Following these disasters, the recovery and reconstruction of affected communities is an immediate priority. However, there will also be a strong focus on building Queensla

Succession to the Crown Bill 2013
In October 2011 at the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in Perth, leaders of the Realms agreed to changes to the rules for Royal Succession. In July 2012, the Australian, States and Territories Governments, through Council of Australian Governments, agreed to support three reforms to the rules on royal succession proposed by the United Kingdom’s Government: To allow for succession regardle

Port Pilotage Amendment Bill 2013
The Transport Legislation (Port Pilotage) Amendment Bill 2013 transfers the responsibility to provide and deliver port pilotage services for ports north of Brisbane (excluding Abbot Point) from Maritime Safety Queensland (MSQ) to the government owned port authorities. The amendments in the Bill include: providing that the provision of, or arranging for the provision of, pilotage services in speci

Qld Building Services Authority Bill 2013
On 30 November 2012, the Transport, Housing and Local Government Committee tabled its Report No. 14 entitled ‘Inquiry into the Operation and Performance of the Queensland Building Services Authority’. The Transport, Housing and Local Government Committee made a total of 41 recommendations which covered a range of key issues affecting home builders, building contractors and industry participants. I

2013-14 State Budget
The 2013-14 Budget is the second LNP Budget. The restoration of the State’s finances remains a key priority for the Government. The 2013-14 Budget was framed in the context of a difficult external environment and the need to fund the costs of natural disasters. The Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 included measures to give effect to the 2013-14 Budget. The Bill also inclu

Education and Care Services Bill 2013
The Education and Care Services Bill 2013 repeals the Child Care Act 2002 and establishes a new regulatory framework for education and care services in Queensland currently regulated under the Child Care Act 2002. On 1 January 2012 the Education and Care Services National Law (Queensland) Act 2011 commenced. This Act applied a nationally consistent regulatory framework for education and care servi

Energy and Water Legislation Amendment Bill 2013
The Energy and Water Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 formalises the Queensland Government’s decisions to: cease the Queensland Gas Scheme’s (the Gas Scheme) operation on 31 December 2013; cease the Smart Energy Savings Program (SESP) at the earliest opportunity; and facilitate the transfer of water and sewerage services for the new Noosa Council on 1 January 2014. The Gas Scheme commenced in 2005

Justice and other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013
The Attorney-General is responsible for the administration of over 200 statutes. Periodically, these Acts are reviewed to identify amendments which are desirable for ensuring that the Acts continue to operate in the manner intended. Other amendments to legislation may be identified as a result of court or tribunal decisions or representations by administering agencies and stakeholders. The Jus

Trade and Investment Qld Bill 2013
In November 2012, the Treasurer and Minister for Trade commissioned Mr John Mickel and Mr Geoffrey Thomas to undertake a comprehensive review of Trade and Investment Queensland (TIQ). The terms of reference encompassed all aspects of TIQ’s functions, structure and operations, ranging from resourcing and organisational capacity to the effectiveness of TIQ’s current service delivery priorities and

Treasury and Trade Legislation Amendment Bill 2013
The Treasury and Trade and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013: repeals unused Acts, removes redundant provisions, corrects typographical errors and omissions and clarifies and streamlines Acts as administered by Queensland Treasury and Trade; makes technical amendments to the Motor Accident Insurance Act 1994 including an amendment to ensure that the Queensland Police Service and other governme

Transport and Other Legislation (Heavy Vehicle National Law) Amendment Bill 2013
The Transport and Other Legislation (Heavy Vehicle National Law) Amendment Bill 2013 makes consequential amendments to remove provisions that regulate heavy vehicles in existing Queensland legislation that will be covered by the Heavy Vehicle National Law (National Law). The National Law is a single rule book applying throughout Australia regulating the operation of heavy vehicles over 4.5 tonn

Land, Water and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013
The Land, Water and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 amends the Water Act 2000 to implement recommendations relating to levees from the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry’s Final Report. The Bill provides the legislative framework for a consistent approach to regulate the construction of new levees and modification of existing levees. The Bill also amends a number of Acts within the natu

Liquor and Gaming Red tape reduction Amendment Bill
The Queensland Government is committed to reducing red tape in the liquor and gaming industries. In accordance with this commitment, the Liquor and Gaming (Red Tape Reduction) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 amends liquor and gaming legislation to reduce the regulatory burden, including: removal of the requirement for gambling internal control systems, other than in casinos, to be approv

Criminal Law Amendment (Public Interest Declaration) Amendment Bill 2013
The Criminal Law Amendment (Public Interest Declarations) Amendment Bill 2013 amended the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1945 to empower the Governor in Council to declare that a relevant person must be detained under that Act. The Governor in Council may make a ‘public interest declaration’ if satisfied it is in the public interest to make the declaration. A ‘relevant person’ is a person who is subj

Qld Civil and Administrative Tribunal
The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Justice of the Peace) Amendment Bill 2013 (Bill) incorporates the following key elements: enabling two justices of the peace to constitute the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) for determining minor civil disputes, excluding disputes with a value of more than $5,000 and urgent residential tenancy matters; and requiring one of the

Vegetation Management Framework Bill 2013
The Vegetation Management Framework Amendment Bill 2013 (the Bill) amends the Vegetation Management Act 1999 (VMA), Wild Rivers Act 2005 and the Land Act 1994, to implement a number of significant reforms that support the government’s commitments to: grow a four pillar economy based on construction, resources, agriculture and tourism; reduce regulatory burden for landholders, business and governme

Agriculture and Forestry Legislation Amendment Bill 2013
The Agriculture and Forestry Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 proposes a number of amendments to portfolio legislation that will ensure the effective administration and operation of the respective Acts, fulfil an election commitment, achieve a reduction in red tape including through the omission of redundant legislation and implement the outcomes of legislative reviews and national proposed arrange

Amendments to the Nature Conservation Act 1992
Severe drought and extensive wildfire across much of western and northern Queensland in early 2013 has resulted in the loss of fodder and extreme hardship for many graziers. Drought declarations are in place for 13 local government areas covering about a third of the state. In addition to a range of drought relief measures already available to affected graziers, the Queensland Government is lookin

Nature Conservation Protected Plants Amendment Bill 2013
The Nature Conservation (Protected Plants) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 amends the Nature Conservation Act 1992 and the Vegetation Management Act 1999. The Bill includes provisions to enable a reduction in unnecessary administrative and regulatory burden associated with the protected plants legislative framework and to streamline assessment processes whilst maintaining protection of t

Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013
The Agricultural College Amendment Bill 2013 provides for amendments to the Agricultural College Act 2005 (the Act) to restructure and rename the Australian Agricultural College Corporation and to replace the existing advisory board with a new governing board. The Australian Agricultural College Corporation (AACC) is established under the Act as a corporation sole. As a Registered Training Authori

Biosecurity Bill 2013
Queensland’s current biosecurity legislation is reactive, prescriptive and includes obsolete, overlapping and inconsistent approaches. It lacks the flexibility to enable efficient responses to Queensland's emerging biosecurity risks. The Biosecurity Bill 2013 will deliver a cohesive legislative framework that provides flexible powers to respond in a timely and effective way to animal and plant dis

Criminal Law Criminal Organisations Disruptions Bill 2013
To deliver on the commitment to implement tougher laws to tackle criminal gangs, the Government has implemented a comprehensive package of legislative reforms contained in three Acts: the Tattoo Parlours Act 2013, the Vicious and Lawless Association Disestablishment Act 2013 and the Criminal Law (Criminal Organisations Disruption) Amendment Act 2013. As foreshadowed in Parliament during the Octob

Electoral Reform Amendment Bill 2013
The Electoral Reform Amendment Bill 2013 amends the Electoral Act 1992, which governs parliamentary elections in Queensland, to: remove the caps on political donations and electoral expenditure; introduce a new public electoral funding model, including a Policy Development Payment to registered political parties with an elected member; introduce monthly disclosure of political donations of $12 400

Penalties and Sentences Indexation Amendment Bill 2013
The penalty unit is the basic monetary value for most fines and penalty infringement notices (PINs, commonly called ‘tickets’). When an offence is created by legislation, the legislation also prescribes the penalty. In most cases the penalty is prescribed as a multiple of the penalty unit. The value of the penalty unit is prescribed in section 5 of the Penalties and Sentences Act 1992 and is $110

Response to Private Members Bill Criminal Code Looting in Declared Areas
The Member for Yeerongpilly introduced the Criminal Code (Looting in Declared Areas) Amendment Bill 2013 as a Private Member’s Bill in March 2013. The Explanatory Notes to the Bill indicate that the primary objective of the Bill is to amend Queensland’s Criminal Code to insert new item 13A (Stealing by looting in a declared area) into existing section 398, which sets the punishment regime for the

Property Occupations and other fair trading Bills 2013
The Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act 2000 provides for the licensing and regulation of real estate agents, resident letting agents, pastoral houses, property developers, motor dealers, auctioneers and commercial agents. In February 2013, four draft Bills designed to split and repeal the Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act 2000 were released for a four week public consultation process and re

Disability Services Restrictive Practices Amendment Bill 2013
The Disability Services Act 2006 and the Guardianship and Administration Act 2000 create a regulatory framework for the use of restrictive practices on adults with intellectual or cognitive disability who have challenging behaviours. The scheme applies to disability services provided or funded by the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services. The overall objective of the fr

Public Service and Other Legislation (Civil Liability) Amendment Bill 2013
The Public Service and Other Legislation (Civil Liability) Amendment Bill 2013: amends the Public Service Act 2008 to include a civil immunity provision for state employees amends the Police Service Administration Act 1990 to provide police and non-sworn members with civil immunity consistent with that proposed for other public servants. The State currently provides indemnities and legal assistan

Education Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Bill 2013
The Education (Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority) Bill 2013 will: establish the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) as the new statutory authority to oversee curriculum, certification, assessment and testing frameworks for all Queensland schools; and repeal the Education (Queensland Studies Authority) Act 2002 and abolish the Queensland Studies Authority. The QCAA

Electrical Safety Regulation 2013
The need for the proposed Electrical Safety Regulation 2013 (the 2013 Regulation) is due to the automatic expiry of the Electrical Safety Regulation 2002 (the 2002 Regulation) under the requirements of the Statutory Instruments Act 1992. A consultation Regulatory Assessment Statement (RAS) for the review of the 2002 Regulation was released for public comment between 28 March 2013 and 26 April 2013

Industrial Relations Fair Work Harmonisation Bill 2013
The Industrial Relations (Fair Work Harmonisation No. 2) and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2013 amends the Industrial Relations Act 1999 to create a new industrial relations framework for the Queensland jurisdiction which will provide a simplified and flexible industrial relations system that is adaptable for local service delivery, innovation and productivity improvements. The Bill also includes ame

Liquor Red Tape Reduction and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013
Government is committed to reducing the regulatory burden on the liquor and gaming industry to support tourism as one of the four pillars of the Queensland economy. In accordance with this commitment, the Liquor (Red Tape Reduction) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 amends liquor and gaming legislation to implement a number of red tape reduction and miscellaneous proposals, including: exte

North Stradbroke Island Protection and Sustainability Bill 2013
The North Stradbroke Island Protection and Sustainability and another Act Amendment Bill 2013 amends the North Stradbroke Island Protection and Sustainability Act 2011 to extend mining to 2035 and removes the restricted mine path at the Enterprise Mine on North Stradbroke Island. Cabinet approved the introduction of the North Stradbroke Island Protection and Sustainability Amendment Bill 2013 into

Tattoo Parlours, Vicious Lawless Disestablishment and Criminal Organisations Disruption Bills
On 28 September 2013, in the wake of violence at Broadbeach involving criminal motorcycle gangs, the Queensland Government announced its commitment to: adopt a zero tolerance crackdown on criminal gangs; provide whatever additional resources are necessary for the Queensland Police Service to carry out this crackdown; introduce a range of tougher laws to tackle criminal gangs; and support any move

Workers Compensation and Rehabilitation Amendment Bill 2013
On 23 March 2013 the Finance and Administration Committee tabled its report on its Inquiry into the Operation of the Queensland Workers’ Compensation Scheme. The Committee’s report included 32 recommendations. In response to the Committee’s report and recommendations, the Queensland Government has proposed a number of legislative amendments to the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003

Appropriation Bill (No.2) 2013
Section 35 of the Financial Accountability Act 2009 provides that if expenditure from the Consolidated Fund exceeds the amount approved by annual appropriation (known as unforeseen expenditure), the Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Treasurer, may authorise the expenditure within four weeks of the end of the financial year. Unforeseen expenditure must also be formally approved by

Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2013
The Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 (the Bill) amends various Health portfolio Acts to support the policy initiatives of the Government, and to improve the effective operation of the relevant Acts. Key policy initiatives being given effect by the Bill include: amendment of the Public Health Act 2005 will establish the maternal death statistics collection to increase awareness of maternal de

Petroleum and Gas Production Safety Regulation and Fee Decision RIS
The Petroleum and Gas (P&G) Safety and Health Fee is a full cost recovery fee system for the Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate (the Inspectorate), to undertake its regulatory role under the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004. This P&G Safety and Health Fee was introduced in 2010, replacing the previous cost recover fee system, in order to better fund the Inspectorate allowing them t

Police Powers and Responsibilities Amendment Bill 2013
The Bill will amend the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 to improve efficiency of delivering policing services and enhance community safety. The Bill improves the delivery of police services and utilisation of police resources by: removing the need for senior officer approval to take a DNA sample allowing the Commissioner to use non-government laboratories to analyse DNA samples amendin

Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 2013
The Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (the Bill) amends the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (RTRAA) to facilitate a smooth transfer of public housing tenancies to Community Housing Providers. The legislative amendments will enable a Community Housing Provider to capture Commonwealth Rent Assistance in the rent charged to

Environmental Protection and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014
The Bill amends the Biological Control Act 1987, the Coastal Protection and Management Act 1995, the Environmental Offsets Act 2014, the Environmental Protection Act 1994, the Nature Conservation Act 1992, the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011 and the Wet Tropics World Heritage Protection and Management Act 1993. The Bill amends the Environmental Protection Act to require auditor certificati

Family Responsibilities Commission Amendment Bill 2014
Welfare reform is an approach to community development that commenced in 2008 in the communities of Hope Vale, Aurukun, Mossman Gorge and Coen. It aims to restore local authority, build stronger and more resilient communities and change behaviours in response to chronic levels of welfare dependency, social dysfunction and economic exclusion. The key component of welfare reform is the Family Respon

Chicken Meat Industry Committee Amendment Bill 2014
The Chicken Meat Industry Committee is a statutory committee established under the Chicken Meat Industry Committee Act 1976. The Chicken Meat Industry Committee’s primary functions are to facilitate negotiations of agreements between chicken growers and processors, to facilitate mediation and arbitration of disputes (where required), to represent growers and processors and to provide information o

Crime and Misconduct and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014
On 3 July 2013, the Queensland Government tabled its response in the Legislative Assembly to the two recent reviews of the Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC): the review by the Independent Advisory Panel of the Crime and Misconduct Act 2001; and the inquiry by the Parliamentary Crime and Misconduct Committee (PCMC) into the CMC’s release and destruction of Fitzgerald Commission of Inquiry doc

Land and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014
The Land and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 seeks to amend the Land Act 1994 to implement the first phase of major reforms to the state land tenure system arising from the Queensland Government's response to the Parliamentary report on the Inquiry into the future and continued relevance of government land tenure across Queensland. The Bill provides for: the introduction of rolling term leas

Environmental Offsets Bill 2014
The Environmental Offsets Bill 2014 sets the foundation for the State’s environmental offset framework, standardising the currently inconsistent offset arrangements in the five existing Queensland Government offset policies. The Bill provides the foundation for what an offset is and how it is to be provided; complementing assessment provisions in existing legislation, which govern if and when an

Private Members Bill Classification of Publications Billboard Advertising Bill
The Member for Dalrymple, Mr Shane Knuth MP, introduced the Classification of Publications (Billboard Advertising) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 as a Private Members Bill on 23 May 2013. The Explanatory Notes to the Bill indicate that the primary objective of the Bill is to regulate billboard advertising and mobile billboard advertising throughout Queensland and change the behaviour of

Response to Private Members Bill Public Health (Exclusion of Unvaccinated Children from Child Care) Amendment Bill
On 23 May 2013, Mrs Jo-Ann Miller MP, Member for Bundamba, introduced the Private Member’s Bill, Public Health (Exclusion of Unvaccinated Children from Child Care) Amendment Bill 2013 (the Bill). The object of this Bill is to give a person in charge of an education and care service or child care service the ability to refuse that a child who is not fully immunised be enrolled in the child care fac

SEQ Water Distribution and Retail Restructuring Bill 2014
The South-East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 provides a streamlined approval process for new water and sewerage connections (the utility model) for south east Queensland distributor-retailers by merging two current approval processes. The utility model will streamline the water and sewerage approval and connection process for dev

Criminal Code and Another Act (Stock) Amendment Bill 2014
In January 2012, in response to primary industry calls for law reform on stock-related offending, the then Attorney-General approved the formation of a Stock Working Group to review provisions of the Criminal Code and other Acts relating to stock. The Chair of the working group was Mr John Jerrard QC, former Justice of the Queensland Court of Appeal, and the working group was made up of various st

Water Supply Services Bill 2014
Urban water and sewerage services are mainly delivered by local governments across Queensland. Current regulation of these providers under the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008 is burdensome, has not improved asset management or water security outcomes and does not adequately identify or seek to address risks. The Water Supply Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 transforms the

Work Health and Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014
The Work Health and Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 implements outcomes from the review of the model Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws in Queensland. The aim of the review was to consider the impact of the laws on business, and identify any aspects that were considered unworkable or have had unintended consequences including unanticipated cost burdens. Key changes being given effe

Youth Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014
In satisfaction of a commitment under the Government’s Six month action plan (January – June 2013), a formal review of key aspects of the Youth Justice Act 1992 has been completed. The Youth Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014, developed following community consultation on effective responses to youth crime, implements the outcomes of this review. The Bill delivers a number of refo

Major Events Bill 2014
The purpose of the Major Events Bill 2014 is to facilitate major events being held in Queensland. Major events legislation is desirable as major events are a significant contributor to Queensland’s economy. They attract both business investment and visitors to the state. Most other Australian States have major events legislation in place. Major events legislation will put Queensland on equal foot

Family Responsibilities Commission Amendment Regulation 2014
Welfare reform is an approach to community development that is in place in the communities of Hope Vale, Aurukun, Mossman Gorge and Coen. Welfare reform aims to restore local authority, build stronger and more resilient communities and change behaviours in response to chronic levels of welfare dependency, social dysfunction and economic exclusion. The Family Responsibilities Commission (FRC), a ce

Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Bill 2014
The Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Bill 2014 is a significant step towards the modernisation of Queensland’s resources legislation. The Bill is a key component of the Modernising Queensland’s Resources Acts Program which will transform the legislative framework for mining, petroleum and gas, greenhouse gas storage and geothermal energy by implementing common processes. This harmo

Land Sales and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014
The Land Sales Act 1984 regulates the sale of proposed allotments (i.e. unregistered subdivisions of land) and proposed lots (i.e. lots, such as apartments, in a community titles scheme sold off the plan). It establishes a regulatory framework to facilitate property development while ensuring appropriate consumer protections are provided. The Land Sales and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 w

Local Government Legislation Amendment Bill 2014
The Local Government Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 proposes amendments to the City of Brisbane Act 2010, the Local Government Act 2009 and the Local Government Electoral Act 2011. Amendments to the Local Government Electoral Act 2011 include: empowering the chief executive officer (CEO) of a local government to be the returning officer for a council election unless the CEO advises the Electoral

Safe Night Out Legislation Amendment Bill 2014
Violence in and around licensed venues is a serious problem for Queensland. While a number of measures have been implemented to address alcohol and drug-related violence, such as the state-wide lockout, a moratorium on late-night trading hours and the Drink Safe Precinct trials, the problem has continued. On 23 March 2014, the Queensland Government released the draft Safe Night Out Strategy. The d

Water Amendment Regulation No 1 2014
Level of Service (LOS) objectives help to minimise the risk of water supply security issues for South East Queensland (SEQ) by specifying the performance of bulk water supply system that Seqwater must meet when undertaking their long term water supply planning activities. The previous LOS objectives were developed at the end of the 2001-2009 drought and required the SEQ bulk water supply system t

Water Legislation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Amendment Bill 2014
The Water Legislation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Amendment Bill 2014 (the Bill) amends the Water Act 2000 (Water Act) and the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008. It addresses the process for making a water supply emergency declaration and imposing emergency water restrictions; the declaration of a temporary full supply level; and the governance framework for category 1 water authoriti

Energy Legislation AEMC Payments Bill 2014
As rule maker and market developer for Australian energy markets, the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) makes and amends the detailed rules for the operation of the National Electricity Market and elements of the natural gas markets in accordance with the National Electricity Law and the National Gas Law. As part of its market development role, it also conducts market reviews with a view

Queensland Child Protection Reform Bills
On 1 July 2013, the Queensland Child Protection Commission of Inquiry issued its landmark report making 121 recommendations to improve Queensland’s child protection system. The aim of the recommended reforms is to make it easier for families to get support so that wherever possible, children can remain safely at home. In December 2013, the Queensland Government tabled a response to the Commission

Construction and Tourism (Red Tape Reduction) Amendment Bill 2014
The Government is committed to reducing red tape on industry and the community. The liquor and gaming red tape reduction program is being progressed in phases, with two Bills already delivered in May 2013 and November 2013. The Construction and Tourism (Red Tape Reduction) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 will amend the Gaming Machine Act 1991 to reduce red tape on community clubs by: r

TAFE Qld Dual Sector Entity Amendment Bill 2014
The TAFE Queensland (Dual Sector Entity) Amendment Bill 2014 provides for the creation of dual sector entities in Queensland. A dual sector entity is an entity that delivers both higher education and vocational education and training (VET). In delivering VET, the dual sector entity can use the term TAFE. The Bill will enable the merger between Central Queensland University and Central Queensland

Electricity and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014
The Queensland Solar Bonus Scheme (the Scheme) provides for eligible participants to supply surplus electricity generated from solar photovoltaic (PV) systems into the Queensland electricity grid. Participants in the Scheme are paid a feed-in tariff for their surplus exported electricity. The feed-in tariff is paid by distributors and costs are passed through to electricity customers via network

Forestry Amendment Bill 2014
Under automatic expiry provisions in the Statutory Instruments Act 1992, the Forestry Regulation 1998 must be remade. The Regulation was scheduled to expire in 2009 but its expiry was extended on the basis that provisions of the Forestry Act 1959 (the Act) were under review. The Regulation is now scheduled to expire on 31 August 2014 and needs to be remade before then. The relevant provisions of t

Further Education and Training Bill 2014
The Further Education and Training Bill 2014 will: repeal the Vocational Education, Training and Employment Act 2000; create new training legislation for Queensland to support the Government’s reform priorities for vocational education and training (VET), including streamlining and modernising the State’s regulatory system for apprenticeships and traineeships; and repeal the Higher Education (Gene

Child Protection Offender Reporting Amendment Bill 2014
The government has committed to introducing more stringent monitoring of sex offenders and tougher conditions for offenders who make up the Queensland component of the National Child Offender System (NCOS) (formerly the Australian National Child Offender Register). The Child Protection (Offender Reporting) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 gives effect to that commitment by increasing the

Qld Training Assets Management Authority Bill 2014
The Government is reforming the provision of vocational education and training (VET) services in the State. That reform process follows recommendations made by the Queensland Skills and Training Taskforce and the Independent Commission of Audit. The transfer of State VET assets to a specialist management entity is part of the Government’s VET reforms, and is intended to: allow TAFE Queensland a

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land (Providing Freehold) Bill 2014
Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders living in Queensland’s 34 Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander communities cannot currently obtain freehold title. Land in these communities is held by a trustee under communal land title and development and individual interests are created by leasing. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land (Providing Freehold) and Other Legislation Amendment B

Criminal Law Amendment Bill 2014
The main purpose of the Criminal Law Amendment Bill 2014 (the Bill) is to clarify or otherwise improve the operation of criminal law and criminal law related statutes within the portfolio of the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice. The Bill provides miscellaneous criminal law and other amendments to a number of Acts including: Acts Interpretation Act 1954; Bail Act 1980; Criminal Code; Dange

Electricity Competition and Protection Legislation 2014
The National Energy Retail Law (Queensland) Bill 2014 and the Electricity Competition and Protection Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 implement the Government’s decision to increase competition by removing retail price regulation in south east Queensland (SEQ) and introducing a more light-handed market monitoring approach for small (residential and small business) customers, commencing from 1 July

Professional Engineers and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014
The Government is implementing reforms to the Professional Engineers Act 2002 (the Act), following a review by the Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland and an industry consultation process conducted by KPMG. The amendments to the Act are based on the review findings and address many of the issues which had been raised, with the key amendments including: Clarifying critical definitions in

Qld Heritage and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014
The Queensland Heritage and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 (the Bill) progresses important reforms to support owners and managers of heritage places; streamlines the process by which places are entered in the Queensland Heritage Register, provides flexibility and additional power to local governments in how local heritage places are identified and managed, and ensures our unique heritage is

Review of the Child Protection Act 1999
In July 2013, the Queensland Child Protection Commission of Inquiry released its report, Taking Responsibility: A Road Map for Queensland Child Protection. The Commission of Inquiry found that the child protection system was under immense stress and made 121 recommendations aimed at building a sustainable and effective child protection system over the next decade. In December 2013, the then Quee

Statutory review of the Victims of Crime Assistance Act 2009
The Victims of Crime Assistance Act 2009 (VOCA Act) commenced in December 2009. The purposes of the Act are to declare the fundamental principles of justice to underlie the treatment of victims; implement the principles of justice and set out processes to make complaints about conduct inconsistent with the principles; and establish a financial assistance scheme for victims who have suffered from a

State Development and Public Works Organisation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015
The State Development and Public Works Organisation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 (the Bill) implements the government’s election commitment to restore community objection rights removed by the Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act 2014 under the former government. The Bill repeals section 47D of the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 (SDPWO Act).

Public Health Childcare Vaccination Amendment Bill 2015
The Public Health (Childcare Vaccination) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 amends the Public Health Act 2005 to give the person in charge of an education and care service, approved under the Education and Care Services National Law (Queensland) or the Education and Care Services Act 2013, the discretion to refuse enrolment and/or attendance of an unvaccinated child, unless the child: has

Workers Compensation and Rehabilitation Amendment Bill 2015
The Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 implements election commitments made by the Government in the ‘Improving safety for Queenslanders at work’ policy platform. Key changes being given effect by the Bill include: reinstate common law rights for injured workers that were affected by changes made by the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation and O

Guide Hearing and Assistance Dogs Amendment Bill 2015
In 2013, a full review of the Guide, Hearing and Assistance Dogs Act 2009 (the Act) commenced to ensure the Act continues to deliver on its objectives for people with disability as well as industry. A stakeholder review panel was established to assist in the review of the Act. The panel consisted of government and non-government representatives, including peak/advocacy bodies, tourism and housing

Holidays Amendment Bill 2015
The Holidays and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 implements the election commitment made by the Government to honour the real Labour Day by reinstating the Labour Day public holiday, moving it from its current date of the first Monday in October to the first Monday in May each year. The commitment also provides for the movement of the Queen’s Birthday public holiday from June to October. The

Industrial Relations Restoring Fairness Amendment Bill 2015
In 2013, the Industrial Relations Act 1999 was amended to provide for statutory individual employment contracts, known as high income guarantee contracts. The Health and Hospital Boards Act 2011 was also amended to facilitate the use of contracts, particularly for senior doctors. The Government has committed to removing high income guarantee contract arrangements and restoring rights and entitleme

Exhibited Animals Bill 2015
The current Queensland legislation regulating animal exhibition is fragmented and there are gaps in the management of some animal welfare and safety risks. Some exhibitors need multiple licences (each with their own fees and processes) because they are regulated under more than one Act. Some species cannot be exhibited at all, even if the associated risks can be minimised. The reforms contained i

Local Government and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015
The Local Government and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 proposes amendments to the Local Government Electoral Act 2011 and the Queensland Reconstruction Authority Act 2011. To ensure local government elections are run to the same high standards of independence and efficiency as state and federal elections, the Bill amends the Local Government Electoral Act 2011 to ensure a local government

Parliament of Queensland Amendment Bill 2015
During the election campaign, the Australian Labor Party released a policy document titled Labor will ensure that integrity and accountability are restored in Queensland, which included a commitment that autonomy of the Speaker in Parliament would be restored. In a letter dated 5 February 2015 to Mr Peter Wellington MP, the Premier and Minister for the Arts, as then Leader of the Opposition, commi

Payroll Tax Rebate Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015
The Payroll Tax Rebate, Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 gives effect to a 2015 election commitment by the Government, funded for three years, in relation to a payroll tax rebate on the wages of apprentices and trainees (the Rebate). The Bill also proposed to amend the following: Payroll Tax Act 1971 – to give effect to the Rebate by extending the application of existing provis

Building Queensland Bill 2015
The Building Queensland Bill 2015 (the Bill) arises as a result of the Government’s election commitment to establishing Building Queensland as an independent statutory body. Building Queensland will be an effective step in ensuring a whole-of-government perspective is brought to major infrastructure planning and investment in Queensland. The Bill provides for Building Queensland to have the follow

Heavy Vehicle National Law Amendment Bill 2015
The Heavy Vehicle National Law Act 2012 (HVNL) is a national scheme legislation central to the national heavy vehicle reform agenda. The Heavy Vehicle National Law Amendment Bill 2015 makes necessary changes to: implement nationally agreed reforms to encourage the use of electronic work diaries promote further harmonisation of the penalties for offences throughout the HVNL remove unnecessary admin

Industrial Relations (Restoring Fairness) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015
The Industrial Relations (Restoring Fairness) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 amends the Industrial Relations Act 1999 to restore fairness to Queensland public sector and local government sector employees in line with the Government’s election commitments and priorities. The Bill includes amendments to: re-instate conditions for government workers, including by amending provisions relat

Qld Training Assets Repeal Bill 2015
The Queensland Training Assets Management Authority Repeal Bill 2015: repeals the Queensland Training Assets Management Authority Act 2014 and abolishes the Queensland Training and Assets Management Authority (QTAMA); transfers the assets and liabilities of QTAMA to the Department of Education and Training; provides that the Chief Executive Officer and the board members go out of office; and p

Work Health and Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015
The Work Health and Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 (the Bill) implements election commitments made by the Government in the ‘Improving safety for Queenslanders at work’ policy platform. Key changes being given effect by the Bill include: allowing work health and safety (WHS) entry permit holders to enter a workplace immediately if they suspect a contravention has occurred and

Crime and Corruption Amendment Bill 2015
The Crime and Corruption Amendment Bill 2015 (the Bill) aims to restore independence and integrity to the Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC). The Bill makes amendments to the Crime and Corruption Act 2001 to: ensure the CCC chief executive officer (CEO) is not a commissioner, but retain a five member commission with the requirement for an additional ordinary commissioner to ensure the commissio

Criminal Law (Domestic Violence) Amendment Bill (No 2) 2015
In February 2015, the Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence provided its report, Not Now, Not Ever: Putting an End to Domestic Violence in Queensland (the report) to the Honourable Annastacia Palaszczuk MP, Premier and Minister for the Arts. The report contains 140 recommendations on how the Government and the Queensland community can better address and reduce domestic and family viole

Disability Services and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015
Queensland will transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) from 2016 with full implementation due by 1 July 2019. As part of Queensland’s readiness, the government is reviewing Queensland Government legislation to ensure legislation enables and supports transition to the NDIS and full scheme implementation in Queensland. This project involves two stages: Stage One (dual system)

Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2015
The Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 (the Bill) amends various Health portfolio Acts to support the implementation of policy initiatives to protect and improve the health of Queenslanders, and to improve operation of the relevant Acts. In particular, the Bill amends: the Food Act 2006 to establish a statewide menu labelling scheme and to enable the chief executive of Queensland Health to aut

Proposed introduction of fixed four-year terms for the Legislative Assembly
On 9 November 2015, the Finance and Administration Committee tabled its report (No. 16) on the inquiry into the introduction of four year terms for the Queensland Parliament, including consideration of the Private Member’s Bills titled Constitution (Fixed Term Parliament) Amendment Bill 2015 and Constitution (Fixed Term Parliament) Referendum Bill 2015. The Committee recommended that the Private M

North Stradbroke Island Protection and Sustainability and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2015
The Bill amends a number of pieces of legislation, primarily the North Stradbroke Island Protection and Sustainability Act 2011 (NSIPS Act), to reinstate the substantive phase out of sand mining on North Stradbroke Island by 2019 and protect the natural environment. The NSIPS Act regulates mining activity at the three remaining mines on the island - Enterprise, Yarraman and Vance. The original le

Hospital and Health Boards (Safe Nurse and Midwife to Patient Ratios) Amendment Bill 2015
The purpose of the Hospital and Health Boards (Safe Nurse-to-Patient and Midwife-to-Patient Ratios) Amendment Bill 2015 (the Bill) is to provide a legislative framework to enable nurse-to-patient and midwife-to-patient ratios and workload provisions to be mandated in public sector health service facilities. The Bill implements the Government’s commitment in the Nursing Guarantee policy to legislat

Planning Bill 2015
In May 2015, the Government released the Better Planning for Queensland – Next Steps in Planning Reform Directions Paper to outline the government’s policy for planning reform and how it will establish a fairer and more transparent system that enables better planning in Queensland. From 10 September 2015 to 23 October 2015 the Government undertook public consultation on a draft legislative reform

Plumbing and Drainage and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015
The Bill amends the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2002 and the Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act 1991 to establish a dedicated plumbing industry regulatory body within the Queensland Building and Construction Commission. The regulatory body will be known as the Service Trades Council. The Housing Act 2003 is amended by the Bill to introduce a deeming provision to clarify that any dev

Racing Integrity Bill 2015
The Racing Integrity Bill 2015: establishes the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission and allows for the appointment of a full-time Racing Integrity Commissioner under the proposed Racing Integrity Act. amends the Racing Act 2002 to allow for a new seven member, Racing Queensland Board, and repeals the control boards, the Racing Animal Welfare and Integrity Board and the Racing Disciplinary Board

Tackling Alcohol-Fuelled Violence Legislation Amendment Bill 2015
The Government has committed to taking action to address alcohol-related harm in and around Queensland’s licensed venues. To achieve this the Government is implementing a comprehensive policy framework to tackle alcohol-fuelled violence (the Policy), based on evidence and best-practice approaches. This Policy includes both legislative and non-legislative elements, and also provides for the contin

Tobacco and Other Smoking Products (Smoke Free Places) Amendment Bill 2015
The Tobacco and Other Smoking Products (Smoke-Free Places) Amendment Bill 2015 amends the Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act 1998 to: create more smoke-free public places across Queensland prohibit the sale of smoking products from temporary retail outlets make minor and technical amendments to clarify or strengthen Queensland’s tobacco laws. The objective of the Bill is to strengthen existing

Further Education and Training (Training Ombudsman) Amendment Bill 2015
Working Queensland sets out the Queensland Government’s plan for creating jobs and lowering unemployment in order to lead Queensland to future prosperity. It also includes the commitment to establish an independent Training Ombudsman with the power to investigate complaints made about vocational education and training (VET), including apprenticeships and traineeships, in Queensland. The Further E

Water Legislation Amendment Bill 2015
The Water Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 amends the Water Reform and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2014 (the WROLA Act). The Bill provides for: explicitly reinstating the principles of ecologically sustainable development in the new purpose of the Water Act 2000 (the Water Act) (as contained in the WROLA Act) replacing references to “responsible and productive management” with “sustainable mana

Youth Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015
A first stage of reforms has been completed in relation to legislative amendments to the Youth Justice Act 1992, Childrens Court Act 1992, and Penalties and Sentencing Act 1992. The Youth Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 provides for the: reinstatement of both the sentencing principle in the Youth Justice Act 1992 that a detention order and detaining of a child in custody for an

Domestic and Family Violence Protection and Another Act Amendment Bill 2015
The Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence (the Taskforce) in its final report, Not Now, Not Ever: Putting an End to Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland (the Taskforce Report) made 140 recommendations, including specific changes to the Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012 (DFVP Act). The Queensland Government response accepted these recommendations and identified the

Family Responsibilities Commission Amendment Bill 2015
The Family Responsibilities Commission (FRC) is a key mechanism supporting the Welfare Reform program operating in the communities of Aurukun, Coen, Hope Vale, Mossman Gorge and Doomadgee. Welfare Reform is designed to restore local authority and build stronger and more resilient communities. The FRC operates by convening conferences in relation to community members brought to its attention throug

Transport Operations Marine Safety Bills 2015
The Transport Operations (Marine Safety—Domestic Commercial Vessel National Law Application) Bill 2015 and the Transport Operations (Marine Safety) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 are cognate bills which are required to: ensure the seamless interaction between Queensland’s marine legislation and the National Law; and progress primary legislative amendments to facilitate the remake of th

Multicultural Recognition Bill 2015
Queenslanders come from over 220 countries speaking over 220 languages. A multicultural society provides opportunities for a diversified workforce and business ventures, access to tourism and export markets. Migrants and refugees make a significant contribution to the Queensland economy and community. The fiscal contribution of migrants to Australia is $1.6 billion in the first year after arrival

Nature Conservation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015
The Nature Conservation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 (the Bill) has been prepared for the protected area estate. These amendments: reinstate ‘the conservation of nature’ as the sole object of the Nature Conservation Act 1992; remove redundant provisions from the Nature Conservation Act 1992 that allowed the chief executive to grant stock grazing permits for emergency drought relief on

Retail Shop Leases Amendment Bill 2015
Under section 122 of the Retail Shop Leases Act 1994 (the Act), a review of the operation of the Act has been conducted to decide whether the Act’s provisions remain appropriate for the Queensland retail sector. The amendments to the Act contained in the Retail Shop Leases Amendment Bill 2015 (the Bill) are the outcome of the review consultation processes, including public consultation on a discus

Appropriation Bill (No. 2) 2015 and Appropriation (Parliament) Bill (No. 2) 2015
The Financial Accountability Act 2009 (the FA Act) contains statutory processes for the finalisation of departmental appropriations at the end of the financial year. Section 35 of the FA Act provides that should expenditure from the Consolidated Fund exceed the amount approved by annual appropriation, the Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Treasurer, may authorise the expenditure.

Relationships Civil Partnerships and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2015
The Relationships (Civil Partnerships) and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2015 implements the Government’s election commitment to restore civil partnership ceremonies. The Bill ensures that adult couples, regardless of their gender, can have an official civil partnership ceremony to acknowledge and celebrate their relationships. The Bill reinstates civil partnership ceremonies by: renaming the Relatio

Establishment of Domestic and Family Violence Death Review and Advisory Board
The report of the Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland (the Taskforce), Not Now, Not Ever: Putting an End to Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland (the Taskforce report), released on 28 February 2015, recommended enhancing the existing Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Unit located in the Office of the State Coroner (the Unit), and, in consultation with key

Energy and Water Ombudsman Amendment Bill 2015
The Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland (EWOQ) provides a free, independent dispute resolution service for residential and small business customers to help them resolve complaints with energy and water suppliers. Small businesses for these purposes are currently defined as businesses using less than 100 megawatt hours (MWh) of electricity per year. This definition means that many businesses that

Liquid Fuel Supply Ethanol and Other Biofuels Mandate Bill 2015
The Queensland Government is committed to growing the Queensland economy through a vibrant biofuels and bio-manufacturing industry which will support regional Queensland. One way to support the Queensland biofuels industry is a biofuels mandate. In June 2015, the Government released a discussion paper on a proposed mandate for ethanol and biobased diesel. There is strong community support for bio

Jobs Queensland Bill 2015
Working Queensland sets out the Queensland Government’s plan for creating jobs and lowering unemployment in order to lead Queensland to future prosperity. It also includes the commitment to establish Jobs Queensland as an independent statutory entity providing strategic industry advice to Government on skills demand and long-term workforce planning, with a focus on making the Queensland vocationa

Local Government and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (No.2) 2015
The Local Government and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2015 proposes amendments to the City of Brisbane Act 2010 (COBA), Local Government Act 2009 (LGA), Local Government Electoral Act 2011 (LGEA) and the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (SPA). The Bill amends the COBA and the LGA to clarify that an accepted how-to-vote card under the LGEA section 179 is not ‘election material’ for the pur

Mental Health Bill 2015
A Draft Mental Health Bill was released for a two-month consultation period to 26 June 2015. An extensive range of consultation workshops and meetings were held during the consultation period. Feedback provided during consultation indicated strong support for the Bill from most stakeholders. Mental health consumers and their representative groups were particularly supportive of the provisions of t

Queensland Productivity Commission Bill 2015
While the current interim Queensland Productivity Commission (the Commission) has been operating since May 2015 as a public service office in the Treasury portfolio, the Queensland Productivity Commission Bill 2015 establishes the Commission as an independent statutory body to formalise its operational independence from Government. The establishment of the Commission was a key election commitment

Administrative responsibility for Queensland Industrial Relations Commission
The previous Government amended the Industrial Relations Act 1999 to alter the administrative functions of the president of the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission and impose an additional requirement on persons able to be appointed to the position of deputy president (Court). The administrative responsibility for the Commission and Registry is to be returned to the president. In addition,

Review of the operation of the Adoption Act 2009
The Minister for Communities, Women and Youth, Minister for Child Safety and Minister for Multicultural Affairs has initiated a review of the operation of the Adoption Act 2009 (the Act) and will review the impact of Queensland’s adoption legislation on children and families. The Act requires the Minister to ensure the operation of the Act is reviewed, as soon as practicable, five years after comm

Workers Compensation Regulation 2015 and response to Committee report on Bill
The Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Amendment Regulation 2015 (the amendment regulation) prescribes regulation to support the operation of section 193A of the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 (the Act). Key changes being given effect by the amendment regulation include: Prescribing conditions for entitlement, the amount of compensation payable and the administrative proce

Counter-Terrorism and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
The Terrorism (Preventative Detention) Act 2005 and the Public Safety Preservation Act 1986 provide powers for the Queensland Police Service (QPS) to deal with terrorist incidents occurring in, or affecting Queensland. Since September 2014, nationally, there has been a significant escalation of terrorist related activity with three terrorist acts having been committed and a further six imminent p

National Injury Insurance Scheme (Queensland) Bill 2016
The establishment of a National Injury Insurance Scheme (NIIS) alongside the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) was recommended by the Productivity Commission in its 2011 Inquiry Report, Disability Care and Support. The Productivity Commission proposed that a NIIS would cover the lifetime (i.e. until death) care and support needs of catastrophically injured people across four main stream

Transport Legislation (Taxi Services) Amendment Bill 2015
The Transport Legislation (Taxi Services) Amendment Bill 2015 makes amendments to enable prosecutions of illegal taxi services and increase deterrence by: simplifying offence provisions and elements of proof; introducing evidentiary aids; enhancing powers of Transport Inspectors; and increasing monetary penalties. Cabinet approved the amendments to the Transport Legislation (Taxi Services) Amendme

Domestic and Family Violence Protection and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
The Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence in its final report, Not Now, Not Ever: Putting an End to Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland made 140 recommendations, including specific changes to the Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012 (DFVP Act). The Queensland Government response accepted these recommendations and identified the commencement of the review of the DFVP

Farm Business Debt Mediation Bill 2016
The Government is committed to assisting rural producers and communities across the State that are affected by debt and unprecedented drought conditions. With 83.92% of the State drought-declared, the additional $77.9 million in funding over five years for the Rural Assistance and Drought Package provided in the 2016-17 Budget comes at a crucial time for rural and regional Queensland. The $36 mill

Gaming Legislation Amendments
The Government has considered amending the way in which gaming machine revenue from clubs that operate from more than one premises is taxed. Revenue from gaming machines is subject to a monthly gaming machine tax. For clubs, the rate of taxation is progressive. When a club operates from more than one premises, gaming revenue from all the club’s premises is aggregated before the progressive tax rat

Gene Technology Queensland Bill 2016
Gene technology activities in Australia are regulated through an integrated national legislative scheme which aims to protect the health and safety of people and the environment by identifying and managing risks. State, Territory and Commonwealth legislation are all required to achieve a nationally consistent scheme to provide full regulatory coverage for gene technology. Currently, Queensland’s g

Grammar Schools Bill 2016
In Queensland, grammar schools are established and regulated in accordance with the Grammar Schools Act 1975. The following eight grammar schools have been established over the period 1863 to 1892: Brisbane Grammar School; Brisbane Girls’ Grammar School; Ipswich Grammar School; Ipswich Girls Grammar School including Ipswich Junior Grammar School; Rockhampton Grammar School; Rockhampton Girls’

Industrial Relations Bill 2016
The purpose of the Industrial Relations Bill 2016 is to regulate Queensland’s industrial relations jurisdiction, which comprises the state and local government sectors. The Bill replaces the Industrial Relations Act 1999. The Bill was prepared in accordance with recommendations made in the report of the Industrial Relations Legislative Reform Reference Group entitled ‘A Review of the Industrial R

Limitations of Actions (Institutional Child Sexual Abuse) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse identified that one of the most significant barriers for victims seeking justice was that they were unable to meet the limitation periods within which to commence their claims. The Royal Commission considered that states and territory Governments should remove any limitation periods. The Limitations of Actions (Institutional C

Major Sports Facilities and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
The Major Sports Facilities Act 2001 (the Act) provides a process by which events are ‘declared’ for the purpose of regulating advertising near event venues. The Act enables the regulation of advertising to protect event sponsors from unauthorised advertising by rival businesses that have not contributed to an event. The capacity to protect events and sponsors from unauthorised advertising makes v

Response Agriculture and Environment Commmittee Vegetation Management (Reinstatement) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
On 17 March 2016, the Deputy Premier, Minister for Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Trade and Investment introduced the Vegetation Management (Reinstatement) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 into Parliament. The Bill was considered by the Agriculture and Environment Parliamentary Committee, which tabled its report on 30 June 2016. In its report, the committe

Response to the Parliamentary Committee Report relating to smoke alarms
The Member for Kawana, Mr Jarrod Bleijie MP, introduced the Fire and Emergency Services (Smoke Alarms) Amendment Bill 2015 as a Private Members’ Bill on 2 December 2015. The Explanatory Notes to the Bill state the purpose of the Bill is to implement recommendations from the Coronial Inquest into the 2011 Slacks Creek house fire. The Bill does not address the installation of smoke alarms in bedroom

Animal Management (Protecting Puppies) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
Significant animal welfare issues can arise if breeding dogs and their progeny are housed and/or managed in conditions that fail to meet the dogs' behavioural, social, psychological and/or physiological needs. The Animal Management (Protecting Puppies) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 (the Bill) amends the Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act 2008 to require owners of breeding dogs to r

Brisbane Casino Agreement Amendment Bill 2016
In July 2015, the Destination Brisbane Consortium was announced as the Queensland Government’s preferred proponent to deliver an iconic tourism, leisure and entertainment precinct in the heart of the Brisbane CBD. In December 2015, the Queen’s Wharf Brisbane Bill 2015 (the QWB Bill) was introduced into the Legislative Assembly. The QWB Bill ratifies the Queen’s Wharf Brisbane Casino Agreement

Child Protection Reform Amendment Bill 2016 and Director of Child Protection Litigation Bill 2016
In 2013, the Queensland Child Protection Commission of Inquiry made 121 recommendations to transform the existing child protection system. The Queensland Government is implementing legislative amendments to respond to the Commission of Inquiry’s recommendations in three stages. The Child Protection Reform Amendment Bill 2016 (CPRA Bill) and the Director of Child Protection Litigation Bill 2016 (D

Government Response - Health and Ambulance Services Committee Report - Mental Health and Mental Health Recovery Model Bills 2015
The Health and Ambulance Services Committee released a Report on the Mental Health Bill 2015 and the Mental Health (Recovery Model) Bill 2015. The Committee’s Report makes 15 recommendations. The Committee was unable to make a recommendation on whether either Bill should be passed, with Government members supporting the Mental Health Bill 2015 and Opposition members supporting the Private Member’s

Motorcycle Licensing Reform
Reforming the Queensland motorcycle licensing system is a priority outcome for the Government. The most direct way to try and improve motorcycle rider safety is to ensure novice riders have the appropriate skills and experience to ride a motorcycle on the road. The Government sought feedback from the community and key stakeholders and following an evaluation a holistic approach to reforming the mo

Public Health (Medicinal Cannabis) Bill 2016
The purpose of the Public Health (Medicinal Cannabis) Bill 2015 is to provide a regulatory framework to facilitate treatment with medicinal cannabis, while also preventing unauthorised use of such products. Under this proposed regulatory framework, the supply chain of medicinal cannabis will be extremely tight. A medical practitioner who believes their patient may benefit from treatment with medi

Mineral and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
The Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act 2014 (the Act) was the first step in Modernising Queensland Resources Acts Program. While the Act primarily served to establish a new common Act for resources tenures, it also contained other changes to implement a range of additional policy objectives. The Mineral and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 (the Bill) amends or repeals the r

Mineral Resources (Aurukun Bauxite Resource) Amendment Bill 2016
The Mineral Resources (Aurukun Bauxite Resource) Amendment Bill 2016 (the Bill) amends the special provisions of the Mineral Resources Act 1989 (MRA) which apply to an Aurukun project. The Ngan Aak-Kunch Aboriginal Corporation commenced proceedings in the High Court of Australia to challenge certain Aurukun provisions on the grounds that they are inconsistent with the Racial Discrimination Act 197

Government Response - Health Legislation Waiting List Integrity Amendment Bill 2015
On 19 May 2015, the Queensland Member for Caloundra, Mark McArdle, introduced the Health Legislation (Waiting List Integrity) Amendment Bill 2015 (the Bill), proposing amendments to the Health Ombudsman Act 2013 and the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011, to provide for the auditing and reporting of data relating to waiting times for patients of Hospital and Health Services. The Health and Ambul

Child Protection (Mandatory Reporting - Masons Law) Amendment Bill 2016
The Queensland Law Reform Commission (QLRC), in its report Review of Child Protection Mandatory Reporting Laws for the Early Childhood Education and Care Sector, recommended that child protection mandatory reporting provisions in the Child Protection Act 1999 (CPA) be expanded to apply to particular professionals working in the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector. The Queensland Gover

Legislation (Declaration) Amendment Bill 2016
The Legislation (Declaration) Amendment Bill 2016 validates the Mental Health Act 2016 and the Racing Integrity Act 2016 and, in particular, validates the assent given to both Acts. The Bill is required because the Acts as assented to differ from the Acts as passed by the Legislative Assembly. The difference is the result of administrative errors made in the Acts presented for assent. Cabinet app

Health and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
The Health and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 (the Bill) makes legislative amendments to a range of health portfolio Acts to support the implementation of policy initiatives to protect and improve the health of Queenslanders, and to improve the operation of the Acts. The Bill amends: the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 to facilitate general practitioners having access to the Queensland

Workers Compensation and Rehabilitation (National Insurance Scheme) Amendment Bill 2016
The Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation (National Injury Insurance Scheme) Amendment Bill 2016 implements the Queensland Government’s agreement on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to implement the National Injury Insurance Scheme (NIIS) for workplace accidents by 1 July 2016. Key changes being given effect by the Bill include: enabling eligible workers who sustain serious per

Review of the operation of the Adoption Act 2009
The Minister for Communities, Women and Youth, Minister for Child Safety and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence has finalised a review of the operation of the Adoption Act 2009 and produced a report on the outcomes of the review. In September 2015 the Minister released the discussion paper, ‘Public consultation for the review of the operation of the Adoption Act 2009’, and

Electricity and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
In December 2015, the Queensland Government, announced its intention to effect a merger of Energex and Ergon into a single business under a new parent company (Parent Co). A separate Energy Services Business will be established as a subsidiary of Parent Co. The merger is to be implemented on 1 July 2016 with the objective of improving network efficiencies. Implementation of the merged network b

Environmental Protection (Chain of Responsibility) Amendment Bill 2016
When sites on which potentially environmentally damaging activities are conducted are subject to receivership, administration or liquidation, company financial structures can make it difficult to pursue financial accountability for, and require, clean-up, leaving substantial environmental legacies which need to be addressed by the State and ultimately funded by taxpayers. Amendments to the Environ

Penalties and Sentences (Queensland Sentencing Advisory Council) Amendment Bill 2016
The Penalties and Sentences (Queensland Sentencing Advisory Council) Amendment Bill 2016 amends the Penalties and Sentences Act 1992 by establishing the Queensland Sentencing Advisory Council, an independent body which will enhance the community’s confidence in the criminal sentencing process. The Queensland Sentencing Advisory Council provides the government, the judiciary and the community wit

Changes to Stocked Impoundment Permit Scheme and commercial fishing in freshwater
A review of legislative arrangements for managing freshwater fisheries resources in Queensland (under the Fisheries Act 1994 and the Fisheries Regulation 2008) has been undertaken by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. Key issues presented in a Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement released in late 2014 related to management arrangements for and potential to expand the Stocked Impoun

Public Health (Water Risk Management) Amendment Bill 2016
The Bill amends the Public Health Act 2005 to implement a legislative framework that: improves the management and control of health risks associated with the supply and use of water in hospitals and residential aged care facilities, in particular the health risks associated with Legionella bacteria; and provides greater transparency of water testing activities being undertaken by facilities. The B