Your search for Land returned 93 record/s. |
Mortgagee Fire Sales
In Queensland, the power of a mortgagee to sell a property where a mortgagor is in default is set out in the Land Title Act 1994 and the Property Law Act 1974. Section 85 of the Property Law Act requires a mortgagee to take reasonable care to ensure that the property is sold at the market value. While the title of a purchaser is protected, a person affected by breach of this duty has a civil rem
Revocation of certain areas of the Protected Area Estate
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the largest day-to-day land manager in Queensland, with over 1,000 protected areas and State forests covering more than 11 million hectares under its control.
The areas that are the subject of this submission are currently being used, or are proposed to be used, for purposes that are inconsistent with the management principles set out in the Nature Con
Access to agricultural land by the minerals and petroleum resources sector
Cabinet considered a proposed strategy to address key issues arising from the current debate around access to agricultural land by the minerals and petroleum resources sector, the catalyst for which has predominantly been the rapid growth of coal and coal seam gas exploration in the Surat Basin.
While the State will reap economic rewards from the expansion of resource exploration and development,
Acquisition of Land and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2008
The Acquisition of Land Act 1967, which has had no major amendments for almost 40 years, provides the processes to be followed by constructing authorities empowered under State legislation to compulsorily acquire land for public purposes. Compulsory acquisition is also guided by an extensive body of case law.
It is in the State’s interest to ensure that there are no delays in completing compulsor
Land Tax and Taxation Administration Act Amendment Bill 2009
Cabinet considered proposed amendments to the Land Tax Act 1915 and the Taxation Administration Act 2001.
The amendments will be contained in the draft Land Tax and Taxation Administration Act Amendment Bill 2009 which will be released for public consultation.
Consultation on the draft Land Tax and Taxation Act Amendment Bill 2009 will include publishing the draft Bill on the Office of State Reven
Queensland Valuations and Sales (QVAS) data
Electronic bulk data updates from QVAS including personal information (names and service addresses) are currently provided by the Department of Natural Resources and Water to seven data brokers who provide products for use by the real estate and property related industries.
The submission proposes that QVAS only provide personal details to data broker licensees who have signed up to a self funded,
Vegetation Management Regrowth Bill 2009
On 7 April 2009, the Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy and Minister for Trade announced his intention to introduce a three month moratorium on the clearing of all native vegetation within 50 metres of a watercourse in priority reef catchments and endangered regrowth vegetation in rural areas across the State. This delivers on commitments to protect endangered regrowth vegetation an
Land Tax Bill 2010
Cabinet approved the rewrite of the Land Tax Act 1915 (LTA) using plain English and contemporary drafting practices. There will be no policy changes in the rewrite.
The LTA imposes land tax on the value of a taxpayer’s total landholdings at 30 June each financial year. Land values are determined by the chief executive of the Department of Environment and Resource Management under the Valuation
Stock Route Policy Reform
Cabinet considered a suite of proposed reforms to policy governing the management and use of the stock route network in Queensland. The proposed reforms are based on recommendations developed by a panel of stock route network managers and users, with further input from the public, including conservation groups.
The proposed reforms are aimed at ensuring the stock route network continues to provi
Future Trusteeship of the Mona Mona Reserve
The Mona Mona Reserve (the Reserve) is a Reserve for Departmental and Official Purposes of approximately 1600 hectares, located 25 kilometres from Kuranda and inside the World Heritage Wet Tropics Area. The Department of Communities is Trustee of the Reserve.
During the 2009 election campaign, the Government committed to re-examine the future land tenure for the Reserve. In mid-2009, an indepen
Policy and Planning Framework for Strategic Cropping Land
The State’s current instrument for protecting agricultural land, State Planning Policy 1/92: Development and conservation of agricultural land (SPP 1/92), is focused on the issue of urban encroachment. It lacks mechanisms for consideration of agricultural land in a range of other development decisions.
The review of SPP 1/92 has been completed and recommends replacing SPP 1/92 with a new State Pla
Annual Land Valuations 2009
The Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Natural Resources and Water (NRW) has the power to make an annual valuation of a whole local government area (LGA) under section 37 of the Valuation of Land Act 1944 (VOLA) after considering a number of criteria. On 6 October 2008, the Chief Executive Officer approved that 17 local governments would be revalued and issued on 23 February 2009 (val
Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
The Bill amends the:
Land Tax Act 1915 to remove the prohibition on landlords passing on land tax directly to tenants;
Land Tax Act 1915 and Land Tax Regulation 1999, the Pay-roll Tax Act 1971 and the Pay-roll Tax Regulation 1999, the Duties Act 2001, the First Home Owner Grant Act 2000 and the Taxation Administration Act 2001 and the Taxation Administration Regulation 2001 to support improved re
Final Regional Plans developed under the Blueprint for the Bush initiative
The Central West, South West and Maranoa-Balonne Regional Plans (the plans) aim to build sustainable, liveable and prosperous regions for the next 20 years. The key outcome for each region is to strengthen and diversify economic activities in the region.
The plans are prepared under the Integrated Planning Act 1997 and are the first regional plans to be prepared in western Queensland.
The Central
Amendment to the Acquisition of Land Act 1967
The amendments to the Acquisition of Land Act 1967 allow for the compulsory acquisition of land outside the urban footprint in the local government areas of Sunshine Coast, Moreton Bay, Brisbane, Ipswich, Redlands, Logan and Gold Coast for the purposes of conserving koalas.
The main reason for this amendment is to acquire non-urban land where it has not been possible to negotiate voluntary purcha
Land Regulation 2009
The Land Regulation 1995 commenced in 1995 and under section 54(1) of the Statutory Instruments Act 1992 was due to expire on 31 August 2009.
A review of the Land Regulation was completed.
As part of this review, a Regulatory Impact Statement documenting the proposed changes to the Regulation was released in April 2008 for public comment by July 2008..
The amendment and remake of the Regulation i
Remote Indigenous Land and Infrastructure Program Office - work program
The Remote Indigenous Land and Infrastructure Program Office was established to facilitate the social and economic development in Queensland’s 34 discrete Indigenous communities. Two major deliverables identified are, by:
June 2010, To develop community specific strategies which facilitate the delivery of capital works by: identifying available land; identifying and pursuing the most expeditious
SPP Indigenous Trust Land
Cabinet considered a proposal for a temporary State Planning Policy under the Integrated Planning Act 1997 titled ‘Reconfiguring a Lot Code for Land in Indigenous Local Government Areas to which a Local Planning Scheme does not Apply’.
The State Planning Policy will be effective for up to 12 months and will enable Indigenous Local Governments to approve applications for a reconfiguration of a lo
Vegetation Management Amendment Regulation 2009
The Vegetation Management Amendment (VMA) Regulation 2009 amends the conservation class of regional ecosystems listed in the Vegetation Management Regulation 2000, in response to the certification of the latest scientific data on remnant vegetation.
The VMA Regulation also gives effect to new vegetation management maps, assessment codes and policies and other streamlining reforms consistent with
Land Valuation Bill 2010
The Valuation of Land Act 1944 provides the legislative framework for the Government to carry out statutory land valuations in Queensland. The purpose of the Land Valuation Bill 2010 is to repeal and replace the Valuation of Land Act 1944 to give effect to reforms of the Queensland statutory land valuation framework.
The Bill also contains amendments to the Aboriginal Land Act 1991 and the Torres
Blackwater, Moranbah and Bowen Street-Roma Urban Development Areas
The Urban Land Development Authority 2007 (ULDA Act) provides for particular parts of Queensland to be declared as Urban Development Areas (UDAs) and establishes the Urban Land Development Authority to plan, carry out, promote, coordinate and control the development of land in those areas.
The three proposed UDAs of Blackwater, Moranbah and Bowen Street, Roma fall under the resource towns housin
Amendments Recreation Areas Mgt Reg 2007 to declare Cooloola Recreation Area
In July 2009 the Minister for Climate Change and Sustainability released a Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) which explored the options available for managing the Cooloola area including requirements for and costs of vehicle access permits.
Revenue from the fees will be applied to managing visitor impacts, funding necessary visitor facilities, such as barbeques, showers, toilets and campgrounds a
The Land Tax Act 1915 imposes land tax on the value of a taxpayer’s total landholdings at 30 June each financial year. Land values are determined by the chief executive of the Department of Environment and Resource Management under the Valuation of Land Act 1944.
In August 2009, Cabinet approved a rewrite of the Land Tax Act 1915 using plain English and contemporary drafting practices. Cabinet a
Natural Resource and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
The Natural Resources and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 proposes to amend natural resource legislation administered by the Department of Environment and Resource Management.
The proposed amendments will:
resolve uncertainty in the location of ambulatory boundaries adjoining tidal and non-tidal waters (other than lakes);
clarify the lateral extent of the state’s management powers in non-ti
Exposure Draft of the Aboriginal Land and Torres Strait Islander Land Bill 2010
The exposure draft of the Aboriginal Land and Torres Strait Islander Land and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 amends the Aboriginal Land Act 1991 and the Torres Strait Islander Land Act 1991 which are administered by the Department of Environment and Resource Management.
The proposed amendments will:
replicate in the Torres Strait Islander Land Act 1991, where appropriate, amendments made to
North Stradbroke Island Vision
In 2009 the Department of Environment and Resource Management and the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation commenced preparation of a plan for North Stradbroke Island that addressed a transition strategy to phase out mining and resolve native title through mediation so as to enable appropriate land allocation and national park dedication.
Cabinet approved the North Stradbr
State Planning Instruments Program
The State Planning Instruments (SPI) Program will establish a process to improve the way State interests are identified and represented in the land use planning and development framework and the way in which SPIs are developed and delivered across Government.
The Sustainable Planning Act 2009, which commenced in December 2009, makes SPIs the only way of expressing State interests in Queensland’s
Aboriginal Land and Torres Strait Islander Land and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
The Aboriginal Land and Torres Strait Islander Land and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 (Bill) amends the Aboriginal Land Act 1991, the Torres Strait Islander Land Act 1991, the Local Government (Aboriginal Lands) Act 1978, the Nature Conservation Act 1992, the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 and the Petroleum Act 1923.
Proposed amendments in relation to the Aboriginal Lan
Public Release of Land Sales Act 1984 discussion paper
The Land Sales Act 1984 regulates the sale of unregistered flat land (‘proposed allotments’) and land sold off the plan forming part of a community titles scheme (‘proposed lots’) (e.g. building units).
In accordance with the Queensland Government’s obligations under the National Competition Policy agreed to in 1995 by the Council of Australian Governments, the Act was reviewed in 2001. A public
Release of the Exposure Draft of the Indigenous Cultural Heritage Acts Amend Bill 2011
The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 and the Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act 2003 were due for review within five years of coming into effect.
In 2008, a review of the laws began, including consideration with industry and Traditional Owner groups.
The exposure draft of the Indigenous Cultural Heritage Act Amendment Bill 2011 amends the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 and th
Natural Resource and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
The Natural Resources and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2010 amends natural resource legislation administered by the Department of Environment and Resource Management to:
ban the use of fluids containing the hydrocarbons benzene, toulene, ethylbenzene or xylene (B-TEX) above a maximum amount, or chemicals which would produce B-TEX chemicals so they cannot be used when stimulating (frac
Ripley Valley, Greater Flagstone and Yarrabilba Urban Development Areas
The Urban Land Development Authority 2007 (ULDA Act) provides for particular parts of Queensland to be declared as Urban Development Areas (UDAs) and establishes the Urban Land Development Authority (ULDA) to plan, carry out, promote, coordinate and control the development of land in those areas.
Shaping Tomorrow’s Queensland: A response to the Queensland Growth Management Summit tasked the Urban
Chairpersons for Valuation Objection Conferences
The Land Valuation Act 2010 received Assent in September 2010.
Section 123 of the Land Valuation Act 2010 requires the Valuer-General (the VG) to offer an objection conference to an objector where the valuation objected to is greater than $5M.
Where the offer is accepted section 125 of the Land Valuation Act 2010 requires that the VG must appoint an independent chairperson for the conference.
An a
Stock Route Network Management Bill 2011
The Queensland stock route network comprises approximately 2.6 million hectares of roads declared as stock routes and reserves for travelling stock. These roads and reserves also have iconic cultural heritage, recreational, environmental and biodiversity attributes.
The Stock Route Network Management Bill 2011 contains reforms to the management and use of the stock route network in Queensland and
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Holding Bill 2012
The primary purpose of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Holding Bill 2012 (the Bill) is to address issues arising from the implementation and operation of the Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders (Land Holding) Act 1985 (the Land Holding Act).
The Land Holding Act allowed residents of Indigenous Deeds of Grant in Trust (DOGIT) and reserve land to apply for perpetual leases for res
Review of particular concession provisions under the Land Valuation Act 2010
Section 262 of the Land Valuation Act 2010 requires that, before December 2012, the Minister must review the operation of the particular concession provisions contained in chapter 2, part 2, division 5, subdivisions 2 and 3.
These concessions include – single dwelling house/farming (where any more valuable use is disregarded) and the discount for subdivided land (40 per cent of the valuation deduc
Electronic Conveyancing National Law (Queensland) Bill 2012
Queensland is a participant in the reform to introduce a national electronic conveyancing system (e-conveyancing) and has agreed with the other participating jurisdictions to establish a nationally consistent legislative framework for e-conveyancing.
This is to be achieved by legislation in agreed terms (the national law) being first enacted in New South Wales and then applied as law in other jur
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Legislation (Providing Freehold) Amendment Bill 2013
Existing land tenure legislation does not make ordinary, individual, freehold available as an option to Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders living in Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander communities. Land in Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander communities is generally held in trust either under a Deed of Grant in Trust under the Land Act 1994 or as transferred land under the Aboriginal
Review of Land Sales Act 1984 - Public Release of Policy Proposals
The Land Sales Act 1984 regulates the sale of unregistered flat land (proposed allotments) and land sold off the plan forming part of a community titles scheme (proposed lots) (e.g. building units).
The review of the Act aims to assist in creating the conditions for business success by ensuring the legislative framework, in which property development sales can continue, remains relevant to the in
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Providing Freehold draft Bill 2014
The state’s remote Indigenous communities are located either on deed of grant in trust tenure, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander freehold or on Shire lease land.
On 15 November 2012, the Queensland Government released the discussion paper Providing freehold title in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities for consultation. This discussion paper set out a very detailed model for provi
Security of Leasehold Land for the Island tourism industry
The Minister for Natural Resources and Mines established a stakeholder roundtable to provide advice and feedback on state leasehold land rental issues specific to the tourism sector on 24 June 2013. Interim advice from the roundtable was that it had agreed that government should consider improved tenure security options to assist in attracting investment in the tourism sector.
In addition to the
State Land Tenure Reform
In May 2013, the Parliament’s State Development, Infrastructure and Industry Committee (the Committee) released the final report of its ‘Inquiry into the future and continued relevance of government land tenure in Queensland’ (the Parliamentary inquiry report - No. 25, 31 May 2013). The Committee made 44 recommendations to promote the security and certainty for leaseholders and native title partie
Appointment to the Surveyors Board of Queensland
The Surveyors Board of Queensland (the Board) is an independent statutory body whose purpose is to maintain public confidence in the surveying profession by ensuring surveys are carried out by registrants in a professional and competent way.
The Board’s major functions include prescribing competency frameworks for surveyors; assessing applications for all categories of registration and endorsement
Response Land Protection Legislation Flying fox Control Bill 2012
The Member for Dalrymple, Mr Shane Knuth MP, introduced the Land Protection Legislation (Flying-fox Control) Amendment Bill 2012 as a Private Member’s Bill on 21 June 2012.
The Bill amends the Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002 and the Nature Conservation Act 1992 to control the health risks posed by flying-foxes.
The policy intent of these amendments is to empower a landow
Land, Water and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013
The Land, Water and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 amends the Water Act 2000 to implement recommendations relating to levees from the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry’s Final Report. The Bill provides the legislative framework for a consistent approach to regulate the construction of new levees and modification of existing levees.
The Bill also amends a number of Acts within the natu
Appointments to the Valuers Registration Board
The Valuers Registration Board of Queensland was established in February 1966 under the Valuers Registration Act 1965 and continues under section 5 of the Valuers Registration Act 1992 (the Act).
The primary functions of the Board are:
to protect the public by registering valuers of land and maintaining a roll of registered valuers;
to authorise the investigation of complaints in relation to the c
Contaminated Land Technical Services Regulatory Impact Statement
A Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) has been prepared to assess the costs and benefits of options for the provision of technical expertise in contaminated land matters to inform regulatory decision making under the Environmental Protection Act 1994.
The RIS includes the option to require the certification of contaminated land reports by an approved auditor prior to submission to the
Re-establishing role of Surveyor-General in Queensland
The open data revolution is a key part of the government’s agenda to drive growth and job creation in Queensland. By making government data available, we will stimulate the development of new, innovative applications by government, private individuals, companies and non-government organisations.
Queensland is one of the most progressive states in Australia in regards to spatial information, ‘Open
Land and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014
The Land and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 seeks to amend the Land Act 1994 to implement the first phase of major reforms to the state land tenure system arising from the Queensland Government's response to the Parliamentary report on the Inquiry into the future and continued relevance of government land tenure across Queensland. The Bill provides for:
the introduction of rolling term leas
Land Sales and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014
The Land Sales Act 1984 regulates the sale of proposed allotments (i.e. unregistered subdivisions of land) and proposed lots (i.e. lots, such as apartments, in a community titles scheme sold off the plan). It establishes a regulatory framework to facilitate property development while ensuring appropriate consumer protections are provided.
The Land Sales and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 w
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land (Providing Freehold) Bill 2014
Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders living in Queensland’s 34 Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander communities cannot currently obtain freehold title. Land in these communities is held by a trustee under communal land title and development and individual interests are created by leasing.
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land (Providing Freehold) and Other Legislation Amendment B
Qld state land - strengthening our economic future
State land comprises about 73 per cent of the area of Queensland and plays a key role in the economy and the lives of many Queenslanders. It supports the foundations of our four pillar economy – the agricultural, resources, construction and tourism sectors. It also supports the needs of the broader community with land, often managed by local governments, being used for a variety of purposes includ
Appointments to Surveyors Board of Queensland
The Surveyors Board of Queensland is an independent statutory body whose purpose is to maintain public confidence in the surveying profession by ensuring surveys are carried out by registrants in a professional and competent way.
The board’s major functions include:
prescribing competency frameworks for surveyors;
assessing applications for all categories of registration and endorsements in surv
State Development and Public Works Organisation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015
The State Development and Public Works Organisation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 (the Bill) implements the government’s election commitment to restore community objection rights removed by the Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act 2014 under the former government.
The Bill repeals section 47D of the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 (SDPWO Act).
Appointment Aboriginal Land Tribunal
Section 204 of the Aboriginal Land Act 1991 (the Act) establishes the Aboriginal Land Tribunal (the Tribunal).
The Tribunal is independent and receives and hears claims made by groups of Aboriginal people to areas of claimable land and reports to the Minister for Natural Resources and Mines in relation to each claim.
Section 204(2) of the Act provides for the appointment of a Chairperson and such
Major Sports Facilities and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
The Major Sports Facilities Act 2001 (the Act) provides a process by which events are ‘declared’ for the purpose of regulating advertising near event venues. The Act enables the regulation of advertising to protect event sponsors from unauthorised advertising by rival businesses that have not contributed to an event. The capacity to protect events and sponsors from unauthorised advertising makes v
Appointment of the South Bank Corporation Board
South Bank Corporation is a statutory corporation established under the South Bank Corporation Act 1989 (the Act). Its principal functions are to promote, facilitate, carry out and control development with in the South Bank Corporation area, and includes providing for a diverse range of recreational, cultural and educational pursuits for visitors.
The Act provides that the South Bank Corporation
Mineral and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
The Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act 2014 (the Act) was the first step in Modernising Queensland Resources Acts Program. While the Act primarily served to establish a new common Act for resources tenures, it also contained other changes to implement a range of additional policy objectives.
The Mineral and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 (the Bill) amends or repeals the r
Appointments to the Gasfields Commission
The Gasfields Commission Act 2013 (the Act) establishes the Gasfields Commission (the Commission) to manage and improve the sustainable coexistence of landholders, regional communities and the onshore gas industry in Queensland.
The Act provides that the Commission is made up of a full-time commissioner, who is the chairperson, and up to six part-time commissioners. It also requires that when reco
Appointments to the Queensland Urban Design and Places Panel
The Queensland Urban Design and Places Panel (the Panel), to be chaired by the Queensland Government Architect, Mr Malcolm Middleton, is a non-statutory advisory body with a State-wide remit.
The Panel is intended to champion high quality urban design and help foster a holistic approach to land use and infrastructure planning to create and support economically sustainable, vibrant and adaptable
Appointment of Chairperson and commissioners of the Gasfields Commission
The Gasfields Commission Act 2013 (the Act) establishes the Gasfields Commission to manage and improve the sustainable coexistence of landholders, regional communities and the onshore gas industry in Queensland.
The Act provides that the Gasfields Commission is made up of a full-time commissioner, who is the chairperson, and up to six part-time commissioners. It also requires that when recommendin
Land and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
The Land Title Act 1994 (Land Title Act) and Land Act 1994 (Land Act) underpin land administration in Queensland.
The Land Title Act provides the basis for Queensland’s titling system and the Land Act provides the legislative framework for the administration of Queensland’s extensive portfolio of state land.
The Land and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 progresses a number of minor amendmen
Queensland Gas Supply and Demand Action Plan Discussion Paper
In July 2015, in response to emerging challenges and the desire to develop a strategic policy blueprint for the Queensland gas sector, the Queensland Government released the terms of reference for the development of a Queensland Gas Supply and Demand Action Plan.
Following extensive analysis and research, a discussion paper was developed.
The discussion paper contains a number of reform initiati
Response to the Independent Review of the Gasfields Commission
The Gasfields Commission, an independent statutory body, was established to manage and improve sustainable coexistence between rural landholders, regional communities and the onshore gas industry. The Commission was formally established on 1 July 2013, at a time of rapid development of the coal seam gas to liquefied natural gas industry.
In March 2016, the Queensland Government commissioned an ind
Stock Route Network Management Bill 2016
Queensland’s stock route network is made up of roads or routes declared under the Stock Route Management Act 2002 along which stock may be moved on foot; and reserves (including camping, water, pasture and trucking reserves) dedicated under the Land Act 1994 for the purpose of travelling stock.
The stock route network traverses approximately 72 000 km of Queensland and is also used for other purp
Land Access Ombudsman Bill 2017
The Land Access Ombudsman Bill 2017 sets out the legislative framework to enable the establishment of an independent Land Access Ombudsman by setting out the functions, powers and administrative arrangements of the Office of the Land Access Ombudsman. It also migrates existing provisions contained in the Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Transitional Regulation 2016 related to land
Lapsed Legislation for Re-Introduction into Legislative Assembly
When the election was called on 29 October 2017, the Parliament was dissolved by proclamation of the Governor. The dissolution has significant effects on the Parliament as follows:
All business on the Notice Paper including Government Bills, Private Members Bills and Questions On Notice lapse;
All notices of motions remaining on the Notice Paper such as revocation motions lapse, except for disall
Appointment to Gasfields Commission
The Gasfields Commission Act 2013 (the Act) establishes the Gasfields Commission to manage and improve the sustainable coexistence of landholders, regional communities and the onshore gas industry in Queensland.
The Act provides that the Gasfields Commission is made up of a full-time or part-time commissioner, who is the chairperson, and up to six part-time commissioners. It also requires that whe
Land Explosives and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2017
The Land, Explosives and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2017 (the Bill) amends nine existing Acts to enhance worker and community safety and security in the explosives and gas sectors; address operational issues associated with the overlapping tenure framework for coal and coal seam gas; enhance titling legislation; facilitate Indigenous people’s access to land; and update compliance provisions
Grazing on Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service managed land
Stock grazing occurs on national parks and other Queensland Government managed lands including State forests, regional parks and forest reserves.
Grazing in national parks is primarily a legacy issue due to changes in tenure over time.
To ensure that the protected area estate is managed in accordance with the cardinal principle to preserve and protect natural conditions, cultural resources and val
Appointment of Land Access Ombudsman
The Land Access Ombudsman is appointed under the Land Access Ombudsman Act 2017.
The Land Access Ombudsman will have powers to operate and direct the Office of the Land Access Ombudsman. The appointment, along with the commencement of certain provisions in the Land Access Ombudsman Act 2017, precedes the formal establishment of the Office to allow the appointed Land Access Ombudsman sufficient tim
Appointments to South Bank Corporation Board
South Bank Corporation is a statutory corporation established under the South Bank Corporation Act 1989 (the Act). Its principal functions are to promote, facilitate, carry out and control development within the South Bank Corporation area, and include providing for a diverse range of recreational, cultural and educational pursuits for visitors.
The Act provides that South Bank Corporation must ha
The Spit draft master plan release for public consultation
The Queensland Government is leading the preparation of The Spit master plan in collaboration with the Gold Coast City Council and Gold Coast Waterways Authority. The master plan will guide development on The Spit over the decades ahead.
The draft master plan provides for enhanced green and public spaces, improves connections to the ocean and the Broadwater, and provides for job opportunities thro
Natural Resources and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019
The Natural Resources and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019 amends 24 Acts as follows:
to Queensland’s resources Acts to cap the overall life of mineral and coal exploration permits, provide greater flexibility for holders of exploration authorities to make decisions in response to exploration results and have sufficient time to explore the area prior to mandatory partial relinquishment.
to t
Appointment of Energy and Water Ombudsman and Land Access Ombudsman
The Energy and Water Ombudsman is appointed by the Governor in Council under section 51 of the Energy and Water Ombudsman Act 2006.
The Energy and Water Ombudsman receives, investigates and facilitates the resolution of complaints made by small energy customers and South East Queensland water customers, in relation to their electricity, gas or water providers.
The Land Access Ombudsman is appointe
Natural Resources and Other Legislation (GDA2020) Amendment Bill 2019
The Natural Resources and Other Legislation (GDA2020) Amendment Bill 2019 amends several Acts to adopt the latest national standard for measurement of position - the Geocentric Datum of Australia (GDA2020) - determined under the National Measurement Act 1966 (Cwlth) as the standard in Queensland legislation for the future collection and sharing of position information, and to clarify or update to
Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018
The Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 (the Bill) includes amendments to support the expansion of electronic conveyancing (e-conveyancing) and amends revenue legislation to maintain currency and ensure proper operation such as:
Duties Act 2001, Duties Regulation 2013 and Taxation Administration Act 2001 amendments support the phased expansion of e-conveyancing and an expanded rang
Future management of Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre Basin (Qld)
The full Lake Eyre Basin extends to areas in Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and the Northern Territory and has outstanding social, cultural and environmental attributes, and economic opportunities. It is an area that has attracted national and international attention as a result of these attributes and opportunities.
Kati Thanda is the Arabana First Nation’s name for Lake Eyre. ‘Kati
Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019
The justice portfolio encompasses the administration of over 150 statutes which are periodically reviewed to identify amendments to ensure that the Acts continue to operate in the manner intended. Other amendments to legislation may be identified as a result of court or tribunal decisions or representations by administering agencies and stakeholders.
The Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Bil
Implementation of The Spit Master Plan Bill 2019
On 25 May 2019, the Queensland Government released The Spit Master Plan (the master plan). A State funding commitment of $60 million was also announced to commence the implementation of the master plan, which comprises three overarching programs of work including:
a capital works program to oversee the funding and delivery of a series of capital works projects, such as public realm improvements o
Appointments to Gasfields Commission
The Gasfields Commission Act 2013 (the Act) established the Gasfields Commission (the commission) to manage and improve the sustainable coexistence of landholders, regional communities and the onshore gas industry in Queensland.
Section 9 of the Act provides that the commission is made up of a full-time or part-time commissioner, who is the chairperson, and up to six part-time commissioners. Secti
Appointments to Land Restoration Fund Investment Panel
The $500 million Land Restoration Fund (LRF) is a first of its kind initiative that supports farmers, landowners and Traditional Owners to put in place sustainable land use practices that deliver improved yields, diversify income streams, create jobs and protect Queensland’s unique environment.
The LRF was officially launched in December 2019 with the first funding round opening on 28 January 2020
Nature Conservation & Other Legislation (Indigenous Joint Mgt – Moreton Island) Amendment Bill 2020
On 27 November 2019, the Federal Court of Australia made a native title consent determination recognising the Quandamooka Peoples’ native title rights on Moreton Island (Mulgumpin). As part of the consent determination process, the State of Queensland and the Quandamooka Yoolooburrabee Aboriginal Corporation (QYAC), the representatives of the Quandamooka People, agreed to work towards the joint ma
Queensland Veterans Council Bill 2021
Anzac Square was dedicated on Remembrance Day 1930 as the State’s war memorial. It is on Crown land reserved under the Land Act 1994 for the purposes of historical and parks and cultural purposes and is listed on the Queensland Heritage Register.
The governance arrangements for Anzac Square have been reviewed, taking into account the importance of Anzac Square as the State’s war memorial, the expa
SEQ Land Supply and growth challenges Response
The Queensland Government released ShapingSEQ, the regional plan for South East Queensland (SEQ), in August 2017, providing a sustainable growth management framework for the region. The plan identifies that the majority of new growth in SEQ will be accommodated in existing urban areas.
The SEQ Land Supply and Development Monitoring (LSDM) report has three years of data and emerging trends. The LSD
Bushfire Season Preparedness
Traditionally, the bushfire season in Queensland commences in the north of the State in August and concludes in December of each year, dependent on seasonal conditions. A number of factors can influence the length and severity of the bushfire season, including the timing and nature of the previous wet season and the current climate outlook.
The outlook for June to August 2021 indicates a slower st
Wet Tropics Management Authority Board Appointments
The Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area is managed under the Wet Tropics World Heritage Protection and Management Act 1993 (the Queensland Act) and the Commonwealth Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area Conservation Act 1994 (the Commonwealth Act). These Acts implement Australia’s international duty for the protection, conservation, presentation, rehabilitation and transmission t
Appointments to the South Bank Corporation Board
The South Bank Corporation is established under the South Bank Corporation Act 1989 (the Act) to plan, develop and manage the 42-hectare parcel of land on the southern bank of the central business district reach of the Brisbane River, known as “South Bank”.
The Act provides that South Bank Corporation must have a Board, known as the South Bank Corporation Board (the Board) and that it be made up o
Appointment of two Members to the South Bank Corporation Board
The South Bank Corporation is established under the South Bank Corporation Act 1989 (the Act) to plan, develop and manage the 42-hectare parcel of land on the southern bank of the central business district reach of the Brisbane River, known as “South Bank”.
The Act provides that South Bank Corporation must have a Board, known as the South Bank Corporation Board (the Board) and that it be made up o
New Seller Disclosure Scheme for Sales of Freehold Land
From August 2013 to January 2018, the Commercial and Property Law Research Centre at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) was engaged to undertake a broad-ranging, independent review of Queensland’s property laws. This review included an issues paper, interim report and Final Report – Seller Disclosure in Queensland on seller disclosure.
QUT recommended that a statutory seller disclosure
Public release of exposure draft of Bill to implement a seller disclosure scheme
From August 2013 to January 2018, the Commercial and Property Law Research Centre at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) was engaged to undertake a broad-ranging, independent review of Queensland’s property laws. This review included an issues paper, interim report and Final Report – Seller Disclosure in Queensland on seller disclosure.
QUT recommended that a statutory seller disclosure
Property Law Bill 2023
The Property Law Bill 2023 (Bill) will replace the current Property Law Act 1974 with modern legislation, drafted in accordance with contemporary drafting practices and using plain English to simplify, streamline and modernise Queensland’s property legislation.
The Bill also introduces a statutory seller disclosure scheme for freehold land in Queensland.
The Bill is broadly consistent with the re
Government Response to Native Vegetation Scientific Expert Panel Report
The Native Vegetation Scientific Expert Panel (the Panel) was convened in March 2022 following a decision by the Deputy Premier and then acting Minister for the Environment and the Great Barrier Reef and Minister for Science and Youth Affairs to investigate the findings of the 2018-19 State-wide Landcover and Trees Study (SLATS) report, which showed that 680,000 hectares of native vegetation had b