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Your search for Infrastructure returned 64 record/s.
Review of Community Futures Task Force Model
The Community Futures Task Force (CFTF), established to address the impacts of the Government’s 2006 announcement of the Traveston Crossing and Wyaralong Dams, provides an unprecedented model of Government community engagement for Government sponsored infrastructure projects. To ensure that key learnings from the CFTF model remain after this date, the CFTF Unit engaged the University of Queensland

Infrastructure Investment (Asset Restructuring and Disposal) Bill 2009
Queensland’s fiscal position has been adversely impacted by the Global Financial Crisis, resulting in a substantial deficit. Given the present economic climate, the Queensland Government has committed to protecting jobs and continuing with a strong infrastructure program in an effort to maintain employment opportunities and to provide the basis for future growth and job creation. The Government

South East Queensland Infrastructure Plan and Program 2009-26
The South East Queensland Infrastructure Plan and Program (SEQIPP) was first launched in April 2005. Updated annually, SEQIPP outlines the Government’s program of infrastructure and major projects to support the South East Queensland Regional Plan (SEQRP) 2005-2026 and represents an unprecedented, long-term commitment to capital infrastructure works in South East Queensland (SEQ). Four years into

Senate FADTR Committee Inquiry - Torres Strait
In 2009, the Senate made a referral to the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee for an inquiry and report on the ‘administration and management of matters relating to Australia’s northern air, sea and land approaches in the region of the Torres Strait’ (the Inquiry). Information for the Inquiry was sought primarily from those agencies which are part of the Queensland Torres Strait

New Arrangements for Asset Management of Government Employee Housing
The Queensland Government owns approximately 4,400 residential dwellings for use by Government employees to support the delivery of government services throughout the State. These assets have a total capital value of approximately $850 million and are primarily located in regional and remote locations around the State with approximately 460 residences located in Indigenous communities. Under th

Remote Indigenous Land and Infrastructure Program Office - work program
The Remote Indigenous Land and Infrastructure Program Office was established to facilitate the social and economic development in Queensland’s 34 discrete Indigenous communities. Two major deliverables identified are, by: June 2010, To develop community specific strategies which facilitate the delivery of capital works by: identifying available land; identifying and pursuing the most expeditious

Statutory plan Whitsunday and Mackay region
The Queensland Government is considering preparing a statutory regional plan for the Mackay, Hinterland and Whitsunday (WHAM) region under the Integrated Planning Act 1997 (IPA). If a statutory regional plan was to be developed for the WHAM region, it will give the State power to guide the development of planning schemes and assess major developments under the IPA. A statutory regional plan for th

Building Legislation - Swimming Pools
Last year, eight children drowned in Queensland pools. In the last six years, 35 children have drowned in the State’s residential swimming pools. In addition, it is estimated that 50 children a year present to emergency departments for immersion injuries, some of whom suffer brain damage due to lack of oxygen. On 14 December 2008, the Premier announced a review of Queensland’s swimming pool safety

CoalPlan 2030
The CoalPlan 2030 is a document that broadly reflects the direction of coal infrastructure development in Queensland over the next 20 years. Security of supply for coal customers is a critical factor in purchasing coal and the Queensland Government recognises the importance of this. To ensure continued security of supply, a number of infrastructure programs have been planned, developed or comm

Surat Basin Future Directions
Energy resources in the Surat Basin are driving rapid development, which presents great economic development opportunities, but may also put pressure on local communities, their economies and the environment. Experience in the Bowen Basin has illustrated that a proactive, coordinated and region-wide approach is essential to address the challenges and opportunities of rapid growth. The Surat B

Implementation of the government response to the Qld Growth Mangement Summit
In November 2009, the Premier and Minister for the Arts announced a Queensland Growth Management Summit, which was held on 30 and 31 March 2010. The summit brought together representatives from all levels of Government, community, business, industry and experts in planning, development, infrastructure and sustainability to discuss population growth, prosperity, liveability and sustainability in

Swimming Pool Safety Review Regulatory Impact Statement
On 14 December 2008, the Queensland Government announced the most comprehensive review of the state’s swimming pool safety laws in nearly 20 years. An independent swimming pool safety committee was then established and presented 23 improvement ideas to the Government for consideration. Following extensive public consultation, the Government adopted all the swimming pool safety review committee’s

Building Standards - Temporary Accommodation Buildings
The Building and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 2010 amends: the Building Regulation 2006 by adding new part MP3.3 “Temporary Accommodation Buildings and Structures” to the Queensland Development Code and providing for the development and displaying of a checklist in an approved form, of requirements for temporary accommodation buildings and structures; and the Sustainable Planni

Qld Govt policy position re Outstations
The Queensland Government has committed to the national Council of Australian Governments (COAG) National Indigenous Reform Agreement to close the gap between the life outcomes and opportunities experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their non-Indigenous counterparts, particularly in relation to life expectancy, under five years child mortality, access to early childhood

Govt response to Qld Growth Summit
The Queensland Growth Summit was held on 30 and 31 March 2010. The summit brought together community, business, industry, local government and experts in planning, development, infrastructure and sustainability to discuss population growth, prosperity, liveability and sustainability in Queensland. The Premier committed to providing a government response within six weeks of the conclusion of the s

Queensland Chief Scientist Annual Report 2010
The Queensland Chief Scientist Annual Report 2010 is the final report provided by Professor Peter Andrews as Queensland Chief Scientist. The Report outlines the effectiveness of the Government’s investment in research and development (R&D) to date and makes three recommendations with regard to the future: Make balanced investments in R&D infrastructure. Make focussed investments in R&D projects li

Benchmarking Study Policy Principles for Alliance Contracting
In 2009, the Treasuries of Victoria (Chair), Western Australia, Queensland and New South Wales established a Steering Committee to pursue a number of joint initiatives on alliance contracting, including sponsorship of a Benchmarking Study on the value for money from alliances. In February 2009, the Steering Committee commissioned the joint services of Melbourne University and Evans and Peck to

Facilitation of Private Railway Infrastructure
Key legislation governing railway construction and operation in Queensland was largely enacted in the era of government owned corporation (GOC) railway operations, with the state owning both land and rail infrastructure and Queensland Transport regulating Queensland Rail’s (QR’s) operations. A feature which underpins this regulatory environment is that railways were designed, built and operated

Sustainable Planning Amendment Bill 2011
Amendments to the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 will facilitate the introduction of an adopted infrastructure charging regime across Queensland. The introduction of an adopted infrastructure charging regime for a three year period, while further infrastructure charging reform is underway, is a key recommendation of the Infrastructure Charges Taskforce. The amendments to Sustainable Planning Act

Gold Coast Waterways Authority
A re-established Gold Coast Waterways Authority is part of the government’s commitment to improving access to Gold Coast Waterways. The re-established Gold Coast Waterways Authority will oversee the management, sustainable use and development of Gold Coast Waterways. The purpose of the Authority is to provide the best possible navigational access, boating infrastructure and waterways management at

Qld s 2012 Submission to Infrastructure Australia
The submission to Infrastructure Australia identified Queensland’s top priority infrastructure projects for assessment as nationally significant infrastructure and sought to attract funding from the Australian Government. Cabinet endorsed the submission be transmitted to Infrastructure Australia under the signature of the Deputy Premier, Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning.

Establishment of Projects Qld
The Government committed to the establishment of Projects Queensland within Queensland Treasury and Trade as part of the 100 Day Plan. Cabinet endorsed the scope of responsibilities for Projects Queensland as follows: Preparation of preliminary evaluations for key projects with the greatest potential as public private partnerships (PPPs); Preparation of business cases for all projects approved a

Delivering Building our Regions - Regional Infrastructure Fund
The Queensland Government’s election commitment, Building our Regions, aims to ensure that funding for critical infrastructure in regional Queensland will be targeted appropriately so that it meets the specific needs of communities and supports economic development without necessitating the sale of assets. The election commitment, Working Queensland, recognises the Building our Regions fund for in

State Infrastructure Plan
The absence of a State Infrastructure Plan (SIP) since 2011, and the decline in resource sector investment, has left industry calling for Government to help build confidence, and support a sustainable construction industry. In June 2015, the Deputy Premier, Minister for Transport, Minister for Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Trade released the Directions Paper – Del

Qld Transport and Roads Investment Program - QTRIP
The Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 requires the annual production and publication of a transport infrastructure works program. The Department of Transport and Main Roads plans, manages and oversees the delivery of a safe, efficient and integrated transport system. The 2015-16 to 2018-19 Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) is a four-year program outlining the department’s p

Building Queensland Bill 2015
The Building Queensland Bill 2015 (the Bill) arises as a result of the Government’s election commitment to establishing Building Queensland as an independent statutory body. Building Queensland will be an effective step in ensuring a whole-of-government perspective is brought to major infrastructure planning and investment in Queensland. The Bill provides for Building Queensland to have the follow

Appointments to Building Queensland Board
The Building Queensland Board is responsible for Building Queensland. The functions of Building Queensland include: provision of independent expert advice to the State and government agencies about infrastructure; development of a framework for assessing the costs and benefits of infrastructure projects; assistance in preliminary preparation of infrastructure proposals; evaluation of proposal

Draft State Infrastructure Plan
The Government committed to deliver a State Infrastructure Plan to support the long-term prosperity, liveability and sustainability of Queensland. Investment in infrastructure underpins economic growth, supports jobs, and creates a lasting legacy for Queenslanders. The draft State Infrastructure Plan sets out a clear vision for how to grow Queensland, the infrastructure required to deliver that gr

Local Government and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (No.2) 2015
The Local Government and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2015 proposes amendments to the City of Brisbane Act 2010 (COBA), Local Government Act 2009 (LGA), Local Government Electoral Act 2011 (LGEA) and the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (SPA). The Bill amends the COBA and the LGA to clarify that an accepted how-to-vote card under the LGEA section 179 is not ‘election material’ for the pur

State Infrastructure Plan
The Government committed to deliver a State Infrastructure Plan to support the long-term prosperity, liveability and sustainability of Queensland. Investment in infrastructure underpins economic growth, supports jobs and creates a lasting legacy for Queenslanders. Following consultation on the draft State Infrastructure Plan, the final plan sets out a clear vision for how to grow Queensland, the

Appointments to the Queensland Urban Design and Places Panel
The Queensland Urban Design and Places Panel (the Panel), to be chaired by the Queensland Government Architect, Mr Malcolm Middleton, is a non-statutory advisory body with a State-wide remit. The Panel is intended to champion high quality urban design and help foster a holistic approach to land use and infrastructure planning to create and support economically sustainable, vibrant and adaptable

Gold Coast Infrastructure and project facilitation initiatives
The Gold Coast population continues to grow faster than the state average and is expected to grow at approximately 2.1 per cent over 25 years, increasing the population from 515 202 persons in 2011 to 866 634 persons in 2016. The Gold Coast Region has a lower unemployment rate than the State average and a relatively stable economy. The health care and social assistance industry is the largest empl

Cross River Rail Business Case 2017
On 13 June 2017, the Deputy Premier, Minister for Transport and Minister for Infrastructure and Planning issued a Ministerial Direction under section 19 of the Building Queensland Act 2015. The Ministerial Direction stated that the Cross River Rail Business Case was to be made publicly available in a form that facilitated public awareness of, and accessibility to information about, the project.

Annual progress on Advancing North Queensland – Five Priority Areas
In June 2016, the Queensland government endorsed Advancing North Queensland – Investing in the Future of the North, which outlines actions dedicated to growing the North Queensland (NQ) economy, with efforts focussed on five priority areas: roads infrastructure water and energy security research and innovation tourism, trade and investment North Queensland Stadium Under this plan, the Governmen

Update on economic conditions and key issues in Cairns region
The Cairns regional economy is fairly diversified, with economic activity driven by a range of industries. The largest economic sectors in the Cairns region are retail trade, health care and social assistance, public administration and safety, education and training, and construction. The Queensland Government announced a number of significant initiatives for the broader Far North Queensland regio

Update on economic conditions and key issues in Gold Coast region
The Gold Coast economy is fairly diversified, with economic activity driven by a range of industries. The largest economic sectors in the Gold Coast region are the health care and social assistance, construction, retail, accommodation and food services (tourism), and professional, scientific and technical services sectors. The Government announced a number of significant initiatives for the Gold C

Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) 2018-19 to 2021-22
The Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) 2018-19 to 2021-22 is a four-year rolling program of works that details Transport and Main Roads’ infrastructure investment for roads, railways, marine, public transport and active transport initiatives. The QTRIP provides confidence for industry in a forward pipeline of works, enables planned delivery of transport infrastructure proje

Queensland Bulk Water Opportunities Statement
In March 2016, the Queensland Government released the State Infrastructure Plan (SIP) and committed to an infrastructure reform agenda. As part of the implementation of the SIP, the Department of Energy and Water Supply developed the Queensland Bulk Water Opportunities Statement (QBWOS) as a state strategic infrastructure document (referenced in the SIP as the Queensland Future Water Security Stra

Appointment to Building Queensland Board
Building Queensland was formally established as a statutory body when the Building Queensland Act 2015 was proclaimed on 3 December 2015. Building Queensland provides independent, expert advice to the Queensland Government (through the Minister for State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning) on infrastructure priorities for the State, based on rigorous business cases including

Building Queensland 12-month Administrative Review
Building Queensland (BQ) was formally established on 3 December 2015 as an independent statutory body to provide independent expert advice to the Queensland Government, government-owned corporations and statutory authorities to enable better infrastructure decisions. An independent administrative review of its first 12 months of operation found that BQ has been effective, but that improvements cou

Stadium Taskforce Interim Report
In April 2018, the Minister for Housing and Public Works, Minister for Digital Technology, and Minister for Sport established the Stadium Taskforce to review the pricing and practices of Stadiums Queensland (SQ). The taskforce was established in response to challenges faced by stadium hirers related to the costs of hiring SQ venues. Whilst its work is ongoing, the taskforce has delivered its initi

Economic Development and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018
The objective of the Bill is to provide for increased operational efficiency of legislation under the administration of the Minister for State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning. The Bill proposes to amend the following Acts: Building Queensland Act 2015 to implement the Queensland Government’s response to three recommendations of the report An Administrative Review of Buildi

Appointments to Building Queensland Board
Building Queensland was formally established as a statutory body when the Building Queensland Act 2015 was proclaimed on 3 December 2015. Building Queensland provides independent, expert advice to the Queensland Government (through the Minister for State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning) on infrastructure priorities for the state, based on rigorous business cases including

Building Information Modelling Implementation
Building Information Modelling, or BIM, is a digital process for creating and managing all the information on an infrastructure asset throughout its lifecycle. The output of this process is a model which provides a three-dimensional, digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of a building, another form of infrastructure or environment. This enables opportunities to impr

Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) 2019-20 to 2022-23
The Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) 2019-20 to 2022-23 is a four-year rolling program of works that details the Department of Transport and Main Roads’ infrastructure investment for roads, railways, marine, public transport and active transport initiatives. The QTRIP provides confidence for industry in a forward pipeline of works, enabling planned delivery of transport i

Strategy for Social Infrastructure
An action of the State Infrastructure Plan, released in March 2016, involved developing five key strategic infrastructure documents, including a strategy for social infrastructure. The Strategy for Social Infrastructure sets out Queensland’s long-term direction for social infrastructure, focusing on the planning, design, location and use of the state’s physical infrastructure to better support th

Revitalisation of Queensland Training Infrastructure
In November 2017, the Government released its Pathways to Training, Skills and Jobs policy which announced the Advancing Our Training Infrastructure (AOTI) initiative to invest up to $85 million across several training sites as part of the long-term plan to revitalise the State’s training portfolio. The AOTI funding commenced in 2018–19, with $30 million available, a further $30 million allocated

Coomera Connector project update
The 45km Coomera Connector corridor between Loganholme and Nerang was formally confirmed in the Queensland Government Gazette on 15 March 2019. The Coomera Connector is a major infrastructure project that will provide an alternate route to the M1, reduce travel times and protect the M1's vital role as part of the National Land Transport Network. Recent traffic figures, in addition to unprecedente

Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) 2020-21 to 2023-24
The Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) 2020–21 to 2023–24 is a program of works that details the Department of Transport and Main Roads’ infrastructure investment for roads, railways, marine, public transport and active transport initiatives. The QTRIP provides confidence for industry in a forward pipeline of works, enabling planned delivery of transport infrastructure proj

Rail Manufacturing Strategy
Queensland's rail manufacturing sector encompasses rollingstock manufacturing, maintenance and repair; rail infrastructure construction and maintenance; and operational systems technology supply chains. The sector is a key supplier to both Queensland and interstate rail requirements and has capacity to build on emerging supply opportunities, including exports. The Rail Manufacturing Strategy for Q

Flood Risk Management Framework and Strategic Flood Warning Infrastructure Plan
Flooding causes more damage in Queensland than any other natural hazard, and effective and strategic flood risk management is important for the long-term economic, social and environmental sustainability of Queensland. Flood risk management is a multi-disciplinary endeavour. Across Queensland, flood risk management is based on a decentralised model with roles and responsibilities shared across Com

SEQ Land Supply and growth challenges Response
The Queensland Government released ShapingSEQ, the regional plan for South East Queensland (SEQ), in August 2017, providing a sustainable growth management framework for the region. The plan identifies that the majority of new growth in SEQ will be accommodated in existing urban areas. The SEQ Land Supply and Development Monitoring (LSDM) report has three years of data and emerging trends. The LSD

Appointment Queensland Reconstruction Board
The Queensland Reconstruction Board is established under the Queensland Reconstruction Authority Act 2011 (QRA Act). The functions of the Queensland Reconstruction Board under the QRA Act are to: set the strategic priorities for the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA); make recommendations to the Minister about: priorities for community infrastructure, other property and community services

Appointments to the Resources Community Infrastructure Fund Advisory Committee
The Queensland Government and the Queensland Resources Council (QRC) representing Participating Mineral Resource Industry Parties, executed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on 18 May 2020, which established the Resources Community Infrastructure Fund (RCIF). The MOU requires formation of an Advisory Committee, comprising Government, resource community, and industry representatives. It will rev

Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) 2021-22 to 2024-25
The Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) 2021–22 to 2024–25 is a program of works that details the Department of Transport and Main Roads’ infrastructure investment for road, rail, marine, public transport and active transport initiatives. The QTRIP provides confidence for industry in a forward pipeline of works, enabling planned delivery of transport infrastructure projects

Draft State Infrastructure Strategy and Queensland Government Infrastructure Pipeline
New infrastructure strategies are needed in Queensland due to population growth, changing demographics, technology, the impacts of COVID-19 and other factors. The Draft State Infrastructure Strategy (Draft SIS) has been prepared and provides a 20-year vision for infrastructure to drive collaborative state infrastructure planning and delivery to boost productivity, grow the economy and create jobs

Queensland Innovation Places Strategy - Discussion Paper
Queensland has a long history of investing in innovation. In recent decades the ‘Smart State’ and Advance Queensland initiatives, and other programs, have provided significant funding and other support to build and mature our innovation ecosystem, including world class research infrastructure and places, capable of igniting the state’s innovation economy. A coordinated approach to innovation place

Place to Innovate – Queensland Innovation Precincts and Places Strategy 2022-2032
Global research and best practice points to the significant role of innovation precincts and places (innovation places) in the growth of economies and jobs. Queensland has more than 320 innovation places of various sizes and maturity with significant potential for growth across Queensland’s regions. The A Place to Innovate – Queensland Innovation Precincts and Places Strategy 2022-2032 (the Strat

Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) 2022-23 to 2025-26
The Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) 2022-23 to 2025-26 is a program of works that details the Department of Transport and Main Roads’ infrastructure investment for road, rail, marine, public transport and active transport initiatives. The QTRIP provides confidence for industry in a forward pipeline of works, enabling planned delivery of transport infrastructure projects

State Infrastructure Strategy (SIS) 2022
The Queensland Government has worked with industries and government agencies to progress the development of the State Infrastructure Strategy 2022 (SIS 2022). The SIS 2022 updates the previous state-wide infrastructure strategy – the State Infrastructure Plan: Part A (Strategy) released in March 2016. Consultation occurred throughout 2021 through regional workshops, online engagement and consulta

Update on Government achievements and investment in Gold Coast region
The Gold Coast region (Gold Coast Statistical Area Level 4) includes the urban centre of the Gold Coast, stretching from Yatala to Coolangatta and west towards Tamborine Mountain. The region includes the electorates of Bonney, Broadwater, Burleigh, Coomera, Currumbin, Gaven, Mermaid Beach, Mudgeeraba, Southport, Surfers Paradise, Theodore and part of Scenic Rim. As at 30 June 2022, the Gold Coast

Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program 2023-24 to 2026-27
The Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) 2023-24 to 2026-27 is a program of works that details the Department of Transport and Main Roads’ (TMR) infrastructure investment for road, rail, marine, public transport and active transport initiatives. The QTRIP provides confidence for industry in a forward pipeline of works, enabling planned delivery of transport infrastructure pro

Queensland Government Submission to Senate Committee Inquiry
On 30 March 2023, the Australian Senate requested that the Australian Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee (Senate Committee) investigate the adequacy of Australia’s preparedness to host the 2026 Commonwealth Games in Victoria and the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Brisbane, and to leave a legacy of sporting infrastructure to encourage more Australians to part

Appointments to Gold Coast Waterways Authority Board
The Gold Coast Waterways Authority Act 2012 (the Act) established the Gold Coast Waterways Authority (GCWA) and Gold Coast Waterways Authority Board (the Board). Section 43 of the Act provides that the Board controls the GCWA. The GCWA is responsible for delivering the best possible management of Gold Coast waterways and for the implementation of The Spit Master Plan through the development and de