Your search for Industrial Relations returned 59 record/s. |
Amendment to Building and Construction Industry (Portable LSL) Regulation 2002
Cabinet considered a submission regarding an amendment to the Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Regulation 2002.
The objective of the amendment is to increase the building and construction industry long service leave levy rate from 0.125% to 0.2% of the cost of building work, in order to ensure that adequate funds exist to meet the long-term liability for payment of
Electrical Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
The Electrical Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 (the Bill) introduces amendments to the Electrical Safety Act 2002, the Electrical Safety Regulation 2002, the Industrial Relations Act 1999 and the Contract Cleaning Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 2005.
The Bill provides a Ministerial power under the Electrical Safety Act 2002 to make a recall order to compel the recall
Bldg and Constr Long Service Leave Amend Reg 2009
The Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority, trading as “QLeave”, was established under the Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 1991 (the Act) to administer a Portable Long Service Leave Scheme (the Scheme) for eligible workers in the building and construction industry in Queensland.
The Scheme is entirely self-funded through a le
Fair Work (Cth Powers) and other Provisions Bill 2009
The Fair Work (Commonwealth Powers) and Other Provisions Bill 2009 contains provisions to:
refer certain powers relating to workplace relations to the Parliament of the Commonwealth, to enable the Parliament of the Commonwealth to make laws about workplace relations for employees and employers in Queensland who would otherwise be outside the reach of Commonwealth legislative power; and
make some
Future of the Qld Workplace Rights Ombudsman
An independent review was undertaken in September to October 2010 of the future of the Queensland Workplace Rights Ombudsman (the Ombudsman) and the Queensland Workplace Rights Office (QWRO).
The review was instigated as a consequence of the changed industrial relations environment and referral of Queensland’s private sector industrial relations powers to the Commonwealth as well as the recommenda
Maritime Labour Convention 2006
1. The submission sought Cabinet approval for the Queensland Government’s agreement to Australia’s ratification of International Labour Organisation (ILO) Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006 (No. 186).
2. The MLC is designed to provide minimum requirements for seafarers to work on ships and contains provisions on conditions of employment, hours of work and rest, accommodation, recreational facil
Framework for Alcohol and Drug Management in the Workplace
The Framework for Alcohol and Drug Management in the Workplace recommends that employers develop a drug and alcohol policy in consultation with workers following the conduct of a risk assessment which identifies the need for a drug and alcohol policy in that workplace.
The Framework is applicable to all workplaces. However, it is expected that only high risk workplaces will identify a need for a
Contract Cleaning Amendment Regulation 2011
The Contract Cleaning Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Scheme in Queensland. provides long service leave benefits to contract cleaning industry workers. Such benefits are for service to the industry rather than to one employer.
The Scheme recognises that because of the transient nature of the industry and the propensity for contracts to change hands on a regular basis, relatively few worker
Review of the Holidays Act 1983
The Holiday Act 1983 (the Act) was amended in 2010 by the Holidays Act Amendment Bill 2010 to provide for observance of two public holidays for Christmas Day 2010 on Saturday, 25 December and Tuesday, 28 December (Monday, 27 December already being a substitute public holiday for Boxing Day) and two public holidays for New Year’s Day 2011 on Saturday, 1 January and Monday, 3 January. During parlia
Electrical Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
The Bill amends the Electrical Safety Act 2002 and the Electrical Safety Regulation 2002 to implement a new Electrical Equipment Safety System (EESS) within Queensland. This new system:
Places obligations for safety on a responsible supplier who is the first point of sale (ie the manufacturer or importer) in Australia or New Zealand.
Establishes a national register where all suppliers and certain
Work Health and Safety and Safety in Recreational Water Bills 2011
The harmonisation of work health and safety (WHS) laws is part of the Council of Australian Governments’ National Reform Agenda aimed at reducing the regulatory burden and creating a seamless national economy. The objects of harmonising WHS laws through a model framework are to protect the health and safety of workers, improve safety outcomes, reduce compliance costs for business, and improve eff
Government response to the review of the Fair Work legislation
Queensland Government response to the recommendations of the report of the review of the Fair Work legislation
Attorney-General and Minister for Justice
Following the public release of the final report of the Fair Work legislation review panel on 2 August 2012, State Ministers were invited to make written submissions in response to the report recommendations to the Honourable Bill Shorten MP, Fed
Public Service and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
As part of its election commitments, the Government pledged to revitalise frontline services and restore public sector accountability, including streamlining of functions, containing the escalating costs associated with public sector administration and reducing the public sector’s management overburden.
The Public Service and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 will improve the operation of exis
Indemnity Arrangements for Hospital and Health Services
The Council of Australian Governments’ National Health Reforms commence on 1 July 2012. From this date, statutory bodies, known as Hospital and Health Services, assume responsibility for the function of delivering hospital and other health services to Queensland on behalf of the State. Queensland Health will provide overall management of the health system.
The Hospital and Health Service workforc
South East Queensland Water Amendment Bill 2012
The South East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Amendment Bill 2012 (the Bill) proposes to remove the special industrial relations measures, in particular the Workforce Frameworks, that were mandated by the former Government to apply to council employees who transferred to the South East Queensland (SEQ) distributor-retailers and for those Allconnex Water (Allconnex) employ
Future of the Qld Workplace Rights Ombudsman and Qld Workplace Rights Office after 30 June 2012
The Queensland Workplace Rights Ombudsman and Queensland Workplace Rights Office were established in July 2007 under the Industrial Relations Act 1999 in response to WorkChoices.
On 1 January 2010, Queensland referred its private sector industrial relations jurisdictional powers to the Commonwealth as part of the establishment of a national workplace relations system.
Section 339C of the Industr
Referral of State Industrial Relations jurisdiction for private sector to Commonwealth
Following the passage of the Fair Work (Commonwealth Powers) and Other Provisions Act 2009 (the Referral Act), regulatory power over Queensland’s unincorporated private sector employers was referred to the Commonwealth Government. The referral of powers transferred approximately 14% of Queensland employees to the Federal industrial relations system.
Under the terms of the Referral Act, the ref
Appointments under the Industrial Relations Act 1999
The Queensland Industrial Relations Commission (QIRC) is an independent tribunal established to conciliate and arbitrate industrial matters in the State of Queensland.
To facilitate succession planning and to restore balance to the QIRC, it is appropriate to make a new appointment to the role of Deputy President and two new appointments to the roles of Commissioner of the QIRC.
Cabinet: endorsed
Implementation Guidelines Qld Code of Practice BCA
The building and construction industry is one of the four pillars of the Queensland economy. Unlocking activity in Queensland’s construction sector to create jobs and investment is critical to Queensland’s economic recovery and future growth.
The Implementation Guidelines apply to State funded construction projects with a value greater than $2 million.
The role of the Guidelines and the Building
Industrial Relations Transparency and Accountability Amendment Bill 2013
The Queensland Government is committed to strengthening the accountability of state-based industrial organisations following allegations of financial mismanagement and corruption involving officials past and present of the National Office of the Health Services Union.
In a bid to prevent similar occurrences in Queensland, the government considered options to increase transparency and improve the
Amendments to Criminal Law Amendment Bill No2 2012
The Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 (the WCR Act) allows large employers who meet certain criteria, including being financially viable and having over 2,000 full time employees, to apply to Queensland Workers’ Compensation Regulatory Authority (Q-COMP), to cease insuring through WorkCover Queensland (WorkCover) and self-insure their workers’ compensation liabilities under the WCR
Appointments to Building and Construction Industry QLeave Board
The Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 1991 (the Act) provides for the establishment of the Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority (QLeave), which administers a scheme of portable long service leave benefits for eligible workers in the building and construction industry in Queensland. Section 11 of the Act provides that QLeave i
Appointment to Industrial Court of Queensland
The Industrial Court of Queensland is a superior court of record in Queensland.
Mr David Hall retired as president of the Industrial Court of Queensland effective 4 October 2013.
Section 243 of the Industrial Relations Act 1999 provides for appointment to the office of president of the court.
Cabinet approved that the Honourable Justice Glenn Martin AM be recommended to the Governor in Council fo
Industrial Relations Fair Work Harmonisation Bill 2013
The Industrial Relations (Fair Work Harmonisation No. 2) and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2013 amends the Industrial Relations Act 1999 to create a new industrial relations framework for the Queensland jurisdiction which will provide a simplified and flexible industrial relations system that is adaptable for local service delivery, innovation and productivity improvements.
The Bill also includes ame
Appointments to Contract Cleaning Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Board
The Contract Cleaning Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 2005 (the Act) provides for the establishment of the Contract Cleaning Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority (the Authority), which administers a scheme of portable long service leave benefits for eligible workers in the contract cleaning industry in Queensland. Section 16 of the Act provides that the Authority is governed
Industrial Relations Legislative Reform Reference Group
The Government’s commitments on industrial relations reform included the establishment of the Industrial Relations Legislation Reform Reference Group to review Queensland’s industrial relations laws and tribunals.
The Industrial Relations Legislation Reform Reference Group will make recommendations to the Government for legislative reform.
Cabinet approved the Terms of Reference for the Industrial
Holidays Amendment Bill 2015
The Holidays and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 implements the election commitment made by the Government to honour the real Labour Day by reinstating the Labour Day public holiday, moving it from its current date of the first Monday in October to the first Monday in May each year. The commitment also provides for the movement of the Queen’s Birthday public holiday from June to October. The
Industrial Relations Restoring Fairness Amendment Bill 2015
In 2013, the Industrial Relations Act 1999 was amended to provide for statutory individual employment contracts, known as high income guarantee contracts. The Health and Hospital Boards Act 2011 was also amended to facilitate the use of contracts, particularly for senior doctors.
The Government has committed to removing high income guarantee contract arrangements and restoring rights and entitleme
Industrial Relations (Restoring Fairness) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015
The Industrial Relations (Restoring Fairness) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 amends the Industrial Relations Act 1999 to restore fairness to Queensland public sector and local government sector employees in line with the Government’s election commitments and priorities.
The Bill includes amendments to:
re-instate conditions for government workers, including by amending provisions relat
Hospital and Health Boards (Safe Nurse and Midwife to Patient Ratios) Amendment Bill 2015
The purpose of the Hospital and Health Boards (Safe Nurse-to-Patient and Midwife-to-Patient Ratios) Amendment Bill 2015 (the Bill) is to provide a legislative framework to enable nurse-to-patient and midwife-to-patient ratios and workload provisions to be mandated in public sector health service facilities.
The Bill implements the Government’s commitment in the Nursing Guarantee policy to legislat
Administrative responsibility for Queensland Industrial Relations Commission
The previous Government amended the Industrial Relations Act 1999 to alter the administrative functions of the president of the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission and impose an additional requirement on persons able to be appointed to the position of deputy president (Court).
The administrative responsibility for the Commission and Registry is to be returned to the president.
In addition,
Industrial Relations Bill 2016
The purpose of the Industrial Relations Bill 2016 is to regulate Queensland’s industrial relations jurisdiction, which comprises the state and local government sectors.
The Bill replaces the Industrial Relations Act 1999.
The Bill was prepared in accordance with recommendations made in the report of the Industrial Relations Legislative Reform Reference Group entitled ‘A Review of the Industrial R
Proposal for the regulation of the labour hire industry in Queensland
The Finance and Administration Committee “Inquiry into the practices of the labour hire industry in Queensland” was tabled in Parliament on 30 June 2016.
An Issues Paper will canvass submissions from stakeholders and the community on the important features of any scheme for the regulation of the labour hire industry.
The Issues Paper seeks responses from stakeholders on a number of questions in r
Review of the Industrial Relations Framework in Queensland
The Industrial Relations Legislative Reform Reference Group presented its Report “A Review of the Industrial Relations Framework in Queensland” to the Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations, Minister for Racing and Minister for Multicultural Affairs in December 2015.
The Report made a number of recommendations on Queensland’s industrial relations laws to be included in a proposed new Act
Appointments to Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority Board
The Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 1991 (Act) provides for the establishment of the Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority (QLeave), which administers a scheme of portable long service leave benefits for eligible workers in the building and construction industry in Queensland.
Section 11 of the Act provides that QLeave is g
Regulation of Labour Hire Industry
On 15 December 2016, the Queensland Government published the Issues Paper titled ‘Regulation of the Labour Hire Industry 2016’ (Issues Paper).
The Issues Paper sought feedback from stakeholders on the components of a labour hire licensing scheme and other measures to stop the exploitation and mistreatment of workers, ensure the bona fides and provide minimum standards for Labour Hire Providers (L
Labour Hire Licensing Bill 2017
On 2 December 2015, the Queensland Legislative Assembly agreed to a motion that the Finance and Administration Committee inquire into and report on the practices of the labour hire industry in Queensland (the Inquiry).
On 30 June 2016, the Committee tabled its report (No. 25) in relation to the Inquiry. The Government accepted the recommendation of the Report and noted the Report contained distu
Review of Queensland Trading (Allowable Hours) Act 1990
Queensland’s shop trading hours are regulated by the Trading (Allowable Hours) Act 1990 (the Act) and through various Queensland Industrial Relations Commission (QIRC) trading hours Orders.
On 31 August 2016, the Government approved the establishment of an independent reference group, chaired by Mr John Mickel and comprising of the National Retail Association, the Master Grocers Association, the
Trading (Allowable Hours) Amendment Bill 2017
In response to concerns raised by business and community that Queensland’s trading hours arrangements are difficult to navigate and may act as a disincentive to business expansion, employment and economic growth, on 31 August 2016, the Government appointed Mr John Mickel as the Chair of an independent reference group to conduct a review and report back to Government.
The reference group, comprised
Investigation of portable long service leave scheme for employees in social and community service industry
For workers in the Social and Community Services (SACS) sector, long service leave (LSL) can be difficult to access due to high levels of mobility between employers and insecurity of work, largely due to short-term funding arrangements for work in these sectors and the hiring of staff based on limited term contracts.
LSL is provided for employees in Queensland under the Industrial Relations Act 20
Appointments to Industrial Court of Queensland and Queensland Industrial Relations Commission
The Industrial Court of Queensland is established under the Industrial Relations Act 2016, as a superior court of record in Queensland.
The Industrial Court of Queensland is comprised of the President, the Vice President and the Deputy President (court).
The Queensland Industrial Relations Commission is established under the Industrial Relations Act 2016, as an independent tribunal established to
Appointment to Building and Construction (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority Board
The Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 1991 (Act) provides for the establishment of the Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority (QLeave), which administers a scheme of portable long service leave benefits for eligible workers in the building and construction industry in Queensland. Section 11 of the Act provides that QLeave is go
Government response to Parliamentary Committee Inquiry into Wage Theft in Queensland
On 7 May 2018, the Premier and Minister for Trade and the Minister for Education and Minister for Industrial Relations announced that the Queensland Parliament would conduct an inquiry into wage theft in Queensland.
On 17 May 2018, the Premier and Minister for Trade moved a motion in Parliament that the Education, Employment and Small Business (EESB) Committee inquire into and report to the Legisl
Queensland Government submission to Fair Work Commission Annual Wage Review 2018-19
The Fair Work Commission (FWC) conducts the Annual Wage Review (AWR) to review the National Minimum Wage (NMW) and national system award wages.
The Queensland Government submission to the FWC 2018–19 AWR proposes a Queensland Government position that supports an increase of no less than 3.5% to the NMW and a fair and reasonable increase to minimum modern award rates of pay on the basis that this
Christmas Eve Part Day Public Holiday Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement
Observing Christmas Eve as a part-day public holiday would activate public holiday provisions under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cwth), the Industrial Relations Act 2016 and industrial instruments. This would entitle employees who work between 6pm and 12 midnight on Christmas Eve to receive public holiday penalty rates.
A part-day public holiday on Christmas Eve would provide respite for workers follo
Proposal for changes to QLeave Levies
A portable long service leave (PLSL) scheme for Queensland’s building and construction industry was established under Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 1991 (the Act) and commenced in 1992.
The scheme is funded by a PLSL levy payable to QLeave on the total project costs (including all direct and indirect costs) of all building and construction work over $150,000
Appointments to Building and Construction Industry Portable LSL Board
The Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 1991 (the Act) provides for the establishment of the Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority (QLeave), which administers a scheme of portable long service leave benefits for eligible workers in the building and construction industry in Queensland.
Section 11 of the Act provides that QLeave i
Holidays and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019
In August 2019, the Queensland Government announced a proposal to declare Christmas Eve (24 December) as a part-day public holiday from 6pm to 12 midnight commencing in 2019; and the public release of a Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) seeking stakeholder comment on the proposal.
A total of 1779 submissions were received in response to the Consultation RIS, of which 1271 submissions
Portable Long Service Leave for Social and Community Services Decision RIS
In 2017, the Queensland Government committed to investigating the establishment of a portable long service leave (PLSL) scheme for the social and community services (SACS) sector.
A Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) released in September 2018 sought stakeholder input on the introduction of a PLSL scheme for the SACS sector in Queensland.
A total of 349 written submissions were receive
Changes to Building and Construction Industry QLeave levy
The portable long service leave scheme for Queensland’s building and construction industry is established under the Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 1991.
The portable long service leave scheme is funded by a portable long service leave levy, currently fixed at 0.25% of assessible building costs above a threshold of $150,000. The levy is discounted for large bui
Community Services Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Bill 2019
The Community Services Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Bill 2019 (Bill) provides for a portable long service leave (PLSL) scheme for the community service sector that:
covers workers engaged by a community services employer to perform community services work;
also covers workers engaged by a community services employer to support the provision of community services work;
covers self-employe
Appointments to Community Services Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority Board
The Community Services Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority Board (the Board) is established under section 15 of the Community Services Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 2020 (the Act), which received Royal Assent on 22 June 2020.
Section 10 of the Act provides for the establishment of the Community Services Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority (the Authority).
Appointment Contract Cleaning Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority Board
The Contract Cleaning Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 2005 (the Act) provides for the establishment of the Contract Cleaning Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority (the Authority), which administers a scheme of portable long service leave benefits for eligible workers in the contract cleaning industry in Queensland. Section 16(1) of the Act provides that the Authority is gover
Public Service and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2020
The Bridgman review, which reported on how Queensland public sector employment laws could best meet the objectives of fairness in the employment relationship, responsiveness of employees to the community and to the government and inclusiveness of public sector employment, was released in March 2020. The Bridgman review complemented the Coaldrake Review into the Queensland Public Sector Workforce R
Appointments to Electrical Licensing Committee
The Electrical Licensing Committee (the Committee) is established under section 87 of the Electrical Safety Act 2002 (the Act).
Under section 88 of the Act, the functions of the Committee are to:
give advice and make recommendations to the Board about electrical licences and training;
take necessary disciplinary action against holders of electrical licences and previous holders of electrical con
Appointment Contract Cleaning Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority Board
The Contract Cleaning Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 2005 (the Act) provides for the establishment of the Contract Cleaning Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority (the Authority), which administers a scheme of portable long service leave benefits for eligible workers in the contract cleaning industry in Queensland.
Section 16(1) of the Act provides that the Authority has a b
Creation of a new public holiday in 2021 in the Moreton Bay Scenic Rim and Brisbane City local government areas
On 2 August 2021, the Queensland Government announced that this year’s Royal Queensland Show would be cancelled in response to a South East Queensland lockdown and related cluster of COVID-19 cases.
On 4 August 2021, the Queensland Government announced its intention to repeal the associated show day public holiday scheduled for Wednesday, 11 August 2021 and announced that a public holiday would be
Appointment Community Services Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority Board
The Community Services Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority (the Authority) is established under the Community Services Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 2020 (the Act) to provide an equitable and efficient system of portable long service leave for individuals working in the community services industry.
The Community Services Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority Bo
Queensland Government response to the 2021 Review of the Industrial Relations Act 2016
For workers covered by the Queensland Industrial Relations system, it has been five years since the Industrial Relations Act 2016 (IR Act) was introduced following a comprehensive review conducted by Mr Jim McGowan AM in 2015.
Since commencement of the IR Act on 1 March 2017 there have been changes made to the national industrial relations system and the Australian Human Rights Commission’s Respe