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Your search for Energy returned 53 record/s.
Qld Government submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Energy Efficiency Improvements
On 5 June 2009, the Environment and Resources Committee issued its Issues Paper No. 1 entitled “Inquiry into Energy Efficiency Improvements”. This paper provides background information about the committee and its inquiry into energy efficiency improvements. It also flags the issues that the committee would like people to comment on. Cabinet approved a whole of Government response to the Parliame

Qld Renewable Energy Plan
The Queensland Renewable Energy Plan (the Plan) is an economic and industry development strategy aimed at accelerating the growth of the renewable energy sector in Queensland. The Plan is broad in scope and includes initiatives aimed at addressing areas of market failure, driving regulatory reform, streamlining planning processes, removing non-economic barriers, and facilitating technological

Response_Energy Technical and Safety Plan and RIS
On 7 September 2009, the Ministerial Council on Energy (MCE) Energy Technical and Safety Leaders Group released the Draft Energy Technical and Safety Harmonisation Enhancement Plan (Draft Plan) and the associated consultation Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) for a five week public consultation period. Public submissions to the Draft Plan and consultation RIS closed on 9 October 2009. The Departm

Biobased Industrial Products Sector Discussion Paper
The bio-based industrial products sector is emerging worldwide as a growing and increasingly valuable and viable industry. Its development is being driven by the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the quest to achieve a level of energy independence and declining mineral oil resources. Queensland has the potential to become a leading producer of bio-based industrial products and technologies

Queensland Government response to Parliamentary Inquiry into Energy Efficiency Improvements
On 25 February 2010, the Environment and Resources Committee (ERC) tabled a report in Parliament presenting the findings of its Inquiry into Energy Efficiency Improvements. The ERC put forward 18 specific recommendations relating to the following themes: Reviewing program funding and enhancing program evaluation; Supporting low-income households; Balancing investment in energy efficiency and ren

Growing Queenslands Renewable Energy Electricity Sector
On 24 May 2010, the Environment and Resources Committee issued an issues paper entitled “Growing Queensland’s Renewable Energy Electricity Sector”. This paper provides background information about the committee and its inquiry into opportunities and challenges for the Queensland Government associated with increasing the proportion of electricity generated from renewable energy sources in Queensla

Mines and Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
The purpose of the Mines and Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 (the Bill) is to: enhance safety and health measures in Queensland’s mining, explosives and gas industries; streamline and simplify processes to achieve savings for business and Government; and improve electricity retailer credit support arrangements and customer service obligations. Amendments proposed to the Mining and Quar

Surat Basin Future Directions
Energy resources in the Surat Basin are driving rapid development, which presents great economic development opportunities, but may also put pressure on local communities, their economies and the environment. Experience in the Bowen Basin has illustrated that a proactive, coordinated and region-wide approach is essential to address the challenges and opportunities of rapid growth. The Surat B

Geothermal Energy Bill 2010
Exploration for geothermal energy has been under way in Queensland since 2005 under the Geothermal Exploration Act 2004. The purpose of the Geothermal Energy Bill 2010 (the Bill) is to provide a new framework for developing the exploration and production of geothermal energy and aims to encourage the growth of this clean energy industry in Queensland. The Bill also contains amendments to the Min

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Blueprint
The first “Blueprint for Queensland’s LNG Industry” was released in September 2009. This Blueprint provided a framework for developing an LNG industry in Queensland. The new LNG Blueprint informs the community and industry of progressive Government initiatives to achieve a sustainable LNG Industry and a balance between the new LNG industry and the continuation of the agricultural industry. The

Mines and Energy Amendment (No.2) Bill 2010
The Mines and Energy Legislation Amendment (No. 2) 2010 (the Bill) amends the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 (P&G Act) to enable the specification and enforcement of nation-wide introduction of minimum energy performance standards for gas appliances. The Bill also includes various amendments to the Mining and Quarrying Safety and Health Act 1999 and Coal Mining Safety and Healt

Govt response Ctte Report No 4 Growing Qlds Renewable Energy Electricity
The former Environment and Resources Committee launched an inquiry titled Growing Queensland’s Renewable Energy Electricity Sector in May 2010. In May 2011, the Committee tabled their Report No. 4 presenting the findings from the Committee’s inquiry into growing Queensland's renewable energy electricity sector. A number of the recommendations relate to Queensland’s renewable energy policies and pr

Queensland Energy Management Plan
A key challenge for the Queensland Government is to reduce the growth rate of both the consumption of electricity and peak demand. Demand management, energy efficiency and energy conservation represents the most cost-effective methods to achieve this. The Queensland Energy Management Plan (QEMP) outlines a coordinated program of work to reduce the growth rate of electricity consumption in Queensl

Queensland Solar Bonus Scheme
The Queensland Solar Bonus Scheme has exceeded expectations and achieved its policy objectives to make solar photovoltaic (PV) systems more affordable for Queenslanders, stimulate the solar industry and drive energy efficiency outcomes. In July 2008, the Queensland Government established the Scheme with the aim to: make solar power more affordable for Queenslanders; stimulate the solar power indus

Renewable Energy Industry Development Plan
Renewable Energy Industry Development Plan (REIDP) is a key component of the Queensland Renewable Energy Plan (QREP) and will contribute to achieving the QREP goal of attracting 20 per cent of investment in renewable energy generation driven by the national Renewable Energy Target to 2020. The REIDP initiatives will improve access to finance, drive technological innovation, develop a skilled wor

Red Tape Reduction Energy Sector
In 2012, the government commenced a review of carbon reduction and energy efficiency schemes that may have become redundant following the introduction of the Commonwealth Government’s Carbon Pricing Mechanism (CPM). The Queensland Gas Scheme, the Smart Energy Savings Program (SESP) and the policy for standards for new coal-fired power stations were identified as policies or programs which could

2012 Queensland Gas Market Review
The state of the Queensland gas market is assessed annually via the Gas Market Review (GMR), in consultation with participants. The review provides advice to Government on security of supply for domestic customers and gas market development issues. For the 2012 GMR Report modelling and analysis was undertaken on a range of issues relevant to the future of the Queensland (and broader eastern Austr

Withdrawal from COAG commitments for 6-star units and national residential building mandatory disclosure scheme
Queensland is currently committed through the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) to the following components of the National Strategy on Energy Efficiency: the adoption of 6-star energy efficiency standards for new units and introduction of residential building mandatory disclosure. New multi-unit residential buildings in Queensland are currently required to meet a 5-star energy efficiency

Appointments to Boards of Government Owned Corporations and Qld Rail
Energex Limited (Energex); Ergon Energy Corporation Limited (Ergon); Stanwell Corporation Limited (Stanwell); Far North Queensland Ports Corporation Limited (Ports North); Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited (GPC); Port of Townsville Limited (POTL); QIC Limited (QIC); and SunWater Limited (SunWater) are Government owned corporations (GOCs). The Boards of GOCs are established under the Government

Options to address solar PV costs
The Queensland Solar Bonus Scheme (the Scheme) provides for eligible participants, who supply surplus electricity generated from solar photovoltaic (PV) systems into the Queensland electricity grid, to be paid a feed-in tariff (FiT). Participants in the Scheme are paid a FiT of either 44 or 8 cents per kilowatt hour (c/kWh) for their surplus exported electricity. The FiT is paid by distributors an

30 Year Electricity Strategy Discussion Paper
The Queensland Government has committed to the development of a 30 Year Electricity Strategy. Following the release of a Directions Paper in late 2012, a detailed discussion paper has now been developed. The discussion paper considers both short and longer-term challenges and proposes a number of actions and principles to guide future electricity policy development. A three month consultation

Energy and Water Legislation Amendment Bill 2013
The Energy and Water Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 formalises the Queensland Government’s decisions to: cease the Queensland Gas Scheme’s (the Gas Scheme) operation on 31 December 2013; cease the Smart Energy Savings Program (SESP) at the earliest opportunity; and facilitate the transfer of water and sewerage services for the new Noosa Council on 1 January 2014. The Gas Scheme commenced in 2005

Energy Legislation AEMC Payments Bill 2014
As rule maker and market developer for Australian energy markets, the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) makes and amends the detailed rules for the operation of the National Electricity Market and elements of the natural gas markets in accordance with the National Electricity Law and the National Gas Law. As part of its market development role, it also conducts market reviews with a view

Reforming Queensland electricity network reliability standards
Electricity network reliability standards govern how network infrastructure is built and operated to avoid or manage outages. The current electricity network reliability standards prescribe a network design approach which requires extra infrastructure to be built (redundancy) to achieve reliability of supply. In early 2013, the Independent Review Panel on Network Costs (IRP) found existing reliab

Electricity Competition and Protection Legislation 2014
The National Energy Retail Law (Queensland) Bill 2014 and the Electricity Competition and Protection Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 implement the Government’s decision to increase competition by removing retail price regulation in south east Queensland (SEQ) and introducing a more light-handed market monitoring approach for small (residential and small business) customers, commencing from 1 July

Release of 30 year electricity strategy
The Queensland Government committed to the development of a 30-year electricity strategy. The strategy has been prepared following extensive public consultation. This included the release of a directions paper in December 2012 and a detailed discussion paper in September 2013. The 30-year electricity strategy sets out a vision for an electricity sector which is resilient, cost-effective and cust

Productivity Commission review of electricity prices
A key commitment of the Government at the 2015 election was to establish a Queensland Productivity Commission (QPC) to lift the productivity, competitiveness and efficiency of the Queensland economy. Electricity prices have risen in Queensland by 43 per cent on average since 2011-12. The first task of the QPC is to undertake a public inquiry on electricity prices in order to investigate short an

Appointment to Board of Energex Limited
The Boards of Government Owned Corporations (GOCs) are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under section 89(1) of the GOC Act directors of GOCs are appointed by the Governor in Council. A vacancy existed on the Board of Energex Limited (

Energy and Water Ombudsman Amendment Bill 2015
The Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland (EWOQ) provides a free, independent dispute resolution service for residential and small business customers to help them resolve complaints with energy and water suppliers. Small businesses for these purposes are currently defined as businesses using less than 100 megawatt hours (MWh) of electricity per year. This definition means that many businesses that

Submission to Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Cairns Petrol Market Study
Fuel prices are an issue the Queensland Government has raised over the last 18 months in response to community concerns that motorist in Brisbane and in Queensland more broadly are paying more fuel than in other states. In April 2016, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) announced Cairns will be the fourth regional location to be studied as part of its petrol monitoring arrang

Government target for solar rooftops
The Queensland Government has set a target for one million residential solar photovoltaics (PV) rooftops or 3000 megawatts of installed solar PV of all scales in Queensland by 2020. In 2015, the Government tasked the Queensland Productivity Commission (QPC) with conducting an inquiry into a fair price for small scale solar systems selling their power back into the electricity grid. The QPC was req

Appointments to the Gasfields Commission
The Gasfields Commission Act 2013 (the Act) establishes the Gasfields Commission (the Commission) to manage and improve the sustainable coexistence of landholders, regional communities and the onshore gas industry in Queensland. The Act provides that the Commission is made up of a full-time commissioner, who is the chairperson, and up to six part-time commissioners. It also requires that when reco

Electricity and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
In December 2015, the Queensland Government, announced its intention to effect a merger of Energex and Ergon into a single business under a new parent company (Parent Co). A separate Energy Services Business will be established as a subsidiary of Parent Co. The merger is to be implemented on 1 July 2016 with the objective of improving network efficiencies. Implementation of the merged network b

Appointment of Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland
The statutory office of the Energy and Water Ombudsman was established under the Energy and Water Ombudsman Act 2006. The Office of the Ombudsman is an independent statutory authority who receives, investigates and facilitates the resolution of complaints made by small energy and South East Queensland water customers, or by a Scheme member in relation to the connection, supply or sale of electrici

Annual progress on Advancing North Queensland – Five Priority Areas
In June 2016, the Queensland government endorsed Advancing North Queensland – Investing in the Future of the North, which outlines actions dedicated to growing the North Queensland (NQ) economy, with efforts focussed on five priority areas: roads infrastructure water and energy security research and innovation tourism, trade and investment North Queensland Stadium Under this plan, the Governmen

Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy and Energy from Waste Policy
In March 2018, the Queensland Government committed to developing a recycling, resource recovery and waste management strategy, underpinned by a waste disposal levy. The Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy (the Strategy) has been informed by the review of the current Queensland Waste Avoidance and Resource Productivity Strategy (20142024) published in June 2018, the outcomes of public

Appointments to Energy Skills Advisory Committee
The Energy Skills Advisory Committee (ESAC) supports the development of a policy framework to encourage Queensland workers and communities to maximise future employment and skills opportunities in the Queensland energy sector. ESAC will be responsible for providing knowledge, options and recommendations for consideration to the Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training a

Appointment of Energy and Water Ombudsman and Land Access Ombudsman
The Energy and Water Ombudsman is appointed by the Governor in Council under section 51 of the Energy and Water Ombudsman Act 2006. The Energy and Water Ombudsman receives, investigates and facilitates the resolution of complaints made by small energy customers and South East Queensland water customers, in relation to their electricity, gas or water providers. The Land Access Ombudsman is appointe

Consultation on proposed changes to Queensland state energy legislation
A review of the Electricity Act 1994, the Gas Supply Act 2003, the Energy and Water Ombudsman Act 2006 and subordinate legislation, and the Liquid Fuel Supply Act 1984 (apart from biofuel mandate provisions) was initiated to assess whether state energy legislation is fit for purpose, given the energy transition and ongoing changes to Queensland’s applied national laws. This review confirmed state

Appointments to CleanCo Board
In 2017, the Government committed to establish a new clean energy generation Government owned corporation (GOC) for Queensland (CleanCo) to improve competition in the wholesale electricity market and support the growth of Queensland’s renewable energy industry.  CleanCo creates value by transforming intermittent renewable energy generation into firm financial products that are traded in financial

Appointments to Energy Qld Limited Board and Qld Treasury Corporation Capital Markets Board
The Boards of Government owned corporations (GOCs) are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under section 89(1) of the GOC Act, directors of GOCs are appointed by the Governor in Council. The Queensland Treasury Corporation (QTC) Capital M

Energy from Waste Policy Queensland
In July 2019, the Queensland Government released the Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy (the Strategy) which seeks to transition Queensland to a zero-waste society, where waste is avoided, reused and recycled to the greatest extent possible. The Strategy commits to the development of an Energy-from-Waste (EfW) Policy. The EfW Policy seeks to: support the vision of the Advance Queensla

Forest Wind Farm Development Bill 2020
The primary objective of the Forest Wind Farm Development Bill 2020 is to facilitate a pathway to tenure for the development of the Forest Wind Project by Forest Wind Holdings Pty Limited (the proponent), on plantation licence areas in the Toolara, Tuan and Neerdie State forests in the Wide Bay Burnett region. The proponent is seeking to establish a large-scale wind farm (up to 226 turbines) gene

Appointments to the boards of various Government businesses
Government owned corporations (GOCs) boards are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under the GOC Act, directors of GOCs are appointed by the Governor in Council. The Queensland Bulk Water Supply Authority (Seqwater) Board is responsible f

Appointment to the Stanwell Corporation Limited Board
Government owned corporations (GOCs) boards are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under the GOC Act, directors of GOCs are appointed by the Governor in Council. Cabinet endorsed that Mr Paul Binsted be recommended to the Governor in Counci

Appointments to the boards of various Government Businesses
The Boards of Government Owned Corporations (GOCs) are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under the GOC Act, directors of GOCs are appointed by the Governor in Council. The Queensland Bulk Water Supply Authority (Seqwater) Board is respons

Appointments to the boards of various Government owned corporations
The Boards of Government owned corporations (GOCs) are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under the GOC Act, directors of GOCs are appointed by the Governor in Council. It is desirable for board members to possess demonstrated previous lea

Appointments to the boards of QIC Ltd CleanCo Queensland Ltd and Queensland Competition Authority
The boards of Government owned corporations (GOCs) are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under section 89(1) of the GOC Act, a GOC’s board is to consist of the number of directors that are appointed by the Governor in Council. QIC Limited

Appointments to the boards of various Government businesses
The Boards of Government owned corporations (GOCs) are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under the GOC Act, directors of GOCs are appointed by the Governor in Council. The Queensland Bulk Water Supply Authority (Seqwater) Board is respons

Appointment of the Energy and Water Ombudsman
The Energy and Water Ombudsman is appointed by the Governor in Council under section 51 of the Energy and Water Ombudsman Act 2006. The Energy and Water Ombudsman receives, investigates and facilitates the resolution of complaints made by small energy and South East Queensland water customers, or by a scheme member in relation to the connection, supply or sale of electricity, gas or water by a mem

Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan
In June 2021, the Queensland Government committed to the development of an energy plan for Queensland to outline the State’s pathway to achieve the 50 per cent Queensland Renewable Energy Target (QRET), position Queensland for clean industrial growth, and support new jobs. The Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan sets a clear vision to transform the energy system and deliver clean, reliable and afforda

Queensland New-Industry Development Strategy
The Queensland New-Industry Development Strategy (QNIDS) provides confidence that the Queensland Government has a clear pathway for industry development and is harnessing the opportunities presented by a decarbonised global economy. The QNIDS will be used by other Queensland Government agencies, local governments, industry, business, academia and the community to confirm the Queensland Government

Release of Queensland’s Clean Energy Workforce Roadmap
Ensuring Queensland has the workforce needed to meet the skills and labour demand associated with the energy transformation has been identified as a critical enabler for the successful delivery of the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan. Likewise, the Good jobs. Good people: Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022-2032 (QWS) recognises the need to develop the skills pathways required for the growing clean