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Green Army
The global financial crisis has resulted in a rapid deterioration in world growth. The consequence of slowed economic growth in Queensland is a predicted rise in unemployment in 2009-10 to well over 6%.
To increase job creation efforts targeted at the long-term unemployed and young unemployed people – as part of its recent employment election commitment the Government announced the Green Army to
Jobs First Delivering Jobs for Queensland
In recognition of the impact of the global financial crisis on economic growth and employment in Queensland, the Queensland Government committed to the creation of 100,000 new jobs by March 2012.
In recognising that meeting this commitment would require a joint effort by government, industry, organisations and individuals, a four point plan was developed to outline key activity by government to s
Queensland Government Submission to the Economic Development Committee - July 2009
August 2009
Queensland Government Submission to the Economic Development Committee
Treasurer and Minister for Employment and Economic Development
Cabinet approved the whole-of-government submission to the Queensland Parliament Economic Development Committee Issues Paper No. 1: Inquiry into identifying world’s best practice by governments to effectively stimulate employment opportunities in Qu
Qld Government endorsement of Australian Employment Covenant
Indigenous people are the most disadvantaged group in Australia. Through the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) all states and territories have committed to implement strategies aimed at halving the employment gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians within a decade.
The private sector made its own commitment to support closing the indigenous employment gap by announcing the A
Govt response to Crime and Misconduct Commission report Public Duty Private Interests
On 18 December 2008, the Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) issued a report on issues in pre-separation conduct and post-separation employment for the Queensland public sector.
The CMC made five recommendations to amend elements of the existing policy and legislative framework so as to improve accountability in relation to pre-separation conduct and post-separation employment of public offici
Indemnities and Legal Assistance
The Guideline for the Grant of Indemnities and Legal Assistance to State Employees (the Guideline) states the principles and practices for determining the grant of legal assistance and/or indemnities to State of Queensland employees in relation to civil proceedings, inquiries and investigations. The Guideline provides the general principles for when indemnities will be granted and sets an applica
New Arrangements for Asset Management of Government Employee Housing
The Queensland Government owns approximately 4,400 residential dwellings for use by Government employees to support the delivery of government services throughout the State. These assets have a total capital value of approximately $850 million and are primarily located in regional and remote locations around the State with approximately 460 residences located in Indigenous communities.
Under th
Education and Training Legislation (Skills Queensland) Amendment Bill 2010
The Education and Training Legislation (Skills Queensland) Amendment Bill 2010 amends the Vocational Education, Training and Employment Act 2000 to establish an industry led skills commission in Queensland, to be called Skills Queensland.
The establishment of Skills Queensland marks a new approach to ensuring that Queensland’s skills system meets the needs of a growing and diversifying Queensland
Response to Economic Development Committee Report No. 2
The Queensland Parliament Economic Development Committee (the Committee) tabled its Report Number 2: Inquiry into identifying world’s best practice by governments to effectively stimulate employment opportunities in Queensland on 26 November 2009.
Cabinet approved the whole-of-government response to the Queensland Parliament Economic Development Committee’s inquiry, which was tabled on 26 Februa
Skilled Migration Program
The Australian Government announced changes to the nature of state and territory involvement in skilled migration.
In particular, it imposed a new requirement for State Migration Plans, impacting on Queensland’s participation in the program.
The Queensland Government has participated in the Australian Government’s skilled migration program in some capacity since 2004.
Queensland participation
Learning Earning Active Places strategy
Around 78 percent of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population in Queensland live in cities and towns.
‘LEAP: Learning Earning Active Places—a strategy for improving access to education, employment, health and housing opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders in urban and regional areas’ has been developed as part of the Government’s commitment to close the g
Endorsement of guide for granting of indemnity or legal assistance
The Guideline for the Grant of Indemnities and Legal Assistance to State Employees (Employees’ Guideline), the Guideline for the Grant of Indemnities and Legal Assistance to Ministers and Assistant Ministers (Ministers’ Guideline) and the Guideline for the Grant of Indemnities and Legal Assistance to Queensland Judicial Officers (Judicial Officers’ Guideline) state the principles and practices for
Progress Report - additional apprenticeships
The Government committed to “provide up to $86 million for 10,000 additional apprenticeships over six years to meet the looming skills shortage from 2012-13”. This commitment was announced as part of the pledge to revamp Queensland’s skills and training, and significantly boost apprenticeship opportunities for Queenslanders.
The funding commitment for this strategy is $8 million to be made availa
Strategy Update - additional apprenticeships over six years from 2012-13 to 2017-18
The Government committed to provide up to $86 million for 10,000 additional apprenticeships over six years to meet the looming skills shortage from 2012-13.
This commitment was announced as part of the promise to revamp Queensland’s skills and training sector, and significantly boost apprenticeship opportunities for Queenslanders.
Cabinet noted the progress against the 10,000 additional apprenti
Establishment of the Stolen Wages Reparations Scheme
From 1897, previous governments controlled the lives, earnings and savings of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders under a range of ‘Protection Acts’. This included the underpayment of wages and mismanagement of savings accounts.
The Queensland Government established a fund of $21 million to provide reparation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people whose wages and savings w
Implementing Working Queensland
Enabling the creation of jobs and lowering unemployment is a core Government priority. Accordingly, all government departments and agencies will be required to contribute to this commitment. Any job strategies will need to be planned and delivered in a cohesive, well sequenced manner with a solid and interconnecting policy logic.
Significant initiatives have been identified under the Working Queen
Payroll Tax Rebate Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015
The Payroll Tax Rebate, Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 gives effect to a 2015 election commitment by the Government, funded for three years, in relation to a payroll tax rebate on the wages of apprentices and trainees (the Rebate).
The Bill also proposed to amend the following:
Payroll Tax Act 1971 – to give effect to the Rebate by extending the application of existing provis
Appointment Industry and Manufacturing Advisory Group
The government committed to the establishment of a voluntary Industry and Manufacturing Advisory Group (IMAG), as outlined in the Working Queensland: Labor’s jobs plan.
The IMAG would provide high-level industry advice on strategic matters in relation to building and promoting industry and manufacturing in Queensland to help drive economic, regional and employment growth throughout the state. T
Draft State Infrastructure Plan
The Government committed to deliver a State Infrastructure Plan to support the long-term prosperity, liveability and sustainability of Queensland. Investment in infrastructure underpins economic growth, supports jobs, and creates a lasting legacy for Queenslanders.
The draft State Infrastructure Plan sets out a clear vision for how to grow Queensland, the infrastructure required to deliver that gr
Jobs Queensland Bill 2015
Working Queensland sets out the Queensland Government’s plan for creating jobs and lowering unemployment in order to lead Queensland to future prosperity.
It also includes the commitment to establish Jobs Queensland as an independent statutory entity providing strategic industry advice to Government on skills demand and long-term workforce planning, with a focus on making the Queensland vocationa
Draft strategy - Advancing Tourism 2016-20 Growing jobs for Queenslanders
Over the past 12 months, the Queensland tourism industry has experienced unprecedented growth. To capitalise on this growth, Queensland requires a modern, focused and agile tourism strategy that will increase jobs, overnight visitor expenditure and visitor numbers by:
capitalising on the Asia opportunity
growing quality products, events and experiences
building a skilled workforce and business cap
Proposal for the regulation of the labour hire industry in Queensland
The Finance and Administration Committee “Inquiry into the practices of the labour hire industry in Queensland” was tabled in Parliament on 30 June 2016.
An Issues Paper will canvass submissions from stakeholders and the community on the important features of any scheme for the regulation of the labour hire industry.
The Issues Paper seeks responses from stakeholders on a number of questions in r
Appointment to Jobs Queensland
The Jobs Queensland Act 2015 established Jobs Queensland as an independent statutory entity with key functions to give advice to the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Minister for Training and Skills about:
the skills it anticipates will be needed for particular industries and regional areas;
future workforce development and planning; and
the apprenticeship and traineeship system in Qu
2014 Protocol to International Labour Organisation (ILO) Forced Labour Convention 1930 (No 29)
At the 2014 annual International Labour Conference, Australia chaired the Committee on Forced Labour and were active and influential participants in the drafting process of the 2014 Protocol to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29).
The purpose of the Protocol is to address gaps in implementation of the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 and reaffirms the
Moving Ahead - strategic approach to increasing participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Queensland economy 2016–2022
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders continue to experience disadvantage in accessing the labour market, and are overrepresented in unemployment statistics. Moving Ahead is the Queensland Government’s new economic participation strategy, and aims to ensure Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander people have equitable access to the benefits of Queensland’s economy.
Moving Ahead
Strong and Sustainable Resource Communities Bill 2016
The Strong and Sustainable Resource Communities Bill 2016 (the Bill) ensures that regional communities in Queensland, in the vicinity of large resource projects, benefit from the operation of those projects. The Bill limits the use of fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) workforce arrangements and ensure that local workers from nearby regional communities are not excluded from employment in the operation of tho
Advancing Tourism 2016-20 - Growing Queensland Jobs
In the year ending June 2016, the Queensland tourism industry has experienced very strong growth, with international visitors spending a record $5.1 billion in Queensland. During this period, China continued to be Queensland’s largest international tourism market with 468,000 Chinese travellers visiting the state, which was an increase of 30.5% over the previous year. These historic figures repres
Appointment of members of Jobs Queensland
The Jobs Queensland Act 2015 established Jobs Queensland as an independent statutory entity with key functions to give advice to the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Minister for Training and Skills about:
the skills it anticipates will be needed for particular industries and regional areas;
future workforce development and planning; and
the apprenticeship and traineeship system in Q
Strategic Blueprint for Queensland’s North West Minerals Province Supporting strong and prosperous regional communities
The North West Minerals Province (NWMP) is centred on the local government areas of Mount Isa, Cloncurry, McKinlay, Burke, Carpentaria, Croydon, Doomadgee, Etheridge, Flinders and Richmond, in Queensland’s remote north west, although the region also relies upon surrounding areas for services, transport and as feeder regions for drive tourism.
Metals production in the NWMP has been declining in re
Appointments to Contract Cleaning Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority Board
The Contract Cleaning Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 2005 (the Act) provides for the establishment of the Contract Cleaning Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority (the Authority), which administers a scheme of portable long service leave benefits for eligible workers in the contract cleaning industry in Queensland. Section 16 of the Act provides that the Authority is governed
Disability Services and Other Legislation (Worker Screening) Amendment Bill 2018
Under the Disability Services Act 2006, Queensland has a fully operational worker screening system for people working or volunteering with people with disability in service outlets (the yellow card system).
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Quality and Safeguarding Framework will apply in Queensland following full scheme implementation of the NDIS in Queensland. This Framework provi
Our Future State - Advancing Queensland Priorities
Our Future State: Advancing Queensland’s Priorities was developed to build on the Government’s commitments and to harness a whole-of-Government effort to deliver for Queensland.
There are six outcome priorities for the Queensland community:
Create jobs in a strong economy
Give all our children a great start
Keep Queenslanders healthy
Keep communities safe
Protect the Great Barrier Reef
Be a res
Implementation of Our Future State - Advancing Queensland’s Priorities
In June 2018, the Queensland Government released Our Future State: Advancing Queensland’s Priorities, which are the Queensland Government’s Statement of Objectives for the Community in accordance with the Financial Accountability Act 2009.
There are six outcomes for the Queensland community:
Create jobs in a strong economy
Give all our children a great start
Keep Queenslanders health
Keep communit
Response to Committee inquiry into job opportunities from establishment of space industry
In September 2018, the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Leader of the House referred an inquiry to the State Development, Natural Resources and Agricultural Industry Development Committee (the committee). The referral was to examine opportunities to create jobs across Queensland and promote existing supply chain capability as a result of an Australian space industry.
On 18 September
Government Response to Jobs Queensland Tourism Workforce Plan
The Queensland Tourism Workforce Plan 2017-2020 (Tourism Workforce Plan) was released by Jobs Queensland in July 2017 as an action from the Queensland Government’s Advancing Tourism 2016-20: Growing Queensland Jobs strategy and outlines key themes and recommendations from industry, as well as suggested supporting actions.
The Tourism Workforce Plan is a roadmap for how industry and government prep
Update on economic conditions and job creating initiatives in the Townsville Region
The economy of the Townsville region is supported by health care and social services, education, retail services and public administration and safety.
To support economic growth across the Townsville region, the Queensland Government is leading or helping facilitate progress on projects that include upgrades to roads, ports, schools, health services, and initiatives aimed at supporting jobs, innov
Update on economic conditions and employment initiatives in Mount Isa region
The economy of the Mount Isa region is primarily supported by mining, as well as agriculture, construction and services, such as education and health.
To support economic growth across the Mount Isa region, the Queensland Government is investing in economic development and job creating projects, including significant expenditure on capital works such as roads and upgrades to health, education and
Update on economic conditions and job creating initiatives in Maryborough and Wide Bay region
The economy of Maryborough and the Wide Bay region is primarily supported by health care, agriculture and manufacturing.
To support economic growth across Maryborough and the Wide Bay region, the Queensland Government is leading or helping facilitate progress on projects that include upgrades to health services, schools, TAFE facilities, roads, and initiatives aimed at supporting jobs, innovation
Pacific Labour Scheme and Seasonal Worker Programme in Queensland
Queensland’s agribusiness and commercial fisheries are heavily reliant on seasonal workers. The Queensland horticulture sector alone needs, on average, between 15,000 and 17,000 casual and contract full time equivalent (FTE) workers each month during a good season. In a typical year, visa holders may provide up to 40% of farm labour.
A shortage of seasonal farm workers has been developing since in
Update on economic conditions and job-creating initiatives in Townsville region
Townsville is in the Townsville Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4), which covers a total land area of 80,036 km2, and includes the Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3) regions of Charters Towers – Ayr – Ingham and Townsville.
Townsville’s regional economy has relatively large public administration and safety and health care industries reflecting the region’s status as a major service centre for North Queens
Queensland Government response to Jobs Queenslands Future Work project (phase 2)
Technology, innovation, ageing of the population and other economic and demographic shifts are driving structural changes in Queensland’s labour market. Opportunities are emerging in new industries and occupations, jobs are being transformed and the nature of work is changing.
Jobs Queensland is the Queensland Government’s key advisory body undertaking research and stakeholder consultation on emp
Update on economic conditions and job creating initiatives in Western Queensland
The Outback South Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3), which covers a total land area of 625,222.9km2 square kilometres and includes the SA2 regions of Barcaldine–Blackall, Charleville, Far Central West, Far South West, and Longreach.
Within the Outback South SA3 region, the agriculture, forestry and fishing and the public administration and safety industries make up the majority of the region’s employ
Appointment of the Native Timber Advisory Panel
On 4 November 2019, the Premier and the Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries jointly announced the Palaszczuk Government’s Native Timber Action Plan. The plan supports actions to help deliver a sustainable native timber industry, balancing both jobs and the environment.
As part of the announcement, the Government committed to establishing the Native Timber Advisory Panel re
Wild Dog Management in Queensland
Wild dogs are present in all areas of Queensland and have a number of adverse impacts including contributing to declining sheep numbers in western Queensland.
In the fifteen years from 2001 to 2016, sheep numbers across Queensland fell over 80 per cent, from more than 7 million to 1.35 million. Whilst several factors may have contributed, anecdotally, many landholders cited wild dog impacts as th
Qld Space Industry Strategy progress update
Queensland's space industry is growing at seven per cent per annum; employs approximately 2,000 full time equivalents; generates $760 million in revenue; and adds $500 million in value to the Gross State Product (Deloitte, 2019). With the right enablers, by 2036 the state’s space industry could add between $3.5 billion and $6 billion to the state economy and support between 4,000 and 6,000 jobs.
Big Plans for Small Business Strategy 2021-23
Small businesses comprise over 97 per cent of all Queensland businesses and employed more than 914,000 people in 2018-19. They operate across a diverse range of Queensland industries.
The Big Plans for Small Business Strategy 2021-23 aims to build a strong and resilient small business sector that will drive economic and employment growth across Queensland.
The Queensland Government is investing
Stage 2 public sector reforms
Public sector reforms arise from the recommendations of the independent review of public sector employment laws, A Fair and Responsive Public Service for All by Mr Peter Bridgman (the Bridgman Review, 2019).
Restoring fairness in public sector employment has been a key priority of the Queensland Government since 2015 when the employment security policy was reinstated to commit to maximum employme
Update on economic conditions and job creating initiatives in Springfield region
The Springfield – Redbank Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3) covers a total land area of 103.6km2 and is contained in the wider Ipswich SA4 region. The Springfield – Redbank SA3 area includes the SA2 localities of Bellbird Park – Brookwater; Camira – Gailes; Carole Park; Collingwood Park – Redbank; Goodna; New Chum; Redbank Plains; Springfield; and Springfield Lakes.
The health care and social assista
Update on economic conditions & job creating initiatives in the Hervey Bay region
The Hervey Bay Statistical Areal Level 3 (SA3) region forms part of the broader Wide Bay Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4) region in South East Queensland. The Hervey Bay SA3 region includes a large portion of the electorate of Hervey Bay and part of the electorate of Maryborough. Hervey Bay SA3 also incorporates part of Fraser Coast Regional Council Local Government Area (LGA).
As at 30 June 2020, t
Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018
On 13 November 2018, the government introduced the Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 (Bill). On 14 February 2019, the Education, Employment and Small Business Committee tabled Report No. 12 on the Bill, recommending that the Bill be passed.
The Bill amends the Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000 and introduce
Release of the Hydrogen Industry Workforce Development Roadmap 2022-2032
The hydrogen industry has been identified by the Queensland Government as a key economic priority due to the state’s potential as a global supplier and the industry’s relevance to the shift to a low carbon economy.
The successful development of Queensland’s hydrogen industry will require a skilled, hydrogen-ready workforce supported by quality training pathways.
The Hydrogen Industry Workforce Dev
Update on government achievements and investment in the Sunshine Coast Region
The Sunshine Coast Region is one of Queensland’s premier tourist destinations including Noosa, Mooloolaba and Caloundra, and is renowned for its beaches, parks and nature reserves. Nambour is considered the gateway to the Sunshine Coast Hinterland and recognised for its vintage trails, thriving café and craft beer scene and the annual Big Pineapple Music Festival. In 2018-19, tourism accounted for
Update on economic conditions and job creating initiatives in Stanthorpe
The Granite Belt Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3), including the Stanthorpe region, covers a total land area of 8,434.0 square kilometres (km2). This SA3 region forms part of the broader Darling Downs-Maranoa Statistical Area 4 (SA4) region. As at 30 June 2021, the estimated resident population of the Granite Belt SA3 region was 40,772 persons.
Within the Granite Belt SA3 region, the largest contrib
Queensland Wants You Workforce Strategy 2022-32
The Queensland Workforce Summit, held in March 2022, brought together more than 350 leaders in business, education and training, along with unions and community leaders from across the state to work in partnership to discuss issues and explore solutions for addressing the State’s current and future workforce challenges and opportunities.
A commitment was made at the Summit for the government to de
Queensland Workforce Summit 2022 – outcomes and next steps
Through the Big Plans for Small Business Strategy 2021-23, the Queensland Government committed to hosting a Queensland Workforce Summit to identify strategies and actions to assist industry to access the skills and workforce they need.
The Queensland Workforce Summit was held on 11 March 2022.
The Summit brought together approximately 350 stakeholders including Queensland business and industry lea
Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan
In June 2021, the Queensland Government committed to the development of an energy plan for Queensland to outline the State’s pathway to achieve the 50 per cent Queensland Renewable Energy Target (QRET), position Queensland for clean industrial growth, and support new jobs.
The Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan sets a clear vision to transform the energy system and deliver clean, reliable and afforda
Queensland New-Industry Development Strategy
The Queensland New-Industry Development Strategy (QNIDS) provides confidence that the Queensland Government has a clear pathway for industry development and is harnessing the opportunities presented by a decarbonised global economy.
The QNIDS will be used by other Queensland Government agencies, local governments, industry, business, academia and the community to confirm the Queensland Government