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Your search for Electricity returned 49 record/s.
Mines and Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2008
The Bill contains legislative amendments to the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004, the Petroleum Act 1923, the Mineral Resources Act 1989, the Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999, the Mining and Quarrying Safety and Health Act 1999, the Electricity Act 1994 and the Energy Ombudsman Act 2006. The amendments propose to: amend the legislative framework to implement the Queensland

Electrical Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009
The Electrical Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 (the Bill) introduces amendments to the Electrical Safety Act 2002, the Electrical Safety Regulation 2002, the Industrial Relations Act 1999 and the Contract Cleaning Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 2005. The Bill provides a Ministerial power under the Electrical Safety Act 2002 to make a recall order to compel the recall

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Impacts Review
In August 2009, Cabinet considered a submission on the impacts of the potential coal seam gas (CSG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) industries. The submission provided an update on the nine (9) key policy objectives that were established by Cabinet in September 2008. These key policy objectives include: the security of domestic gas supply; electricity and domestic gas market impacts to be moni

Qld Govt Response to Renewable Energy Target
In 2007 the Commonwealth government committed to increasing the national Renewable Energy Target (RET) to 20 per cent by 2020 (with the target defined as an additional 45,000 gigawatt hours of renewable energy generation over the period 2010 to 2020). This closely aligns with the Queensland Government’s support for utilising renewable energy sources. The Commonwealth Government released a discu

Requirement for pool filtration systems to be demand response active
In Queensland, peak electricity demand is a key driver of electricity infrastructure expenditure. Approximately 11 per cent of distribution network capacity is built to meet a level of demand which only occurs approximately one per cent of the time. For example, in south-east Queensland, approximately $700 million worth of assets are used only three days per year. One of the most effective ways to

National Regulation Impact Statement for proposed Electrical Equipment Safety System
The Electrical Regulatory Authorities Council (ERAC) is the peak body of electrical safety regulators in Australia and New Zealand and acts to ensure electrical safety regulatory systems are contemporary and harmonised wherever possible. A number of emerging challenges and inconsistencies with the current electrical equipment safety systems across Australia led ERAC to commission a comprehensive a

Mines and Energy Leg Amendment Bill 09
The Mines and Energy Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 contains amendments to implement recommendations from the Ombudsman’s 2008 report - The Regulation of Mine Safety in Queensland: A review of the Queensland Mines Inspectorate. The amendments will implement Queensland’s contribution to a significant national energy reform project, which has proceeded under the guidance of the Ministerial Council

Growing Queenslands Renewable Energy Electricity Sector
On 24 May 2010, the Environment and Resources Committee issued an issues paper entitled “Growing Queensland’s Renewable Energy Electricity Sector”. This paper provides background information about the committee and its inquiry into opportunities and challenges for the Queensland Government associated with increasing the proportion of electricity generated from renewable energy sources in Queensla

Geothermal Energy Bill 2010
Exploration for geothermal energy has been under way in Queensland since 2005 under the Geothermal Exploration Act 2004. The purpose of the Geothermal Energy Bill 2010 (the Bill) is to provide a new framework for developing the exploration and production of geothermal energy and aims to encourage the growth of this clean energy industry in Queensland. The Bill also contains amendments to the Min

Govt response Ctte Report No 4 Growing Qlds Renewable Energy Electricity
The former Environment and Resources Committee launched an inquiry titled Growing Queensland’s Renewable Energy Electricity Sector in May 2010. In May 2011, the Committee tabled their Report No. 4 presenting the findings from the Committee’s inquiry into growing Queensland's renewable energy electricity sector. A number of the recommendations relate to Queensland’s renewable energy policies and pr

Electricity Price Reform Bill 2011
The Electricity Price Reform Bill 2011 amends the Electricity Act 1994 and the Electricity Regulation 2006, to replace the current Benchmark Retail Cost Index (BRCI) methodology for determining notified electricity prices commencing 1 July 2012. The legislative amendments will allow for the implementation of a new price setting methodology in Queensland, and changes to eligibility for the Queens

Electrical Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011
The Bill amends the Electrical Safety Act 2002 and the Electrical Safety Regulation 2002 to implement a new Electrical Equipment Safety System (EESS) within Queensland. This new system: Places obligations for safety on a responsible supplier who is the first point of sale (ie the manufacturer or importer) in Australia or New Zealand. Establishes a national register where all suppliers and certain

Queensland Energy Management Plan
A key challenge for the Queensland Government is to reduce the growth rate of both the consumption of electricity and peak demand. Demand management, energy efficiency and energy conservation represents the most cost-effective methods to achieve this. The Queensland Energy Management Plan (QEMP) outlines a coordinated program of work to reduce the growth rate of electricity consumption in Queensl

Queensland Solar Bonus Scheme
The Queensland Solar Bonus Scheme has exceeded expectations and achieved its policy objectives to make solar photovoltaic (PV) systems more affordable for Queenslanders, stimulate the solar industry and drive energy efficiency outcomes. In July 2008, the Queensland Government established the Scheme with the aim to: make solar power more affordable for Queenslanders; stimulate the solar power indus

Terms of Reference for determination of regulated retail electricity tariffs
On 11 May 2011, the Government announced the implementation of a new electricity pricing methodology and tariff structures for 2012-13. The new methodology is a fairer and more flexible pricing framework and will ensure future electricity prices more accurately reflect the underlying costs of supplying electricity to customers in Queensland. The required legislative amendments to the Electricity

Renewable Energy Industry Development Plan
Renewable Energy Industry Development Plan (REIDP) is a key component of the Queensland Renewable Energy Plan (QREP) and will contribute to achieving the QREP goal of attracting 20 per cent of investment in renewable energy generation driven by the national Renewable Energy Target to 2020. The REIDP initiatives will improve access to finance, drive technological innovation, develop a skilled wor

Appointments to the Electrical Safety Board and Electrical Licensing Committee
Appointments of Chairperson to the Electrical Safety Board and Electrical Licensing Committee and one member to the Electrical Licensing Committee Attorney-General and Minister for Justice The Electrical Safety Board (the Board) is established under section 75 of the Electrical Safety Act 2002 (the Act). Under section 76 of the Act, the primary function of the Board is to give advice and make

Appointment of the Boards of ENERGEX Limited and Stanwell Corp Ltd
ENERGEX Limited and Stanwell Corporation Limited are Government Owned Corporations (GOCs). The Boards of GOCs are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1994. Directors resigned from the respective boards resulting in a number of vacancies. Cabinet endorsed recommending to the Governor in Council the appointment of the following persons as Directors to the Board of ENERGEX Limit

Electricity Act Amendment Bill 2012 (Queensland Solar Bonus Scheme Review)
The Queensland Solar Bonus Scheme (the Scheme) has achieved its policy objectives to make solar photovoltaic (PV) systems more affordable for Queenslanders, stimulate the solar power industry and encourage energy efficiency. The Scheme pays eligible households and other small customers for the surplus electricity generated from solar PV panel systems, which is exported to the Queensland electricit

Appointment of Chairpersons of GOCs
ENERGEX Limited, Ergon Energy Corporation Limited, Queensland Electricity Transmission Corporation Limited, CS Energy Limited and Stanwell Corporation Limited are Government Owned Corporations (GOCs). The Boards of GOCs are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1994. The chairs of the above Boards resigned. Cabinet endorsed recommending to the Governor in Council the appointmen

Treasury (Cost of Living) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
The Treasury (Cost of Living) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 (the Bill) amends legislation to implement a number of election commitments. The Duties Act 2001 is amended to reinstate the principal place of residence transfer duty concession (or home concession), the previous transfer duty rate structure and the phasing-out point for the reducing rebate for the first home concession fro

Proposed NLS
On 3 July 2008, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreed to develop a National Occupational Licensing System (NOLS) as part of the Seamless National Economy regulatory reform agenda. The NOLS is being implemented through cooperative national legislation, whereby each State and Territory will pass legislation applying or mirroring the Occupational Licensing National Law (National Law).

Electricity Supply in the Daintree
The former Daintree Electricity Supply Policy was introduced to discourage development in the environmentally sensitive Daintree region by preventing the construction of new electricity networks or the extension of Ergon Energy’s (Ergon) existing network. The area is excluded from Ergon’s Distribution Authority and electricity supply via Ergon’s network is limited to each end of the Daintree reg

Options to address solar PV costs
The Queensland Solar Bonus Scheme (the Scheme) provides for eligible participants, who supply surplus electricity generated from solar photovoltaic (PV) systems into the Queensland electricity grid, to be paid a feed-in tariff (FiT). Participants in the Scheme are paid a FiT of either 44 or 8 cents per kilowatt hour (c/kWh) for their surplus exported electricity. The FiT is paid by distributors an

30 Year Electricity Strategy Discussion Paper
The Queensland Government has committed to the development of a 30 Year Electricity Strategy. Following the release of a Directions Paper in late 2012, a detailed discussion paper has now been developed. The discussion paper considers both short and longer-term challenges and proposes a number of actions and principles to guide future electricity policy development. A three month consultation

2013-14 State Budget
The 2013-14 Budget is the second LNP Budget. The restoration of the State’s finances remains a key priority for the Government. The 2013-14 Budget was framed in the context of a difficult external environment and the need to fund the costs of natural disasters. The Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 included measures to give effect to the 2013-14 Budget. The Bill also inclu

Interdepartmental Committee Electricity Sector Reform further advice
The Government established the Interdepartmental Committee on Electricity Sector Reform (IDC) in May 2012 to investigate cost drivers in the electricity sector and make recommendations that will ensure: Electricity in Queensland is delivered in a cost-effective manner; Queensland has a viable, sustainable and competitive electricity industry; and Electricity is delivered in a financially sustaina

Review of the Electrical Safety Regulation 2002
The Electrical Safety Regulation 2002 commenced on 1 October 2002. Under the requirements of the Statutory Instruments Act 1992 the Regulation will expire and must be reviewed. A Regulatory Assessment Statement (RAS) has been completed as part of this review of the Regulation. The RAS reviews the Regulation and examines the following three options: Option 1 No Regulation – this option proposes to

Electrical Safety Regulation 2013
The need for the proposed Electrical Safety Regulation 2013 (the 2013 Regulation) is due to the automatic expiry of the Electrical Safety Regulation 2002 (the 2002 Regulation) under the requirements of the Statutory Instruments Act 1992. A consultation Regulatory Assessment Statement (RAS) for the review of the 2002 Regulation was released for public comment between 28 March 2013 and 26 April 2013

Energy Legislation AEMC Payments Bill 2014
As rule maker and market developer for Australian energy markets, the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) makes and amends the detailed rules for the operation of the National Electricity Market and elements of the natural gas markets in accordance with the National Electricity Law and the National Gas Law. As part of its market development role, it also conducts market reviews with a view

Electricity and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014
The Queensland Solar Bonus Scheme (the Scheme) provides for eligible participants to supply surplus electricity generated from solar photovoltaic (PV) systems into the Queensland electricity grid. Participants in the Scheme are paid a feed-in tariff for their surplus exported electricity. The feed-in tariff is paid by distributors and costs are passed through to electricity customers via network

Reforming Queensland electricity network reliability standards
Electricity network reliability standards govern how network infrastructure is built and operated to avoid or manage outages. The current electricity network reliability standards prescribe a network design approach which requires extra infrastructure to be built (redundancy) to achieve reliability of supply. In early 2013, the Independent Review Panel on Network Costs (IRP) found existing reliab

Appointment of Energy and Water Ombudsman Qld
The Office of the Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland (EWOQ) is an independent statutory authority which receives, investigates and facilitates the resolution of complaints made by small energy customers in Queensland and water customers in South East Queensland in relation to the connection, supply or sale of electricity, gas or water by a member of the Scheme. The EWOQ has offices in Brisbane,

Electricity Competition and Protection Legislation 2014
The National Energy Retail Law (Queensland) Bill 2014 and the Electricity Competition and Protection Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 implement the Government’s decision to increase competition by removing retail price regulation in south east Queensland (SEQ) and introducing a more light-handed market monitoring approach for small (residential and small business) customers, commencing from 1 July

Release of 30 year electricity strategy
The Queensland Government committed to the development of a 30-year electricity strategy. The strategy has been prepared following extensive public consultation. This included the release of a directions paper in December 2012 and a detailed discussion paper in September 2013. The 30-year electricity strategy sets out a vision for an electricity sector which is resilient, cost-effective and cust

Productivity Commission review of electricity prices
A key commitment of the Government at the 2015 election was to establish a Queensland Productivity Commission (QPC) to lift the productivity, competitiveness and efficiency of the Queensland economy. Electricity prices have risen in Queensland by 43 per cent on average since 2011-12. The first task of the QPC is to undertake a public inquiry on electricity prices in order to investigate short an

Electricity and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
In December 2015, the Queensland Government, announced its intention to effect a merger of Energex and Ergon into a single business under a new parent company (Parent Co). A separate Energy Services Business will be established as a subsidiary of Parent Co. The merger is to be implemented on 1 July 2016 with the objective of improving network efficiencies. Implementation of the merged network b

Appointment of Commissioner Electrical Safety and Chair Electrical Safety Board and Electrical Licencing Committee
Under section 71 of the Electrical Safety Act 2002 (ES Act), the Commissioner’s functions are to: Manage the activities of the Electrical Safety Board; Manage the activities of each electrical safety committee; Chair the Electrical Safety Board and the Electrical Safety Committee; advise the Minister on electrical safety matters generally; advise the Minister on proposed codes of practice after ap

Lapsed Legislation for Re-Introduction into Legislative Assembly
When the election was called on 29 October 2017, the Parliament was dissolved by proclamation of the Governor. The dissolution has significant effects on the Parliament as follows: All business on the Notice Paper including Government Bills, Private Members Bills and Questions On Notice lapse; All notices of motions remaining on the Notice Paper such as revocation motions lapse, except for disall

Appointments to Electrical Licensing Committee
The Electrical Licensing Committee is established under section 87 of the Electrical Safety Act 2002 (the Act). Under section 88 of the Act, the functions of the Licensing Committee are to: give advice and make recommendations to the Electrical Safety Board about electrical licences and training; take necessary disciplinary action against holders of electrical licences and against previous holders

Government submission to Review into Future Security of the National Electricity Market
The Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market (NEM) was initiated by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Energy Council. The purpose of the Review is to develop a national reform blueprint to maintain energy security and reliability in the NEM, for consideration by COAG through its Energy Council. The Review is led by the Australian Chief Scientist, D

Powering Queensland Plan
Australia’s energy markets are experiencing a range of acute and complex challenges relating to electricity and gas prices, system security, gas availability and carbon policy. The Powering Queensland Plan sets out the Government’s strategy to guide the state through the short and long-term challenges occurring in the market. The Powering Queensland Plan aims to deliver stable energy prices, ensur

Electricity and Other Legislation Batteries and Premium Feed-In Tariff Amendment Bill 2017
Falling technology costs are making small-scale renewables and complementary battery storage devices an attractive proposition for households and businesses to manage their electricity use. However, for customers who receive the Solar Bonus Scheme (SBS) premium feed-in tariff, a lack of clarity in the SBS rules is potentially stifling uptake of secondary systems and battery technology. The Elect

Regulatory proposal to amend Queensland statutory voltage limits
The Queensland Government released a consultation Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) for public feedback in March 2017 assessing the costs and benefits of aligning Queensland’s statutory voltage limits with Australian and international best practice. The consultation RIS found adopting best practice voltage standards will align Queensland with other jurisdictions, support Government’s solar and ren

Natural Resources and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019
The Natural Resources and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019 amends 24 Acts as follows: to Queensland’s resources Acts to cap the overall life of mineral and coal exploration permits, provide greater flexibility for holders of exploration authorities to make decisions in response to exploration results and have sufficient time to explore the area prior to mandatory partial relinquishment. to t

Appointment of Commissioner for Electrical Safety
The Improving safety for Queenslanders at work policy platform document reinstates the position of Commissioner for Electrical Safety. The Commissioner for Electrical Safety Queensland (Commissioner) is established under the Electrical Safety Act 2002. The Commissioner provides a strong voice to government on electrical safety matters and is an independent advocate for electrical safety in Queensl

Appointments to Electrical Licensing Committee
The Electrical Licensing Committee (the Committee) is established under section 87 of the Electrical Safety Act 2002 (the Act). Under section 88 of the Act, the functions of the Committee are to: give advice and make recommendations to the Board about electrical licences and training; take necessary disciplinary action against holders of electrical licences and previous holders of electrical con

Appointment of Commissioner for Electrical Safety
The Commissioner for Electrical Safety (Commissioner) is established under Part 6 of the Electrical Safety Act 2002. The Commissioner provides a strong voice to government on electrical safety matters and is an independent advocate for electrical safety in Queensland. The Commissioner works closely with the Electrical Safety Office, as the agency responsible for delivering electrical safety servic

Appointment of member to Electrical Licensing Committee
The Electrical Licensing Committee (the Committee) is established under section 87 of the Electrical Safety Act 2002 (the Act). Under section 88 of the Act, the functions of the Committee are to: give advice and make recommendations to the Electrical Safety Board about electrical licences and training; take necessary disciplinary action against holders of electrical licences and previous holders o