Your search for Economic Development returned 77 record/s. |
Response Indigenous Economic Development and Review of Wild Rivers Bill
On 3 November 2010 the Honourable Jenny Macklin MP, Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous asked the Parliament of Australia’s House of Representatives Economics Committee to inquire into and report on Indigenous economic development in Queensland including the issues surrounding the Queensland Government’s Wild Rivers Act 2005.
The Terms of Reference for Committee cons
Building Boost Grant Bill 2011
To assist housing affordability, supply and construction jobs, the 2011-12 State Budget announced the availability of a Queensland Building Boost Grant (QBB grant) of $10,000 for the purchase or construction of a new home in Queensland valued at less than $600,000. The QBB grant is available for eligible transactions undertaken between 1 August 2011 and 31 January 2012.
The amendments to the Stat
Cape York Bioregion Management Plan
Stakeholder feedback from the scoping paper consultation will inform the preparation of the draft Cape York Bioregion Management Plan.
The development of the Cape York Bioregion Management Plan is part of the Government’s broader Cape York policy which includes initiatives to ensure Indigenous communities have a bigger say in their economic development.
Community consultation in relation to a Wor
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Economic Participation Framework
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people make a significant contribution to Queensland’s economy. However, they are less likely to participate in the Queensland economy than non-Indigenous people, experiencing lower levels of employment and business ownership.
The State Government has endorsed a new Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Economic Participation Framework.
The Framewor
Skilled Business Migration Program
As part of the 2012-13 Budget, the Treasurer and Minister for Trade announced that Trade and Investment Queensland, in consultation with the Department of Education, Training and Employment, would undertake a review of Queensland’s state-sponsored migration program.
Queensland has participated in Australia’s state-sponsored migration program since 1984. The program is intended to support economic
Release Draft Digital Economy Strategy Public Consultation
The Queensland Government announced its intention to release a draft digital economy strategy for consultation as an economic growth and infrastructure development action in its Six Month Action Plan: July – December 2013.
The Draft Queensland Digital Economy Strategy identifies what the Queensland Government sees as the strategic objectives, desired outcomes, and future action ideas for Queenslan
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Economic Participation Action Plan
The draft Queensland Plan: a 30 year vision for Queensland set a target that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will experience the same level of workforce participation as non-Indigenous Queenslanders.
In December 2013, the Queensland Government released its new Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Economic Participation Framework. The Framework is an important step towards
Qld state land - strengthening our economic future
State land comprises about 73 per cent of the area of Queensland and plays a key role in the economy and the lives of many Queenslanders. It supports the foundations of our four pillar economy – the agricultural, resources, construction and tourism sectors. It also supports the needs of the broader community with land, often managed by local governments, being used for a variety of purposes includ
Delivering Building our Regions - Regional Infrastructure Fund
The Queensland Government’s election commitment, Building our Regions, aims to ensure that funding for critical infrastructure in regional Queensland will be targeted appropriately so that it meets the specific needs of communities and supports economic development without necessitating the sale of assets. The election commitment, Working Queensland, recognises the Building our Regions fund for in
Appointments to Business Development Fund Investment Panel
The Business Development Fund (BDF) is the Queensland Government’s $40 million early stage and follow-on venture capital fund investing in growing innovative Queensland businesses. It is a key element of the Business Investment Attraction package, which is part of the Advance Queensland program. Advance Queensland will facilitate growth of Queensland’s knowledge-based economy, creating jobs and i
Abbot Point Growth Gateway - Project Delivery Arrangements for Approvals Stage
Expansion of the Port of Abbot Point is critical to unlock the ‘greenfield’ Galilee Basin, which covers an area of approximately 247,000 square kilometres and contains a very large inferred resource of mostly volatile, low sulphur thermal coal. The opening up of the Galilee Basin has the potential to create significant long-term benefits for Queensland, with job creation in mining, construction
Govt Response to Committee Report No 59 Inquiry into Coastal Sea Freight
In December 2014, the Transport, Housing and Local Government Committee tabled Report No. 59, ‘Inquiry into Coastal Sea Freight’.
The Transport, Housing and Local Government Committee made 16 recommendations as practical strategies that aim to facilitate the development of a robust coastal shipping service along the Queensland coastline.
The Report concluded a regular sea freight service along the
Townsville Sports Stadium
On 10 December 2014, the then Opposition Leader, announced a commitment to provide up to $100 million in funding towards the construction of a sports stadium in Townsville.
Following the 16 February 2015 proclamation of the new government and subsequent conclusion of the Caretaker Convention Guidelines period, the government can now establish a process and program to progress investigations for th
Etheridge Integrated Agriculture Project
Integrated Food and Energy Developments (IFED) was established to develop a world-leading, large-scale, vertically-integrated, privately-funded, broad-acre irrigated cropping, grazing and primary processing business in the Etheridge Shire, North Queensland.
The Etheridge Integrated Agriculture Project (EIAP) will have an initial focus of producing sugar, guar gum, cattle and associated by-produc
Appointment Industry and Manufacturing Advisory Group
The government committed to the establishment of a voluntary Industry and Manufacturing Advisory Group (IMAG), as outlined in the Working Queensland: Labor’s jobs plan.
The IMAG would provide high-level industry advice on strategic matters in relation to building and promoting industry and manufacturing in Queensland to help drive economic, regional and employment growth throughout the state. T
Draft North Stradbroke Island Economic Transition Strategy
The draft North Stradbroke Island Economic Transition Strategy has been prepared as a result of the Queensland Government’s commitment to phase out sand mining by 2019.
The Strategy is intended to support the island’s economy transition to a more diverse and sustainable industry base which provides long-term employment for North Stradbroke Island residents and stimulates private investment.
The St
Liquid Fuel Supply Ethanol and Other Biofuels Mandate Bill 2015
The Queensland Government is committed to growing the Queensland economy through a vibrant biofuels and bio-manufacturing industry which will support regional Queensland. One way to support the Queensland biofuels industry is a biofuels mandate.
In June 2015, the Government released a discussion paper on a proposed mandate for ethanol and biobased diesel. There is strong community support for bio
Queensland Productivity Commission Bill 2015
While the current interim Queensland Productivity Commission (the Commission) has been operating since May 2015 as a public service office in the Treasury portfolio, the Queensland Productivity Commission Bill 2015 establishes the Commission as an independent statutory body to formalise its operational independence from Government.
The establishment of the Commission was a key election commitment
Building the new economy - Accelerating Advance Queensland
Advance Queensland is part of building a new economy for Queensland, with both new and existing knowledge based industries turning ideas into new products and services and creating knowledge based jobs. It is both a future-focused agenda to position Queensland to respond to global changes, and a suite of initiatives to drive innovation-led economic growth.
Cabinet endorsed that Advance Queensland
Agriculture Sector and Ekka Precinct Redevelopment
The Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland (the RNA) promotes and encourages the development of Queensland’s agricultural, industrial, manufacturing and cultural resources.
The primary production sector (including agriculture, fisheries and forestry) contributes significantly to the Queensland economy. For 2015-16, the total value of Queensland’s primary industry com
Memorandum of Understanding between Australian Government and State of Queensland on City Deals
In April 2016, the Commonwealth Government released the Smart Cities Plan which aims to implement City Deals for key cities across Australia.
During a visit to Townsville in July 2016, the Prime Minister and the Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister for Cities and Digital Transformation reconfirmed that the Commonwealth Government would enter into City Deals, with Townsville to be the first Ci
Queensland Advanced Manufacturing 10 year Roadmap and Action Plan
The Queensland Government is developing 10-year roadmaps and action plans for priority industry sectors focused on creating jobs for today and into the future. Six priority industry sectors – biofutures; advanced manufacturing; defence; aerospace; biomedical and life sciences; and mining equipment, technology and services – are identified as having global growth potential and opportunities for Que
Queensland Tourism Investment Guide 2016
The Queensland Tourism Investment Guide is a first for Queensland and is aimed at promoting tourism investment and providing investors with preliminary information about the investment fundamentals in Queensland tourism regions.
The guide complements current investment attraction efforts, is a useful resource to attract investment interest in Queensland and provides a product to serve the governme
Moving Ahead - strategic approach to increasing participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Queensland economy 2016–2022
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders continue to experience disadvantage in accessing the labour market, and are overrepresented in unemployment statistics. Moving Ahead is the Queensland Government’s new economic participation strategy, and aims to ensure Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander people have equitable access to the benefits of Queensland’s economy.
Moving Ahead
Draft International Education and Training Strategy to Advance Queensland 2016-2026
The Draft International Education and Training Strategy to Advance Queensland 2016-2026 (draft strategy) articulates the Queensland Government’s vision for the international education and training (IET) industry, and provides a framework for industry and government to work together to grow the industry and enhance the state’s reputation as a leading global provider of IET services.
The draft strat
Advancing Small Business Queensland Strategy 2016-2020
Small business is vital to Queensland’s economic prosperity. Small businesses are in every community and are the backbone of our regions. In Queensland, 97 per cent of all businesses are small, they employ around 43 per cent of the private sector workforce and their contribution to the Gross State Product (GSP) is estimated at over $100 billion.
The Advancing Small Business Queensland Strategy 201
Queensland Biofutures 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan
Under the Advance Queensland Future Jobs Strategy, the industrial biotechnology and bioproducts sector has been identified as having global growth potential and a significant contributor to the state’s economic prosperity and diversity.
The Queensland Biofutures 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan, after both public and targeted industry consultation, is charting a course to deliver this potential for
Queensland Trade and Investment Strategy 2017-2022
The Queensland Government has developed a strategy for trade and investment, in partnership with government agencies and in consultation with key industry bodies.
The strategy provides a whole-of-government approach to the coordination and targeting of the Queensland Government’s trade and investment activities. Focusing on both Queensland’s existing sectoral strengths and emerging opportunities,
Review of state interests as expressed in the planning system
The Government is undertaking a review of how state interests are expressed in the planning system to ensure the statutory instruments supporting the new Planning Act 2016 (Planning Act) will contribute to an improved and more efficient system.
The review of state interests involves the concurrent review of the proposed planning regulation, the State Planning Policy (SPP) and the State Development
Cross River Rail Delivery Authority Bill 2016
Cross River Rail is the Queensland Government’s highest priority infrastructure project. In April 2016, the Government announced it would establish a Delivery Authority that will lead the development, procurement and delivery of the Cross River Rail project and support wider economic and social outcomes from this transformational project.
In June 2016, the Queensland Government announced it would
Agriculture Sector and Ekka Precinct Redevelopment
The Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland (the RNA) promotes and encourages the development of Queensland’s agricultural, industrial, manufacturing and cultural resources.
The primary production sector (including agriculture, fisheries and forestry) contributes significantly to the Queensland economy. For 2016-17, the total value of Queensland’s primary industry com
Update on economic conditions and key issues in Gold Coast region
The Gold Coast economy is fairly diversified, with economic activity driven by a range of industries. The largest economic sectors in the Gold Coast region are the health care and social assistance, construction, retail, accommodation and food services (tourism), and professional, scientific and technical services sectors.
The Government announced a number of significant initiatives for the Gold C
Queensland Mining Equipment, Technology and Services 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan
Growing Queensland’s mining equipment, technology and services (METS) sectors is a priority for the Queensland Government. This sector has global growth potential and presents a significant opportunity to advance Queensland’s economic prosperity.
The Queensland METS 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan aims to grow the METS sector in this state to create the innovative, profitable and environmentally s
Queensland Biomedical 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan
The Queensland Biomedical 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan (the roadmap) is one of six industry roadmaps developed by the Queensland Government, as part of the Advance Queensland suite of programs, to assist emerging priority industries realise their potential and become major contributors to jobs and the economy.
The roadmap identifies three key strategies with supporting action items to drive gro
Advance Queensland - progress, narrative and next steps
Advance Queensland (AQ) is the Government's flagship innovation agenda, designed to ensure Queensland's capacity to adapt and thrive in a period of rapid change. Building on the initial $180 million AQ investment, the 2016-17 Accelerating Advance Queensland (AAQ) Budget initiatives have broadened the scope of AQ with an extra investment of $225 million.
Advance Queensland projects are progressing
Update on economic conditions and key achievements in the Toowoomba region
The economy of the Toowoomba region is dominated by: health care and social assistance; education and training, retail trade; agriculture, forestry and fishing and construction sectors.
To support regional economic growth, the Government is leading or helping facilitate progress on projects that include key transport and infrastructure upgrades, school and hospital upgrades, and initiatives aimed
Update on economic conditions and key issues in the Wide Bay region
The economy of the Wide Bay region is dominated by: health care and social assistance; retail trade; agriculture, forestry and fishing; accommodation and food services; and education and training.
There are increasing tourist numbers in the region and the Queensland Government has recently approved progression of key mining and energy projects.
The Wide Bay region is also the location for the Que
Queensland Drones Strategy Consultation Paper
The Queensland Government recognises the potential for economic growth and job creation arising from the global drone industry.
Queensland has an established industry presence in the use, design and manufacture of drones. More than 30 per cent of Australia’s growing drone industry is located in Queensland.
It is expected that almost three million drones will be produced in 2017, a 39 per cent in
Update on economic conditions and key achievements in the Sunshine Coast region
The economy of the Sunshine Coast region is supported by: construction; health care and social assistance; retail trade; accommodation and food services; and education and training sectors.
To support regional economic growth in the Sunshine Coast, the Queensland Government is leading or helping facilitate progress on projects that include critical upgrades to transport, infrastructure, schools an
Update on economic conditions and key achievements in Ipswich region
The economy of the Ipswich region is supported by: health care and social assistance; retail trade; manufacturing; construction; and public administration and safety.
To support regional economic growth in Ipswich, the Queensland Government is leading or helping facilitate progress on projects that include critical upgrades to transport, infrastructure, schools and hospitals, and initiatives aimed
Update on economic conditions and key achievements in the Mackay and Whitsundays region
The economy of the Mackay and Whitsundays region is supported by agricultural, resource and tourism assets. The region has been rebuilding since Severe Tropical Cyclone (STC) Debbie struck in March 2017.
The Insurance Council of Australia described STC Debbie as the second most costly storm in Australia’s history, with more than $1.5 billion in insurance losses. However, there are promising signs
Queensland Drones Strategy
The Queensland Government recognises the potential for economic growth and jobs creation arising from the global drone industry.
Queensland has an established industry presence in the use, design and manufacture of drones. More than 30 per cent of Australia’s growing drone industry is located in Queensland.
It is expected that almost three million drones will be produced in 2017, a 39 per cent inc
Queensland Defence Industries and Queensland Aerospace Roadmaps and Action Plans
Growing Queensland’s biofutures; advanced manufacturing; defence; aerospace; biomedical; and mining equipment, technology and services sectors is a priority for the Queensland Government. These sectors have global growth potential and present a significant opportunity to advance Queensland’s economic prosperity.
The Queensland Defence Industries 10-Year Roadmap and Action Plan and the Queensland
Agriculture Sector and Ekka Precinct Redevelopment
The Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland (the RNA) promotes and encourages the development of Queensland’s agricultural, industrial, manufacturing and cultural resources.
The primary production sector (including agriculture, fisheries and forestry) contributes significantly to the Queensland economy. For 2017-18, the total value of Queensland’s primary industry com
Economic Development and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018
The objective of the Bill is to provide for increased operational efficiency of legislation under the administration of the Minister for State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning. The Bill proposes to amend the following Acts:
Building Queensland Act 2015 to implement the Queensland Government’s response to three recommendations of the report An Administrative Review of Buildi
Preparation of new South Bank Master Plan
On 30 October 1988, World Expo ‘88 ended and in 1989 the South Bank Corporation Act 1989 (the Act) established a statutory development authority to facilitate and control the development of South Bank.
The principal functions of the South Bank Corporation are to promote, facilitate, carry out and control development within the South Bank corporation area, including providing for a diverse range o
Update on Economic Conditions and Key Achievements in Sunshine Coast Region
The economy of the Sunshine Coast region is supported by health care and social services, construction, retail services, education and tourism.
To support economic growth across the Sunshine Coast region, the Queensland Government is leading or helping facilitate progress on projects that include upgrades to road infrastructure, telecommunications infrastructure, schools, health services, and init
Draft North West Queensland Economic Diversification Strategy
A Strategic Blueprint for Queensland’s North West Minerals Province (the blueprint) was released by the Queensland Government in July 2017.
The $39 million blueprint sets out a collaborative plan for supporting strong and prosperous industries, businesses and communities in the North West Minerals Province (the NWMP).
The NWMP is defined as the 10 local government areas of: Mount Isa City; Clon
Queensland Hydrogen Industry Strategy 2019-2024
The combination of Queensland’s significant renewable resources, existing gas pipeline network, world class ports, long-standing trading partnerships and proximity to Asian markets, position Queensland to play a significant role in the future production and export of renewable hydrogen. Queensland is well placed to capitalise on emerging hydrogen opportunities, both for domestic uses and export.
Response to Committee inquiry into job opportunities from establishment of space industry
In September 2018, the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Leader of the House referred an inquiry to the State Development, Natural Resources and Agricultural Industry Development Committee (the committee). The referral was to examine opportunities to create jobs across Queensland and promote existing supply chain capability as a result of an Australian space industry.
On 18 September
Agricultural Sector and Ekka Precinct Redevelopment
The Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland (the RNA) promotes and encourages the development of Queensland’s agricultural, industrial, manufacturing and cultural resources.
The primary production sector (including agriculture, fisheries and forestry) contributes significantly to the Queensland economy. For 2018-19, the total value of Queensland’s primary industry com
North West Queensland Economic Diversification Strategy Implementation Plan 2019–2021
A Strategic Blueprint for Queensland’s North West Minerals Province (the blueprint) was released by the Queensland Government in July 2017.
The $39 million blueprint sets out a collaborative plan for supporting strong and prosperous industries, businesses and communities in the North West Minerals Province (the NWMP).
The NWMP is defined as the 10 local government areas of: Mount Isa City; Clon
South East Queensland City Deal Proposition Document
Under the Memorandum of Understanding between the Queensland Government and the Australian Government, South East Queensland (SEQ) is a Queensland Government priority for becoming the State’s next City Deal.
On the Federal Budget’s release on 9 May 2017, the Australian Government invited the Queensland Government and the Council of Mayors SEQ to jointly develop a City Deals strategy for SEQ.
Update on economic conditions and employment initiatives in Mount Isa region
The economy of the Mount Isa region is primarily supported by mining, as well as agriculture, construction and services, such as education and health.
To support economic growth across the Mount Isa region, the Queensland Government is investing in economic development and job creating projects, including significant expenditure on capital works such as roads and upgrades to health, education and
Update on economic conditions and job creating initiatives in Maryborough and Wide Bay region
The economy of Maryborough and the Wide Bay region is primarily supported by health care, agriculture and manufacturing.
To support economic growth across Maryborough and the Wide Bay region, the Queensland Government is leading or helping facilitate progress on projects that include upgrades to health services, schools, TAFE facilities, roads, and initiatives aimed at supporting jobs, innovation
Building Our Innovation Economy - Advance Queensland Strategy (Draft)
The Building Our Innovation Economy – Advance Queensland Strategy (Draft) (the Draft Strategy) is an opportunity to engage Queenslanders on their priorities for the future of innovation in Queensland.
The Draft Strategy identifies priorities and actions to inform a new plan for Advance Queensland that will focus the state’s innovation effort toward creating new jobs and economic growth.
Building our Innovation Economy - Advance Queensland Strategy
The Building our Innovation Economy – Advance Queensland Strategy (the Strategy) aims to drive jobs growth and build Queensland’s future economy through innovation.
The Strategy identifies strategic priorities and actions that inform the future of the Queensland Government’s Advance Queensland initiative. It will focus the state’s innovation effort toward creating new jobs and economic growth acro
Forest Wind Farm Development Bill 2020
The primary objective of the Forest Wind Farm Development Bill 2020 is to facilitate a pathway to tenure for the development of the Forest Wind Project by Forest Wind Holdings Pty Limited (the proponent), on plantation licence areas in the Toolara, Tuan and Neerdie State forests in the Wide Bay Burnett region.
The proponent is seeking to establish a large-scale wind farm (up to 226 turbines) gene
Update on economic conditions and job-creating initiatives in Townsville region
Townsville is in the Townsville Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4), which covers a total land area of 80,036 km2, and includes the Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3) regions of Charters Towers – Ayr – Ingham and Townsville.
Townsville’s regional economy has relatively large public administration and safety and health care industries reflecting the region’s status as a major service centre for North Queens
Update on economic conditions and job creating initiatives in Western Queensland
The Outback South Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3), which covers a total land area of 625,222.9km2 square kilometres and includes the SA2 regions of Barcaldine–Blackall, Charleville, Far Central West, Far South West, and Longreach.
Within the Outback South SA3 region, the agriculture, forestry and fishing and the public administration and safety industries make up the majority of the region’s employ
Update on economic conditions and job creating initiatives in Springfield region
The Springfield – Redbank Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3) covers a total land area of 103.6km2 and is contained in the wider Ipswich SA4 region. The Springfield – Redbank SA3 area includes the SA2 localities of Bellbird Park – Brookwater; Camira – Gailes; Carole Park; Collingwood Park – Redbank; Goodna; New Chum; Redbank Plains; Springfield; and Springfield Lakes.
The health care and social assista
Update on economic conditions & job creating initiatives in the Hervey Bay region
The Hervey Bay Statistical Areal Level 3 (SA3) region forms part of the broader Wide Bay Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4) region in South East Queensland. The Hervey Bay SA3 region includes a large portion of the electorate of Hervey Bay and part of the electorate of Maryborough. Hervey Bay SA3 also incorporates part of Fraser Coast Regional Council Local Government Area (LGA).
As at 30 June 2020, t
Draft State Infrastructure Strategy and Queensland Government Infrastructure Pipeline
New infrastructure strategies are needed in Queensland due to population growth, changing demographics, technology, the impacts of COVID-19 and other factors.
The Draft State Infrastructure Strategy (Draft SIS) has been prepared and provides a 20-year vision for infrastructure to drive collaborative state infrastructure planning and delivery to boost productivity, grow the economy and create jobs
Economic conditions and job-creating initiatives in Cairns region
Cairns is in the Cairns Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4), which covers a total land area of 21,338km2, and includes the Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3) regions of: Cairns North, Cairns South, Innisfail – Cassowary Coast, Port Douglas – Daintree, and Tablelands (East) – Kuranda.
The Cairns regional economy is dominated by its agriculture and tourism industries, with the region more heavily concentrat
Establishment of and appointments to Innovation Advisory Council
The Innovation Advisory Council (IAC) is established to accelerate innovation in Queensland, help the Queensland economy and community to recover from COVID-19, become more resilient and create Queensland based globally competitive industries, businesses and jobs.
Members of the IAC are required to have relevant experience in the innovation ecosystem, strong relationships and demonstrated alignme
Queensland Innovation Places Strategy - Discussion Paper
Queensland has a long history of investing in innovation. In recent decades the ‘Smart State’ and Advance Queensland initiatives, and other programs, have provided significant funding and other support to build and mature our innovation ecosystem, including world class research infrastructure and places, capable of igniting the state’s innovation economy.
A coordinated approach to innovation place
Appointment of the Principal Commissioner of the Queensland Productivity Commission
The role of the Queensland Productivity Commission is to undertake independent, in-depth reviews of complex economic, industry and regulatory issues through open and transparent processes informed by wide public consultation, and formulate policy proposals and recommendations to Government to encourage economic growth, productivity and improved living standards across Queensland.
Appointments to
Repeal of the Queensland Productivity Commission Act 2015 and other amendments
On 7 September 2020, the Queensland Government announced that, as part of the Savings and Debt Plan, the Queensland Productivity Commission (QPC) would be integrated into Queensland Treasury to establish the Office of Productivity and Red Tape Reduction (OPRTR), better driving the government’s productivity agenda.
The legislative amendments facilitate the integration of the productivity and regula
Release of the Hydrogen Industry Workforce Development Roadmap 2022-2032
The hydrogen industry has been identified by the Queensland Government as a key economic priority due to the state’s potential as a global supplier and the industry’s relevance to the shift to a low carbon economy.
The successful development of Queensland’s hydrogen industry will require a skilled, hydrogen-ready workforce supported by quality training pathways.
The Hydrogen Industry Workforce Dev
Place to Innovate – Queensland Innovation Precincts and Places Strategy 2022-2032
Global research and best practice points to the significant role of innovation precincts and places (innovation places) in the growth of economies and jobs.
Queensland has more than 320 innovation places of various sizes and maturity with significant potential for growth across Queensland’s regions.
The A Place to Innovate – Queensland Innovation Precincts and Places Strategy 2022-2032 (the Strat
Update on government achievements and investment in the Sunshine Coast Region
The Sunshine Coast Region is one of Queensland’s premier tourist destinations including Noosa, Mooloolaba and Caloundra, and is renowned for its beaches, parks and nature reserves. Nambour is considered the gateway to the Sunshine Coast Hinterland and recognised for its vintage trails, thriving café and craft beer scene and the annual Big Pineapple Music Festival. In 2018-19, tourism accounted for
State Infrastructure Strategy (SIS) 2022
The Queensland Government has worked with industries and government agencies to progress the development of the State Infrastructure Strategy 2022 (SIS 2022). The SIS 2022 updates the previous state-wide infrastructure strategy – the State Infrastructure Plan: Part A (Strategy) released in March 2016.
Consultation occurred throughout 2021 through regional workshops, online engagement and consulta
Update on economic conditions and job creating initiatives in Stanthorpe
The Granite Belt Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3), including the Stanthorpe region, covers a total land area of 8,434.0 square kilometres (km2). This SA3 region forms part of the broader Darling Downs-Maranoa Statistical Area 4 (SA4) region. As at 30 June 2021, the estimated resident population of the Granite Belt SA3 region was 40,772 persons.
Within the Granite Belt SA3 region, the largest contrib
Agriculture Sector
The Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland (the RNA) promotes and encourages the development of Queensland’s agricultural, industrial, manufacturing and cultural resources.
The Ekka has brought the country and city together since 1876 to celebrate and champion agriculture and the roles it plays in everyday lives. The Ekka has been cancelled four times in its history,
Advance Queensland – Innovation for a Future Economy
Since 2015, the $755 million Advance Queensland (AQ) initiative has supported more than 28,000 jobs and leveraged close to $1 billion in additional investment.
The Advance Queensland – Innovation for a Future Economy 2022-2032 Roadmap (the Roadmap) builds on the success of AQ and sets out the direction, key priority outcomes and initiatives for the next phase in Queensland’s innovation journey.
Update on government achievements and investment in the Thursday Island region
The Torres Strait is a unique and sacred part of our State, and Thursday Island is one of 18 inhabited islands in the Torres Strait Island region in the State Electorate of Cook. Thursday Island, traditionally known as “Waiben”, is the land of the Kaurareg Aboriginal people.
Thursday Island acts as the administrative hub for the Torres Strait Islands, with state and federal government agencies be
Release of Queensland’s Clean Energy Workforce Roadmap
Ensuring Queensland has the workforce needed to meet the skills and labour demand associated with the energy transformation has been identified as a critical enabler for the successful delivery of the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan. Likewise, the Good jobs. Good people: Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022-2032 (QWS) recognises the need to develop the skills pathways required for the growing clean