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Corrective Services Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2008 (No 2)
After two years since the commencement of the Corrective Services Act 2006 there have been a number of policy issues that have needed refinement as a part of on-going review of corrective services legislation. The amendments proposed by this Bill can be categorised as either (i) amendments designed to update legislation in line with policy updates and business practice of Queensland Corrective Ser
Community consultation on reform of low security custody in Qld
In 2006, Queensland Corrective Services conducted a review to examine the roles and functions of correctional facilities in Queensland. The review resulted in the public release of the report entitled, A Review of the Roles and Functions of Correctional Centres in Queensland – 2006-2015, which was designed to provide a guide for planning, the effective distribution of resources and the implementat
Prisoner Employment Policy and Action Plan 2008-2011
In November 2006, the Innovative Prison Industries Project was established by Queensland Corrective Services to carry out a review of its existing prison industries program.
The Prisoner Employment Policy and Action Plan 2008-2011 was developed as part of the Innovative Prison Industries Project.
The Prisoner Employment Policy outlines how Queensland Corrective Services will adhere to Natio
Graffiti Removal Powers
In August 2008, new laws were introduced to enable authorised government and council officers to remove graffiti which is in a public place, or readily visible from a public place.
Cabinet considered a report on the implementation of these graffiti removal powers.
Cabinet noted a range of activities which have been undertaken to implement the graffiti removal powers including support for local gov
Government Response to Sexual Offender Treatment Programs report
In 2009, Queensland Corrective Services engaged the services of Professor Stephen Smallbone, from Griffith University’s School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, to independently evaluate the effectiveness of its sex offender treatment programs with particular reference to their impact on recidivism rates.
The evaluation considered the recidivism data of 409 adult males who had served a term of
Accommodation of low risk women prisoners
Low security correctional centres offer women prisoners the best opportunity to rehabilitate, make reparation to the community, develop vocational skills and reintegrate back into the community after release.
Numinbah Correctional Centre will be decommissioned as a men’s correctional centre. The male prisoners currently at Numinbah Correctional Centre will be transferred to other low security cor
Implementation of Global Positioning System monitoring of offenders
In 2003, the Government introduced the Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual offenders) Act 2003 (the DPSOA). The DPSOA provides for the continued detention or supervised release of particular prisoners to ensure adequate protection of the community and to provide continuing control, care or treatment of those prisoners to facilitate their rehabilitation.
In 2007, the Government amended the legislation
Appointments to the Parole Boards
The Queensland Parole Board, the Southern Queensland Regional Parole Board and the Central and Northern Queensland Regional Parole Board are independent statutory bodies established under the Corrective Services Act 2006.
The parole boards determine parole applications from prisoners who are serving sentences in excess of three years, all sex offenders and offenders determined to be serious violen
Appointment to the Queensland Parole Board and the Central and Northern Queensland Regional Parole Board
The Queensland Parole Board and the Central and Northern Queensland Regional Parole Board are independent statutory bodies established under the Corrective Services Act 2006.
The parole boards determine parole applications from prisoners who are serving sentences in excess of three years, all sex offenders and offenders determined to be serious violent offenders. The parole boards also consider a
Police and Community Safety final report
In November 2012, the Queensland Government announced a review of the police and community safety portfolio to identify opportunities to improve efficiency, quality, and accessibility to front line services and to recommend ways to eliminate duplication and waste. Former Australian Federal Police Commissioner, Mick Keelty, was appointed review the review team.
The final report of the Police and Co
Review of the Child Protection Offender Prohibition Order Act 2008
In June 2013 the Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) undertook a statutory review of the Child Protection (Offender Prohibition Order) Act 2008 (CPOPO Act) focusing on the first five years of operation of the Act. The review sought to determine how the CPOPO Act had operated in practice between 2008 and 2013, and to what extent the Act had achieved its purpose by providing for the protection of
Counter-Terrorism and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
The Terrorism (Preventative Detention) Act 2005 and the Public Safety Preservation Act 1986 provide powers for the Queensland Police Service (QPS) to deal with terrorist incidents occurring in, or affecting Queensland. Since September 2014, nationally, there has been a significant escalation of terrorist related activity with three terrorist acts having been committed and a further six imminent p
Corrective Services (Parole Board) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2017
On 9 August 2016, the Premier and Minister for the Arts announced an independent review into the parole system in Queensland following the alleged murder of an elderly Townsville woman by a man on parole following his release from the Townsville Correctional Centre that same day. Mr Walter Sofronoff QC was appointed to conduct the review.
On 1 December 2016, Mr Sofronoff delivered his report to t
Governments response to Private Members Bill - Bail (Domestic Violence) and Another Act Amendment Bill 2017
The Private Member’s Bill – Bail (Domestic Violence) and Another Act Amendment Bill 2017 (PMB) was introduced on 14 February 2017 by the Leader of the Opposition, Mr Tim Nicholls MP.
The PMB proposes amendments to the Bail Act 1980 (Bail Act) to: reverse the presumption for bail; provide for the use of tracking devices for a person released to bail; require notification of bail information to vic
Appointments to Parole Board Queensland
On 1 December 2016, the Queensland Parole System Review Report Final Report (review report) was delivered by Mr Sofronoff to Government. The review report made 91 recommendations for complete reform of Queensland’s parole system. The Government accepted the recommendations to establish a new, independent, professional Parole Board. The Premier also announced that Mr Michael Byrne QC will be engage
Appointments to Parole Board Queensland
On 1 December 2016, the Queensland Parole System Review Report Final Report (review report) was delivered by Mr Sofronoff to Government. The review report made 91 recommendations for complete reform of Queensland’s parole system.
On 16 February 2017, the Premier and Minister for the Arts tabled the review report in the Legislative Assembly along with Government response. The Government accepted
Queensland Parole System Reform Implementation Progress Report
The Queensland Parole System Review, led by Mr Walter Sofronoff QC, presented the Queensland Parole System Review (QPSR) Report to the Premier and Minister for the Arts on 1 December 2016. The Report made 91 recommendations for complete reform of Queensland’s parole system.
The Queensland Government supported or supported-in-principle 89 of the 91 recommendations and committed funding of $265 mil
Corrective Services Amendment Bill 2017
The Corrective Services (No Body, No Parole) Amendment Bill 2017 (the Bill) provides the framework to require the parole board to refuse to make a parole order for a prisoner convicted of prescribed fatal offences unless the board is satisfied the prisoner has cooperated satisfactorily in the investigation of the offence to identify the location, or the last known location of the remains of the vi
Whole-of-government submission to Queensland Productivity Commission of Inquiry into imprisonment and recidivism
On 6 September 2018, the Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships directed the Queensland Productivity Commission (the QPC) to undertake an Inquiry into imprisonment and recidivism (the QPC Inquiry).
The QPC Inquiry is required under its terms of reference to produce a draft report for public consultation by 1 February 2019 and a final report b
Appointments to Parole Board Queensland
Parole Board Queensland (the Board) is an independent statutory body that makes decisions about a prisoner’s release into the community under supervision. The Board decides prisoners’ applications for release into the community on parole, and amends, suspends or cancels parole orders for prisoners who have been released to parole. The highest priority in making parole decisions is the safety of th
Queensland Parole System Reform - Progress Report
The Queensland Parole System Review, led by Mr Walter Sofronoff QC, presented the Queensland Parole System Review (QPSR) Report to the Premier and Minister for Trade on 1 December 2016. The Report made 91 recommendations for complete reform of Queensland’s parole system.
The Government supported, or supported-in-principle, 89 of the 91 recommendations and committed funding of $265 million over si
Queensland Parole System Reform Progress Report
The Queensland Parole System Review (QPSR), led by Mr Walter Sofronoff QC, presented the Queensland Parole System Review Report (the Report) to the Queensland Government on 1 December 2016. The Report contained 91 recommendations to reform Queensland’s parole system.
The Government supported, or supported-in-principle, 89 of the 91 recommendations. As at 31 January 2019, 34 of the 89 accepted QPSR
Community Based Sentences (Interstate Transfer) Bill 2019
The Community Based Sentences (Interstate Transfer) Bill 2019 (the Bill) provides for Queensland’s participation in the national scheme for the formal transfer and enforcement of community based sentences between Australian jurisdictions. National model legislation currently operates in relation to the transfer of prisoners and those on parole, and this Bill extends the principle to community base
Corrective Services and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2020
The Corrective Services and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2020 (the Bill) provides a response to the immediate risks identified in the Crime and Corruption Commission’s Taskforce Flaxton: An examination of corruption risks and corruption in Queensland’s prisons (Taskforce Flaxton), supports implementation of recommendations from the Queensland Parole System Review (QPSR), and improves operation
Police Powers and Responsibilities and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2021
The Police Powers and Responsibilities and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 (the Bill) amends various laws to enhance the delivery of efficient, quality, front line services.
The Bill expands the existing police banning notice regime to apply to adults who unlawfully possess a knife in licensed premises, a public place in a safe night precinct and public events where alcohol is sold.
The Bil
Response to Queensland Productivity Commission inquiry into imprisonment and recidivism
In September 2018, the Queensland Government directed the Queensland Productivity Commission (QPC) to undertake an inquiry into imprisonment and recidivism.
The QPC conducted extensive consultation, including over 150 meetings with over 600 stakeholders, public forums, and public hearings in a variety of locations around Queensland and released an Issues Paper and draft report. The QPC provided th
Government statement in response to the independent review of the Parole Board Queensland
The Parole Board Queensland (PBQ) is established under section 216 of the Corrective Services Act 2006.
PBQ is a vital part of the criminal justice system with the highest priority being the safety of the community. It is responsible for making independent, evidence-based parole decisions in accordance with statutory timeframes and with consideration of the human rights of prisoners and offenders.
Appointment of the President and two Deputy Presidents of Parole Board Queensland
Parole Board Queensland (the Board) is established under Section 216 of the Corrective Services Act 2006 (the Act).
The Board is a vital part of the criminal justice system with the highest priority being the safety of the community. It is responsible for making evidence-based decisions about a prisoner’s release into the community under supervision in order to release prisoners on parole in accor
Corrective Services (Emerging Technologies and Security) Amendment Bill 2022
The Corrective Services (Emerging Technologies and Security) Amendment Bill 2022 (the Bill) amends the Corrective Services Act 2006 (CSA) and the Youth Justice Act 1992 (YJA) to strengthen responses to internal and external threats and emergencies and ensure that frontline corrective services officers and youth detention centre staff and management have the necessary tools to be agile and responsi