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Your search for Coroner returned 12 record/s.
Response to Coroner Recommendation into Police Shooting Deaths
In March 2008, the State Coroner handed down his findings from the inquest into four police shooting deaths. The deceased all had a history of mental illness, the symptoms of which brought them into contact with police, and were shot and killed in separate incidents between 2003 and 2006. The Coroner found that each of the four deaths was legally justifiable and the police acted in a reasonable

Response to Coroner Recommendation into Police Shooting Deaths
In March 2008, the State Coroner handed down his findings from the inquest into four police shooting deaths. The deceased all had a history of mental illness, the symptoms of which brought them into contact with police, and were shot and killed in separate incidents between 2003 and 2006. The Coroner found that each of the four deaths was legally justifiable and the police acted in a reasonable

Coroners and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008
The Bill implements amendments identified in an operational review of the Coroners Act which, when it came into force in 2003, established a new coronial regime focussed on finding the truth of what occurred in order to prevent deaths from similar causes happening in the future. The review was conducted by the Department of Justice and Attorney-General. The proposed amendments are primarily proced

Government Response to Coronial Recommendations - 2008
In December 2006 the Queensland Ombudsman tabled the report ‘The Coronial Recommendations Project: An investigation into the administrative practice of Queensland public sector agencies in assisting coronial inquiries and responding to coronial recommendations’. The Ombudsman stated that ‘the effectiveness of the coronial system is reduced by the fact that public sector agencies to which coronial

Government Response to Coronial Recommendations 2009
The Queensland Government Response to Coronial Recommendations 2009 (the report) documents the Government’s response to coronial recommendations and comments directed to the Queensland Government departments in 2009. The report contains implementation details for one hundred and thirty-seven recommendations and comments directed to the Queensland Government drawn from forty-three coronial inquests

Government response to coronial recommendations 2011 report
The report, The Queensland Government’s Response to Coronial Recommendations 2011 (the 2011 Report) documents the Government’s response to coronial recommendations and comments directed to it in 2011 as well as those which were still under consideration in the 2010 Report. The 2011 Report details the implementation status of one hundred recommendations and comments directed to Government originat

Government response to Coronial Recommendations 2012 Report
The role of a coroner is to inquire into the death of a person, either by coronial investigation or inquest. Such an inquiry aims to determine the circumstances of the death. A coroner may comment on anything connected with a death that relates to public health or safety, the administration of justice or ways to prevent similar deaths from happening in similar circumstances in the future. Comments

Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019
The justice portfolio encompasses the administration of over 150 statutes which are periodically reviewed to identify amendments to ensure that the Acts continue to operate in the manner intended. Other amendments to legislation may be identified as a result of court or tribunal decisions or representations by administering agencies and stakeholders. The Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Bil

Evidence and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2021
In June 2021, a discussion paper titled Shielding confidential sources: balancing the public’s right to know and the court’s need to know was released seeking feedback on the development of shield laws to better protect journalists’ confidential sources. The Evidence and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 (the Bill) amends the Evidence Act 1977 (Evidence Act), Criminal Code, Magistrates Act 19

Review into deaths in police custody or deaths in the course of or as a result of police operations
In January 2021, Mr Terry Ryan, State Coroner delivered his findings in relation to the Inquest into the death of Cindy Leigh Miller. Recommendation 2 of the Inquest was that the Queensland Government consider whether to commission an independent review of the current arrangements for the investigation of police-related deaths on behalf of the coroner and the oversight of those investigations. The

Response to DFV Death Review and Advisory Board Annual Report 2021-22
The Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) Death Review and Advisory Board (the Board) was established as part of the Queensland Government’s implementation of recommendations from the Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence Final Report - Not Now, Not Ever: Putting an end to domestic and family violence in Queensland (2015). The Board is established under the Coroners Act 2003 to review DFV

Progress Report COI into QPS responses to DFV recommendations
The Government’s first annual report on implementation progress of the Commission of Inquiry into Queensland Police Service responses to domestic and family violence (COIDFV) recommendations provides a commentary on the coalescence of broader domestic and family violence (DFV) reforms stemming from the both the COIDFV and Women’s Safety Justice Taskforce (WSJT) reports and highlights the significa