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Your search for Communities returned 67 record/s.
Queensland Government submission in relation to the inquiry into homelessness legislation
The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Family, Community, Housing and Youth is conducting an Inquiry into the principles and service standards for new homelessness legislation. Submissions were due by Friday 14 August 2009 and will be made public. The Department of Communities has led a consultation process within government, including the Department of Justice and Attorney-General an

Review of Community Futures Task Force Model
The Community Futures Task Force (CFTF), established to address the impacts of the Government’s 2006 announcement of the Traveston Crossing and Wyaralong Dams, provides an unprecedented model of Government community engagement for Government sponsored infrastructure projects. To ensure that key learnings from the CFTF model remain after this date, the CFTF Unit engaged the University of Queensland

Logan Beenleigh Young Persons Project
The Logan-Beenleigh Young Persons Project is part of the Queensland Government’s commitment to tackling social exclusion. It is based on evidence that there are pockets of entrenched disadvantage in Queensland where, despite increasing government investment, the demand for intensive and costly interventions rise. An integrated service delivery model was developed, which provides an opportunity for

New Direction and Projects for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
The Queensland Government will establish the Remote Indigenous Land and Infrastructure Program Office which facilitates the social and economic development in Queensland’s discrete Indigenous communities by ensuring better use of existing government land and assets; sequencing all land and infrastructure development to efficiently deliver capital works; removing impediments to development associ

Quarterly reports to Indigenous communities and Family Responsibilities Commission
Quarterly report on key indicators in Queensland’s discrete Indigenous communities – January – March 2009 The Reports provide individual profiles and statistical summaries for each of the discrete Aboriginal and mainland Torres Strait Islander communities. The statistical summaries relate to six key indicators for health and wellbeing namely: reported violence against people; hospital admissions d

Draft North West Regional Plan - development under the Blueprint for the Bush initiative
The Blueprint for the Bush initiative is a 10-year partnership plan between Queensland Government, the Local Government Association of Queensland and AgForce to foster support sustainable, liveable and prosperous rural communities in Queensland. This initiative seeks to address service and infrastructure delivery challenges experienced by regional communities experiencing static or declining popu

Multicultural future
The 2006 Census identified that approximately 18% of Queensland’s 4.3 million people were born overseas. In the 12 months to 31 December 2008, approximately 46% of Queensland’s population growth was from net overseas migration. The current Queensland Government Multicultural Policy, Multicultural Queensland – making a world of difference, was introduced in 2004. Since then a number of factors have

Quarterly reports to Qld discrete Indigenous communities and the Family Responsibilities Commission
The first Quarterly report on key indicators in Queensland’s discrete Indigenous communities for the period January – March 2008 was tabled by the Premier in Parliament on 6 June 2008. Reports have since been released for April – June 2008, July – September 2008, October – December 2008 and January – March 2009. The Reports provide a statistical summary of key indicators for health and wellbeing

Consultation Paper on Associations Incorporations Act
The Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (the Act) provides a framework for the incorporation and governance of not-for-profit associations which make an important contribution to the community and to Queensland’s economy. The Associations Incorporation Regulation 1999 (the Regulation) prescribes matters in relation to record-keeping and accounting requirements, and contains a set of model rules

Queensland Multicultural Policy - A multicultural future for all of us
The 2006 Census identified that approximately 18% of Queensland’s 4.3 million people were born oversees. In the 12 months to 30 September 2010, approximately 41% of Queensland’s population growth was from net overseas migration. From October 2009 until July 2010 public consultation was undertaken on the discussion paper, A multicultural future…for all of us, to seek community and stakeholders’ vie

Multicultural Recognition Bill 2011
The new Queensland Multicultural Policy, A multicultural future for all of us, was launched on 19 July 2011. A key theme of the new policy is Multicultural Recognition legislation. This theme was developed following the strong support for statutory recognition of multicultural principles demonstrated during the community consultations for the review of the multicultural policy. The Multicultural

Northern Gold Coast Coordinated Social Infrastructure Strategy 2011-2021
The Northern Gold Coast Coordinated Social Infrastructure Strategy 2011 - 2021 provides a framework for coordinating planning and delivery of social infrastructure across Government for the fast growing population in the northern Gold Coast corridor. It is a joint project between the Department of Local Government and Planning and the Gold Coast City Council. The project area extends from the no

Objectives for Community - Get Qld back on track
Section 10 of the Financial Accountability Act 2009 (FAA) requires the Premier to prepare and table in the Legislative Assembly a statement of the Government’s broad objectives for the community (objectives for the community). The statement must include details of how the Government will report to the community about the outcomes achieved against these objectives. The Government’s statement of obj

Family Responsibilities Commission Amendment Bill 2012
The Cape York Welfare Reform Trial operates in the communities of Hope Vale, Aurukun, Mossman Gorge and Coen. The objective of the Trial is to restore local authority, build stronger and more resilient communities and change behaviours in response to chronic levels of welfare dependency, social dysfunction and economic exclusion. A central feature of the Trial is the Family Responsibilities Commis

Appointments of the Board of Trustees of the Funeral Benefit Trust Fund
The Board of Trustees was established under the Funeral Benefit Business Act 1982 to administer the Funeral Benefit Trust Fund. The Board of Trustees of the Funeral Benefit Trust Fund administers the trust fund by determining claims made by policy holders/contributors for over 19,000 pre-paid funeral agreements entered into with Metropolitan Funeral Services Pty Ltd or Alex Gow Pty Ltd up to 1975

Cape York Bioregion Management Plan
Stakeholder feedback from the scoping paper consultation will inform the preparation of the draft Cape York Bioregion Management Plan. The development of the Cape York Bioregion Management Plan is part of the Government’s broader Cape York policy which includes initiatives to ensure Indigenous communities have a bigger say in their economic development. Community consultation in relation to a Wor

Commonwealth Income Management Trials in Queensland
Income management was announced in the 2011–12 Federal Budget as part of the Better Futures, Local Solutions place-based measures, with the Commonwealth Government investing $117.5 million over five years to introduce income management in five new trial locations across Australia, including Rockhampton and Logan in Queensland. Income management is a budgeting tool being implemented by the Commonw

Anti Discrimination Act 1991 Government Eligibility Policies
Recent litigation has highlighted the potential for certain government policies where eligibility for government assistance, services or support is based on citizenship or Visa status, to be subject to complaints of racial discrimination under the Anti Discrimination Act 1991. Cabinet approved amendments to the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 to provide an exemption for government eligibility policie

Responsible Alcohol Management-A Community Approach in Discrete Indigenous Communities
The Queensland Government committed to work with Indigenous communities to review Alcohol Management Plans (AMPs). The Queensland Government Six Month Action Plan July–December 2012 indicates that the Review will commence by December 2012. The State Government recognises that there is a diversity of views, needs and circumstances within and between communities regarding the AMPs. The Review will

Queensland Disability Plan 2014-2019
The Queensland Government has developed the Queensland Disability Plan 2014-2019 (QDP) that sets out a planned approach to implementing the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Queensland from 1 July 2016, and to ensure mainstream services are accessible, inclusive and enable the social and economic participation of Queenslanders with a disability. The QDP will be a key mechanism for del

Social Services Investment Framework - Draft for Consultation
The Draft Social Services Investment Framework aims to provide a whole-of-Government Framework for investment in social services. It provides a framework for a transparent and consistent approach to the way Government invests in social services; guides the delivery of social service outcomes for Queenslanders through efficient and effective allocation of public resources; provides the platform for

Social and human services investment blueprint
The Queensland Government’s response to the Commission of Audit Final Report, transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme and the Government’s response to the Child Protection Commission of Inquiry Final Report, are driving a significant reform agenda for the Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services portfolio. In 2013–14, the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disabili

Queensland Cultural Diversity Policy
Queensland is committed to a strong economy with participation by everyone, including its culturally diverse communities. With significant current and projected growth in Queensland’s cultural diversity, articulation of a clear whole-of-Government vision for cultural diversity is increasingly important to support a prosperous and strong state. Full participation in Queensland’s economy and broade

Qld NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) Implementation Plan 2014-16
On 8 May 2013, the Queensland Government signed a Heads of Agreement with the Australian Government for full implementation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to commence on 1 July 2016 and implemented by 1 July 2019. The Queensland Government will undertake a program of work to assist people with disability, the disability sector, government services and the workforce to prepare f

Appointments Veterans Advisory Council
The Veterans’ Advisory Council (VAC) is a non-statutory advisory body that will provide a forum for the Queensland veterans’ community to communicate directly with the Queensland Government regarding matters relating to veterans. The purposes of the VAC are to: provide a forum for the Queensland veterans’ community to communicate directly with the highest levels of the Queensland Government; moni

Qld Cultural Diversity Action Plan and Language Services Policy
Migrants make a significant contribution to the Queensland economy, bringing new opportunities for education, tourism, business and export markets. Some migrants experience a range of barriers to achieving economic independence and community participation. This is more pronounced for those not proficient in English. The Queensland Government is committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for all

Review of Existing Fly-in Fly-out Arrangements in Qld
The Queensland Government is committed to delivering strong and sustainable resource communities across Queensland. Part of this commitment is to introduce choice for workers to live in the resource communities near where they work. Historically, operational workforces in the resource sector were established in regional areas through either growth of existing regional centres such as Emerald or

Multicultural Recognition Bill 2015
Queenslanders come from over 220 countries speaking over 220 languages. A multicultural society provides opportunities for a diversified workforce and business ventures, access to tourism and export markets. Migrants and refugees make a significant contribution to the Queensland economy and community. The fiscal contribution of migrants to Australia is $1.6 billion in the first year after arrival

Supporting Families Changing Futures - advancing Queensland child protection and family support reforms
The Queensland Child Protection Commission of Inquiry released its report, Taking Responsibility: A Roadmap for Queensland Child Protection on 1 July 2013. The Government committed to continue implementation of the Commission of Inquiry recommendations and has reviewed the child and family reforms and identified opportunities to build on the foundations laid by the Commission of Inquiry recommenda

Appointments to the Multicultural Queensland Advisory Council
Queenslanders come from over 220 countries and territories, speaking over 220 languages. A multicultural society provides opportunities for a diversified workforce and business ventures, access to tourism and export markets. The Multicultural Queensland Advisory Council is established under the Multicultural Recognition Act 2016. The Council will provide advice and make recommendations to the Min

Farm Business Debt Mediation Bill 2016
The Government is committed to assisting rural producers and communities across the State that are affected by debt and unprecedented drought conditions. With 83.92% of the State drought-declared, the additional $77.9 million in funding over five years for the Rural Assistance and Drought Package provided in the 2016-17 Budget comes at a crucial time for rural and regional Queensland. The $36 mill

Queensland Financial Inclusion Plan
The Queensland Financial Inclusion Plan (action plan) delivers a cross-agency, crosssector response to improve financial resilience and inclusion for Queenslanders, supported by strong partnerships with the financial and community sectors. The action plan will inform policy, program and service delivery to financially vulnerable Queenslanders and respond to issues arising from financial stress a

Cohesive Communities Action Plan for Queensland 2016-18
As part of the 2015–16 State Budget, the Queensland Government committed $5 million over three years for a committee to strengthen social cohesion and address issues that lead to anti-social behaviours, including extremism. In June 2016, the Queensland Government established the Queensland Social Cohesion Implementation Committee (QSCIC) as a step towards enhancing social cohesion in our communit

Queensland Multicultural Policy and Action Plan
Delivering on the requirements under the Queensland Multicultural Recognition Act 2016, the Queensland Multicultural Policy: Our story, our future and Queensland Multicultural Action Plan 2016–17 to 2018–19 provide the direction for the Queensland Government in delivering on the vision to promote Queensland as a united, harmonious and inclusive community and foster opportunities for people from cu

Response to Report on adequacy of existing financial protections for Queensland seniors
The Inquiry into the adequacy of existing financial protections for Queensland’s seniors, Report No. 2, details the investigation undertaken by the Communities, Disability Services and Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Committee into the issues and challenges facing seniors, from a financial perspective. The Parliamentary Committee inquiry noted that Queenslanders today are working longer,

Whole-of-government social cohesion approach and countering violent extremism referral program
In response to recent events in Australia and overseas, governments around the world and within Australia are increasingly turning their attention to social cohesion as a mechanism to counter violent extremism (CVE). This approach recognises that legislative and policing work in the CVE area is more effective if complemented by community-based social cohesion strategies. Compared with other countr

Queensland Womens Strategy 2016-21
Queensland Women’s Strategy 2016-21 (QWS) outlines the Government’s vision for women and girls with input from the community, business and government. An extensive state-wide consultation was undertaken to help determine the key issues contributing to gender inequality in Queensland. The QWS presents: Vision: The Queensland community respects women, embraces gender equality and promotes and prote

Community safety and education delivery for Aurukun
Offending by young people, including carjacking the principal of the Aurukun Campus of the Cape York Aboriginal Australian Academy, during May 2016 led to the closure of the school and evacuation of school staff. It was decided that the school would close temporarily until the start of Term 3 on 11 July 2016, with a short term approach to provide education through the PCYC implemented. In a statem

Queensland Womens Strategy Community Implementation Plan 2016-18
The Queensland Women’s Strategy 2016-21 (QWS) outlines the Government’s vision for women and girls: The Queensland community respects women, embraces gender equality and promotes and protects the rights, interests and wellbeing of all women and girls. The QWS was developed with input from community, business and government and has four priority areas: participation and leadership; economic securit

Queensland an age-friendly community - Action Plan
The Queensland: an age-friendly community – Action Plan outlines how Queensland will realise its age-friendly vision through specific actions across the eight domains of the ‘age-friendly community’ model developed by the World Health Organisation: social participation; transport; respect and social inclusion; civic participation and employment; communication and information; community suppo

Queensland an age friendly community strategic direction statement
The proposed seniors strategy follows the ‘age-friendly community’ model developed by the World Health Organisation (WHO), and is comprised of eight domains: social participation; transportation; respect and social inclusion; civic participation and employment; communication and information; community support and health services; housing; and outdoor spaces and buildings. Queensland: an age-friend

Strong and Sustainable Resource Communities Bill 2016
The Strong and Sustainable Resource Communities Bill 2016 (the Bill) ensures that regional communities in Queensland, in the vicinity of large resource projects, benefit from the operation of those projects. The Bill limits the use of fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) workforce arrangements and ensure that local workers from nearby regional communities are not excluded from employment in the operation of tho

Towards an all abilities Queensland
The National Disability Strategy 2010-2020 (NDS) provides a national vision for an inclusive society and outlines a ten-year framework to drive improvement across mainstream and specialist systems through six outcome areas. The strategy is supported through state and territory disability plans. The Towards an all abilities Queensland – Consultation paper has been prepared to guide consultation a

Queensland Government contributions to Logan Together Foundation Roadmap
The Logan Together initiative is applying a collective impact model to improve the wellbeing of children (0-8 years) in Logan and is aiming to bring Logan children into alignment with the Queensland average for developmental vulnerability by 2025. Evidence shows that focusing on early childhood development can lead to lasting social and economic benefits for a whole community. Engagement across c

Partnering for the future - Advancing Queensland's community services industry 2017-25
The community services industry is experiencing significant changes that require new ways of doing business, new approaches to designing, financing and providing services, and a strong workforce with the diverse range of jobs and skills needed to deliver these innovations. The Queensland Government has made it a priority to work with stakeholders to rebuild Queensland’s community services sector t

Updated Drought Package
Since 2013, much of Queensland has been in drought. At its peak, over 88 per cent of the state was drought declared. Currently, 23 shires and five part shires are drought declared. This is approximately 58.1 percent of the land area of the state. The Queensland Government has provided significant assistance since the drought began in 2013. Over $160 million has been spent by the Queensland Governm

Thriving Communities - Advancing Queensland
The Queensland Government is committed to improving the wellbeing of Queenslanders and communities. Government agencies are working together with community partners to implement place-based approaches to support thriving communities across the state. Thriving communities are inclusive, diverse, Age Friendly and All Abilities places in which people enjoy high levels of social and economic wellbeing

Progress Report on Queensland Multicultural Policy and Action Plan 2019-22
Delivering on requirements under the Multicultural Recognition Act 2016, a report is required to be tabled about the Queensland Multicultural Policy: Our story, our future after each Multicultural Action Plan stops having effect. The First Progress Report on the Queensland Multicultural Policy presents key outcomes achieved during the 2016–17 to 2018–19 period. The Queensland Multicultural Action

Regional Communities Program
Queensland regions are diverse and regional communities face unique economic and social challenges. Regional communities have individual identities and differing ambitions, challenges and advantages. Understanding local issues is essential for delivering effective policy and building community trust and confidence in government. The Regional Communities Program will strengthen the relationship be

North West Queensland Economic Diversification Strategy Implementation Plan 2019–2021
A Strategic Blueprint for Queensland’s North West Minerals Province (the blueprint) was released by the Queensland Government in July 2017. The $39 million blueprint sets out a collaborative plan for supporting strong and prosperous industries, businesses and communities in the North West Minerals Province (the NWMP). The NWMP is defined as the 10 local government areas of: Mount Isa City; Clon

Outomes from Regional Community Forums across Queensland - October 2019
Queensland is the most decentralised mainland state in Australia. The regions are significant contributors to the Queensland economy, supporting the top four export sectors of education and training, agriculture, mining and tourism. Queensland’s diverse regional communities have different economic and social challenges and opportunities that impact the region’s economic performance. The Queensland

Regional Community Forums - Fourth Round Report
The Community Regional Forums provide a voice to government for regional and rural communities to enhance the economic development and sustainability of regions. The Forums have focused on building a strong business sector, increasing employment opportunities and supporting emerging industries. The Forums ensure that strategic government initiatives focus on needs and priorities of regional Queens

SEQ Land Supply and growth challenges Response
The Queensland Government released ShapingSEQ, the regional plan for South East Queensland (SEQ), in August 2017, providing a sustainable growth management framework for the region. The plan identifies that the majority of new growth in SEQ will be accommodated in existing urban areas. The SEQ Land Supply and Development Monitoring (LSDM) report has three years of data and emerging trends. The LSD

Creative Together Roadmap
Arts, culture and creativity are increasingly recognised by governments for their social, cultural and economic benefits. Creative Together 2020-2030: A 10-Year Roadmap for arts, culture and creativity in Queensland (Creative Together) is the Queensland Government’s ten-year Roadmap for arts, culture and creativity. Creative Together acknowledges the significant impact of COVID-19 on Queensland an

Appointment Queensland Reconstruction Board
The Queensland Reconstruction Board is established under the Queensland Reconstruction Authority Act 2011 (QRA Act). The functions of the Queensland Reconstruction Board under the QRA Act are to: set the strategic priorities for the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA); make recommendations to the Minister about: priorities for community infrastructure, other property and community services

Draft State Infrastructure Strategy and Queensland Government Infrastructure Pipeline
New infrastructure strategies are needed in Queensland due to population growth, changing demographics, technology, the impacts of COVID-19 and other factors. The Draft State Infrastructure Strategy (Draft SIS) has been prepared and provides a 20-year vision for infrastructure to drive collaborative state infrastructure planning and delivery to boost productivity, grow the economy and create jobs

Referral of serious vilification and hate crime law reform to the Legal Affairs and Safety Committee
On 21 August 2020, the Cohesive Communities Coalition wrote to the Premier and Minister for Trade advocating for legislative reform regarding serious vilification and ‘hate crimes’ and attaching an options paper entitled 'Serious vilification and hate crime: The need for legislative reform'. The Deputy Premier and former Health Minister responded to the Cohesive Communities Coalition committing to

Submission to Productivity Commission review of the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement (NHHA)
The National Housing and Homelessness Agreement (NHHA) was established in July 2018. The objective of the NHHA is to contribute to improving access to affordable, safe and sustainable housing across the housing spectrum, including to prevent and address homelessness, and to support social and economic participation. The NHHA requires a review by the Productivity Commission (the Review). The Terms

Appointments to the Responsible Gambling Advisory Committee
The Responsible Gambling Advisory Committee (RGAC) is a non-statutory body that provides advice to the Queensland Government on policies, strategies, and regulatory arrangements for gambling harm. The RGAC also provides a forum for its representatives in the community sector, gambling industry and the Queensland Government to work together to develop ethical and responsible approaches to gambling

Local Thriving Communities Action Plan 2022-2024
The Statement of Commitment to reframe the relationship with Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders was released in July 2019 with the launch of Tracks to Treaty comprising two key elements: Local Thriving Communities (LTC) and Path to Treaty. LTC is the mechanism to implement the intent of the reform agenda articulated in the Queensland Government’s response to the Queensland Productivit

The Queensland Multicultural Action Plan 2022-23 to 2023-24
The Queensland Multicultural Action Plan 2022-23 to 2023-24, the third plan required under section 20(3) of the Multicultural Recognition Act 2016, builds on the second three-year Multicultural Action Plan spanning 2019-20 to 2021-22. The Queensland Multicultural Action Plan 2022-23 to 2023-24 details six strategic actions which Government will take to deliver on the Queensland Multicultural Polic

State Infrastructure Strategy (SIS) 2022
The Queensland Government has worked with industries and government agencies to progress the development of the State Infrastructure Strategy 2022 (SIS 2022). The SIS 2022 updates the previous state-wide infrastructure strategy – the State Infrastructure Plan: Part A (Strategy) released in March 2016. Consultation occurred throughout 2021 through regional workshops, online engagement and consulta

Communities 2032 – a whole of government strategy for Queensland’s communities
Communities 2032 is a 10 year, whole-of-government strategy that provides a positive future vision for our state: that Queensland’s communities support and empower every person to connect, participate, contribute and thrive. Communities 2032 articulates a set of objectives to promote vibrancy and inclusion in our communities, support equitable growth and address growing inequalities, ensuring that

TI Community Cabinet meeting outcomes
Community Cabinet was held on Thursday Island on 5 and 6 September 2022. As part of the official Community Cabinet program, the Thursday Island community was invited to meet with ministers as part of a formal community deputations event resulting in 57 formal deputation meetings to discuss the challenges and opportunities for Thursday Island and the Torres Strait. Also included in the official C

Progress report on 2022 Regional Community Forum Program
The Regional Community Forums (Forums) provide a platform for ongoing engagement between rural and regional communities, local councils and Queensland Government Ministers, other Members of Parliament and Queensland Government officials. Since the initiative began in October 2019, 12 Forums have been held in each of the seven regions. In 2022, Forums were held on 30 May, 11 July, 26 September an

Progress Report on actions from Thursday Island Community Cabinet and update on Cost of Living
A Community Cabinet was held on Thursday Island on 5 and 6 September 2022. The community was invited to meet with ministers as part of a formal community deputations event. A progress report on implementation of the actions identified at the Thursday Island Community Cabinet was considered. As a result of the matters raised at the Community Cabinet, the Premier and Minister for the Olympic and Pa

Release of Queensland’s Clean Energy Workforce Roadmap
Ensuring Queensland has the workforce needed to meet the skills and labour demand associated with the energy transformation has been identified as a critical enabler for the successful delivery of the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan. Likewise, the Good jobs. Good people: Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022-2032 (QWS) recognises the need to develop the skills pathways required for the growing clean