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Your search for Committees returned 61 record/s.
Brokering Balance
On 12 March 2008, the Premier announced that Ms Simone Webbe and Professor Patrick Weller AO had been appointed as the independent reviewers of government boards, as part of a suite of public sector reforms. According to the terms of reference, the aim of the review is to reduce bureaucracy and unnecessary red tape; improve the overall efficiency of government bodies; and maintain the integrity a

Qld Government submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Energy Efficiency Improvements
On 5 June 2009, the Environment and Resources Committee issued its Issues Paper No. 1 entitled “Inquiry into Energy Efficiency Improvements”. This paper provides background information about the committee and its inquiry into energy efficiency improvements. It also flags the issues that the committee would like people to comment on. Cabinet approved a whole of Government response to the Parliame

Queensland Government Submission to the Economic Development Committee - July 2009
August 2009 Queensland Government Submission to the Economic Development Committee Treasurer and Minister for Employment and Economic Development Cabinet approved the whole-of-government submission to the Queensland Parliament Economic Development Committee Issues Paper No. 1: Inquiry into identifying world’s best practice by governments to effectively stimulate employment opportunities in Qu

Government Response to Review of the Organ and Tissue Donation Procedure Report
The Review of the Organ and Tissue Donation Procedures Select Committee (Committee) of the Queensland Parliament was convened to investigate whether presumed consent should be introduced and whether there are other options that should be considered to improve organ and tissue donation rates in Queensland. The Report of the Committee was published on 28 October 2008. It does not support Queenslan

Qld Govt Submission to Senate Inquiry into Suicide in Australia
On 10 September 2009, the Senate requested that the Community Affairs References Committee to conduct an inquiry into matters relating to the impact of suicide on the Australian community, including high risk groups such as Indigenous youth and rural communities. The Premier of Queensland was invited by the Chair of the Senate Committee to provide a written submission addressing issues relevant to

Senate FADTR Committee Inquiry - Torres Strait
In 2009, the Senate made a referral to the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee for an inquiry and report on the ‘administration and management of matters relating to Australia’s northern air, sea and land approaches in the region of the Torres Strait’ (the Inquiry). Information for the Inquiry was sought primarily from those agencies which are part of the Queensland Torres Strait

Constitution (Preamble) Amendment Bill 2009
On 4 December 2008 and 23 April 2009, the Parliament of Queensland referred to the Law, Justice and Safety Committee (formerly the Legal, Constitutional and Administrative Review Committee) the task of developing a text for a preamble to the Constitution of Queensland 2001. In drafting the text for a preamble to the Queensland Constitution, the Committee was directed to include both an aspiratio

Queensland Government response to Parliamentary Inquiry into Energy Efficiency Improvements
On 25 February 2010, the Environment and Resources Committee (ERC) tabled a report in Parliament presenting the findings of its Inquiry into Energy Efficiency Improvements. The ERC put forward 18 specific recommendations relating to the following themes: Reviewing program funding and enhancing program evaluation; Supporting low-income households; Balancing investment in energy efficiency and ren

Growing Queenslands Renewable Energy Electricity Sector
On 24 May 2010, the Environment and Resources Committee issued an issues paper entitled “Growing Queensland’s Renewable Energy Electricity Sector”. This paper provides background information about the committee and its inquiry into opportunities and challenges for the Queensland Government associated with increasing the proportion of electricity generated from renewable energy sources in Queensla

Response to Economic Development Committee Report No. 2
The Queensland Parliament Economic Development Committee (the Committee) tabled its Report Number 2: Inquiry into identifying world’s best practice by governments to effectively stimulate employment opportunities in Queensland on 26 November 2009. Cabinet approved the whole-of-government response to the Queensland Parliament Economic Development Committee’s inquiry, which was tabled on 26 Februa

Govt Submission Inquiry road safety benefits fixed speed cameras
In March 2010 the Economic Development Committee (Committee) launched an inquiry into the road safety benefits of fixed speed cameras. The Committee released Issues Paper No. 2 – Inquiry into the road safety benefits of fixed speed cameras, to stimulate debate and to guide submissions to the Inquiry. Fixed speed cameras are a part of a key road safety program in Queensland and the Queensland gover

Government Response to Report No. 5 of the Public Accounts and Public Works Committee
On 2 September 2010, the Public Accounts and Public Works Committee tabled its Report No. 5 entitled Inquiry into an Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Performance Management Systems (PMS) audit mandate. The report details the Committee’s findings during its inquiry into the value and effectiveness of the Queensland Audit Office’s PMS audit mandate, and includes consideration of the findings o

Implementation of Govt Response to Brokering Balance Public Interest Map for Govt Bodies
The Government Response to Brokering Balance: A Public Interest Map for Queensland Government Boards, Committees and Statutory Authorities approved that the Public Interest Map be the public sector governance model for improving the relevance, economy, efficiency, effectiveness and accountability for non-departmental Government bodies in Queensland. The Public Interest Map (PIM) policy consists of

Govt Response to Report No 109 of Integrity, Ethics and Parl Privileges Ctte
On 2 September 2010, the Integrity, Ethics and Parliamentary Privileges Committee tabled Report No.109 titled Mid-Term Review: Registration of Interests. This Parliamentary Committee is responsible for examining the arrangements for the compiling, keeping and inspection of the Register of Members’ Interests and Register of Related Persons’ Interests. The Committee made seven recommendations to mai

Govt Response to Scrutiny of Leg Report No 42
19 August 2010, the Scrutiny of Legislation Committee tabled its Report No. 42 entitled Review of Part 7 of the Statutory Instruments Act. The report reviewed the practical operation of the expiry and periodic review requirements in part 7 of the Statutory Instruments Act 1992 and related matters, including administrative policies and practices, explanatory notes, regulatory impact analysis and

Govt submission on review of fundamental legislative principles
The Legislative Standards Act 1992 sets out the “fundamental legislative principles” (FLPs) relating to legislation that underlie a parliamentary democracy based on the rule of law. The Legislative Standards Act establishes the meaning of FLPs by requiring that legislation has sufficient regard to the rights and liberties of individuals and to the institution of Parliament, with a non-exhaustive

Parliament of Qld Reform and Modernisation Amendment Bill 2011
In August 2009, the Government released the Integrity and Accountability in Queensland discussion paper to promote public discussion on improving Queensland’s integrity and accountability framework. The consultation on the paper highlighted the importance of the Legislative Assembly possessing and maintaining a high standard of scrutiny over the legislative process. In response to this feedback

govt Response to PAPWC report no 10
Two Auditor General reports to Parliament in 2008 (Reports No. 1 and No. 9) covered the issue of annual reporting, and the former Public Accounts Committee had agreed to further investigate the issues identified in these reports. The Public Accounts and Public Works Committee (PAPWC) resolved to continue with this inquiry and released a discussion paper in November 2009 outlining details of the i

Govt Submission to Parliamentary Crime and Misconduct Committee review of CMC
Under the Crime and Misconduct Act 2001, the Parliamentary Crime and Misconduct Committee (PCMC) is required to undertake a review of the Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) at a time near to the end of three years from the appointment of the PCMC members. The PCMC is required to table a report in Parliament about any further action that should be taken in relation to the Crime and Misconduct

Government Response to the PAPWC Report No. 8 - Review of Auditor-General's Report January 2010 to December 2010
As prescribed in the Parliament of Queensland Act 2001, one of the functions of the Public Accounts and Public Works Committee (PAPWC) is to consider the annual and other reports of the Auditor-General. On 23 March 2011, the PAPWC tabled in Parliament its Report No. 8 – Review of AuditorGeneral’s Reports – January 2010 to December 2010. Cabinet approved the Government’s response to the Public A

Parl Services Amend Bill 2011 PAPWC rep no 7
In August 2009, the Government released the Integrity and Accountability in Queensland discussion paper to promote public discussion on improving Queensland’s integrity and accountability framework. The consultation on the paper highlighted the importance of the Legislative Assembly possessing and maintaining a high standard of scrutiny over the legislative process. In response to this feedback

Govt Response to report of review of Qld Parliamentary Committee System
In August 2009, the Queensland Government released the discussion paper, Integrity and Accountability in Queensland. The discussion paper consultation highlighted the importance of the Parliament having a high standard of scrutiny over the legislative process. In response to this feedback, the Government committed to creating a bipartisan committee to review the role of parliamentary committees in

Structure of the new parliamentary committees
In August 2009, the Government released the Integrity and Accountability in Queensland discussion paper to promote public discussion on improving Queensland’s integrity and accountability framework. The consultation on the paper highlighted the importance of the Legislative Assembly possessing and maintaining a high standard of scrutiny over the legislative process. In response to this feedback, a

Chicken Meat Industry Amendment Bill 2011
The Chicken Meat Industry Amendment Bill 2011 deals with the future of the Chicken Meat Industry Committee (CMIC) which was examined as part of the Independent Review of Queensland Government Boards, Committees and Statutory Authorities in 2009. The government accepted the review recommendation to abolish the CMIC as a statutory body, but agreed that this would await the outcome of a review of th

Women on Boards Strategy - Stage 2
The Queensland Government has previously committed to increasing the numbers of women on Queensland Government boards, committees and councils. In 2006, the Government endorsed the Women on Boards Strategy, with the primary aim that, where possible, 50 per cent of new appointees to Queensland Government bodies should be women. There are compelling reasons for achieving greater gender diversity in

Establishment of Cabinet Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs
There is a need for greater coherence and coordination of Indigenous issues across government. These issues are often complex and intractable in nature. A concerted effort is required to drive the Government’s Indigenous reform agenda and ensure delivery of improved and enduring outcomes for Indigenous Queenslanders. There is evidence to indicate that coherence and coordination of effort and i

Appt of member to the Non-State School Eligibility for Govt Funding Committee
The Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Act 2001 provides for the establishment of two bodies, the Non-State Schools Accreditation Board and the Non-State Schools Eligibility for Government Funding Committee (the Committee). The Committee is established under section 133 of the Act. Under section 134 of the Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Act 2001 the Committee has the f

Response to Parliamentary Crime and Misconduct Committee Report 86 - Three Yearly Review of the CMC
Government Response to the Parliamentary Crime and Misconduct Committee Report No. 86, May 2012, Three yearly review of the Crime and Misconduct Commission Attorney-General and Minister for Justice Section 292(f) of the Crime and Misconduct Act 2001 requires the Parliamentary Crime and Misconduct Committee (PCMC) to conduct a three yearly review of the activities of the Crime and Misconduct Commi

Response HealthCommunity Committee report Palliative and community care
The Legislative Assembly referred the palliative care services and home and community care inquiry to the Health and Community Services Committee on 7 June 2012. The Committee submitted its report to the Legislative Assembly on 17 May 2013. According to the Parliament of Queensland Act 2001, the Premier or the relevant Minister must table a response to the Legislative Assembly/Clerk within three

Queensland Government Response to Agriculture Resources and Environment Committee Report No 13
On 7 June 2012, the Legislative Assembly resolved that the Agriculture, Resources and Environment Committee investigate and report on methods to: reduce regulatory requirements impacting on agriculture and resource industries in Queensland; and to further promote economic development while balancing environmental protections. The Committee tabled Report No. 13, Inquiry into Queensland’s Agricult

Response on Body Corporate and Community Management Amendment Bill
On 14 September 2012, the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice introduced the Body Corporate and Community Management and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 (the Bill) into the Queensland Parliament. Following introduction, the Bill was referred to the Queensland Parliament’s Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee (the Committee) for its detailed examination. Cabinet noted the Commi

Response to retirement villages review
On 29 November 2012, the Transport, Housing and Local Government Committee tabled its Report No. 13 entitled ‘Review of the Retirement Villages Act 1999’. The Transport, Housing and Local Government Committee made a total of 37 recommendations which covered a range of key issues affecting both residents and scheme operators at retirement villages. In accordance with section 107 of the Parliament o

Response to Report No 90 Inquiry into the CMC release and destruction of Fitzgerald Inquiry documents
The Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) has an important role in Queensland to combat major crime, investigate misconduct in the public sector and improve public sector integrity. Cabinet considered the recommendations of the Parliamentary Crime and Misconduct Committee Report No. 90, Inquiry into the Crime and Misconduct Commission’s release and destruction of Fitzgerald Inquiry documents (th

Government response to the Inquiry to the Qld Building Services Authority
On 30 November 2012, the Transport, Housing and Local Government Committee tabled its Report No. 14 entitled ‘Inquiry into the Operation and Performance of the Queensland Building Services Authority’. The Transport, Housing and Local Government Committee made a total of 41 recommendations which covered a range of key issues affecting home builders, building contractors and industry participants. I

Chicken Meat Industry Committee Amendment Bill 2014
The Chicken Meat Industry Committee is a statutory committee established under the Chicken Meat Industry Committee Act 1976. The Chicken Meat Industry Committee’s primary functions are to facilitate negotiations of agreements between chicken growers and processors, to facilitate mediation and arbitration of disputes (where required), to represent growers and processors and to provide information o

Remuneration Procedures for part-time chairs and members of Government bodies
Queensland Government bodies range in scale and character from advisory committees providing policy advice on discrete areas of government policy to governing boards overseeing multi-million dollar government trading enterprises. Where appropriate, remuneration for membership of government boards and committees is a way to acknowledge the contribution of community members of the boards and committ

Response to Finance and Administration Committee Report No 41 - Inquiry into Auditor-General Report No 4 2012 – Managing Employee Unplanned Absence
In 2012, the Auditor-General conducted an inquiry in managing employee unplanned absence in the Queensland Public Service. The consequent report, Auditor-General’s Report No. 4: 2012 – Managing Employee Unplanned Absence was tabled on 19 June 2012. The Finance and Administration Committee subsequently examined the Auditor-General’s report in further detail. The Committee’s Report No. 41 summaris

Queensland Government Submission to the Senate Select Committee on Health
On 25 June 2014, the Senate established the Select Committee on Health to inquire into and report on health policy, administration and expenditure and provide a final report to the Senate on 20 June 2016, with submissions invited by 19 September 2014. The establishment of the committee follows the 2014-15 Commonwealth budget, announced on 13 May 2014, which proposed a range of measures that reduce

Govt Response to Committee Report No 59 Inquiry into Coastal Sea Freight
In December 2014, the Transport, Housing and Local Government Committee tabled Report No. 59, ‘Inquiry into Coastal Sea Freight’. The Transport, Housing and Local Government Committee made 16 recommendations as practical strategies that aim to facilitate the development of a robust coastal shipping service along the Queensland coastline. The Report concluded a regular sea freight service along the

Outcomes of the Tourism and Commonwealth Games Cabinet Committee
In March 2015, the Tourism and Commonwealth Games Cabinet Committee (the TCGCC) was established with broad responsibilities for growing the visitor economy and the delivery of the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games (GC2018). The TCGCC meets quarterly. To date, meetings have been held in May and August 2015 and at its meetings, the TCGCC considered the following issues: the status of planning and

Response Agriculture and Environment Commmittee Vegetation Management (Reinstatement) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
On 17 March 2016, the Deputy Premier, Minister for Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Trade and Investment introduced the Vegetation Management (Reinstatement) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 into Parliament. The Bill was considered by the Agriculture and Environment Parliamentary Committee, which tabled its report on 30 June 2016. In its report, the committe

Government response to Inquiry into fire fighting foam contamination
Fire-fighting foam containing the chemicals perfluorooctane sulphonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) was used in fire-fighting and fire-fighting training from the 1970s to the early-mid 2000s. Use of the foams has occurred at sites such as civil airports, military air bases, large fuel storage terminals and refineries, and ports. A plume of groundwater contaminated with PFOS and PFOA, a

Government response to Committee Report into Heavy Vehicle National Law and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
The Heavy Vehicle National Law Act 2012 (HVNL) is a national scheme legislation central to the national heavy vehicle reform agenda. The Heavy Vehicle National Law Amendment Bill 2016 makes necessary changes to: reform chain of responsibility obligations and executive officer liabilities to confirm that each responsible party has a primary duty of care to ensure the safety of their transport activ

Government response to Agriculture and Environment Committee Report No 29 Review of Drought Relief Assistance Scheme
The Agriculture and Environment Committee has undertaken a review of the Drought Relief Assistance Scheme (DRAS) in accordance with its public accounts responsibilities under the Parliament of Queensland Act 2001. On 3 January 2017, the Committee tabled its report with five recommendations for the Government. The Committee recommended that the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries develop an upd

Government response to Agriculture and Environment Committee Report No. 24 Hendra virus vaccine
On 25 February 2016, the Legislative Assembly agreed to a motion that the Agriculture and Environment Committee inquire into and report on the Hendra virus (HeV) EquiVac® vaccine and its use by veterinary surgeons in Queensland. The Committee tabled its Report on 21 October 2016. The report made 11 recommendations for the Government to consider relating to Queensland’s sole laboratory with Hendra

Government response to Committee Report No 31 Inquiry into performance of Health Ombudsman functions
In June 2016 the Health, Communities, Disability Services and Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Committee (the Committee) resolved to conduct an inquiry into the performance of the Health Ombudsman’s functions pursuant to section 179 of the Health Ombudsman Act 2013. The Committee tabled its report in December 2016. The Committee noted significant concerns that the Office of the Health Ombud

Government Response to Committee Report No 33 Sustainable Queensland Dairy Production (Fair Milk Price Logos) Bill 2016
On 13 October 2016, the Sustainable Queensland Dairy Production (Fair Milk Price Logos) Bill 2016 was introduced into Parliament by Mr Shane Knuth MP, Member for Dalrymple. The Bill provides for the establishment of logos for containers of fresh milk produced in particular regions, and for which fair prices have been paid to dairy farmers. It also provides a mechanism for setting fair prices and t

Government response to Committee Report No 35 Barrier Fences in Queensland
On 28 October 2015 the Agriculture and Environment Committee (the Committee) resolved to hold an inquiry into barrier fences in Queensland, in accordance with its public works power under section 94 of the Parliament of Queensland Act 2001. The Committee examined a number of issues including the costs to maintain existing barrier fences; the effectiveness of barrier fences at protecting stock and

Response to Committee inquiry into job opportunities from establishment of space industry
In September 2018, the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Leader of the House referred an inquiry to the State Development, Natural Resources and Agricultural Industry Development Committee (the committee). The referral was to examine opportunities to create jobs across Queensland and promote existing supply chain capability as a result of an Australian space industry. On 18 September

Government Response to Education, Employment and Small Business Committee Report No 13
The Working with Children Legislation (Indigenous Communities) Amendment Bill 2018 (the PMB) was introduced into Parliament by Mr Robbie Katter MP, Member for Traeger, in October 2018. On 14 February 2019, the Education, Employment and Small Business Committee (the Committee) tabled its Report No. 13 on the PMB. Recommendation 2 of the Committee Report was that the Attorney-General and Minister fo

Appointments to the Resources Community Infrastructure Fund Advisory Committee
The Queensland Government and the Queensland Resources Council (QRC) representing Participating Mineral Resource Industry Parties, executed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on 18 May 2020, which established the Resources Community Infrastructure Fund (RCIF). The MOU requires formation of an Advisory Committee, comprising Government, resource community, and industry representatives. It will rev

Appointments Crime Reference Committee
Section 274 of Crime and Corruption Act 2001 (the Act) establishes the Crime Reference Committee (the Committee). Section 275 of the Act states that the Committee has the following functions: to refer major crime to the Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) for investigation; to authorise the CCC to undertake specific intelligence operations; to review general referrals under section 30A; and to

Appointment to the Controlled Operations Committee
The Controlled Operations Committee (the Committee) is established under section 232 of the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 (the Act). The Committee consists of an independent member, the Commissioner or the Commissioner’s nominee and the Crime and Corruption Commission chairperson or the chairperson’s nominee. The Committee’s functions include: to consider, and make recommendations ab

Appointments to the K’gari (Fraser Island) World Heritage Advisory Committee
The Department of Environment and Science (DES) represents the Queensland Government in assisting the Commonwealth to meet Australia’s obligations under the World Heritage Convention. Responsibilities are detailed in the Australian World Heritage Intergovernmental Agreement, and include the appointment of property-specific advisory committees comprising the best cultural, scientific, technical and

Amendments to Electoral and Other Legislation (Accountability, Integrity and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 2019
On 28 November 2019, the Electoral and Other Legislation (Accountability, Integrity and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 2019 (the Bill) was introduced into the Legislative Assembly and was referred to the Economics and Governance Committee (the Committee) for inquiry and report. Chapters 2 and 3 of the Bill contain amendments relating to: funding and expenditure for State elections and signage at St

Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Games Arrangements Bill 2021
Queensland was awarded the hosting rights for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games (Brisbane 2032) by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) on 21 July 2021, following a majority vote of IOC Members at the 138th IOC Session. On the same day, the Premier, the Lord Mayor of Brisbane and the President of the Australian Olympic Committee executed the Olympic Host Contract (OHC) with the IOC. The O

Establishment of and appointments to the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games Legacy Committee
The Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games (Brisbane 2032) Legacy Committee (Legacy Committee) is a government advisory body, established to provide an increased level of transparency and confidence in how the Government is representing the broad views and interests of communities to ensure the legacy of Brisbane 2032 benefits all of Queensland. The Legacy Committee composition must include at

Appointment of the Chairperson and members of the Public Records Review Committee
The Committee is established under the Public Records Act 2002 (the Act) to advise the Minister and the State Archivist about issues affecting the administration and enforcement of the Act, to decide any disputes referred to the Committee under section 19(4) of the Act, and to review decisions of the State Archivist not to authorise disposal of particular public records. Section 29(1) of the Act r

Appointment of the Chairperson and five Members to the Legal Practice Committee
Section 621 of the Legal Profession Act 2007 (the Act) provides for the establishment of the Legal Practice Committee. The Committee hears and decides less serious cases against legal practitioners that do not involve 'professional misconduct' and will not result in the practitioner being ‘struck off’ the roll or suspended from practice. The Committee also hears and decides discipline applications

Appointments to Legal Practice Committee
Section 621 of the Legal Profession Act 2007 (the Act) provides for the establishment of the Legal Practice Committee. The Committee hears and decides less serious cases against legal practitioners that do not involve 'professional misconduct' and will not result in the practitioner being ‘struck off’ the roll or suspended from practice. The Committee also hears and decides discipline application

Appointments to the Crime Reference Committee
Section 274 of the Crime and Corruption Act 2001 (the Act) establishes the Crime Reference Committee (the Committee). Section 275 of the Act states that the Committee has the following functions: to refer major crime to the Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) for investigation; to authorise the CCC to undertake specific intelligence operations; to review general referrals under section 30A; and