Your search for Climate Change returned 29 record/s. |
Greenhouse Gas Storage Bill 2008
The main purpose of the Greenhouse Gas Storage Bill 2008 is to provide the tenure framework to administer the process called greenhouse gas geological storage, also called greenhouse gas storage (GHG storage) or geosequestration.
The tenure framework will be the cornerstone for all greenhouse gas storage projects planned for Queensland. It provides for the granting of authorities to explore for
Garnaut Review releases draft report on Climate Change
Cabinet considered a submission from the Premier regarding the draft Garnaut report on Climate Change.
Cabinet noted the update on the public release of Professor Garnaut’s draft report and that Professor Garnaut had indicated that he did not intend to conduct a public submission process on this draft report in the lead up to the release of the Final Report on 30 September 2008.
Achievements Qld Police and Dept Emergency Services Vehicle Fleet Emissions
Cabinet considered a submission regarding the initiatives and achievements by the Queensland Police Service and the Department of Emergency Services to reduce vehicle fleet emissions.
The Action Plan 2007-2010 applies to all vehicles leased from, or procured by, QFleet. Under the Plan, QFleet aims to reduce vehicle CO2 emissions by 15 percent by 2011, 25 percent by 2012, and 50 percent by 2017,
Qld Climate Change Centre of Excellence Key Projects and Achievements March07-June08
The formation of the Queensland Climate Change Centre of Excellence (the Centre) brought together climate science and policy functions from the Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Department of Natural Resources and Water.
The Centre is today an integral part of the Office of Climate Change within the portfolio of Sustainability, Climate Ch
Issues Paper for the Review of the Qld Govt climate change strategy
The Queensland Government is reviewing, updating and consolidating its ClimateSmart 2050: Queensland climate change strategy 2007 - a low carbon future (ClimateSmart 2050) and Queensland’s ClimateSmart Adaptation 2007-12: An action plan for managing the impacts of climate change (ClimateSmart Adaptation 2007-12).
The Issues Paper includes questions which will focus community and stakeholder feedba
Qld Govt response - Aust Govt Carbon Pollution Reduction Green Paper
On 16 July 2008, the Australian Government released its Green Paper canvassing its preferred positions for the design of an emissions trading scheme.
The Green Paper outlines the Australian Government’s preferred Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme design features.
The proposed Queensland Government response is generally supportive of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme as described in the Gre
Vegetation Management Regrowth Bill 2009
On 7 April 2009, the Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy and Minister for Trade announced his intention to introduce a three month moratorium on the clearing of all native vegetation within 50 metres of a watercourse in priority reef catchments and endangered regrowth vegetation in rural areas across the State. This delivers on commitments to protect endangered regrowth vegetation an
Public consultation on the proposed State Planning Policy Healthy Waters
The Queensland Government is considering introducing and updating waterway health management provisions including a draft State Planning Policy (SPP) under the Integrated Planning Act 1997.
The proposed SPP would apply throughout the State of Queensland.
If the draft SPP were to become a State Planning Policy it will influence those land use planning and development decisions that may individual
Commonwealth - Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme
The Commonwealth Government is in the process of implementing a Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) and a voluntary carbon offsets scheme that will provide opportunities for landholders (both freehold and leasehold), with vegetation that is eligible under the rules of the schemes, to enter carbon markets and to generate revenue, offset greenhouse gas emissions, and provide environmental ben
ClimateQ toward a greener Queensland
The Queensland Government has undertaken a review of the State’s key climate change strategy - ClimateSmart 2050: Queensland climate change strategy 2007 and ClimateSmart Adaptation 2007-12: an action plan for managing the impacts of climate change.
The revised Queensland climate change strategy, ClimateQ: toward a greener Queensland (ClimateQ) represents the next chapter in Queensland’s long-t
Qld Timber Plantations Strategy
The Queensland Timber Plantations Strategy (QTPS) is a commitment under the Queensland Government’s 2007 ClimateSmart 2050 Strategy and the 2009 ClimateQ: Toward a Greener Queensland document.
The QTSP is a whole-of-government strategy designed to articulate and deliver on the Queensland Government’s policy objective of encouraging new private investment in commercial (large scale) timber plantati
Vegetation Management Amendment Regulation 2009
The Vegetation Management Amendment (VMA) Regulation 2009 amends the conservation class of regional ecosystems listed in the Vegetation Management Regulation 2000, in response to the certification of the latest scientific data on remnant vegetation.
The VMA Regulation also gives effect to new vegetation management maps, assessment codes and policies and other streamlining reforms consistent with
Biobased Industrial Products Sector Discussion Paper
The bio-based industrial products sector is emerging worldwide as a growing and increasingly valuable and viable industry. Its development is being driven by the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the quest to achieve a level of energy independence and declining mineral oil resources.
Queensland has the potential to become a leading producer of bio-based industrial products and technologies
Growing Queenslands Renewable Energy Electricity Sector
On 24 May 2010, the Environment and Resources Committee issued an issues paper entitled “Growing Queensland’s Renewable Energy Electricity Sector”. This paper provides background information about the committee and its inquiry into opportunities and challenges for the Queensland Government associated with increasing the proportion of electricity generated from renewable energy sources in Queensla
Progress Report on Climate Change Initiatives and Actions
Queensland’s climate change strategies, ClimateQ: toward a greener Queensland, ClimateSmart 2050 and ClimateSmart Adaptation 2007-12, represent the most comprehensive suite of initiatives of any Australian jurisdiction.
Since the launch of ClimateQ in August 2009, and ClimateSmart 2050 and ClimateSmart Adaptation 2007-12 in 2007, of the 124 initiatives (as at end April 2010):
109 have been delive
Queensland Electric Vehicle Roadmap
Electric vehicles (EVs) are internationally recognised as an important emerging technology for reducing road transport emissions, improving domestic energy security and supporting clean-tech industry development.
The arrival of EVs presents a number of issues and opportunities for Queensland including:
Environmental impacts of EVs;
Impacts to Energy Generation and Electricity Transmission and Dist
Response to the Premier's Council on Climate change Working Paper 4
The Premier’s Council on Climate Change provides strategic advice to the Queensland Government and is comprised of 12 members external to Government with expertise across key sectors.
The Council developed its fourth Working Paper, entitled Capturing Carbon in the Rural Landscape: Opportunities for Queensland. The Council Paper includes 15 recommendations to the Queensland Government on policy and
Issues Paper - Climate Change Adaptation for Queensland public consultation
Queensland is regarded as the state most at risk from the impacts of unmitigated climate change.
Where ‘mitigation’ policy focuses on minimising the risk of dangerous climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, ‘adaptation’ policy involves preparing human and natural systems for the impacts of climate change which cannot be avoided.
In 2007, the Government released the ClimateSmart Adapt
Carbon Farming Initiative
There are strong long-term economic opportunities for Queensland’s rural landholders selling carbon credits from land-based actions that reduce or sequester carbon (land sector abatement).
In August 2010, the Commonwealth Government committed to introduce the Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) to provide a framework for the creation of tradeable credits for land sector abatement.
In November 2010, th
Qld Govt Energy and Carbon Reporting Framework
The ClimateQ strategy is the most comprehensive climate change response of any state or territory, and builds on the early work delivered under the ClimateSmart 2050 and Climate Smart Adaptation Plan 2007-12, an Australian first on adaptation policy.
The proposed approach for Queensland Government departments to report energy use and carbon emissions will extend the Queensland Government’s commitm
Release of Queensland Climate Transition Discussion Paper
In December 2015, at the 21st Conference of Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris, the international community signed up to a climate change agreement (the Paris Agreement) that recognises the need for deep cuts in emissions.
All countries committed to an ongoing plan to limit emissions in line with a "well below" 2°C limit on warming and to pursue eff
Queensland Climate Adaptation Directions Statement
Climate change impacts, including increased average temperatures, more intense rainfall events, flooding, sea level rise, more severe cyclones and reduced rainfall and increased evaporation across much of the state pose risks to Queensland’s economy, environment, infrastructure and communities.
In May 2016 the release of the Advancing Climate Action in Queensland: Making a transition to a low car
Queensland Climate Change Response
The Queensland Climate Transition Strategy (QCTS) and Queensland Climate Adaptation Strategy (Q-CAS) have been developed to help create an innovative and resilient Queensland that addresses the risks and harnesses the opportunities of a changing climate and changing global economy.
On 4 November 2016, the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to below two degrees Celsius (2°C) above pre-industri
Response to the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements
The Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements (the RCNNDA) was established on 20 February 2020 in response to the extreme bushfire season of 2019–20 which resulted in loss of life, property and wildlife and environmental destruction.
The RCNNDA presented its Report (the Report) to the Australian Governor-General on 28 October 2020, making 80 recommendations.
The Report found t
Wet Tropics Management Authority Board Appointments
The Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area is managed under the Wet Tropics World Heritage Protection and Management Act 1993 (the Queensland Act) and the Commonwealth Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area Conservation Act 1994 (the Commonwealth Act). These Acts implement Australia’s international duty for the protection, conservation, presentation, rehabilitation and transmission t
Climate Action Plan 2020 - 2030
The Queensland Government accepts the science of climate change and committed to taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition the economy to zero net emissions by 2050 in line with global action to do the same.
The Queensland Government has committed to developing a Climate Action Plan to map the pathway forward for Queensland’s emissions over the next decade. The Climate Acti
Queensland State of the Environment 2020 Report
The Queensland State of the Environment (SoE) 2020 Report (SoE 2020) is a collation of published data and information about the condition of Queensland’s environmental assets and the pressures affecting those assets.
The SoE 2020 is presented through an interactive online format and provides Queenslanders with greater access to, and understanding of, regionally specific environmental performance
Queenslands Zero Emission Vehicle Strategy 2022-2032 and Action Plan 2022-2024
The Queensland Government has committed to significant emissions reductions targets. Reducing transport and energy sector emissions is a complex and challenging task which requires a multifaceted and holistic solution to deliver greater dividends in the future and minimise higher future costs. Queensland Government (and industry) action and investment is required to deliver a range of broader econ
Queensland Low Emissions Agriculture Roadmap 2022-2032 Consultation Draft
The Queensland agribusiness and food sector is a significant contributor to the Queensland economy and has a key role internationally to provide safe sustainable food to an increasing world population.
The sector has an important role in contributing to the Queensland Climate Action Plan 2030. The Queensland Low Emissions Agriculture Roadmap 2022-2032 Consultation Draft recognises industry and bu