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Your search for Boards returned 103 record/s.
Brokering Balance
On 12 March 2008, the Premier announced that Ms Simone Webbe and Professor Patrick Weller AO had been appointed as the independent reviewers of government boards, as part of a suite of public sector reforms. According to the terms of reference, the aim of the review is to reduce bureaucracy and unnecessary red tape; improve the overall efficiency of government bodies; and maintain the integrity a

Implementation of Govt Response to Brokering Balance Public Interest Map for Govt Bodies
The Government Response to Brokering Balance: A Public Interest Map for Queensland Government Boards, Committees and Statutory Authorities approved that the Public Interest Map be the public sector governance model for improving the relevance, economy, efficiency, effectiveness and accountability for non-departmental Government bodies in Queensland. The Public Interest Map (PIM) policy consists of

Women on Boards - Progress and Future Directions
The Women on Boards strategy (the Strategy) establishes that where possible 50 per cent of new appointees to Queensland Government bodies should be women. The Strategy aims to increase the number of female new appointees to Government boards. Key components of the Strategy are: active recruitment of women with skills that match board requirements; increased Ministerial and Executive leadership;

Women on Boards Strategy - Stage 2
The Queensland Government has previously committed to increasing the numbers of women on Queensland Government boards, committees and councils. In 2006, the Government endorsed the Women on Boards Strategy, with the primary aim that, where possible, 50 per cent of new appointees to Queensland Government bodies should be women. There are compelling reasons for achieving greater gender diversity in

Appointment to the Qld Art Gallery Board of Trustees
Under section 19 of the Queensland Art Gallery Act 1987, the Queensland Art Gallery Board of Trustees functions are to include control, manage and maintain the Queensland Art Gallery; to minister to the needs of the community in the visual arts by displaying works of art, promoting artistic taste through the illustration of the history and development of the visual arts, providing educational or c

Three year assessment of all Government Bodies 2012
The Queensland Cabinet Handbook (the Cabinet handbook) requires Departments to assess all existing Government bodies every three years to ensure that they are operating effectively against their terms of reference or the functions for which they were established. The Cabinet handbook also requires Ministers to inform the Premier, in writing, that all bodies in their portfolio have been assessed an

Appointment of the Boards of ENERGEX Limited and Stanwell Corp Ltd
ENERGEX Limited and Stanwell Corporation Limited are Government Owned Corporations (GOCs). The Boards of GOCs are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1994. Directors resigned from the respective boards resulting in a number of vacancies. Cabinet endorsed recommending to the Governor in Council the appointment of the following persons as Directors to the Board of ENERGEX Limit

Appointment of the Boards of Far North Qld Ports Corp Ltd and Gladstone Ports Corp Ltd
Far North Queensland Ports Corporation Limited and Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited are Government Owned Corporations (GOCs). The Boards of GOCs are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1994. Vacancies exist for the positions of Chair for each of these boards. Cabinet endorsed recommending to the Governor in Council the appointment of the following persons for a term commen

Appt to the Board of the Building Construction Industry Training Fund
The Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (BCITF) was established as the Centre of Excellence for the building and construction industry in July 2007. The Centre of Excellence represents a partnership model between industry and government to address skills and workforce development needs within the industry. The BCITF now trades as Construction Skills Queensland with funds generated by

Appointment to the SEQ Water Grid Manager Board
The South East Queensland (SEQ) Water Grid Manager (WGM) is established under the South East Queensland Water (Restructuring) Act 2007. The SEQ WGM is a Government-owned statutory body responsible for managing the strategic operation of the SEQ Water Grid. Appointment terms of four board members expired on 30 June 2012. The Government has committed to merging the bulk water entities as part of its

Appointment of Chairpersons of GOCs
ENERGEX Limited, Ergon Energy Corporation Limited, Queensland Electricity Transmission Corporation Limited, CS Energy Limited and Stanwell Corporation Limited are Government Owned Corporations (GOCs). The Boards of GOCs are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1994. The chairs of the above Boards resigned. Cabinet endorsed recommending to the Governor in Council the appointmen

Appt to the Valuers Registration Board of Qld
The Valuers Registration Board of Queensland was established in February 1966 under the Valuers Registration Act 1965 and continues under section 5 of the Valuers Registration Act 1992. The primary functions of the Board are: to protect the public by registering valuers of land and maintaining a roll of registered valuers; to authorise the investigation of complaints in relation to the conduct of

Remuneration Procedures for part-time chairs and members of Government bodies
Queensland Government bodies range in scale and character from advisory committees providing policy advice on discrete areas of government policy to governing boards overseeing multi-million dollar government trading enterprises. Where appropriate, remuneration for membership of government boards and committees is a way to acknowledge the contribution of community members of the boards and committ

Appointments to South Bank Corporation Board
South Bank Corporation is a statutory corporation established under the South Bank Corporation Act 1989 (the Act). Its principal function is to promote, facilitate, carry out and control development within the South Bank Corporation area, and includes providing for a diverse range of recreational, cultural and educational pursuits for visitors. The Act provides that the corporation must have a Bo

Women on Boards initiatives
Under one-third (31 per cent) of people serving on Queensland Government bodies are women. The introduction of a suite of Women on Boards initiatives to increase women’s representation on Queensland Government bodies and community and business sector boards will support gender equality in Queensland. The absence of initiatives to achieve gender equality significantly reduces the Queensland Governm

Appointments to South Bank Corporation
South Bank Corporation is a statutory corporation established under the South Bank Corporation Act 1989 (the Act). Its principal function is to promote, facilitate, carry out and control development with in the South Bank Corporation area, and includes providing for a diverse range of recreational, cultural and educational pursuits for visitors. The Act provides that the corporation must have a B

Appointments to Government Owned Corporations
The Boards of Government owned corporations (GOCs) are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under section 89(1) of the GOC Act, directors of GOCs are appointed by the Governor in Council. There are currently two vacancies on each of the Port

Appointments to Queensland Competition Authority Board
The Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) is an independent statutory authority consisting of members appointed by the Governor in Council. It is established under the Queensland Competition Authority Act 1997 (QCA Act). As the State’s independent economic regulator, the QCA’s primary role is to ensure monopoly businesses operating in Queensland, particularly in the provision of key infrastruct

Appointment to Library Board of Queensland
The Library Board of Queensland is established under the Libraries Act 1988 (the Act). The Board has the functions conferred on it under section 20 of the Act. In summary, the Board’s functions are: to promote the advancement and effective operation and co-ordination of public libraries of all descriptions throughout the State; to encourage and facilitate the use of public libraries; to control

Appointments to Board of Architects of Queensland
The Board of Architects of Queensland (the Board) is established under the Architects Act 2002 (the Act) to maintain a register of registered architects; protect the public interest by ensuring only competent, qualified persons practice as registered architects; ensure registered architects maintain appropriate technical and professional standards; investigate complaints against architects and ins

Appointments to Surveyors Board of Queensland
The Surveyors Board of Queensland is an independent statutory body whose purpose is to maintain public confidence in the surveying profession by ensuring surveys are carried out by registrants in a professional and competent way. The major functions of the Surveyors Board of Queensland include prescribing competency frameworks for surveyors; assessing applications for all categories of registratio

Appointments to Valuers Registration Board of Queensland
The Valuers Registration Board of Queensland (the Board) was established under the Valuers Registration Act 1965 and continues under section 5 of the Valuers Registration Act 1992. The Board’s main functions are to: protect the public through the registration of valuers; authorise the investigation of complaints about the conduct of registered valuers; take disciplinary action and commence proceed

Appointments to Government owned corporations and Qld Bulk Water Supply Authority
The Boards of Government owned corporations (GOCs) are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under section 89(1) of the GOC Act, directors of GOCs are appointed by the Governor in Council. The Queensland Bulk Water Supply Authority (Seqwater)

Appointments to Government Owned Corporations and Cross River Rail Delivery Board
The Boards of Government owned corporations (GOCs) are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under section 89(1) of the GOC Act, directors of GOCs are appointed by the Governor in Council. The Queensland Rail Board is responsible for overseein

Appointments to Energy Qld Limited Board and Qld Treasury Corporation Capital Markets Board
The Boards of Government owned corporations (GOCs) are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under section 89(1) of the GOC Act, directors of GOCs are appointed by the Governor in Council. The Queensland Treasury Corporation (QTC) Capital M

Appointments to Boards of QIC Limited and Queensland Rail Transit Authority
The Boards of Government owned corporations (GOCs) are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under section 89(1) of the GOC Act, directors of GOCs are appointed by the Governor in Council. The Queensland Rail Transit Authority (Queensland R

Queensland Register of Nominees to Government Bodies
The Queensland Register of Nominees to Government Bodies (QRON) was developed in 2005 as a platform for members of the public to register their interest in serving on a Queensland Government board. An enhanced website and database titled has been built to replace the existing QRON. The website provides the following improved functionality: enables departments to post details of current board vaca

Appointments to Government businesses
Government owned corporations (GOCs) boards are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under the GOC Act, directors of GOCs are appointed by the Governor in Council. The Queensland Bulk Water Supply Authority (Seqwater) Board is responsible

Queensland Womens Strategy 2016-21 - Progress
The Queensland Women’s Strategy 2016-21 (QWS) outlines the Government’s vision for women and girls: The Queensland community respects women, embraces gender equality and promotes and protects the rights, interests and wellbeing of all women and girls. The strategy has four priority areas: participation and leadership; economic security; safety; and health and wellbeing. The QWS Community Implement

Appointment Board of Queensland College of Teachers
The Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) is a statutory body established by the Education (Queensland College of Teachers) Act 2005 (the Act). Chapter 10, part 1 of the Act outlines the functions of the QCT which include: granting registration or permission to teach; initial and ongoing eligibility requirements for registration and permission to teach; approving and monitoring preservice teacher e

Appointments Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland
The Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland (the Board) is established under the Professional Engineers Act 2002 (the Act) to maintain a register of registered professional engineers; protect the public by ensuring only competent, qualified persons practice as registered professional engineers; ensure registered professional engineers maintain appropriate technical and professional standard

Tourism and Events Queensland Board Appointment
Tourism and Events Queensland is a statutory body established under the Tourism and Events Queensland Act 2012. Tourism and Events Queensland seeks to achieve economic and social benefits for the state through marketing and promoting tourism in Queensland, tourism experience and destination development and securing major events to be held in Queensland. Tourism and Events Queensland works in partn

Appointment of the directors of the Darling Downs-Moreton Rabbit Board
The Darling Downs-Moreton Rabbit Board is a statutory authority established as an invasive animal board under the Biosecurity Act 2014. The Act provides that the directors are appointed by the Minister for a term of no more than four years. The Board’s main function is to maintain the rabbit barrier fence and manage the European rabbit in the Darling Downs-Moreton rabbit district which is spread

Appointments Gladstone Area Water and Mount Isa Water Boards
The Gladstone Area Water Board (GAWB) and the Mount Isa Water Board (MIWB) are category 1 water authorities established under the Water Act 2000 (the Water Act). The Water Act states that a water authority must have a board of directors. The board is responsible for the way in which the water authority performs its functions and exercises its powers. The enabling legislation requires the water aut

Appointments Board of the Residential Tenancies Authority
The Board of the Residential Tenancies Authority (the Board) is established under the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (the Act). The Board is responsible for the way that the Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) performs its functions and exercises its powers, and for ensuring the RTA performs its functions in an appropriate, effective and efficient way. The membership o

Appointments Board of Architects of Queensland
The Board of Architects of Queensland (the Board) is established under the Architects Act 2002 (the Act) to maintain a register of registered architects; protect the public interest by ensuring only competent, qualified persons practice as registered architects; ensure registered architects maintain appropriate technical and professional standards; investigate complaints against architects; and t

Appointment Board of the Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (Qld) Ltd
The Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (QLD) Ltd (BCITF) has been established as the skills centre of excellence for the building and construction industry and is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, with sole membership being the State of Queensland, through the Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development. The skills centre o

Appointments TAFE Queensland Board
The TAFE Queensland (TAFEQ) Board is established as the governing body of TAFEQ under the TAFE Queensland Act 2013 (the Act). Sections 12 and 14 of the Act provide that the TAFEQ Board consists of the following persons appointed by the Governor in Council: one nominee of the Minister; at least six but no more than eight persons who are eligible for appointment as a member under section 14 of the A

Appointment Queensland Reconstruction Board
The Queensland Reconstruction Board is established under the Queensland Reconstruction Authority Act 2011 (QRA Act). The functions of the Queensland Reconstruction Board under the QRA Act are to: set the strategic priorities for the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA); make recommendations to the Minister about: priorities for community infrastructure, other property and community services

Appointments Veterinary Surgeons Board of Queensland
The Veterinary Surgeons Board of Queensland (the Board) is a statutory authority established under the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1936 (the Act) to oversee the system of registration and supervision of veterinary surgeons, and the approval of veterinary premises in Queensland. The Act provides that the Board consists of six members appointed by the Governor in Council. All members other than the chai

Appointment Legal Aid Board
Section 48 of the Legal Aid Queensland Act 1997 (the Act) establishes the Legal Aid Board (the Board). The functions of the Board, under the Act, are to responsibly manage Legal Aid Queensland (LAQ) and to ensure that LAQ achieves its objects under the Act. Under section 49 of the Act, the Board consists of five persons (including one as the Board Chairperson) appointed by the Governor in Council

Appointments to the Board of the Residential Tenancies Authority
The Board of the Residential Tenancies Authority (the Board) is established under the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (the Act). The Board is responsible for the way that the Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) performs its functions and exercises its powers, and for ensuring the RTA performs its functions in an appropriate, effective and efficient way. The Board has a r

State Library Board Appointments
The Library Board of Queensland (the Board) is established under the Libraries Act 1988 (the Act). Under section 20 of the Act the Board’s functions are: to promote the advancement and effective operation and coordination of public libraries of all descriptions throughout the State; to encourage and facilitate the use of public libraries; to control, maintain and manage the State library; to con

Wet Tropics Management Authority Board Appointments
The Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area is managed under the Wet Tropics World Heritage Protection and Management Act 1993 (the Queensland Act) and the Commonwealth Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area Conservation Act 1994 (the Commonwealth Act). These Acts implement Australia’s international duty for the protection, conservation, presentation, rehabilitation and transmission t

Appointments Parole Board Queensland
Parole Board Queensland (the Board) is an independent statutory body that makes decisions about a prisoner’s release into the community under supervision. The Board decides prisoners’ applications for release into the community on parole, and amends, suspends or cancels parole orders for prisoners who have been released to parole. The highest priority in making parole decisions is the safety of th

Appointments to Gladstone Area and Mount Isa Water Boards
The Gladstone Area Water Board (GAWB) and the Mount Isa Water Board (MIWB) are category 1 water authorities established under the Water Act 2000 (the Water Act). The Water Act states that a water authority must have a board of directors. The board is responsible for the way in which the water authority performs its functions and exercises its powers. The enabling legislation requires the water aut

Appointment Gold Coast Waterways Authority Board
The Gold Coast Waterways Authority Act 2012 (the Act) established the Gold Coast Waterways Authority (GCWA) and Gold Coast Waterways Authority Board (the Board). Section 43 of the Act provides that the Board controls the GCWA. The GCWA is responsible for delivering the best possible management of Gold Coast waterways and for the implementation of the Spit Master Plan through the development and de

Appointments to various Hospital and Health Boards
Across Queensland, each of the 16 Hospital and Health Services (HHSs) are the principal providers of public sector health services within their region. Under section 22 of the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 (Act), each HHS is independently and locally controlled by a Hospital and Health Board (HHB). HHBs are accountable for the performance of their respective HHS and for establishing and ma

Public Trustee (Advisory and Monitoring Board) Amendment Bill 2021
In March 2021, the Public Advocate’s report, Preserving the financial futures of vulnerable Queenslanders: A Review of the Public Trustee’s fees, charges and practices (the Report), was tabled in the Legislative Assembly, together with the Government Response to the Report. In response to recommendation 30 of that Report, Government committed to establishing an advisory and monitoring board to pro

Appointment to Stadiums Queensland Board
Stadiums Queensland is established under the Major Sports Facilities Act 2001 (the Act) as an independent authority to manage, operate, and promote Queensland’s world class major sports facilities. Stadiums Queensland is also empowered, under the Act, to develop major sports facilities for declaration under the Act and other infrastructure associated with the State’s major sports facilities. The S

Appointments to Board of Tourism and Events Queensland
Tourism and Events Queensland is established under the Tourism and Events Queensland Act 2012 (the Act) as a statutory body and seeks to achieve economic and social benefits for the state through: marketing and promoting tourism in Queensland; tourism experience and destination development; and securing major events to be held in Queensland. The Board of Tourism and Events Queensland (the Board) i

Appointment of chairperson and directors to Stadiums Queensland Board
Stadiums Queensland is established under the Major Sports Facilities Act 2001 (the Act) as an independent authority to manage, operate, and promote Queensland’s world class major sports facilities. Stadiums Queensland is also empowered, under the Act, to develop major sports facilities for declaration under the Act and other infrastructure associated with the State’s major sports facilities. The S

Appointments Board of Directors of Wet Tropics Management Authority
The Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area is managed under the Wet Tropics World Heritage Protection and Management Act 1993 (the Act) and the Commonwealth Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area Conservation Act 1994 (the Commonwealth Act). These Acts implement Australia’s international duty for the protection, conservation, presentation, rehabilitation and transmission to future ge

Appointment of one member to the Appeal Cost Board
Section 6 of the Appeal Costs Fund Act 1973 (the Act) establishes the Appeal Costs Board (the Board). The role of the Board is to administer the Appeal Costs Fund (the Fund). The purpose of the Fund is to assist in the payment of costs incurred by litigants through no fault of their own in certain circumstances, such as when decisions are upset on appeal or proceedings are rendered abortive. The

Appointment of four members to the Racing Queensland Board
Section 10 of the Racing Act 2002 (the Act) provides that the primary function of the Racing Queensland (RQ Board) is to be the control body in relation to each of its codes of racing, and to manage these codes of racing. In accordance with the Act, the RQ Board must perform its primary function in a way that is in the best interests of its codes collectively while having regard to the interests o

Appointment of a member to the Racing Queensland Board
Section 10 of the Racing Act 2002 (the Act) provides that the primary function of the Racing Queensland (RQ Board) is to be the control body in relation to each of its codes of racing, and to manage these codes of racing. In accordance with the Act, the RQ Board must perform its primary function in a way that is in the best interests of its codes collectively while having regard to the interests o

Appointment Contract Cleaning Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority Board
The Contract Cleaning Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 2005 (the Act) provides for the establishment of the Contract Cleaning Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority (the Authority), which administers a scheme of portable long service leave benefits for eligible workers in the contract cleaning industry in Queensland. Section 16(1) of the Act provides that the Authority has a b

Appointment Non-State School Accreditation Board
Section 97 of the Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Act 2017 (the Act) provides for the establishment of the Non-State Schools Accreditation Board (the Board). The functions of the Board are set out in section 100 of the Act and include: assessing applications for accreditation of non-state schools; accrediting schools complying with the accreditation criteria; assessing and monitorin

Appointment Community Services Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority Board
The Community Services Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority (the Authority) is established under the Community Services Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 2020 (the Act) to provide an equitable and efficient system of portable long service leave for individuals working in the community services industry. The Community Services Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Authority Bo

Appointment of members to the Queensland College of Teachers Board
The Queensland College of Teachers is a statutory body established by the Education (Queensland College of Teachers) Act 2005 (the Act). Chapter 10, part 1 of the Act outlines the functions of the Queensland College of Teachers which include: granting registration or permission to teach; initial and ongoing eligibility requirements for registration and permission to teach; approving and monitoring

Appointments Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority Board
The Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA) is a statutory body established under the Rural and Regional Adjustment Act 1994. Its main function is to administer assistance schemes that foster the development of a more productive and sustainable rural and regional sector in Queensland. This includes administering the Queensland Government's primary industries productivity loans

Appointments to the Safe Food Production QLD Board
Safe Food Production QLD (Safe Food) is a statutory body established under the Food Production (Safety) Act 2000. Safe Food is required to develop, implement and administer food safety schemes, based on national standards, for a range of primary produce. Food safety schemes for the seafood, meat, dairy, egg and horticulture (seed sprouts) sectors have been implemented. Safe Food has a Board of Dir

Appointment Director of the Board of the Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (Qld)
The Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (QLD) Ltd (BCITF) has been established as the skills centre of excellence for the building and construction industry and is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, with sole membership being the State of Queensland, through the Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development. The skills centre o

Appointment of a member of the Queensland Art Gallery Board of Trustees
The Queensland Art Gallery Board of Trustees (the Board) is established under the Queensland Art Gallery Act 1987 (the Act). Under section 19 of the Act, the Board’s functions include: to control, manage and maintain the art gallery and each branch thereof and all property in the possession of the Board; to develop the art gallery’s collection of works of art; to minister to the needs of the com

Appointments to the South Bank Corporation Board
The South Bank Corporation is established under the South Bank Corporation Act 1989 (the Act) to plan, develop and manage the 42-hectare parcel of land on the southern bank of the central business district reach of the Brisbane River, known as “South Bank”. The Act provides that South Bank Corporation must have a Board, known as the South Bank Corporation Board (the Board) and that it be made up o

Appointment of two members of the Library Board of Queensland
The Library Board of Queensland (the Board) is established under the Libraries Act 1988 (the Act). The Board has the functions conferred to it under section 20 of the Act. In summary, the Board’s functions are: to promote the advancement and effective operation and coordination of public libraries of all descriptions throughout the State; to encourage and facilitate the use of public libraries;

Appointments to the boards of various Government businesses
Government owned corporations (GOCs) boards are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under the GOC Act, directors of GOCs are appointed by the Governor in Council. The Queensland Bulk Water Supply Authority (Seqwater) Board is responsible f

Appointment to the Stanwell Corporation Limited Board
Government owned corporations (GOCs) boards are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under the GOC Act, directors of GOCs are appointed by the Governor in Council. Cabinet endorsed that Mr Paul Binsted be recommended to the Governor in Counci

Appointments to the National Injury Insurance Agency Queensland Board
The National Injury Insurance Agency, Queensland (the Agency), was established under the National Injury Insurance Scheme (Queensland) Act 2016 on 1 July 2016. The Agency’s Board is to have between four and nine members appointed by the Governor in Council. The functions of the Board are to: manage the Agency ensure the Agency performs its functions in a proper, effective and efficient way develo

Appointment to the Queensland Treasury Corporation Capital Markets Board
The Queensland Treasury Corporation (QTC) Capital Markets Board manages the affairs of QTC, the State’s central financing and financial risk management authority, other than those relating to certain superannuation and other long-term assets. Appointments to the QTC Board are made by the Governor in Council under section 10(2) of the Queensland Treasury Corporation Act 1988. It is desirable for

Appointments to the boards of various Government Businesses
The Boards of Government Owned Corporations (GOCs) are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under the GOC Act, directors of GOCs are appointed by the Governor in Council. The Queensland Bulk Water Supply Authority (Seqwater) Board is respons

Appointment of a director of the Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited Board
The Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited Board is a Government owned corporation (GOCs) port authority responsible for managing the Ports of Gladstone, Bundaberg and Alma (Rockhampton). The boards of GOCs are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgemen

Superannuation (State Public Sector) (Scheme Administration) Amendment Bill 2021
In March 2021, the boards of QSuper and Sunsuper entered into a heads of agreement to undertake exclusive due diligence on a proposed merger. The proposed merger, if progressed, will establish Australia’s second largest superannuation fund. QSuper is established under the Superannuation (State Public Sector) Act 1990 (the Superannuation Act) as the superannuation fund for State public sector emplo

Appointments to the boards of various Government owned corporations
The Boards of Government owned corporations (GOCs) are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under the GOC Act, directors of GOCs are appointed by the Governor in Council. It is desirable for board members to possess demonstrated previous lea

Amendments to the National Injury Insurance Scheme (Queensland) Act 2016
The National Injury Insurance Agency (Queensland) Amendment Bill 2021 (Bill) abolishes the board of the National Injury Insurance Agency (Queensland) (the Agency) and appoints the Insurance Commissioner as the chief executive officer responsible for the management of the Agency under the National Injury Insurance Scheme (Queensland) Act 2016. The change to the governance structure of the Agency is

Appointment of a member of the Queensland Competition Authority
The Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) is established under the Queensland Competition Authority Act 1997 (QCA Act). The QCA is the State’s independent economic regulator, currently undertaking pricing regulation of key infrastructure services in the rail, water, ports and energy sector.  Under section 209 of the QCA Act, the Authority must consist of at least three members appointed by the Go

Appointments to the boards of QIC Ltd CleanCo Queensland Ltd and Queensland Competition Authority
The boards of Government owned corporations (GOCs) are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under section 89(1) of the GOC Act, a GOC’s board is to consist of the number of directors that are appointed by the Governor in Council. QIC Limited

Appointments to the boards of various Government businesses
The Boards of Government owned corporations (GOCs) are established under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993 (GOC Act) and are responsible for overseeing the activities of GOCs to optimise their value by exercising sound commercial judgement. Under the GOC Act, directors of GOCs are appointed by the Governor in Council. The Queensland Bulk Water Supply Authority (Seqwater) Board is respons

Appointment of members to the Trade and Investment Queensland Board
Trade and Investment Queensland is the Queensland Government’s dedicated global business agency, helping Queensland exporters enter world markets and promoting Queensland as the perfect place for investment. The Trade and Investment Queensland Board (the Board) is established under the Trade and Investment Queensland Act 2013 (TIQ Act) and is responsible for the way Trade and Investment Queensland

Appointment of Chair of Directors of the Aviation Australia Board
TAFE Queensland (TAFEQ) is a statutory body established under the TAFE Queensland Act 2013 and acquired Aviation Australia Pty. Ltd (Aviation Australia) on 1 October 2017. Aviation Australia was established with the purpose and objective to provide aviation training, and to provide a centre of excellence for education and training for the aviation industry Under sections 108 to 113 of the Aviatio

Appointment of chairperson, deputy chairperson and members of the Board of Architects of Queensland
The Board of Architects of Queensland (the Board) is established under the Architects Act 2002 (the Act) to maintain a register of registered architects; protect the public interest by ensuring only competent, qualified persons practice as registered architects; ensure registered architects maintain appropriate technical and professional standards; investigate complaints against architects; and t

Appointment of deputy chairperson and members of the Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland
The Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland (the Board) is established under the Professional Engineers Act 2002 (the Act) to maintain a register of registered professional engineers; protect the public by ensuring only competent, qualified persons practice as registered professional engineers; ensure registered professional engineers maintain appropriate technical and professional standard

Reappointment of Chairperson members to the Board of the Queensland Museum
The Board of the Queensland Museum (the Board) is established under the Queensland Museum Act 1970 (the Act). Under section 12 of the Act, the Board’s functions include: control and management of the museum and all natural history, historical and technological collections, and other chattels and property contained therein; the maintenance and administration of the museum so as to meet the needs an

Government statement in response to the independent review of the Parole Board Queensland
The Parole Board Queensland (PBQ) is established under section 216 of the Corrective Services Act 2006. PBQ is a vital part of the criminal justice system with the highest priority being the safety of the community. It is responsible for making independent, evidence-based parole decisions in accordance with statutory timeframes and with consideration of the human rights of prisoners and offenders.

Response to the review of the Queensland Building and Construction (QBCC) governance arrangements
The Queensland Government announced an independent review into the governance arrangements of the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) to be conducted by Mr Jim Varghese AM and to deliver on an action in the Queensland Building Plan Update 2021. The review examined the roles and responsibilities of the QBCC and Queensland Building and Construction Board, along with their respecti

Appointment of chairs, a deputy chair and members to 16 Hospital and Health Boards
Across Queensland, each of the 16 Hospital and Health Services (HHSs) are the principal providers of public sector health services within their region. Under section 22 of the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 (the Act), each HHS is independently and locally controlled by a Hospital and Health Board (HHB). HHBs are accountable for the performance of their respective HHS and for establishing and

Appointment of the President and two Deputy Presidents of Parole Board Queensland
Parole Board Queensland (the Board) is established under Section 216 of the Corrective Services Act 2006 (the Act). The Board is a vital part of the criminal justice system with the highest priority being the safety of the community. It is responsible for making evidence-based decisions about a prisoner’s release into the community under supervision in order to release prisoners on parole in accor

Appointment of two Members to the South Bank Corporation Board
The South Bank Corporation is established under the South Bank Corporation Act 1989 (the Act) to plan, develop and manage the 42-hectare parcel of land on the southern bank of the central business district reach of the Brisbane River, known as “South Bank”. The Act provides that South Bank Corporation must have a Board, known as the South Bank Corporation Board (the Board) and that it be made up o

Appointment Board of the Brisbane Organising Committee for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games
The Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Games Arrangements Act 2021 (the Act) established the Brisbane Organising Committee for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games (the Corporation) on 20 December 2021 to undertake the organisation, conduct, promotion and commercial and financial management of the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games (Brisbane 2032). The Act also established a board of directo

Queensland Government Response to the inaugural Child Death Review Board Annual Report 2020-21
The Child Death Review Board (the Board) was established on 1 July 2020 under the Family and Child Commission Act 2014 (Qld). The Board’s establishment followed the Queensland Government’s commitment to implementing a refined and independent model for reviewing the deaths of children connected to the child protection system in response to the Queensland Family and Child Commission’s (QFCC) recomme

Response to Domestic and Family Violence Death Review and Advisory Board 2020-21 Annual Report
The Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) Death Review and Advisory Board (the Board) was established as part of the Queensland Government’s implementation of recommendations from the Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence Final Report - Not Now, Not Ever: Putting an end to domestic and family violence in Queensland (2015). The Board is established under the Coroners Act 2003 to review DFV

Appointments to the Queensland Building and Construction Board
The Queensland Building and Construction Board (the Board) is established under the Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act 1991 (the QBCC Act) as the governing body of the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC). The Board is responsible for deciding the strategy and the operational, administrative and financial policies to be followed by the QBCC. The Board also ensure

Response to DFV Death Review and Advisory Board Annual Report 2021-22
The Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) Death Review and Advisory Board (the Board) was established as part of the Queensland Government’s implementation of recommendations from the Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence Final Report - Not Now, Not Ever: Putting an end to domestic and family violence in Queensland (2015). The Board is established under the Coroners Act 2003 to review DFV

Appointment to the Public Trust Office Investment Board
The common fund (which is invested by the Public Trustee) is established under section 19 of the Public Trustee Act 1978 (the Act). All investments of the common fund are controlled and managed by the Public Trust Office Investment Board (the Board). The Public Trustee, under section 21(5) of the Act, has the following obligations: to not invest funds without the Board’s approval; to satisfy the B

Appointments to Hospital and Health Boards
Across Queensland, each of the 16 Hospital and Health Services are the principal providers of public sector health services within their region. Under section 22 of the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 (the Act), each Hospital and Health Service is independently and locally controlled by a Hospital and Health Board. Hospital and Health Boards are accountable for the performance of their respect

Appointments to Voluntary Assisted Dying Review Board
The Voluntary Assisted Dying Review Board (the board) is established under the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2021 (the Act) to provide critical oversight of the voluntary assisted dying scheme commencing in Queensland on 1 January 2023. Under Part 8, Division 2 of the Act, the board consists of at least five but not more than nine members appointed by the Minister for Health and Ambulance Services.

Appointment TEQ Board
Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ) is a statutory authority established under the Tourism and Events Queensland Act 2012 (the Act). TEQ seeks to achieve economic and social benefits for the state through: marketing and promoting tourism in Queensland; tourism experience and destination development; and securing major events to be held in Queensland. Section 20(3) of the Act provides that, when re

Appointment of directors to Board of Stadiums Queensland
Stadiums Queensland is established under the Major Sports Facilities Act 2001 (the Act) as an independent authority responsible for the management, operation, use, development and promotion of facilities in Queensland for staging national or international sports, recreational or entertainment events, special events and for other purposes. The Board of Stadiums Queensland is established under the A

Appointments to Gladstone Area Water Board and Mount Isa Water Board
The Gladstone Area Water Board (GAWB) and the Mount Isa Water Board (MIWB) are category 1 water authorities established under the Water Act 2000 (the Water Act). The Water Act states that a water authority must have a board of directors. The board is responsible for the way in which the water authority performs its functions and exercises its powers. The enabling legislation requires the water aut

Appointments to Jobs Queensland Board
In 2016 the Queensland Government established Jobs Queensland (JQ) through the Jobs Queensland Act 2015 (the Act) as an independent statutory entity to provide advice to government on anticipated skills demand, future workforce planning and development, and the apprenticeship and traineeship system. The Act provide that the Jobs Queensland Board consists of: at least seven but no more than twelve

Appointments to Manufacturing Skills Queensland Board
The Queensland Government’s Making it in Queensland: Building a Stronger Manufacturing Sector policy committed to further building the state’s manufacturing industry by providing $16.5 million to establish Manufacturing Skills Queensland (MSQ). Under this commitment, MSQ is an independent, not-for-profit, industry body to support employers, workers, apprentices and trainees in the manufacturing

Appointments to Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (Qld) Ltd
The Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (Qld) Ltd (BCITF) is the skills centre of excellence for the building and construction industry and is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, with sole membership being the State of Queensland, through the Minister for Youth Justice, Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development. The skills centre of exce

Appointment to Board of Directors of Wet Tropics Management Authority
The Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area is managed under the Wet Tropics World Heritage Protection and Management Act 1993 (the Act) and the Commonwealth Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area Conservation Act 1994 (the Commonwealth Act). These Acts implement Australia’s international duty for the protection, conservation, presentation, rehabilitation and transmission to future ge