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Your search for Auditor General returned 15 record/s.
Auditor-General Bill 2008
The public sector financial legislation in Queensland consists of the Financial Administration and Audit Act 1977 (the Act), and its subordinate legislation the Financial Management Standard 1997 and the Financial Administration and Audit Regulation 1995 (the Regulation). Part 5 of the Act establishes the Office of the Queensland Audit Office (QAO) and defines the method, terms and conditions of a

Response to Public Accounts Committe Report 81 - Addressing Skills Shortages in Queensland
In 2007, the former Departments of Education, Training and the Arts (DETA), Employment and Industrial Relations (DEIR), and Tourism, Regional Development and Industry were audited by the Queensland Audit Office (QAO) to ascertain if these agencies had suitable frameworks and systems in place to identify and address existing and emerging skills shortages in the state. In November 2007, the Auditor

Government Response to Report No. 5 of the Public Accounts and Public Works Committee
On 2 September 2010, the Public Accounts and Public Works Committee tabled its Report No. 5 entitled Inquiry into an Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Performance Management Systems (PMS) audit mandate. The report details the Committee’s findings during its inquiry into the value and effectiveness of the Queensland Audit Office’s PMS audit mandate, and includes consideration of the findings o

govt Response to PAPWC report no 10
Two Auditor General reports to Parliament in 2008 (Reports No. 1 and No. 9) covered the issue of annual reporting, and the former Public Accounts Committee had agreed to further investigate the issues identified in these reports. The Public Accounts and Public Works Committee (PAPWC) resolved to continue with this inquiry and released a discussion paper in November 2009 outlining details of the i

Government Response to the PAPWC Report No. 8 - Review of Auditor-General's Report January 2010 to December 2010
As prescribed in the Parliament of Queensland Act 2001, one of the functions of the Public Accounts and Public Works Committee (PAPWC) is to consider the annual and other reports of the Auditor-General. On 23 March 2011, the PAPWC tabled in Parliament its Report No. 8 – Review of AuditorGeneral’s Reports – January 2010 to December 2010. Cabinet approved the Government’s response to the Public A

Parl Services Amend Bill 2011 PAPWC rep no 7
In August 2009, the Government released the Integrity and Accountability in Queensland discussion paper to promote public discussion on improving Queensland’s integrity and accountability framework. The consultation on the paper highlighted the importance of the Legislative Assembly possessing and maintaining a high standard of scrutiny over the legislative process. In response to this feedback

Qld Govt response to Finance and Administration Committee Report No. 12
In February 2012, the Finance and Administration Committee tabled its Report No. 12 entitled Review of Auditor-General’s Report No. 9 of 2011 – Acquisition and Public Access to the Museum, Art Gallery and Library Collections. The Finance and Administration Committee made a total of six recommendations which covered the areas of a Cultural Centre strategy, performance measures, regional engagement

Govt Response Education and Innovation Committee review of Auditor General report on Online Service Delivery
On 19 March 2013, the Auditor-General tabled the Audit Report 8: 2012-13 Online Service Delivery in the Legislative Assembly. The Auditor-General’s Report found that: customer expectations of online service options are not being met; public sector services that are not provided online cost more to deliver, both for the Government and the public; and although credit card data collected through onli

Response to Finance and Administration Committee Report No 41 - Inquiry into Auditor-General Report No 4 2012 – Managing Employee Unplanned Absence
In 2012, the Auditor-General conducted an inquiry in managing employee unplanned absence in the Queensland Public Service. The consequent report, Auditor-General’s Report No. 4: 2012 – Managing Employee Unplanned Absence was tabled on 19 June 2012. The Finance and Administration Committee subsequently examined the Auditor-General’s report in further detail. The Committee’s Report No. 41 summaris

Response to FAC Report No. 57 Inquiry into Public Sector Contract Extensions
Two Auditor-General reports to Parliament (Report No. 5 - 2012-13 Results of audit: State public sector entities for 2011-12 and Report No. 10: 2013-14 – Contract management: renewal and transition) examined the procurement practices for contract rollovers in all State public sector entities and whether agencies demonstrably achieve value for money for their goods and services contracts in their d

Response to Report on Auditor General Reports on Private practice arrangements in Qld hospitals
In late 2012, the Crime and Misconduct Commission reported significant findings to Government in relation to the operation of Right of Private Practice (RoPP) arrangements in Queensland Health. The report highlighted that the scheme was not managed effectively. In November 2012, the Queensland Audit Office (QAO) commenced an audit into the RoPP arrangements in Queensland Health to determine wheth

Appointment of Auditor-General of Queensland
The Queensland Auditor-General is an independent statutory officer of the Queensland Parliament, and is responsible for carrying out audits of all State Public Sector entitles including departments, statutory bodies, Government Owned Corporations, local governments and controlled entities. The Auditor-General controls and leads the Queensland Audit Office, exercising the functions and responsibil

Government Response to Finance and Admin Committee Report No 51 Strategic Review of Queensland Audit Office
The Auditor-General Act 2009 requires a strategic review of the Queensland Audit Office to be undertaken approximately every five years. Ms Phillippa Smith and Mr Graham Carpenter were appointed to carry out the strategic review on 26 July 2016 by the Governor in Council. The report on the Strategic Review of the Queensland Audit Office (the Strategic Review Report) reviewed the Auditor-General’

Integrity and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2023
The Integrity and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2023 (the Bill) is the second set of legislative amendments to implement integrity reforms recommended by Professor Coaldrake in his Report, Let the sunshine in: Review of Culture and accountability in the Queensland public sector (Coaldrake Report) and Kevin Yearbury in his Strategic Review of the Integrity Commissioner’s functions (Yearbury Repo

Delivering social housing services in Queensland
On 12 July 2022, the Auditor-General tabled in Parliament a final Queensland Audit Office (QAO) report Delivering social housing services (the report), which examined whether social housing is effectively managed to meet the housing needs of vulnerable Queenslanders. The report made eight recommendations to improve the department’s social housing register management, with a focus on the applicatio