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Your search for Alcohol returned 30 record/s.
Liquor Amendment Bill 2008
The Government committed to review the Liquor Act 1992 (the Liquor Act) as part of the Queensland Alcohol Action Plan 2003/2004 to 2006/2007 and the 17-Point Brisbane City Safety Action Plan. In April 2006, a discussion paper was released to inform the Liquor Act review. Subsequently, the Liquor Reform in Queensland information paper outlining the outcomes of the review was released to the pub

Liquor Amendment Regulation (No. 4)
Between 2002 and 2006, alcohol management strategies were implemented in 19 discrete Indigenous communities. Eighteen of the communities were declared alcohol restricted areas under the Liquor Act 1992, with a prescribed alcohol carriage limit. In December 2004, the Indigenous community of Cherbourg declared ‘dry places’ under the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities (Justice, Land

Queensland Road Safety Action Plan 2008-2009
Queensland Transport, as lead road safety agency, is promoting a cooperative model for road safety policy and strategy in Queensland with its key road safety partners, the Queensland Police Service and the Department of Main Roads. It is recognised that road safety policy requires balanced attention to the road environment, vehicle safety and safe speeds, as well as road user behaviour. This is s

Liquor Amendment Regulation (No. 3) 2008
Between 2002 and 2006, in response to Justice Fitzgerald’s Cape York Justice study, alcohol restrictions were regulated in 18 of the 19 discrete Indigenous communities. In late 2007, it was identified that despite existing restrictions, alcohol-related harm and violence in many communities remained significantly higher than, and school attendance below, average Queensland standards. In February

Qld Road Safety Action Plan - speed management and drink driving
The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) and the Queensland Police Service (QPS) have developed the Queensland Road Safety Action Plan 2010-11 (the 2010-11 Action Plan) in close collaboration. Two major areas of road safety work to be reflected in the 2010-11 Action Plan are speed management and drink driving. Independent analysis suggests that the greatest road safety benefit can be achie

Alcohol Related violence - inquiry
On 4 August 2009, the Law, Justice and Safety Committee received a referral from Parliament to conduct an inquiry into alcohol-related violence. As this is a matter of interest to many government agencies a whole-of-Government submission was prepared. Cabinet approved the whole-of-Government submission being provided to the inquiry. Attachments Letter Premier to Committee 6 October 2009 Queenslan

Outcomes of the evaluation of the One Punch Can Kill Campaign
In October 2006, following the tragic death of teenager Matthew Stanley, the Queensland Government announced the formation of the Youth Violence Taskforce (Taskforce). The Taskforce was made up of Government representatives, community members and young people. Over 12 months the Youth Violence Taskforce examined ways to reduce incidents of violent behaviour involving young people with a view to re

Community safety and alcohol reform
In response to very high levels of alcohol related harm and violence, alcohol restrictions were rolled out in 19 discrete Indigenous communities. There was a review of the restrictions in 2008 which led to substantial reforms in alcohol management. Alcohol restrictions declared under the Liquor Act 1992 do not specify an end date. Stated government policy is that restrictions will remain in pla

Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
The Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (the Bill) amends a number of transport acts. Key provisions of the Bill will: Adopt national model legislation dealing with heavy vehicle speeding; Extend the no alcohol limit; Provide for the establishment of an alcohol ignition interlock scheme, aimed at reducing drink driving offences and crashes Facilitate the introduction of digital spe

Drink driving reforms and road toll update
Queensland’s anti drink-driving effort currently involves a range of measures that include random breath testing, legal alcohol limits, licensing penalties and fines, vehicle impoundment, education and advertising campaigns, offender education programs and designated driver programs. While these appear to be widely known and accepted by the community, the high proportion of drink driving related

Family Responsibility Commission Annual Report 2009-10 and April-June 10 Qtr Report
In line with the Family Responsibilities Commission Act 2008, which established the Family Responsibilities Commission (FRC), the Minister is to be provided with the FRC’s Annual Report each year for tabling in Parliament. The FRC also provides the Minister with quarterly reports on its operations. The Annual Report 2009-10 provides statistical and financial information including: 4364 agency

Liquor and Other Leg Amend Bill 2010
On 4 August 2009, the Law, Justice and Safety Committee was requested by the Legislative Assembly to conduct an inquiry into alcohol-related violence in Queensland, with a focus on community safety and preventative measures to reduce alcohol related violence, including its ramifications. The Committee tabled the final report of the inquiry into alcohol-related violence in the Legislative Assembl

Liquor Amend Reg (No 2) 2010 Wujal Wujal
The Liquor Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 2010 (the Regulation) amends the Liquor Regulations 2002 by extending the Wujal Wujal alcohol restricted area boundary to include several lots of land owned by the Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council, including all roads and foreshores that pass through or bound the land lots. The Regulation also applies a bona fide traveller exemption to several roads, i

Framework for Alcohol and Drug Management in the Workplace
The Framework for Alcohol and Drug Management in the Workplace recommends that employers develop a drug and alcohol policy in consultation with workers following the conduct of a risk assessment which identifies the need for a drug and alcohol policy in that workplace. The Framework is applicable to all workplaces. However, it is expected that only high risk workplaces will identify a need for a

Outcome of Market Research of the One Punch Can Kill Campaign
The One Punch Can Kill Campaign was launched in December 2007 following recommendations from the State Government’s Youth Violence Taskforce with the Department of Premier and Cabinet providing Queensland Police Service with $500,000 for the campaign. Following evaluation of the campaign in 2008, which indicated a broad recognition of the One Punch Can Kill message amongst young males aged between

Responsible Alcohol Management-A Community Approach in Discrete Indigenous Communities
The Queensland Government committed to work with Indigenous communities to review Alcohol Management Plans (AMPs). The Queensland Government Six Month Action Plan July–December 2012 indicates that the Review will commence by December 2012. The State Government recognises that there is a diversity of views, needs and circumstances within and between communities regarding the AMPs. The Review will

Liquor Red Tape Reduction and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013
Government is committed to reducing the regulatory burden on the liquor and gaming industry to support tourism as one of the four pillars of the Queensland economy. In accordance with this commitment, the Liquor (Red Tape Reduction) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 amends liquor and gaming legislation to implement a number of red tape reduction and miscellaneous proposals, including: exte

Safe Night Out Legislation Amendment Bill 2014
Violence in and around licensed venues is a serious problem for Queensland. While a number of measures have been implemented to address alcohol and drug-related violence, such as the state-wide lockout, a moratorium on late-night trading hours and the Drink Safe Precinct trials, the problem has continued. On 23 March 2014, the Queensland Government released the draft Safe Night Out Strategy. The d

Qld Govt Action Plan to stop alcohol and drug-related violence
Alcohol and drug-related violence is a significant problem for Queensland. Violent and anti-social patrons of licensed venues have a disproportionate impact on Queensland’s nightlife. Their aggressive and irresponsible conduct has harmful and sometimes tragic results. Following public consultation through an online survey, “An action plan to restore responsible behaviour and respect, stamp out alc

Queensland Alcohol and Other Drugs Action Plan 2015-17
Queenslanders consume alcohol at risky levels, smoke tobacco daily and use other drugs including illegal drugs at levels which exceed national rates. While not everyone who uses these drugs will become dependent, many experience harms which can have a significant impact on their mental and physical health and their ability to contribute to the community. In Queensland drug use accounts for an es

Tackling Alcohol-Fuelled Violence Legislation Amendment Bill 2015
The Government has committed to taking action to address alcohol-related harm in and around Queensland’s licensed venues. To achieve this the Government is implementing a comprehensive policy framework to tackle alcohol-fuelled violence (the Policy), based on evidence and best-practice approaches. This Policy includes both legislative and non-legislative elements, and also provides for the contin

Connecting Care to Recovery - Plan for Queensland State-funded Mental Health Alcohol and other Drug Services 2016-21
Connecting Care to Recovery - A Plan for Queensland’s State Funded Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drug Services 2016-2021 (the Plan) provides an overarching framework to link significant new initiatives and ensure their coordination and integration within an ongoing program of mental health, alcohol and other drug reforms for the State. The Plan aligns with the directions articulated in My healt

Implementation of Connecting Care to Recovery 2016-2021 – A Plan for Queensland State Funded Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drug Services
In October 2016, the Minister for Health and Minister for Ambulance Services announced Connecting Care to Recovery 2016-2021 – A Plan for Queensland’s State Funded Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drug Services.   The Department of Health is leading the implementation of Connecting Care to Recovery 2016-2021 and has to date undertaken a number of activities to progress these requirements, includin

Implementation of Queensland Mental Health Drug and Alcohol Strategic Plan 2014-19
The Queensland Mental Health, Drug and Alcohol Strategic Plan 2014-2019 (the Strategic Plan) was developed by the Queensland Mental Health Commission (the Commission) as required by the Queensland Mental Health Commission Act 2013 (the Act). It aims to improve the mental health and wellbeing of all Queenslanders. The Act requires the Commission, as an independent statutory authority, to monitor an

Shifting Minds - Queensland Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs Strategic Plan 2018-2023
Mental illness, problematic alcohol and other drugs use, and suicide have substantial and far reaching impacts for individuals, families, communities and governments. The Queensland Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs Strategic Plan 2018-2023 (the Strategic Plan) is the mechanism by which the Queensland Government demonstrates its commitment to improving the mental health and wellbeing of all Q

Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018
The Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 (the Bill) includes amendments to support the expansion of electronic conveyancing (e-conveyancing) and amends revenue legislation to maintain currency and ensure proper operation such as: Duties Act 2001, Duties Regulation 2013 and Taxation Administration Act 2001 amendments support the phased expansion of e-conveyancing and an expanded rang

Criminal Code (Consent and Mistake of Fact) and Other Legislation Amend Bill 2020
The Criminal Code (Consent and Mistake of Fact) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2020 will implement the recommendations of the Queensland Law Reform Commission’s report ‘Review of consent laws and the excuse of mistake of fact’ (the QLRC report) and progress a second tranche of the Government’s legislative response to the final evaluation report of the Tackling Alcohol-Fuelled Violence Policy

Final two year evaluation report on the Governments Tackling Alcohol-Fuelled Violence Policy
The Queensland Government’s Tackling Alcohol-Fuelled Violence Policy (the TAFV Policy) involves a comprehensive range of measures to reduce alcohol-related violence and harm in entertainment precincts, drive cultural change around drinking behaviours in entertainment precincts, and balance a reduction in harm with the interests of the licensed industry. The legislation underpinning the TAFV Poli

Final Government response to the Tackling Alcohol-Fuelled Violence Policy evaluation report
On 26 July 2019, the Queensland Government publicly released its interim response to the two-year independent evaluation report on the Tackling Alcohol-Fuelled Violence Policy by the Queensland Alcohol-related violence and Night Time Economy Monitoring project (TAFV Policy evaluation report). Of the TAFV Policy evaluation report’s 38 recommendations, the interim Government response supported seve

Achieving Balance - The Queensland Alcohol and Other Drugs Plan 2022-2027
The Queensland Government is committed to preventing and reducing the significant harm and costs associated with alcohol and other drugs (AOD) use to improve outcomes for individuals, families, communities, and the economy. Many Queenslanders use AOD, spanning a continuum from occasional use to dependence. Harm can occur with any pattern of use across the spectrum. AOD-related harm includes injury