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Your search for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander returned 136 record/s.
Making Tracks to Close the Gap - Indigenous Primary Health Care in Cape York
Under the Council of Australian Governments (COAG), the Queensland Government has committed to closing the gap in life expectancy between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians within a generation, and to halving the Indigenous mortality gap for children under five within a decade. A “Statement of Intent” on closing the gap was signed between the Australian Government and Indigenous Australian

Liquor Amendment Regulation (No. 4)
Between 2002 and 2006, alcohol management strategies were implemented in 19 discrete Indigenous communities. Eighteen of the communities were declared alcohol restricted areas under the Liquor Act 1992, with a prescribed alcohol carriage limit. In December 2004, the Indigenous community of Cherbourg declared ‘dry places’ under the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities (Justice, Land

Quarterly report key indicators Qld discrete Indigenous communities Jul-Sep08
This submission relates to the third quarterly report for the period July-September 2008 for the 19 discrete Indigenous communities with the inclusion this time of the two additional welfare reform communities of Coen and Mossman Gorge. The third quarterly report provides a summary of progress to ‘close the gap’ on Indigenous disadvantage. The report also discusses progress with the Cape York We

Preamble to the Queensland Constitution
A preamble is a descriptive component of an Act of Parliament or other legislation, generally placed after the long title and before the enacting words and the substantive sections. It may explain the reason, purpose, object or scope of the Act and/or discuss facts or values which are relevant to the Act. Queensland’s Constitution does not currently contain a preamble. A lengthy preamble was cont

Indigenous Wages and Savings Reparations Scheme
In March 2008, the Government announced a second round of payments to eligible Indigenous claimants in the Indigenous Wages and Savings Reparations Scheme (IWSR) process. About $19.5 million has already been paid to 5553 eligible claimants as part of the first reparation payment, and a second payment to those already found eligible is now underway, with priority given to elderly or seriously ill

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Health
At the Premier’s request, paediatrician Dr Richard Heazlewood and Dr Lara Weiland, a Cape York General Practitioner, addressed Cabinet regarding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child health. Drs Heazlewood and Weiland also presented Cabinet with a copy of their paper on Indigenous disadvantage in Cape York entitled “Fight for Life”, which had been submitted to the Senate Select Committee on

Qld Closing the Gap 2007-08 Report Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
The Queensland Government, as a member of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG), has committed to the following six key targets to prioritise ‘closing the gap’ on Indigenous disadvantage: closing the life expectancy gap within a generation; halving the mortality gap for children under five within a decade; halving the gap in reading, writing, and numeracy within a decade; at least halv

Liquor Amendment Regulation (No. 3) 2008
Between 2002 and 2006, in response to Justice Fitzgerald’s Cape York Justice study, alcohol restrictions were regulated in 18 of the 19 discrete Indigenous communities. In late 2007, it was identified that despite existing restrictions, alcohol-related harm and violence in many communities remained significantly higher than, and school attendance below, average Queensland standards. In February

Quarterly report key indicators Qld discrete Indigenous communities Jun08
The first quarterly report on key indicators in Queensland’s discrete Indigenous communities for January – March 2008 was tabled by the Premier in Parliament on 6 June 2008. The second quarterly report for the period April to June 2008 provides a summary of progress to ‘close the gap’ on Indigenous disadvantage and improve the quality of life for Indigenous Queenslanders living in discrete Aborig

Family Responsibilities Commission Reports 1 and 2
The Cape York Welfare Reform trial taking place in four communities (Hopevale, Aurukun, Coen and Mossman Gorge) encompasses a range of initiatives under four streams – Housing, Education, Economic Opportunity and Social Responsibility. The Family Responsibilities Commission is a key component of the Social Responsibility stream of the Cape York Welfare Reform trial and supports the trial’s princi

Quarterly Report ATSI Oct to Dec 2008
The first Quarterly report on key indicators in Queensland’s discrete Indigenous communities for the period January – March 2008 was tabled by the Premier in Parliament on 6 June 2008. Reports have since been released for April – June 2008 and July – September 2008. The Reports provide a statistical summary of key indicators for health and wellbeing across the 19 discrete Aboriginal and mainla

Future Trusteeship of the Mona Mona Reserve
The Mona Mona Reserve (the Reserve) is a Reserve for Departmental and Official Purposes of approximately 1600 hectares, located 25 kilometres from Kuranda and inside the World Heritage Wet Tropics Area. The Department of Communities is Trustee of the Reserve. During the 2009 election campaign, the Government committed to re-examine the future land tenure for the Reserve. In mid-2009, an indepen

New Direction and Projects for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
The Queensland Government will establish the Remote Indigenous Land and Infrastructure Program Office which facilitates the social and economic development in Queensland’s discrete Indigenous communities by ensuring better use of existing government land and assets; sequencing all land and infrastructure development to efficiently deliver capital works; removing impediments to development associ

Quarterly reports to Indigenous communities and Family Responsibilities Commission
Quarterly report on key indicators in Queensland’s discrete Indigenous communities – January – March 2009 The Reports provide individual profiles and statistical summaries for each of the discrete Aboriginal and mainland Torres Strait Islander communities. The statistical summaries relate to six key indicators for health and wellbeing namely: reported violence against people; hospital admissions d

2nd Closing the Gap report
In 2007, the Council of Australian Governments identified Indigenous reform as a key priority and made a commitment to closing the gap in life outcomes and opportunities between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island and non-Indigenous Australians. The second ‘Queensland Closing the Gap Report 2008–09: Indicators and Initiatives for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’, provides a state-w

Expiry of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Justice Agreement
The Justice Agreement was signed by the Queensland Government and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Board on behalf of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Queensland in 2000. The Justice Agreement has the long term aim of reducing the rate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people coming into contact with the Queensland criminal justice system to at least th

Qld Govt Submission to Senate Inquiry into Suicide in Australia
On 10 September 2009, the Senate requested that the Community Affairs References Committee to conduct an inquiry into matters relating to the impact of suicide on the Australian community, including high risk groups such as Indigenous youth and rural communities. The Premier of Queensland was invited by the Chair of the Senate Committee to provide a written submission addressing issues relevant to

Family Responsibility Commission Annual Report - 08-09
The Family Responsibilities Commission Annual Report 2008 – 2009 (the Report) provides information on the operation of the Commission since its commencement on 1 July 2008. In line with the Family Responsibilities Commission Act 2008, which established the FRC, the Minister is to be provided with the FRC’s Annual Report by 31 October each year and is then required to table the Report within 14

Constitution (Preamble) Amendment Bill 2009
On 4 December 2008 and 23 April 2009, the Parliament of Queensland referred to the Law, Justice and Safety Committee (formerly the Legal, Constitutional and Administrative Review Committee) the task of developing a text for a preamble to the Constitution of Queensland 2001. In drafting the text for a preamble to the Queensland Constitution, the Committee was directed to include both an aspiratio

Remote Indigenous Land and Infrastructure Program Office - work program
The Remote Indigenous Land and Infrastructure Program Office was established to facilitate the social and economic development in Queensland’s 34 discrete Indigenous communities. Two major deliverables identified are, by: June 2010, To develop community specific strategies which facilitate the delivery of capital works by: identifying available land; identifying and pursuing the most expeditious

Quarterly reports to Qld discrete Indigenous communities and the Family Responsibilities Commission
The first Quarterly report on key indicators in Queensland’s discrete Indigenous communities for the period January – March 2008 was tabled by the Premier in Parliament on 6 June 2008. Reports have since been released for April – June 2008, July – September 2008, October – December 2008 and January – March 2009. The Reports provide a statistical summary of key indicators for health and wellbeing

Govt response to Crime and Misconduct Commission Report Restoring Order
The CMC report Restoring order: Crime prevention and local justice in Queensland’s Indigenous communities was released on 20 November 2009, in response to the Queensland Government’s 2007 request for a review of policing in Indigenous communities. Cabinet broadly supported all six recommendations of the CMC. Five of the CMC recommendations were supported in full, including: a focus on crime preven

Land Valuation Bill 2010
The Valuation of Land Act 1944 provides the legislative framework for the Government to carry out statutory land valuations in Queensland. The purpose of the Land Valuation Bill 2010 is to repeal and replace the Valuation of Land Act 1944 to give effect to reforms of the Queensland statutory land valuation framework. The Bill also contains amendments to the Aboriginal Land Act 1991 and the Torres

Review of Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act
Cabinet previously endorsed the ‘Queensland Government Strategy to Reduce Domestic and Family Violence 2009-2014’ (the Strategy) and approved the Terms of Reference for a review of the Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 1989 (DFVPA). The Department of Communities is leading the review of the DFVPA to ensure that the Act supports the implementation of the Strategy and is effective and e

Community safety and alcohol reform
In response to very high levels of alcohol related harm and violence, alcohol restrictions were rolled out in 19 discrete Indigenous communities. There was a review of the restrictions in 2008 which led to substantial reforms in alcohol management. Alcohol restrictions declared under the Liquor Act 1992 do not specify an end date. Stated government policy is that restrictions will remain in pla

Qld's discrete Indigenous Communities and Family Responsibilities Commission
The first Quarterly report on key indicators in Queensland’s discrete Indigenous communities for the period January – March 2008 was tabled by the Premier in Parliament on 6 June 2008. Reports have since been released for April – June 2008, July – September 2008, October – December 2008, January – March 2009, April – June 2009, July – September 2009 and October – December 2009. The Reports provi

Qld Govt policy position re Outstations
The Queensland Government has committed to the national Council of Australian Governments (COAG) National Indigenous Reform Agreement to close the gap between the life outcomes and opportunities experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their non-Indigenous counterparts, particularly in relation to life expectancy, under five years child mortality, access to early childhood

Cost of Food and Freight in Torres Strait
In 2006, the cost of a basket of healthy food in the Torres Strait was 33.5 percent higher than in major cities and 23.2 percent higher than Townsville and Cairns. This is similar to other communities more than 2000 kilometres from Brisbane, including Indigenous communities in Cape York and the Gulf. High food prices are of particular concern in the context of the Torres Strait’s poor health outc

Exposure Draft of the Aboriginal Land and Torres Strait Islander Land Bill 2010
The exposure draft of the Aboriginal Land and Torres Strait Islander Land and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 amends the Aboriginal Land Act 1991 and the Torres Strait Islander Land Act 1991 which are administered by the Department of Environment and Resource Management. The proposed amendments will: replicate in the Torres Strait Islander Land Act 1991, where appropriate, amendments made to

North Stradbroke Island Vision
In 2009 the Department of Environment and Resource Management and the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation commenced preparation of a plan for North Stradbroke Island that addressed a transition strategy to phase out mining and resolve native title through mediation so as to enable appropriate land allocation and national park dedication. Cabinet approved the North Stradbr

Response to the Premier's Council on Climate change Working Paper 4
The Premier’s Council on Climate Change provides strategic advice to the Queensland Government and is comprised of 12 members external to Government with expertise across key sectors. The Council developed its fourth Working Paper, entitled Capturing Carbon in the Rural Landscape: Opportunities for Queensland. The Council Paper includes 15 recommendations to the Queensland Government on policy and

Wild Rivers - Wenlock Basin Wild Rivers Declaration
In December 2008, the Government released the Wenlock Basin Wild River Declaration Proposal. The Wenlock River exhibits water flows, water quality, sediments transport processes and ecosystems in near-pristine condition. A wild river declaration details the criteria new development proposals must meet to ensure the protection of the river’s natural values. The declaration details the extent of t

Aboriginal Land and Torres Strait Islander Land and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010
The Aboriginal Land and Torres Strait Islander Land and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 (Bill) amends the Aboriginal Land Act 1991, the Torres Strait Islander Land Act 1991, the Local Government (Aboriginal Lands) Act 1978, the Nature Conservation Act 1992, the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 and the Petroleum Act 1923. Proposed amendments in relation to the Aboriginal Lan

Annual Highlight Report for Discrete Indigenous Communities
The first Quarterly report on key indicators in Queensland’s discrete Indigenous communities for the period January – March 2008 was tabled by the Premier in Parliament on 6 June 2008. Nine Quarterly Reports on key indicators in Queensland’s discrete Indigenous communities (Quarterly Reports) have since been released. The first Annual Highlights Report for Queensland’s Discrete Indigenous Commun

Family Responsibility Commission Annual Report 2009-10 and April-June 10 Qtr Report
In line with the Family Responsibilities Commission Act 2008, which established the Family Responsibilities Commission (FRC), the Minister is to be provided with the FRC’s Annual Report each year for tabling in Parliament. The FRC also provides the Minister with quarterly reports on its operations. The Annual Report 2009-10 provides statistical and financial information including: 4364 agency

Liquor Amend Reg (No 2) 2010 Wujal Wujal
The Liquor Amendment Regulation (No. 2) 2010 (the Regulation) amends the Liquor Regulations 2002 by extending the Wujal Wujal alcohol restricted area boundary to include several lots of land owned by the Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council, including all roads and foreshores that pass through or bound the land lots. The Regulation also applies a bona fide traveller exemption to several roads, i

Release of the Exposure Draft of the Indigenous Cultural Heritage Acts Amend Bill 2011
The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 and the Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act 2003 were due for review within five years of coming into effect. In 2008, a review of the laws began, including consideration with industry and Traditional Owner groups. The exposure draft of the Indigenous Cultural Heritage Act Amendment Bill 2011 amends the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 and th

Qld Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Justice Agreement 2011-14
The Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Justice Agreement 2000-2010 expired in December 2010. An internal assessment of the Justice Agreement highlighted a need to redirect efforts based on what works to deliver real outcomes. Following the cessation of the Justice Agreement, the Government has developed a draft Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Justice Strategy for con

Measures to alleviate the cost of food and improve nutrition in the Torres Strait
The relatively high cost of food (and the cost of living generally) combined with limited food choices and reduced affordability due to relatively low incomes, are major contributing factors to the incidence of chronic disease in the Torres Strait, particularly Type 2 diabetes mellitus. There is a range of interconnected supply and demand factors that adversely impact on the cost of food (and the

Family responsibilities Commission Amendment Bill 2011
The Cape York Welfare Reform (CYWR) Trial commenced in July 2008 and aims to build stronger and more resilient communities; re-establish local Indigenous authority; enable children to achieve their full potential; support engagement in the real economy; and move individuals and families from welfare housing to home ownership. The Trial operates in Aurukun, Hope Vale, Coen and Mossman Gorge with t

Update on Key Indicators for Qld Discrete Indigenous Communities
In 2008 and 2009, the Queensland Government agreed to new reporting arrangements on Indigenous service delivery and outcomes, including a series of quarterly reports in relation to the well-being of people living in discrete Aboriginal and mainland Torres Strait Islander communities. In accordance with these arrangements, nine individual Quarterly reports on key indicators in Queensland’s discre

Response Indigenous Economic Development and Review of Wild Rivers Bill
On 3 November 2010 the Honourable Jenny Macklin MP, Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous asked the Parliament of Australia’s House of Representatives Economics Committee to inquire into and report on Indigenous economic development in Queensland including the issues surrounding the Queensland Government’s Wild Rivers Act 2005. The Terms of Reference for Committee cons

Extension to the Cape York Welfare Reform Trail
The Cape York Welfare Reform Trial (the Trial) commenced in July 2008 and aims to build stronger and more resilient communities; re-establish local Indigenous authority; enable children to achieve their full potential; support engagement in the real economy; and move individuals and families from welfare housing to home ownership. The Trial operates in Aurukun, Hope Vale, Coen and Mossman Gorge wi

Learning Earning Active Places strategy
Around 78 percent of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population in Queensland live in cities and towns. ‘LEAP: Learning Earning Active Places—a strategy for improving access to education, employment, health and housing opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders in urban and regional areas’ has been developed as part of the Government’s commitment to close the g

Family Responsibilities Commission - Annual Report 2010-2011
The Family Responsibilities Commission Annual Report 2010–2011 provides information on the operation of the Family Responsibilities Commission (FRC) from 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011. In line with the Family Responsibilities Commission Act 2008, which established the FRC, the Minister is to be provided with the FRC’s Annual Report for each year by 31 October each year and is then required to table

Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Justice Strategy 2012-2015 Just futures
The State Government has conducted extensive consultations with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities throughout Queensland to develop a new Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Justice Strategy, Just futures (the strategy). The strategy will run from January 2012 to June 2015 and succeeds the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Justice Agreement 2000–2010. The strategy commits Go

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Holding Bill 2012
The primary purpose of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Holding Bill 2012 (the Bill) is to address issues arising from the implementation and operation of the Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders (Land Holding) Act 1985 (the Land Holding Act). The Land Holding Act allowed residents of Indigenous Deeds of Grant in Trust (DOGIT) and reserve land to apply for perpetual leases for res

Family Responsibilities Commission Amendment Bill 2012
The Cape York Welfare Reform Trial operates in the communities of Hope Vale, Aurukun, Mossman Gorge and Coen. The objective of the Trial is to restore local authority, build stronger and more resilient communities and change behaviours in response to chronic levels of welfare dependency, social dysfunction and economic exclusion. A central feature of the Trial is the Family Responsibilities Commis

Appointment and remuneration of Chairperson and members to Island Industries Board
The Island Industries Board is a Queensland Government statutory body that trades as the Islanders Board of Industry and Service (commonly known as IBIS). The Board is constituted and operates pursuant to Part 7A of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act 1984. IBIS is the major food and grocery retailer in the Torres Strait. With a head-office l

Establishment of Cabinet Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs
There is a need for greater coherence and coordination of Indigenous issues across government. These issues are often complex and intractable in nature. A concerted effort is required to drive the Government’s Indigenous reform agenda and ensure delivery of improved and enduring outcomes for Indigenous Queenslanders. There is evidence to indicate that coherence and coordination of effort and i

Animal Care and Protection Bill 2012
The Government’s First 100 Day Action Plan included amending the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 to protect Queensland’s iconic dugong and turtle populations. The Animal Care and Protection and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 will repeal the current exemption from animal welfare obligations under the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island people who d

Reappointment and appointment of Family Responsibilities Commissioners and Family Responsibilities Board
The Family Responsibilities Commission (the FRC) is a central feature of the Cape York Welfare Reform Trial that operates in the communities of Aurukun, Coen, Hope Vale and Mossman Gorge. The FRC comprises the Commissioner, the Deputy-Commissioner and 18 Local Commissioners drawn from the Trial communities. The Commissioner and Local Commissioners hold conferences with community members who are wi

Appointment to the Island Industries Board
The Island Industries Board is a Queensland Government statutory body that trades as the Islanders Board of Industry and Service. The Board is constituted and operates pursuant to Part 7A of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act 1984 (the Act). Membership of the Board, which must have a minimum of five and no more than eight members, expired on

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Legislation (Providing Freehold) Amendment Bill 2013
Existing land tenure legislation does not make ordinary, individual, freehold available as an option to Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders living in Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander communities. Land in Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander communities is generally held in trust either under a Deed of Grant in Trust under the Land Act 1994 or as transferred land under the Aboriginal

Responsible Alcohol Management-A Community Approach in Discrete Indigenous Communities
The Queensland Government committed to work with Indigenous communities to review Alcohol Management Plans (AMPs). The Queensland Government Six Month Action Plan July–December 2012 indicates that the Review will commence by December 2012. The State Government recognises that there is a diversity of views, needs and circumstances within and between communities regarding the AMPs. The Review will

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Providing Freehold draft Bill 2014
The state’s remote Indigenous communities are located either on deed of grant in trust tenure, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander freehold or on Shire lease land. On 15 November 2012, the Queensland Government released the discussion paper Providing freehold title in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities for consultation. This discussion paper set out a very detailed model for provi

Family Responsibilities Commission Amendment Bill 2013
The Cape York Welfare Reform Trial (the Trial) operates in the communities of Hope Vale, Aurukun, Mossman Gorge and Coen. Cape York Welfare Reform aims to restore local authority, build stronger and more resilient communities and change behaviours in response to chronic levels of welfare dependency, social dysfunction and economic exclusion. The State Government has approved a 12 month extension o

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Economic Participation Framework
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people make a significant contribution to Queensland’s economy. However, they are less likely to participate in the Queensland economy than non-Indigenous people, experiencing lower levels of employment and business ownership. The State Government has endorsed a new Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Economic Participation Framework. The Framewor

Review of Qld Government Building and Construction Training and Employment Policies
Reviews of the Queensland Government Building and Construction Contracts Structured Training Policy and the Indigenous Employment Policy for Queensland Government Building and Civil Construction Projects have been completed. These two policies are to be replaced with a single policy, the Queensland Government Building and Construction Training Policy. The new Queensland Government Building and Con

Transition of Community Police Officers to Government employment
Currently, the Queensland Police Service (QPS) provides policing services to the Torres Strait via a mix of State police and Police Liaison Officers (PLOs) stationed on Thursday and Horn Islands. In the outer islands of the Torres Strait community safety is supplemented by Community Police Officers (CPOs) who are employed by the Torres Strait Island Regional Council, but funded by the State Gover

Appointments of Family Responsibilities Commissioners and Board members
The Family Responsibilities Commission (FRC) is a central feature of Cape York Welfare Reform (CYWR) that operates in the communities of Aurukun, Coen, Hope Vale and Mossman Gorge. The FRC comprises the Commissioner, the Deputy-Commissioner (where appointed) and 19 Local Commissioners drawn from the CYWR communities. The FRC Commissioner and Local Commissioners hold conferences with community m

Appointments Island Industries Board
The Island Industries Board (the Board) is a Queensland Government statutory body that trades as the Islanders Board of Industry and Service (commonly known as IBIS). The Board is constituted and operates under Part 7A of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act 1984. IBIS is the major food and grocery retailer in the Torres Strait. With a head-of

Appointment of Local Commissioners to Family Responsibilities Commission
The Family Responsibilities Commission (FRC), a central feature of welfare reform, is a statutory body established under the Family Responsibilities Commission Act 2008. The FRC operates to restore local Indigenous authority and build stronger and more resilient communities by attaching behavioural obligations to the receipt of welfare payments. The FRC has comprised the Commissioner, the Deputy-

Family Responsibilities Commission Amendment Bill 2014
Welfare reform is an approach to community development that commenced in 2008 in the communities of Hope Vale, Aurukun, Mossman Gorge and Coen. It aims to restore local authority, build stronger and more resilient communities and change behaviours in response to chronic levels of welfare dependency, social dysfunction and economic exclusion. The key component of welfare reform is the Family Respon

Land and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014
The Land and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 seeks to amend the Land Act 1994 to implement the first phase of major reforms to the state land tenure system arising from the Queensland Government's response to the Parliamentary report on the Inquiry into the future and continued relevance of government land tenure across Queensland. The Bill provides for: the introduction of rolling term leas

Family Responsibilities Commission Amendment Regulation 2014
Welfare reform is an approach to community development that is in place in the communities of Hope Vale, Aurukun, Mossman Gorge and Coen. Welfare reform aims to restore local authority, build stronger and more resilient communities and change behaviours in response to chronic levels of welfare dependency, social dysfunction and economic exclusion. The Family Responsibilities Commission (FRC), a ce

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Economic Participation Action Plan
The draft Queensland Plan: a 30 year vision for Queensland set a target that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will experience the same level of workforce participation as non-Indigenous Queenslanders. In December 2013, the Queensland Government released its new Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Economic Participation Framework. The Framework is an important step towards

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land (Providing Freehold) Bill 2014
Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders living in Queensland’s 34 Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander communities cannot currently obtain freehold title. Land in these communities is held by a trustee under communal land title and development and individual interests are created by leasing. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land (Providing Freehold) and Other Legislation Amendment B

Establishment of Stolen Wages Reparations Taskforce
From 1897, previous governments controlled the lives, earnings and savings of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders under a range of ‘Protection Acts’. This control included the underpayment of wages and mismanagement of savings accounts. The appointment of the Stolen Wages Reparations Taskforce meets a key election commitment for the Palaszczuk Government. The commitment includes th

Appointment to Island Industries Board
The Island Industries Board is a Statutory Body established under Part 7A of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act 1984 with a range of powers intended to enable it to operate as a business enterprise for the general convenience and benefit of the residents of the Torres Strait and Northern Peninsula Region. The Board consists of a maximum of

Establishment of the Stolen Wages Reparations Scheme
From 1897, previous governments controlled the lives, earnings and savings of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders under a range of ‘Protection Acts’. This included the underpayment of wages and mismanagement of savings accounts. The Queensland Government established a fund of $21 million to provide reparation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people whose wages and savings w

Appointment Aboriginal Land Tribunal
Section 204 of the Aboriginal Land Act 1991 (the Act) establishes the Aboriginal Land Tribunal (the Tribunal). The Tribunal is independent and receives and hears claims made by groups of Aboriginal people to areas of claimable land and reports to the Minister for Natural Resources and Mines in relation to each claim. Section 204(2) of the Act provides for the appointment of a Chairperson and such

Appointments to Family Responsibilities Commission
The Family Responsibilities Commission (FRC) is a statutory body established under the Family Responsibilities Commission Act 2008 (the Act) and is the central feature of welfare reform. The FRC operates to restore local Indigenous authority and build stronger and more resilient communities by attaching behavioural obligations to the receipt of welfare payments. The FRC currently comprises the Co

Family Responsibilities Commission Amendment Bill 2015
The Family Responsibilities Commission (FRC) is a key mechanism supporting the Welfare Reform program operating in the communities of Aurukun, Coen, Hope Vale, Mossman Gorge and Doomadgee. Welfare Reform is designed to restore local authority and build stronger and more resilient communities. The FRC operates by convening conferences in relation to community members brought to its attention throug

Nature Conservation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015
The Nature Conservation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 (the Bill) has been prepared for the protected area estate. These amendments: reinstate ‘the conservation of nature’ as the sole object of the Nature Conservation Act 1992; remove redundant provisions from the Nature Conservation Act 1992 that allowed the chief executive to grant stock grazing permits for emergency drought relief on

Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education and Training Advisory Committee
The Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education and Training Advisory Committee (QATSIETAC) is established under section 412 of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006. The QATSIETAC terms of reference enable the committee to provide advice on policy and implementation issues relating to matters such as: early childhood education and care; school attendance and engagement; educa

Response to the Stolen Wages Reparations Taskforce Report
From 1897, previous governments controlled the lives, earnings and savings of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders under a range of ‘Protection Acts’. This included the underpayment of wages and mismanagement of savings accounts. The Queensland Government committed to establish a fund of up to $21 million to provide reparation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people whose wa

Supporting Families Changing Futures - advancing Queensland child protection and family support reforms
The Queensland Child Protection Commission of Inquiry released its report, Taking Responsibility: A Roadmap for Queensland Child Protection on 1 July 2013. The Government committed to continue implementation of the Commission of Inquiry recommendations and has reviewed the child and family reforms and identified opportunities to build on the foundations laid by the Commission of Inquiry recommenda

Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social and Emotional Wellbeing Action Plan 2016-18
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders are resilient with cultures and customs continuing to be a source of strength and pride and the foundation for good social and emotional wellbeing. However there is a significant gap in mental health and life outcomes with Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islanders being more likely to: experience psychological distress; be hospitalised for m

Mineral Resources (Aurukun Bauxite Resource) Amendment Bill 2016
The Mineral Resources (Aurukun Bauxite Resource) Amendment Bill 2016 (the Bill) amends the special provisions of the Mineral Resources Act 1989 (MRA) which apply to an Aurukun project. The Ngan Aak-Kunch Aboriginal Corporation commenced proceedings in the High Court of Australia to challenge certain Aurukun provisions on the grounds that they are inconsistent with the Racial Discrimination Act 197

Community safety and education delivery for Aurukun
Offending by young people, including carjacking the principal of the Aurukun Campus of the Cape York Aboriginal Australian Academy, during May 2016 led to the closure of the school and evacuation of school staff. It was decided that the school would close temporarily until the start of Term 3 on 11 July 2016, with a short term approach to provide education through the PCYC implemented. In a statem

Establishment of a Ministerial Champion Program
To support better economic and social outcomes in discrete and remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities the Government re-established the Government Champions program to address barriers to effective service delivery and to strengthen the capability of the Queensland Government to deliver innovative, efficient, effective and integrated services. In November 2015, the Treasurer, Min

Moving Ahead - strategic approach to increasing participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Queensland economy 2016–2022
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders continue to experience disadvantage in accessing the labour market, and are overrepresented in unemployment statistics. Moving Ahead is the Queensland Government’s new economic participation strategy, and aims to ensure Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander people have equitable access to the benefits of Queensland’s economy. Moving Ahead

Appointment of Commissioner of Queensland Family and Child Commission
The Family and Child Commission Act 2014 provides for the appointment of Commissioners of the Queensland Family and Child Commission. The functions of a Commissioner includes to ensure the Commission performs its functions under the Act effectively and efficiently and to make recommendations to the Minister about matters relating to the performance or exercise of the functions and powers of the

Electricity and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016
In December 2015, the Queensland Government, announced its intention to effect a merger of Energex and Ergon into a single business under a new parent company (Parent Co). A separate Energy Services Business will be established as a subsidiary of Parent Co. The merger is to be implemented on 1 July 2016 with the objective of improving network efficiencies. Implementation of the merged network b

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Business and Innovation Reference Group
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Business and Innovation Reference Group will provide strategic advice to the Minister for Innovation, Science and the Digital Economy and the Minister for Small Business on business and innovation matters that impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. In particular, the Reference Group will: provide policy and strategic advice on innovat

Future operating model for Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships Retail Stores and Islanders Board of Industry and Service
The Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships operates a total of six Retail Stores in Woorabinda, Palm Island, Lockhart River, Pormpuraaw, Kowanyama and Doomadgee. A Queensland Government statutory body, Community Enterprise Queensland (CEQ), operates stores throughout the Torres Strait and Northern Peninsula Area under the trading name of the Islanders Board of Industry an

First Report of the Youth Sexual Violence and Abuse Steering Committee
The Queensland Government established the Youth Sexual Violence and Abuse (YSVA) Steering Committee (the Committee) in response to the report prepared by Griffith University, Preventing Youth Sexual Violence and Abuse in West Cairns and Aurukun: Establishing the scope, dimensions and dynamics of the problem. The Committee was established to consider and report back on the efficiency and effectiven

Prime Minister Annual Report - Closing the Gap in Indigenous Disadvantage 2017
On 14 February 2017, the Prime Minister released the 2017 Closing the Gap Report. The 2017 Closing the Gap Report reports on national progress in closing the gap in Indigenous disadvantage against seven nationally agreed life outcome measures: child mortality; early childhood education; reading, writing and numeracy; school attendance; year 12 or equivalent attainment; employment; and life e

Progress on implementation of the Aurukun Education Action Plan
Due to unrest in the Aurukun community and concerns raised by school staff, the Aurukun campus of the Cape York Aboriginal Australian Academy closed for six days in May 2016. Instruction was withdrawn for a second time in late May until the end of Term 2, 2016. Subsequently, a school improvement review was commissioned. The Review of education delivery in Aurukun report including 27 recommendation

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education and Training Draft Action Plan
Closing the Gap in early childhood education, school education and training outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people remains a high priority for the Palaszczuk Government. Advancing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education and Training: A draft action plan for Queensland aims to enhance the ‘closing the gap’ agenda, advocating a vision aimed at achieving equity and excellen

Appointments to Community Enterprise Queensland Board of Management
Community Enterprise Queensland (CEQ) is a statutory body established under the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities (Justice, Land and Other Matters) Act 1984. Its purpose is to provide reliable provision of retail services in remote and very remote Queensland with an emphasis on quality, nutritious and healthy food at a fair price. The CEQ Board is responsible for overseeing CEQ’s

Update on Closing the Gap in health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders
Queensland continues to make progress in improving health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders: Life expectancy is improving for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders. Mortality rates continue to decrease for Queensland’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children; Fewer older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders are dying from cardiova

Closing the Gap in Indigenous Education
In February 2017, the Australian Government released the Prime Minister’s annual report on Closing the Gap in Indigenous Disadvantage, which specifies targets across a range of domains, including education. The report notes that both nationally and in Queensland, progress against three of the four education targets – in early childhood education, school attendance, and NAPLAN performance – is not

Closing the Gap - Queensland Framework to close the gap in Indigenous Disadvantage
Based on Queensland’s current progress to achieving the Council of Australian Government seven nationally agreed life outcome measures (child mortality; early childhood education; reading, writing and numeracy; school attendance; year 12 attainment; employment; and life expectancy), accelerated collective whole-of-government action is needed if meaningful progress is to be made towards closing the

Our Way - A Generational Strategy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families 2017-2037
Our Way: A generational strategy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families 2017-2037 (the Strategy) was developed in partnership between Family Matters Queensland and the Queensland Government, and aims to ensure that all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people in Queensland grow up safe and cared for in family, community and culture. The Strategy outl

Appointment of Family Responsibilities Commissioners and Board Members
The Family Responsibilities Commission (FRC) is a statutory body established under section 9 of the Family Responsibilities Commission Act 2008 with the objectives of restoring socially responsible standards of behaviour and local authority in the Welfare Reform communities of Aurukun, Coen, Doomadgee, Hope Vale and Mossman Gorge. The FRC comprises of a Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner (where app

Government Submission to Queensland Productivity Commission Inquiry into service delivery in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
Around 20 per cent of Queensland’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population live in remote and discrete communities but they are the most economically and socially disadvantaged communities. In September 2016, the Government announced the Queensland Productivity Commission would inquire into service delivery in remote and discrete Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to consid

Queensland Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Procurement Policy
The Queensland Government is committed to job creation and the development of a diverse economy. While this commitment extends to all Queenslanders, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders do not participate equally in Queensland’s economy or labour market. An action under Moving Ahead, a whole-of-Government strategy to drive improvements in economic participation outcomes for Aborigin

Progress and directions with Child and Family Reform
Significant progress has been made reforming the family support and child protection system in Queensland since the 2013 Queensland Child Protection Commission of Inquiry’s final report Taking Responsibility: A Roadmap for Queensland Child Protection. The ten year reform program implements the government response to the Inquiry and to the recommendations of other reviews of the family support and

Queensland sexual violence prevention framework
In 2016, the Queensland Government released the Queensland Violence against Women Prevention Plan 2016-22 (the VAWPP) as a framework for eliminating all forms of violence against women and girls. With increasing community awareness of issues relating to sexual violence, the Queensland Government now intends to develop an overarching framework for sexual violence prevention in Queensland. The fra

Working Together, Changing the Story - Youth Justice Strategy 2019-2023
In February 2018, Mr Bob Atkinson AO, APM was commissioned to provide advice on the progress of the Queensland Governments youth justice reforms, next steps, other measures to reduce recidivism, and recommendations for youth detention from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. In June 2018 a Report on Youth Justice was published which makes 77 recommendations tha

Queensland Government Reconciliation Action Plan 2018-2021
The Queensland Government is committed to achieving reconciliation with Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This commitment is reflected in: the 2010 amendment to the Preamble to the Constitution of Queensland 2001 to recognise Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples; the Queensland Government’s response to the Reparations Taskforce report, Reconciling Past Injus

Assignment of Ministers to communities under Ministerial Champions Program
The Ministerial and Government Champions Program (the Program) operates across all remote, discrete Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. The Program's objectives are to increase economic and social participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders, while valuing, promoting and celebrating culture. The Program plays a key role in driving change and delivering improv

Response - Queensland Productivity Commission Inquiry - remote indigenous service delivery
The Queensland Productivity Commission’s Final Report - Inquiry into Service Delivery in remote and discrete Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities (QPC Inquiry Final Report) was provided to the Queensland Government in December 2017. The Inquiry was announced to respond to concerns from Indigenous leaders about outcomes in remote and discrete communities, and has considered: what the

Consultation legislation Torres Strait Islander traditional child rearing practices
Torres Strait Islander people have practiced traditional child rearing practices since time immemorial. This widespread family custom of sharing the care of children within the extended family, is strongly connected to wider aspects of customary law which defines the identity of Torres Strait Islander people and is important to the sense of stability and social order of Torres Strait Islander soci

Review of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Acts
The Queensland Government has commenced a review of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 and the Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act 2003. The review provides an opportunity to examine whether the legislation is still operating as intended, is achieving outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders, is in line with the government’s broader objectives to reframe t

Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018
The Revenue and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 (the Bill) includes amendments to support the expansion of electronic conveyancing (e-conveyancing) and amends revenue legislation to maintain currency and ensure proper operation such as: Duties Act 2001, Duties Regulation 2013 and Taxation Administration Act 2001 amendments support the phased expansion of e-conveyancing and an expanded rang

Queensland Closing the Gap Report Card 2018
In June 2017, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) committed to refreshing the Closing the Gap agenda and developing targets in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. COAG further agreed in February 2018 that all governments would undertake community consultations on the refresh, ahead of COAG agreeing to a new Closing the Gap framework, national and state targets,

Future management of Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre Basin (Qld)
The full Lake Eyre Basin extends to areas in Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and the Northern Territory and has outstanding social, cultural and environmental attributes, and economic opportunities. It is an area that has attracted national and international attention as a result of these attributes and opportunities. Kati Thanda is the Arabana First Nation’s name for Lake Eyre. ‘Kati

Establishment of and appointments to Queensland First Children and Families Board
The Queensland First Children and Families Board (the Board) is established to guide and oversee the Our Way: A generational strategy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and Families 2017-2037 (the Strategy) and associated actions plans, including its first three-year action plan, Changing Tracks: An action plan for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families 2017-20

Our Way and Changing Tracks - Monitoring Evaluation and Report
Our Way: A generational strategy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families 2017-2037 (Our Way) is a whole of government, generational strategy developed and released in 2017 by the Queensland Government in partnership with Family Matters Queensland. Our Way represents a fundamental shift in how government and non-government services work with, and for, Queensland’s Aboriginal

Framework for Action – Reshaping Qld Approach to Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Domestic & Family Violence
The Domestic and Family Violence Death Review and Advisory Board (the Board) was established as part of the Queensland Government’s implementation of recommendations from the Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland’s Final Report – ‘Not Now, Not Ever’ Putting an end to Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland (2015) (Not Now, Not Ever report), being established under the

Supporting Families Changing Futures 2019-23
The child and family reforms are at the half way point of a 10 year reform program to implement the 121 recommendations from the 2013 Queensland Child Protection Commission of Inquiry report, Taking Responsibility: A Roadmap for Queensland Child Protection. As at 30 June 2019, 107 of the 121 Inquiry recommendations had been delivered and the remaining 14 were underway. The past five years has been

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Action Plan 2019-2023
The Queensland Housing Strategy 2017-2027 (the Strategy) provides the ten-year framework driving key reforms and targeted investment to improve housing outcomes for Queenslanders. Under the framework of the Strategy, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Action Plan 2019-2023 (the Action Plan) will deliver place-based, person-centred responses, and a stronger sector to improve housing

Government Response to Education, Employment and Small Business Committee Report No 13
The Working with Children Legislation (Indigenous Communities) Amendment Bill 2018 (the PMB) was introduced into Parliament by Mr Robbie Katter MP, Member for Traeger, in October 2018. On 14 February 2019, the Education, Employment and Small Business Committee (the Committee) tabled its Report No. 13 on the PMB. Recommendation 2 of the Committee Report was that the Attorney-General and Minister fo

Queensland Family Child Commission Implementation Evaluation of Child Protection Reform Program
The Queensland Family and Child Commission (QFCC), established under the Family and Child Commission Act 2014, is responsible for evaluating child protection reforms at the program level, with evaluations planned at three time points over the 10 year child and family reform program. The Implementation Evaluation, which covers the first three years of the child protection reform program (1 July 201

Biodiscovery and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019
Biodiscovery makes a valuable contribution to the State’s economy through innovative research and the commercialisation of research products using native biological material. The Biodiscovery Act 2004 (the Act) regulates the take and use of native biological resources from State land or Queensland waters for biodiscovery research and commercialisation. Since the Act’s commencement, the biodiscover

Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2019
The Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2019 (the Bill) amends: the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 to implement recommendations of the expert panel appointed to advise on Queensland Health’s governance framework by: moving Queensland’s public sector health services to a networked governance model; and removing institutional barriers to public sector health services and implement important chang

Appointments to Land Restoration Fund Investment Panel
The $500 million Land Restoration Fund (LRF) is a first of its kind initiative that supports farmers, landowners and Traditional Owners to put in place sustainable land use practices that deliver improved yields, diversify income streams, create jobs and protect Queensland’s unique environment. The LRF was officially launched in December 2019 with the first funding round opening on 28 January 2020

Nature Conservation & Other Legislation (Indigenous Joint Mgt – Moreton Island) Amendment Bill 2020
On 27 November 2019, the Federal Court of Australia made a native title consent determination recognising the Quandamooka Peoples’ native title rights on Moreton Island (Mulgumpin). As part of the consent determination process, the State of Queensland and the Quandamooka Yoolooburrabee Aboriginal Corporation (QYAC), the representatives of the Quandamooka People, agreed to work towards the joint ma

QG response to the KGari (Fraser Island) Bushfire Review Report 1 2020-21
K’gari (Fraser Island) is the world's largest sand island. It is the only place on Earth where tall rainforests grow on sand dunes at elevations of more than 200 metres, holds half the world's perched lakes, and has a diverse and spectacular environment. K’gari is World Heritage listed. The K’gari fire was reported on 14 October 2020, in a camping area at the northern end of the Island. Over a two

Child Protection Reform and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2021
Queensland is more than halfway through the 10-year Supporting Families Changing Futures reform program (SFCF). As part of the SFCF reforms, the Child Protection Act 1999 (CP Act) has been progressively amended (2014, 2016 and 2017) and comprehensively reviewed from 2015 to 2017. There has been strong stakeholder support for further legislative reform, particularly for strengthening childre

Making Tracks discussion paper - a shared conversation
In 2017, the then Queensland Anti-Discrimination Commission and the Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC) released the report Addressing Institutional Barriers to Health Equity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People in Queensland’s Public Hospital and Health Services (the Health Equity Report). Queensland Health has since introduced a number of substantial policy, pro

Making Tracks Together Queensland’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Equity Framework
The Queensland Government has introduced a number of substantial policy, program and service delivery reforms to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples achieve their health aspirations since the release of the Addressing Institutional Barriers to Health Equity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People in Queensland’s Public Hospital and Health Services report by the then Quee

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Group
The establishment of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Group (Prevention Group) recognises Queensland’s commitment that domestic and family violence reform activities must be co-designed and undertaken in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities, to effectively and appropriately address the intersection of the ex

Local Thriving Communities Action Plan 2022-2024
The Statement of Commitment to reframe the relationship with Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders was released in July 2019 with the launch of Tracks to Treaty comprising two key elements: Local Thriving Communities (LTC) and Path to Treaty. LTC is the mechanism to implement the intent of the reform agenda articulated in the Queensland Government’s response to the Queensland Productivit

The First Nations Training Strategy
Under the $200 million Future Skills Fund, the Queensland Government committed to developing a First Nations Training Strategy (the Strategy), with the objective to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities to develop skills relevant to local needs and compete for jobs in the future economy. The Strategy, titled ‘Paving the Way’ has been developed following extensive con

Update on government achievements and investment in the Thursday Island region
The Torres Strait is a unique and sacred part of our State, and Thursday Island is one of 18 inhabited islands in the Torres Strait Island region in the State Electorate of Cook. Thursday Island, traditionally known as “Waiben”, is the land of the Kaurareg Aboriginal people. Thursday Island acts as the administrative hub for the Torres Strait Islands, with state and federal government agencies be

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Visual Arts and Crafts inquiry and new National Cultural Policy
In August 2021, the Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications announced the Productivity Commission would undertake a study to examine the value, nature, and structure of markets for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts and crafts, and policies to address deficiencies in these markets. The Productivity Commission’s Aboriginal and T

Appointments to Community Enterprise Queensland Board of Management
Community Enterprise Queensland is a self-funded Queensland Government statutory body, which is the major food and grocery retailer in the Torres Strait, Cape York and far North Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and a significant employer of local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The Community Enterprise Queensland Board of Management (the Board) is establis

Closing the Gap Implementation Plan, Annual Report and Partnership Stocktake 2023
The National Agreement on Closing the Gap (National Agreement) came into effect on 27 July 2020, informed by a strengths-based, partnership approach to close the gap in life outcomes between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians. The implementation of the National Agreement is overseen nationally by the Joint Council on Closing the Gap (the Joint Council), and in Queensland through a partnersh

Reframing Relationship Governance Framework on Closing the Gap
The Queensland Government is entering its third year of implementation of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap. The agreement lays out four priority reform areas and 17 target outcomes aimed at reframing government relationships with, and improving the lives of, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The national agreement aligns with other reform projects such as the Local Thriving C

Appointment of members to the TAFE Queensland Board
The TAFE Queensland (TAFEQ) Board is established as the governing body of TAFEQ under the TAFE Queensland Act 2013 (the Act). Sections 12 and 14 of the Act provide that the TAFEQ Board consists of the following persons appointed by the Governor in Council: one nominee of the Minister; at least six but no more than eight persons who are eligible for appointment as a member under section 14 of the A

Strategic Reform Framework - Treaty
The Queensland Government is committed to working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across Queensland and is actively engaging with a broad range of stakeholders (including communities, elected leaders and peak bodies) to jointly design, implement and evaluate reforms that deliver on community needs and priorities. In May 2016, the Queensland Government accepted recommendation

Alcohol Management Plans
The Queensland Government is committed to working with discrete Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to reduce alcohol misuse and harm and has been working with communities to Review their Alcohol Management Plans (AMPs) (the Review). The Review has now been finalised based on community input, comprehensive research, and engagement with key stakeholders, all of which have identified